예제 #1
int main(int ac, char **av) {
    int val = 0;
    int i;
    wctproblem problem;
    CCcheck_val(val, "Failed in wctproblem_init");
    wctparms *parms = &(problem.parms);
    wctdata *pd = &(problem.root_pd);
    val = program_header(ac, av);
    CCcheck_val(val, "Failed in programheader");
    double start_time = CCutil_zeit();
    pd->id = 0;
    problem.nwctdata = 1;
    val = parseargs(ac, av, parms);
    problem.real_time = getRealTime();

    if (val) {
        goto CLEAN;

    get_problem_name(pd->pname, parms->jobfile);

    if (dbg_lvl() > 1) {
        printf("Debugging turned on\n");

    /** Reading and preprocessing the data */
    val  = read_problem(parms->jobfile, &(pd->njobs), &(problem.duration),
    pd->nmachines = parms->nmachines;
    CCcheck_val(val, "read_adjlist failed");
    pd->orig_node_ids = (int *)CC_SAFE_MALLOC(pd->njobs, int);
    CCcheck_NULL_2(pd->orig_node_ids, "No memory to allocated orig_node_ids\n");

    for (i = 0; i < pd->njobs; i++) {
        pd->orig_node_ids[i] = i;

    Preprocessdata(&problem, pd);
    printf("Reading and preprocessing of the data took %f seconds\n",
           CCutil_zeit() - start_time);
    /** Computing initial lowerbound */
    problem.global_lower_bound = lowerbound_eei(pd->jobarray, pd->njobs,
    problem.global_lower_bound = CC_MAX(problem.global_lower_bound,
                                        lowerbound_cp(pd->jobarray, pd->njobs, pd->nmachines));
    problem.global_lower_bound = CC_MAX(problem.global_lower_bound,
                                        lowerbound_cw(pd->jobarray, pd->njobs, pd->nmachines));
    CCutil_stop_timer(&(problem.tot_lb), 0);
    printf("Computing lowerbound EEI, CP and CW took %f seconds\n",
    /** Construction Pricersolver at the root node */
    pd->solver = newSolver(pd->duration, pd->weights, pd->releasetime, pd->duetime,
                           pd->njobs, pd->H_min, pd->H_max);

    /** Construct Feasible solutions */
    if (parms->nb_feas_sol > 0) {

    /** Compute Schedule with Branch and Price */

    problem.real_time = getRealTime() - problem.real_time;
    CCutil_stop_timer(&(problem.tot_cputime), 0);
    /** Print all the information to screen and csv */
    if (problem.parms.print) {


    return val;
예제 #2
int main (int ac, char **av)
    double szeit = CCutil_zeit ();
    int ncount = 0, rval = 0;
    int *tour = (int *) NULL;
    double len = 0.0;
    FILE *out = (FILE *) NULL;

    if (parseargs (ac, av))
        return 1;

        int i, dum, w;
        FILE *in = fopen (cyclefilename, "r");

        if (in == (FILE *) NULL) {
            perror (cyclefilename);
            fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open %s for input\n", cyclefilename);
            rval = 1; goto CLEANUP;
        ncount = CCutil_readint (in);
        i = CCutil_readint (in);
        printf ("Number of nodes: %d\n", ncount);
        fflush (stdout);
        if (i != ncount) {
            fprintf (stderr, "Not an edge-cycle file\n");
            fclose (in);
            rval = 1; goto CLEANUP;
        for (i = 0; i < ncount; i++) {
            dum = CCutil_readint (in);
            dum = CCutil_readint (in);
            w = CCutil_readint (in);
            len += (double) w;
        printf ("Tour Length: %.0f\n", len);
        fflush (stdout);
        fclose (in);

    tour = CC_SAFE_MALLOC (ncount, int);
    if (!tour) {
        fprintf (stderr, "out of memory in main\n");
        rval = 1; goto CLEANUP;

    rval = CCutil_getcycle_edgelist (ncount, cyclefilename, tour, 0);
    if (rval) {
        fprintf (stderr, "CCutil_getcycle_edgelist failed\n");
        goto CLEANUP;

    if (outfname) {
        int i;

        out = fopen (outfname, "w");
        if (!out) {
            perror (cyclefilename);
            fprintf (stderr, "Unable to open %s for input\n", cyclefilename);
            rval = 1; goto CLEANUP;

        fprintf (out, "%d\n", ncount);
        for (i = 0; i < ncount; i++) {
            fprintf (out, "%d\n", tour[i]);

    printf ("Total Running Time: %.2f (seconds)\n", CCutil_zeit () - szeit);
    fflush (stdout);


