int rn_inithead(struct radix_node_head **head, int off) { struct radix_node_head *rnh; struct radix_node *t, *tt, *ttt; if (*head) return (1); rnh = (struct radix_node_head *)rtmalloc(sizeof(*rnh), "rn_inithead"); Bzero(rnh, sizeof (*rnh)); *head = rnh; t = rn_newpair(rn_zeros, off, rnh->rnh_nodes); ttt = rnh->rnh_nodes + 2; t->rn_r = ttt; t->rn_p = t; tt = t->rn_l; tt->rn_flags = t->rn_flags = RNF_ROOT | RNF_ACTIVE; tt->rn_b = -1 - off; *ttt = *tt; ttt->rn_key = rn_ones; rnh->rnh_addaddr = rn_addroute; rnh->rnh_deladdr = rn_delete; rnh->rnh_matchaddr = rn_match; rnh->rnh_lookup = rn_lookup; rnh->rnh_walktree = rn_walktree; rnh->rnh_treetop = t; return (1); }
WIN32DLL_DEFINE int _mcrypt_set_key(CRYPT_KEY * ckey, char *password, int plen, void *u1, int u2) { int ic, i, k, temp; unsigned random; sword32 seed; Bzero(ckey, sizeof(CRYPT_KEY)); ckey->n1 = ckey->n2 = ckey->nr1 = ckey->nr2 = 0; if (plen > 13) plen = 13; memmove(ckey->cbuf, password, plen); seed = 123; for (i = 0; i < 13; i++) seed = seed * ckey->cbuf[i] + i; for (i = 0; i < ROTORSZ; i++) { ckey->t1[i] = i; ckey->deck[i] = i; } for (i = 0; i < ROTORSZ; i++) { seed = 5 * seed + ckey->cbuf[i % 13]; random = seed % 65521; k = ROTORSZ - 1 - i; ic = (random & MASK) % (k + 1); random >>= 8; temp = ckey->t1[k]; ckey->t1[k] = ckey->t1[ic]; ckey->t1[ic] = temp; if (ckey->t3[k] != 0) continue; ic = (random & MASK) % k; while (ckey->t3[ic] != 0) ic = (ic + 1) % k; ckey->t3[k] = ic; ckey->t3[ic] = k; } for (i = 0; i < ROTORSZ; i++) ckey->t2[ckey->t1[i] & MASK] = i; return 0; }
void rn_init(void) { char *cp, *cplim; if (max_keylen == 0) { printf("rn_init: radix functions require max_keylen be set\n"); return; } rn_zeros = (char *)rtmalloc(3 * max_keylen, "rn_init"); Bzero(rn_zeros, 3 * max_keylen); rn_ones = cp = rn_zeros + max_keylen; addmask_key = cplim = rn_ones + max_keylen; while (cp < cplim) *cp++ = -1; if (rn_inithead(&mask_rnhead, 0) == 0) panic("rn_init 2"); }
static struct radix_mask * rn_new_radix_mask(struct radix_node *tt, struct radix_mask *next) { struct radix_mask *m; MKGet(m); if (m == 0) { log(LOG_ERR, "Mask for route not entered\n"); return (0); } Bzero(m, sizeof *m); m->rm_b = tt->rn_b; m->rm_flags = tt->rn_flags; if (tt->rn_flags & RNF_NORMAL) m->rm_leaf = tt; else m->rm_mask = tt->rn_mask; m->rm_mklist = next; tt->rn_mklist = m; return m; }
/**************************************************************** * Build RHS which is the residual of the nonlinear system. ***************************************************************/ void phgNSBuildSolverURHS(NSSolver *ns) { GRID *g = ns->g; SIMPLEX *e; SOLVER *solver_u = ns->solver_u; int i, k, l, q, s; FLOAT *dt = ns->dt; BOOLEAN tstep_minus = (ns->u[-1] != NULL); VEC *vec_rhs = phgMapCreateVec(solver_u->rhs->map, 1); FLOAT Theta = _nsp->Theta, nu = _nsp->nu, Thet1; int viscosity_type = ns->viscosity_type; SURF_BAS *surf_bas = ns->surf_bas; DOF *surf_dof = surf_bas->dof; BOOLEAN *rotated = surf_bas->rotated; const FLOAT *Trans = DofData(surf_dof); #if STEADY_STATE assert(fabs(Theta - 1) < 1e-12); Thet1 = 0; Unused(Thet1); Unused(dt); #else Thet1 = 1 - Theta; Unused(dt); #endif /* STEADY_STATE */ phgPrintf(" DB_mask: ["); for (k = 0; k < Dim; k++) phgPrintf("%d ", ns->u[1]->DB_masks[k]); phgPrintf("] "); nu_max = -1e10; nu_min = +1e10; phgVecDisassemble(vec_rhs); ForAllElements(g, e) { int M = ns->u[1]->type->nbas; /* num of bases of Velocity */ int N = ns->p[1]->type->nbas; /* num of bases of Pressure */ int order = DofTypeOrder(ns->u[1], e) * 3 - 1; /* Note: * quad order is really high here, * highest order term (u \nabla u, phi) */ FLOAT bufu[M], bufp[N], rhsu[M][Dim], rhsp[N]; INT Iu[M][Dim], Ip[N]; QUAD *quad; FLOAT vol, area, det; const FLOAT *w, *p, *normal, **vu, *vu_queue[3], *vf[2], *gu[2], *vp[2], *vw, *vT; FLOAT *vf_cache[2]; vu = vu_queue + 1; quad = phgQuadGetQuad3D(order); vu[0] = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->u[0], quad); /* u^{n} */ vp[0] = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->p[0], quad); /* p^{n} */ gu[0] = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->gradu[0], quad); /* grad u^{n} */ vw = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->wind, quad); /* wind */ vT = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->T[1], quad); /* T^{n} */ if (tstep_minus) { vu[-1] = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->u[-1], quad); /* u^{n-1} */ } else { vu[-1] = vu[0]; } #if STEADY_STATE || TIME_DEP_NON vu[1] = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->u[1], quad); /* u^{n+1} */ gu[1] = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->gradu[1], quad); /* grad u^{n} */ vp[1] = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->p[1], quad); /* p^{n+1} */ #else TIME_DEP_LINEAR_ENTRY; /* Unavailable */ #endif /* STEADY_STATE || TIME_DEP_NON */ Unused(l); Unused(vf); Unused(vf_cache); if (!_nsp->no_extern_source) { /* cache f values */ for (l = 0; l < 2; l++) { const FLOAT *cache; size_t cache_size; setFuncTime(ns->time[l]); /* set static time in ins-test.c */ /* cache f */ cache_size = Dim * quad->npoints * sizeof(FLOAT); cache = phgQuadGetFuncValues(g, e, Dim, func_f, quad); vf[l] = vf_cache[l] = phgAlloc(cache_size); memcpy(vf_cache[l], cache, cache_size); phgQuadGetFuncValues(NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); /* clear cache */ } } /* Global Matrix */ Bzero(rhsu); Bzero(rhsp); p = quad->points; w = quad->weights; for (q = 0; q < quad->npoints; q++) { phgGeomGetCurvedJacobianAtLambda(g, e, p, &det); vol = fabs(det / 6.); /* rhs u */ for (i = 0; i < M; i++) { /* interior node or Neumann */ const FLOAT *gi_u = phgQuadGetBasisValues(e, ns->u[1], i, quad) + q; /* phi_i */ const FLOAT *ggi_u = phgQuadGetBasisCurvedGradient(e, ns->u[1], i, quad, q); /* grad phi_i */ for (k = 0; k < Dim; k++) { #if ICE_BENCH_TEST nu = get_effective_viscosity(gu[1], 0, 0, viscosity_type); FLOAT eu[DDim]; MAT3_SYM(gu[1], eu); rhsu[i][k] += vol*(*w) * EQU_SCALING * (- nu * INNER_PRODUCT(eu+k*Dim, ggi_u) + (*vp[1]) * *(ggi_u+k) * LEN_SCALING * PRES_SCALING ); /* left */ if (k == Z_DIR) { const FLOAT rho = RHO_ICE; const FLOAT grav = GRAVITY; const FLOAT a = SEC_PER_YEAR; const FLOAT f = rho*grav * EQU_SCALING * LEN_SCALING2; Unused(a); rhsu[i][k] += vol*(*w) * (-f * (*gi_u) ); /* right */ } #elif ESIMINT_TEST || \ HEINO_TEST || \ TEST_CASE == ICE_GREEN_LAND nu = get_effective_viscosity(gu[1], *vT, 0, viscosity_type); FLOAT eu[DDim]; MAT3_SYM(gu[1], eu); rhsu[i][k] += vol*(*w) * EQU_SCALING * (- nu * INNER_PRODUCT(eu+k*Dim, ggi_u) + (*vp[1]) * *(ggi_u+k) * LEN_SCALING * PRES_SCALING ); /* left */ if (k == Z_DIR) { const FLOAT rho = RHO_ICE; const FLOAT grav = GRAVITY; const FLOAT a = SEC_PER_YEAR; const FLOAT f = rho*grav * EQU_SCALING * LEN_SCALING2; Unused(a); rhsu[i][k] += vol*(*w) * (-f * (*gi_u) ); /* right */ } #elif STEADY_STATE rhsu[i][k] += vol*(*w) * (- nu * INNER_PRODUCT(gu[1]+k*Dim, ggi_u) + (*vp[1]) * *(ggi_u+k) ); /* left */ if (!_nsp->no_extern_source) rhsu[i][k] += vol*(*w) * (*(vf[1]+k) * (*gi_u) ); /* right */ #elif TIME_DEP_NON rhsu[i][k] -= vol*(*w) * ((vu[1][k] - vu[0][k]) * (*gi_u) / dt[0] + Theta * (nu * INNER_PRODUCT(gu[1]+k*Dim, ggi_u) ) - (*vp[1]) * *(ggi_u+k) + Thet1 * (nu * INNER_PRODUCT(gu[0]+k*Dim, ggi_u) ) ); /* left */ if (!