예제 #1
void CTilegenRange_ClosedExits::Initialize( CFreeVariableMap *pContext )
    const CRoomCandidate *pRoomCandidate = m_pRoomCandidateExpression->Evaluate( pContext );
    if ( pRoomCandidate != NULL )
        CUtlVector< CRoomTemplateExit * > matchingExits;
        ( ( const CMapLayout * )pContext->GetFreeVariableDisallowNULL( "MapLayout" ) )->CheckExits( pRoomCandidate->m_pRoomTemplate, pRoomCandidate->m_iXPos, pRoomCandidate->m_iYPos, &matchingExits );
        for ( int i = 0; i < matchingExits.Count(); ++ i )
            m_Exits.AddToTail( CExit( matchingExits[i]->m_iXPos + pRoomCandidate->m_iXPos, pRoomCandidate->m_pRoomTemplate->GetTilesY() - 1 - matchingExits[i]->m_iYPos + pRoomCandidate->m_iYPos, matchingExits[i]->m_ExitDirection, matchingExits[i]->m_szExitTag, NULL, false ) );
    m_nCurrentExit = m_Exits.Count();
예제 #2
void BuildOpenExitList( const CRoomCandidate &roomCandidate, const CMapLayout *pMapLayout, CUtlVector< CExit > *pNewExitList )
    Assert( pMapLayout );
    const CRoomTemplate *pTemplate = roomCandidate.m_pRoomTemplate;
    for ( int i = 0; i < pTemplate->m_Exits.Count(); ++ i )
        int nExitX, nExitY;
        if ( GetExitPosition( pTemplate, roomCandidate.m_iXPos, roomCandidate.m_iYPos, i, &nExitX, &nExitY ) )
            if ( !pMapLayout->GetRoom( nExitX, nExitY ) )
                pNewExitList->AddToTail( CExit( nExitX, nExitY, pTemplate->m_Exits[i]->m_ExitDirection, pTemplate->m_Exits[i]->m_szExitTag, NULL, false ) );
void CLayoutSystem::AddOpenExit( CRoom *pSourceRoom, int nX, int nY, ExitDirection_t exitDirection, const char *pExitTag, bool bChokepointGrowSource )
	// Check to make sure exit isn't already in the list.
	for ( int i = 0; i < m_OpenExits.Count(); ++ i )
		const CExit *pExit = &m_OpenExits[i];
		if ( pExit->X == nX && pExit->Y == nY && pExit->ExitDirection == exitDirection )
			// Exit already exists.
			Assert( pExit->pSourceRoom == pSourceRoom && Q_stricmp( pExitTag, pExit->m_szExitTag ) == 0 );

	m_OpenExits.AddToTail( CExit( nX, nY, exitDirection, pExitTag, pSourceRoom, bChokepointGrowSource ) );
예제 #4
void CTilegenAction_AddConnectorRoomCandidates::Execute( CLayoutSystem *pLayoutSystem )
	CUtlVector< const CRoomTemplate * > roomTemplateList;
	if ( m_pTargetRoomTemplate != NULL )
		Assert( m_pTargetRoomTemplateFilter == NULL && m_pTargetThemeNameExpression == NULL );
		roomTemplateList.AddToTail( m_pTargetRoomTemplate );
		Assert( m_pTargetRoomTemplateFilter != NULL	&& m_pTargetThemeNameExpression != NULL );

		if ( m_pLevelTheme == NULL )
			const char *pThemeName = m_pTargetThemeNameExpression->Evaluate( pLayoutSystem->GetFreeVariables() );
			m_pLevelTheme = CLevelTheme::FindTheme( pThemeName );
			if ( m_pLevelTheme == NULL )
				Log_Warning( LOG_TilegenLayoutSystem, "Theme %s not found.\n", pThemeName );

		BuildRoomTemplateList( pLayoutSystem, m_pLevelTheme, m_pTargetRoomTemplateFilter, true, &roomTemplateList );

	// Build a list of exit types we're looking for
	CUtlVector< CExit > desiredMatchingExits;
	for ( int i = 0; i < roomTemplateList.Count(); ++ i )
		const CRoomTemplate *pTemplate = roomTemplateList[i];
		for ( int j = 0; j < pTemplate->m_Exits.Count(); ++ j )
			desiredMatchingExits.AddToTail( CExit( 
				0, 0, CRoomTemplateExit::GetOppositeDirection( pTemplate->m_Exits[j]->m_ExitDirection ), 
				pTemplate->m_Exits[j]->m_szExitTag, NULL, false ) );

	// Build up a room of connector candidates
	pLayoutSystem->ExecuteAction( m_pAddConnectorCandidates, NULL );

	// Filter the set down by eliminating candidates which don't connect to the desired direction.
	CUtlVector< CRoomCandidate > *pRoomCandidateList = pLayoutSystem->GetRoomCandidateList();
	CUtlVector< CExit > newOpenExits;
	for ( int i = pRoomCandidateList->Count() - 1; i >= 0; -- i )
		bool bMatch = false;

		// Figure out which new exits would be open as a result of placing this room candidate.
		BuildOpenExitList( pRoomCandidateList->Element( i ), pLayoutSystem->GetMapLayout(), &newOpenExits );

		// For every new open exit potentially created by this candidate,
		// see if one of them could connect to one of our desired exits.
		for ( int j = 0; j < newOpenExits.Count(); ++ j )
			const CExit *pNewOpenExit = &newOpenExits[j];
			for ( int k = 0; k < desiredMatchingExits.Count(); ++ k )
				const CExit *pDesiredMatchingExit = &desiredMatchingExits[k];
				if ( pNewOpenExit->ExitDirection == pDesiredMatchingExit->ExitDirection && 
					 Q_stricmp( pNewOpenExit->m_szExitTag, pDesiredMatchingExit->m_szExitTag ) == 0 )
					// Found a match!
					bMatch = true;
			if ( bMatch ) break;

		if ( !bMatch )
			pRoomCandidateList->FastRemove( i );
예제 #5
DEFDIR(exit, _Noreturn) {
    while (*x_cur && !isgraph(*x_cur))
    CExit(LNE, COL, x_cur);