 *	Write the nmg to a BRL-CAD style data base.
create_brlcad_db(struct rt_wdb *fpout, struct model *m, char *reg_name, char *grp_name)
    char *rname, *sname;
    int empty_model;
    struct shell *s;
    struct nmgregion *r;

    rname = (char *)bu_malloc(sizeof(reg_name) + 3, "rname");	/* Region name. */
    sname = (char *)bu_malloc(sizeof(reg_name) + 3, "sname");	/* Solid name. */

    snprintf(sname, sizeof(reg_name) + 2, "s.%s", reg_name);
    empty_model = nmg_kill_zero_length_edgeuses(m);
    if (empty_model) {
	bu_log("Warning: skipping empty model.");
	return 0;
    nmg_rebound(m, &tol);
    r = BU_LIST_FIRST(nmgregion, &m->r_hd);
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);
    mk_bot_from_nmg(fpout, sname,  s);		/* Make BOT object. */
    snprintf(rname, sizeof(reg_name) + 2, "r.%s", reg_name);
    mk_comb1(fpout, rname, sname, 1);	/* Put object in a region. */
    if (grp_name) {
	mk_comb1(fpout, grp_name, rname, 1);	/* Region in group. */
    return 0;
예제 #2
파일: nmg-bot.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
static void
nmg_conv(struct rt_db_internal *intern, const char *name)
    struct model *m;
    struct nmgregion *r;
    struct shell *s;

    m = (struct model *)intern->idb_ptr;
    r = BU_LIST_FIRST(nmgregion, &m->r_hd);
    if (r && BU_LIST_NEXT(nmgregion, &r->l) !=  (struct nmgregion *)&m->r_hd)
	bu_exit(1, "ERROR: this code works only for NMG models with one region!\n");

    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);
    if (s && BU_LIST_NEXT(shell, &s->l) != (struct shell *)&r->s_hd)
	bu_exit(1, "ERROR: this code works only for NMG models with one shell!\n");

    if (!s) {
	bu_log("WARNING: NMG has no shells\n");

    if (!BU_SETJUMP) {
	/* try */
	mk_bot_from_nmg(fdout, name, s);
    } else {
	/* catch */
	bu_log("Failed to convert %s\n", name);

    if (verbose) bu_log("Converted %s to a Bot solid\n", name);
예제 #3
파일: vshoot.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
 * Stub function which will "simulate" a call to a vector shot routine
vshot_stub(struct soltab **stp, struct xray **rp, struct seg *segp, int n, struct application *ap)
/* An array of solid pointers */
/* An array of ray pointers */
/* array of segs (results returned) */
/* Number of ray/object pairs */
/* pointer to an application */
    register int i;
    register struct seg *tmp_seg;
    struct seg seghead;
    int ret;


    /* go through each ray/solid pair and call a scalar function */
    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	if (stp[i] != 0) {
	    /* skip call if solid table pointer is NULL */
	    /* do scalar call, place results in segp array */
	    ret = -1;
	    if (OBJ[stp[i]->st_id].ft_shot) {
		ret = OBJ[stp[i]->st_id].ft_shot(stp[i], rp[i], ap, &seghead);
	    if (ret <= 0) {
		segp[i].seg_stp=(struct soltab *) 0;
	    } else {
		tmp_seg = BU_LIST_FIRST(seg, &(seghead.l));
		segp[i] = *tmp_seg; /* structure copy */
		RT_FREE_SEG(tmp_seg, ap->a_resource);
 *	Convert an ascii nmg description into a BRL-CAD data base.
static int
ascii_to_brlcad(FILE *fpin, struct rt_wdb *fpout, char *reg_name, char *grp_name)
    struct model	*m;
    struct nmgregion	*r;
    struct bn_tol	tol;
    struct shell	*s;
    vect_t		Ext;
    struct faceuse *fu;
    plane_t		pl;

    VSETALL(Ext, 0.);

    m = nmg_mm();		/* Make nmg model. */
    r = nmg_mrsv(m);	/* Make region, empty shell, vertex */
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);
    descr_to_nmg(s, fpin, Ext);	/* Convert ascii description to nmg. */

    /* Copied from proc-db/nmgmodel.c */
    tol.magic = BN_TOL_MAGIC;
    tol.dist = 0.01;
    tol.dist_sq = tol.dist * tol.dist;
    tol.perp = 0.001;
    tol.para = 0.999;

    /* Associate the face geometry. */
    fu = BU_LIST_FIRST( faceuse, &s->fu_hd );
    if (nmg_loop_plane_area(BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &fu->lu_hd), pl) < 0.0)
	return -1;
	nmg_face_g( fu, pl );

    if (!NEAR_ZERO(MAGNITUDE(Ext), 0.001))
	nmg_extrude_face(BU_LIST_FIRST(faceuse, &s->fu_hd), Ext, &tol);

    nmg_region_a(r, &tol);	/* Calculate geometry for region and shell. */

    nmg_fix_normals( s, &tol ); /* insure that faces have outward pointing normals */

    create_brlcad_db(fpout, m, reg_name, grp_name);

    return 0;
예제 #5
파일: mappedfile.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
bu_free_mapped_files(int verbose)
    struct bu_mapped_file *mp, *next;

	bu_log("bu_free_mapped_files(verbose=%d)\n", verbose);


    next = BU_LIST_FIRST(bu_mapped_file, &bu_mapped_file_list);
    while (BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD(next, &bu_mapped_file_list)) {
	mp = next;
	next = BU_LIST_NEXT(bu_mapped_file, &mp->l);

	if (mp->uses > 0)  continue;

	/* Found one that needs to have storage released */
	if (UNLIKELY(verbose || (bu_debug&BU_DEBUG_MAPPED_FILE)))
	    bu_pr_mapped_file("freeing", mp);


	/* If application pointed mp->apbuf at mp->buf, break that
	 * association so we don't double-free the buffer.
	if (mp->apbuf == mp->buf)  mp->apbuf = (void *)NULL;

	if (mp->is_mapped) {
	    int ret;
	    ret = munmap(mp->buf, (size_t)mp->buflen);

	    if (UNLIKELY(ret < 0))

	    /* XXX How to get this chunk of address space back to malloc()? */
	} else
	    bu_free(mp->buf, "bu_mapped_file.buf[]");
	mp->buf = (void *)NULL;		/* sanity */
	bu_free((void *)mp->name, "bu_mapped_file.name");

	if (mp->appl)
	    bu_free((void *)mp->appl, "bu_mapped_file.appl");

	bu_free((void *)mp, "struct bu_mapped_file");
예제 #6
 * Call parse_args to handle command line arguments first, then
 * process input.
main(int ac, char *av[])
    struct bn_tol tol;
    FILE *fdplot;
    struct rt_wdb *fdmodel;

    parse_args(ac, av);
    if (ac==1) usage((char *)NULL,0);
    if (!manifold[0] && !manifold[1] && !manifold[2] && !manifold[3])
	usage("No manifolds selected\n",1);

    m = nmg_mm();
    r = nmg_mrsv(m);
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);

    tol.magic = BN_TOL_MAGIC;
    tol.dist = 0.01;
    tol.dist_sq = tol.dist * tol.dist;
    tol.perp = 0.001;
    tol.para = 0.999;

    if (manifold[3]) make_3manifold_bits(&tol);
    if (manifold[2]) make_2manifold_bits(&tol);
    if (manifold[1]) make_1manifold_bits();
    if (manifold[0]) make_0manifold_bits();


    /* write a plot file */
    if ((fdplot = fopen(plotfilename, "w")) == (FILE *)NULL)
    else {
	nmg_pl_m(fdplot, m);

    /* write the database */
    if ((fdmodel = wdb_fopen(mfilename)) == NULL)
    else {
	mk_id(fdmodel, "hairy NMG");
	mk_nmg(fdmodel, "s.NMG",  m); /* releases m, boo */

	/* build a database region mentioning the solid */
	mk_comb1(fdmodel, "r.NMG", "s.NMG", 1);


    return 0;
예제 #7
파일: log.c 프로젝트: cciechad/brlcad
bu_log_call_hooks(genptr_t buf)
#if 0
    bu_hook_t hookfunc;		/* for clarity */
    genptr_t clientdata;

    bu_log_hooks_called = 1;

#if 0
    hookfunc = BU_LIST_FIRST(bu_hook_list, &(bu_log_hook_list.l))->hookfunc;
    clientdata = BU_LIST_FIRST(bu_hook_list, &(bu_log_hook_list.l))->clientdata;

    (hookfunc)( clientdata, buf);
    bu_call_hook(&bu_log_hook_list, buf);

    bu_log_hooks_called = 0;
nmg_visit_loopuse(struct loopuse *lu, const struct nmg_visit_handlers *htab, void *state)

/* Handler's private state */

    if (htab->bef_loopuse) htab->bef_loopuse((uint32_t *)lu, state, 0);

    if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) == NMG_VERTEXUSE_MAGIC) {
	struct vertexuse *vu;
	vu = BU_LIST_FIRST(vertexuse, &lu->down_hd);
	nmg_visit_vertexuse(vu, htab, state);
    } else {
	struct edgeuse *eu;
	for (BU_LIST_FOR(eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd)) {
	    nmg_visit_edgeuse(eu, htab, state);
    nmg_visit_loop(lu->l_p, htab, state);

    if (htab->aft_loopuse) htab->aft_loopuse((uint32_t *)lu, state, 1);
예제 #9
파일: shapefact.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct application ap;	/* Structure passed between functions.  */
    struct rt_i *rtip;
    int idx;		/* Index for rt_dirbuild & rt_gettree.  */
    char idbuf[32];	/* Contains database name.  */
    struct region *pr;	/* Used in finding region names.  */
    double rho, phi, theta;/* Spherical coordinates for starting point.  */
    double areabs=0.0;	/* Area of bounding sphere (mm**2).  */
    int ians;		/* Answer of question.  */
    double strtpt[3];	/* Starting point of ray.  */
    double strtdir[3];	/* Starting direction.  */
    size_t loops;	/* Number of rays fired.  */
    size_t r;		/* Variable in loops.  */
    int i, j, k;		/* Variable in loops.  */
    long seed;		/* Initial seed for random number generator.  */
    double denom;	/* Denominator.  */
    double elev;		/* Elevation, used to find point on yz-plane.  */
    double az;		/* Azimuth, used to find point on yz-plane.  */
    double rad;		/* Radius, used to find point on yz-plane.  */
    double s[3], t[3];	/* Temporary variables used to find points.  */
    double q;		/* Temporary variable used to find points.  */
    int numreg;		/* Number of regions.  */
    double center[3];	/* Center of the bounding rpp.  */
    double sf;		/* Used to print shape factor.  */
    double dump;		/* How often a dump is to occur.  */
    int idump;		/* 1=>dump to occur.  */

    FILE *fp;		/* Used to open files.  */
    char outfile[16];	/* Output file.  */
    FILE *fp1;		/* Used to read region # & name file.  */
    char rnnfile[16];	/* Region # & name file.  */
    FILE *fp2;		/* Used to write the error file.  */
    char errfile[16];	/* Error file.  */
    double totalsf;	/* Sum of shape factors.  */
    double totalnh;	/* Sum of number of hits.  */
    int itype;		/* Type of file to be created, 0=>regular,  */
			/* 1=>generic.  */
    char line[500];	/* Buffer to read a line of data into.  */
    int c;		/* Reads one character of information.  */
    int icnt;		/* Counter for shape factor.  */
    char tmpname[150];	/* Temporary name.  */
    int tmpreg;		/* Temporary region number.  */
    char rnnname[800][150];  /* Region name from region # & name file.  */
    int rnnnum;		/* Number of regions in region # & name file.  */
    int rnnchar[800];	/* Number of characters in name.  */
    int rnnreg[800];	/* Region number from region # & name file.  */
    int jcnt;		/* Counter.  */
    int equal;		/* 0=>equal, 1=>not equal.  */
    double rcpi, rcpj;	/* Used to check reciprocity.  */
    double rcp_diff;	/* Difference in reciprocity.  */
    double rcp_pdiff;	/* Percent difference in reciprocity.  */
    int ret;

    struct bn_unif *msr = NULL;

    /* Check to see if arguments are implemented correctly.  */
    if ((argc < 3 || argv[1] == NULL) || (argv[2] == NULL)) {
	fprintf(stderr, "\nUsage:  %s file.g objects\n\n", *argv);
    } else {
	/* START # 1 */

	/* Ask what type of file is to be created - regular */
	/* or generic.  */
	printf("Enter type of file to be written (0=>regular or ");
	printf("1=>generic).  ");
	ret = scanf("%1d", &itype);
	if (ret == 0)
	    bu_exit(-1, "scanf failure when reading file type");
	if (itype != 1) itype = 0;

	/* Enter names of files to be used.  */
	fprintf(stderr, "Enter name of output file (15 char max).\n\t");
	ret = scanf("%15s", outfile);
	if (ret == 0)
	    bu_exit(-1, "scanf failure when reading output file name");

	/* Read name of the error file to be written.  */
	printf("Enter the name of the error file (15 char max).\n\t");
	ret = scanf("%15s", errfile);
	if (ret == 0)
	    bu_exit(-1, "scanf failure when reading error file name");

	    /* Enter name of region # & name file to be read.  */
	    printf("Enter region # & name file to be read ");
	    printf("(15 char max).\n\t");
	    ret = scanf("%15s", rnnfile);
	    if (ret == 0)
		bu_exit(-1, "scanf failure when reading region # + name file");

	/* Check if dump is to occur.  */
	idump = 0;
	printf("Do you want to dump intermediate shape factors to ");
	printf("screen (0-no, 1-yes)?  ");
	ret = scanf("%1d", &idump);
	if (ret == 0)
	    bu_exit(-1, "scanf failure - intermediate shape factors setting");

	/* Find number of rays to be fired.  */
	fprintf(stderr, "Enter number of rays to be fired.  ");
	ret = scanf("%llu", (unsigned long long *)&loops);
	if (ret == 0)
	    bu_exit(-1, "scanf failure - number of rays to be fired");

	/* clamp loops */
	if (loops > UINT32_MAX)
	    loops = UINT32_MAX;

	/* Set seed for random number generator.  */
	seed = 1;
	fprintf(stderr, "Do you wish to enter your own seed (0) or ");
	fprintf(stderr, "use the default of 1 (1)?  ");
	ret = scanf("%1d", &ians);
	if (ret == 0)
	    bu_exit(-1, "scanf failure - seed use setting");
	if (ians == 0) {
	    fprintf(stderr, "Enter unsigned integer seed.  ");
	    ret = scanf("%ld", &seed);
	    if (ret == 0)
		bu_exit(-1, "scanf failure - seed");
	msr = bn_unif_init(seed, 0);
	bu_log("seed initialized\n");

	/* Read region # & name file.  */
	rnnnum = 0;
	fp1 = fopen(rnnfile, "rb");
	c = getc(fp1);
	while (c != EOF) {
	    (void)ungetc(c, fp1);
	    (void)bu_fgets(line, 200, fp1);
	    sscanf(line, "%d%149s", &tmpreg, tmpname);
	    for (i=0; i<150; i++) {
		rnnname[rnnnum][i] = tmpname[i];
	    rnnreg[rnnnum] = tmpreg;
	    c = getc(fp1);

	printf("Number of regions read from region # & name file:  %d\n",		rnnnum);

