예제 #1
void CG_AnimMapObj( centity_t *cent )
  refEntity_t     ent;
  entityState_t   *es;
  float           scale;
  animation_t     anim;

  es = &cent->currentState;

  // if set to invisible, skip
  if( !es->modelindex || ( es->eFlags & EF_NODRAW ) )

  memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) );

  VectorCopy( es->angles, cent->lerpAngles );
  AnglesToAxis( cent->lerpAngles, ent.axis );

  ent.hModel = cgs.gameModels[ es->modelindex ];

  VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.origin);
  VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.oldorigin);

  ent.nonNormalizedAxes = false;

  //scale the model
  if( es->angles2[ 0 ] )
    scale = es->angles2[ 0 ];
    VectorScale( ent.axis[ 0 ], scale, ent.axis[ 0 ] );
    VectorScale( ent.axis[ 1 ], scale, ent.axis[ 1 ] );
    VectorScale( ent.axis[ 2 ], scale, ent.axis[ 2 ] );
    ent.nonNormalizedAxes = true;

  //setup animation
  anim.firstFrame = es->powerups;
  anim.numFrames = es->weapon;
  anim.reversed = false;
  anim.flipflop = false;

  // if numFrames is negative the animation is reversed
  if( anim.numFrames < 0 )
    anim.numFrames = -anim.numFrames;
    anim.reversed = true;

  anim.loopFrames = es->torsoAnim;

  if( !es->legsAnim )
    anim.frameLerp = 1000;
    anim.initialLerp = 1000;
    anim.frameLerp = 1000 / es->legsAnim;
    anim.initialLerp = 1000 / es->legsAnim;

  cent->lerpFrame.animation = &anim;

  //run animation
  CG_AMOAnimation( cent, &ent.oldframe, &ent.frame, &ent.backlerp );

  // add to refresh list
예제 #2
void CG_AnimMapObj( centity_t *cent )
	static refEntity_t ent; // static for proper alignment in QVMs
	entityState_t *es;
	float         scale;
	animation_t   anim;

	es = &cent->currentState;

	// if set to invisible, skip
	if ( !es->modelindex || ( es->eFlags & EF_NODRAW ) )

	memset( &ent, 0, sizeof( ent ) );

	VectorCopy( es->angles, cent->lerpAngles );
	AnglesToAxis( cent->lerpAngles, ent.axis );

	ent.hModel = cgs.gameModels[ es->modelindex ];

	VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.origin );
	VectorCopy( cent->lerpOrigin, ent.oldorigin );

	ent.nonNormalizedAxes = false;

	//scale the model
	if ( es->angles2[ 0 ] )
		scale = es->angles2[ 0 ];
		VectorScale( ent.axis[ 0 ], scale, ent.axis[ 0 ] );
		VectorScale( ent.axis[ 1 ], scale, ent.axis[ 1 ] );
		VectorScale( ent.axis[ 2 ], scale, ent.axis[ 2 ] );
		ent.nonNormalizedAxes = true;

	//setup animation
	anim.firstFrame = es->misc;
	anim.numFrames = es->weapon;
	anim.reversed = false;
	anim.flipflop = false;

	// if numFrames is negative the animation is reversed
	if ( anim.numFrames < 0 )
		anim.numFrames = -anim.numFrames;
		anim.reversed = true;

	anim.loopFrames = es->torsoAnim;

	if ( !es->legsAnim )
		anim.frameLerp = 1000;
		anim.initialLerp = 1000;
		anim.frameLerp = 1000 / es->legsAnim;
		anim.initialLerp = 1000 / es->legsAnim;

	cent->lerpFrame.animation = &anim;

	if ( !anim.loopFrames )
		// add one frame to allow the animation to play the last frame
		// add another to get it to stop playing at the first frame
		anim.numFrames += 2;

		if ( !cent->animInit )
			cent->animInit = true;
			cent->animPlaying = !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_MOVER_STOP );
			if ( cent->animLastState !=
			     !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_MOVER_STOP ) )
				cent->animPlaying = true;
				cent->lerpFrame.animationTime = cg.time;
				cent->lerpFrame.frameTime = cg.time;

		cent->animLastState = !( cent->currentState.eFlags & EF_MOVER_STOP );

	//run animation
	CG_AMOAnimation( cent, &ent.oldframe, &ent.frame, &ent.backlerp );

	// add to refresh list
	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( &ent );