예제 #1
 * Return a new initialized jzentry corresponding to a given hash cell.
 * In case of error, returns NULL.
 * We already sanity-checked all the CEN headers for ZIP format errors
 * in readCEN(), so we don't check them again here.
 * The ZIP lock should be held here.
static jzentry *
newEntry(jzfile *zip, jzcell *zc, AccessHint accessHint)
    jlong locoff;
    jint nlen, elen, clen;
    jzentry *ze;
    char *cen;

    if ((ze = (jzentry *) malloc(sizeof(jzentry))) == NULL) return NULL;
    ze->name    = NULL;
    ze->extra   = NULL;
    ze->comment = NULL;

#ifdef USE_MMAP
    if (zip->usemmap) {
        cen = (char*) zip->maddr + zc->cenpos - zip->offset;
    } else
        if (accessHint == ACCESS_RANDOM)
            cen = readCENHeader(zip, zc->cenpos, AMPLE_CEN_HEADER_SIZE);
            cen = sequentialAccessReadCENHeader(zip, zc->cenpos);
        if (cen == NULL) goto Catch;

    nlen      = CENNAM(cen);
    elen      = CENEXT(cen);
    clen      = CENCOM(cen);
    ze->time  = CENTIM(cen);
    ze->size  = CENLEN(cen);
    ze->csize = (CENHOW(cen) == STORED) ? 0 : CENSIZ(cen);
    ze->crc   = CENCRC(cen);
    locoff    = CENOFF(cen);
    ze->pos   = -(zip->locpos + locoff);
    ze->flag  = CENFLG(cen);

    if ((ze->name = malloc(nlen + 1)) == NULL) goto Catch;
    memcpy(ze->name, cen + CENHDR, nlen);
    ze->name[nlen] = '\0';
    if (elen > 0) {
        char *extra = cen + CENHDR + nlen;

        /* This entry has "extra" data */
        if ((ze->extra = malloc(elen + 2)) == NULL) goto Catch;
        ze->extra[0] = (unsigned char) elen;
        ze->extra[1] = (unsigned char) (elen >> 8);
        memcpy(ze->extra+2, extra, elen);
        if (ze->csize == ZIP64_MAGICVAL || ze->size == ZIP64_MAGICVAL ||
            locoff == ZIP64_MAGICVAL) {
            jint off = 0;
            while ((off + 4) < elen) {    // spec: HeaderID+DataSize+Data
                jint sz = SH(extra, off + 2);
                if (SH(extra, off) == ZIP64_EXTID) {
                    off += 4;
                    if (ze->size == ZIP64_MAGICVAL) {
                        // if invalid zip64 extra fields, just skip
                        if (sz < 8 || (off + 8) > elen)
                        ze->size = LL(extra, off);
                        sz -= 8;
                        off += 8;
                    if (ze->csize == ZIP64_MAGICVAL) {
                        if (sz < 8 || (off + 8) > elen)
                        ze->csize = LL(extra, off);
                        sz -= 8;
                        off += 8;
                    if (locoff == ZIP64_MAGICVAL) {
                        if (sz < 8 || (off + 8) > elen)
                        ze->pos = -(zip->locpos +  LL(extra, off));
                        sz -= 8;
                        off += 8;
                off += (sz + 4);
예제 #2
static int
find_file(int fd, zentry *entry, const char *file_name)
    int	    bytes;
    int	    res;
    int	    entry_size;
    int	    read_size;
    int	    base_offset;
    Byte    *p;
    Byte    *bp;
    Byte    *buffer;
    Byte    locbuf[LOCHDR];

    if ((buffer = (Byte*)malloc(BUFSIZE)) == NULL) {

    p = buffer;
    bp = buffer;

     * Read the END Header, which is the starting point for ZIP files.
     * (Clearly designed to make writing a zip file easier than reading
     * one. Now isn't that precious...)
    if ((base_offset = find_end(fd, bp)) == -1) {
	return (-1);

