예제 #1
CGImageRef ImageSource::createFrameAtIndex(size_t index, SubsamplingLevel subsamplingLevel)
    if (!initialized())
        return 0;

    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image = adoptCF(CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(m_decoder, index, imageSourceOptions(SkipMetadata, subsamplingLevel)));

    // <rdar://problem/7371198> - CoreGraphics changed the default caching behaviour in iOS 4.0 to kCGImageCachingTransient
    // which caused a performance regression for us since the images had to be resampled/recreated every time we called
    // CGContextDrawImage. We now tell CG to cache the drawn images. See also <rdar://problem/14366755> -
    // CoreGraphics needs to un-deprecate kCGImageCachingTemporary since it's still not the default.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
    CGImageSetCachingFlags(image.get(), kCGImageCachingTemporary);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#endif // !PLATFORM(IOS)

    CFStringRef imageUTI = CGImageSourceGetType(m_decoder);
    static const CFStringRef xbmUTI = CFSTR("public.xbitmap-image");
    if (!imageUTI || !CFEqual(imageUTI, xbmUTI))
        return image.leakRef();
    // If it is an xbm image, mask out all the white areas to render them transparent.
    const CGFloat maskingColors[6] = {255, 255,  255, 255, 255, 255};
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> maskedImage = adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(image.get(), maskingColors));
    if (!maskedImage)
        return image.leakRef();

    return maskedImage.leakRef();
예제 #2
CGImageRef ImageSource::createFrameAtIndex(size_t index, float* scale)

    if (!initialized())
        return 0;

    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image = adoptCF(CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(m_decoder, index, imageSourceOptions(SkipMetadata)));
    // Subsampling can be 1, 2 or 3, which means quarter-, sixteenth- and sixty-fourth-size, respectively.
    // A zero or negative value means no subsampling.
    int subsampling = scale ? static_cast<int>(log2f(1.0f / std::max(0.1f, std::min(1.0f, *scale)))) : -1;
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image = adoptCF(CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(m_decoder, index, imageSourceOptions(SkipMetadata, subsampling)));

    // <rdar://problem/7371198> - CoreGraphics changed the default caching behaviour in iOS 4.0 to kCGImageCachingTransient
    // which caused a performance regression for us since the images had to be resampled/recreated every time we called
    // CGContextDrawImage. We now tell CG to cache the drawn images. See also <rdar://problem/14366755> -
    // CoreGraphics needs to un-deprecate kCGImageCachingTemporary since it's still not the default.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
    CGImageSetCachingFlags(image.get(), kCGImageCachingTemporary);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
    if (scale) {
        if (subsampling > 0)
            *scale = static_cast<float>(CGImageGetWidth(image.get())) / size(DoNotRespectImageOrientation).width();
        else {
            ASSERT(static_cast<int>(CGImageGetWidth(image.get())) == size(DoNotRespectImageOrientation).width());
            *scale = 1;
#endif // !PLATFORM(IOS)
    CFStringRef imageUTI = CGImageSourceGetType(m_decoder);
    static const CFStringRef xbmUTI = CFSTR("public.xbitmap-image");
    if (!imageUTI || !CFEqual(imageUTI, xbmUTI))
        return image.leakRef();
    // If it is an xbm image, mask out all the white areas to render them transparent.
    const CGFloat maskingColors[6] = {255, 255,  255, 255, 255, 255};
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> maskedImage = adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(image.get(), maskingColors));
    if (!maskedImage)
        return image.leakRef();

    return maskedImage.leakRef();
예제 #3
CGImageRef ImageSource::createFrameAtIndex(size_t index)
    if (!initialized())
        return 0;

    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image(AdoptCF, CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(m_decoder, index, imageSourceOptions()));
    CFStringRef imageUTI = CGImageSourceGetType(m_decoder);
    static const CFStringRef xbmUTI = CFSTR("public.xbitmap-image");
    if (!imageUTI || !CFEqual(imageUTI, xbmUTI))
        return image.releaseRef();
    // If it is an xbm image, mask out all the white areas to render them transparent.
    const CGFloat maskingColors[6] = {255, 255,  255, 255, 255, 255};
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> maskedImage(AdoptCF, CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(image.get(), maskingColors));
    if (!maskedImage)
        return image.releaseRef();

    return maskedImage.releaseRef();
예제 #4
NativeImagePtr ImageDecoder::createFrameImageAtIndex(size_t index, SubsamplingLevel subsamplingLevel, DecodingMode decodingMode) const
    LOG(Images, "ImageDecoder %p createFrameImageAtIndex %lu", this, index);