_nsp->no_extern_source) rhsu[i][k] += vol*(*w) * (Theta * *(vf[1]+k) * (*gi_u) + Thet1 * *(vf[0]+k) * (*gi_u) ); /* right */ #else TIME_DEP_LINEAR_ENTRY; /* Unavailable */ #endif /* STEADY_STATE */ } } /* rhs p */ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { const FLOAT *gi_p = phgQuadGetBasisValues(e, ns->p[1], i, quad) + q; /* psi_i */ FLOAT divu1 = gu[1][0] + gu[1][4] + gu[1][8]; //FLOAT divu0 = gu[0][0] + gu[0][4] + gu[0][8]; rhsp[i] += vol*(*w) * (divu1 * (*gi_p) ); } if (tstep_minus) vu[-1] += Dim; #if STEADY_STATE || TIME_DEP_NON vu[1] += Dim; gu[1] += Dim*Dim; vp[1]++; #else TIME_DEP_LINEAR; /* Unavailable */ #endif /* STEADY_STATE || TIME_DEP_NON */ vu[0] += Dim; gu[0] += Dim * Dim; vp[0]++; vw += Dim; if (!_nsp->no_extern_source) { vf[0] += Dim; vf[1] += Dim; } vT++; w++; p += Dim + 1; } if (!_nsp->no_extern_source) { phgFree(vf_cache[0]); phgFree(vf_cache[1]); } normal = NULL; Unused(normal); area = 0; Unused(area); if (!_nsp->enclosed_flow) { /* slip boundary */ for (s = 0; s < NFace; s++) { if (e->bound_type[s] & INFLOW) { int v0, v1, v2; int nbas_face = NbasFace(ns->u[1]); SHORT bases[nbas_face]; FLOAT lambda[Dim + 1], x,y,z, beta; order = DofTypeOrder(ns->u[1], e) * 3 - 1; phgDofGetBasesOnFace(ns->u[1], e, s, bases); v0 = GetFaceVertex(s, 0); v1 = GetFaceVertex(s, 1); v2 = GetFaceVertex(s, 2); lambda[s] = 0.; area = phgGeomGetFaceArea(g, e, s); normal = phgGeomGetFaceOutNormal(g, e, s); quad = phgQuadGetQuad2D(order); p = quad->points; w = quad->weights; for (q = 0; q < quad->npoints; q++) { FLOAT vu[Dim]; lambda[v0] = *(p++); lambda[v1] = *(p++); lambda[v2] = *(p++); phgGeomLambda2XYZ(g, e, lambda, &x, &y, &z); func_beta(x, y, z, &beta); phgDofEval(ns->u[1], e, lambda, vu); for (i = 0; i < nbas_face; i++) { int ii = bases[i]; FLOAT gi_u = *ns->u[1]->type->BasFuncs(ns->u[1], e, ii, ii + 1, lambda); for (k = 0; k < Dim; k++) { #if STEADY_STATE rhus[ii][k] += 0.; #elif TIME_DEP_NON # if USE_SLIDING_BC abort(); rhsu[ii][k] += SIGN_FRICTION * area*(*w) * beta * vu[k] * (gi_u) * EQU_SCALING * LEN_SCALING; # else Unused(gi_u); # endif #else TIME_DEP_LINEAR_ENTRY; /* Unavailable */ #endif /* STEADY_STATE */ } } /* end of bas_i */ w++; } /* end of quad point */ } /* end of face outflow */ } /* end of all outflow face in element */ } /* end out flow boundary */ #if USE_SLIDING_BC /* Rotate bases */ for (i = 0; i < M; i++) { INT id = phgDofMapE2D(surf_dof, e, i * (Dim*Dim)) / (Dim*Dim); if (!rotated[id]) continue; const FLOAT *trans = Trans + id*(Dim*Dim); trans_left(&rhsu[i][0], 1, 1, trans); } #else Unused(Trans); Unused(rotated); #endif /* Map: Element -> system */ for (i = 0; i < M; i++) for (k = 0; k < Dim; k++) Iu[i][k] = phgMapE2L(solver_u->rhs->map, 0, e, i * Dim + k); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) Ip[i] = phgMapE2L(solver_u->rhs->map, 1, e, i); /* set velocity dirichlet bdry */ FLOAT tmp[Dim]; for (i = 0; i < M; i++) for (k = 0; k < Dim; k++) if (phgDofDirichletBC_(ns->u[1], e, i*Dim+k, NULL, bufu, tmp, DOF_PROJ_NONE)) { rhsu[i][k] = 0.; } #if STEADY_STATE || TIME_DEP_NON /* set pressure dirichlet bdry for pinned point */ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) if (phgDofDirichletBC(ns->p[1], e, i, NULL, bufp, &rhsp[i], DOF_PROJ_NONE)) { if (!_nsp->enclosed_flow) phgError(1, "No dirichlet bc for Unenclosed flow!\n"); if (_nsp->pin_node) { # if PIN_AT_ROOT if (g->rank != 0) phgError(1, "Pinned node only on rank 0!\n"); if (g, e->verts[i] != ns->pinned_node_id) phgError(1, "Build rhs: pinned node e:%d, bas:%d, [%d] and [%d] " "doesn't coincide when build RHS!\n", e->index, i, e->verts[i], ns->pinned_node_id); # else if (GlobalVertex(g, e->verts[i]) != ns->pinned_node_id) phgError(1, "Build rhs: pinned node e:%d, bas:%d, [%d] and [%d] " "doesn't coincide when build RHS!\n", e->index, i, e->verts[i], ns->pinned_node_id); # endif /* PIN_AT_ROOT */ } } #else TIME_DEP_LINEAR; /* Unavailable */ #endif /* STEADY_STATE || TIME_DEP_NON */ /* Global res */ phgVecAddEntries(vec_rhs, 0, M * Dim, Iu[0], &rhsu[0][0]); phgVecAddEntries(vec_rhs, 0, N, Ip, rhsp); } /* end element */
void get_smooth_surface_values(NSSolver *ns, DOF *dof_P1, int up_or_lower) { GRID *g = ns->g; DOF *sn = dof_P1; LAYERED_MESH *gL = ns->gL; int avg_style = 1; int nx = NX, ny = NY; int i, ii, j, k; static FLOAT *nsv, *nsv0, *x_coord, *x_coord0, *y_coord, *y_coord0; PHG_CALLOC(nsv, gL->nvert); PHG_CALLOC(nsv0, gL->nvert); for (i = 0; i < gL->nvert; i++) { nsv[i] = -1e30; } for (ii = 0; ii < gL->nvert_bot; ii++) { i = gL->vert_bot_Lidx[ii]; assert(gL->vert_local_lists[i] != NULL); INT iG = gL->vert_bot_Gidx[ii]; assert(iG < gL->nvert); int nv = gL->vert_local_lists[i][0]; int *iL = &gL->vert_local_lists[i][1]; assert(nv > 0); FLOAT val; if (up_or_lower == 0) val = *DofVertexData(sn, iL[0]); // smooth the values at the lower surface if (up_or_lower == 1) val = *DofVertexData(sn, iL[nv-1]); // smooth the values of the upper surface nsv[iG] = val; } MPI_Allreduce(nsv, nsv0, gL->nvert, PHG_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //MPI_Allreduce(x_coord, x_coord0, gL->nvert, // PHG_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //MPI_Allreduce(y_coord, y_coord0, gL->nvert, // PHG_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (0 && phgRank == 0){ FILE *fp = fopen("nsv.dat", "w"); for (ii = 0; ii < gL->nvert; ii++) { fprintf(fp, "%e\n", nsv0[ii]); } fclose(fp); } if (phgRank == 0) { //FLOAT **data_x = read_txt_data("data_x.txt"); //FLOAT **data_y = read_txt_data("data_y.txt"); FLOAT snv[nx][ny]; FLOAT sum_sn[nx]; FLOAT mean_sn[nx]; FLOAT m_avg[nx][ny]; FLOAT data4fit[ny]; Bzero(snv); Bzero(sum_sn); Bzero(mean_sn); Bzero(m_avg); Bzero(data4fit); for (i = 0; i < gL->nvert; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { if (fabs(gL->verts[i][1] - data_y[0][j]) < 1e-1) { for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) { //printf("%f %f\n", gL->verts[i][0], data_x[0][k]); if (fabs(gL->verts[i][0]-data_x[k][0]) < 1e-1) { snv[k][j] = nsv0[i]; //printf("nsv: %f %d %d %d\n", nsv0[i], i, j, k); //printf("nsv: %f %d %d %d\n", snv[j][k], i, j, k); } } } } } #if 0 FILE *fp0 = fopen("data_orig.txt", "w"); for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { fprintf(fp0, "%f ", snv[k][j]); } fprintf(fp0, "\n"); } fclose(fp0); system("python"); #endif for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) { //if (k==0) //printf("%f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %f %d\n", snv[0][k], snv[1][k], snv[2][k], snv[3][k], snv[4][k], snv[5][k],snv[6][k],snv[7][k],snv[8][k],snv[9][k],snv[10][k],k); //FILE *fp = fopen("data_polyfit.txt", "w"); for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { sum_sn[k] += snv[k][j]; if (j == 0) m_avg[k][j] = (snv[k][0] + snv[k][1])/2; else if (j == ny-1) m_avg[k][j] = (snv[k][ny-2] + snv[k][ny-1])/2; else m_avg[k][j] = (snv[k][j-1] + snv[k][j] + snv[k][j+1])/3; //data4fit[j] = snv[k][j]; //fprintf(fp, "%d %f\n", j, data4fit[j]); } //fclose(fp); //system("python"); mean_sn[k] = sum_sn[k]/ny; //printf("mean_dH: %f %f %f\n", snv[j][k], sum_sn[k], mean_sn[k]); } #if 0 FILE *fp1 = fopen("data_fitted.txt", "r"); if (fp1==NULL){ printf("errors when opening fitting file!\n"); } FLOAT **data = (double**) calloc(nx, sizeof *data); for (j=0;j<nx;j++) { data[j] = (double*) calloc(ny, sizeof *data[j]); for (i=0;i<ny;i++) { fscanf(fp1, "%f", &data[j][i]); } } fclose(fp1); for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) m_avg[k][j] = data[k][j]; #endif for (i = 0; i < gL->nvert; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { if (fabs(gL->verts[i][1] - data_y[0][j]) < 1e-1) { for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) { if (fabs(gL->verts[i][0]-data_x[k][0]) < 1e-1) { if (avg_style == 1) nsv0[i] = mean_sn[k]; #if 0 if (avg_style == 2) nsv0[i] = m_avg[k][j]; #endif } } } } } } MPI_Bcast(nsv0, gL->nvert, PHG_MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); for (ii = 0; ii < gL->nvert_bot; ii++) { i = gL->vert_bot_Lidx[ii]; assert(gL->vert_local_lists[i] != NULL); INT iG = gL->vert_bot_Gidx[ii]; assert(iG < gL->nvert); int nv = gL->vert_local_lists[i][0]; int *iL = &gL->vert_local_lists[i][1]; assert(nv > 0); FLOAT *vg; if (up_or_lower == 0) vg = DofVertexData(sn, iL[0]); if (up_or_lower == 1) vg = DofVertexData(sn, iL[nv-1]); vg[0] = nsv0[iG]; } }