	/* Find number of characters in each region name.  */
	for (i=0; i<rnnnum; i++) {
	    jcnt = 0;
	    while (rnnname[i][jcnt] != '\0') {
	    rnnchar[i] = jcnt;

	/* Build directory.  */
	idx = 1;	/* Set index for rt_dirbuild.  */
	rtip = rt_dirbuild(argv[idx], idbuf, sizeof(idbuf));
	printf("Database Title:  %s\n", idbuf);

	/* Set useair to 1 to show hits of air.  */
	rtip->useair = 1;

	/* Load desired objects.  */
	idx = 2;	/* Set index.  */
	while (argv[idx] != NULL) {
	    rt_gettree(rtip, argv[idx]);
	    idx += 1;

	/* Find number of regions.  */
	numreg = (int)rtip->nregions;

	fprintf(stderr, "Number of regions:  %d\n", numreg);

	/* Zero all arrays.  */
	for (i=0; i<numreg; i++) {
	    info[i].name = "\0";
	    info[i].regnum = (-1);
	    info[i].numchar = 0;
	    info[i].lvrays = 0.0;
	    info[i].engarea = 0.0;
	    for (j=0; j<numreg; j++) {
		info[i].intrays[j] = 0.0;
	nummiss = 0.0;

	/* Get database ready by starting prep.  */

	/* Find the center of the bounding rpp.  */
	center[X] = rtip->mdl_min[X] +
	    (rtip->mdl_max[X] - rtip->mdl_min[X]) / 2.0;
	center[Y] = rtip->mdl_min[Y] +
	    (rtip->mdl_max[Y] - rtip->mdl_min[Y]) / 2.0;
	center[Z] = rtip->mdl_min[Z] +
	    (rtip->mdl_max[Z] - rtip->mdl_min[Z]) / 2.0;

	/* Put region names into structure.  */
	pr = BU_LIST_FIRST(region, &rtip->HeadRegion);
	for (i=0; i<numreg; i++) {
	    info[(int)(pr->reg_bit)].name = pr->reg_name;
	    pr = BU_LIST_FORW(region, &(pr->l));

	/* Set up parameters for rt_shootray.  */
	ap.a_hit = hit;		/* User supplied hit function.  */
	ap.a_miss = miss;	/* User supplied miss function.  */
	ap.a_overlap = overlap;	/* User supplied overlap function.  */
	ap.a_rt_i = rtip;	/* Pointer from rt_dirbuild.  */
	ap.a_onehit = 0;	/* Look at all hits.  */
	ap.a_level = 0;		/* Recursion level for diagnostics.  */
	ap.a_resource = 0;	/* Address for resource structure.  */

	dump = 1000000.0;	/* Used for dumping info.  */

	for (r=0; r<loops; r++) {
	    /* Number of rays fired.  */
	    /* START # 2 */

	    /* Find length of 'diagonal' (rho).  (In reality rho is */
	    /* the radius of bounding sphere).  */
	    rho = (rtip->mdl_max[X] - rtip->mdl_min[X])
		* (rtip->mdl_max[X] - rtip->mdl_min[X])
		+(rtip->mdl_max[Y] - rtip->mdl_min[Y])
		* (rtip->mdl_max[Y] - rtip->mdl_min[Y])
		+(rtip->mdl_max[Z] - rtip->mdl_min[Z])
		* (rtip->mdl_max[Z] - rtip->mdl_min[Z]);
	    rho = sqrt(rho) / 2.0 + .5;

	    /* find surface area of bounding sphere.  */
	    areabs = 4.0 * M_PI * rho * rho;

	    /* Second way to find starting point and direction.  */
	    /* This approach finds the starting point and direction */
	    /* by using parallel rays.  */

	    /* Find point on the bounding sphere.  (The negative */
	    /* of the unit vector of this point will eventually be */
	    /* the firing direction.  */
	    q = BN_UNIF_DOUBLE(msr) + 0.5;
	    theta = q * M_2PI;
	    q = BN_UNIF_DOUBLE(msr) + 0.5;
	    phi = (q * 2.0) - 1.0;
	    phi = acos(phi);
	    strtdir[X] = rho * sin(phi) * cos(theta);
	    strtdir[Y] = rho * sin(phi) * sin(theta);
	    strtdir[Z] = rho * cos(phi);

	    /* Elevation and azimuth for finding a vector in a plane.  */
	    elev = M_PI_2 - phi;
	    az = theta;

	    /* Find vector in yz-plane.  */

	    q = BN_UNIF_DOUBLE(msr) + 0.5;
	    theta = q * M_2PI;
	    q = BN_UNIF_DOUBLE(msr) + 0.5;
	    rad = rho * sqrt(q);
	    s[X] = 0.0;
	    s[Y] = rad * cos(theta);
	    s[Z] = rad * sin(theta);

	    /* Rotate vector.  */
	    t[X] = s[X] * cos(elev) * cos(az) - s[Z] * sin(elev) * cos(az)
		- s[Y] * sin(az);
	    t[Y] = s[X] * cos(elev) * sin(az) - s[Z] * sin(elev) * sin(az)
		+ s[Y] * cos(az);
	    t[Z] = s[X] * sin(elev) + s[Z] * cos(elev);

	    /* Translate the point.  This is starting point.  */
	    strtpt[X] = t[X] + strtdir[X];
	    strtpt[Y] = t[Y] + strtdir[Y];
	    strtpt[Z] = t[Z] + strtdir[Z];

	    /* Now transfer starting point so that it is in */
	    /* the absolute coordinates not the origin's.  */
	    strtpt[X] += center[X];
	    strtpt[Y] += center[Y];
	    strtpt[Z] += center[Z];

	    /* Normalize starting direction and make negative.  */
	    denom = strtdir[X] * strtdir[X] +
		strtdir[Y] * strtdir[Y] +
		strtdir[Z] * strtdir[Z];
	    denom = sqrt(denom);
	    strtdir[X] /= (-denom);
	    strtdir[Y] /= (-denom);
	    strtdir[Z] /= (-denom);

	    /* Set up firing point and direction.  */
	    ap.a_ray.r_pt[X] = strtpt[X];
	    ap.a_ray.r_pt[Y] = strtpt[Y];
	    ap.a_ray.r_pt[Z] = strtpt[Z];
	    ap.a_ray.r_dir[X] = strtdir[X];
	    ap.a_ray.r_dir[Y] = strtdir[Y];
	    ap.a_ray.r_dir[Z] = strtdir[Z];

	    /* Call rt_shootray for "forward ray".  */

	    if (EQUAL(r, (dump - 1.0))) {
		printf("%llu rays have been fired in forward direction.\n",
		       (unsigned long long)(r+1));
		if (idump == 1) {
		    /* START # 3 */
		    /* Dump info to file.  */
		    for (i=0; i<numreg; i++) {
			for (j=0; j<numreg; j++) {
			    sf = 0.0;
			    if ((info[i].lvrays < -ZEROTOL) || (ZEROTOL <
				sf = info[i].intrays[j] / info[i].lvrays;

			    printf("%d\t%d\t%f\n", i, j, sf);
		}						/* START # 3 */

		dump = dump + 1000000.0;

	}					/* END # 2 */

	/* Find area bounded by engine air using Monte Carlo method.  */
	for (i=0; i<numreg; i++) {
	    /* Old way, only incrementing info[i].allvrays for forward */
	    /* ray therefore do not divide by 2.  Division by 2 is to */
	    /* include the backwards ray also.  */
	     * info[i].engarea = info[i].allvrays * areabs / loops / 2.0;
	    info[i].engarea = info[i].allvrays * areabs / (double)loops;

	    /* Put area into square meters.  */
	    info[i].engarea *= 1.e-6;

	/* Find number of characters in each region name.  */
	for (i=0; i<numreg; i++) {
	    jcnt = 0;
	    while (info[i].name[jcnt] != '\0') {
	    info[i].numchar = jcnt;

	/* Find correct region number.  */
	printf("Finding correct region numbers.\n");
	for (i=0; i<numreg; i++) {
	    for (j=0; j<rnnnum; j++) {
		equal = 0;	/* 1=>not equal.  */
		jcnt = rnnchar[j];
		for (k=info[i].numchar; k>=0; k--) {
		    if (jcnt<0) equal = 1;
		    else if (info[i].name[k] != rnnname[j][jcnt])
			equal = 1;
		if (equal == 0) info[i].regnum = rnnreg[j];
	printf("Finished finding correct region numbers.\n");


	/* Check for reciprocity.  */
	/* Open error file.  */
	fp2 = fopen(errfile, "wb");
	fprintf(fp2, "\nError file for shapefact.\n");
	fprintf(fp2, "Shape factor file created:  %s\n\n", outfile);
	fprintf(fp2, "Regions with reciprocity errors greater ");
	fprintf(fp2, "than 10%%.\n\n");

	for (i=0; i<numreg; i++) {
	    for (j=0; j<numreg; j++) {
		rcpi = 0.0;
		rcpj = 0.0;
		if ((info[i].lvrays < -ZEROTOL) || (ZEROTOL < info[i].lvrays))
		    rcpi = info[i].intrays[j] * info[i].engarea /info[i].lvrays;
		if ((info[j].lvrays < -ZEROTOL) || (ZEROTOL < info[j].lvrays))
		    rcpj = info[j].intrays[i] * info[j].engarea /info[j].lvrays;
		rcp_diff = rcpi - rcpj;
		if (rcp_diff < 0.0) rcp_diff = (-rcp_diff);
		if ((rcpi < -ZEROTOL) || (ZEROTOL < rcpi))
		    rcp_pdiff = rcp_diff / rcpi;
		else rcp_pdiff = 0.0;	/* Don't divide by 0.  */
		/* Print reciprocity errors greater than 10%.  */
		if (rcp_pdiff > 0.1) {
		    fprintf(fp2, "%d   %d   %f   %f   %f   %f\n",
			    info[i].regnum, info[j].regnum, rcpi, rcpj, rcp_diff,
			    (rcp_pdiff * 100.0));
	/* Close error file.  */


	/* Print out shape factor to regular output file.  */
	if (itype == 0) {
	    fp = fopen(outfile, "wb");
	    fprintf(fp, "Number of forward rays fired:  %llu\n\n", (unsigned long long)loops);

	    /* Print out structure.  */
	    for (i=0; i<numreg; i++) {
		/* Print region number, region name, & engine area.  */
		fprintf(fp, "%d\t%s\t%e\n",
			info[i].regnum, info[i].name, info[i].engarea);

		/* Zero sums for shape factors & rays hit.  */
		totalsf = 0.0;
		totalnh = 0.0;

		for (j=0; j<numreg; j++) {
		    sf = 0.0;
		    if ((info[i].lvrays < -ZEROTOL) || (ZEROTOL <
			sf = info[i].intrays[j] / info[i].lvrays;

		    /* Print region number & shape factor.  */
		    fprintf(fp, "   %d\t%e\n",
			    info[j].regnum, sf);

		    /* Add to sum of shape factors & number of hits.  */
		    totalsf += sf;
		    totalnh += info[i].intrays[j];


		/* Print sum of hits & sum of shape factors.  */
		fprintf(fp, " sum of hits:  %f\n", totalnh);
		fprintf(fp, " sum of shape factors:  %f\n\n", totalsf);


	/* Create and write to generic shape factor file.  */
	if (itype == 1) {
	    fp = fopen(outfile, "wb");
	    for (i=0; i<numreg; i++) {
		/* Count the number of shape factors.  */
		icnt = 0;
		for (j=0; j<numreg; j++) {
		    if (info[i].intrays[j] > ZEROTOL) icnt++;
		/* Print the # 5, region number (matches firpass &  */
		/* secpass), engine area, & number of shape factors.  */
		fprintf(fp, " 5  %d  %e  %d\n",
			info[i].regnum, info[i].engarea, icnt);
		for (j=0; j<numreg; j++) {
		    if (info[i].intrays[j] > ZEROTOL) {
			sf = info[i].intrays[j] / info[i].lvrays;
			/* Print each region # & shape factor.  */
			fprintf(fp, "    %d  %e\n", info[j].regnum, sf);

    }						/* END # 1 */
    return 0;
예제 #10
main(int argc, char **argv) 			/* really has no arguments */

    struct nmgregion *r;
    char * id_name = "BRL-CAD t-NURBS NMG Example";
    char * tea_name = "UtahTeapot";
    char * uplot_name = "teapot.pl";
    struct bu_list vhead;
    FILE *fp;
    int i;

    tol.magic = BN_TOL_MAGIC;
    tol.dist = 0.005;
    tol.dist_sq = tol.dist * tol.dist;
    tol.perp = 1e-6;
    tol.para = 1 - tol.perp;

    BU_LIST_INIT( &rt_g.rtg_vlfree );

    outfp = wdb_fopen( "tea_nmg.g" );

    rt_g.debug |= DEBUG_ALLRAYS;	/* Cause core dumps on bu_bomb(), but no extra messages */

    while ((i=bu_getopt(argc, argv, "d")) != EOF) {
        switch (i) {
        case 'd' :
            rt_g.debug |= DEBUG_MEM | DEBUG_MEM_FULL;
        default	:
                          "Usage: %s [-d] > database.g\n", *argv);

    mk_id( outfp, id_name);

    m = nmg_mm();
    NMG_CK_MODEL( m );
    r = nmg_mrsv( m );
    NMG_CK_REGION( r );
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST( shell, &r->s_hd );
    NMG_CK_SHELL( s );

    /* Step through each patch and create a NMG TNURB face
     * representing the patch then dump them out.

    for ( i = 0; i < PATCH_COUNT; i++)
        dump_patch( patches[i] );

    /* Connect up the coincident vertexuses and edges */
    (void)nmg_model_fuse( m, &tol );

    /* write NMG to output file */
    (void)mk_nmg( outfp, tea_name, m );

    /* Make a vlist drawing of the model */
    BU_LIST_INIT( &vhead );
    nmg_m_to_vlist( &vhead, m, 0 );

    /* Make a UNIX plot file from this vlist */
    if ( (fp=fopen( uplot_name, "w" )) == NULL )
        bu_log( "Cannot open plot file: %s\n", uplot_name );
        perror( "teapot_nmg" );
        rt_vlist_to_uplot( fp, &vhead );

예제 #11
/* IEEE patch number of the Bi-Cubic Bezier patch and convert it
 * to a B-Spline surface (Bezier surfaces are a subset of B-spline surfaces
 * and output it to a BRL-CAD binary format.
dump_patch(int (*patch)[4])
    struct vertex *verts[4];
    struct faceuse *fu;
    struct loopuse *lu;
    struct edgeuse *eu;
    int i, j, pt_type;
    fastf_t *mesh=NULL;
    fastf_t *ukv=NULL;
    fastf_t *vkv=NULL;

    /* U and V parametric Direction Spline parameters
     * Cubic = order 4,
     * knot size is Control point + order = 8
     * control point size is 4
     * point size is 3

    for ( i=0; i<4; i++ )
        verts[i] = (struct vertex *)NULL;

    fu = nmg_cface( s, verts, 4 );
    NMG_CK_FACEUSE( fu );

    for ( i=0; i<4; i++ )
        struct vertexuse *vu;
        vect_t uvw;
        point_t pnt;
        int k, j;

        switch ( i )
        case 0:
            VSET( uvw, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
            k = 0;
            j = 0;
        case 1:
            VSET( uvw, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
            k = 0;
            j = 3;
        case 2:
            VSET( uvw, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
            k = 3;
            j = 3;
        case 3:
            VSET( uvw, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0 );
            k = 3;
            j = 0;

