예제 #1
void USetupDefinition::DoUninstallSteps( FInstallPoll* Poll )

	// Handle all uninstall steps.
	UninstallTotal=0, UninstallCount=0;
	UninstallTree( TEXT("ProcessUninstallCountTotal"), Poll, ProcessUninstallCountTotal );
	UninstallTree( TEXT("ProcessUninstallRemove"),     Poll, ProcessUninstallRemove );
	TMultiMap<FString,FString>* Map = GConfig->GetSectionPrivate( TEXT("Setup"), 0, 0, *(DestPath * TEXT("System") * SETUP_INI) );
	for( TArray<USetupGroup*>::TIterator GroupIt(UninstallComponents); GroupIt; ++GroupIt )
		(*GroupIt)->UninstallLog = TMultiMap<FString,FString>();
		if( Map )
			Map->RemovePair( TEXT("Group"), (*GroupIt)->GetName() );

	// If reference counts exausted, delete unnecessary setup file so full directory can be removed.
	INT Refs=0;
	for( TMap<FString,FString>::TIterator It(RefCounts); It; ++It )
		Refs += appAtoi( *It.Value() );
	if( Refs==0 )
		GFileManager->Delete( *SetupIniFile );
		RemoveEmptyDirectory( *BasePath(SetupIniFile) );

예제 #2
void USetupDefinition::ProcessUninstallRemove( FString Key, FString Value, FInstallPoll* Poll )
	if( (Key==TEXT("File") || Key==TEXT("Delete")) && UpdateRefCount(*Key,*Value,-1)==0 )
		// Delete file; remove folder if empty.
		GFileManager->Delete( *(DestPath * Value) );
		RemoveEmptyDirectory( *BasePath(DestPath * Value) );
	else if( Key==TEXT("Folder") && UpdateRefCount(*Key,*Value,-1)==0 )
		// if folder is empty, remove it.
		RemoveEmptyDirectory( *(DestPath * Value) );
std::string paths::PathActors()
	return  BasePath() + "actors\\";;
std::string paths::PathSpriteSheets()
	return BasePath() + "spritesheets\\";
std::string paths::PathTilesets()
	return BasePath() + "tilesets\\";
std::string paths::PathMaps()
	return BasePath() + "tmx_maps\\";
예제 #7
void USetupDefinition::ProcessCopy( FString Key, FString Value, UBOOL Selected, FInstallPoll* Poll )
	BYTE Buffer[4096];
	if( Selected && Key==TEXT("File") )
		// Get source and dest filenames.
		FFileInfo Info(*Value);
		if( Info.Lang==TEXT("") || Info.Lang==UObject::GetLanguage() )
			if( Info.Dest==TEXT("") )
				Info.Dest = Info.Src;
			if( !LocateSourceFile(Info.Src) )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("MissingInstallerFile"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *Info.Src );
			FString FullDest  = DestPath * Info.Dest;
			FString FullSrc   = Info.Ref==TEXT("") ? Info.Src : GetFullRef(*Info.Ref);
			FString FullPatch = FullDest + TEXT("_tmp");

			// Update uninstallation log.
			UninstallLogAdd( TEXT("File"), *Info.Dest, 0, 1 );

			// Make destination directory.
			if( !GFileManager->MakeDirectory( *BasePath(FullDest), 1 ) )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedMakeDir"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );

			// Status display.
			if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,0,0,RunningBytes,TotalBytes) )

			// Copy SrcAr -> DestAr.
			INT CalcOldCRC = 0;
			FString ThisDest = Info.Ref==TEXT("") ? FullDest : FullPatch;
			debugf( TEXT("Copying %s to %s"), *FullSrc, *ThisDest);
			FArchive* SrcAr = GFileManager->CreateFileReader( *FullSrc );
			if( !SrcAr )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullSrc );
			INT Size = SrcAr->TotalSize();
			FArchive* DestAr = GFileManager->CreateFileWriter( *ThisDest, FILEWRITE_EvenIfReadOnly );
			if( !DestAr )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *ThisDest );

