예제 #1
// Displays the "Position Control Mode" panel.  The returned valud is the ID of
// the panel to be displayed instead of the "Position Control Mode" panel.
unsigned long
    unsigned long ulPos, ulIdx, ulDelay, ulDemo, ulTime, ulStep;

    // Read the current position mode configuration.

    // Enable position control mode.
    CANPositionModeEnable(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) * 65536) +
                          (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) * 65536) /

    // Initially, updates to the position occur immediately.
    ulDelay = 0;

    // Initially, demo mode is disabled.
    ulDemo = 0;
    ulTime = 0;
    ulStep = 0;

    // Disable the widget fill for all the widgets except the one for the
    // device ID selection.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < 7; ulIdx++)
        CanvasFillOff(g_psPositionWidgets + ulIdx);
    CanvasFillOn(g_psPositionWidgets + 1);

    // Add the "Position Control Mode" panel widgets to the widget list.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_WIDGETS; ulIdx++)
        WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)(g_psPositionWidgets + ulIdx));

    // Enable the status display.

    // Set the default cursor position to the device ID selection.
    ulPos = 1;

    // Loop forever.  This loop will be explicitly exited when the proper
    // condition is detected.
        // Print out the current device ID.
        usnprintf(g_pcIDBuffer, sizeof(g_pcIDBuffer), "%d", g_ulCurrentID);

        // Print out the current position.
        if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition < 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionBuffer),
                      "-%d.%02d", (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lPosition) / 100,
                      (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lPosition) % 100);
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionBuffer),
                      "%d.%02d", g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100,
                      g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100);

        // Print out the current P coefficient.
        if(g_sPositionConfig.lP < 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionPBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionPBuffer),
                      "-%d.%03d", (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lP) / 1000,
                      (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lP) % 1000);
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionPBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionPBuffer),
                      "%d.%03d", g_sPositionConfig.lP / 1000,
                      g_sPositionConfig.lP % 1000);

        // Irint out the current I coefficient.
        if(g_sPositionConfig.lI < 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionIBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionIBuffer),
                      "-%d.%03d", (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lI) / 1000,
                      (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lI) % 1000);
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionIBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionIBuffer),
                      "%d.%03d", g_sPositionConfig.lI / 1000,
                      g_sPositionConfig.lI % 1000);

        // Print out the current D coefficient.
        if(g_sPositionConfig.lD < 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionDBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionDBuffer),
                      "-%d.%03d", (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lD) / 1000,
                      (0 - g_sPositionConfig.lD) % 1000);
            usnprintf(g_pcPositionDBuffer, sizeof(g_pcPositionDBuffer),
                      "%d.%03d", g_sPositionConfig.lD / 1000,
                      g_sPositionConfig.lD % 1000);

        // Print out the current position reference source.
        usnprintf(g_pcReferenceBuffer, sizeof(g_pcReferenceBuffer), "%s",

        // Update the status display.

        // Update the display.

        // See if a serial download has begun.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SERIAL_BOOTLOADER) == 1)
            // Disable the status display.

            // Remove the "Position Control Mode" panel widgets.
            for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_WIDGETS; ulIdx++)
                WidgetRemove((tWidget *)(g_psPositionWidgets + ulIdx));
            CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

            // Disable position control mode.

            // Return the ID of the update panel.

        // See if demo mode is enabled.
        if(ulDemo != 0)
            // See if the current time delay has expired.
            if(ulTime < g_ulTickCount)
                // Increment to the next step, wrapping back to the beginning
                // of the sequence when the end has been reached.
                if(ulStep == (sizeof(g_plPositionDemo) /
                    ulStep = 0;

                // Set the position as directed by the next step.
                g_sPositionConfig.lPosition = g_plPositionDemo[ulStep][0];
                CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) * 65536) +
                               (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) * 65536) /
                                100), 0);

                // Set the time delay for this step.
                ulTime = g_ulTickCount + g_plPositionDemo[ulStep][1];

        // See if the up button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only move the cursor if it is not already at the top of the
            // screen and a delayed position update is not in progress.
            if((ulPos != 0) && (ulDelay == 0))
                // Disable the widget fill for the currently selected widget.
                CanvasFillOff(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos);

                // Decrement the cursor row, skipping the position row when
                // demo mode is enabled.
                if((ulPos == 2) && (ulDemo != 0))

                // Enable the widget fill for the newly selected widget.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos);

            // Clear the press flag for the up button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the down button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only move the cursor if it is not already at the bottom of the
            // screen and a delayed position update is not in progress.
            if((ulPos != 6) && (ulDelay == 0))
                // Disable the widget fill for the currently selected widget.
                CanvasFillOff(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos);

                // Increment the cursor row, skipping the position row when
                // demo mode is enabled.
                if((ulPos == 2) && (ulDemo != 0))

                // Enable the widget fill for the newly selected widget.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos);

            // Clear the press flag for the down button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the left button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // See if the device ID is being changed.
            if(ulPos == 1)
                // Only change the device ID if it is greater than one.
                if(g_ulCurrentID > 1)
                    // Exit demo mode.
                    ulDemo = 0;
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                    // Disable position control mode for the current device ID.

