예제 #1
CoupledFieldsElement :: giveInternalForcesVectorGen(FloatArray &answer, TimeStep *tStep, int useUpdatedGpRecord, 
    void (*Nfunc)(GaussPoint*, FloatMatrix), void (*Bfunc)(GaussPoint*, FloatMatrix, int, int), //(GaussPoint*, FloatMatrix)
    void (*NStressFunc)(GaussPoint*, FloatArray), void (*BStressFunc)(GaussPoint*, FloatArray),
    double (*dVFunc)(GaussPoint*))
    // General implementation of internal forces that computes
    // f = sum_gp( N^T*GenStress_N + B^T*GenStress_B ) * dV

    FloatArray NStress, BStress, vGenStress, NS, BS;
    FloatMatrix N, B;

    for ( int j = 0; j < this->giveNumberOfIntegrationRules(); j++ ) {
        for ( auto &gp: this->giveIntegrationRule(j) ) {
            double dV  = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);
            // compute generalized stress measures
            if ( NStressFunc && Nfunc ) {
                Nfunc(gp, N);
                NStressFunc(gp, NStress);
                NS.beTProductOf(N, NStress);
                answer.add(dV, NS);

            if ( BStressFunc && Bfunc ) {
                Bfunc(gp, B, 1, 3);
                BStressFunc(gp, BStress);
                BS.beTProductOf(B, BStress);
                answer.add(dV, BS);

예제 #2
CoupledFieldsElement :: computeStiffnessMatrixGen(FloatMatrix &answer, MatResponseMode rMode, TimeStep *tStep, 
        void (*Nfunc)(GaussPoint*, FloatMatrix), 
        void (*Bfunc)(GaussPoint*, FloatMatrix),
        void (*NStiffness)(FloatMatrix, MatResponseMode, GaussPoint*, TimeStep*), 
        void (*BStiffness)(FloatMatrix, MatResponseMode, GaussPoint*, TimeStep*),
        double (*volumeAround)(GaussPoint*) )
    FloatMatrix B, DB, N, DN, D_B, D_N;

    IntegrationRule *iRule = this->giveIntegrationRule(0);
    bool matStiffSymmFlag = this->giveCrossSection()->isCharacteristicMtrxSymmetric(rMode);

    for ( int j = 0; j < iRule->giveNumberOfIntegrationPoints(); j++ ) {
        GaussPoint *gp = iRule->getIntegrationPoint(j);
        double dV = this->computeVolumeAround(gp);

        // compute int_V ( N^t * D_N * N )dV
        if ( NStiffness && Nfunc ) {
            Nfunc(gp, N);
            NStiffness(D_N, rMode, gp, tStep);
            DN.beProductOf(D_N, N);
            if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {
                answer.plusProductSymmUpper(N, DN, dV);
            } else {
                answer.plusProductUnsym(N, DN, dV);

        // compute int_V ( B^t * D_B * B )dV
        if ( BStiffness && Bfunc ) {
            Bfunc(gp, B);
            BStiffness(D_B, rMode, gp, tStep);
            DB.beProductOf(D_B, B);
            if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {
                answer.plusProductSymmUpper(B, DB, dV);
            } else {
                answer.plusProductUnsym(B, DB, dV);


    if ( matStiffSymmFlag ) {