void save_free_surface_elev(NSSolver *ns, int up_or_lower) { GRID *g = ns->g; LAYERED_MESH *gL = ns->gL; int avg_style = 1; int nx = NX, ny = NY; int i, ii, j, k; static FLOAT *nsv, *nsv0, *x_coord, *x_coord0, *y_coord, *y_coord0; PHG_CALLOC(nsv, gL->nvert); PHG_CALLOC(nsv0, gL->nvert); for (i = 0; i < gL->nvert; i++) { nsv[i] = -1e30; } for (ii = 0; ii < gL->nvert_bot; ii++) { i = gL->vert_bot_Lidx[ii]; assert(gL->vert_local_lists[i] != NULL); INT iG = gL->vert_bot_Gidx[ii]; assert(iG < gL->nvert); int nv = gL->vert_local_lists[i][0]; int *iL = &gL->vert_local_lists[i][1]; assert(nv > 0); FLOAT val; if (up_or_lower == 0) val = g->verts[iL[0]][2]; //val = *DofVertexData(sn, iL[0]); // smooth the values at the lower surface if (up_or_lower == 1) val = g->verts[iL[nv-1]][2]; //val = *DofVertexData(sn, iL[nv-1]); // smooth the values of the upper surface nsv[iG] = val; } MPI_Allreduce(nsv, nsv0, gL->nvert, PHG_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //MPI_Allreduce(x_coord, x_coord0, gL->nvert, // PHG_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //MPI_Allreduce(y_coord, y_coord0, gL->nvert, // PHG_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (1 && phgRank == 0){ FILE *fp = fopen("nsv.dat", "w"); for (ii = 0; ii < gL->nvert; ii++) { fprintf(fp, "%e\n", nsv0[ii]); } fclose(fp); } if (phgRank == 0) { FLOAT snv[nx][ny]; Bzero(snv); for (i = 0; i < gL->nvert; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { if (fabs(gL->verts[i][1] - data_y[j][0]) < 1e-1) { for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) { //printf("%f %f\n", gL->verts[i][0], data_x[0][k]); if (fabs(gL->verts[i][0]-data_x[0][k]) < 1e-1) { snv[k][j] = nsv0[i]; //printf("nsv: %f %d %d %d\n", nsv0[i], i, j, k); //printf("nsv: %f %d %d %d\n", snv[j][k], i, j, k); } } } } } FILE *fp0; if (up_or_lower == 0) fp0 = fopen("s_bot.txt", "w"); if (up_or_lower == 1) fp0 = fopen("s_sur.txt", "w"); for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { fprintf(fp0, "%f ", snv[k][j]); } fprintf(fp0, "\n"); } phgPrintf("save surface elevation!\n"); fclose(fp0); } }
void save_free_surface_velo(NSSolver *ns, int which_dim, int up_or_lower) { GRID *g = ns->g; LAYERED_MESH *gL = ns->gL; int nx = NX, ny = NY; int i, ii, j, k; static FLOAT *nsv, *nsv0, *x_coord, *x_coord0, *y_coord, *y_coord0; PHG_CALLOC(nsv, gL->nvert); PHG_CALLOC(nsv0, gL->nvert); for (i = 0; i < gL->nvert; i++) { nsv[i] = -1e30; } for (ii = 0; ii < gL->nvert_bot; ii++) { i = gL->vert_bot_Lidx[ii]; assert(gL->vert_local_lists[i] != NULL); INT iG = gL->vert_bot_Gidx[ii]; assert(iG < gL->nvert); int nv = gL->vert_local_lists[i][0]; int *iL = &gL->vert_local_lists[i][1]; assert(nv > 0); FLOAT val; FLOAT *vu = DofVertexData(ns->u[1], iL[j]); if (up_or_lower == 0) { vu = DofVertexData(ns->u[1], iL[0]); val = vu[which_dim]; } if (up_or_lower == 1) { vu = DofVertexData(ns->u[1], iL[nv-1]); val = vu[which_dim]; } nsv[iG] = val; } MPI_Allreduce(nsv, nsv0, gL->nvert, PHG_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //MPI_Allreduce(x_coord, x_coord0, gL->nvert, // PHG_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); //MPI_Allreduce(y_coord, y_coord0, gL->nvert, // PHG_MPI_FLOAT, MPI_MAX, MPI_COMM_WORLD); if (1 && phgRank == 0){ FILE *fp = fopen("nsv.dat", "w"); for (ii = 0; ii < gL->nvert; ii++) { fprintf(fp, "%e\n", nsv0[ii]); } fclose(fp); } if (phgRank == 0) { //FLOAT **data_x = read_txt_data("data_x.txt"); //FLOAT **data_y = read_txt_data("data_y.txt"); FLOAT snv[nx][ny]; Bzero(snv); for (i = 0; i < gL->nvert; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { if (fabs(gL->verts[i][1] - data_y[j][0]) < 1e-1) { for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) { //printf("%f %f\n", gL->verts[i][0], data_x[0][k]); if (fabs(gL->verts[i][0]-data_x[0][k]) < 1e-1) { snv[k][j] = nsv0[i]; //printf("nsv: %f %d %d %d\n", nsv0[i], i, j, k); //printf("nsv: %f %d %d %d\n", snv[j][k], i, j, k); } } } } } FILE *fp0; if (up_or_lower == 0) { if (which_dim == 0) fp0 = fopen("u_bot.txt", "w"); else if (which_dim == 1) fp0 = fopen("v_bot.txt", "w"); else if (which_dim == 2) fp0 = fopen("w_bot.txt", "w"); else printf("Wrong dimension !"); } if (up_or_lower == 1) { if (which_dim == 0) fp0 = fopen("u_sur.txt", "w"); else if (which_dim == 1) fp0 = fopen("v_sur.txt", "w"); else if (which_dim == 2) fp0 = fopen("w_sur.txt", "w"); else printf("Wrong dimension !"); } for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { fprintf(fp0, "%f ", snv[k][j]); } fprintf(fp0, "\n"); } fclose(fp0); } }
void load_dH_from_file(NSSolver *ns, DOF *dof_P1, int up_or_lower) { GRID *g = ns->g; DOF *sn = dof_P1; LAYERED_MESH *gL = ns->gL; int nx = NX, ny = NY; int i, ii, j, k; static FLOAT *nsv, *nsv0, *x_coord, *x_coord0, *y_coord, *y_coord0; PHG_CALLOC(nsv, gL->nvert); PHG_CALLOC(nsv0, gL->nvert); if (phgRank == 0) { //FLOAT **data_x = read_txt_data("data_x.txt"); //FLOAT **data_y = read_txt_data("data_y.txt"); FLOAT snv[nx][ny]; FLOAT sum_sn[nx]; FLOAT mean_sn[nx]; FLOAT m_avg[nx][ny]; Bzero(snv); Bzero(sum_sn); Bzero(mean_sn); Bzero(m_avg); FILE *fp1; if (up_or_lower == 0) { fp1 = fopen("bot_dh_implicit_fdm.txt", "r"); if (fp1==NULL){ printf("errors when opening bot dh file!\n"); } } if (up_or_lower == 1) { fp1 = fopen("sur_dh_implicit_fdm.txt", "r"); if (fp1==NULL){ printf("errors when opening sur dh file!\n"); } } FLOAT **data = (double**) calloc(nx, sizeof *data); for (j=0;j<nx;j++) { data[j] = (double*) calloc(ny, sizeof *data[j]); for (i=0;i<ny;i++) { fscanf(fp1, "%lf", &data[j][i]); //if (data[j][i] > 0.3) //printf("%f\n", data[j][i]); } } fclose(fp1); for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) m_avg[k][j] = data[k][j]; for (i = 0; i < gL->nvert; i++) { for (j = 0; j < ny; j++) { if (fabs(gL->verts[i][1] - data_y[j][0]) < 1e-1) { for (k = 0; k < nx; k++) { if (fabs(gL->verts[i][0]-data_x[0][k]) < 1e-1) { nsv0[i] = m_avg[k][j]; } } } } } } MPI_Bcast(nsv0, gL->nvert, PHG_MPI_FLOAT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); for (ii = 0; ii < gL->nvert_bot; ii++) { i = gL->vert_bot_Lidx[ii]; assert(gL->vert_local_lists[i] != NULL); INT iG = gL->vert_bot_Gidx[ii]; assert(iG < gL->nvert); int nv = gL->vert_local_lists[i][0]; int *iL = &gL->vert_local_lists[i][1]; assert(nv > 0); FLOAT *vg; if (up_or_lower == 0) vg = DofVertexData(sn, iL[0]); if (up_or_lower == 1) vg = DofVertexData(sn, iL[nv-1]); vg[0] = nsv0[iG]; } }
