예제 #1
	 * @brief Returns a value in the flat array of the variable and index requested.
	 * Use this method on variables that have a type of float
	 * @param variable The variable in the file
	 * @param index The index in the variable's array in the file
	 * @return float of the value in the array.
	float CDFFileReader::getVariableAtIndex(const std::string& variable, long index)
		//std::cout << "index " << index << std::endl;
		//get variable number
		long variableNum = CDFgetVarNum(current_file_id, (char *) variable.c_str());

		long recStart = 0L;
		long recCount = 1L;
		long recInterval = 1L;
		long dimIndices[] = { index };
		long dimIntervals[] = { 1 };

		long count[1] = {1};
		//get dim sizes
		//CDFgetzVarDimSizes(current_file_id, variableNum, dimSizes);
		float * buffer = new float[1];

		CDFhyperGetzVarData(current_file_id, variableNum, recStart, recCount, recInterval, dimIndices, count,
				dimIntervals, buffer);
		float value = buffer[0];
		delete[] buffer;
		//std::cout << "finished reading " << variable << std::endl;
		//std::cout << "size of variable: " << variableData.size() << std::endl;
		//std::cout << "dimSizes[0]: " << dimSizes[0] << std::endl;
		return value;
예제 #2
	 * @param variable
	 * @return
	long CDFFileReader::getNumberOfRecords(const std::string& variable)
		//std::cout << "reading " << variable << std::endl;
		//get variable number
		long variableNum = CDFgetVarNum(current_file_id, (char *) variable.c_str());

		return getNumberOfRecords(variableNum);
예제 #3
	 * Returns a pointer to a std::vector<float> containing the values of the selected variable
	 * in the range specified by the startIndex and count (the number of records to read) stored in the selected file.
	 * This allocates a new std::vector<float> pointer.  Make sure you
	 * delete the contents when you done using it, or you will have a memory leak.
	 * @param variable
	 * @param startIndex
	 * @param count
	 * @return std::vector<float> containing the values of the selected variable.
	std::vector<float>* CDFFileReader::getVariable(const std::string& variable, long startIndex, long count)
		//std::cout << "reading " << variable << std::endl;
		//get variable number

		std::vector<float>* variableData = new std::vector<float>();

		if (this->doesVariableExist(variable))
			long variableNum = CDFgetVarNum(current_file_id, (char *) variable.c_str());

			long recStart = 0L;
			long recCount = 1L;
			long recInterval = 1L;
			long dimIndices[] = { 0 };
			long dimIntervals[] = { 1 };
			long counts[1] = {count};
			//get dim sizes
			//CDFgetzVarDimSizes(current_file_id, variableNum, counts);
			long dataType;
			CDFgetzVarDataType(current_file_id, variableNum, &dataType);

			if (dataType == CDF_DOUBLE)
				double * buffer = new double[counts[0]];
				CDFhyperGetzVarData(current_file_id, variableNum, recStart, recCount, recInterval, dimIndices, counts,
						dimIntervals, buffer);
				//add data to vector type, and delete original array
				for (int i = 0; i < counts[0]; i++)

				delete[] buffer;
			} else if (dataType == CDF_FLOAT)
				float * buffer = new float[counts[0]];
				CDFhyperGetzVarData(current_file_id, variableNum, recStart, recCount, recInterval, dimIndices, counts,
						dimIntervals, buffer);
				//add data to vector type, and delete original array
				for (int i = 0; i < counts[0]; i++)

				delete[] buffer;


			//std::cout << "finished reading " << variable << std::endl;
			//std::cout << "size of variable: " << variableData.size() << std::endl;
			//std::cout << "dimSizes[0]: " << dimSizes[0] << std::endl;
		return variableData;
예제 #4
QList<QVector<QVariant > > cdfDataReader::getZVariableAttribute(const QString Attribute, const QString Variable)

    long attNum = CDFgetAttrNum(this->fileId, Attribute.toAscii().data());
    long varNum = CDFgetVarNum(this->fileId, Variable.toAscii().data());

    //convert the names to values, and call other version of the call
    return  this->getZVariableAttribute(attNum, varNum);
예제 #5
	 * This allocates a new std::vector<int> pointer.  Make sure you
	 * delete the contents when you done using it, or you will have a memory leak.
	 * @param variable
	 * @return vector<int> containing the integer values of the variable
	std::vector<int>* CDFFileReader::getVariableInt(const std::string& variable)
		long counts[1];
		std::vector<int>* variableData = new std::vector<int>();
		if (this->doesVariableExist(variable))
			//std::cout << "reading " << variable << std::endl;
			//get variable number
			long variableNum = CDFgetVarNum(current_file_id, (char *) variable.c_str());

			long recStart = 0L;
			long recCount = 1L;
			long recInterval = 1L;
			long dimIndices[] = { 0 };
			long dimIntervals[] = { 1 };