        VSET( pnt ,
              ducks[patch[k][j]-1].x * 1000 ,
              ducks[patch[k][j]-1].y * 1000 ,
              ducks[patch[k][j]-1].z * 1000 );
        nmg_vertex_gv( verts[i], pnt );

        for ( BU_LIST_FOR( vu, vertexuse, &verts[i]->vu_hd ) )
            nmg_vertexuse_a_cnurb( vu, uvw );

    pt_type = RT_NURB_MAKE_PT_TYPE(3, RT_NURB_PT_XYZ, 0); /* see nurb.h for details */

    nmg_face_g_snurb( fu, 4, 4, 8, 8, ukv, vkv, 4, 4, pt_type, mesh );

    NMG_CK_FACE( fu->f_p );
    NMG_CK_FACE_G_SNURB( fu->f_p->g.snurb_p );
    mesh = fu->f_p->g.snurb_p->ctl_points;

    /* Copy the control points */

    for ( i = 0; i< 4; i++)
        for ( j = 0; j < 4; j++)
            *mesh = ducks[patch[i][j]-1].x * 1000;
            *(mesh+1) = ducks[patch[i][j]-1].y * 1000;
            *(mesh+2) = ducks[patch[i][j]-1].z * 1000;
            mesh += 3;

    /* Both u and v knot vectors are [ 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1] */
    ukv = fu->f_p->g.snurb_p->u.knots;
    vkv = fu->f_p->g.snurb_p->v.knots;
    /* set the knot vectors */
    for ( i=0; i<4; i++ )
        *(ukv+i) = 0.0;
        *(vkv+i) = 0.0;
    for ( i=0; i<4; i++ )
        *(ukv+4+i) = 1.0;
        *(vkv+4+i) = 1.0;

    /* set eu geometry */
    pt_type = RT_NURB_MAKE_PT_TYPE(2, RT_NURB_PT_UV, 0); /* see nurb.h for details */
    lu = BU_LIST_FIRST( loopuse, &fu->lu_hd );
    NMG_CK_LOOPUSE( lu );
    for ( BU_LIST_FOR( eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd ) )
#if 0
        nmg_edge_g_cnurb( eu, 2, 0, (fastf_t *)NULL, 2 ,
                          pt_type, (fastf_t *)NULL );
        nmg_edge_g_cnurb_plinear( eu );
    nmg_face_bb( fu->f_p, &tol );
예제 #12
union tree *
gcv_region_end_mc(struct db_tree_state *tsp, const struct db_full_path *pathp, union tree *curtree, void *client_data)
    union tree *tp = NULL;
    struct model *m = NULL;
    struct nmgregion *r = NULL;
    struct shell *s = NULL;
    struct bu_list vhead;

    int empty_region = 0;
    int empty_model = 0;
    int NMG_debug_state = 0;
    int count = 0;

    void (*write_region)(struct nmgregion *, const struct db_full_path *, int, int, float [3]);

    if (!tsp || !pathp || !client_data) {
	bu_log("INTERNAL ERROR: gcv_region_end_mc missing parameters\n");
	return TREE_NULL;

    write_region = ((struct gcv_data *)client_data)->func;
    if (!write_region) {
	bu_log("INTERNAL ERROR: gcv_region_end missing conversion callback function\n");
	return TREE_NULL;



      if (curtree->tr_op == OP_NOP)
      return 0;

    /* get a copy to play with as the parameters might get clobbered
     * by a longjmp.  FIXME: db_dup_subtree() doesn't create real copies
    tp = db_dup_subtree(curtree, &rt_uniresource);

    /* FIXME: we can't free curtree until we get a "real" copy form
     * db_dup_subtree().  right now we get a fake copy just so we can
     * keep the compiler quiet about clobbering curtree during longjmp
    /* db_free_tree(curtree, &rt_uniresource); */

    /* Sometimes the NMG library adds debugging bits when it detects
     * an internal error, before bombing.  Stash.
    NMG_debug_state = RTG.NMG_debug;

    m = nmg_mmr();
    r = nmg_mrsv(m);
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);

    if (tsp->ts_rtip == NULL)
	tsp->ts_rtip = rt_new_rti(tsp->ts_dbip);

    count += nmg_mc_evaluate (s, tsp->ts_rtip, pathp, tsp->ts_ttol, tsp->ts_tol);

    /* empty region? */
    if (count == 0) {
	bu_log("Region %s appears to be empty.\n", db_path_to_string(pathp));
	return TREE_NULL;

      bu_log("Target is shot, %d triangles seen.\n", count);

      bu_log("Fusing\n"); fflush(stdout);
      nmg_model_fuse(m, tsp->ts_tol);
      bu_log("Done\n"); fflush(stdout);

    /* Kill cracks */
    while (BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD(&s->l, &r->s_hd)) {
	struct shell *next_s;

	next_s = BU_LIST_PNEXT(shell, &s->l);
	if (nmg_kill_cracks(s)) {
	    if (nmg_ks(s)) {
		empty_region = 1;
	  nmg_shell_coplanar_face_merge(s, tsp->ts_tol, 42);
	s = next_s;
    if (empty_region)
	return _gcv_cleanup(NMG_debug_state, tp);

    /* kill zero length edgeuses */
    empty_model = nmg_kill_zero_length_edgeuses(*tsp->ts_m);
    if (empty_model)
	return _gcv_cleanup(NMG_debug_state, tp);

    if (BU_SETJUMP) {
	/* Error, bail out */
	char *sofar;

	/* Relinquish bomb protection */

	sofar = db_path_to_string(pathp);
	bu_log("FAILED in triangulator: %s\n", sofar);
	bu_free((char *)sofar, "sofar");

	/* Release any intersector 2d tables */

	/* Get rid of (m)any other intermediate structures */
	if ((*tsp->ts_m)->magic == NMG_MODEL_MAGIC)
	    bu_log("WARNING: tsp->ts_m pointer corrupted, ignoring it.\n");

	/* Now, make a new, clean model structure for next pass. */
	*tsp->ts_m = nmg_mm();

	return _gcv_cleanup(NMG_debug_state, tp);
    } else {
	/* Write the region out */
	write_region(r, pathp, tsp->ts_regionid, tsp->ts_gmater, tsp->ts_mater.ma_color);

    } BU_UNSETJUMP; /* Relinquish bomb protection */


    return _gcv_cleanup(NMG_debug_state, tp);
예제 #13
 *  Called from db_walk_tree().
 *  This routine must be prepared to run in parallel.
union tree *do_region_end(struct db_tree_state *tsp, const struct db_full_path *pathp, union tree *curtree, void *UNUSED(client_data))
    union tree		*ret_tree;
    struct bu_list		vhead;
    struct nmgregion	*r;



	char	*sofar = db_path_to_string(pathp);
	bu_log("\ndo_region_end(%d %d%%) %s\n",
	       regions_tried>0 ? (regions_converted * 100) / regions_tried : 0,
	bu_free(sofar, "path string");

    if (curtree->tr_op == OP_NOP)
	return curtree;


    if (verbose)
	bu_log("Attempting to process region %s\n", db_path_to_string(pathp));

    ret_tree= process_boolean(curtree, tsp, pathp);

    if (ret_tree)
	r = ret_tree->tr_d.td_r;
	if (verbose)
	    bu_log("\tNothing left of this region after Boolean evaluation\n");
	regions_written++; /* don't count as a failure */
	r = (struct nmgregion *)NULL;


    if (r != (struct nmgregion *)NULL)
	struct shell *s;
	int empty_region=0;
	int empty_model=0;

	/* Kill cracks */
	s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);
	while (BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD(&s->l, &r->s_hd))
	    struct shell *next_s;

	    next_s = BU_LIST_PNEXT(shell, &s->l);
	    if (nmg_kill_cracks(s))
		if (nmg_ks(s))
		    empty_region = 1;
	    s = next_s;

	/* kill zero length edgeuses */
	if (!empty_region) {
	    empty_model = nmg_kill_zero_length_edgeuses(*tsp->ts_m);

	if (!empty_region && !empty_model) {
	    process_triangulation(r, pathp, tsp);


	if (!empty_model)

     *  Dispose of original tree, so that all associated dynamic
     *  memory is released now, not at the end of all regions.
     *  A return of TREE_NULL from this routine signals an error,
     *  and there is no point to adding _another_ message to our output,
     *  so we need to cons up an OP_NOP node to return.

    db_free_tree(curtree, &rt_uniresource);		/* Does an nmg_kr() */

    BU_ALLOC(curtree, union tree);
    curtree->tr_op = OP_NOP;
    return curtree;
예제 #14
파일: vshoot.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
 * Given a ray, shoot it at all the relevant parts of the model,
 * (building the HeadSeg chain), and then call rt_boolregions() to
 * build and evaluate the partition chain.  If the ray actually hit
 * anything, call the application's a_hit() routine with a pointer to
 * the partition chain, otherwise, call the application's a_miss()
 * routine.
 * It is important to note that rays extend infinitely only in the
 * positive direction.  The ray is composed of all points P, where
 * P = r_pt + K * r_dir
 * for K ranging from 0 to +infinity.  There is no looking backwards.
 * It is also important to note that the direction vector r_dir must
 * have unit length; this is mandatory, and is not ordinarily checked,
 * in the name of efficiency.
 * Input:  Pointer to an application structure, with these mandatory fields:
 * a_ray.r_pt Starting point of ray to be fired
 * a_ray.r_dir UNIT VECTOR with direction to fire in (dir cosines)
 * a_hit Routine to call when something is hit
 * a_miss Routine to call when ray misses everything
 * Calls user's a_miss() or a_hit() routine as appropriate.  Passes
 * a_hit() routine list of partitions, with only hit_dist fields
 * valid.  Normal computation deferred to user code, to avoid needless
 * computation here.
 * Returns: whatever the application function returns (an int).
 * NOTE: The application functions may call rt_shootray() recursively.
 * Thus, none of the local variables may be static.
 * An open issue for execution in a PARALLEL environment is locking of
 * the statistics variables.
rt_vshootray(struct application *ap)
    struct seg *HeadSeg;
    int ret;
    vect_t inv_dir;	/* inverses of ap->a_ray.r_dir */
    struct bu_bitv *solidbits;	/* bits for all solids shot so far */
    struct bu_ptbl *regionbits;	/* bits for all involved regions */
    char *status;
    struct partition InitialPart;	/* Head of Initial Partitions */
    struct partition FinalPart;	/* Head of Final Partitions */
    int nrays = 1;			/* for now */
    int vlen;
    int id;
    int i;
    struct soltab **ary_stp;	/* array of pointers */
    struct xray **ary_rp;	/* array of pointers */
    struct seg *ary_seg;	/* array of structures */
    struct rt_i *rtip;
    int done;

#define BACKING_DIST (-2.0)		/* mm to look behind start point */
    rtip = ap->a_rt_i;
    if (!ap->a_resource) {
	ap->a_resource = &rt_uniresource;

	bu_log("\n**********mshootray cpu=%d  %d, %d lvl=%d (%s)\n",
	       ap->a_x, ap->a_y,
	       ap->a_purpose != (char *)0 ? ap->a_purpose : "?");
	VPRINT("Pnt", ap->a_ray.r_pt);
	VPRINT("Dir", ap->a_ray.r_dir);

    if (rtip->needprep)

    /* Allocate dynamic memory */
    vlen = nrays * rtip->rti_maxsol_by_type;
    ary_stp = (struct soltab **)bu_calloc(vlen, sizeof(struct soltab *),
    ary_rp = (struct xray **)bu_calloc(vlen, sizeof(struct xray *),
    ary_seg = (struct seg *)bu_calloc(vlen, sizeof(struct seg),

    /**** for each ray, do this ****/

    InitialPart.pt_forw = InitialPart.pt_back = &InitialPart;
    FinalPart.pt_forw = FinalPart.pt_back = &FinalPart;

    HeadSeg = RT_SEG_NULL;

    solidbits = rt_get_solidbitv(rtip->nsolids, ap->a_resource);

    if (BU_LIST_IS_EMPTY(&ap->a_resource->re_region_ptbl)) {
	BU_ALLOC(regionbits, struct bu_ptbl);
	bu_ptbl_init(regionbits, 7, "rt_shootray() regionbits ptbl");
    } else {
	regionbits = BU_LIST_FIRST(bu_ptbl, &ap->a_resource->re_region_ptbl);

    /* Compute the inverse of the direction cosines */
    if (!ZERO(ap->a_ray.r_dir[X])) {
    } else {
	inv_dir[X] = INFINITY;
	ap->a_ray.r_dir[X] = 0.0;
    if (!ZERO(ap->a_ray.r_dir[Y])) {
    } else {
	inv_dir[Y] = INFINITY;
	ap->a_ray.r_dir[Y] = 0.0;
    if (!ZERO(ap->a_ray.r_dir[Z])) {
    } else {
	inv_dir[Z] = INFINITY;
	ap->a_ray.r_dir[Z] = 0.0;

     * XXX handle infinite solids here, later.

     * If ray does not enter the model RPP, skip on.
     * If ray ends exactly at the model RPP, trace it.
    if (!rt_in_rpp(&ap->a_ray, inv_dir, rtip->mdl_min, rtip->mdl_max)  ||
	ap->a_ray.r_max < 0.0) {
	if (ap->a_miss)
	    ret = ap->a_miss(ap);
	    ret = 0;
	status = "MISS model";
	goto out;

    /* For each type of solid to be shot at, assemble the vectors */
    for (id = 1; id <= ID_MAX_SOLID; id++) {
	register int nsol;

	if ((nsol = rtip->rti_nsol_by_type[id]) <= 0) continue;

	/* For each instance of this solid type */
	for (i = nsol-1; i >= 0; i--) {
	    ary_stp[i] = rtip->rti_sol_by_type[id][i];
	    ary_rp[i] = &(ap->a_ray);	/* XXX, sb [ray] */
	    ary_seg[i].seg_stp = SOLTAB_NULL;
	/* bounding box check */
	/* bit vector per ray check */
	/* mark elements to be skipped with ary_stp[] = SOLTAB_NULL */
	ap->a_rt_i->nshots += nsol;	/* later: skipped ones */
	if (OBJ[id].ft_vshot) {
	    OBJ[id].ft_vshot(ary_stp, ary_rp, ary_seg, nsol, ap);
	} else {
	    vshot_stub(ary_stp, ary_rp, ary_seg, nsol, ap);

	/* set bits for all solids shot at for each ray */

	/* append resulting seg list to input for boolweave */
	for (i = nsol-1; i >= 0; i--) {
	    register struct seg *seg2;

	    if (ary_seg[i].seg_stp == SOLTAB_NULL) {
		/* MISS */

	    /* For now, do it the slow way.  sb [ray] */
	    /* MUST dup it -- all segs have to live till after a_hit() */
	    RT_GET_SEG(seg2, ap->a_resource);
	    *seg2 = ary_seg[i];	/* struct copy */
	    /* rt_boolweave(seg2, &InitialPart, ap); */
	    bu_bomb("FIXME: need to call boolweave here");

	    /* Add seg chain to list of used segs awaiting reclaim */

#if 0
	    /* FIXME: need to use waiting_segs/finished_segs here in
	     * conjunction with rt_boolweave()
	     register struct seg *seg3 = seg2;
	     while (seg3->seg_next != RT_SEG_NULL)
	     seg3 = seg3->seg_next;
	     seg3->seg_next = HeadSeg;
	     HeadSeg = seg2;