int rtrequest1(int req, struct rt_addrinfo *info, struct rtentry **ret_nrt, u_int tableid) { int s = splsoftnet(); int error = 0; struct rtentry *rt, *crt; struct radix_node *rn; struct radix_node_head *rnh; struct ifaddr *ifa; struct sockaddr *ndst; struct sockaddr_rtlabel *sa_rl; #define senderr(x) { error = x ; goto bad; } if ((rnh = rt_gettable(info->rti_info[RTAX_DST]->sa_family, tableid)) == NULL) senderr(EAFNOSUPPORT); if (info->rti_flags & RTF_HOST) info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] = NULL; switch (req) { case RTM_DELETE: if ((rn = rnh->rnh_lookup(info->rti_info[RTAX_DST], info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK], rnh)) == NULL) senderr(ESRCH); rt = (struct rtentry *)rn; #ifndef SMALL_KERNEL /* * if we got multipath routes, we require users to specify * a matching RTAX_GATEWAY. */ if (rn_mpath_capable(rnh)) { rt = rt_mpath_matchgate(rt, info->rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY]); rn = (struct radix_node *)rt; if (!rt) senderr(ESRCH); } #endif if ((rn = rnh->rnh_deladdr(info->rti_info[RTAX_DST], info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK], rnh, rn)) == NULL) senderr(ESRCH); rt = (struct rtentry *)rn; /* clean up any cloned children */ if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_CLONING) != 0) rtflushclone(rnh, rt); if (rn->rn_flags & (RNF_ACTIVE | RNF_ROOT)) panic ("rtrequest delete"); if (rt->rt_gwroute) { rt = rt->rt_gwroute; RTFREE(rt); (rt = (struct rtentry *)rn)->rt_gwroute = NULL; } if (rt->rt_parent) { rt->rt_parent->rt_refcnt--; rt->rt_parent = NULL; } #ifndef SMALL_KERNEL if (rn_mpath_capable(rnh)) { if ((rn = rnh->rnh_lookup(info->rti_info[RTAX_DST], info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK], rnh)) != NULL && rn_mpath_next(rn) == NULL) ((struct rtentry *)rn)->rt_flags &= ~RTF_MPATH; } #endif rt->rt_flags &= ~RTF_UP; if ((ifa = rt->rt_ifa) && ifa->ifa_rtrequest) ifa->ifa_rtrequest(RTM_DELETE, rt, info); rttrash++; if (ret_nrt) *ret_nrt = rt; else if (rt->rt_refcnt <= 0) { rt->rt_refcnt++; rtfree(rt); } break; case RTM_RESOLVE: if (ret_nrt == NULL || (rt = *ret_nrt) == NULL) senderr(EINVAL); if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_CLONING) == 0) senderr(EINVAL); ifa = rt->rt_ifa; info->rti_flags = rt->rt_flags & ~(RTF_CLONING | RTF_STATIC); info->rti_flags |= RTF_CLONED; info->rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY] = rt->rt_gateway; if ((info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] = rt->rt_genmask) == NULL) info->rti_flags |= RTF_HOST; goto makeroute; case RTM_ADD: if (info->rti_ifa == 0 && (error = rt_getifa(info))) senderr(error); ifa = info->rti_ifa; makeroute: rt = pool_get(&rtentry_pool, PR_NOWAIT); if (rt == NULL) senderr(ENOBUFS); Bzero(rt, sizeof(*rt)); rt->rt_flags = RTF_UP | info->rti_flags; LIST_INIT(&rt->rt_timer); if (rt_setgate(rt, info->rti_info[RTAX_DST], info->rti_info[RTAX_GATEWAY], tableid)) { pool_put(&rtentry_pool, rt); senderr(ENOBUFS); } ndst = rt_key(rt); if (info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK] != NULL) { rt_maskedcopy(info->rti_info[RTAX_DST], ndst, info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK]); } else Bcopy(info->rti_info[RTAX_DST], ndst, info->rti_info[RTAX_DST]->sa_len); #ifndef SMALL_KERNEL /* do not permit exactly the same dst/mask/gw pair */ if (rn_mpath_capable(rnh) && rt_mpath_conflict(rnh, rt, info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK], info->rti_flags & RTF_MPATH)) { if (rt->rt_gwroute) rtfree(rt->rt_gwroute); Free(rt_key(rt)); pool_put(&rtentry_pool, rt); senderr(EEXIST); } #endif if (info->rti_info[RTAX_LABEL] != NULL) { sa_rl = (struct sockaddr_rtlabel *) info->rti_info[RTAX_LABEL]; rt->rt_labelid = rtlabel_name2id(sa_rl->sr_label); } ifa->ifa_refcnt++; rt->rt_ifa = ifa; rt->rt_ifp = ifa->ifa_ifp; if (req == RTM_RESOLVE) { /* * Copy both metrics and a back pointer to the cloned * route's parent. */ rt->rt_rmx = (*ret_nrt)->rt_rmx; /* copy metrics */ rt->rt_parent = *ret_nrt; /* Back ptr. to parent. */ rt->rt_parent->rt_refcnt++; } rn = rnh->rnh_addaddr((caddr_t)ndst, (caddr_t)info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK], rnh, rt->rt_nodes); if (rn == NULL && (crt = rtalloc1(ndst, 0, tableid)) != NULL) { /* overwrite cloned route */ if ((crt->rt_flags & RTF_CLONED) != 0) { rtdeletemsg(crt, tableid); rn = rnh->rnh_addaddr((caddr_t)ndst, (caddr_t)info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK], rnh, rt->rt_nodes); } RTFREE(crt); } if (rn == 0) { IFAFREE(ifa); if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_CLONED) != 0 && rt->rt_parent) rtfree(rt->rt_parent); if (rt->rt_gwroute) rtfree(rt->rt_gwroute); Free(rt_key(rt)); pool_put(&rtentry_pool, rt); senderr(EEXIST); } #ifndef SMALL_KERNEL if (rn_mpath_capable(rnh) && (rn = rnh->rnh_lookup(info->rti_info[RTAX_DST], info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK], rnh)) != NULL) { if (rn_mpath_next(rn) == NULL) ((struct rtentry *)rn)->rt_flags &= ~RTF_MPATH; else ((struct rtentry *)rn)->rt_flags |= RTF_MPATH; } #endif if (ifa->ifa_rtrequest) ifa->ifa_rtrequest(req, rt, info); if (ret_nrt) { *ret_nrt = rt; rt->rt_refcnt++; } if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_CLONING) != 0) { /* clean up any cloned children */ rtflushclone(rnh, rt); } if_group_routechange(info->rti_info[RTAX_DST], info->rti_info[RTAX_NETMASK]); break; } bad: splx(s); return (error); }
static struct radix_node * rn_addmask(void *n_arg, int search, int skip) { caddr_t netmask = (caddr_t)n_arg; struct radix_node *x; caddr_t cp, cplim; int b = 0, mlen, j; int maskduplicated, m0, isnormal; struct radix_node *saved_x; static int last_zeroed = 0; if ((mlen = *(u_char *)netmask) > max_keylen) mlen = max_keylen; if (skip == 0) skip = 1; if (mlen <= skip) return (mask_rnhead->rnh_nodes); if (skip > 1) Bcopy(rn_ones + 1, addmask_key + 1, skip - 1); if ((m0 = mlen) > skip) Bcopy(netmask + skip, addmask_key + skip, mlen - skip); /* * Trim trailing zeroes. */ for (cp = addmask_key + mlen; (cp > addmask_key) && cp[-1] == 0;) cp--; mlen = cp - addmask_key; if (mlen <= skip) { if (m0 >= last_zeroed) last_zeroed = mlen; return (mask_rnhead->rnh_nodes); } if (m0 < last_zeroed) Bzero(addmask_key + m0, last_zeroed - m0); *addmask_key = last_zeroed = mlen; x = rn_search(addmask_key, rn_masktop); if (Bcmp(addmask_key, x->rn_key, mlen) != 0) x = 0; if (x || search) return (x); x = (struct radix_node *)rtmalloc(max_keylen + 2*sizeof(*x), "rn_addmask"); saved_x = x; Bzero(x, max_keylen + 2 * sizeof (*x)); netmask = cp = (caddr_t)(x + 2); Bcopy(addmask_key, cp, mlen); x = rn_insert(cp, mask_rnhead, &maskduplicated, x); if (maskduplicated) { log(LOG_ERR, "rn_addmask: mask impossibly already in tree"); Free(saved_x); return (x); } /* * Calculate index of mask, and check for normalcy. */ cplim = netmask + mlen; isnormal = 1; for (cp = netmask + skip; (cp < cplim) && *(u_char *)cp == 0xff;) cp++; if (cp != cplim) { for (j = 0x80; (j & *cp) != 0; j >>= 1) b++; if (*cp != normal_chars[b] || cp != (cplim - 1)) isnormal = 0; } b += (cp - netmask) << 3; x->rn_b = -1 - b; if (isnormal) x->rn_flags |= RNF_NORMAL; return (x); }