			//get dim sizes
			CDFgetzVarDimSizes(current_file_id, variableNum, counts);
//			std::cerr << "("  << ") count: " << (int)counts[0] << std::endl;
//			std::cerr << "(" << variable << ") variableNum: " << variableNum << std::endl;
//			std::cout << BOOST_CURRENT_FUNCTION << ": current_file_id: " << current_file_id << std::endl;

			if (counts[0] > 0)
					int * buffer = new int[counts[0]];
					CDFhyperGetzVarData(current_file_id, variableNum, recStart, recCount, recInterval, dimIndices, counts,
							dimIntervals, buffer);
					//add data to vector type, and delete original array
					for (int i = 0; i < counts[0]; i++)
					delete[] buffer;

				catch (std::bad_alloc& ba)
					std::cerr << "bad_alloc caught: " << ba.what() << std::endl;

		} else
			std::cout << "variable: " << variable << " does not exist!!!!" << std::endl;
		//std::cout << "finished reading " << variable << std::endl;
		return variableData;
예제 #6
QMap<QString, QList<QVector< QVariant > > > cdfDataReader::getZVariableAttributes(QStringList Attributes, QString Variable)
    QMap< QString, QList<QVector <QVariant > > > returnVal;
    QStringList::Iterator iter;
    long varN =  CDFgetVarNum(this->fileId, Variable.toAscii().data());

    //for each Attribute in the list, get the attributes for the given variable
    for(iter = Attributes.begin(); iter != Attributes.end(); ++iter)
        long attN =  CDFgetAttrNum(this->fileId, (*iter).toAscii().data());

        returnVal[*iter] = this->getZVariableAttribute(attN, varN);

    return returnVal;
예제 #7
	 * @brief Returns a value in the flat array of the variable and index requested.
	 * Use this method on variables that have a type of int
	 * @param variable The variable in the file
	 * @param index The index in the variable's array in the file
	 * @return int of the value in the array.
	int CDFFileReader::getVariableIntAtIndex(const std::string& variable, long index)
		//std::cout << "reading " << variable << std::endl;
		//get variable number
		long variableNum = CDFgetVarNum(current_file_id, (char *) variable.c_str());

		long recStart = 0L;
		long recCount = 1L;
		long recInterval = 1L;
		long dimIndices[] = { index };
		long dimIntervals[] = { 1 };

		long dimSizes[1] = {1};
		//get dim sizes
		//CDFgetzVarDimSizes(current_file_id, variableNum, dimSizes);
		int * buffer = new int[1];
		CDFgetzVarData(current_file_id, variableNum, recStart, dimIndices, buffer);
		//add data to vector type, and delete original array
		int value = buffer[0];
		delete[] buffer;
		//std::cout << "finished reading " << variable << std::endl;
		return value;
예제 #8
int main () {
    CDFid id;
    CDFstatus status;
    long varnum;
    long variance = { VARY };
    long dimSizes[1] = {0}, dimVary[1] = {VARY};
    long indices[1] = {0}, counts[1]= {1}, intervals[1] = {1};

    long long tt2000[8], mm[8];
    double year1=2008, month1=12, day1=31, hour1=23, minute1=59, second1=57,
           msec1=100, usec1=200, nsec1=300;
    double year=2008, month=12, day=31, hour=23, minute=59, second=57,
           msec=100, usec=200, nsec=300;
    double yearOut, monthOut, dayOut, hourOut, minuteOut, secondOut, msecOut,
           usecOut, nsecOut;
    int  ix;
    char string[TT2000_3_STRING_LEN+1];

    long long int8[3][2], int8o[3][2], nn;

    * Display title.

    printf ("Testing Internal/C interface for CDF_TIME_TT2000 ...\n");

    tt2000[0] = computeTT2000 (2000., 1., 1., 12., 0., 0., TT2000END);
    breakdownTT2000 (tt2000[0], &yearOut, &monthOut, &dayOut, &hourOut, &minuteOut,
                     &secondOut, &msecOut, &usecOut, &nsecOut);

    printf ("Base: 2000-01-01T12:00.00.000 => %lld nanoseconds\n", tt2000[0]);
    encodeTT2000 (tt2000[0], string, 3);
    printf ("      %lld => %s\n", tt2000[0], string);

    * Create CDF.