                    // Decrement the device ID.
                    if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        if(g_ulCurrentID > 3)
                            CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID - 3);
                        CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID - 1);

                    // Read the configuration of the new device.

                    // Enable position control mode.
                    CANPositionModeEnable(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition /
                                            100) * 65536) +
                                          (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition %
                                             100) * 65536) / 100));

            // See if the position is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Only change the position if it is not already fully
                // negative.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition > -20000)
                    // Decrement the position.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition -= 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition -= 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition -= 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition < -20000)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition = -20000;

                    // Send the updated position to the motor controller if a
                    // delayed update is not in progress.
                    if(ulDelay == 0)
                        CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                        65536) +
                                       (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                         65536) / 100), 0);

            // See if the position P gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 3)
                // Only change the P gain if it is not already fully negative.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lP > (-32767 * 1000))
                    // Decrement the P gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP -= 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP -= 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP -= 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lP < (-32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP = -32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new P gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionPGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lP / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lP % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position I gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 4)
                // Only change the I gain if it is not already fully negative.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lI > (-32767 * 1000))
                    // Decrement the I gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI -= 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI -= 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI -= 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lI < (-32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI = -32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new I gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionIGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lI / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lI % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position D gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 5)
                // Only change the D gain if it is not already fully negative.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lD > (-32767 * 1000))
                    // Decrement the D gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD -= 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD -= 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD -= 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lD < (-32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD = -32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new D gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionDGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lD / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lD % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position reference source is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 6)
                // Toggle to the other position reference source.
                g_sPositionConfig.ulPosRef ^= 1;

                // Send the position reference source to the motor controller.

            // Clear the press flag for the left button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) = 0;

        // See if the right button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // See if the device ID is being changed.
            if(ulPos == 1)
                // Only change the device ID if it is less than 63.
                if(g_ulCurrentID < 63)
                    // Exit demo mode.
                    ulDemo = 0;
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                    // Disable position control mode for the current device ID.

                    // Increment the device ID.
                    if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        if(g_ulCurrentID < 60)
                            CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID + 3);
                        CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID + 1);

                    // Read the configuration of the new device.

                    // Enable position control mode.
                    CANPositionModeEnable(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition /
                                            100) * 65536) +
                                          (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition %
                                             100) * 65536) / 100));

            // See if the position is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Only change the position if it is not already fully
                // positive.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition < 20000)
                    // Increment the position.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition += 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition += 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition += 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lPosition > 20000)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition = 20000;

                    // Send the updated position to the motor controller if a
                    // delayed update is not in progress.
                    if(ulDelay == 0)
                        CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                        65536) +
                                       (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                         65536) / 100), 0);

            // See if the position P gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 3)
                // Only change the P gain if it is not already fully positive.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lP < (32767 * 1000))
                    // Increment the P gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP += 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP += 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP += 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lP > (32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lP = 32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new P gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionPGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lP / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lP % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position I gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 4)
                // Only change the I gain if it is not already fully positive.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lI < (32767 * 1000))
                    // Increment the I gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI += 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI += 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI += 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lI > (32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lI = 32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new I gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionIGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lI / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lI % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position D gain is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 5)
                // Only change the D gain if it is not already fully positive.
                if(g_sPositionConfig.lD < (32767 * 1000))
                    // Increment the D gain.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD += 11;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD += 111;
                    else if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD += 1111;
                    if(g_sPositionConfig.lD > (32767 * 1000))
                        g_sPositionConfig.lD = 32767 * 1000;

                    // Send the new D gain to the motor controller.
                    CANPositionDGainSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lD / 1000) *
                                         65536) +
                                        (((g_sPositionConfig.lD % 1000) *
                                          65536) / 1000));

            // See if the position reference source is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 6)
                // Toggle to the other position reference source.
                g_sPositionConfig.ulPosRef ^= 1;

                // Send the position reference source to the motor controller.

