예제 #1
std::string AG_ReadNotes( filehandle refNum )
    // File notes
    std::ostringstream notes; notes << "\0";
    AXGLONG notes_size = 0;
    AXGLONG bytes = sizeof(AXGLONG);
    int result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &notes_size );
    if ( result )
        return notes.str();
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
    ByteSwapLong( &notes_size );

    if (notes_size > 0) {
        std::vector< unsigned char > charBuffer( notes_size, '\0' );
        result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &notes_size, &charBuffer[0] );
        if ( result )
            return notes.str();
        // Copy characters one by one into title (tedious but safe)
        for (std::size_t nc=1; nc<charBuffer.size(); nc+=2) {
            notes << char(charBuffer[nc]);
    return notes.str();
예제 #2
	memcpy(&fData, &inGUID, sizeof(VUUIDBuffer));
	ByteSwapLong( (uLONG*) &fData.fBytes[0] );
	ByteSwapWord( (uWORD*) &fData.fBytes[4] );
	ByteSwapWord( (uWORD*) &fData.fBytes[6] );
	fCachedConvertedString = NULL;
예제 #3
int AG_GetNumberOfColumns( filehandle refNum, const int fileFormat, AXGLONG *numberOfColumns )
    *numberOfColumns = 0;

    if ( fileFormat == kAxoGraph_Digitized_Format || fileFormat == kAxoGraph_Graph_Format )
        // Read the number of columns (short integer in AxoGraph 4 files)
        short nColumns;
        AXGLONG bytes = 2;
        int result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &nColumns);
        if ( result )
            return result;

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
        ByteSwapShort( &nColumns );

        *numberOfColumns = nColumns;
        return result;
    else if ( fileFormat == kAxoGraph_X_Format )
        // Read the number of columns (long integer in AxoGraph X files)
        AXGLONG nColumns;
        AXGLONG bytes = 4;
        int result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &nColumns);
        if ( result )
            return result;

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
        ByteSwapLong( &nColumns );

        *numberOfColumns = nColumns;
        return result;
        return -1;
예제 #4
std::string AG_ReadTraceHeaders( filehandle refNum ) {

    std::string headers = "\0";
    AXGLONG num_headers = 0;
    AXGLONG bytes = sizeof(AXGLONG);
    int result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &num_headers );
    if ( result )
        return headers;
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
    ByteSwapLong( &num_headers );

    for (AXGLONG nh=0; nh<num_headers; ++nh) {
        AxoGraphXTraceHeader trace_header;
        AXGLONG bytes = sizeof(AxoGraphXTraceHeader);
        result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &trace_header );
        if ( result ) {
            return headers;

    return headers;
예제 #5
int AG_GetFileFormat( filehandle refNum, int *fileFormat )
    *fileFormat = 0;

    // Read the file header
    int posn = 0;
    int result = SetFilePosition( refNum, posn );		// Position the mark at start
    if ( result )
        return result;

    // Read the 4-byte prefix present in all AxoGraph file formats
    unsigned char AxoGraphFileID[4];
    AXGLONG bytes = 4;	// 4 byte identifier
    result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, AxoGraphFileID );
    if ( result )
        return result;

    // Check the prefix
    if ( memcmp( AxoGraphFileID, kAxoGraph4DocType, 4 ) == 0 )
        // Got an AxoGraph version 4 format file. Read the file type.
        short version;
        bytes = sizeof( short );
        result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &version );
        if ( result )
            return result;

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
        ByteSwapShort( &version );

        if ( version != kAxoGraph_Graph_Format &&
             version != kAxoGraph_Digitized_Format  )
            return kAG_VersionErr;

        // Return the file format
        *fileFormat = version;
    else if ( memcmp( AxoGraphFileID, kAxoGraphXDocType, 4 ) == 0 )
        // Got an AxoGraph X format file. Check the file version.
        AXGLONG version = 0;
        bytes = sizeof( AXGLONG );
        result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &version );
        if ( result )
            return result;

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
        ByteSwapLong( &version );

        if ( version < 3 || version > kAxoGraph_X_Format )
            return kAG_VersionErr;

        // update to latest version number
        version = kAxoGraph_X_Format;

