예제 #1
bool check_gregorian_dates ()
   Boolean             status;
   CFGregorianDate     gregDate;
   CFAbsoluteTime      absTime;
   long                weekOfYear, dayOfWeek;
   CFShow(CFSTR("Checking Gregorian date functions"));
   // Construct a Gregorian date.
   gregDate.year = 1999;
   gregDate.month = 11;
   gregDate.day = 23;
   gregDate.hour = 17;
   gregDate.minute = 33;
   gregDate.second = 22.7;
   // Check the validity of the date.
   status = CFGregorianDateIsValid(gregDate, kCFGregorianAllUnits);
   printf("Is my Gregorian date valid? %d\n", status);
   // Convert the Gregorian date to absolute time.
   absTime = CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(gregDate, NULL);
   printf("The Absolute Time from a Gregorian date is: %f\n", absTime);
   CFShow(CFSTR("This corresponds to the following:"));
   weekOfYear = CFAbsoluteTimeGetWeekOfYear (absTime, NULL);
   dayOfWeek = CFAbsoluteTimeGetDayOfWeek (absTime, NULL);
   printf("Week of the year for %d-%d-%d is %ld\n", gregDate.month, gregDate.day, gregDate.year, weekOfYear);
   printf("Day of the week for %d-%d-%d is %ld\n", gregDate.month, gregDate.day, gregDate.year, dayOfWeek);


   return true;
예제 #2
 * Returns a copy of repeat event after changing the repeat date
 * into next event date.
 * Caller is responsible for releasing the copy after use.
__private_extern__ CFDictionaryRef
copyNextRepeatingEvent(CFStringRef type)
    CFDictionaryRef         repeatDict = NULL;
    CFStringRef             repeatDictType = NULL;
    CFMutableDictionaryRef  repeatDictCopy = NULL;
    CFGregorianDate         greg;
    CFTimeZoneRef           tizzy;
    CFAbsoluteTime          ev_time;
    CFDateRef               ev_date;
    int                     days;
    int                     minutes_scheduled;
    int                     cf_day_of_week;

     * 'WakeOrPowerOn' repeat events are returned when caller asks
     * for 'Wake' events or 'PowerOn' events.
     * Don't bother to return anything if caller is looking specifically for
     * WakeOrPowerOn type repeat events.
    if( CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoSleep))
        || CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoShutdown)) ||
        CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoRestart)) )
        repeatDict = repeatingPowerOff;
    else if (
        CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoPowerOn)) ||
        CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoWake)) )
        repeatDict = repeatingPowerOn;
        return NULL;

    repeatDictType = getRepeatingDictionaryType(repeatDict);
    if (CFEqual(type, repeatDictType) ||
            ( (CFEqual(repeatDictType, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoWakeOrPowerOn))) &&
              (CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoPowerOn)) || CFEqual(type, CFSTR(kIOPMAutoWake)))
        repeatDictCopy = CFDictionaryCreateMutableCopy(0,0,repeatDict);

        tizzy = CFTimeZoneCopySystem();

        // Massage the scheduled time into today's date
        cf_day_of_week = CFAbsoluteTimeGetDayOfWeek(
                CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent(), tizzy);
        days = daysUntil(repeatDict, cf_day_of_week);

        greg = CFAbsoluteTimeGetGregorianDate(
                        CFAbsoluteTimeGetCurrent() + days*(60*60*24), 
        minutes_scheduled = getRepeatingDictionaryMinutes(repeatDict);

        greg.hour = minutes_scheduled/60;
        greg.minute = minutes_scheduled%60;
        greg.second = 0.0;
        ev_time = CFGregorianDateGetAbsoluteTime(greg, tizzy);
        ev_date = CFDateCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, ev_time);
        CFDictionarySetValue(repeatDictCopy, CFSTR(kIOPMPowerEventTimeKey),

        /* Set 'AppNameKey' to 'Repeating' */
        CFDictionarySetValue(repeatDictCopy, CFSTR(kIOPMPowerEventAppNameKey),

    return repeatDictCopy;