    CC_IFFREE (tour, int);
    if (out) fclose (out);

    return rval;
예제 #3
int main (int ac, char **av)
    int k, ncount;
    double val, best;
    double startzeit;
    int tempcount, *templist;
    int *incycle = (int *) NULL, *outcycle = (int *) NULL;
    CCdatagroup dat;
    int rval = 0;
    CCrandstate rstate;
    int allow_dups;
    int use_gridsize;

    CCutil_printlabel ();
    CCutil_init_datagroup (&dat);

    rval = print_command (ac, av);
    CCcheck_rval (rval, "print_command failed");

    seed = (int) CCutil_real_zeit ();
    if (parseargs (ac, av))
        return 1;
    CCutil_sprand (seed, &rstate);

    printf ("Chained Lin-Kernighan with seed %d\n", seed);
    fflush (stdout);

    if ((!nnodes_want && !nodefile) || (tsplib_in && !nodefile)) {
        usage (av[0]);
        return 1;

    startzeit = CCutil_zeit ();

    if (tsplib_in) {
        if (CCutil_gettsplib (nodefile, &ncount, &dat)) {
            fprintf (stderr, "could not read the TSPLIB file\n");
            rval = 1;
            goto CLEANUP;
        CCutil_dat_getnorm (&dat, &norm);
    } else {
        ncount = nnodes_want;
        if (gridsize < 0) {
            use_gridsize = -gridsize;
            allow_dups = 0;
        } else if (gridsize > 0) {
            use_gridsize = gridsize;
            allow_dups = 1;
        } else {
            use_gridsize = nnodes_want;
            allow_dups = 0;
        if (CCutil_getdata (nodefile, binary_in, norm, &ncount, &dat,
                            use_gridsize, allow_dups, &rstate)) {
            rval = 1;
            goto CLEANUP;

    if (in_repeater == -1) in_repeater = ncount;

    incycle = CC_SAFE_MALLOC (ncount, int);
    if (!incycle) {
        rval = 1;
        goto CLEANUP;
    if (cycfname) {
        if (CCutil_getcycle (ncount, cycfname, incycle, binary_edges)) {
            fprintf (stderr, "CCutil_getcycle failed\n");
            rval = 1;
            goto CLEANUP;
    } else if (edgecycfname) {
        if (CCutil_getcycle_edgelist (ncount, edgecycfname, incycle,
                                      binary_edges)) {
            fprintf (stderr, "CCutil_getcycle_edgelist failed\n");
            rval = 1;
            goto CLEANUP;

    if (goodfname) {
        int *templen = (int *) NULL;
        if (CCutil_getedgelist (ncount, goodfname, &tempcount, &templist,
                                &templen, binary_edges)) {
            rval = 1;
            goto CLEANUP;
        if (templen)
            CC_FREE (templen, int);
        printf ("Read good-edge file: %d edges\n", tempcount);
        fflush (stdout);
    } else if (edgegenfname) {
        CCedgegengroup plan;
        if (CCedgegen_read (edgegenfname, &plan)) {
            fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_read failed\n");
            rval = 1;
            goto CLEANUP;
        if (CCedgegen_edges (&plan, ncount, &dat, (double *) NULL, &tempcount,
                     &templist, 0, &rstate)) {
            fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_edges failed\n");
            rval = 1;
            goto CLEANUP;

    if ((norm & CC_NORM_BITS) == CC_KD_NORM_TYPE) {
        CCkdtree localkt;
        double kzeit = CCutil_zeit ();

        if ((!goodfname && !edgegenfname) || (!cycfname && !edgecycfname)) {
            if (CCkdtree_build (&localkt, ncount, &dat, (double *) NULL,
                                &rstate)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "CCkdtree_build failed\n");
                rval = 1;
                goto CLEANUP;
            printf ("Time to build kdtree: %.2f\n", CCutil_zeit () - kzeit);
            fflush (stdout);