/// /// /// Function to calculate the value of the breakage distribution /// function given T10 and a table ot T10 versus Tn /// Refer: /// Napier-Munn et al. /// "Mineral Comminution Circuits - Their Operation and Optimisation", /// JKMRC monograph 1996, /// p143 /// /// Uses spline interpolation /// void WhitenCrusherBreakageFunction(int nSizes, double* Size, double requiredT10, const Matrix& T10_V_Tn, LowerTriangularMatrix& B) { int nT10 = 5 ; int nTn = 7 ; int iT10 ; int iTn ; int i ; int j ; int k ; double S0 ; double interpTn[7] ; /// extra columns at T1000, T10=0 & T1, T10=100 to help extrapolation /// Pin down the end of the curve at T100000, T10=0 to help extrapolation /// Calculate 1/Tn fractions /// Pin down the end of the curve at T1, T10=100 to help extrapolation double fractionTn[7] = {1.0 / 100000.0, 1.0 / 75.0, 1.0 / 50.0, 1.0 / 25.0, 1.0 / 4.0, 1.0 / 2.0, 1.0 } ; double X[5] = { 0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0, 40.0 } ; /// T10 data to interpolate on double Y[5] ; double cumulativeB[100] ; double fractionSize ; CSpline Spline ; /// Interpolate to get a range of Tn data at the given T10 for ( iTn = 0 ; iTn < nTn - 2 ; iTn++ ) /// Do all normal Tn values { for ( iT10 = 0 ; iT10 < nT10 ; iT10++ ) /// This particular Tn data slice { Y[iT10] = T10_V_Tn(iT10+1, iTn+1) ; } Spline.Make( X, Y, nT10 ) ; /// Calculate the spline interpTn[iTn+1] = Spline.Evaluate(requiredT10) ; /// Evaluate the spline } interpTn[0] = 0.0000001 ; interpTn[6] = 100.0 ; /// Then interpolate to get the CUMULATIVE breakage distibution function by size Spline.Make( fractionTn, interpTn, nTn ) ; /// Calculate the spline S0 = Size[0] ; cumulativeB[0] = 1.0 ; /// 100% passing top size for ( i = 1 ; i < nSizes ; i++) { fractionSize = Size[i] / S0 ; cumulativeB[i] = Spline.Evaluate(fractionSize) / 100.0 ; /// Evaluate the spline for all size ratios } ColumnVector Bzero(nSizes) ; Bzero = 0.0 ; for ( i = 2 ; i <= nSizes ; i++ ) /// first entry in breakage distribution function always 0 (nothing breaks into the top size), so start one down { double bdv = cumulativeB[i - 2] - cumulativeB[i - 1] ; if ( bdv < 0.0 ) bdv = 0.0 ; //Modification by Kurt Petersen 04/06/2002 Bzero(i) = bdv ; /// convert cumulative to actual breakage distribution function } for ( i = 1 ; i <= nSizes ; i++ ) { k = 1 ; for ( j = i ; j <= nSizes ; j++ ) { B(j,i) = Bzero(k++) ; /// fill columns of lower triangular } } }
/* * Add an interface to a cluster, possibly creating a new entry in * the cluster table. This requires reallocation of the table and * updating pointers in ifp2sc. */ static struct cluster_softc * add_cluster(u_int16_t cluster_id, struct arpcom *ac) { struct cluster_softc *c = NULL; int i; for (i = 0; i < n_clusters ; i++) if (clusters[i].cluster_id == cluster_id) goto found; /* Not found, need to reallocate */ c = malloc((1+n_clusters) * sizeof (*c), M_IFADDR, M_DONTWAIT | M_ZERO); if (c == NULL) {/* malloc failure */ printf("-- bridge: cannot add new cluster\n"); return NULL; } Bzero(c, (1+n_clusters) * sizeof (*c)); c[n_clusters].ht = (struct hash_table *) malloc(HASH_SIZE * sizeof(struct hash_table), M_IFADDR, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if (c[n_clusters].ht == NULL) { printf("-- bridge: cannot allocate hash table for new cluster\n"); free(c, M_IFADDR); return NULL; } Bzero(c[n_clusters].ht,HASH_SIZE * sizeof(struct hash_table)); c[n_clusters].my_macs = (struct bdg_addr *) malloc(BDG_MAX_PORTS * sizeof(struct bdg_addr), M_IFADDR, M_WAITOK | M_ZERO); if (c[n_clusters].my_macs == NULL) { printf("-- bridge: cannot allocate mac addr table for new cluster\n"); free(c[n_clusters].ht, M_IFADDR); free(c, M_IFADDR); return NULL; } Bzero(c[n_clusters].my_macs,BDG_MAX_PORTS * sizeof(struct bdg_addr)); c[n_clusters].cluster_id = cluster_id; c[n_clusters].ports = 0; /* * now copy old descriptors here */ if (n_clusters > 0) { for (i=0; i < n_clusters; i++) c[i] = clusters[i]; /* * and finally update pointers in ifp2sc */ for (i = 0 ; i < if_index && i < BDG_MAX_PORTS; i++) if (ifp2sc[i].cluster != NULL) ifp2sc[i].cluster = c + (ifp2sc[i].cluster - clusters); free(clusters, M_IFADDR); } clusters = c; i = n_clusters; /* index of cluster entry */ n_clusters++; found: c = clusters + i; /* the right cluster ... */ bcopy(ac->ac_enaddr, &(c->my_macs[c->ports]), 6); c->ports++; return c; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *stardata; FILE *planetdata; FILE *sectordata; FILE *outputtxt = NULL; char str[200]; int c; int i; int star; /* * int x; */ /* * double att; */ double xspeed[NUMSTARS]; double yspeed[NUMSTARS]; /* * Empty stars */ int nempty; /* * How many rows and columns are needed */ int rowcolumns; /* * Non-empty stars not placed */ int starsleft; /* * How many planetless systems is in each square */ int emptyrounds; /* * Size of square */ double displacement; /* * How many wormholes */ int whcnt; int wormholes = -1; int wormidx; struct w_holes w_holes[NUMSTARS + 1]; int x; int y; int z; int squaresleft; int total; int flag = 0; struct power power[MAXPLAYERS]; struct block block[MAXPLAYERS]; /* * Initialize */ /* * srandom(getpid()); */ Bzero(Sdata); /* * Read the arguments for values */ for (i = 1; i < argc; ++i) { if (argv[i][0] != '-') { printf("\n"); printf("Usage: makeuniv [-a] [-b] [-d] [-e E] [-l MIN] [-m MAX] "); printf("[-s N] [-v] [-w C] [-x]\n"); printf(" -a Autoload star names.\n"); printf(" -b Autoload planet names.\n"); printf(" -d Use smashup (asteroid impact routines.\n"); printf(" -e E Make E%% of stars have no planets.\n"); printf(" -l MIN Other systems will have at least MIN planets.\n"); printf(" -m MAX Other systems will have at most MAX planets.\n"); printf(" -p Create postscript map file of the univese.\n"); printf(" -s N The univers will have N stars.\n"); printf(" -v Do no print info and map of planets generated.\n"); printf(" -w C The universe will have C wormholes.\n"); printf(" -x Do not print info on stars generated.\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; } else { switch (argv[i][1]) { case 'a': autoname_star = 1; break; case 'b': autoname_plan = 1; break; case 'd': use_smashup = 1; break; case 'e': ++i; planetlesschance = atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'l': ++i; minplanets = atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'm': ++i; maxplanets = atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'p': printpostscript = 1; break; case 's': ++i; nstars = atoi(argv[i]); break; case 'v': printplaninfo = 0; break; case 'x': printstarinfo = 0; break; case 'w': ++i; wormholes = atoi(argv[i]); break; default: printf("\n"); printf("Unknown option \"%s\".\n", argv[i]); printf("\n"); printf("Usage: makeuniv [-a] [-b] [-e E] [-l MIN] [-m MAX] "); printf("[-s N] [-v] [-w C] [-x]\n"); printf(" -a Autoload star names.\n"); printf(" -b Autoload planetnames.\n"); printf(" -d Use smashup (asteroid impact) routines.\n"); printf(" -e E Make E%% of stars have no planets.\n"); printf(" -l MIN Other systems will have at least MIN planets.\n"); printf(" -m MAX Other systems will have at most MAX planets.\n"); printf(" -p Create postscript map file of the universe.\n"); printf(" -s N The universe will have N stars.\n"); printf(" -v Do not print info and map of planets generated.\n"); printf(" -w C The universe will have C wormholes.\n"); printf(" -x Do not print info on stars generated.\n"); printf("\n"); return 0; } } } /* * Get values for all the switches that still don't have good values. */ if (autoname_star == -1) { printf("\nDo you wish to use the file \"%s\" for star names? [y/n]> ", STARLIST); c = getchr(); if (c != '\n') { getchr(); } autoname_star = (c == 'y'); } if (autoname_plan == -1) { printf("\nDo you wish to use the file \"%s\" for planet names? [y/n]> ", PLANETLIST); c = getchr(); if (c != '\n') { getchr(); } autoname_plan = (c == 'y'); } if (use_smashup == -1) { printf("\nUse the smashup (asteroid impact) routines? [y/n]> "); c = getchr(); if (c != '\n') { getchr(); } use_smashup = (c == 'y'); } while ((nstars < 1) || (nstars >= NUMSTARS)) { printf("Number of stars [1-%d]:", NUMSTARS - 1); scanf("%d", &nstars); } while ((planetlesschance < 0) || (planetlesschance > 100)) { printf("Percentage of empty systems [0-100]:"); scanf("%d", &planetlesschance); } while ((minplanets <= 0) || (minplanets > absmaxplan)) { printf("Minimum number of planets per system [1-%d]:", absmaxplan); scanf("%d", &maxplanets); } while ((wormholes < 0) || (wormholes > nstars) || ((wormholes % 2) == 1)) { printf("Number of wormholes (muse be even number) [0-%d]:", nstars); scanf("%d", &wormholes); } Makeplanet_init(); Makestar_init(); Sdata.numstars = nstars; sprintf(str, "/bin/mkdir -p %s", DATADIR); system(str); planetdata = fopen(PLANETDATAFL, "w+"); if (planetdata == NULL) { printf("Unable to open planet data file \"%s\"\n", PLANETDATAFL); return -1; } sectordata = fopen(SECTORDATAFL, "w+"); if (sectordata == NULL) { printf("Unable to open sector data file \"%s\"\n", SECTORDATAFL); return -1; } if (printstarinfo || printplaninfo) { outputtxt = fopen(OUTPUTFILE, "w+"); if (outputtxt == NULL) { printf("Unable to open \"%s\" for output.