     * There is a historical, but undocumented, ability to allow for
     * additional "stuff" to be prepended to the zip/jar file. It seems
     * that this has been used to prepend an actual java launcher
     * executable to the jar on Windows.  Although this is just another
     * form of statically linking a small piece of the JVM to the
     * application, we choose to continue to support it.  Note that no
     * guarantees have been made (or should be made) to the customer that
     * this will continue to work.
     * Therefore, calculate the base offset of the zip file (within the
     * expanded file) by assuming that the central directory is followed
     * immediately by the end record.
    base_offset = base_offset - ENDSIZ(p) - ENDOFF(p);

     * The END Header indicates the start of the Central Directory
     * Headers. Remember that the desired Central Directory Header (CEN)
     * will almost always be the second one and the first one is a small
     * directory entry ("META-INF/"). Keep the code optimized for
     * that case.
     * Begin by seeking to the beginning of the Central Directory and
     * reading in the first buffer full of bits.
    if (lseek(fd, base_offset + ENDOFF(p), SEEK_SET) < (off_t)0) {
	return (-1);
    if ((bytes = read(fd, bp, MINREAD)) < 0) {
	return (-1);

     * Loop through the Central Directory Headers. Note that a valid zip/jar
     * must have an ENDHDR (with ENDSIG) after the Central Directory.
    while (GETSIG(p) == CENSIG) {

	 * If a complete header isn't in the buffer, shift the contents
	 * of the buffer down and refill the buffer.  Note that the check
	 * for "bytes < CENHDR" must be made before the test for the entire
	 * size of the header, because if bytes is less than CENHDR, the
	 * actual size of the header can't be determined. The addition of
	 * SIGSIZ guarantees that the next signature is also in the buffer
	 * for proper loop termination.
	if (bytes < CENHDR) {
	    p = memmove(bp, p, bytes);
	    if ((res = read(fd, bp + bytes, MINREAD)) <= 0) {
		return (-1);
	    bytes += res;
	entry_size = CENHDR + CENNAM(p) + CENEXT(p) + CENCOM(p);
	if (bytes < entry_size + SIGSIZ) {
	    if (p != bp)
		p = memmove(bp, p, bytes);
	    read_size = entry_size - bytes + SIGSIZ;
	    read_size = (read_size < MINREAD) ? MINREAD : read_size;
	    if ((res = read(fd, bp + bytes,  read_size)) <= 0) {
		return (-1);
	    bytes += res;

	 * Check if the name is the droid we are looking for; the jar file
	 * manifest.  If so, build the entry record from the data found in
	 * the header located and return success.
        if (CENNAM(p) == strlen(file_name) &&
          memcmp((p + CENHDR), file_name, strlen(file_name)) == 0) {
	    if (lseek(fd, base_offset + CENOFF(p), SEEK_SET) < (off_t)0) {
		return (-1);
	    if (read(fd, locbuf, LOCHDR) < 0) {
		return (-1);
	    if (GETSIG(locbuf) != LOCSIG) {
		return (-1);
	    entry->isize = CENLEN(p);
	    entry->csize = CENSIZ(p);
	    entry->offset = base_offset + CENOFF(p) + LOCHDR +
		LOCNAM(locbuf) + LOCEXT(locbuf);
	    entry->how = CENHOW(p);
	    return (0);

	 * Point to the next entry and decrement the count of valid remaining
	 * bytes.
	bytes -= entry_size;
	p += entry_size;
    return (-1);	/* Fell off the end the loop without a Manifest */
예제 #3
JarFileParser::filtered_do_next_entries(JvmNameFilterProc entry_filter_proc,
                                        JvmDoJarEntryProc do_jar_entry_proc,
                                        void* caller_data,
                                        int entry_id, int max_size 
                                        JVM_TRAPS) {
  GUARANTEE(entry_id >= 0 && max_size > 0, "Sanity");
  unsigned int name_length = 0;
  int total_size = 0;

  if (max_size <= 0) {
    max_size = max_jint;

  if (entry_id > 0) {
    raw_current_entry()->nextCenOffset = entry_id;

  // NOTE: max_entries can be -1 that indicates no limitation on the number of
  // entries processed.
  for (total_size = 0; total_size < max_size;) {
    bool found = find_entry(NULL JVM_MUST_SUCCEED);
    if (!found) {

    // If find_entry succeeded, centralHeader contains the central directory  
    // header for the found entry.
    unsigned char *cenp = (unsigned char *)raw_current_entry()->centralHeader;
    name_length = CENNAM(cenp);

    if (name_length >= MAX_ENTRY_NAME) {
      return -1;