     * Ray has finally left known space.
    if (InitialPart.pt_forw == &InitialPart) {
	if (ap->a_miss)
	    ret = ap->a_miss(ap);
	    ret = 0;
	status = "MISSed all primitives";
	goto freeup;

     * All intersections of the ray with the model have been computed.
     * Evaluate the boolean trees over each partition.
    done = rt_boolfinal(&InitialPart, &FinalPart, BACKING_DIST, INFINITY, regionbits, ap, solidbits);

    if (done > 0) goto hitit;

    if (FinalPart.pt_forw == &FinalPart) {
	if (ap->a_miss)
	    ret = ap->a_miss(ap);
	    ret = 0;
	status = "MISS bool";
	goto freeup;

     * Ray/model intersections exist.  Pass the list to the user's
     * a_hit() routine.  Note that only the hit_dist elements of
     * pt_inhit and pt_outhit have been computed yet.  To compute both
     * hit_point and hit_normal, use the
     * RT_HIT_NORMAL(NULL, hitp, stp, rayp, 0);
     * macro.  To compute just hit_point, use
     * VJOIN1(hitp->hit_point, rp->r_pt, hitp->hit_dist, rp->r_dir);
    if (RT_G_DEBUG&DEBUG_SHOOT) rt_pr_partitions(rtip, &FinalPart, "a_hit()");

    if (ap->a_hit)
	ret = ap->a_hit(ap, &FinalPart, HeadSeg/* &finished_segs */);
	ret = 0;
    status = "HIT";

     * Processing of this ray is complete.  Free dynamic resources.
	register struct partition *pp;

	/* Free up initial partition list */
	for (pp = InitialPart.pt_forw; pp != &InitialPart;) {
	    register struct partition *newpp;
	    newpp = pp;
	    pp = pp->pt_forw;
	    FREE_PT(newpp, ap->a_resource);
	/* Free up final partition list */
	for (pp = FinalPart.pt_forw; pp != &FinalPart;) {
	    register struct partition *newpp;
	    newpp = pp;
	    pp = pp->pt_forw;
	    FREE_PT(newpp, ap->a_resource);

    /* Segs can't be freed until after a_hit() has returned */
#if 0
    /* FIXME: depends on commented out code above */
    if (HeadSeg)
	RT_FREE_SEG_LIST(HeadSeg, ap->a_resource);

    bu_free((char *)ary_stp, "*ary_stp[]");
    bu_free((char *)ary_rp, "*ary_rp[]");
    bu_free((char *)ary_seg, "ary_seg[]");

    if (solidbits != NULL) {
	bu_log("----------mshootray cpu=%d  %d, %d lvl=%d (%s) %s ret=%d\n",
	       ap->a_x, ap->a_y,
	       ap->a_purpose != (char *)0 ? ap->a_purpose : "?",
	       status, ret);
    return ret;
 * Read a polygon file and convert it to an NMG shell
 * A polygon file consists of the following:
 * The first line consists of two integer numbers: the number of
 * points (vertices) in the file, followed by the number of polygons
 * in the file.  This line is followed by lines for each of the
 * vertices.  Each vertex is listed on its own line, as the 3tuple "X
 * Y Z".  After the list of vertices comes the list of polygons.
 * each polygon is represented by a line containing 1) the number of
 * vertices in the polygon, followed by 2) the indices of the
 * vertices that make up the polygon.
 * Implicitly returns r->s_p which is a new shell containing all the
 * faces from the polygon file.
 * XXX This is a horrible way to do this.  Lee violates his own rules
 * about not creating fundamental structures on his own...  :-)
 * Retired in favor of more modern tessellation strategies.
struct shell *
nmg_polytonmg(FILE *fp, struct nmgregion *r, const struct bn_tol *tol)
    int i, j, num_pts, num_facets, pts_this_face, facet;
    int vl_len;
    struct vertex **v;  /* list of all vertices */
    struct vertex **vl; /* list of vertices for this polygon*/
    point_t p;
    struct shell *s;
    struct faceuse *fu;
    struct loopuse *lu;
    struct edgeuse *eu;
    plane_t plane;
    struct model *m;

    s = nmg_msv(r);
    m = s->r_p->m_p;

    /* get number of points & number of facets in file */
    if (fscanf(fp, "%d %d", &num_pts, &num_facets) != 2)
	bu_bomb("polytonmg() Error in first line of poly file\n");
	if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_POLYTO)
	    bu_log("points: %d facets: %d\n",
		   num_pts, num_facets);

    v = (struct vertex **) bu_calloc(num_pts, sizeof (struct vertex *),

    /* build the vertices */
    for (i = 0; i < num_pts; ++i) {
	GET_VERTEX(v[i], m);
	v[i]->magic = NMG_VERTEX_MAGIC;

    /* read in the coordinates of the vertices */
    for (i=0; i < num_pts; ++i) {
	if (fscanf(fp, "%lg %lg %lg", &p[0], &p[1], &p[2]) != 3)
	    bu_bomb("polytonmg() Error reading point");
	    if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_POLYTO)
		bu_log("read vertex #%d (%g %g %g)\n",
		       i, p[0], p[1], p[2]);

	nmg_vertex_gv(v[i], p);

    vl = (struct vertex **)bu_calloc(vl_len=8, sizeof (struct vertex *),
				     "vertex parameter list");

    for (facet = 0; facet < num_facets; ++facet) {
	if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &pts_this_face) != 1)
	    bu_bomb("polytonmg() error getting pt count for this face");

	if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_POLYTO)
	    bu_log("facet %d pts in face %d\n",
		   facet, pts_this_face);

	if (pts_this_face > vl_len) {
	    while (vl_len < pts_this_face) vl_len *= 2;
	    vl = (struct vertex **)bu_realloc((char *)vl,
					      vl_len*sizeof(struct vertex *),
					      "vertex parameter list (realloc)");

	for (i=0; i < pts_this_face; ++i) {
	    if (fscanf(fp, "%d", &j) != 1)
		bu_bomb("polytonmg() error getting point index for v in f");
	    vl[i] = v[j-1];

	fu = nmg_cface(s, vl, pts_this_face);
	lu = BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &fu->lu_hd);
	/* XXX should check for vertex-loop */
	eu = BU_LIST_FIRST(edgeuse, &lu->down_hd);
	if (bn_mk_plane_3pts(plane, eu->vu_p->v_p->vg_p->coord,
			     BU_LIST_PNEXT(edgeuse, eu)->vu_p->v_p->vg_p->coord,
			     BU_LIST_PLAST(edgeuse, eu)->vu_p->v_p->vg_p->coord,
			     tol)) {
	    bu_log("At %d in %s\n", __LINE__, __FILE__);
	    bu_bomb("polytonmg() cannot make plane equation\n");
	} else nmg_face_g(fu, plane);

    for (i=0; i < num_pts; ++i) {
	if (BU_LIST_IS_EMPTY(&v[i]->vu_hd)) continue;
    bu_free((char *)v, "vertex array");
    return s;
예제 #16
 * R T _ M E T A B A L L _ T E S S
 * Tessellate a metaball.
rt_metaball_tess(struct nmgregion **r, struct model *m, struct rt_db_internal *ip, const struct rt_tess_tol *ttol, const struct bn_tol *tol)
    struct rt_metaball_internal *mb;
    fastf_t mtol, radius;
    point_t center, min, max;
    fastf_t i, j, k, finalstep = +INFINITY;
    struct bu_vls times = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO;
    struct wdb_metaballpt *mbpt;
    struct shell *s;
    int numtri = 0;

    if (r == NULL || m == NULL)
	return -1;
    *r = NULL;


    mb = (struct rt_metaball_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;


    /* since this geometry isn't necessarily prepped, we have to figure out the
     * finalstep and bounding box manually. */
    for (BU_LIST_FOR(mbpt, wdb_metaballpt, &mb->metaball_ctrl_head))
	V_MIN(finalstep, mbpt->fldstr);
    finalstep /= (fastf_t)1e5;

    radius = rt_metaball_get_bounding_sphere(&center, mb->threshold, mb);
    if(radius < 0) {	/* no control points */
	bu_log("Attempting to tesselate metaball with no control points");
	return -1;
    rt_metaball_bbox(ip, &min, &max, tol);

    /* TODO: get better sampling tolerance, unless this is "good enough" */
    mtol = ttol->abs;
    V_MAX(mtol, ttol->rel * radius * 10);
    V_MAX(mtol, tol->dist);

    *r = nmg_mrsv(m);	/* new empty nmg */
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &(*r)->s_hd);

    /* the incredibly naïve approach. Time could be cut in half by simply
     * caching 4 point values, more by actually marching or doing active
     * refinement. This is the simplest pattern for now.
    for (i = min[X]; i < max[X]; i += mtol)
	for (j = min[Y]; j < max[Y]; j += mtol)
	    for (k = min[Z]; k < max[Z]; k += mtol) {
		point_t p[8];
		int pv = 0;

		/* generate the vertex values */
#define MEH(c,di,dj,dk) VSET(p[c], i+di, j+dj, k+dk); pv |= rt_metaball_point_inside((const point_t *)&p[c], mb) << c;
		MEH(0, 0, 0, mtol);
		MEH(1, mtol, 0, mtol);
		MEH(2, mtol, 0, 0);
		MEH(3, 0, 0, 0);
		MEH(4, 0, mtol, mtol);
		MEH(5, mtol, mtol, mtol);
		MEH(6, mtol, mtol, 0);
		MEH(7, 0, mtol, 0);
#undef MEH

		if ( pv != 0 && pv != 255 ) {	/* entire cube is either inside or outside */
		    point_t edges[12];
		    int rval;

		    /* compute the edge values (if needed) */
#define MEH(a,b,c) if(!(pv&(1<<b)&&pv&(1<<c))) { \
    rt_metaball_find_intersection(edges+a, mb, (const point_t *)(p+b), (const point_t *)(p+c), mtol, finalstep); \

		    /* magic numbers! an edge, then the two attached vertices.
		     * For edge/vertex mapping, refer to the awesome ascii art
		     * at the beginning of this file. */
		    MEH(0 ,0,1);
		    MEH(1 ,1,2);
		    MEH(2 ,2,3);
		    MEH(3 ,0,3);
		    MEH(4 ,4,5);
		    MEH(5 ,5,6);
		    MEH(6 ,6,7);
		    MEH(7 ,4,7);
		    MEH(8 ,0,4);
		    MEH(9 ,1,5);
#undef MEH

		    rval = nmg_mc_realize_cube(s, pv, (point_t *)edges, tol);
		    numtri += rval;
		    if(rval < 0) {
			bu_log("Error attempting to realize a cube O.o\n");
			return rval;

    nmg_region_a(*r, tol);

    nmg_model_fuse(m, tol);

    rt_get_timer(&times, NULL);
    bu_log("metaball tesselate (%d triangles): %s\n", numtri, bu_vls_addr(&times));

    return 0;
예제 #17
파일: nmg_eval.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
 * Make a life-and-death decision on every element of a shell.
 * Descend the "great chain of being" from the face to loop to edge to
 * vertex, saving or demoting along the way.
 * Note that there is no moving of items from one shell to another.
nmg_eval_shell(register struct shell *s, struct nmg_bool_state *bs)
    struct faceuse *fu;
    struct faceuse *nextfu;
    struct loopuse *lu;
    struct loopuse *nextlu;
    struct edgeuse *eu;
    struct edgeuse *nexteu;
    struct vertexuse *vu;
    int loops_retained;


    if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_VERIFY)
	nmg_vshell(&s->r_p->s_hd, s->r_p);

     * For each face in the shell, process all the loops in the face,
     * and then handle the face and all loops as a unit.
    nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
    fu = BU_LIST_FIRST(faceuse, &s->fu_hd);
    while (BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD(fu, &s->fu_hd)) {
	nextfu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(faceuse, fu);

	/* Faceuse mates will be handled at same time as OT_SAME fu */
	if (fu->orientation != OT_SAME) {
	    fu = nextfu;
	if (fu->fumate_p == nextfu)
	    nextfu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(faceuse, nextfu);

	/* Consider this face */

	loops_retained = 0;
	lu = BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &fu->lu_hd);
	while (BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD(lu, &fu->lu_hd)) {
	    nextlu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(loopuse, lu);
	    if (lu->lumate_p == nextlu)
		nextlu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(loopuse, nextlu);

	    nmg_ck_lu_orientation(lu, bs->bs_tol);
	    switch (nmg_eval_action(&lu->l_p->magic, bs)) {
		    /* Kill by demoting loop to edges */
		    if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) == NMG_VERTEXUSE_MAGIC) {
			/* loop of single vertex */
		    } else if (nmg_demote_lu(lu) == 0) {
			nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
		    lu = nextlu;
		    bu_bomb("nmg_eval_shell() bad BACTION\n");
	    lu = nextlu;

	    bu_log("faceuse %p loops retained=%d\n",
		   (void *)fu, loops_retained);
	if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_VERIFY)
	    nmg_vshell(&s->r_p->s_hd, s->r_p);

	 * Here, faceuse will have 0 or more loopuses still in it.
	 * Decide the fate of the face;  if the face dies,
	 * then any remaining loops, edges, etc., will die too.
	if (BU_LIST_IS_EMPTY(&fu->lu_hd)) {
	    if (loops_retained) bu_bomb("nmg_eval_shell() empty faceuse with retained loops?\n");
	    /* faceuse is empty, face & mate die */
	    if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_BOOLEVAL)
		bu_log("faceuse %p empty, kill\n", (void *)fu);
	    nmg_kfu(fu);	/* kill face & mate, dequeue from shell */
	    if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_VERIFY)
		nmg_vshell(&s->r_p->s_hd, s->r_p);
	    nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
	    fu = nextfu;

	if (loops_retained <= 0) {
	    nmg_pr_fu(fu, (char *)NULL);
	    bu_bomb("nmg_eval_shell() non-empty faceuse, no loops retained?\n");
	fu = nextfu;
    if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_VERIFY)
	nmg_vshell(&s->r_p->s_hd, s->r_p);

     * For each loop in the shell, process.
     * Each loop is either a wire-loop, or a vertex-with-self-loop.
     * Only consider wire loops here.
    nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
    lu = BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &s->lu_hd);
    while (BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD(lu, &s->lu_hd)) {
	nextlu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(loopuse, lu);
	if (lu->lumate_p == nextlu)
	    nextlu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(loopuse, nextlu);

	    /* ignore vertex-with-self-loop */
	    lu = nextlu;
	switch (nmg_eval_action(&lu->l_p->magic, bs)) {
	    case BACTION_KILL:
		/* Demote the loopuse into wire edges */
		/* kill loop & mate */
		if (nmg_demote_lu(lu) == 0)
		    nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
		lu = nextlu;
		bu_bomb("nmg_eval_shell() bad BACTION\n");
	lu = nextlu;
    if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_VERIFY)
	nmg_vshell(&s->r_p->s_hd, s->r_p);

     * For each wire-edge in the shell, ...
    nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
    eu = BU_LIST_FIRST(edgeuse, &s->eu_hd);
    while (BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD(eu, &s->eu_hd)) {
	nexteu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(edgeuse, eu);	/* may be head */
	if (eu->eumate_p == nexteu)
	    nexteu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(edgeuse, nexteu);