            // Clear the press flag for the right button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) = 0;

        // See if the select button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Clear the press flag for the select button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) = 0;

            // See if the cursor is on the top row of the screen.
            if(ulPos == 0)
                // Display the menu.
                ulIdx = DisplayMenu(PANEL_POSITION);

                // See if another panel was selected.
                if(ulIdx != PANEL_POSITION)
                    // Disable the status display.

                    // Remove the "Position Control Mode" panel widgets.
                    for(ulPos = 0; ulPos < NUM_WIDGETS; ulPos++)
                        WidgetRemove((tWidget *)(g_psPositionWidgets + ulPos));
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                    // Disable position control mode.

                    // Return the ID of the newly selected panel.

                // Since the "Position Control Mode" panel was selected from
                // the menu, move the cursor down one row.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psPositionWidgets + 1);

            // See if the cursor is on the ID selection.
            else if(ulPos == 1)
                // Toggle demo mode.
                ulDemo ^= 1;

                // See if the demo has just been disabled.
                if(ulDemo == 0)
                    // Set the output position to the current position.
                    if(g_lStatusPosition < 0)
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition =
                            (((g_lStatusPosition / 65536) * 100) +
                             ((((g_lStatusPosition % 65536) * 100) - 32768) /
                        g_sPositionConfig.lPosition =
                            (((g_lStatusPosition / 65536) * 100) +
                             ((((g_lStatusPosition % 65536) * 100) + 32768) /
                    CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                    65536) +
                                   (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                     65536) / 100), 0);

                    // Indicate that demo mode has exited by setting the text
                    // color to white.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                // Otherwise start demo mode.
                    // Indicate that demo mode is active by setting the text
                    // color to gray.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrSelected);

                    // Start with the first step.
                    ulStep = 0;

                    // Set the position as directed by the first step.
                    g_sPositionConfig.lPosition = g_plPositionDemo[0][0];
                    CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                    65536) +
                                   (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                     65536) / 100), 0);

                    // Set the time delay for the first step.
                    ulTime = g_ulTickCount + g_plPositionDemo[0][1];

            // See if the cursor is on the position selection.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Toggle the state of the delayed update.
                ulDelay ^= 1;

                // See if a delayed update should be performed.
                if(ulDelay == 0)
                    // Send the delayed position update.
                    CANPositionSet(((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition / 100) *
                                    65536) +
                                   (((g_sPositionConfig.lPosition % 100) *
                                     65536) / 100), 0);

                    // Change the text color of the position selection to white
                    // to indicate that updates will occur immediately.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);
                    // Change the text color of the position selection to black
                    // to indicate that updates will be delayed.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psPositionWidgets + 2, ClrBlack);
예제 #2
// The main loop for the user interface.
    unsigned long ulPanel;

    // If running on Rev A2 silicon, turn the LDO voltage up to 2.75V.  This is
    // a workaround to allow the PLL to operate reliably.

    // Set the clocking to run at 50MHz from the PLL.

    // Set the priority of the interrupts.
    IntPrioritySet(INT_CAN0, 0x00);
    IntPrioritySet(FAULT_SYSTICK, 0x20);

    // Configure SysTick to generate an interrupt every millisecond.
    SysTickPeriodSet(SysCtlClockGet() / 1000);

    // Initialize the push button driver.

    // Initialize the CAN communication channel.

    // Initialize the UART used to perform a "firmware update".

    // Initialize the display.

    // Add the screen-clearing widget to the widget tree.  As the first widget
    // in the tree, this will always be drawn first, resulting in a blank
    // screen before anything else is drawn.
    WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)&g_sBackground);

    // Display the splash screen.

    // Set the CAN device ID to one.

    // The "Voltage Control Mode" panel should be displayed first.
    ulPanel = PANEL_VOLTAGE;

    // Loop forever.
        // Determine which panel to display.
            // The "Voltage Control Mode" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_VOLTAGE:
                ulPanel = DisplayVoltage();

            // The "VComp Control Mode" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_VCOMP:
                ulPanel = DisplayVComp();

            // The "Current Control Mode" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_CURRENT:
                ulPanel = DisplayCurrent();

            // The "Speed Control Mode" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_SPEED:
                ulPanel = DisplaySpeed();

            // The "Position Control Mode" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_POSITION:
                ulPanel = DisplayPosition();

            // The "Configuration" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_CONFIGURATION:
                ulPanel = DisplayConfig();

            // The "Device List" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_DEV_LIST:
                ulPanel = DisplayDevList();