    // Save the next offset as entry_filter_proc may move raw_current_entry()
    juint nextCenOffset = raw_current_entry()->nextCenOffset +
                          CENHDRSIZ + name_length + CENEXT(cenp) + CENCOM(cenp);

      UsingFastOops fast_oops;
      BufferedFile::Fast bf = buffered_file();
      if (bf().get_bytes((address)entry_name, name_length) != name_length) {
        return -1;
    entry_name[name_length] = '\0';

    if (((entry_filter_proc == NULL) || 
         (entry_filter_proc(entry_name, caller_data) == KNI_TRUE)) &&
        (do_jar_entry_proc != NULL)) {
      UsingFastOops fast_oops;
      Buffer::Fast buffer = load_entry(JVM_SINGLE_ARG_CHECK_0);
      if (buffer.is_null()) {
        return -1;

      if (do_jar_entry_proc((char*)entry_name, buffer().data(), 
                            buffer().length(), caller_data) == KNI_FALSE) {
        return 0;

    total_size += raw_current_entry()->length;

      // if entry_filter_proc returned NULL, check for exception
      return -1;

    raw_current_entry()->nextCenOffset = nextCenOffset;

  // If we reached the end of JAR return 0.
  // Otherwise return nextCenOffset, it is used as a JAR entry id.
  return (total_size < max_size) ? 0 : raw_current_entry()->nextCenOffset;
예제 #4
 * Writes all entries except ".class" to the data_file_handle,
 * writes corresponding central directory records and the end of central
 * directory record to the directory_file_handle.
 * Treats .ZIP file format as documented in
 * ftp://ftp.uu.net/pub/archiving/zip/doc/appnote-970311-iz.zip.
 * Assumes that the .ZIP file doesn't span across multiple disks.
 * Assumes that raw_current_entry()->nextCenOffset contains the offset 
 * of the first entry of the central directory (as set in the constructor).
 * Returns true if completes successfully, false otherwise.
JarFileParser::copy_non_class_entries_to(OsFile_Handle data_file_handle,
                                         OsFile_Handle directory_file_handle 
                                         JVM_TRAPS) {
  UsingFastOops fast_oops;
  BufferedFile::Fast jar_buffer = buffered_file();

  const char class_suffix[] = {'.','c','l','a','s','s','\0'};
  juint locOffset = raw_current_entry()->locOffset;
  const juint buffer_size = MAX_ENTRY_NAME;
  DECLARE_STATIC_BUFFER(unsigned char, buffer,  buffer_size);
  unsigned int name_length = 0;
  juint loc_header_offset = 0;
  juint cen_header_offset = 0;
  size_t bytes_to_copy = 0;

  unsigned int written_entry_count = 0;
  unsigned int read_entry_count = 0;
  unsigned int total_entry_count = raw_current_entry()->totalEntryCount;

  // No OsFile_ routine to get the current position, 
  // so keep this information by ourselves.
  juint data_file_position = 0;
  juint directory_file_position = 0;

  GUARANTEE(buffer_size >= LOCHDRSIZ && 
            buffer_size >= EXTHDRSIZ && 
            buffer_size >= ENDHDRSIZ && 
            buffer_size >= MAX_ENTRY_NAME, "Buffer is too small");

  if ((OsFile_seek(data_file_handle, 0L, SEEK_SET) < 0) 
      || (OsFile_seek(directory_file_handle, 0L, SEEK_SET) < 0)) {
    return false;

  for (read_entry_count = 0; read_entry_count < total_entry_count;
       read_entry_count++) {

    // Find the next entry in the JAR.
    bool found = find_entry(NULL JVM_MUST_SUCCEED);
    if (!found) {
      return false;

    cen_header_offset = raw_current_entry()->nextCenOffset;

    // If find_entry succeeded, centralHeader contains the central directory  
    // header for the found entry.
    unsigned char *cenp = (unsigned char *)raw_current_entry()->centralHeader;

    name_length = CENNAM(cenp);

    if (name_length >= MAX_ENTRY_NAME) {
      Throw::error(jarfile_error JVM_THROW_0);
    } else {
      jar_buffer().get_bytes(buffer, name_length);
      if (!JarFileParser::match(class_suffix, (char*)buffer, name_length)) {
        loc_header_offset = locOffset + CENOFF(cenp);