\n", OUTPUTFILE); return -1; } } if (!wormholes) { whcnt = 0; } else { whcnt (int)(nstars / wormholes) - 1; } wormidx = 0; for (star = 0; star < nstars; ++star) { Stars[star] = Makestar(planetdata, sectordata, outputtxt); xspeed[star] = 0; yspeed[star] = 0; Stars[star]->wh_has_wormhole = 0; Stars[star]->wh_dest_starnum = -1; Stars[star]->wh_stability = 0; /* * See if time to put a wormhole in */ if (!whcnt) { /* * Make a wormhole here. This adds a wormhole planet to this star. */ if (Stars[star]->numplanets == MAXPLANETS) { /* * Skip until a star as < MAXPLANETS */ whcnt = 0; continue; } else { if (!wormholes) { whcnt = 0; } else { whcnt = (int)(nstars / wormholes) - 1; } make_wormhole(Stars[star], planetdata, sectordata, outputtxt); w_holes[wormidx].star = Stars[star]; w_hoels[wormidx].num = star; ++wormidx; } } --whcnt; } /* * Data data files to group * readwrite */ chmod(PLANETDATAFL, 00660); fclose(planetdata); chmod(SECTORDATAFL, 00660); fclose(sectordata); /* * New Gardan code 21.12.1996 * Changed 27.8.1997: Displacement wasn't set before * * Start here */ total = nstars; nempty = round_rand(((double)nstars * (double)planetlesschance) / 100); /* * Amount of non-empty stars */ nstars -= nempty; rowcolumns = 0; while ((rowcolumns * rowcolumns) < (nstars / 2)) { ++rowcolumns; } /* * Unhandled squares */ squaresleft = rowcolumns * rowcolumns; starsleft = nstars - squaresleft; emptyrounds = 0; while (nempty > squaresleft) { ++emptyrounds; nempty -= squaresleft; } displacement = UNIVSIZE / rowcolumns; /* * Size of square */ for (x = 0; x < rowcolumns; ++x) { for (y = 0; y < rowcolumns; ++y) { /* * planetlesschance = 0; * Stars[starindex] = Makestar(planetdata, sectordata, outputtxt); * xspeed[starindex] = 0; * yspeed[starindex] = 0; */ Stars[starindex]->xpos = displacement * (x + (1.0 * double_rand())); Stars[starindex]->ypos = displacement * (y + (1.0 * double_rand())); ++starindex; z = int_rand(1, squaresleft); /* * If there is system with planet */ if (z <= starsleft) { /* * Stars[starindex] = * Makestar(planetdata, sectordata, outputtxt); * xspeed[starindex] = 0; * yspeec[starindex] = 0; */ Stars[starindex]->xpos = displacement * (x + (1.0 * double_rand())); Stars[starindex]->ypos = displacement * (y + (1.0 * double_rand())); --starsleft; ++starindex; } /* * If there is planetless system */ if (x <= nempty) { /* * planetlesschance = 100; * Stars[starindex] = * Makestar(planetdata, sectordata, outputtxt); * xspeed[starindex] = 0; * yspeed[starindex] = 0; */ Stars[starindex]->xpos = displacement * (x + (1.0 * double_rand())); Stars[starindex]->ypos = displacement * (y + (1.0 * double_rand())); /* * sprintf(Stars[starindex]->name, "E%d_%d", x, y); */ /* * Added -mfw */ strcpy(Stars[starindex]->name, NextStarName()); --nempty; ++starindex; } /* * Planetless systems equal to all squares */ for (z = 0; z < emptyrounds; ++z) { /* * planetlesschance = 100; * Stars[starindex] = * Makestar(planetdata, sectordata, outputtxt); * xspeed[starindex] = 0; * yspeed[starindex] = 0; */ Stars[starindex]->xpos = displacement * (x + (1.0 * double_rand())); Stars[starindex]->ypos = displacement * (y + (1.0 * double_rand())); /* * sprintf(Stars[starindex]->name, "E%d_%d", x, y); */ /* * Added -mfw */ strcpy(Stars[starindex]->name, NextStarName()); ++starindex; } --squaresleft; } } /* * Checks if two stars are too close */ z = 1; while (z) { z = 0; for (x = 2; x < total; ++x) { for (y = x + 1; y < total; ++y) { dist = sqrt(Distsq(Stars[x]->xpos, Stars[x]->ypos, Stars[x]->xpos, Stars[x]->ypos)); if (dist < (4 * SYSTEMSIZE)) { z = 1; if (stars[x]->ypos > Stars[y]->ypos) { Stars[x]->ypos += (4 * SYSTEMSIZE); } else { Stars[y]->ypos += (4 * SYSTEMSIZE); } } } } } for (x = 0; x < starindex; ++x) { if (Stars[x]->xpos > UNIVSIZE) { Stars[x]->xpos -= UNIVSIZE; } if (Stars[x]->ypos > UNIVSIZE) { Stars[x]->ypos -= UNIVSIZE; } } /* * End Gardan code */ /* * Calculate worm hole destinations */ for (x = 1; x < wormidx; x += 2) { w_holes[x].star->wh_dest_starnum = w_holes[x - 1].num; w_holes[x - 1].star->wh_dest_starnum = w_holes[x].num; if (printstarinfo) { fprintf(outputtxt, "Wormhole[%d], Dest: %d, Star: %d %s, Stab: %d\n", x - 1, w_holes[x - 1].star->wh_test_starnum, w_holes[x - 1].num, w_holes[x - 1].star->name, w_holes[x - 1].star->wh_stability); } if (printfstarinfo) { fprintf(outputtxt, "Wormhole[%d], Dest: %d, Star: %d %s, Stab: %d\n", x, w_holes[x].star->wh_dest_starnum, w_holes[x].num, w_holes[x].star->name, w_holes[x].star->wh_stability); } } if (((double)wormidx / 2) != ((int)wormidx / 2)) { /* * Odd number so last w_hole points to #1 no return */ w_holes[wormidx - 1].star->wh_dest_starnum = w_holes[0].num; if (printstarinfo) { fprintf(outputtxt, "Wormhole[%d], Dest: %d, Star: %d %s, Stab: %d\n", wormidx - 1, w_holes[wormidx - 1].star->wh_dest_starnum, w_holes[wormidx - 1].num, w_holes[wormidx - 1].star->name, w_holes[wormidx - 1].star->wh_stability); } } if (printstarinfo) { fprintf(outputtxt, "Total Wormholes: %d\n", wormidx); } #if 0 /* * Old code starts */ /* * Try to more evenly space stars. Essentially this is an inverse-gravity * calculation: The nearer two stars are to each other, the more they * repulse each other. Several iterations of this will suffice to move all * of the stars nicely apart. */ CLUSTER_COUNTER = 6; STAR_COUNTER = 1; dist = CLUSTER_FROM_CENTER; for (its = 1; its <= 6; ++its) { /* * Circle of stars */ fprintf(outputtxt, "Grouping [%f]", dist); for (clusters = 1; clusters <= CLUSTER_COUNTER; ++clusters) { /* * Number of clusters in circle */ for (starsinclus = 1; starsinclus <= STAR_COUNTER; ++starsinclus) { /* * Number of stars in cluster */ ange = 2.0 * M_PI * ANGLE; cluster_delta_x = int_rand(CLUSTER_STAR_MIN, CLUSTER_STAR_MAX); cluster_delta_y = int_rand(CLUSTER_STAR_MIN, CLUSTER_STAR_MAX); clusterx = dist * sin(angle); clustery = dist * cos(angle); if (starindex >= Sdatanumstars) { flag = 1; break; } fprintf(outputtxt, " %s ", Stars[starindex]->name); if ((its == 1) || (its == 3) || (its == 6)) { setbit(Stars[starindex]->explored, 1); setbit(Stars[starindex]->inhabited, 1); } Stars[starindex]->xpos = clusterx + cluster_delta_x; Stars[starindex]->ypos = clustery + cluster_delta_y; ANGLE = (ANGLE + 0.15) + double_rand(); fprintf(outputtxt, "ANGLE 1 %f\n", ANGLE); ++starindex; } } if (flag) { break; } switch (its + 1) { case 2: ANGLE = 0.20 + double_rand(); CLUSTER_COUNTER = 10; dist += 25000; break; case 3: ANGLE = 0.35 + double_rand(); CLUSTER_COUNTER = 13; dist += 27000; break; case 4: ANGLE = 0.40 + double_rand(); CLUSTER_COUNTER = 15; dist += 27000; break; case 5: ANGLE = 0.25 + double_rand(); CLUSTER_COUNTER = 17; dist += 32000; break; case 6: ANGLE = 0.12 + double_rand(); CLUSTER_COUNTER = 17; dist += 32000; break; } fprintf(outputtxt, "\n\n"); fprintf(outputtxt, "ANGLE 2 %f\n", ANGLE); } Stars[0]->xpos = 0; Stars[0]->ypos = 0; strcpy(Stars[0]->name, "Bambi"); #endif stardata = fopen(STARDATAFL, "w+"); if (stardata == NULL) { printf("Unable to open star data file \"%s\"\n", STARDATAFL); return 01; } fwrite(&Sdata, sizeof(Sdata), 1, stardata); for (star = 0; star < Sdata.numstars; ++star) { fwrite(Stars[star], sizeof(startype), 1, stardata); } chmod(STARDATAFL, 00660); fclose(stardata); EmptyFile(SHIPDATAFL); EmptyFile(SHIPFREEDATAFL); EmptyFile(COMMODDATAFL); EmptyFile(COMMODFREEDATAFL); EmptyFile(PLAYERDATAFL); EmptyFile(RACEDATAFL); memset((char *)power, 0, sizeof(power)); InitFile(POWFL, power, sizeof(power)); memset((char *)block, 0, sizeof(block)); Initfile(BLOCKDATAFL, block, sizeof(block)); /* * Telegram files: directory and a file for each player. */ sprintf(str, "/bin/mkdir -p %s", MSGDIR); system(str); chmod(MSGDIR, 00770); #if 0 /* * Why is this not needed anymore? */ for (i = 1; i < MAXPLAYERS; ++i) { sprintf(str, "%s.