	/* Consider this edge */
	switch (nmg_eval_action(&eu->e_p->magic, bs)) {
	    case BACTION_KILL:
		/* Demote the edegeuse (and mate) into vertices */
		if (nmg_demote_eu(eu) == 0)
		    nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
		eu = nexteu;
		bu_bomb("nmg_eval_shell() bad BACTION\n");
	eu = nexteu;

     * For each lone vertex-with-self-loop, process.
     * Note that these are intermixed in the loop list.
     * Each loop is either a wire-loop, or a vertex-with-self-loop.
     * Only consider cases of vertex-with-self-loop here.
     * This case has to be handled separately, because a wire-loop
     * may be demoted to a set of wire-edges above, some of which
     * may be retained.  The non-retained wire-edges may in turn
     * be demoted into vertex-with-self-loop objects above,
     * which will be processed here.
    nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
    lu = BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &s->lu_hd);
    while (BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD(lu, &s->lu_hd)) {
	nextlu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(loopuse, lu);

	    /* ignore any remaining wire-loops */
	    lu = nextlu;
	if (nextlu == lu->lumate_p)
	    nextlu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(loopuse, nextlu);
	vu = BU_LIST_PNEXT(vertexuse, &lu->down_hd);
	switch (nmg_eval_action(&vu->v_p->magic, bs)) {
	    case BACTION_KILL:
		/* Eliminate the loopuse, and mate */
		lu = nextlu;
		bu_bomb("nmg_eval_shell() bad BACTION\n");
	lu = nextlu;
    if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_VERIFY)
	nmg_vshell(&s->r_p->s_hd, s->r_p);

     * Final case:  shell of a single vertexuse
    vu = s->vu_p;
    if (vu) {
	switch (nmg_eval_action(&vu->v_p->magic, bs)) {
	    case BACTION_KILL:
		nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
		s->vu_p = (struct vertexuse *)0;	/* sanity */
		bu_bomb("nmg_eval_shell() bad BACTION\n");
    if (RTG.NMG_debug & DEBUG_VERIFY)
	nmg_vshell(&s->r_p->s_hd, s->r_p);
    nmg_eval_plot(bs, nmg_eval_count++);	/* debug */
예제 #18
psurf_to_nmg(struct model *m, FILE *fp, char *jfile)
/* Input/output, nmg model. */
/* Input, pointer to psurf data file. */
/* Name of Jack data base file. */
    int		face, fail, i, lst[MAX_NUM_PTS], nf, nv;
    struct faceuse	*outfaceuses[MAX_NUM_PTS];
    struct nmgregion *r;
    struct shell	*s;
    struct vertex	*vertlist[MAX_NUM_PTS];
    struct vlist	vert;

    /* Copied from proc-db/nmgmodel.c */
    tol.magic = BN_TOL_MAGIC;
    tol.dist = 0.01;
    tol.dist_sq = tol.dist * tol.dist;
    tol.perp = 0.001;
    tol.para = 0.999;

    face = 0;
    r = nmg_mrsv(m);	/* Make region, empty shell, vertex. */
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);

    while ((nv = read_psurf_vertices(fp, &vert)) != 0) {
	size_t ret;

	while ((nf = read_psurf_face(fp, lst)) != 0) {

	    /* Make face out of vertices in lst (ccw ordered). */
	    for (i = 0; i < nf; i++)
		vertlist[i] = vert.vt[lst[i]-1];
	    outfaceuses[face] = nmg_cface(s, vertlist, nf);

	    /* Save (possibly) newly created vertex structs. */
	    for (i = 0; i < nf; i++)
		vert.vt[lst[i]-1] = vertlist[i];
	ret = fscanf(fp, ";;");
	if (ret > 0)
	    bu_log("unknown parsing error\n");

	/* Associate the vertex geometry, ccw. */
	for (i = 0; i < nv; i++)
	    if (vert.vt[i])
		nmg_vertex_gv(vert.vt[i], &vert.pt[3*i]);
		fprintf(stderr, "%s, vertex %d is unused\n",
			jfile, i+1);

    nmg_vertex_fuse(&m->magic, &tol);

    /* Associate the face geometry. */
    for (i = 0, fail = 0; i < face; i++)
	struct loopuse *lu;
	plane_t pl;

	lu = BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &outfaceuses[i]->lu_hd);
	if (nmg_loop_plane_area(lu, pl) < 0.0)
	    fail = 1;
	    nmg_face_g(outfaceuses[i], pl);
    if (fail)
	return -1;

    if (face)
	int empty_model;
	empty_model = nmg_kill_zero_length_edgeuses(m);
	if (!empty_model) {

	  /* Compute "geometry" for region and shell */
	  nmg_region_a(r, &tol);

	  nmg_break_e_on_v(&m->magic, &tol);
	  empty_model = nmg_kill_zero_length_edgeuses(m);

	  /* Glue edges of outward pointing face uses together. */
	  if (!empty_model) nmg_edge_fuse(&m->magic, &tol);

    return 0;
예제 #19
파일: bot_fuse.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
ged_bot_fuse(struct ged *gedp, int argc, const char **argv)
    struct directory *old_dp, *new_dp;
    struct rt_db_internal intern, intern2;
    struct rt_bot_internal *bot;
    int count=0;
    static const char *usage = "new_bot old_bot";

    struct model *m;
    struct nmgregion *r;
    int ret, c, i;
    struct bn_tol *tol = &gedp->ged_wdbp->wdb_tol;
    int total = 0;
    volatile int out_type = 0; /* open edge output type: 0 = none, 1 = show, 2 = plot */
    size_t open_cnt;
    struct bu_vls name_prefix = BU_VLS_INIT_ZERO;

    /* bu_getopt() options */
    static const char *bot_fuse_options = "sp";
    static const char *bot_fuse_options_str = "[-s|-p]";

    GED_CHECK_ARGC_GT_0(gedp, argc, GED_ERROR);

    /* initialize result */
    bu_vls_trunc(gedp->ged_result_str, 0);

    /* must be wanting help */
    if (argc != 3 && argc != 4) {
	bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "Usage: %s %s %s", argv[0], bot_fuse_options_str, usage);
	return GED_HELP;

    /* Turn off getopt's error messages */
    bu_opterr = 0;
    bu_optind = 1;

    /* get all the option flags from the command line */
    while ((c=bu_getopt(argc, (char **)argv, bot_fuse_options)) != -1) {
	switch (c) {
	    case 's':
		    out_type = 1; /* show open edges */
	    case 'p':
		    out_type = 2; /* plot open edges */
	    default :
		    bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "Unknown option: '%c'", c);
		    return GED_HELP;

    i = argc - 2;

    bu_log("%s: start\n", argv[0]);

    GED_DB_LOOKUP(gedp, old_dp, argv[i+1], LOOKUP_NOISY, GED_ERROR & GED_QUIET);
    GED_DB_GET_INTERNAL(gedp, &intern, old_dp, bn_mat_identity, &rt_uniresource, GED_ERROR);

    if (intern.idb_major_type != DB5_MAJORTYPE_BRLCAD || intern.idb_minor_type != DB5_MINORTYPE_BRLCAD_BOT) {
	bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "%s: %s is not a BOT solid!\n", argv[0], argv[i+1]);
	return GED_ERROR;

    /* create nmg model structure */
    m = nmg_mm();

    /* place bot in nmg structure */
    bu_log("%s: running rt_bot_tess\n", argv[0]);
    ret = rt_bot_tess(&r, m, &intern, &gedp->ged_wdbp->wdb_ttol, tol);

    /* free internal representation of original bot */

    if (ret != 0) {
	bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "%s: %s fuse failed (1).\n", argv[0], argv[i+1]);
	return GED_ERROR;

    total = 0;

    /* Step 1 -- the vertices. */
    bu_log("%s: running nmg_vertex_fuse\n", argv[0]);
    count = nmg_vertex_fuse(&m->magic, tol);
    total += count;
    bu_log("%s: %s, %d vertex fused\n", argv[0], argv[i+1], count);

    /* Step 1.5 -- break edges on vertices, before fusing edges */
    bu_log("%s: running nmg_break_e_on_v\n", argv[0]);
    count = nmg_break_e_on_v(&m->magic, tol);
    total += count;
    bu_log("%s: %s, %d broke 'e' on 'v'\n", argv[0], argv[i+1], count);

    if (total) {
	struct nmgregion *r2;
	struct shell *s;

	bu_log("%s: running nmg_make_faces_within_tol\n", argv[0]);

	/* vertices and/or edges have been moved,
	 * may have created out-of-tolerance faces

	for (BU_LIST_FOR(r2, nmgregion, &m->r_hd)) {
	    for (BU_LIST_FOR(s, shell, &r2->s_hd))
		nmg_make_faces_within_tol(s, tol);

    /* Step 2 -- the face geometry */
    bu_log("%s: running nmg_model_face_fuse\n", argv[0]);
    count = nmg_model_face_fuse(m, tol);
    total += count;
    bu_log("%s: %s, %d faces fused\n", argv[0], argv[i+1], count);

    /* Step 3 -- edges */
    bu_log("%s: running nmg_edge_fuse\n", argv[0]);
    count = nmg_edge_fuse(&m->magic, tol);
    total += count;

    bu_log("%s: %s, %d edges fused\n", argv[0], argv[i+1], count);

    bu_log("%s: %s, %d total fused\n", argv[0], argv[i+1], total);

    if (!BU_SETJUMP) {
	/* try */

	/* convert the nmg model back into a bot */
	bot = nmg_bot(BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd), tol);

	bu_vls_sprintf(&name_prefix, "open_edges.%s", argv[i]);
	bu_log("%s: running show_dangling_edges\n", argv[0]);
	open_cnt = show_dangling_edges(gedp, &m->magic, bu_vls_addr(&name_prefix), out_type);
	bu_log("%s: WARNING %ld open edges, new BOT may be invalid!!!\n", argv[0], open_cnt);

	/* free the nmg model structure */
    } else {
	/* catch */
	bu_vls_printf(gedp->ged_result_str, "%s: %s fuse failed (2).\n", argv[0], argv[i+1]);
	return GED_ERROR;

    intern2.idb_major_type = DB5_MAJORTYPE_BRLCAD;
    intern2.idb_type = ID_BOT;
    intern2.idb_meth = &OBJ[ID_BOT];
    intern2.idb_ptr = (void *)bot;

    GED_DB_DIRADD(gedp, new_dp, argv[i], RT_DIR_PHONY_ADDR, 0, RT_DIR_SOLID, (void *)&intern2.idb_type, GED_ERROR);
    GED_DB_PUT_INTERNAL(gedp, new_dp, &intern2, &rt_uniresource, GED_ERROR);

    bu_log("%s: Created new BOT (%s)\n", argv[0], argv[i]);
    bu_log("%s: Done.\n", argv[0]);

    return GED_OK;
예제 #20
파일: all_sf.c 프로젝트: cciechad/brlcad
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    /*  START # 99  */
    struct application ap;  /*  Structure passed between functions.  */
    struct rt_i *rtip;	/*  Used to build directory.  */
    int index;		/*  Index for rt_dirbuild & rt_gettree.  */
    char idbuf[32];	/*  Contains data base info.  */
    struct region *pr;   /*  Used in finding region names.  */

    int numreg;		/*  Number of regions.  */
    double centall[3];	/*  Center of entire model.  */
    double minall[3];	/*  Minimum of entire model.  */
    double maxall[3];	/*  Maximum of entire model.  */
    double areaall;	/*  Surface area of bounding sphere.  */
    double radall;	/*  Radius of bounding sphere.  */
    long seed;		/*  Seed for random number generator.  */
    double rayfir;	/*  Number of rays to be fired.  */
    double rho, phi, theta;/*  Spherical coordinates for starting point.  */
    double elev, az, rds;	/*  Elevation, azimuth, & radius for finding vector  */
    /*  in yz-plane.  */
    double strtpt[3];	/*  Starting point.  */
    double strtdir[3];	/*  Starting direction.  */
    double denom;	/*  Denominator.  */

    int ians;		/*  Answer to question.  */
    int i, j, k, m;		/*  Loop counters.  */
    double r;		/*  Loop counter.  */
    double q;		/*  Temporary variable.  */
    double s[3], t[3];	/*  Temporary variables.  */

    FILE *fpw;		/*  Allows a file to be written.  */
    char outfile[26];	/*  Output file name.  */
    char errfile[26];	/*  Error file name.  */
    FILE *fpw2;		/*  Allows a file to be written.  */
    char lwxfile[26];	/*  Longwave radiation exchange file for PRISM  */
    /*  (not quite PRISM ready).  */

    struct bn_unif *msr = NULL;

    /*  Check to see if arguments are implimented correctly.  */
    if ( (argv[1] == NULL) || (argv[2] == NULL) )
        (void)fprintf(stderr, "\nusage:  %s file.g objects\n\n", *argv);

        /*  START # 100  */

        /*  Find name of output file.  */
        (void)printf("Enter name of output file (25 char max).\n\t");
        (void)scanf("%25s", outfile);

        /*  Find name of longwave radiation exchange (lwx) file  */
        /*  for use with PRISM (not quite PRISM ready).  */
        (void)printf("Enter name of longwave radiation exchange");
        (void)printf(" file (25 char max).\n\t");
        (void)scanf("%25s", lwxfile);

        /*  Find name of error file.  */
        (void)printf("Enter name of error file (25 char max).\n\t");
        (void)scanf("%25s", errfile);

        /*  Open files.  */
        fpw = fopen(outfile, "w");
        fpw1 = fopen(errfile, "w");
        fpw2 = fopen(lwxfile, "w");

        /*  Write info to output & error file.  */
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "\n.g file used:  %s\n", argv[1]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "regions used:\n");
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "\n.g file used:  %s\n", argv[1]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "regions used:\n");
        i = 2;
        while (argv[i] != NULL)
            (void)fprintf(fpw, "\t%s\n", argv[i]);
            (void)fprintf(fpw1, "\t%s\n", argv[i]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "output file created:  %s\n", outfile);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "error file created:  %s\n", errfile);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "lwx file created:  %s\n", errfile);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "output file created:  %s\n", outfile);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "error file created:  %s\n", errfile);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "lwx file created:  %s\n", errfile);

        /*  Build directory.  */
        index = 1;      /*  Set index for rt_dirbuild.  */
        rtip = rt_dirbuild(argv[index], idbuf, sizeof(idbuf));
        (void)printf("Database Title:  %s\n", idbuf);

        /*  Set useair to 0 to show no hits of air.  */
        rtip->useair = 0;

        /*  Load desired objects.  */
        index = 2;      /*  Set index.  */
        while (argv[index] != NULL)
            rt_gettree(rtip, argv[index]);
            index += 1;

        /*  Find number of regions.  */
        numreg = (int)rtip->nregions;

        (void)fprintf(stderr, "Number of regions:  %d\n", numreg);

        /*  Malloc everything now that the number of regions is known.  */
        info = (struct table *)bu_malloc(numreg * sizeof(*info), "info");
        for (i=0; i<numreg; i++)
            info[i].intrays = (double *)bu_malloc(numreg * sizeof(double), "info[i].intrays");
            info[i].sf = (double *)bu_malloc(numreg * sizeof(double), "info[i].sf");

        /*  Zero all arrays.  */
        for (i=0; i<numreg; i++)
            /*  START # 110  */
            info[i].name = "\0";
            info[i].lvrays = 0.;
            for (j=0; j<numreg; j++)
                info[i].intrays[j] = 0.;
                info[i].sf[j] = 0.;
            info[i].regarea = 0.;
        }						/*  END # 110  */