        // Update the relative offset of local header 
        // in the central directory entry.
        // Use little-endian order according to the .ZIP format.
        Bytes::put_Java_u4(cenp + CENOFF_OFFSET,

        // Write the central directory entry to the directory file.
        if (OsFile_write(directory_file_handle, 
                         cenp, 1, CENHDRSIZ) != CENHDRSIZ) {
          return false;

        directory_file_position += CENHDRSIZ;

        // Write the file name to the direcory file.
        if (OsFile_write(directory_file_handle, 
                         buffer, 1, name_length) != name_length) {
          return false;

        directory_file_position += name_length;

        // Copy the extra field and file comment to the directory file.
        bytes_to_copy = CENEXT(cenp) + CENCOM(cenp);
        if (block_copy(&jar_buffer, directory_file_handle,
                       bytes_to_copy) != bytes_to_copy) {
          return false;

        directory_file_position += bytes_to_copy;

        // Copy the local file header to the data file.
        if ((jar_buffer().seek(loc_header_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) 
            || (jar_buffer().get_bytes(buffer, LOCHDRSIZ) != LOCHDRSIZ)
            || (OsFile_write(data_file_handle, 
                             buffer, 1, LOCHDRSIZ) != LOCHDRSIZ)) {
          return false;

        data_file_position += LOCHDRSIZ;

          unsigned char *locp = (unsigned char *)buffer;

          // Copy the file name, extra field and the compressed file data 
          // to the data file.
          bytes_to_copy = LOCNAM(locp) + LOCEXT(locp) + CENSIZ(cenp);
          if (block_copy(&jar_buffer, data_file_handle,
                         bytes_to_copy) != bytes_to_copy) {
            return false;

          data_file_position += bytes_to_copy;

          // Check if the data descriptor exists.
          if ((LOCFLG(locp) & 8) == 8) {
            // Copy the data descriptor to the data file.
            if (jar_buffer().get_bytes(buffer, EXTHDRSIZ) != EXTHDRSIZ) {
              return false;

            // The data descriptor may or may not start with the signature
            // depending on .ZIP file format revision used.
            if (GETSIG(buffer) == EXTSIG) {
              // According to the Info-ZIP Application Note 970311,
              // the data descriptor starts with the signature.
              if (OsFile_write(data_file_handle, 
                               buffer, 1, EXTHDRSIZ) != EXTHDRSIZ) {
                return false;

              data_file_position += EXTHDRSIZ;
            } else {
              // According to the .ZIP format specification version 6.1.0,
              // the data descriptor doesn't start with the signature.
              if (OsFile_write(data_file_handle, 
                               buffer, 1, EXTHDRSIZ - 4) != EXTHDRSIZ - 4) {
                return false;

              data_file_position += EXTHDRSIZ - 4;


    cen_header_offset += CENHDRSIZ + name_length + CENEXT(cenp) + CENCOM(cenp);
    raw_current_entry()->nextCenOffset = cen_header_offset;

  // Now that all central directory entries are processed, 
  // cen_header_offset points to the end of the central directory.
  if (jar_buffer().seek(cen_header_offset, SEEK_SET) < 0) {
    return false;

  if (jar_buffer().get_bytes(buffer, ENDHDRSIZ) != ENDHDRSIZ) {
    return false;

    unsigned char *endp = (unsigned char *)buffer;

    if (GETSIG(endp) != ENDSIG) {
      return false;

    // Update the record to match the new number of entries.
    // Use little-endian order according to the .ZIP format.