            // The "Firmware Update" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_UPDATE:
                ulPanel = DisplayUpdate();

            // The "Help" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_HELP:
                ulPanel = DisplayHelp();

            // The "About" panel should be displayed.
            case PANEL_ABOUT:
                ulPanel = DisplayAbout();
예제 #3
// Displays the "Firmware Update" panel.  The returned valud is the ID of the
// panel to be displayed instead of the "Firmware Update" panel.
unsigned long
    unsigned long ulPos, ulIdx;

    // Disable the widget fill for all the widgets except the one for device
    // ID 1.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < 3; ulIdx++)
        CanvasFillOff(g_psUpdateWidgets + ulIdx);
    CanvasFillOn(g_psUpdateWidgets + 1);

    // Add the "Firmware Update" panel widgets to the widget list.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_UPDATE_WIDGETS; ulIdx++)
        WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)(g_psUpdateWidgets + ulIdx));

    // Set the default cursor position to the device ID selection.
    ulPos = 1;

    // Clear the message buffer.
    g_pcMessageBuffer[0] = '\0';

    // Loop forever.  This loop will be explicitly exited when the proper
    // condition is detected.
        // Print out the current device ID.
        usnprintf(g_pcIDBuffer, sizeof(g_pcIDBuffer), "%d", g_ulCurrentID);

        // Print out the firmware version.
        if(g_ulStatusFirmwareVersion == 0xffffffff)
            usnprintf(g_pcVersionBuffer, sizeof(g_pcVersionBuffer), "---");
            usnprintf(g_pcVersionBuffer, sizeof(g_pcVersionBuffer), "%d",

        // Update the display.

        // Wait until a button is pressed, the firmware version is received, or
        // a serial download begins.
        while((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) == 0) &&
              (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) == 0) &&
              (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) == 0) &&
              (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) == 0) &&
              (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) == 0) &&
              (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SERIAL_BOOTLOADER) == 0))

        // See if the up button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only move the cursor if it is not already at the top of the
            // screen.
            if(ulPos != 0)
                // Disable the widget fill for the currently selected widget.
                CanvasFillOff(g_psUpdateWidgets + ulPos);

                // Decrement the cursor row.

                // Enable the widget fill for the newly selected widget.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psUpdateWidgets + ulPos);

            // Clear the press flag for the up button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the down button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only move the cursor if it is not already at the bottom of the
            // screen.
            if(ulPos != 2)
                // Disable the widget fill for the currently selected widget.
                CanvasFillOff(g_psUpdateWidgets + ulPos);

                // Increment the cursor row.

                // Enable the widget fill for the newly selected widget.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psUpdateWidgets + ulPos);

            // Clear the press flag for the down button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the left button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only change the device ID if it is greater than one.
            if((ulPos == 1) && (g_ulCurrentID > 1))
                // Decrement the device ID.
                CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID - 1);

            // Clear the press flag for the left button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the right button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only change the device ID if it is less than 63.
            if((ulPos == 1) && (g_ulCurrentID < 63))
                // Increment the device ID.
                CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID + 1);

            // Clear the press flag for the right button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the select button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Clear the press flag for the select button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) = 0;

            // See if the cursor is on the top row of the screen.
            if(ulPos == 0)
                // Display the menu.
                ulIdx = DisplayMenu(PANEL_UPDATE);

                // See if another panel was selected.
                if(ulIdx != PANEL_UPDATE)
                    // Remove the "Firmware Update" panel widgets.
                    for(ulPos = 0; ulPos < NUM_UPDATE_WIDGETS; ulPos++)
                        WidgetRemove((tWidget *)(g_psUpdateWidgets + ulPos));

                    // Return the ID of the newly selected panel.

                // Since the "Firmware Update" panel was selected from the
                // menu, move the cursor down one row.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psUpdateWidgets + 1);

            // See if the cursor is on the start button.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Turn off the fill on the start button.
                CanvasFillOff(g_psUpdateWidgets + 2);

                // Perform the CAN update.

                // Turn on the fill on the start button.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psUpdateWidgets + 2);

                // Clear the button press flags so that any button presses that
                // occur during the firmware update are ignored.
                HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) = 0;
                HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) = 0;
                HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) = 0;
                HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) = 0;
                HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if a serial download has begun.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SERIAL_BOOTLOADER) == 1)
            // Turn off the fill on the current cursor location.
            CanvasFillOff(g_psUpdateWidgets + ulPos);

            // Monitor the UART firmware download.
            if(UARTUpdate() == 0)
                // The firmware was successfully downloaded via the UART, so
                // update the current motor controller with the new firmware.