        /*  Get database ready by starting prep.  */

        /*  Find the center of the bounding rpp of entire model.  */
        centall[X] = rtip->mdl_min[X] +
                     (rtip->mdl_max[X] - rtip->mdl_min[X]) / 2.;
        centall[Y] = rtip->mdl_min[Y] +
                     (rtip->mdl_max[Y] - rtip->mdl_min[Y]) / 2.;
        centall[Z] = rtip->mdl_min[Z] +
                     (rtip->mdl_max[Z] - rtip->mdl_min[Z]) / 2.;

        /*  Find minimum and maximum of entire model.  */
        minall[X] = rtip->mdl_min[X];
        minall[Y] = rtip->mdl_min[Y];
        minall[Z] = rtip->mdl_min[Z];
        maxall[X] = rtip->mdl_max[X];
        maxall[Y] = rtip->mdl_max[Y];
        maxall[Z] = rtip->mdl_max[Z];

        /*  Find radius of bounding sphere.  */
        radall = (maxall[X] - minall[X]) * (maxall[X] - minall[X])
                 + (maxall[Y] - minall[Y]) * (maxall[Y] - minall[Y])
                 + (maxall[Z] - minall[Z]) * (maxall[Z] - minall[Z]);
        /*  Add .5 to make sure completely outside the rpp.  */
        radall = sqrt(radall) / 2. + .5;

        /*  Find surface area of bounding sphere.  */
        areaall = 4 * M_PI * radall * radall;

        /*  Print info on min, max, center, radius, & surface area  */
        /*  of entire model.  */
        (void)printf("Min & max for entire model.\n");
        (void)printf("\tX:  %f - %f\n", minall[X], maxall[X]);
        (void)printf("\tY:  %f - %f\n", minall[Y], maxall[Y]);
        (void)printf("\tZ:  %f - %f\n", minall[Z], maxall[Z]);
        (void)printf("Center:  %f, %f, %f\n\n", centall[X], centall[Y],
        (void)printf("Radius:  %f\n", radall);
        (void)printf("Surface Area:  %f\n\n", areaall);

        /*  Find number of rays to fire.  */
        (void)printf("Enter the number of rays to be fired.\n\t");
        (void)scanf("%lf", &rayfir);

        /*  Write info to files.  */
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "Min & max for entire region:\n");
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "\tX:  %f - %f\n", minall[X], maxall[X]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "\tY:  %f - %f\n", minall[Y], maxall[Y]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "\tZ:  %f - %f\n", minall[Z], maxall[Z]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "Center:  %f, %f, %f\n", centall[X],
                      centall[Y], centall[Z]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "Radius:  %f\n", radall);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "Surface area:  %f\n", areaall);
        (void)fprintf(fpw, "Number of rays fired:  %f\n\n", rayfir);

        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "Min & max for entire region:\n");
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "\tX:  %f - %f\n", minall[X], maxall[X]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "\tY:  %f - %f\n", minall[Y], maxall[Y]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "\tZ:  %f - %f\n", minall[Z], maxall[Z]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "Center:  %f, %f, %f\n", centall[X],
                      centall[Y], centall[Z]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "Radius:  %f\n", radall);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "Surface area:  %f\n", areaall);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "Number of rays fired:  %f\n\n", rayfir);

        /*  Put region names into structure.  */
        pr = BU_LIST_FIRST(region, &rtip->HeadRegion);
        for (i=0; i<numreg; i++)
            info[(int)(pr->reg_bit)].name = pr->reg_name;
            pr = BU_LIST_FORW(region, &(pr->l) );

        (void)printf("Region names in structure.\n");

        /*  Write region names to error file.  */
        for (i=0; i<numreg; i++)
            (void)fprintf(fpw1, "region %d:  %s\n", (i + 1), info[i].name);
        (void)fprintf(fpw1, "\n");

        /*  Set seed for random number generator.  */
        seed = 1;
        (void)printf("Do you wish to enter your own seed (0) or ");
        (void)printf("use the default of 1 (1)?\n\t");
        (void)scanf("%d", &ians);
        if (ians == 0)
            (void)printf("Enter unsigned integer seed.\n\t");
            (void)scanf("%ld", &seed);
        msr = bn_unif_init(seed, 0);

        (void)printf("Seed initialized\n");

        /*  Set up parameters for rt_shootray.  */
        ap.a_hit = hit;			/*  User supplied hit func.  */
        ap.a_miss = miss;		/*  User supplied miss func.  */
        ap.a_overlap = overlap;		/*  User supplied overlap func.  */
        ap.a_rt_i = rtip;		/*  Pointer from rt_dirbuild.  */
        ap.a_onehit = 0;		/*  Look at all hits.  */
        ap.a_level = 0;			/*  Recursion level for diagnostics.  */
        ap.a_resource = 0;		/*  Address for resource struct.  */
         *	(void)printf("Parameters for rt_shootray set.\n");
         *	(void)fflush(stdout);

        /*  Loop through for each ray fired.  */
        for (r=0; r<rayfir; r++)
            /*  START # 150  */
             *		(void)printf("In loop - %f\n", r);
             *		(void)fflush(stdout);

            /*  Find point on the bounding sphere.  The negative  */
            /*  of the unit vector of this point will be the  */
            /*  firing direction.  */
            q = BN_UNIF_DOUBLE(msr) + 0.5;
            theta = q * 2. * M_PI;

            q = BN_UNIF_DOUBLE(msr) + 0.5;
            phi = (q * 2.) - 1.;
            phi = acos(phi);

            rho = radall;

            strtdir[X] = rho * sin(phi) * cos(theta);
            strtdir[Y] = rho * sin(phi) * sin(theta);
            strtdir[Z] = rho * cos(phi);

            /*  Elevation & azimuth for finding a vector in a plane.  */
            elev = M_PI / 2. - phi;
            az = theta;

            /*  Find vector in yz-plane.  */
            q = BN_UNIF_DOUBLE(msr) + 0.5;
            theta = q * 2. * M_PI;

            q = BN_UNIF_DOUBLE(msr) + 0.5;
            rds = rho * sqrt(q);
            s[X] = 0.;
            s[Y] = rds * cos(theta);
            s[Z] = rds * sin(theta);

            /*  Rotate vector.  */
            t[X] = s[X] * cos(elev) * cos(az) - s[Z] * sin(elev) * cos(az)
                   - s[Y] * sin(az);
            t[Y] = s[X] * cos(elev) * sin(az) - s[Z] * sin(elev) * sin(az)
                   + s[Y] * cos(az);
            t[Z] = s[X] * sin(elev) + s[Z] * cos(elev);

            /*  Translate the point.  This is the starting point.  */
            strtpt[X] = t[X] + strtdir[X];
            strtpt[Y] = t[Y] + strtdir[Y];
            strtpt[Z] = t[Z] + strtdir[Z];

            /*  Now transfer the starting point so that it is in the  */
            /*  absolute coordinates not the origin's.  */
            strtpt[X] += centall[X];
            strtpt[Y] += centall[Y];
            strtpt[Z] += centall[Z];

            /*  Normalize starting direction & make negative.  */
            denom = strtdir[X] *strtdir[X] +
                    strtdir[Y] *strtdir[Y] +
                    strtdir[Z] *strtdir[Z];
            denom = sqrt(denom);
            strtdir[X] /= (-denom);
            strtdir[Y] /= (-denom);
            strtdir[Z] /= (-denom);

            /*  Set up firing point & direction.  */
            ap.a_ray.r_pt[X] = strtpt[X];
            ap.a_ray.r_pt[Y] = strtpt[Y];
            ap.a_ray.r_pt[Z] = strtpt[Z];
            ap.a_ray.r_dir[X] = strtdir[X];
            ap.a_ray.r_dir[Y] = strtdir[Y];
            ap.a_ray.r_dir[Z] = strtdir[Z];

             *		(void)printf("Calling rt_shootray.\n");
             *		(void)fflush(stdout);

            /*  Call rt_shootray.  */

             *		(void)printf("Rt_shootray finished.\n");
             *		(void)fflush(stdout);

        }						/*  END # 150  */

         *	   (void)printf("Finished loop.\n");
         *	   (void)fflush(stdout);

        for (i=0; i<numreg; i++)
            /*  START # 160  */
            /*  Write region names to output file.  */
            (void)fprintf(fpw, "Region %d:  %s\n", (i+1), info[i].name);

            /*  Find shape factors & print.  */
            if (info[i].lvrays == 0)
                /*  START # 1060  */
                (void)fprintf(fpw1, "**  ERROR - # or rays hitting region ");
                (void)fprintf(fpw1, "%d is 0.  **\n", i);
            }						/*  END # 1060  */

                /*  START # 1070  */
                /*  Must divide by 2. since looking forwards & backwards.  */
                info[i].regarea = info[i].lvrays / rayfir * areaall / 2.;
                for (j=0; j<numreg; j++)
                    /*  START # 1080  */
                    info[i].sf[j] = info[i].intrays[j] / info[i].lvrays;
                    (void)fprintf(fpw, "\t%d   %d   %f\n",
                                  (i + 1), (j + 1), info[i].sf[j]);

                    (void)fprintf(fpw1, "reg %d - reg %d - rays leave ",
                                  (i + 1), (j + 1));
                    (void)fprintf(fpw1, "& int %f - rays leave %f ",
                                  info[i].intrays[j], info[i].lvrays);
                    (void)fprintf(fpw1, "- sf %f - area %f\n",
                                  info[i].sf[j], info[i].regarea);
                }					/*  END # 1080  */
            }						/*  END # 1070  */
        }						/*  END # 160  */

        /*  Write lwx file.  */
        (void)fprintf(fpw2, "Longwave Radiation Exchange Factors ");
        (void)fprintf(fpw2, "for %s\n", argv[1]);
        (void)fprintf(fpw2, "Number of Regions = %4d\n", numreg);
        (void)fprintf(fpw2, "TEMIS\n\n");

        for (i=0; i<numreg; i++)
            /*  START # 1090  */
            (void)fprintf(fpw2, "Region\tArea\tEmissivity\n");
            /*  Area is put into square meters.  */
            (void)fprintf(fpw2, "%d\t%f\n", (i + 1),
                          (info[i].regarea / 1000. / 1000.));

            /*  Count the number of shape factors.  */
            k = 0;
            for (j=0; j<numreg; j++)
                if (info[i].sf[j] != 0.) k++;
            (void)fprintf(fpw2, "Bij\t%d\n", k);

            /*  Print shape factors.  */
            m = 0;
            for (j=0; j<numreg; j++)
                /*  START # 1100  */
                if (info[i].sf[j] != 0.)
                    /*  START # 1110  */
                    (void)fprintf(fpw2, "%4d   %.4f   ", (j + 1),
                    if (m == 5)
                        /*  START # 1120  */
                        m = 0;
                        (void)fprintf(fpw2, "\n");
                    }				/*  END # 1120  */
                }					/*  END # 1110  */
            }					/*  END # 1100  */
            if (m != 0) (void)fprintf(fpw2, "\n");
            (void)fprintf(fpw2, " Gnd         Sky\n\n");
        }						/*  END # 1090  */

        /* free memory */
        for (i=0; i<numreg; i++)
            bu_free(info[i].intrays, "info[i].intrays");
            bu_free(info[i].sf, "info[i].sf");
        bu_free(info, "info");

        /*  Close files.  */
    }							/*  END # 100  */
    return 0;
}							/*  END # 99  */
예제 #21
파일: extrude.c 프로젝트: cogitokat/brlcad
extrude(int entityno)

    fastf_t length;			/* extrusion length */
    vect_t edir;			/* a unit vector (direction of extrusion */
    vect_t evect;			/* Scaled vector for extrusion */
    int sol_num;		/* IGES solid type number */
    int curve;			/* pointer to directory entry for base curve */
    struct ptlist *curv_pts;		/* List of points along curve */
    int i;

    /* Default values */
    VSET(edir, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0);

    /* Acquiring Data */

    if (dir[entityno]->param <= pstart) {
	bu_log("Illegal parameter pointer for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
	       dir[entityno]->direct, dir[entityno]->name);
	return 0;
    Readint(&sol_num, "");

    /* Read pointer to directory entry for curve to be extruded */

    Readint(&curve, "");

    /* Convert this to a "dir" index */

    curve = (curve-1)/2;

    Readcnv(&length, "");
    Readflt(&edir[X], "");
    Readflt(&edir[Y], "");
    Readflt(&edir[Z], "");

    if (length <= 0.0) {
	bu_log("Illegal parameters for entity D%07d (%s)\n" ,
	       dir[entityno]->direct, dir[entityno]->name);
	return 0;

     * Unitize direction vector


    /* Scale vector */

    VSCALE(evect, edir, length);

    /* Switch based on type of curve to be extruded */

    switch (dir[curve]->type) {
	case 100:	/* circular arc */
	    return Extrudcirc(entityno, curve, evect);
	case 104:	/* conic arc */
	    return Extrudcon(entityno, curve, evect);
	case 102:	/* composite curve */
	case 106:	/* copius data */
	case 112:	/* parametric spline */
	case 126: {
	    /* B-spline */
	    int npts;
	    struct model *m;
	    struct nmgregion *r;
	    struct shell *s;
	    struct faceuse *fu;
	    struct loopuse *lu;
	    struct edgeuse *eu;
	    struct ptlist *pt_ptr;

	    npts = Getcurve(curve, &curv_pts);
	    if (npts < 3)
		return 0;

	    m = nmg_mm();
	    r = nmg_mrsv(m);
	    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);

	    fu = nmg_cface(s, (struct vertex **)NULL, npts-1);
	    pt_ptr = curv_pts;
	    lu = BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &fu->lu_hd);
	    for (BU_LIST_FOR(eu, edgeuse, &lu->down_hd)) {
		struct vertex *v;

		v = eu->vu_p->v_p;
		nmg_vertex_gv(v, pt_ptr->pt);
		pt_ptr = pt_ptr->next;

	    if (nmg_calc_face_g(fu)) {
		bu_log("Extrude: Failed to calculate face geometry\n");
		bu_free((char *)curv_pts, "curve_pts");
		return 0;

	    if (nmg_extrude_face(fu, evect, &tol)) {
		bu_log("Extrude: extrusion failed\n");
		bu_free((char *)curv_pts, "curve_pts");
		return 0;

	    mk_bot_from_nmg(fdout, dir[entityno]->name, s);
	    bu_free((char *)curv_pts, "curve_pts");

	    return 1;
	    i = (-1);
	    while (dir[curve]->type != typecount[++i].type && i < ntypes);
	    bu_log("Extrusions of %s are not allowed\n", typecount[i].name);
    return 0;

예제 #22
파일: nmg_copy.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
static struct loopuse *
nmg_construct_loopuse(void *parent, const struct loopuse *original, void **structArray)
    struct loopuse *ret;

    NMG_GETSTRUCT(ret, loopuse);

    ret->l.magic     = NMG_LOOPUSE_MAGIC;
    ret->up.magic_p  = (uint32_t *)parent;
    ret->lumate_p    = (struct loopuse *)NULL;
    ret->orientation = original->orientation;
    ret->l_p         = (struct loop *)NULL;


    ret->index              = original->index;
    structArray[ret->index] = ret;

    if (original->lumate_p != NULL) {
	ret->lumate_p = (struct loopuse *)structArray[original->lumate_p->index];