    Bytes::put_Java_u2(endp + ENDSUB_OFFSET,
    Bytes::put_Java_u2(endp + ENDTOT_OFFSET,

    // The size of the central directory is exactly 
    // the number of bytes written to the directory_file.
    Bytes::put_Java_u4(endp + ENDSIZ_OFFSET,
    // The offset of the central directory is exactly 
    // the number of bytes written to the data_file.
    Bytes::put_Java_u4(endp + ENDOFF_OFFSET,

    if (OsFile_write(directory_file_handle, endp, 1, ENDHDRSIZ) != ENDHDRSIZ) {
      return false;

    if (block_copy(&jar_buffer,
                   directory_file_handle, ENDCOM(endp)) != (size_t)ENDCOM(endp)) {
      return false;

  return true;
예제 #5
 * Locate the manifest file with the zip/jar file.
 *      fd:     File descriptor of the jar file.
 *      entry:  To be populated with the information necessary to perform
 *              the inflation (the compressed and uncompressed sizes and
 *              the offset in the file where the compressed data is located).
 * Returns zero upon success. Returns a negative value upon failure.
 * The buffer for reading the Central Directory if the zip/jar file needs
 * to be large enough to accommodate the largest possible single record
 * and the signature of the next record which is:
 *      3*2**16 + CENHDR + SIGSIZ
 * Each of the three variable sized fields (name, comment and extension)
 * has a maximum possible size of 64k.
 * Typically, only a small bit of this buffer is used with bytes shuffled
 * down to the beginning of the buffer.  It is one thing to allocate such
 * a large buffer and another thing to actually start faulting it in.
 * In most cases, all that needs to be read are the first two entries in
 * a typical jar file (META-INF and META-INF/MANIFEST.MF). Keep this factoid
 * in mind when optimizing this code.
static int
find_file(int fd, zentry *entry, const char *file_name)
    int     bytes;
    int     res;
    int     entry_size;
    int     read_size;
    jlong   base_offset;
    Byte    *p;
    Byte    *bp;
    Byte    *buffer;
    Byte    locbuf[LOCHDR];

    if ((buffer = (Byte*)malloc(BUFSIZE)) == NULL) {

    bp = buffer;
    base_offset = compute_cen(fd, bp);
    if (base_offset == -1) {
        return -1;

    if ((bytes = read(fd, bp, MINREAD)) < 0) {
        return (-1);
    p = bp;
     * Loop through the Central Directory Headers. Note that a valid zip/jar
     * must have an ENDHDR (with ENDSIG) after the Central Directory.
    while (GETSIG(p) == CENSIG) {

         * If a complete header isn't in the buffer, shift the contents
         * of the buffer down and refill the buffer.  Note that the check
         * for "bytes < CENHDR" must be made before the test for the entire
         * size of the header, because if bytes is less than CENHDR, the
         * actual size of the header can't be determined. The addition of
         * SIGSIZ guarantees that the next signature is also in the buffer
         * for proper loop termination.
        if (bytes < CENHDR) {
            p = memmove(bp, p, bytes);
            if ((res = read(fd, bp + bytes, MINREAD)) <= 0) {
                return (-1);
            bytes += res;
        entry_size = CENHDR + CENNAM(p) + CENEXT(p) + CENCOM(p);
        if (bytes < entry_size + SIGSIZ) {
            if (p != bp)
                p = memmove(bp, p, bytes);
            read_size = entry_size - bytes + SIGSIZ;
            read_size = (read_size < MINREAD) ? MINREAD : read_size;
            if ((res = read(fd, bp + bytes,  read_size)) <= 0) {
                return (-1);
            bytes += res;

         * Check if the name is the droid we are looking for; the jar file
         * manifest.  If so, build the entry record from the data found in
         * the header located and return success.
        if ((size_t)CENNAM(p) == JLI_StrLen(file_name) &&
          memcmp((p + CENHDR), file_name, JLI_StrLen(file_name)) == 0) {
            if (JLI_Lseek(fd, base_offset + CENOFF(p), SEEK_SET) < (jlong)0) {
                return (-1);
            if (read(fd, locbuf, LOCHDR) < 0) {
                return (-1);
            if (GETSIG(locbuf) != LOCSIG) {
                return (-1);
            entry->isize = CENLEN(p);
            entry->csize = CENSIZ(p);
            entry->offset = base_offset + CENOFF(p) + LOCHDR +
                LOCNAM(locbuf) + LOCEXT(locbuf);
            entry->how = CENHOW(p);
            return (0);

         * Point to the next entry and decrement the count of valid remaining
         * bytes.
        bytes -= entry_size;
        p += entry_size;
    return (-1);        /* Fell off the end the loop without a Manifest */