			if( FullSrc.Right(3).Caps() == TEXT(".UZ") && ThisDest.Right(3).Caps() != TEXT(".UZ"))
				INT Signature;
				FString OrigFilename;
				*SrcAr << Signature;
				if( Signature != 5678 )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenSource"), TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullSrc );
					*SrcAr << OrigFilename;
					FCodecFull Codec;
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecRLE);
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecBWT);
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecMTF);
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecRLE);
					Codec.AddCodec(new FCodecHuffman);
					Codec.Decode( *SrcAr, *DestAr );
					if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,Size,Size,RunningBytes+=Size,TotalBytes) )					{
						delete SrcAr;
						delete DestAr;
				for( SQWORD Pos=0; Pos<Size; Pos+=sizeof(Buffer) )
					INT Count = Min( Size-Pos, (SQWORD)sizeof(Buffer) );
					SrcAr->Serialize( Buffer, Count );
					if( SrcAr->IsError() )
						delete SrcAr;
						delete DestAr;
						LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedReadingSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *FullSrc );
					if( Info.Ref!=TEXT("") )
						CalcOldCRC = appMemCrc( Buffer, Count, CalcOldCRC );
					DestAr->Serialize( Buffer, Count );
					if( DestAr->IsError() )
						delete SrcAr;
						delete DestAr;
						LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedWritingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *ThisDest );
					if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,Pos,Size,RunningBytes+=Count,TotalBytes) )
						delete SrcAr;
						delete DestAr;
			delete SrcAr;
			if( !DestAr->Close() )
				LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedClosingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *ThisDest );
			delete DestAr;

			// Patch SrcAr + DeltaFile -> DestAr.
			if( Info.Ref!=TEXT("") )
				BYTE Buffer[4096];

				// Open files.
				FString ThisSrc = FullPatch;
				FArchive* SrcAr = GFileManager->CreateFileReader( *ThisSrc );
				if( !SrcAr )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadMedia"), *ThisSrc );
				INT Size = SrcAr->TotalSize();
				FArchive* DestAr = GFileManager->CreateFileWriter(*FullDest,FILEWRITE_EvenIfReadOnly);
				if( !DestAr )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedOpenDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );

				// Load delta file.
				TArray<BYTE> Delta;
				FString DeltaName = Info.Src;
				if( !appLoadFileToArray( Delta, *DeltaName ) )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedLoadingUpdate"), TEXT("AdviseBadDownload"), *Info.Src );
				debugf( TEXT("Patching %s to %s with %s"), *ThisSrc, *FullDest, *DeltaName );

				// Decompress variables.
				INT PrevSpot=0, CountSize=0, CRC=0;
				INT Magic=0, OldSize=0, OldCRC=0, NewSize=0, NewCRC;
				FBufferReader Reader( Delta );
				Reader << Magic << OldSize << OldCRC << NewSize << NewCRC;

				// Validate.
				if( Magic!=0x92f92912 )
					appErrorf( LineFormat(LocalizeError("PatchCorrupt")), *DeltaName, LocalizeError("AdviseBadDownload") );
				if( OldSize!=Size || OldCRC!=CalcOldCRC )
					appErrorf( LocalizeError("CdFileMismatch"), *Info.Ref, *LocalProduct );

				// Delta decode it.
				INT OldCountSize=0;
				while( !Reader.AtEnd() )
					INT Index;
					Reader << AR_INDEX(Index);
					if( Index<0 )
						CRC = appMemCrc( &Delta(Reader.Tell()), -Index, CRC );
						DestAr->Serialize( &Delta(Reader.Tell()), -Index );
						if( DestAr->IsError() )
							LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedWritingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );
						Reader.Seek( Reader.Tell() - Index );
						CountSize -= Index;
						INT CopyPos;
						Reader << AR_INDEX(CopyPos);
						CopyPos += PrevSpot;
						SrcAr->Seek( CopyPos );
						for( INT Base=Index; Base>0; Base-=sizeof(Buffer) )
							INT Move = Min(Base,(INT)sizeof(Buffer));
							SrcAr->Serialize( Buffer, Move );
							if( SrcAr->IsError() )
								LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedReadingSource"), Patch ? TEXT("AdviseBadDownload") : TEXT("AdviseBadDownload"), *ThisSrc );
							CRC = appMemCrc( Buffer, Move, CRC );
							DestAr->Serialize( Buffer, Move );
							if( DestAr->IsError() )
								LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedWritingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );
						CountSize += Index;
						PrevSpot = CopyPos + Index;
					if( ((CountSize^OldCountSize)&~(sizeof(Buffer)-1)) || Reader.AtEnd() )
						if( !Poll->Poll(*FullDest,CountSize,Info.Size,RunningBytes+=(CountSize-OldCountSize),TotalBytes) )
							delete SrcAr;
							delete DestAr;
						OldCountSize = CountSize;
				if( NewSize!=CountSize || NewCRC!=CRC )
					appErrorf( LineFormat(LocalizeError("PatchCorrupt")), *DeltaName, LocalizeError("AdviseBadDownload") );
				delete SrcAr;
				if( !DestAr->Close() )
					LocalizedFileError( TEXT("FailedClosingDest"), TEXT("AdviseBadDest"), *FullDest );
				delete DestAr;
				GFileManager->Delete( *ThisSrc );