	/* because it's tricky to choose the right parent for the mate
	 * wait until it's created and set eumate_p afterwards
	if (ret->lumate_p != NULL)
	    ret->lumate_p->lumate_p = ret;

    if (original->l_p != NULL) {
	ret->l_p = (struct loop *)structArray[original->l_p->index];

	if (ret->l_p == 0)
	    ret->l_p = nmg_construct_loop(ret, original->l_p, structArray);

    switch (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&original->down_hd)) {
	    const struct vertexuse *originalVertexUse = BU_LIST_FIRST(vertexuse, &original->down_hd);
	    struct vertexuse       *newVertexUse      = (struct vertexuse *)structArray[originalVertexUse->index];

	    if (newVertexUse == NULL)
		newVertexUse = nmg_construct_vertexuse(ret, originalVertexUse, structArray);

	    BU_LIST_INSERT(&ret->down_hd, &newVertexUse->l);
	    const struct edgeuse *originalEdgeUse;
	    for (BU_LIST_FOR(originalEdgeUse, edgeuse, &original->down_hd)) {
		struct edgeuse *newEdgeUse = (struct edgeuse *)structArray[originalEdgeUse->index];
		if (newEdgeUse == NULL)
		    newEdgeUse = nmg_construct_edgeuse(ret, originalEdgeUse, structArray);
		BU_LIST_INSERT(&ret->down_hd, &newEdgeUse->l);
	    /* FIXME: any more cases? any action to take? */

    return ret;
예제 #23
파일: poly.c 프로젝트: cogitokat/brlcad
 * R T _ P G _ T E S S
rt_pg_tess(struct nmgregion **r, struct model *m, struct rt_db_internal *ip, const struct rt_tess_tol *UNUSED(ttol), const struct bn_tol *tol)
    size_t i;
    struct shell *s;
    struct vertex **verts;	/* dynamic array of pointers */
    struct vertex ***vertp;/* dynamic array of ptrs to pointers */
    struct faceuse *fu;
    size_t p;	/* current polygon number */
    struct rt_pg_internal *pgp;

    pgp = (struct rt_pg_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

    *r = nmg_mrsv(m);	/* Make region, empty shell, vertex */
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &(*r)->s_hd);

    verts = (struct vertex **)bu_malloc(
	pgp->max_npts * sizeof(struct vertex *), "pg_tess verts[]");
    vertp = (struct vertex ***)bu_malloc(
	pgp->max_npts * sizeof(struct vertex **), "pg_tess vertp[]");
    for (i=0; i < pgp->max_npts; i++)
	vertp[i] = &verts[i];

    for (p = 0; p < pgp->npoly; p++) {
	struct rt_pg_face_internal *pp;

	pp = &pgp->poly[p];

	/* Locate these points, if previously mentioned */
	for (i=0; i < pp->npts; i++) {
	    verts[i] = nmg_find_pt_in_shell(s,
					    &pp->verts[3*i], tol);

	/* Construct the face.  Verts should be in CCW order */
	if ((fu = nmg_cmface(s, vertp, pp->npts)) == (struct faceuse *)0) {
	    bu_log("rt_pg_tess() nmg_cmface failed, skipping face %zu\n",

	/* Associate vertex geometry, where none existed before */
	for (i=0; i < pp->npts; i++) {
	    if (verts[i]->vg_p) continue;
	    nmg_vertex_gv(verts[i], &pp->verts[3*i]);

	/* Associate face geometry */
	if (nmg_calc_face_g(fu)) {
	    nmg_pr_fu_briefly(fu, "");
	    bu_free((char *)verts, "pg_tess verts[]");
	    bu_free((char *)vertp, "pg_tess vertp[]");
	    return -1;			/* FAIL */

    /* Compute "geometry" for region and shell */
    nmg_region_a(*r, tol);

    /* Polysolids are often built with incorrect face normals.
     * Don't depend on them here.
    nmg_fix_normals(s, tol);
    bu_free((char *)verts, "pg_tess verts[]");
    bu_free((char *)vertp, "pg_tess vertp[]");

    return 0;		/* OK */
예제 #24
파일: g-euclid.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
 *  Called from db_walk_tree().
 *  This routine must be prepared to run in parallel.
union tree *
do_region_end(struct db_tree_state *tsp, const struct db_full_path *pathp, union tree *curtree, void *UNUSED(client_data))
    struct nmgregion	*r;
    struct bu_list	vhead;
    union tree		*ret_tree;

    if (verbose)
	bu_log("do_region_end: regionid = %d\n", tsp->ts_regionid);



    if (RT_G_DEBUG&DEBUG_TREEWALK || verbose) {
	char	*sofar = db_path_to_string(pathp);
	bu_log("\ndo_region_end(%d %d%%) %s\n",
	       regions_tried>0 ? (regions_converted * 100) / regions_tried : 0,
	bu_free(sofar, "path string");

    if (curtree->tr_op == OP_NOP)
	return curtree;


    if (verbose)
	bu_log("\tEvaluating region\n");

    ret_tree = process_boolean(curtree, tsp, pathp);

    if (ret_tree)
	r = ret_tree->tr_d.td_r;
	r = (struct nmgregion *)NULL;

    if (r != (struct nmgregion *)NULL) {
	struct shell *s;
	int empty_region = 0;
	int empty_model = 0;

	/* Kill cracks */
	s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);
	while (BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD(&s->l, &r->s_hd)) {
	    struct shell *next_s;

	    next_s = BU_LIST_PNEXT(shell, &s->l);
	    if (nmg_kill_cracks(s)) {
		if (nmg_ks(s)) {
		    empty_region = 1;
	    s = next_s;

	/* kill zero length edgeuses */
	if (!empty_region) {
	    empty_model = nmg_kill_zero_length_edgeuses(*tsp->ts_m);

	if (!empty_region && !empty_model) {
	    /* Write the region to the EUCLID file */
	    Write_euclid_region(r, tsp);

	if (!empty_model)

     *  Dispose of original tree, so that all associated dynamic
     *  memory is released now, not at the end of all regions.
     *  A return of TREE_NULL from this routine signals an error,
     *  so we need to cons up an OP_NOP node to return.
    db_free_tree(curtree, &rt_uniresource);		/* Does an nmg_kr() */

    BU_ALLOC(curtree, union tree);
    curtree->tr_op = OP_NOP;
    return curtree;
예제 #25
main(int argc, char **argv)
    int	n;

    if (argc < 2)  {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s", srv_usage);
	return 1;
    while (argv[1][0] == '-')  {
	if (BU_STR_EQUAL(argv[1], "-d"))  {
	} else if (BU_STR_EQUAL(argv[1], "-x"))  {
	    sscanf(argv[2], "%x", (unsigned int *)&RTG.debug);
	    argc--; argv++;
	} else if (BU_STR_EQUAL(argv[1], "-X"))  {
	    sscanf(argv[2], "%x", (unsigned int *)&rdebug);
	    argc--; argv++;
	} else {
	    fprintf(stderr, "%s", srv_usage);
	    return 3;
	argc--; argv++;
    if (argc != 3 && argc != 4)  {
	fprintf(stderr, "%s", srv_usage);
	return 2;

    control_host = argv[1];
    tcp_port = argv[2];

    /* Note that the LIBPKG error logger can not be
     * "bu_log", as that can cause bu_log to be entered recursively.
     * Given the special version of bu_log in use here,
     * that will result in a deadlock in bu_semaphore_acquire(res_syscall)!
     *  libpkg will default to stderr via pkg_errlog(), which is fine.
    pcsrv = pkg_open(control_host, tcp_port, "tcp", "", "",
		      pkgswitch, NULL);
    if (pcsrv == PKC_ERROR)  {
	fprintf(stderr, "rtsrv: unable to contact %s, port %s\n",
		control_host, tcp_port);
	return 1;

    if (argc == 4)  {
	/* Slip one command to dispatcher */
	(void)pkg_send(MSG_CMD, argv[3], strlen(argv[3])+1, pcsrv);

	/* Prevent chasing the package with an immediate TCP close */

	return 0;

#ifdef SO_SNDBUF
    /* increase the default send buffer size to 32k since we're
     * sending pixels more than likely.
	int val = 32767;
	n = setsockopt(pcsrv->pkc_fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDBUF, (const void *)&val, sizeof(val));
	if (n < 0)  perror("setsockopt: SO_SNDBUF");

    if (!debug)  {
	/* A fresh process */
	if (fork())
	    return 0;

	/* Go into our own process group */
	n = bu_process_id();

	if (setpgid(n, n) < 0)
	/* SysV uses setpgrp with no args and it can't fail,
	 * obsoleted by setpgid.

	 *  Unless controller process has specifically said
	 *  that this is an interactive session, e.g., for a demo,
	 *  drop to the lowest sensible priority.
	if (!interactive)  {
	    bu_nice_set(19);		/* lowest priority */

	/* Close off the world */


	/* For stdio & perror safety, reopen 0, 1, 2 */
	(void)open("/dev/null", 0);	/* to fd 0 */
	n = dup(0);			/* to fd 1 */
	if (n == -1)
	n = dup(0);			/* to fd 2 */
	if (n == -1)

#if defined(HAVE_SYS_IOCTL_H) && defined(TIOCNOTTY)
	n = open("/dev/tty", 2);
	if (n >= 0) {
	    (void)ioctl(n, TIOCNOTTY, 0);

    /* Send our version string */
    if (pkg_send(MSG_VERSION,
		   PROTOCOL_VERSION, strlen(PROTOCOL_VERSION)+1, pcsrv) < 0)  {
	fprintf(stderr, "pkg_send MSG_VERSION error\n");
	return 1;
    if (debug)  fprintf(stderr, "PROTOCOL_VERSION='%s'\n", PROTOCOL_VERSION);

     *  Now that the fork() has been done, it is safe to initialize
     *  the parallel processing support.

    avail_cpus = bu_avail_cpus();

    /* Need to set rtg_parallel non_zero here for RES_INIT to work */
    npsw = avail_cpus;
    if (npsw > 1)  {
	RTG.rtg_parallel = 1;
    } else
	RTG.rtg_parallel = 0;

    bu_log("using %d of %d cpus\n",
	   npsw, avail_cpus);

     *  Initialize the non-parallel memory resource.
     *  The parallel guys are initialized after the rt_dirbuild().
    rt_init_resource(&rt_uniresource, MAX_PSW, NULL);
    bn_rand_init(rt_uniresource.re_randptr, MAX_PSW);


    for (;;)  {
	struct pkg_queue	*lp;
	fd_set ifds;
	struct timeval tv;

	/* First, process any packages in library buffers */
	if (pkg_process(pcsrv) < 0)  {
	    bu_log("pkg_get error\n");

	/* Second, see if any input to read */
	FD_SET(pcsrv->pkc_fd, &ifds);
	tv.tv_sec = BU_LIST_NON_EMPTY(&WorkHead) ? 0L : 9999L;
	tv.tv_usec = 0L;

	if (select(pcsrv->pkc_fd+1, &ifds, (fd_set *)0, (fd_set *)0,
		    &tv) != 0)  {
	    n = pkg_suckin(pcsrv);
	    if (n < 0)  {
		bu_log("pkg_suckin error\n");
	    } else if (n == 0)  {
		/* EOF detected */
	    } else {
		/* All is well */

	/* Third, process any new packages in library buffers */
	if (pkg_process(pcsrv) < 0)  {
	    bu_log("pkg_get error\n");

	/* Finally, more work may have just arrived, check our list */
	if (BU_LIST_NON_EMPTY(&WorkHead))  {
	    lp = BU_LIST_FIRST(pkg_queue, &WorkHead);
	    switch (lp->type)  {
		case MSG_MATRIX:
		    ph_matrix((struct pkg_conn *)0, lp->buf);
		case MSG_LINES:
		    ph_lines((struct pkg_conn *)0, lp->buf);
		    ph_options((struct pkg_conn *)0, lp->buf);
		    ph_gettrees((struct pkg_conn *)0, lp->buf);
		    bu_log("bad list element, type=%d\n", lp->type);
		    return 33;
	    BU_PUT(lp, struct pkg_queue);

    return 0;		/* bu_exit(0, NULL) */
예제 #26
union tree *
nmg_region_end(struct db_tree_state *tsp, const struct db_full_path *pathp, union tree *curtree, void *UNUSED(client_data))
    struct nmgregion	*r;
    struct bu_list		vhead;
    union tree		*ret_tree;
    char			*name;



    if (RT_G_DEBUG&DEBUG_TREEWALK || verbose) {
	bu_log("\nConverted %d%% so far (%d of %d)\n",
	       regions_tried>0 ? (regions_converted * 100) / regions_tried : 0,
	       regions_converted, regions_tried );

    if (curtree->tr_op == OP_NOP)
	return curtree;

    name = db_path_to_string( pathp );
    bu_log( "Attempting %s\n", name );


    ret_tree = process_boolean(curtree, tsp, pathp);

    if ( ret_tree )
	r = ret_tree->tr_d.td_r;
	r = (struct nmgregion *)NULL;

    bu_free( name, "db_path_to_string" );
    if (r != (struct nmgregion *)NULL)
	struct shell *s;
	int empty_region=0;
	int empty_model=0;

	/* Kill cracks */
	s = BU_LIST_FIRST( shell, &r->s_hd );
	while ( BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD( &s->l, &r->s_hd ) )
	    struct shell *next_s;

	    next_s = BU_LIST_PNEXT( shell, &s->l );
	    if ( nmg_kill_cracks( s ) )
		if ( nmg_ks( s ) )
		    empty_region = 1;
	    s = next_s;

	/* kill zero length edgeuses */
	if ( !empty_region )
	    empty_model = nmg_kill_zero_length_edgeuses( *tsp->ts_m );

	if ( !empty_region && !empty_model )
	    /* Write the nmgregion to the output file */
	    nmg_2_vrml( outfp, pathp, r->m_p, &tsp->ts_mater );

	/* NMG region is no longer necessary */
	if ( !empty_model )

	bu_log( "WARNING: Nothing left after Boolean evaluation of %s\n",
		db_path_to_string( pathp ) );

     *  Dispose of original tree, so that all associated dynamic
     *  memory is released now, not at the end of all regions.
     *  A return of TREE_NULL from this routine signals an error,
     *  so we need to cons up an OP_NOP node to return.
    db_free_tree(curtree, &rt_uniresource);		/* Does an nmg_kr() */

    BU_ALLOC(curtree, union tree);
    curtree->tr_op = OP_NOP;
    return curtree;
예제 #27
파일: nastran-g.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
    int pid;
    int g1, g2, g3;
    int gin1, gin2, gin3;
    point_t pt1, pt2, pt3;
    struct vertex **v[3];
    struct faceuse *fu;
    struct shell *s;
    struct pshell *psh;
    int pid_index=0;

    pid = atoi(curr_rec[2]);

    pid_index = get_pid_index(pid);

    g1 = atoi(curr_rec[3]);

    g2 = atoi(curr_rec[4]);

    g3 = atoi(curr_rec[5]);

    gin1 = get_gridi(g1);
    gin2 = get_gridi(g2);
    gin3 = get_gridi(g3);

    v[0] = &g_pts[gin1].v[pid_index];
    v[1] = &g_pts[gin2].v[pid_index];
    v[2] = &g_pts[gin3].v[pid_index];