            // Turn on the fill on the current cursor location.
            CanvasFillOn(g_psUpdateWidgets + ulPos);

            // Clear the button press flags so that any button presses that
            // occur during the firmware update are ignored.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) = 0;
예제 #4
// Displays the "VComp Control Mode" panel.  The returned valud is the ID of
// the panel to be displayed instead of the "VComp Control Mode" panel.
unsigned long
    unsigned long ulRamp, ulComp, ulPos, ulIdx, ulDelay, ulDemo, ulTime;
    unsigned long ulStep;
    long lVoltage;

    // Enable voltage compensation control mode.

    // Set the default voltage.
    lVoltage = 0;
    CANVCompSet(0, 0);

    // Read the ramp rate.
    if(CANReadParameter(LM_API_VCOMP_IN_RAMP, 0, &ulRamp, 0) == 0)
        ulRamp = 0;
        ulRamp = (((ulRamp & 0xffff) * 100) + 128) / 256;

    // Read the compensation rate.
    if(CANReadParameter(LM_API_VCOMP_COMP_RAMP, 0, &ulComp, 0) == 0)
        ulComp = 0;
        ulComp = (((ulComp & 0xffff) * 100) + 128) / 256;

    // Initially, updates to the voltage occur immediately.
    ulDelay = 0;

    // Initially, demo mode is disabled.
    ulDemo = 0;
    ulTime = 0;
    ulStep = 0;

    // Disable the widget fill for all the widgets except the one for the
    // device ID selection.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < 4; ulIdx++)
        CanvasFillOff(g_psVCompWidgets + ulIdx);
    CanvasFillOn(g_psVCompWidgets + 1);

    // Add the "VComp Control Mode" panel widgets to the widget list.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_WIDGETS; ulIdx++)
        WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)(g_psVCompWidgets + ulIdx));

    // Enable the status display.

    // Set the default cursor position to the device ID selection.
    ulPos = 1;

    // Loop forever.  This loop will be explicitly exited when the proper
    // condition is detected.
        // Print out the current device ID.
        usnprintf(g_pcIDBuffer, sizeof(g_pcIDBuffer), "%d", g_ulCurrentID);

        // Print out the current voltage.
        if(lVoltage < 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcVoltageBuffer, sizeof(g_pcVoltageBuffer),
                      "-%d.%01d V", (0 - lVoltage) / 10, (0 - lVoltage) % 10);
            usnprintf(g_pcVoltageBuffer, sizeof(g_pcVoltageBuffer),
                      "%d.%01d V", lVoltage / 10, lVoltage % 10);

        // Print out the current ramp rate.
        if(ulRamp == 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcRampBuffer, sizeof(g_pcRampBuffer), "none");
            usnprintf(g_pcRampBuffer, sizeof(g_pcRampBuffer), "%d.%02d V/ms",
                      ulRamp / 100, ulRamp % 100);

        // Print out the current compensation rate.
        if(ulComp == 0)
            usnprintf(g_pcCompBuffer, sizeof(g_pcCompBuffer), "none");
            usnprintf(g_pcCompBuffer, sizeof(g_pcCompBuffer), "%d.%02d V/ms",
                      ulComp / 100, ulComp % 100);

        // Update the status display.

        // Update the display.

        // See if a serial download has begun.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SERIAL_BOOTLOADER) == 1)
            // Disable the status display.

            // Remove the "VComp Control Mode" panel widgets.
            for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_WIDGETS; ulIdx++)
                WidgetRemove((tWidget *)(g_psVCompWidgets + ulIdx));
            CanvasTextColorSet(g_psVCompWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

            // Set the output voltage to zero.
            CANVCompSet(0, 0);

            // Return the ID of the update panel.

        // See if demo mode is enabled.
        if(ulDemo != 0)
            // See if the current time delay has expired.
            if(ulTime < g_ulTickCount)
                // Increment to the next step, wrapping back to the beginning
                // of the sequence when the end has been reached.
                if(ulStep ==
                   (sizeof(g_plVCompDemo) / sizeof(g_plVCompDemo[0])))
                    ulStep = 0;

                // Set the voltage as directed by the next step.
                lVoltage = g_plVCompDemo[ulStep][0];
                CANVCompSet((lVoltage * 256) / 10, 0);

                // Set the time delay for this step.
                ulTime = g_ulTickCount + g_plVCompDemo[ulStep][1];

        // See if the up button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only move the cursor if it is not already at the top of the
            // screen and a delayed voltage update is not in progress.
            if((ulPos != 0) && (ulDelay == 0))
                // Disable the widget fill for the currently selected widget.
                CanvasFillOff(g_psVCompWidgets + ulPos);