    status = CDFlib (CREATE_, CDF_, "TEST", 0, dimSizes, &id,

    if (status < CDF_OK) {
        if (status == CDF_EXISTS) {
            status = CDFlib (OPEN_, CDF_, "TEST", &id,
            if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("1.0", status);

            status = CDFlib (DELETE_, CDF_,
            if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("1.1", status);

            status = CDFlib (CREATE_, CDF_, "TEST", 0L, dimSizes, &id,
            if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("6.0", status);

    * Create variables.

    status = CDFlib (CREATE_, zVAR_, "myTT2000", CDF_TIME_TT2000, 1L,
                     0L, dimSizes, variance,
                     dimVary, &varnum,
    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("7.0", status);

    dimSizes[0] = 2;

    status = CDFlib (CREATE_, zVAR_, "myINT8", CDF_INT8, 1L,
                     1L, dimSizes, variance,
                     dimVary, &varnum,
    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("7.1", status);

    * PUT to variables.

    tt2000[0] = computeTT2000 (year, month, day, hour, minute, second,
                               msec, usec, nsec);
    if (tt2000[0] == ILLEGAL_TT2000_VALUE) QuitCDF ("9.0", TT2000_TIME_ERROR);
    for (ix = 1; ix < 8; ++ix)
        tt2000[ix] = tt2000[0] + (long long) ix*1000000000;

    varnum = CDFgetVarNum (id, "myTT2000");
    status = CDFlib (SELECT_, zVAR_, varnum,
                     zVAR_RECNUMBER_, 0L,
                     zVAR_RECCOUNT_, 8L,
                     zVAR_RECINTERVAL_, 1L,
                     zVAR_DIMINDICES_, indices,
                     zVAR_DIMCOUNTS_, counts,
                     zVAR_DIMINTERVALS_, intervals,
                     PUT_, zVAR_HYPERDATA_, tt2000,
    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("10.0", status);

    * HyperGET from variables.

    status = CDFlib (GET_, zVAR_HYPERDATA_, mm,
    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("11.0", status);

    for (ix= 0; ix < 8; ix++) {
        breakdownTT2000 (mm[ix], &yearOut, &monthOut, &dayOut,
                         &hourOut, &minuteOut, &secondOut, &msecOut,
                         &usecOut, &nsecOut);
        if (year != yearOut) QuitCDF("11.1", status);
        if (month != monthOut) QuitCDF("11.2", status);
        if (day != dayOut) QuitCDF("11.3", status);
        if (hour != hourOut) QuitCDF("11.4", status);
        if (minute != minuteOut) QuitCDF("11.5", status);
        if (second != secondOut) QuitCDF("11.6", status);
        if (msec != msecOut) QuitCDF("11.7", status);
        if (usec != usecOut) QuitCDF("11.8", status);
        if (nsec != nsecOut) QuitCDF("11.9", status);
        if (second > 60) {
            year = 2009;
            month = 1;
            day = 1;
            hour = 0;
            minute = 0;
            second = 0;

    varnum = CDFgetVarNum (id, "myINT8");
    nn = 88888888888LL;
    for (ix = 0; ix < 3; ++ix) {
        int8[ix][0] = nn;
        int8[ix][1] = -nn;

    counts[0] = 2;
    status = CDFlib (SELECT_, zVAR_, varnum,
                     zVAR_RECNUMBER_, 0L,
                     zVAR_RECCOUNT_, 3L,
                     zVAR_RECINTERVAL_, 1L,
                     zVAR_DIMINDICES_, indices,
                     zVAR_DIMCOUNTS_, counts,
                     zVAR_DIMINTERVALS_, intervals,
                     PUT_, zVAR_HYPERDATA_, int8,
    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("12.0", status);

    status = CDFlib (GET_, zVAR_HYPERDATA_, int8o,
    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("13.0", status);

    nn = 88888888888LL;
    for (ix = 0; ix < 3; ++ix) {
        if (int8o[ix][0] != nn) QuitCDF ("14.0", status);;
        if (int8o[ix][1] != -nn) QuitCDF ("14.1", status);;

    * Close CDF.

    status = CDFlib (CLOSE_, CDF_,
    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("26.2", status);

    * Re-open the CDF.

    status = CDFlib (OPEN_, CDF_, "TEST", &id,

    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("30.1", status);
    varnum = CDFvarNum (id, "myTT2000");
    if (varnum < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("31.1", status);
    * HyperGET from variables.

