예제 #1
void FMemory::Free( void* Original )
	if( !GMalloc )
		CA_ASSUME( GMalloc != NULL );	// Don't want to assert, but suppress static analysis warnings about potentially NULL GMalloc
	return GMalloc->Free( Original );
예제 #2
void* FMemory::Realloc( void* Original, SIZE_T Count, uint32 Alignment ) 
	if( !GMalloc )
		CA_ASSUME( GMalloc != NULL );	// Don't want to assert, but suppress static analysis warnings about potentially NULL GMalloc
	return GMalloc->Realloc( Original, Count, Alignment );
예제 #3
 * Captures the current stack and updates stack tracking information.
 * optionally stores a user data pointer that the tracker will take ownership of and delete upon reset
 * you must allocate the memory with FMemory::Malloc()
void FStackTracker::CaptureStackTrace(int32 EntriesToIgnore /*=2*/, void* UserData /*=NULL*/)
	// Avoid re-rentrancy as the code uses TArray/TMap.
	if( !bAvoidCapturing && bIsEnabled )
		// Scoped true/ false.
		bAvoidCapturing = true;

		// Capture callstack and create CRC.
		uint64* FullBackTrace = NULL;
		FullBackTrace = static_cast<uint64*>(FMemory_Alloca((MAX_BACKTRACE_DEPTH + EntriesToIgnore) * sizeof(uint64)));

		FPlatformStackWalk::CaptureStackBackTrace( FullBackTrace, MAX_BACKTRACE_DEPTH + EntriesToIgnore );

		// Skip first NUM_ENTRIES_TO_SKIP entries as they are inside this code
		uint64* BackTrace = &FullBackTrace[EntriesToIgnore];
		uint32 CRC = FCrc::MemCrc_DEPRECATED( BackTrace, MAX_BACKTRACE_DEPTH * sizeof(uint64) );
		// Use index if found
		int32* IndexPtr = CRCToCallStackIndexMap.Find( CRC );
		if( IndexPtr )
			// Increase stack count for existing callstack.
			if (UpdateFn)
				UpdateFn(CallStacks[*IndexPtr], UserData);

			//We can delete this since the user gives ownership at the beginning of this call
			//and had a chance to update their data inside the above callback
			if (UserData)
		// Encountered new call stack, add to array and set index mapping.
			// Add to array and set mapping for future use.
			int32 Index = CallStacks.AddUninitialized();
			CRCToCallStackIndexMap.Add( CRC, Index );

			// Fill in callstack and count.
			FCallStack& CallStack = CallStacks[Index];
			FMemory::Memcpy( CallStack.Addresses, BackTrace, sizeof(uint64) * MAX_BACKTRACE_DEPTH );
			CallStack.StackCount = 1;
			CallStack.UserData = UserData;

		// We're done capturing.
		bAvoidCapturing = false;
예제 #4
class ITargetPlatformManagerModule& GetTargetPlatformManagerRef()
	class ITargetPlatformManagerModule* SingletonInterface = GetTargetPlatformManager();
	if (!SingletonInterface)
		UE_LOG(LogInit, Fatal, TEXT("Target platform manager was requested, but not available."));
		CA_ASSUME( SingletonInterface != NULL );	// Suppress static analysis warning in unreachable code (fatal error)
	return *SingletonInterface;
예제 #5
class FDerivedDataCacheInterface& GetDerivedDataCacheRef()
	class FDerivedDataCacheInterface* SingletonInterface = GetDerivedDataCache();
	if (!SingletonInterface)
		UE_LOG(LogInit, Fatal, TEXT("Derived Data Cache was requested, but not available."));
		CA_ASSUME( SingletonInterface != NULL );	// Suppress static analysis warning in unreachable code (fatal error)
	return *SingletonInterface;
예제 #6
SIZE_T FMemory::GetAllocSize( void* Original )
	if( !GMalloc )
		CA_ASSUME( GMalloc != NULL );	// Don't want to assert, but suppress static analysis warnings about potentially NULL GMalloc
	SIZE_T Size = 0;
	return GMalloc->GetAllocationSize( Original, Size ) ? Size : 0;
예제 #7
void FMemory::TestMemory()
	if( !GMalloc )
		CA_ASSUME( GMalloc != NULL );	// Don't want to assert, but suppress static analysis warnings about potentially NULL GMalloc