        // Return the file format
        *fileFormat = version;
        result = kAG_FormatErr;

    // pass back the result ( = 0 if all went well)
    return result;
예제 #6
int AG_ReadColumn( filehandle refNum, const int fileFormat, const int columnNumber, ColumnData *columnData )
    // Initialize in case of error during read
    columnData->points = 0;
    columnData->title = "";

    switch ( fileFormat )
     case kAxoGraph_Graph_Format:
             // Read the standard column header
             ColumnHeader columnHeader;
             AXGLONG bytes = sizeof( ColumnHeader );
             int result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &columnHeader );
             if ( result )
                 return result;

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
             ByteSwapLong( &columnHeader.points );

             // Retrieve the title and number of points in the column
             columnData->type = FloatArrayType;
             columnData->points = columnHeader.points;
             columnData->title.resize( 80 );
             PascalToCString( columnHeader.title );
             columnData->title = std::string( (char*)columnHeader.title );

             // create a new pointer to receive the data
             AXGLONG columnBytes = columnHeader.points * sizeof( float );
             columnData->floatArray.resize( columnHeader.points );
             if ( columnData->floatArray.empty() )
                 return kAG_MemoryErr;

             // Read in the column's data
             result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &columnBytes, &(columnData->floatArray[0]) );

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
             ByteSwapFloatArray( &(columnData->floatArray[0]), columnHeader.points );


     case kAxoGraph_Digitized_Format:
             if ( columnNumber == 0 )
                 // Read the column header
                 DigitizedFirstColumnHeader columnHeader;
                 AXGLONG bytes = sizeof( DigitizedFirstColumnHeader );
                 int result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &columnHeader );
                 if ( result )
                     return result;

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                 ByteSwapLong( &columnHeader.points );
                 ByteSwapFloat( &columnHeader.firstPoint );
                 ByteSwapFloat( &columnHeader.sampleInterval );

                 // Retrieve the title, number of points in the column, and sample interval
                 columnData->type = SeriesArrayType;
                 columnData->points = columnHeader.points;
                 columnData->title.resize( 80 );
                 PascalToCString( columnHeader.title );
                 columnData->title = std::string( (char*)columnHeader.title );

                 columnData->seriesArray.firstValue = columnHeader.firstPoint;
                 columnData->seriesArray.increment = columnHeader.sampleInterval;
                 // Read the column header
                 DigitizedColumnHeader columnHeader;
                 AXGLONG bytes = sizeof( DigitizedColumnHeader );
                 int result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &columnHeader );
                 if ( result )
                     return result;

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                 ByteSwapLong( &columnHeader.points );
                 ByteSwapFloat( &columnHeader.scalingFactor );

                 // Retrieve the title and number of points in the column
                 columnData->type = ScaledShortArrayType;
                 columnData->points = columnHeader.points;
                 columnData->title.resize( 80 );
                 PascalToCString( columnHeader.title );
                 columnData->title = std::string( (char*)columnHeader.title );

                 columnData->scaledShortArray.scale = columnHeader.scalingFactor;
                 columnData->scaledShortArray.offset = 0;

                 // create a new pointer to receive the data
                 AXGLONG columnBytes = columnHeader.points * sizeof( short );
                 columnData->scaledShortArray.shortArray.resize( columnHeader.points );
                 if ( columnData->scaledShortArray.shortArray.empty() )
                     return kAG_MemoryErr;

                 // Read in the column's data
                 result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &columnBytes, &(columnData->scaledShortArray.shortArray[0]) );

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                 ByteSwapShortArray( &(columnData->scaledShortArray.shortArray[0]), columnHeader.points );


     case kAxoGraph_X_Format:
             // Read the column header
             AxoGraphXColumnHeader columnHeader;
             AXGLONG bytes = sizeof( AxoGraphXColumnHeader );
             int result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &columnHeader );
             if ( result )
                 return result;

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
             ByteSwapLong( &columnHeader.points );
             ByteSwapLong( &columnHeader.dataType );
             ByteSwapLong( &columnHeader.titleLength );

             // Retrieve the column type and number of points in the column
             columnData->type = (ColumnType)columnHeader.dataType;
             columnData->points = columnHeader.points;

