예제 #1
CCAffineTransform CPhysicsObject::nodeToParentTransform()

    b2Vec2 pos  = m_pB2body->GetPosition();

    float x = pos.x * PTM_RATIO;
    float y = pos.y * PTM_RATIO;

    if ( isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition() ) {
        x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
        y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;

    // Make matrix
    float radians = m_pB2body->GetAngle();
    float c = cosf(radians);
    float s = sinf(radians);

    bool needsSkewMatrix = ( m_fSkewX || m_fSkewY );

    if(!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero) ){
        x += c*-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX + -s*-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y*m_fScaleX;
        y += s*-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleY + c*-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y*m_fScaleY;

    // Rot, Translate Matrix
    m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( c * m_fScaleX,  s * m_fScaleX,
        -s * m_fScaleY,  c * m_fScaleY,
        x,    y );

    if (needsSkewMatrix) 
        CCAffineTransform skewMatrix = CCAffineTransformMake(1.0f, tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewY)),
            tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewX)), 1.0f,
            0.0f, 0.0f );
        m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(skewMatrix, m_sTransform);

        // adjust anchor point
        if (!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
            m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(m_sTransform, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);

    if (m_bAdditionalTransformDirty)
        m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(m_sTransform, m_sAdditionalTransform);
        m_bAdditionalTransformDirty = false;

    return m_sTransform;
예제 #2
// returns the transform matrix according the Box2D Body values
CCAffineTransform B2Sprite::nodeToParentTransform()
    b2Vec2 pos  = m_pB2Body->GetPosition();
	float x = pos.x * m_fPTMRatio;
	float y = pos.y * m_fPTMRatio;
	if (m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition)
		x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
		y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;
	// Make matrix
	float radians = m_pB2Body->GetAngle();
	float c = cosf(radians);
	float s = sinf(radians);
	// Although scale is not used by physics engines, it is calculated just in case
	// the sprite is animated (scaled up/down) using actions.
	// For more info see: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/68990
	if (!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
		x += ((c * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX) + (-s * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY));
		y += ((s * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX) + (c * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY));
	// Rot, Translate Matrix
	m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( c * m_fScaleX,	s * m_fScaleX,
									     -s * m_fScaleY,	c * m_fScaleY,
									     x,	y );
	return m_sTransform;
예제 #3
// returns the transform matrix according the Chipmunk Body values
CCAffineTransform PhysicsSprite::nodeToParentTransform(void)
    b2Vec2 pos  = m_pBody->GetPosition();

    float x = pos.x * PTM_RATIO;
    float y = pos.y * PTM_RATIO;

    if ( isIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition() ) {
        x += m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x;
        y += m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y;

    // Make matrix
    float radians = m_pBody->GetAngle();
    float c = cosf(radians);
    float s = sinf(radians);

    if( ! m_tAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero) ){
        x += c*-m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x + -s*-m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y;
        y += s*-m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x + c*-m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y;

    // Rot, Translate Matrix
    m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( c,  s,
        -s,    c,
        x,    y );

    return m_tTransform;
예제 #4
CCAffineTransform HSBalloonSprite::nodeToParentTransform()
	b2Vec2 pos = m_pB2Body->GetPosition();

	float x = pos.x * m_fPTMRatio;
	float y = pos.y * m_fPTMRatio;

	if (m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition)
		x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
		y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;

	// Make matrix
	float radians = m_pB2Body->GetAngle();
	float c = cosf(radians);
	float s = sinf(radians);

	if (! m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
		x += c*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x) + -s*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);
		y += s*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x) + c*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);

	// Rot, Transition Matrix
	m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake(c * m_fScale, s * m_fScale,
		-s * m_fScale, c * m_fScale,
		x, y);

	//return CCPhysicsSprite::nodeToParentTransform();
	return m_sTransform;
예제 #5
CCAffineTransform StaticBody::nodeToParentTransform(void)

    b2Vec2 pos = m_pBody->GetPosition();

        float x = pos.x * PTM_RATIO;
        float y = pos.y * PTM_RATIO;

        if (m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition)
            x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
            y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;