%d", TELEGRAMFL, i); Empyfile(str); } #endif /* * News files: directory and the 4 types of news. */ sprintf(str, "/bin/mkdir -p %s", NEWSDIR); system(str); chmod(NEWSDIR, 00770); EmptyFile(DECLARATIONFL); EmptyFile(TRANSFERFL); EmptyFile(COMBATFL); EmptyFile(ANNOUNCEFL); if (printstarinfo) { PrintStatistics(outputtxt); } if (printpostscript) { produce_postscript(DEFAULT_POSTSCRIPT_MAP_FILENAME); } printf("Universe Created!\n"); if (printstarinfo || printplaninfo) { printf("Summary output written to %s\n", OUTPUTFILE); fclose(outputtxt); } return 0; }
/* * Parallel to llc_rtrequest. */ static void arp_rtrequest( int req, struct rtentry *rt, __unused struct sockaddr *sa) { struct sockaddr *gate = rt->rt_gateway; struct llinfo_arp *la = rt->rt_llinfo; static struct sockaddr_dl null_sdl = {sizeof(null_sdl), AF_LINK, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, {0}}; struct timeval timenow; if (!arpinit_done) { panic("%s: ARP has not been initialized", __func__); /* NOTREACHED */ } lck_mtx_assert(rnh_lock, LCK_MTX_ASSERT_OWNED); RT_LOCK_ASSERT_HELD(rt); if (rt->rt_flags & RTF_GATEWAY) return; getmicrotime(&timenow); switch (req) { case RTM_ADD: /* * XXX: If this is a manually added route to interface * such as older version of routed or gated might provide, * restore cloning bit. */ if ((rt->rt_flags & RTF_HOST) == 0 && SIN(rt_mask(rt))->sin_addr.s_addr != 0xffffffff) rt->rt_flags |= RTF_CLONING; if (rt->rt_flags & RTF_CLONING) { /* * Case 1: This route should come from a route to iface. */ if (rt_setgate(rt, rt_key(rt), (struct sockaddr *)&null_sdl) == 0) { gate = rt->rt_gateway; SDL(gate)->sdl_type = rt->rt_ifp->if_type; SDL(gate)->sdl_index = rt->rt_ifp->if_index; /* * In case we're called before 1.0 sec. * has elapsed. */ rt->rt_expire = MAX(timenow.tv_sec, 1); } break; } /* Announce a new entry if requested. */ if (rt->rt_flags & RTF_ANNOUNCE) { RT_UNLOCK(rt); dlil_send_arp(rt->rt_ifp, ARPOP_REQUEST, SDL(gate), rt_key(rt), NULL, rt_key(rt)); RT_LOCK(rt); } /*FALLTHROUGH*/ case RTM_RESOLVE: if (gate->sa_family != AF_LINK || gate->sa_len < sizeof(null_sdl)) { if (log_arp_warnings) log(LOG_DEBUG, "arp_rtrequest: bad gateway value\n"); break; } SDL(gate)->sdl_type = rt->rt_ifp->if_type; SDL(gate)->sdl_index = rt->rt_ifp->if_index; if (la != 0) break; /* This happens on a route change */ /* * Case 2: This route may come from cloning, or a manual route * add with a LL address. */ rt->rt_llinfo = la = arp_llinfo_alloc(); if (la == NULL) { if (log_arp_warnings) log(LOG_DEBUG, "%s: malloc failed\n", __func__); break; } rt->rt_llinfo_free = arp_llinfo_free; arp_inuse++, arp_allocated++; Bzero(la, sizeof(*la)); la->la_rt = rt; rt->rt_flags |= RTF_LLINFO; LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&llinfo_arp, la, la_le); /* * This keeps the multicast addresses from showing up * in `arp -a' listings as unresolved. It's not actually * functional. Then the same for broadcast. */ if (IN_MULTICAST(ntohl(SIN(rt_key(rt))->sin_addr.s_addr))) { RT_UNLOCK(rt); dlil_resolve_multi(rt->rt_ifp, rt_key(rt), gate, sizeof(struct sockaddr_dl)); RT_LOCK(rt); rt->rt_expire = 0; } else if (in_broadcast(SIN(rt_key(rt))->sin_addr, rt->rt_ifp)) { struct sockaddr_dl *gate_ll = SDL(gate); size_t broadcast_len; ifnet_llbroadcast_copy_bytes(rt->rt_ifp, LLADDR(gate_ll), sizeof(gate_ll->sdl_data), &broadcast_len); gate_ll->sdl_alen = broadcast_len; gate_ll->sdl_family = AF_LINK; gate_ll->sdl_len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_dl); /* In case we're called before 1.0 sec. has elapsed */ rt->rt_expire = MAX(timenow.tv_sec, 1); } if (SIN(rt_key(rt))->sin_addr.s_addr == (IA_SIN(rt->rt_ifa))->sin_addr.s_addr) { /* * This test used to be * if (loif.if_flags & IFF_UP) * It allowed local traffic to be forced * through the hardware by configuring the loopback down. * However, it causes problems during network configuration * for boards that can't receive packets they send. * It is now necessary to clear "useloopback" and remove * the route to force traffic out to the hardware. */ rt->rt_expire = 0; ifnet_lladdr_copy_bytes(rt->rt_ifp, LLADDR(SDL(gate)), SDL(gate)->sdl_alen = 6); if (useloopback) { #if IFNET_ROUTE_REFCNT /* Adjust route ref count for the interfaces */ if (rt->rt_if_ref_fn != NULL && rt->rt_ifp != lo_ifp) { rt->rt_if_ref_fn(lo_ifp, 1); rt->rt_if_ref_fn(rt->rt_ifp, -1); } #endif /* IFNET_ROUTE_REFCNT */ rt->rt_ifp = lo_ifp; } } break; case RTM_DELETE: if (la == 0) break; arp_inuse--; /* * Unchain it but defer the actual freeing until the route * itself is to be freed. rt->rt_llinfo still points to * llinfo_arp, and likewise, la->la_rt still points to this * route entry, except that RTF_LLINFO is now cleared. */ LIST_REMOVE(la, la_le); la->la_le.le_next = NULL; la->la_le.le_prev = NULL; rt->rt_flags &= ~RTF_LLINFO; if (la->la_hold != NULL) m_freem(la->la_hold); la->la_hold = NULL; } }
void phgNSBuildPc(NSSolver *ns) { GRID *g = ns->g; SIMPLEX *e; FLOAT *dt = ns->dt; int i, j, q, s, k, l; FLOAT Theta = _nsp->Theta, nu = _nsp->nu, Thet1, nu0 = 0; DOF *tmp_u1 = phgDofNew(g, _nsp->utype, Dim, "tmp u1", func_u); int viscosity_type = ns->viscosity_type; LTYPE ltype = ns->ltype; #if STEADY_STATE assert(fabs(Theta - 1) < 1e-12); Thet1 = 0; Unused(Thet1); Unused(dt); #else Thet1 = 1 - Theta; #endif /* STEADY_STATE */ ForAllElements(g, e) { int M = ns->u[1]->type->nbas; /* num of bases of Velocity */ int N = ns->p[1]->type->nbas; /* num of bases of Pressure */ int order = 2 * DofTypeOrder(ns->p[1], e) + DofTypeOrder(ns->u[1], e) - 1; /* highest order term (u \nabla p, psi) */ FLOAT Ap[N][N], Fp[N][N], Qp[N][N], bufp[N], rhs1 = 1; FLOAT F[M*Dim][M*Dim], B[N][M*Dim], Bt[M*Dim][N]; INT Ip[N]; QUAD *quad; FLOAT vol, det; const FLOAT *w, *p, *vw, *gu, *vTe; quad = phgQuadGetQuad3D(order); vw = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->wind, quad); /* value wind */ gu = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->gradu[1], quad); /* grad u^{n+1} */ if (ns_params->noniter_temp) vTe = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->T[1], quad); /* value temp */ else vTe = phgQuadGetDofValues(e, ns->T[0], quad); /* value temp */ vol = 0; Bzero(Ap); Bzero(Fp); Bzero(Qp); Bzero(F); Bzero(Bt); Bzero(B); Bzero(bufp); p = quad->points; w = quad->weights; for (q = 0; q < quad->npoints; q++) { phgGeomGetCurvedJacobianAtLambda(g, e, p, &det); vol = fabs(det / 6.); for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { const FLOAT *gi = phgQuadGetBasisValues(e, ns->p[1], i, quad) + q; /* phi_i */ const FLOAT *ggi = phgQuadGetBasisCurvedGradient(e, ns->p[1], i, quad, q); /* grad phi_i */ for (j = 0; j < N; j++) { const FLOAT *gj = phgQuadGetBasisValues(e, ns->p[1], j, quad) + q; /* phi_j */ const FLOAT *ggj = phgQuadGetBasisCurvedGradient(e, ns->p[1], j, quad, q); /* grad phi_i */ nu = get_effective_viscosity(gu, *vTe, 0, viscosity_type); if (i == 0 && j == 0) nu0 += nu; #if ICE_BENCH_TEST || \ ESIMINT_TEST || \ HEINO_TEST || \ TEST_CASE == ICE_EXACT || \ TEST_CASE == ICE_GREEN_LAND Unused(dt); /* Note: B Q^-1 Bt ~ Ap(nu=1), * Fp(nu varies) is very different to Ap */ Ap[i][j] += vol*(*w) * INNER_PRODUCT(ggj, ggi); # if USE_QP_ONLY //Qp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * LEN_SCALING * PRES_SCALING /(nu) * (*gj) * (*gi); Qp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * 1. /(EQU_SCALING * nu) * (*gj) * (*gi); /* if (i < NVert && j < NVert) { */ /* Qp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * LEN_SCALING * PRES_SCALING / (nu) * (*gj) * (*gi); */ /* } else if (i == NVert && j == NVert) { */ /* Qp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * LEN_SCALING * PRES_SCALING / (nu) * (*gj) * (*gi); */ /* } */ # else Qp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * (*gj) * (*gi); # endif Fp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * (EQU_SCALING * nu * INNER_PRODUCT(ggj, ggi) ); #elif STEADY_STATE Ap[i][j] += vol*(*w) * INNER_PRODUCT(ggj, ggi); Qp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * (*gj) * (*gi); Fp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * (nu * INNER_PRODUCT(ggj, ggi) * EQU_SCALING ); #elif TIME_DEP_NON Ap[i][j] += vol*(*w) * INNER_PRODUCT(ggj, ggi); Qp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * (*gj) * (*gi); Fp[i][j] += vol*(*w) * ((*gj) * (*gi) / dt[0] + Theta * (nu * INNER_PRODUCT(ggj, ggi) ) ); #else TIME_DEP_LINEAR_ENTRY; /* Unavailable */ #endif /* STEADY_STATE */ } } vw += Dim; gu += DDim; vTe++; w++; p += Dim+1; } /* Map: Element -> system */ for (i = 0; i < N; i++) Ip[i] = phgMapE2L(_pcd->matFp->cmap, 0, e, i); /* * PCD boundary setup I: * Automaticly decide inflow boundary condition using wind direction. * * NOT active. * */ if (FALSE && !_nsp->pin_node) { for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { BOOLEAN flag_inflow = FALSE; for (s = 0; s < NFace; s++) { SHORT bases[NbasFace(ns->p[1])]; FLOAT *coord, vw_[3]; const FLOAT *lam, *normal; if (!(e->bound_type[s] & BDRY_MASK)) //if (!(e->bound_type[s] & INFLOW)) continue; /* boundary face */ phgDofGetBasesOnFace(ns->p[1], e, s, bases); for (j = 0; j < NbasFace(ns->p[1]); j++) if (i == bases[j]) { normal = phgGeomGetFaceOutNormal(g, e, s); coord = phgDofGetElementCoordinates(ns->p[1], e, i); lam = phgGeomXYZ2Lambda(g, e, coord[0], coord[1], coord[2]); phgDofEval(tmp_u1, e, lam, vw_); if (INNER_PRODUCT(vw_, normal) > 1e-8) flag_inflow = TRUE; } } if (flag_inflow) { Bzero(bufp); bufp[i] = 1.0; phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matAp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matFp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); //phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgVecAddEntries(_pcd->rhsScale, 0, 1, Ip + i, &rhs1); } else { /* interior node Or Neumann */ phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matAp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Ap[i]); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matFp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Fp[i]); //phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Qp[i]); } phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Qp[i]); } } /* * PCD boundary setup II: * Enclose flow: use pinnode boundary. * * Qp is pinned, this is different to open flow. * * */ else if (_nsp->pin_node) { for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { if (phgDofDirichletBC(_pcd->pbc, e, i, NULL, bufp, NULL, DOF_PROJ_NONE)) { #if PIN_AT_ROOT if (g->rank != 0) phgError(1, "Pinned node only on rank 0!\n"); if (e->verts[i] != ns->pinned_node_id) phgError(1, "pinned node [%d] & [%d] doesn't coincide when build pc!\n", e->verts[i], ns->pinned_node_id); #else if (GlobalVertex(g, e->verts[i]) != ns->pinned_node_id) phgError(1, "pinned node [%d] & [%d] doesn't coincide when build pc!\n", e->verts[i], ns->pinned_node_id); #endif /* PIN_AT_ROOT */ phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matAp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matFp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgVecAddEntries(_pcd->rhsScale, 0, 1, Ip + i, &rhs1); } else { /* interior node Or Neumann */ phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matAp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Ap[i]); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matFp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Fp[i]); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Qp[i]); } } } /* * PCD boundary setup III: * Open flow: there could be varies kinds of combination on seting up * boundary conditon, but Inflow:Robin & Outflow:scaled Dirich is * prefered. See Ref[2]. * * */ else { for (i = 0; i < N; i++) { /*****************/ /* Inflow */ /*****************/ #warning PCD B.C.: Step 2.1. build mat, all neumann, add dirich entries if (FALSE && phgDofDirichletBC(_pcd->dof_inflow, e, i, NULL, bufp, NULL, DOF_PROJ_NONE)) { phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matAp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matFp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgVecAddEntries(_pcd->rhsScale, 0, 1, Ip + i, &rhs1); } else if (FALSE && phgDofDirichletBC(_pcd->dof_outflow, e, i, NULL, bufp, NULL, DOF_PROJ_NONE) && !(phgDofGetElementBoundaryType(ns->p[1], e, i) & INFLOW) ) { ERROR_MSG("Fp, Qp"); nu = get_effective_viscosity(NULL, 0, 0, viscosity_type); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matAp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); bufp[i] *= EQU_SCALING * nu; phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matFp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgVecAddEntries(_pcd->rhsScale, 0, 1, Ip + i, &rhs1); //phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); } else if (FALSE && phgDofDirichletBC(_pcd->pbc, e, i, NULL, bufp, NULL, DOF_PROJ_NONE)) { phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matAp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matFp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, bufp); phgVecAddEntries(_pcd->rhsScale, 0, 1, Ip + i, &rhs1); } else if (FALSE) { /* interior node Or Neumann */ ERROR_MSG("Fp, Qp"); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matAp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Ap[i]); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matFp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Fp[i]); //phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Qp[i]); } /******************/ /* No bdry */ /******************/ //phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matFp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Fp[i]); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip + i, N, Ip, Qp[i]); } } if (0) { /* Special term <[[p_i]], [[p_j]]> */ int face; nu0 /= quad->npoints; for (face = 0; face < NFace; face++) { FLOAT area = phgGeomGetFaceArea(g, e, face); //FLOAT value = {area, -area}; FLOAT values[2] = {vol * 1. /(EQU_SCALING * nu0), -vol * 1. /(EQU_SCALING * nu0)}; SIMPLEX *e_neigh; phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip+NVert, 1, Ip+NVert, values); if ((e_neigh = GetNeighbour(e, face)) != NULL) { INT Ip_neigh = phgMapE2L(_pcd->matFp->cmap, 0, e_neigh, NVert); phgMatAddEntries(_pcd->matQp, 1, Ip+NVert, 1, &Ip_neigh, values + 1); } } } } /* end element */