    RetainPtr<CFDictionaryRef> options = imageSourceOptions(subsamplingLevel, decodingMode);
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> image;

    if (decodingMode == DecodingMode::OnDemand)
        image = adoptCF(CGImageSourceCreateImageAtIndex(m_nativeDecoder.get(), index, options.get()));
        image = adoptCF(CGImageSourceCreateThumbnailAtIndex(m_nativeDecoder.get(), index, options.get()));
    // <rdar://problem/7371198> - CoreGraphics changed the default caching behaviour in iOS 4.0 to kCGImageCachingTransient
    // which caused a performance regression for us since the images had to be resampled/recreated every time we called
    // CGContextDrawImage. We now tell CG to cache the drawn images. See also <rdar://problem/14366755> -
    // CoreGraphics needs to un-deprecate kCGImageCachingTemporary since it's still not the default.
#pragma clang diagnostic push
#pragma clang diagnostic ignored "-Wdeprecated-declarations"
    CGImageSetCachingFlags(image.get(), kCGImageCachingTemporary);
#pragma clang diagnostic pop
#endif // PLATFORM(IOS)
    CFStringRef imageUTI = CGImageSourceGetType(m_nativeDecoder.get());
    static const CFStringRef xbmUTI = CFSTR("public.xbitmap-image");
    if (!imageUTI)
        return image;
    if (!CFEqual(imageUTI, xbmUTI))
        return image;
    // If it is an xbm image, mask out all the white areas to render them transparent.
    const CGFloat maskingColors[6] = {255, 255,  255, 255, 255, 255};
    RetainPtr<CGImageRef> maskedImage = adoptCF(CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(image.get(), maskingColors));
    return maskedImage ? maskedImage : image;
void		VPictureData_MacPicture::_CreateTransparent(VPictureDrawSettings* inSet)const
	CGImageRef result = 0;

	if (fTrans)
	VPictureDrawSettings set(inSet);
	if (GetWidth() && GetHeight())
		if (fMetaFile)

			CGContextRef    context = NULL;
			CGColorSpaceRef colorSpace;
			void *          bitmapData;
			int             bitmapByteCount;
			int             bitmapBytesPerRow;
			sLONG width, height;

			CGRect cgr = QDPictGetBounds(fMetaFile);

			width = cgr.size.width;
			height = cgr.size.height;
			bitmapBytesPerRow = (4 * width + 15) & ~15;
			bitmapByteCount = (bitmapBytesPerRow * height);

			bitmapData = malloc(bitmapByteCount);
			if (bitmapData)
				colorSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();//CGColorSpaceCreateWithName(kCGColorSpaceGenericRGB);

				memset(bitmapData, 0, bitmapByteCount);
				context = CGBitmapContextCreate(bitmapData,
					8,      // bits per component
				if (context)
					CGRect vr;
					vr.origin.x = 0;
					vr.origin.y = 0;
					vr.size.width = width;
					vr.size.height = height;

					VRect pictrect(0, 0, width, height);
					set.SetYAxisSwap(height, true);

					CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context, 1, 1, 1, 1);
					CGContextFillRect(context, vr);

					xDraw(fMetaFile, context, pictrect, &set);

					CGDataProviderRef dataprov = xV4DPicture_MemoryDataProvider::CGDataProviderCreate((char*) bitmapData, bitmapByteCount, true);

					result = CGImageCreate(width, height, 8, 32, bitmapBytesPerRow, colorSpace, kCGImageAlphaNoneSkipLast, dataprov, 0, 0, kCGRenderingIntentDefault);
					if (set.GetDrawingMode() == 1)
						const VColor& col = set.GetTransparentColor();
						CGFloat MaskingColors[6];
						MaskingColors[0] = col.GetRed();
						MaskingColors[1] = col.GetGreen();
						MaskingColors[2] = col.GetBlue();
						MaskingColors[3] = col.GetRed();
						MaskingColors[4] = col.GetGreen();
						MaskingColors[5] = col.GetBlue();

						CGImageRef trans = CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(result, MaskingColors);
						if (trans)
							fTrans = trans;
예제 #6
CGImageRef CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors_wrap(CGImageRef im, 
             float min1, float max1, float min2, float max2,
             float min3, float max3, float min4, float max4) {
  float comps[8] = {min1, max2, min2, max2, min3, max3, min4, max4};
  return CGImageCreateWithMaskingColors(im, comps);