        // Make matrix
        float radians = m_pBody->GetAngle();
        float c = cosf(radians);
        float s = sinf(radians);

        if (! m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
            x += c*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x) + -s*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);
            y += s*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x) + c*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);

        // Rot, Transition Matrix
        m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake(c, s,
                                             -s, c,
                                             x, y);

        return m_sTransform;
예제 #6
CCAffineTransform Skeleton2D_BoneDisplay::nodeToParentTransform(void){
	if (!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
		m_sTransform.tx -= m_sTransform.a * m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x + m_sTransform.c * m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;
		m_sTransform.ty -= m_sTransform.b * m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x + m_sTransform.d * m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;
	return m_sTransform;
예제 #7
// returns the transform matrix according the Chipmunk Body values
CCAffineTransform CCPhysicsSprite::nodeToParentTransform()
    cpVect rot = (m_bIgnoreBodyRotation ? cpvforangle(-CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fRotationX)) : m_pCPBody->rot);
    float x = m_pCPBody->p.x + rot.x*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x) - rot.y*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);
    float y = m_pCPBody->p.y + rot.y*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x) + rot.x*(-m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);
    if (m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition)
        x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
        y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;
    return (m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake(rot.x, rot.y, -rot.y, rot.x, x, y));
예제 #8
    m_pTweenData = NULL;
    m_pParentBone = NULL;
    m_pArmature = NULL;
    m_pChildArmature = NULL;
    m_pBoneData = NULL;
    m_pTween = NULL;
    m_pTween = NULL;
    m_pChildren = NULL;
    m_pDisplayManager = NULL;
    m_bIgnoreMovementBoneData = false;
    m_tWorldTransform = CCAffineTransformMake(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
    m_bBoneTransformDirty = true;
    m_eBlendType = BLEND_NORMAL;
예제 #9
CCAffineTransform cpCCNode::nodeToParentTransform ( KDvoid )
	cpBody*  pBody = m_pImplementation->getBody ( );
	cpVect   tRot  = m_pImplementation->isIgnoreRotation ( ) ? cpvforangle ( -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS ( m_tRotation.x ) ) : pBody->rot;

	KDfloat  x = pBody->p.x + tRot.x * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x - tRot.y * - m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y;
	KDfloat  y = pBody->p.y + tRot.y * -m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x + tRot.x * - m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y;

	if ( m_pImplementation->isIgnoreRotation ( ) )
		x += m_tAnchorPointInPoints.x;
		y += m_tAnchorPointInPoints.y;

	m_tTransform = CCAffineTransformMake ( tRot.x, tRot.y, -tRot.y, tRot.x, x, y );

