void GameModel::BuildMenus() { int lastMenu = -1; if(activeMenu != -1) lastMenu = activeMenu; std::string activeToolIdentifiers[4]; if(regularToolset[0]) activeToolIdentifiers[0] = regularToolset[0]->GetIdentifier(); if(regularToolset[1]) activeToolIdentifiers[1] = regularToolset[1]->GetIdentifier(); if(regularToolset[2]) activeToolIdentifiers[2] = regularToolset[2]->GetIdentifier(); if(regularToolset[3]) activeToolIdentifiers[3] = regularToolset[3]->GetIdentifier(); //Empty current menus for (size_t i = 0; i < menuList.size(); i++) { if (i == SC_FAVORITES) menuList[i]->ClearTools(); delete menuList[i]; } menuList.clear(); toolList.clear(); for(std::vector<Tool*>::iterator iter = extraElementTools.begin(), end = extraElementTools.end(); iter != end; ++iter) { delete *iter; } extraElementTools.clear(); elementTools.clear(); //Create menus for (int i = 0; i < SC_TOTAL; i++) { menuList.push_back(new Menu((const char)sim->msections[i].icon[0], sim->msections[i].name, sim->msections[i].doshow)); } //Build menus from Simulation elements for(int i = 0; i < PT_NUM; i++) { if(sim->elements[i].Enabled) { Tool * tempTool; if(i == PT_LIGH) { tempTool = new Element_LIGH_Tool(i, sim->elements[i].Name, sim->elements[i].Description, PIXR(sim->elements[i].Colour), PIXG(sim->elements[i].Colour), PIXB(sim->elements[i].Colour), sim->elements[i].Identifier, sim->elements[i].IconGenerator); } else if(i == PT_TESC) { tempTool = new Element_TESC_Tool(i, sim->elements[i].Name, sim->elements[i].Description, PIXR(sim->elements[i].Colour), PIXG(sim->elements[i].Colour), PIXB(sim->elements[i].Colour), sim->elements[i].Identifier, sim->elements[i].IconGenerator); } else if(i == PT_STKM || i == PT_FIGH || i == PT_STKM2) { tempTool = new PlopTool(i, sim->elements[i].Name, sim->elements[i].Description, PIXR(sim->elements[i].Colour), PIXG(sim->elements[i].Colour), PIXB(sim->elements[i].Colour), sim->elements[i].Identifier, sim->elements[i].IconGenerator); } else { tempTool = new ElementTool(i, sim->elements[i].Name, sim->elements[i].Description, PIXR(sim->elements[i].Colour), PIXG(sim->elements[i].Colour), PIXB(sim->elements[i].Colour), sim->elements[i].Identifier, sim->elements[i].IconGenerator); } if (sim->elements[i].MenuSection >= 0 && sim->elements[i].MenuSection < SC_TOTAL && sim->elements[i].MenuVisible) { menuList[sim->elements[i].MenuSection]->AddTool(tempTool); } else { extraElementTools.push_back(tempTool); } elementTools.push_back(tempTool); } } //Build menu for GOL types for(int i = 0; i < NGOL; i++) { Tool * tempTool = new ElementTool(PT_LIFE|(i<<8), sim->gmenu[i].name, std::string(sim->gmenu[i].description), PIXR(sim->gmenu[i].colour), PIXG(sim->gmenu[i].colour), PIXB(sim->gmenu[i].colour), "DEFAULT_PT_LIFE_"+std::string(sim->gmenu[i].name)); menuList[SC_LIFE]->AddTool(tempTool); } //Build other menus from wall data for(int i = 0; i < UI_WALLCOUNT; i++) { Tool * tempTool = new WallTool(i, "", std::string(sim->wtypes[i].descs), PIXR(sim->wtypes[i].colour), PIXG(sim->wtypes[i].colour), PIXB(sim->wtypes[i].colour), sim->wtypes[i].identifier, sim->wtypes[i].textureGen); menuList[SC_WALL]->AddTool(tempTool); //sim->wtypes[i] } //Build menu for tools for (size_t i = 0; i < sim->tools.size(); i++) { Tool * tempTool; tempTool = new Tool(i, sim->tools[i]->Name, sim->tools[i]->Description, PIXR(sim->tools[i]->Colour), PIXG(sim->tools[i]->Colour), PIXB(sim->tools[i]->Colour), sim->tools[i]->Identifier); menuList[SC_TOOL]->AddTool(tempTool); } //Add special sign and prop tools menuList[SC_TOOL]->AddTool(new WindTool(0, "WIND", "Creates air movement.", 64, 64, 64, "DEFAULT_UI_WIND")); menuList[SC_TOOL]->AddTool(new PropertyTool()); menuList[SC_TOOL]->AddTool(new SignTool(this)); menuList[SC_TOOL]->AddTool(new SampleTool(this)); //Add decoration tools to menu menuList[SC_DECO]->AddTool(new DecorationTool(ren, DECO_ADD, "ADD", "Colour blending: Add.", 0, 0, 0, "DEFAULT_DECOR_ADD")); menuList[SC_DECO]->AddTool(new DecorationTool(ren, DECO_SUBTRACT, "SUB", "Colour blending: Subtract.", 0, 0, 0, "DEFAULT_DECOR_SUB")); menuList[SC_DECO]->AddTool(new DecorationTool(ren, DECO_MULTIPLY, "MUL", "Colour blending: Multiply.", 0, 0, 0, "DEFAULT_DECOR_MUL")); menuList[SC_DECO]->AddTool(new DecorationTool(ren, DECO_DIVIDE, "DIV", "Colour blending: Divide." , 0, 0, 0, "DEFAULT_DECOR_DIV")); menuList[SC_DECO]->AddTool(new DecorationTool(ren, DECO_SMUDGE, "SMDG", "Smudge tool, blends surrounding deco together.", 0, 0, 