    status = CDFlib (SELECT_, zVAR_, varnum,
                     zVAR_RECNUMBER_, 0L,
                     zVAR_RECCOUNT_, 8L,
                     zVAR_RECINTERVAL_, 1L,
                     zVAR_DIMINDICES_, indices,
                     zVAR_DIMCOUNTS_, counts,
                     zVAR_DIMINTERVALS_, intervals,
                     GET_, zVAR_HYPERDATA_, mm,
    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("32.1", status);

    for (ix= 0; ix < 8; ix++) {
        breakdownTT2000 (mm[ix], &yearOut, &monthOut, &dayOut,
                         &hourOut, &minuteOut, &secondOut, &msecOut,
                         &usecOut, &nsecOut);
        encodeTT2000 (mm[ix], string, 3);
        printf ("%s\n",string);
        if (year1 != yearOut) QuitCDF("33.1", status);
        if (month1 != monthOut) QuitCDF("33.2", status);
        if (day1 != dayOut) QuitCDF("33.3", status);
        if (hour1 != hourOut) QuitCDF("33.4", status);
        if (minute1 != minuteOut) QuitCDF("33.5", status);
        if (second1 != secondOut) QuitCDF("33.6", status);
        if (msec1 != msecOut) QuitCDF("33.7", status);
        if (usec1 != usecOut) QuitCDF("33.8", status);
        if (nsec1 != nsecOut) QuitCDF("33.9", status);
        if (second1 > 60) {
            year1 = 2009;
            month1 = 1;
            day1 = 1;
            hour1 = 0;
            minute1 = 0;
            second1 = 0;

    * Close CDF.

    status = CDFlib (CLOSE_, CDF_,
    if (status < CDF_OK) QuitCDF ("26.2", status);

    * Successful completion.

    return EXIT_SUCCESS_;
예제 #9
	 * @param variable
	 * @param vattribute
	 * @return
	Attribute CDFFileReader::getVariableAttribute(const std::string& variable, const std::string& vattribute)

		//first, check the vAttributes map
		boost::unordered_map<std::string, boost::unordered_map< std::string, Attribute> >::iterator iter =
		if (iter != vAttributes.end())
			boost::unordered_map< std::string, Attribute>::iterator iter2 = vAttributes[variable].find(vattribute);
			if (iter2 != vAttributes[variable].end())
				return (*iter2).second;
		long variableNumber = CDFgetVarNum(current_file_id, (char *) variable.c_str());
		long attributeNumber = CDFgetAttrNum(current_file_id, (char *) vattribute.c_str());
		long dataType;
		CDFstatus status = CDFgetAttrzEntryDataType(current_file_id, attributeNumber, variableNumber, &dataType);
		Attribute attribute;
		//	std::cout << "CDFFileReader::getVariableAttribute - datatype: " << dataType << " CDF_CHAR: " << CDF_CHAR << std::endl;
		if (dataType == CDF_CHAR)
			char value[1024];
			long status = CDFgetAttrzEntry(current_file_id, attributeNumber, variableNumber, value);
			long numElements;
			status = CDFgetAttrzEntryNumElements(current_file_id, attributeNumber, variableNumber, &numElements);

			value[numElements] = '\0';
			//std::cout << "C: attributeValue (" << vattribute << "): " << value << std::endl;
			std::string valueString = value;


		} else if (dataType == CDF_INT4)

			int value;
			long status = CDFgetAttrzEntry(current_file_id, attributeNumber, variableNumber, &value);
			//std::cout << "I: attributeValue (" << vattribute << "): " << value << std::endl;


		} else if (dataType == CDF_FLOAT) //CDF_FLOAT
			float value;
			long status = CDFgetAttrzEntry(current_file_id, attributeNumber, variableNumber, &value);
			//std::cout << "F: attributeValue (" << vattribute << "): " << value << std::endl;



		(vAttributes[variable])[vattribute] = attribute;
		return attribute;

예제 #10
cdfVarInfo cdfDataReader::getZVariableInformation(QString variable)
    int64_t varNum = CDFgetVarNum(this->fileId, variable.toAscii().data());
    return this->getZVariableInformation(varNum);
예제 #11
cdfDataSet cdfDataReader::getZVariableRecord(QString variable, int64_t record)

    return this->getZVariableRecord(CDFgetVarNum(this->fileId, variable.toAscii().data()), record);

예제 #12
cdfDataSet cdfDataReader::getCorrectedZVariable(QString variable)
    long varNum = CDFgetVarNum(this->fileId,variable.toAscii().data());
    return this->getCorrectedZVariable(varNum);
예제 #13
cdfDataSet cdfDataReader::getCorrectedZVariableRecord(QString variable, int64_t record)
    long varNum = CDFgetVarNum(this->fileId, variable.toAscii().data());
    return this->getCorrectedZVariableRecord(varNum, record);
예제 #14
cdfDataSet cdfDataReader::getZVariable(QString variable)
    // get the number for the name
    long varNum = CDFgetVarNum(this->fileId, variable.toAscii().data());
    return this->getZVariable(varNum);