* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.
	myConfig.cRenderer = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "renderer");
	myConfig.iDeskletRendererType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "desklet renderer");

	gsize length = 0;
	myConfig.cMimeTypes = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING_LIST ("Configuration", "mime", &length);
	myConfig.bFilter = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "filter");
	myConfig.iSortType = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "sort by");
	myConfig.bSelectionClipBoard = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "selection_", FALSE);
	myConfig.cTextIcon = CD_CONFIG_GET_FILE_PATH ("Configuration", "text icon", NULL);
	if (myConfig.cTextIcon == NULL)
		myConfig.cTextIcon = cairo_dock_search_icon_s_path ("text-x-generic", MAX (myIcon->image.iWidth, myIcon->image.iHeight));
		if (myConfig.cTextIcon == NULL)
	myConfig.cUrlIcon = CD_CONFIG_GET_FILE_PATH ("Configuration", "url icon", NULL);
#include "applet-struct.h"
#include "applet-notifications.h"
#include "applet-config.h"

//\_________________ Here you have to get all your parameters from the conf file. Use the macros CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN, CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER, CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING, etc. myConfig has been reseted to 0 at this point. This function is called at the beginning of init and reload.

	gsize length = 0;
	myConfig.cURI_to_load = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING ("Configuration", "weblet URI");
	myConfig.bShowScrollbars = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "show scrollbars");
	myConfig.bIsTransparent = CD_CONFIG_GET_BOOLEAN ("Configuration", "transparent background");
	myConfig.iPosScrollX = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "scroll x");
	myConfig.iPosScrollY = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "scroll y");
	myConfig.iReloadTimeout = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER ("Configuration", "reload timeout");
	myConfig.cListURI = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING_LIST ("Configuration", "uri list", &length);
	myConfig.iRightMargin = CD_CONFIG_GET_INTEGER_WITH_DEFAULT ("Configuration", "right margin", 5);

	if (myConfig.cListURI == NULL) {
		g_key_file_set_string (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, "Configuration", "uri list", "www.cairo-dock.org;www.google.com;m.google.com/mail;www.rememberthemilk.com/services/modules/googleig;https://www.meebo.com/mobile;https://www.pandora.com/radio/tuner_8_7_0_0_pandora.swf;http://digg.com/iphone#_stories;http://www.bashfr.org/?sort=top50;about:plugins");
		cairo_dock_write_keys_to_file (CD_APPLET_MY_KEY_FILE, CD_APPLET_MY_CONF_FILE);
		myConfig.cListURI = CD_CONFIG_GET_STRING_LIST ("Configuration", "uri list", &length);

//\_________________ Here you have to free all ressources allocated for myConfig. This one will be reseted to 0 at the end of this function. This function is called right before yo get the applet's config, and when your applet is stopped.
	g_free (myConfig.cURI_to_load);