            if (!goodfname && !edgegenfname) {
                kzeit = CCutil_zeit ();
                if (nearnum) {
                    if (CCkdtree_k_nearest (&localkt, ncount, nearnum, &dat,
                         (double *) NULL, 1, &tempcount, &templist,
                         run_silently, &rstate)) {
                        fprintf (stderr, "CCkdtree_k_nearest failed\n");
                        rval = 1;
                        goto CLEANUP;
                    if (!run_silently) {
                        printf ("Time to find %d-nearest: %.2f\n", nearnum,
                                                     CCutil_zeit () - kzeit);
                        fflush (stdout);
                } else {
                    if (CCkdtree_quadrant_k_nearest (&localkt, ncount, quadtry,
                           &dat, (double *) NULL, 1, &tempcount, &templist,
                           run_silently, &rstate)) {
                        fprintf (stderr, "CCkdtree-quad nearest code failed\n");
                        rval = 1;
                        goto CLEANUP;
                    if (!run_silently) {
                        printf ("Time to find quad %d-nearest: %.2f\n",
                                quadtry, CCutil_zeit () - kzeit);
                        fflush (stdout);
            if (!cycfname && !edgecycfname) {
                kzeit = CCutil_zeit ();
                if (tour_type == LK_GREEDY) {
                    if (CCkdtree_greedy_tour (&localkt, ncount,
                              &dat, incycle, &val, run_silently, &rstate)) {
                        fprintf (stderr, "CCkdtree greedy-tour failed\n");
                        rval = 1;
                        goto CLEANUP;
                } else if (tour_type == LK_QBORUVKA) {
                    if (CCkdtree_qboruvka_tour (&localkt, ncount,
                              &dat, incycle, &val, &rstate)) {
                        fprintf (stderr, "CCkdtree qboruvka-tour failed\n");
                        rval = 1;
                        goto CLEANUP;
                } else if (tour_type == LK_BORUVKA) {
                    if (CCkdtree_boruvka_tour (&localkt, ncount,
                              &dat, incycle, &val, &rstate)) {
                        fprintf (stderr, "CCkdtree boruvka-tour failed\n");
                        rval = 1;
                        goto CLEANUP;
                } else if (tour_type == LK_RANDOM) {
                    randcycle (ncount, incycle, &rstate);
                } else {
                    if (CCkdtree_nearest_neighbor_tour (&localkt, ncount,
                               CCutil_lprand (&rstate) % ncount, &dat,
                               incycle, &val, &rstate)) {
                        fprintf (stderr, "CCkdtree NN-tour failed\n");
                        rval = 1;
                        goto CLEANUP;
                if (!run_silently) {
                    printf ("Time to grow tour: %.2f\n",
                            CCutil_zeit () - kzeit);
                    fflush (stdout);
            CCkdtree_free (&localkt);
    } else if ((norm & CC_NORM_BITS) == CC_X_NORM_TYPE) {
        double xzeit = CCutil_zeit ();
        if (!goodfname && !edgegenfname) {
            if (nearnum) {
                if (CCedgegen_x_k_nearest (ncount, nearnum, &dat,
                        (double *) NULL, 1, &tempcount, &templist,
                        run_silently)) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_x_k_nearest failed\n");
                    rval = 1;
                    goto CLEANUP;
                if (!run_silently) {
                    printf ("Time to find %d-nearest: %.2f\n", nearnum,
                                                 CCutil_zeit () - xzeit);
                    fflush (stdout);
            } else {
                if (CCedgegen_x_quadrant_k_nearest (ncount, quadtry, &dat,
                                 (double *) NULL, 1, &tempcount, &templist,
                                 run_silently)) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "x-quad nearest code failed\n");
                    rval = 1;
                    goto CLEANUP;
                if (!run_silently) {
                    printf ("Time to find quad %d-nearest: %.2f\n", quadtry,
                                                 CCutil_zeit () - xzeit);
                    fflush (stdout);
        if (!cycfname && !edgecycfname) {
            xzeit = CCutil_zeit ();
            if (tour_type == LK_GREEDY) {
                if (CCedgegen_x_greedy_tour (ncount, &dat, incycle, &val,
                        tempcount, templist, run_silently)) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_x_greedy_tour failed\n");
                    rval = 1; goto CLEANUP;
            } else if (tour_type == LK_QBORUVKA) {
                if (CCedgegen_x_qboruvka_tour (ncount, &dat, incycle, &val,
                        tempcount, templist, run_silently)) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_x_qboruvka_tour failed\n");
                    rval = 1; goto CLEANUP;
            } else if (tour_type == LK_RANDOM) {
                randcycle (ncount, incycle, &rstate);
            } else {
                if (CCedgegen_x_nearest_neighbor_tour (ncount,
                      CCutil_lprand (&rstate) % ncount, &dat, incycle, &val)) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_x_nearest_neighbor_tour failed\n");
                    rval = 1;
                    goto CLEANUP;
            if (!run_silently) {
                printf ("Time to grow tour: %.2f\n", CCutil_zeit () - xzeit);
                fflush (stdout);
    } else {
        double jzeit = CCutil_zeit ();
        if (!goodfname && !edgegenfname) {
            if (!nearnum)
                nearnum = 4 * quadtry;
            if (CCedgegen_junk_k_nearest (ncount, nearnum, &dat,
                    (double *) NULL, 1, &tempcount, &templist, run_silently)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_junk_k_nearest failed\n");
                rval = 1;
                goto CLEANUP;
            if (!run_silently) {
                printf ("Time to find %d nearest: %.2f\n",
                         nearnum, CCutil_zeit () - jzeit);
                fflush (stdout);
        if (!cycfname && !edgecycfname) {
            jzeit = CCutil_zeit();
            if (tour_type == LK_GREEDY) {
                if (CCedgegen_junk_greedy_tour (ncount, &dat, incycle, &val,
                        tempcount, templist, run_silently)) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_junk_greedy_tour failed\n");
                    rval = 1; goto CLEANUP;
            } else if (tour_type == LK_QBORUVKA) {
                if (CCedgegen_junk_qboruvka_tour (ncount, &dat, incycle, &val,
                        tempcount, templist, run_silently)) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_junk_qboruvka_tour failed\n");
                    rval = 1; goto CLEANUP;
            } else if (tour_type == LK_RANDOM) {
                randcycle (ncount, incycle, &rstate);
            } else {
                if (CCedgegen_junk_nearest_neighbor_tour (ncount,
                       CCutil_lprand (&rstate) % ncount, &dat, incycle,
                       &val, run_silently)) {
                    fprintf (stderr, "CCedgegen_junk_nearest_neighbor_tour failed\n");
                    rval = 1;
                    goto CLEANUP;
            if (!run_silently) {
                printf ("Time to grow tour: %.2f\n", CCutil_zeit () - jzeit);
                fflush (stdout);