                // Decrement the cursor row, skipping the voltage row when demo
                // mode is enabled.
                if((ulPos == 2) && (ulDemo != 0))

                // Enable the widget fill for the newly selected widget.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psVCompWidgets + ulPos);

            // Clear the press flag for the up button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_UP_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the down button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Only move the cursor if it is not already at the bottom of the
            // screen and a delayed voltage update is not in progress.
            if((ulPos != 4) && (ulDelay == 0))
                // Disable the widget fill for the currently selected widget.
                CanvasFillOff(g_psVCompWidgets + ulPos);

                // Increment the cursor row, skipping the voltage row when demo
                // mode is enabled.
                if((ulPos == 2) && (ulDemo != 0))

                // Enable the widget fill for the newly selected widget.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psVCompWidgets + ulPos);

            // Clear the press flag for the down button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_DOWN_PRESSED) = 0;

        // See if the left button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // See if the device ID is being changed.
            if(ulPos == 1)
                // Only change the device ID if it is greater than one.
                if(g_ulCurrentID > 1)
                    // Exit demo mode.
                    ulDemo = 0;
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psVCompWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                    // Set the voltage to 0 for the current device ID.
                    CANVCompSet(0, 0);

                    // Decrement the device ID.
                    if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        if(g_ulCurrentID > 3)
                            CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID - 3);
                        CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID - 1);

                    // Enable voltage compensation mode.

                    // Set the voltage for the new device.
                    lVoltage = 0;
                    CANVCompSet(0, 0);

                    // Read the ramp rate.
                    if(CANReadParameter(LM_API_VCOMP_IN_RAMP, 0, &ulRamp,
                                        0) == 0)
                        ulRamp = 0;
                        ulRamp = (((ulRamp & 0xffff) * 100) + 128) / 256;

                    // Read the compensation rate.
                    if(CANReadParameter(LM_API_VCOMP_COMP_RAMP, 0, &ulComp,
                                        0) == 0)
                        ulComp = 0;
                        ulComp = (((ulComp & 0xffff) * 100) + 128) / 256;

            // See if the voltage is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Only change the voltage if it is not already full reverse.
                if(lVoltage > -120)
                    // Decrement the voltage.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        lVoltage -= 11;
                    else if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                            (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        lVoltage -= 111;
                    if(lVoltage < -120)
                        lVoltage = -120;

                    // Send the updated voltage to the motor controller if a
                    // delayed update is not in progress.
                    if(ulDelay == 0)
                        CANVCompSet((lVoltage * 256) / 10, 0);

            // See if the voltage ramp rate is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 3)
                // Only change the ramp rate if it is not already zero.
                if(ulRamp > 0)
                    // Decrement the voltage ramp rate.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        ulRamp -= 11;
                    else if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                            (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        ulRamp -= 111;
                    if(ulRamp & 0x80000000)
                        ulRamp = 0;

                    // Send the updated voltage ramp rate.
                    CANVCompInRampSet((ulRamp * 256) / 100);

            // See if the compensation rate is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 4)
                // Only change the compensation rate if it is not already zero.
                if(ulComp > 0)
                    // Decrement the compensation rate.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        ulComp -= 11;
                    else if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                            (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        ulComp -= 111;
                    if(ulComp & 0x80000000)
                        ulComp = 0;

                    // Send the updated compensation rate.
                    CANVCompCompRampSet((ulComp * 256) / 100);

            // Clear the press flag for the left button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL1) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL2) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_LEFT_ACCEL3) = 0;

        // See if the right button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // See if the device ID is being changed.
            if(ulPos == 1)
                // Only change the device ID if it is less than 63.
                if(g_ulCurrentID < 63)
                    // Exit demo mode.
                    ulDemo = 0;
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psVCompWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                    // Set the voltage to 0 for the current device ID.
                    CANVCompSet(0, 0);

                    // Increment the device ID.
                    if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                       (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        if(g_ulCurrentID < 60)
                            CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID + 3);
                        CANSetID(g_ulCurrentID + 1);

                    // Enable voltage compensation control mode.