	// track the pointers to free next call to the function
	static TArray<void*> LeakedPointers;
	TArray<void*> SavedLeakedPointers = LeakedPointers;

	// note that at the worst case, there will be NumFreedAllocations + 2 * NumLeakedAllocations allocations alive
	static const int NumFreedAllocations = 1000;
	static const int NumLeakedAllocations = 100;
	static const int MaxAllocationSize = 128 * 1024;

	TArray<void*> FreedPointers;
	// allocate pointers that will be freed later
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < NumFreedAllocations; Index++)

	// allocate pointers that will be leaked until the next call
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < NumLeakedAllocations; Index++)

	// free the leaked pointers from _last_ call to this function
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < SavedLeakedPointers.Num(); Index++)

	// free the non-leaked pointers from this call to this function
	for (int32 Index = 0; Index < FreedPointers.Num(); Index++)
예제 #8
 * Captures the current stack and updates stack tracking information.
 * optionally stores a user data pointer that the tracker will take ownership of and delete upon reset
 * you must allocate the memory with FMemory::Malloc()
void FStackTracker::CaptureStackTrace(int32 EntriesToIgnore, void* UserData, int32 StackLen, bool bLookupStringsForAliasRemoval)
	// Avoid re-rentrancy as the code uses TArray/TMap.
	if( !bAvoidCapturing && bIsEnabled )
		// Scoped true/ false.
		bAvoidCapturing = true;

		// Capture callstack and create CRC.
		int32 Size = (MAX_BACKTRACE_DEPTH + EntriesToIgnore) * sizeof(uint64);
		uint64* FullBackTrace = static_cast<uint64*>(FMemory_Alloca(Size));

		FMemory::Memzero(FullBackTrace, Size);

		FPlatformStackWalk::CaptureStackBackTrace( FullBackTrace, MAX_BACKTRACE_DEPTH + EntriesToIgnore );

		// Skip first NUM_ENTRIES_TO_SKIP entries as they are inside this code
		uint64* BackTrace = &FullBackTrace[EntriesToIgnore];
			FMemory::Memzero(BackTrace + StackLen, sizeof(uint64) * (MAX_BACKTRACE_DEPTH - StackLen));
		if (bLookupStringsForAliasRemoval)
			for (int32 Index = 0; Index < StackLen; Index++)
				if (BackTrace[Index])
					uint64* Existing = AliasMap.Find(BackTrace[Index]);
					if (Existing)
						BackTrace[Index] = *Existing;
						ANSICHAR AddressInformation[512];
						AddressInformation[0] = 0;
						FPlatformStackWalk::ProgramCounterToHumanReadableString( 1, BackTrace[Index], AddressInformation, ARRAY_COUNT(AddressInformation)-1 );
						FString Symbol(AddressInformation);
						int32 Spot = Symbol.Find(TEXT(" - "));
						if (Spot != INDEX_NONE)
							Symbol = Symbol.RightChop(Spot + 3);
						Existing = StringAliasMap.Find(Symbol);
						if (Existing)
							AliasMap.Add(BackTrace[Index], *Existing);
							BackTrace[Index] = *Existing;
							AliasMap.Add(BackTrace[Index], BackTrace[Index]);
							StringAliasMap.Add(Symbol, BackTrace[Index]);
		uint32 CRC = FCrc::MemCrc_DEPRECATED( BackTrace, MAX_BACKTRACE_DEPTH * sizeof(uint64) );
		// Use index if found
		int32* IndexPtr = CRCToCallStackIndexMap.Find( CRC );
		if( IndexPtr )
			// Increase stack count for existing callstack.
			if (UpdateFn)
				UpdateFn(CallStacks[*IndexPtr], UserData);

			//We can delete this since the user gives ownership at the beginning of this call
			//and had a chance to update their data inside the above callback
			if (UserData)
		// Encountered new call stack, add to array and set index mapping.
			// Add to array and set mapping for future use.
			int32 Index = CallStacks.AddUninitialized();
			CRCToCallStackIndexMap.Add( CRC, Index );

			// Fill in callstack and count.
			FCallStack& CallStack = CallStacks[Index];
			FMemory::Memcpy( CallStack.Addresses, BackTrace, sizeof(uint64) * MAX_BACKTRACE_DEPTH );
			CallStack.StackCount = 1;
			CallStack.UserData = UserData;

		// We're done capturing.
		bAvoidCapturing = false;