    outcycle = CC_SAFE_MALLOC (ncount, int);
    if (!outcycle) {
        rval = 1;
        goto CLEANUP;

    if (number_runs) {
        k = 0;
        best = BIGDOUBLE;
        do {
            printf ("\nStarting Run %d\n", k);
            if (CClinkern_tour (ncount, &dat, tempcount, templist, 100000000,
                   in_repeater, incycle, outcycle, &val, run_silently,
                   time_bound, length_bound, (char *) NULL, kick_type,
                   &rstate)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "CClinkern_tour failed\n");
                rval = 1;
                goto CLEANUP;
            if (val < best) {
                best = val;
                if (saveit_final) {
                    if (CCutil_writecycle_edgelist (ncount, saveit_final, 
                            outcycle, &dat, binary_edges)) {
                        fprintf (stderr, "could not write the cycle\n");
                        rval = 1;
                        goto CLEANUP;
        } while (++k < number_runs);
        printf ("Overall Best Cycle: %.0f\n", val);
        fflush (stdout);
    } else {
        double lkzeit = CCutil_zeit ();
        int attempt = 1;
        do {
            if (CClinkern_tour (ncount, &dat, tempcount, templist, 10000000,
                   in_repeater, incycle, outcycle, &val, run_silently,
                   time_bound, length_bound, saveit_name, kick_type,
                   &rstate)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "CClinkern_tour failed\n");
                rval = 1;
                goto CLEANUP;
            if (length_bound != -1 && val > length_bound) {
                printf ("Cycle of value %.0f  -  did not reach %.0f\n",
                    val, length_bound);
                printf ("Try again. Number of attempts: %d\n", ++attempt);
        } while (length_bound != -1 && val > length_bound);
        if (saveit_final) {
            if (CCutil_writecycle_edgelist (ncount, saveit_final,
                        outcycle, &dat, binary_edges)) {
                fprintf (stderr, "could not write the cycle\n");
                rval = 1;
                goto CLEANUP;
        if (run_silently)
            printf ("Lin-Kernighan Running Time: %.2f\n",
                    CCutil_zeit () - lkzeit);
        printf ("Final Cycle: %.0f\n", val);
        fflush (stdout);
    printf ("Total Running Time: %.2f\n", CCutil_zeit () - startzeit);
    fflush (stdout);


    CC_IFFREE (templist, int);
    CC_IFFREE (incycle, int);
    CC_IFFREE (outcycle, int);
    CCutil_freedatagroup (&dat);

    return rval;