0, "DEFAULT_DECOR_SMDG")); menuList[SC_DECO]->AddTool(new DecorationTool(ren, DECO_CLEAR, "CLR", "Erase any set decoration.", 0, 0, 0, "DEFAULT_DECOR_CLR")); menuList[SC_DECO]->AddTool(new DecorationTool(ren, DECO_DRAW, "SET", "Draw decoration (No blending).", 0, 0, 0, "DEFAULT_DECOR_SET")); SetColourSelectorColour(colour); // update tool colors decoToolset[0] = GetToolFromIdentifier("DEFAULT_DECOR_SET"); decoToolset[1] = GetToolFromIdentifier("DEFAULT_DECOR_CLR"); decoToolset[2] = GetToolFromIdentifier("DEFAULT_UI_SAMPLE"); decoToolset[3] = GetToolFromIdentifier("DEFAULT_PT_NONE"); //Set default tools regularToolset[0] = GetToolFromIdentifier("DEFAULT_PT_DUST"); regularToolset[1] = GetToolFromIdentifier("DEFAULT_PT_NONE"); regularToolset[2] = GetToolFromIdentifier("DEFAULT_UI_SAMPLE"); regularToolset[3] = GetToolFromIdentifier("DEFAULT_PT_NONE"); if(activeToolIdentifiers[0].length()) regularToolset[0] = GetToolFromIdentifier(activeToolIdentifiers[0]); if(activeToolIdentifiers[1].length()) regularToolset[1] = GetToolFromIdentifier(activeToolIdentifiers[1]); if(activeToolIdentifiers[2].length()) regularToolset[2] = GetToolFromIdentifier(activeToolIdentifiers[2]); if(activeToolIdentifiers[3].length()) regularToolset[3] = GetToolFromIdentifier(activeToolIdentifiers[3]); lastTool = activeTools[0]; //Set default menu activeMenu = SC_POWDERS; if(lastMenu != -1) activeMenu = lastMenu; if(activeMenu != -1) toolList = menuList[activeMenu]->GetToolList(); else toolList = std::vector<Tool*>(); notifyMenuListChanged(); notifyToolListChanged(); notifyActiveToolsChanged(); notifyLastToolChanged(); //Build menu for favorites BuildFavoritesMenu(); }
int CMainFrame::BuildFavoritesMenu(LPCTSTR pszPath, int nStartPos, CMenu* pMenu) { CString strPath(pszPath); CString strPath2; CString str; WIN32_FIND_DATA wfd; HANDLE h; int nPos = 0; int nEndPos = 0; int nNewEndPos = 0; int nLastDir = 0; TCHAR buf[INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH]; CStringArray astrFavorites; CStringArray astrDirs; CMenu* pSubMenu; // make sure there's a trailing backslash if(strPath[strPath.GetLength() - 1] != _T('\\')) strPath += _T('\\'); strPath2 = strPath; strPath += "*.*"; // now scan the directory, first for .URL files and then for subdirectories // that may also contain .URL files h = FindFirstFile(strPath, &wfd); if(h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { nEndPos = nStartPos; do { if((wfd.dwFileAttributes & (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN|FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM))==0) { str = wfd.cFileName; if(str.Right(4) == _T(".url")) { // an .URL file is formatted just like an .INI file, so we can // use GetPrivateProfileString() to get the information we want ::GetPrivateProfileString(_T("InternetShortcut"), _T("URL"), _T(""), buf, INTERNET_MAX_PATH_LENGTH, strPath2 + str); str = str.Left(str.GetLength() - 4); // scan through the array and perform an insertion sort // to make sure the menu ends up in alphabetic order for(nPos = nStartPos ; nPos < nEndPos ; ++nPos) { if(str.CompareNoCase(astrFavorites[nPos]) < 0) break; } astrFavorites.InsertAt(nPos, str); m_astrFavoriteURLs.InsertAt(nPos, buf); ++nEndPos; } } } while(FindNextFile(h, &wfd)); FindClose(h); // Now add these items to the menu for(nPos = nStartPos ; nPos < nEndPos ; ++nPos) { pMenu->AppendMenu(MF_STRING | MF_ENABLED, 0xe00 + nPos, astrFavorites[nPos]); } // now that we've got all the .URL files, check the subdirectories for more nLastDir = 0; h = FindFirstFile(strPath, &wfd); ASSERT(h != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); do { if(wfd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { // ignore the current and parent directory entries if(lstrcmp(wfd.cFileName, _T(".")) == 0 || lstrcmp(wfd.cFileName, _T("..")) == 0) continue; for(nPos = 0 ; nPos < nLastDir ; ++nPos) { if(astrDirs[nPos].CompareNoCase(wfd.cFileName) > 0) break; } pSubMenu = new CMenu; pSubMenu->CreatePopupMenu(); // call this function recursively. nNewEndPos = BuildFavoritesMenu(strPath2 + wfd.cFileName, nEndPos, pSubMenu); if(nNewEndPos != nEndPos) { // only intert a submenu if there are in fact .URL files in the subdirectory nEndPos = nNewEndPos; pMenu->InsertMenu(nPos, MF_BYPOSITION | MF_POPUP | MF_STRING, (UINT_PTR)pSubMenu->m_hMenu, wfd.cFileName); pSubMenu->Detach(); astrDirs.InsertAt(nPos, wfd.cFileName); ++nLastDir; } delete pSubMenu; } } while(FindNextFile(h, &wfd)); FindClose(h); } return nEndPos; }