    VSCALE(pt1, g_pts[gin1].pt, conv[units]);
    VSCALE(pt2, g_pts[gin2].pt, conv[units]);
    VSCALE(pt3, g_pts[gin3].pt, conv[units]);

    if (!nmg_model && !pid) {
	struct nmgregion *r;

	nmg_model = nmg_mm();
	r = nmg_mrsv(nmg_model);
	nmg_shell = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);

    if (!pid)
	s = nmg_shell;
    else {
	int found=0;

	/* find pshell entry for this pid */
	for (BU_LIST_FOR(psh, pshell, &pshell_head.l)) {
	    if (psh->pid == pid) {
		found = 1;

	if (!found) {
	    bu_log("Cannot find PSHELL entry for a CTRIA3 element (ignoring)!\n");

	if (psh->s)
	    s = psh->s;
	else {
	    struct model *m;
	    struct nmgregion *r;

	    m = nmg_mm();
	    r = nmg_mrsv(m);
	    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);
	    psh->s = s;

    fu = nmg_cmface(s, v, 3);

    if (!g_pts[gin1].v[pid_index]->vg_p)
	nmg_vertex_gv(g_pts[gin1].v[pid_index], pt1);
    if (!g_pts[gin2].v[pid_index]->vg_p)
	nmg_vertex_gv(g_pts[gin2].v[pid_index], pt2);
    if (!g_pts[gin3].v[pid_index]->vg_p)
	nmg_vertex_gv(g_pts[gin3].v[pid_index], pt3);

예제 #28
process_non_light(struct model *m) {
    /* static due to bu exception handling */
    static struct shell *s;
    static struct shell *next_s;
    static struct faceuse *fu;
    static struct faceuse *next_fu;
    static struct loopuse *lu;
    static struct nmgregion *reg;

    /* triangulate any faceuses with holes */
    for ( BU_LIST_FOR( reg, nmgregion, &m->r_hd ) )
	NMG_CK_REGION( reg );
	s = BU_LIST_FIRST( shell, &reg->s_hd );
	while ( BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD( s, &reg->s_hd ) )
	    NMG_CK_SHELL( s );
	    next_s = BU_LIST_PNEXT( shell, &s->l );
	    fu = BU_LIST_FIRST( faceuse, &s->fu_hd );
	    while ( BU_LIST_NOT_HEAD( &fu->l, &s->fu_hd ) )
		int shell_is_dead=0;


		next_fu = BU_LIST_PNEXT( faceuse, &fu->l );

		if ( fu->orientation != OT_SAME )
		    fu = next_fu;

		if ( fu->fumate_p == next_fu )
		    /* make sure next_fu is not the mate of fu */
		    next_fu = BU_LIST_PNEXT( faceuse, &next_fu->l );

		/* check if this faceuse has any holes */
		for ( BU_LIST_FOR( lu, loopuse, &fu->lu_hd ) )
		    NMG_CK_LOOPUSE( lu );
		    if ( lu->orientation == OT_OPPOSITE )
			/* this is a hole, so
			 * triangulate the faceuse
			if ( !BU_SETJUMP )
			    /* try */
			    if ( nmg_triangulate_fu( fu, &tol ) )
				if ( nmg_kfu( fu ) )
				    (void) nmg_ks( s );
				    shell_is_dead = 1;

			} else {
			    /* catch */
			    bu_log( "A face has failed triangulation!\n" );
			    if ( next_fu == fu->fumate_p )
				next_fu = BU_LIST_PNEXT( faceuse, &next_fu->l );
			    if ( nmg_kfu( fu ) )
				(void) nmg_ks( s );
				shell_is_dead = 1;

		if ( shell_is_dead )
		fu = next_fu;
	    s = next_s;
예제 #29
 * Default keypoint in model space is established in "pt". Returns
 * GED_ERROR if unable to determine a keypoint, otherwise returns
 * GED_OK.
_ged_get_solid_keypoint(struct ged *const gedp,
			fastf_t *const pt,
			const struct rt_db_internal *const ip,
			const fastf_t *const mat)
    point_t mpt;


    switch (ip->idb_type) {
	case ID_CLINE:
		struct rt_cline_internal *cli =
		    (struct rt_cline_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;


		VMOVE(mpt, cli->v);
		struct rt_part_internal *part =
		    (struct rt_part_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;


		VMOVE(mpt, part->part_V);
	case ID_PIPE:
		struct rt_pipe_internal *pipeip;
		struct wdb_pipept *pipe_seg;

		pipeip = (struct rt_pipe_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;


		pipe_seg = BU_LIST_FIRST(wdb_pipept, &pipeip->pipe_segs_head);
		VMOVE(mpt, pipe_seg->pp_coord);
		struct rt_metaball_internal *metaball =
		    (struct rt_metaball_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
		struct wdb_metaballpt *metaballpt;


		VSETALL(mpt, 0.0);
		metaballpt = BU_LIST_FIRST(wdb_metaballpt,
		VMOVE(mpt, metaballpt->coord);
	case ID_ARBN:
		struct rt_arbn_internal *arbn =
		    (struct rt_arbn_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
		size_t i, j, k;
		int good_vert = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < arbn->neqn; i++) {
		    for (j = i + 1; j < arbn->neqn; j++) {
			for (k = j + 1; k < arbn->neqn; k++) {
			    if (!bn_mkpoint_3planes(mpt, arbn->eqn[i],
						    arbn->eqn[k])) {
				size_t l;

				good_vert = 1;
				for (l = 0; l < arbn->neqn; l++) {
				    if (l == i || l == j || l == k)

				    if (DIST_PT_PLANE(mpt,
					arbn->eqn[l]) >
					gedp->ged_wdbp->wdb_tol.dist) {
					good_vert = 0;

				if (good_vert)
			if (good_vert)
		    if (good_vert)

	case ID_EBM:
		struct rt_ebm_internal *ebm =
		    (struct rt_ebm_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
		point_t pnt;


		VSETALL(pnt, 0.0);
		MAT4X3PNT(mpt, ebm->mat, pnt);
	case ID_BOT:
		struct rt_bot_internal *bot =
		    (struct rt_bot_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		    VMOVE(mpt, bot->vertices);
	case ID_DSP:
		struct rt_dsp_internal *dsp =
		    (struct rt_dsp_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
		point_t pnt;


		VSETALL(pnt, 0.0);
		MAT4X3PNT(mpt, dsp->dsp_stom, pnt);
	case ID_HF:
		struct rt_hf_internal *hf =
		    (struct rt_hf_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;


		VMOVE(mpt, hf->v);
	case ID_VOL:
		struct rt_vol_internal *vol =
		    (struct rt_vol_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
		point_t pnt;


		VSETALL(pnt, 0.0);
		MAT4X3PNT(mpt, vol->mat, pnt);
	case ID_HALF:
		struct rt_half_internal *haf =
		    (struct rt_half_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VSCALE(mpt, haf->eqn, haf->eqn[H]);
	case ID_ARB8:
		struct rt_arb_internal *arb =
		    (struct rt_arb_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, arb->pt[0]);
	case ID_ELL:
	case ID_SPH:
		struct rt_ell_internal *ell =
		    (struct rt_ell_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, ell->v);
		struct rt_superell_internal *superell =
		    (struct rt_superell_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, superell->v);
	case ID_TOR:
		struct rt_tor_internal *tor =
		    (struct rt_tor_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, tor->v);
	case ID_TGC:
	case ID_REC:
		struct rt_tgc_internal *tgc =
		    (struct rt_tgc_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, tgc->v);
	case ID_GRIP:
		struct rt_grip_internal *gip =
		    (struct rt_grip_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;
		VMOVE(mpt, gip->center);
	case ID_ARS:
		struct rt_ars_internal *ars =
		    (struct rt_ars_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, &ars->curves[0][0]);
	case ID_RPC:
		struct rt_rpc_internal *rpc =
		    (struct rt_rpc_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, rpc->rpc_V);
	case ID_RHC:
		struct rt_rhc_internal *rhc =
		    (struct rt_rhc_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, rhc->rhc_V);
	case ID_EPA:
		struct rt_epa_internal *epa =
		    (struct rt_epa_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, epa->epa_V);
	case ID_EHY:
		struct rt_ehy_internal *ehy =
		    (struct rt_ehy_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, ehy->ehy_V);
	case ID_HYP:
		struct rt_hyp_internal *hyp =
		    (struct rt_hyp_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, hyp->hyp_Vi);
	case ID_ETO:
		struct rt_eto_internal *eto =
		    (struct rt_eto_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, eto->eto_V);
	case ID_POLY:
		struct rt_pg_face_internal *_poly;
		struct rt_pg_internal *pg =
		    (struct rt_pg_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		_poly = pg->poly;
		VMOVE(mpt, _poly->verts);
	case ID_SKETCH:
		struct rt_sketch_internal *skt =
		    (struct rt_sketch_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		VMOVE(mpt, skt->V);
		struct rt_extrude_internal *extr =
		    (struct rt_extrude_internal *)ip->idb_ptr;

		if (extr->skt && extr->skt->verts) {
		    VJOIN2(mpt, extr->V, extr->skt->verts[0][0], extr->u_vec,
			   extr->skt->verts[0][1], extr->v_vec);
		} else {
		    VMOVE(mpt, extr->V);
	case ID_NMG:
		struct vertex *v;
		struct vertexuse *vu;
		struct edgeuse *eu;
		struct loopuse *lu;
		struct faceuse *fu;
		struct shell *s;
		struct nmgregion *r;
		struct model *m =
		    (struct model *) ip->idb_ptr;

		/* set default first */
		VSETALL(mpt, 0.0);

		if (BU_LIST_IS_EMPTY(&m->r_hd))

		r = BU_LIST_FIRST(nmgregion, &m->r_hd);
		if (!r)

		if (BU_LIST_IS_EMPTY(&r->s_hd))

		s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);
		if (!s)

		if (BU_LIST_IS_EMPTY(&s->fu_hd))
		    fu = (struct faceuse *)NULL;
		    fu = BU_LIST_FIRST(faceuse, &s->fu_hd);
		if (fu) {
		    lu = BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &fu->lu_hd);
		    if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) == NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC) {
			eu = BU_LIST_FIRST(edgeuse, &lu->down_hd);
			v = eu->vu_p->v_p;
		    } else {
			vu = BU_LIST_FIRST(vertexuse, &lu->down_hd);
			v = vu->v_p;
		    if (!v->vg_p)
		    VMOVE(mpt, v->vg_p->coord);
		if (BU_LIST_IS_EMPTY(&s->lu_hd))
		    lu = (struct loopuse *)NULL;
		    lu = BU_LIST_FIRST(loopuse, &s->lu_hd);
		if (lu) {
		    if (BU_LIST_FIRST_MAGIC(&lu->down_hd) == NMG_EDGEUSE_MAGIC) {
			eu = BU_LIST_FIRST(edgeuse, &lu->down_hd);
			v = eu->vu_p->v_p;
		    } else {
			vu = BU_LIST_FIRST(vertexuse, &lu->down_hd);
			v = vu->v_p;
		    if (!v->vg_p)
		    VMOVE(mpt, v->vg_p->coord);
		if (BU_LIST_IS_EMPTY(&s->eu_hd))
		    eu = (struct edgeuse *)NULL;
		    eu = BU_LIST_FIRST(edgeuse, &s->eu_hd);
		if (eu) {
		    v = eu->vu_p->v_p;
		    if (!v->vg_p)
		    VMOVE(mpt, v->vg_p->coord);
		vu = s->vu_p;
		if (vu) {
		    v = vu->v_p;
		    if (!v->vg_p)
		    VMOVE(mpt, v->vg_p->coord);
	    VSETALL(mpt, 0.0);
			  "get_solid_keypoint: unrecognized solid type");
	    return GED_ERROR;
    MAT4X3PNT(pt, mat, mpt);
    return GED_OK;
예제 #30
파일: off-g.c 프로젝트: kanzure/brlcad
int read_faces(struct model *m, FILE *fgeom)
    int 		   nverts, nfaces, nedges;
    int 	   i, j, fail=0;
    fastf_t 	  *pts;
    struct vertex 	 **verts;
    struct faceuse 	 **outfaceuses;
    struct nmgregion  *r;
    struct shell 	  *s;
    size_t ret;

    /* Get numbers of vertices and faces, and grab the appropriate amount of memory */
    if (fscanf(fgeom, "%d %d %d", &nverts, &nfaces, &nedges) != 3)
	bu_exit(1, "Cannot read number of vertices, faces, edges.\n");

    pts = (fastf_t *) bu_malloc(sizeof(fastf_t) * 3 * nverts, "points list");
    verts = (struct vertex **) bu_malloc(sizeof(struct vertex *) * nverts, "vertices");
    outfaceuses = (struct faceuse **) bu_malloc(sizeof(struct faceuse *) * nfaces, "faceuses");

    /* Read in vertex geometry, store in geometry list */
    for (i = 0; i < nverts; i++) {
	double scan[3];
	if (fscanf(fgeom, "%lf %lf %lf", &scan[0], &scan[1], &scan[2]) != 3) {
	    bu_exit(1, "Not enough data points in geometry file.\n");
	pts[3*i] = scan[0];
	pts[3*i+1] = scan[1];
	pts[3*i+2] = scan[2];

	verts[i] = (struct vertex *) 0;
	ret = fscanf(fgeom, "%*[^\n]");
	if (ret > 0)
	    bu_log("unknown parsing error\n");

    r = nmg_mrsv(m);		/* Make region, empty shell, vertex. */
    s = BU_LIST_FIRST(shell, &r->s_hd);

    for (i = 0; i < nfaces; i++) {
	/* Read in each of the faces */
	struct vertex **vlist;
	int *pinds;

	if (fscanf(fgeom, "%d", &nedges) != 1) {
	    bu_exit(1, "Not enough faces in geometry file.\n");
	/* Grab memory for list for this face. */
	vlist = (struct vertex **) bu_malloc(sizeof(struct vertex *) * nedges, "vertex list");
	pinds = (int *) bu_malloc(sizeof(int) * nedges, "point indices");

	for (j = 0; j < nedges; j++) {
	    /* Read list of point indices. */
	    if (fscanf(fgeom, "%d", &pinds[j]) != 1) {
		bu_exit(1, "Not enough points on face.\n");
	    vlist[j] = verts[pinds[j]-1];

	outfaceuses[i] = nmg_cface(s, vlist, nedges);	/* Create face. */

	for (j = 0; j < nedges; j++)		/* Save (possibly) newly created vertex structs. */
	    verts[pinds[j]-1] = vlist[j];

	ret = fscanf(fgeom, "%*[^\n]");
	if (ret > 0)
	    bu_log("unknown parsing error\n");

	bu_free((char *)vlist, "vertext list");
	bu_free((char *)pinds, "point indices");

    for (i = 0; i < nverts; i++)
	if (verts[i] != 0)
	    nmg_vertex_gv(verts[i], &pts[3*i]);
	    fprintf(stderr, "Warning: vertex %d unused.\n", i+1);

    for (i = 0; i < nfaces; i++) {
	plane_t pl;

	fprintf(stderr, "planeeqning face %d.\n", i);
	if ( nmg_loop_plane_area( BU_LIST_FIRST( loopuse, &outfaceuses[i]->lu_hd ), pl ) < 0.0 )
	    fail = 1;
	    nmg_face_g( outfaceuses[i], pl );


    if (fail) return -1;

    nmg_gluefaces(outfaceuses, nfaces, &tol);
    nmg_region_a(r, &tol);

    bu_free((char *)pts, "points list");
    return 0;