                    // Set the voltage for the new device.
                    lVoltage = 0;
                    CANVCompSet(0, 0);

                    // Read the ramp rate.
                    if(CANReadParameter(LM_API_VCOMP_IN_RAMP, 0, &ulRamp,
                                        0) == 0)
                        ulRamp = 0;
                        ulRamp = (((ulRamp & 0xffff) * 100) + 128) / 256;

                    // Read the compensation rate.
                    if(CANReadParameter(LM_API_VCOMP_COMP_RAMP, 0, &ulComp,
                                        0) == 0)
                        ulComp = 0;
                        ulComp = (((ulComp & 0xffff) * 100) + 128) / 256;

            // See if the voltage is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Only change the voltage if it is not already full forward.
                if(lVoltage < 120)
                    // Increment the voltage.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        lVoltage += 11;
                    else if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                            (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        lVoltage += 111;
                    if(lVoltage > 120)
                        lVoltage = 120;

                    // Send the updated voltage to the motor controller if a
                    // delayed update is not in progress.
                    if(ulDelay == 0)
                        CANVCompSet((lVoltage * 256) / 10, 0);

            // See if the voltage ramp rate is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 3)
                // Only change the ramp rate if it is not already the maximum.
                if(ulRamp < 1200)
                    // Increment the voltage ramp rate.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        ulRamp += 11;
                    else if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                            (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        ulRamp += 111;
                    if(ulRamp > 1200)
                        ulRamp = 1200;

                    // Send the updated voltage ramp rate.
                    CANVCompInRampSet((ulRamp * 256) / 100);

            // See if the compensation rate is being changed.
            else if(ulPos == 4)
                // Only change the compensation rate if it is not already the
                // maximum.
                if(ulComp < 1200)
                    // Increment the compensation rate.
                    if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) == 1)
                        ulComp += 11;
                    else if((HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) == 1) ||
                            (HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) == 1))
                        ulComp += 111;
                    if(ulComp > 1200)
                        ulComp = 1200;

                    // Send the updated compensation rate.
                    CANVCompCompRampSet((ulComp * 256) / 100);

            // Clear the press flag for the right button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_PRESSED) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL1) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL2) = 0;
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_RIGHT_ACCEL3) = 0;

        // See if the select button was pressed.
        if(HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) == 1)
            // Clear the press flag for the select button.
            HWREGBITW(&g_ulFlags, FLAG_SELECT_PRESSED) = 0;

            // See if the cursor is on the top row of the screen.
            if(ulPos == 0)
                // Display the menu.
                ulIdx = DisplayMenu(PANEL_VCOMP);

                // See if another panel was selected.
                if(ulIdx != PANEL_VCOMP)
                    // Disable the status display.

                    // Remove the "VComp Control Mode" panel widgets.
                    for(ulPos = 0; ulPos < NUM_WIDGETS; ulPos++)
                        WidgetRemove((tWidget *)(g_psVCompWidgets + ulPos));
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psVCompWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                    // Set the output voltage to zero.
                    CANVCompSet(0, 0);

                    // Return the ID of the newly selected panel.

                // Since the "VComp Control Mode" panel was selected from the
                // menu, move the cursor down one row.
                CanvasFillOn(g_psVCompWidgets + 1);

            // See if the cursor is on the ID selection.
            else if(ulPos == 1)
                // Toggle demo mode.
                ulDemo ^= 1;

                // See if the demo has just been disabled.
                if(ulDemo == 0)
                    // Set the output voltage to zero.
                    lVoltage = 0;
                    CANVCompSet(0, 0);

                    // Indicate that demo mode has exited by setting the text
                    // color to white.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psVCompWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);

                // Otherwise start demo mode.
                    // Indicate that demo mode is active by setting the text
                    // color to gray.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psVCompWidgets + 2, ClrSelected);

                    // Start with the first step.
                    ulStep = 0;

                    // Set the voltage as directed by the first step.
                    lVoltage = g_plVCompDemo[0][0];
                    CANVCompSet((lVoltage * 256) / 10, 0);

                    // Set the time delay for the first step.
                    ulTime = g_ulTickCount + g_plVCompDemo[0][1];

            // See if the cursor is on the voltage selection.
            else if(ulPos == 2)
                // Toggle the state of the delayed update.
                ulDelay ^= 1;

                // See if a delayed update should be performed.
                if(ulDelay == 0)
                    // Send the delayed voltage update.
                    CANVCompSet((lVoltage * 256) / 10, 0);

                    // Change the text color of the voltage selection to white
                    // to indicate that updates will occur immediately.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psVCompWidgets + 2, ClrWhite);
                    // Change the text color of the voltage selection to black
                    // to indicate that updates will be delayed.
                    CanvasTextColorSet(g_psVCompWidgets + 2, ClrBlack);
예제 #5
// This function performs a CAN-based firmware update of a motor controller,
// displaying progress on the screen.
static void
    unsigned long ulIdx, ulLoop, *pulData, ulSize;