             // sanity check on column type
             if ( columnData->type < 0 || columnData->type > 14 )
                 return -1;

             // Read the column title
             columnData->titleLength = columnHeader.titleLength;
             // columnData->title.resize( columnHeader.titleLength );
             std::vector< unsigned char > charBuffer( columnHeader.titleLength, '\0' );
             result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &columnHeader.titleLength, &charBuffer[0] );
             if ( result )
                 return result;
             // Copy characters one by one into title (tedious but safe)
             for (std::size_t nc=1; nc<charBuffer.size(); nc+=2) {
                 columnData->title += char(charBuffer[nc]);
             // UnicodeToCString( columnData->title, columnData->titleLength );

             switch ( columnHeader.dataType )
              case ShortArrayType:
                      // create a new pointer to receive the data
                      AXGLONG columnBytes = columnHeader.points * sizeof( short );
                      columnData->shortArray.resize( columnHeader.points );
                      if ( columnData->shortArray.empty() )
                          return kAG_MemoryErr;

                      // Read in the column's data
                      result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &columnBytes, &(columnData->shortArray[0]) );

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                      ByteSwapShortArray( &(columnData->shortArray[0]), columnHeader.points );

              case IntArrayType:
                      // create a new pointer to receive the data
                      AXGLONG columnBytes = columnHeader.points * sizeof( int );
                      columnData->intArray.resize( columnHeader.points );
                      if ( columnData->intArray.empty() )
                          return kAG_MemoryErr;

                      // Read in the column's data
                      result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &columnBytes, &(columnData->intArray[0]) );

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                      ByteSwapLongArray( (AXGLONG *)&(columnData->intArray[0]), columnHeader.points );

              case FloatArrayType:
                      // create a new pointer to receive the data
                      AXGLONG columnBytes = columnHeader.points * sizeof( float );
                      columnData->floatArray.resize( columnHeader.points );
                      if ( columnData->floatArray.empty() )
                          return kAG_MemoryErr;

                      // Read in the column's data
                      result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &columnBytes, &(columnData->floatArray[0]) );

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                      ByteSwapFloatArray( &(columnData->floatArray[0]), columnHeader.points );
              case DoubleArrayType:
                      // create a new pointer to receive the data
                      AXGLONG columnBytes = columnHeader.points * sizeof( double );
                      columnData->doubleArray.resize( columnHeader.points );
                      if ( columnData->doubleArray.empty() )
                          return kAG_MemoryErr;

                      // Read in the column's data
                      result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &columnBytes, &(columnData->doubleArray[0]) );

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                      ByteSwapDoubleArray( &(columnData->doubleArray[0]), columnHeader.points );

              case SeriesArrayType:
                      SeriesArray seriesParameters;
                      AXGLONG bytes = sizeof( SeriesArray );
                      result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &seriesParameters );

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                      ByteSwapDouble( &seriesParameters.firstValue );
                      ByteSwapDouble( &seriesParameters.increment );

                      columnData->seriesArray.firstValue = seriesParameters.firstValue;
                      columnData->seriesArray.increment = seriesParameters.increment;
              case ScaledShortArrayType:
                      double scale, offset;
                      AXGLONG bytes = sizeof( double );
                      result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &scale );
                      result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &bytes, &offset );
#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                      ByteSwapDouble( &scale );
                      ByteSwapDouble( &offset );

                      columnData->scaledShortArray.scale = scale;
                      columnData->scaledShortArray.offset = offset;

                      // create a new pointer to receive the data
                      AXGLONG columnBytes = columnHeader.points * sizeof( short );
                      columnData->scaledShortArray.shortArray.resize( columnHeader.points );
                      if ( columnData->scaledShortArray.shortArray.empty() )
                          return kAG_MemoryErr;

                      // Read in the column's data
                      result = ReadFromFile( refNum, &columnBytes, &(columnData->scaledShortArray.shortArray[0]) );

#ifdef __LITTLE_ENDIAN__
                      ByteSwapShortArray( &(columnData->scaledShortArray.shortArray[0]), columnHeader.points );

             return -1;
    return 0;