	return m_tTransform;
예제 #10
    m_pUserData = NULL;
    m_pTweenData = NULL;
	m_pCombinedData = NULL;
    m_pParent = NULL;
    m_pArmature = NULL;
    m_pChildArmature = NULL;
    m_pBoneData = NULL;
    m_pTween = NULL;
    m_pTween = NULL;
    m_pChildren = NULL;
    m_pDisplayManager = NULL;
    m_iZOrder = 0;
	m_bIgnoreMovementBoneData = false;
	m_pGlobalTransformMatrix = CCAffineTransformMake(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
예제 #11
// returns the transform matrix according the Chipmunk Body values
CCAffineTransform CCPhysicsSprite::nodeToParentTransform()
    // Although scale is not used by physics engines, it is calculated just in case
	// the sprite is animated (scaled up/down) using actions.
	// For more info see: http://www.cocos2d-iphone.org/forum/topic/68990
	cpVect rot = (m_bIgnoreBodyRotation ? cpvforangle(-CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fRotationX)) : m_pCPBody->rot);
	float x = m_pCPBody->p.x + rot.x * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX - rot.y * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
	float y = m_pCPBody->p.y + rot.y * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX + rot.x * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
	if (m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition)
		x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
		y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;
	return (m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake(rot.x * m_fScaleX, rot.y * m_fScaleX,
                                                 -rot.y * m_fScaleY, rot.x * m_fScaleY,
                                                 x,	y));
예제 #12
    m_pTweenData = NULL;
    m_pParentBone = NULL;
    m_pArmature = NULL;
    m_pChildArmature = NULL;
    m_pBoneData = NULL;
    m_pTween = NULL;
    m_pTween = NULL;
    m_pChildren = NULL;
    m_pDisplayManager = NULL;
    m_bIgnoreMovementBoneData = false;
    m_tWorldTransform = CCAffineTransformMake(1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0);
    m_bBoneTransformDirty = true;
    m_tWorldInfo = NULL;
    m_pArmatureParentBone = NULL;
    m_fDataVersion = 0;
    m_sBlendFunc.src = CC_BLEND_SRC;
    m_sBlendFunc.dst = CC_BLEND_DST;
    m_bBlendDirty = false;
예제 #13
CCAffineTransform GameObject::nodeToParentTransform(){
    if (_isBox2DBody) {
        b2Vec2 pos = _pB2Body->GetPosition();
        float x = pos.x * _ptmRadio;
        float y = pos.y * _ptmRadio;
        if (m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition) {
            x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
            y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;
        float radians = _pB2Body->GetAngle();
        float c = cosf(radians);
        float s = sinf(radians);
        if (!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
            x += ((c * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX) + (-s * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY));
            y += ((s * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX) + (c * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY));
        m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( c * m_fScaleX,	s * m_fScaleX,
                                             -s * m_fScaleY,	c * m_fScaleY,
                                             x,	y );
        if (m_bTransformDirty)
            // Translate values
            float x = m_obPosition.x;
            float y = m_obPosition.y;
            if (m_bIgnoreAnchorPointForPosition)
                x += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x;
                y += m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y;
            // Rotation values
            // Change rotation code to handle X and Y
            // If we skew with the exact same value for both x and y then we're simply just rotating
            float cx = 1, sx = 0, cy = 1, sy = 0;
            if (m_fRotationX || m_fRotationY)
                float radiansX = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fRotationX);
                float radiansY = -CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fRotationY);
                cx = cosf(radiansX);
                sx = sinf(radiansX);
                cy = cosf(radiansY);
                sy = sinf(radiansY);
            bool needsSkewMatrix = ( m_fSkewX || m_fSkewY );
            // optimization:
            // inline anchor point calculation if skew is not needed
            // Adjusted transform calculation for rotational skew
            if (! needsSkewMatrix && !m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
                x += cy * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX + -sx * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
                y += sy * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x * m_fScaleX +  cx * -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y * m_fScaleY;
            // Build Transform Matrix
            // Adjusted transform calculation for rotational skew
            m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformMake( cy * m_fScaleX,  sy * m_fScaleX,
                                                 -sx * m_fScaleY, cx * m_fScaleY,
                                                 x, y );
            // XXX: Try to inline skew
            // If skew is needed, apply skew and then anchor point
            if (needsSkewMatrix)
                CCAffineTransform skewMatrix = CCAffineTransformMake(1.0f, tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewY)),
                                                                     tanf(CC_DEGREES_TO_RADIANS(m_fSkewX)), 1.0f,
                                                                     0.0f, 0.0f );
                m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(skewMatrix, m_sTransform);
                // adjust anchor point
                if (!m_obAnchorPointInPoints.equals(CCPointZero))
                    m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformTranslate(m_sTransform, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.x, -m_obAnchorPointInPoints.y);
            if (m_bAdditionalTransformDirty)
                m_sTransform = CCAffineTransformConcat(m_sTransform, m_sAdditionalTransform);
                m_bAdditionalTransformDirty = false;
            m_bTransformDirty = false;
    return m_sTransform;