    // Get a pointer to the local firmware image.
    pulData = (unsigned long *)IMAGE_BASE;

    // Get the size of the firmware image.
    ulSize = *pulData++;

    // Verify that the firmware image size is valid, the initial stack pointer
    // is valid, and the reset vector pointer is valid.
    if((ulSize > 0x1f000) || ((pulData[0] & 0xffff0003) != 0x20000000) ||
       ((pulData[1] & 0xfff00001) != 0x00000001))
        // Indicate that the firmware image is not valid and return without
        // performing a firmware update.
        usnprintf(g_pcMessageBuffer, sizeof(g_pcMessageBuffer),
                  "Invalid update image!");

    // Set the progress title to indicate that the motor controller is being
    // updated.
    CanvasTextSet(g_psProgressWidgets + PROGRESS_TITLE, "Updating MDL-BDC");

    // Add the progress bar widgets to the widget list.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_PROGRESS_WIDGETS; ulIdx++)
        WidgetAdd(WIDGET_ROOT, (tWidget *)(g_psProgressWidgets + ulIdx));

    // Gray the non-title widgets in the main panel.

    // Set the progress bar to the beginning.

    // Update the display.

    // Set the default message to a failure message.  This will be replaced
    // with a success message if the update is successful.
    usnprintf(g_pcMessageBuffer, sizeof(g_pcMessageBuffer),
              "Update of %d failed!", g_ulCurrentID);

    // A simple do/while(0) loop that is executed once (because of the while(0)
    // at the end) but can be easily exited with a break.  This allows a common
    // cleanup at the end (after the loop) while not having increasingly deep
    // nesting of the intervening code.
        // Tell the motor controller to enter firmware update mode.

        // Delay for 50 milliseconds to allow it time to shut down and enter
        // the boot loader.

        // Try to ping the boot loader.
        for(ulLoop = 10; (ulLoop != 0) && (g_ulCANUpdateAck == 0); ulLoop--)
            // Send a ping command.
            g_ulCANUpdateAck = 0;

            // Delay up to 10 milliseconds waiting for the ACK.

        // Abort the firmware update if the ACK was not received.
        if(ulLoop == 0)

        // Delay for 50 milliseconds.  If there were some CAN network delays,
        // it is possible that two pings were sent with the ACK from the first
        // ping being received right after the second ping was sent.  In this
        // case, this delay will allow time for the second ACK to be received
        // and processed; failure to do so would cause the remaining actions to
        // become out of sync.

        // Send the download command, causing the appropriate portion of flash
        // to be erased.
        g_ulCANUpdateAck = 0;
        CANUpdateDownload(0x800, ulSize);

        // Delay for up to 4 seconds waiting for the ACK.  Since flash is being
        // erased, it could take up to ~2.5 seconds (depending on the size of
        // the firmware image).
        if(DelayAck(4000) == 0)

        // Loop over the data in the firmware image.
        for(ulLoop = 0; ulLoop < ulSize; ulLoop += 8)
            // Send the next two words of the firmware image.
            g_ulCANUpdateAck = 0;
            CANUpdateSendData(((ulSize - ulLoop) > 8) ? 8 : ulSize - ulLoop,
                              pulData[0], pulData[1]);
            pulData += 2;

            // Delay for up to 10 milliseconds waiting for the ACK.  Since
            // flash is being programming, it could take up to ~44
            // microseconds.
            if(DelayAck(10) == 0)

            // Update the progress bar and update the screen if the progress
            // bar has moved.
            ulIdx = g_psProgressWidgets[PROGRESS_BAR].sBase.sPosition.sXMax;
            PROGRESS((ulLoop * 100) / ulSize);
            if(g_psProgressWidgets[PROGRESS_BAR].sBase.sPosition.sXMax !=

        // Abort the firmware update if the entire image was not programmed.
        if(ulLoop < ulSize)

        // Reset the motor controller.

        // Delay for 500 milliseconds while the motor controller is being
        // reset.

        // Indicate that the firmware update was successful.
        usnprintf(g_pcMessageBuffer, sizeof(g_pcMessageBuffer),
                  "Device %d updated.", g_ulCurrentID);

        // Set the device ID so that any default configuration can be
        // performed.

    // Remove the progress bar widgets.
    for(ulIdx = 0; ulIdx < NUM_PROGRESS_WIDGETS; ulIdx++)
        WidgetRemove((tWidget *)(g_psProgressWidgets + ulIdx));

    // Un-gray the non-title widgets in the main panel.