void FX_GrenadeShrapnelExplode( vec3_t origin, vec3_t norm )
	localEntity_t	*le;
	FXTrail			*fx;
	vec3_t			direction, org;

	//Orient the explosions to face the camera
	VectorSubtract( cg.refdef.vieworg, origin, direction );
	VectorNormalize( direction );

	VectorMA( origin, 12, direction, org );
	// Add an explosion and tag a light to it
	le = CG_MakeExplosion( org, direction, cgs.media.explosionModel, 6, cgs.media.surfaceExplosionShader, 700, qfalse, 1.2f + (random()*0.3f) );
	le->light = 150;
	le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_NOSHADOW;
	VectorSet( le->lightColor, 1.0f, 0.6f, 0.6f );

	for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++)
	fx = FX_AddTrail( origin, NULL, NULL, 16.0f, -15.0f,
								1.5, -1.5, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.2f, 1000.0f,  cgs.media.orangeTrailShader, rand() & FXF_BOUNCE );

	if ( fx == NULL )

	FXE_Spray( norm, 500, 175, 0.8f, 512, (FXPrimitive *) fx );

	cgi_S_StartSound( origin, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.grenadeAltExplodeSnd );	

	CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.compressionMarkShader, origin, norm, random()*360, 1,1,1,1.0, qfalse, 
					random() * 16 + 48, qfalse );

	CG_ExplosionEffects( origin, 2.0, 350 );
예제 #2
static void CG_AddFireEffect( localEntity_t *le ) {
	refEntity_t			*re;
	trace_t				trace;

	re = &le->refEntity;

	if ( le->pos.trType == TR_STATIONARY ) {
		if ( le->leFlags & LEF_LESSOVERDRAW ) {
			// avoid too much overdraw
			if ( CG_NearbyDrawnLeCount( le, re->origin, le->leType, 52 + !!cg_lowDetailEffects.integer * 24 ) > 0 ) return;
		// add to refresh list
		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );

	// calculate position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, re->origin );

	// check for water
	if ( trap_CM_PointContents( re->origin, 0 ) & CONTENTS_WATER ) {
		// do a trace to get water surface normals
		CG_Trace( &trace, re->oldorigin, NULL, NULL, re->origin, le->owner, MASK_WATER );
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

		CG_MakeExplosion( trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, 
			cgs.media.ringFlashModel, cgs.media.vaporShader,
			500, qfalse, qtrue );

	// do a trace sometimes
	if ( le->ti.trailTime++ > 5 ) {
		le->ti.trailTime = 0;

		CG_Trace( &trace, re->oldorigin, NULL, NULL, re->origin, le->owner, MASK_SHOT );
		VectorCopy( trace.endpos, re->origin );
		VectorCopy( trace.endpos, re->oldorigin );

		// hit something
		if ( trace.fraction < 1.0 ) {
			// free le if another one is nearby, otherwise make it stationary
			if ( CG_CheckDistance( re->origin, le->leType, TR_STATIONARY, re->customShader, 200, 32 ) ) { 
				CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );
			} else {
				le->pos.trType = TR_STATIONARY;

	if ( le->leFlags & LEF_LESSOVERDRAW ) {
		// avoid too much overdraw
		if ( CG_NearbyDrawnLeCount( le, re->origin, le->leType, 52 + !!cg_lowDetailEffects.integer * 24 ) > 0 ) return;

	// add to refresh list
	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
예제 #3
void CG_ObeliskExplode( vec3_t org, int entityNum ) {
	localEntity_t	*le;
	vec3_t origin;

	// create an explosion
	VectorCopy( org, origin );
	origin[2] += 64;
	le = CG_MakeExplosion( origin, vec3_origin,
						   600, qtrue );
	le->light = 300;
	le->lightColor[0] = 1;
	le->lightColor[1] = 0.75;
	le->lightColor[2] = 0.0;
void FX_GrenadeExplode( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal )
	localEntity_t	*le;
	FXTrail			*fx;
	vec3_t			direction, org;

	VectorSet( direction, 0,0,1 );

	// Add an explosion and tag a light to it
	le = CG_MakeExplosion( origin, direction, cgs.media.nukeModel, 5, NULL, 250, qfalse, 25.0f, LEF_FADE_RGB );
	le->light = 150;
	le->refEntity.renderfx |= RF_NOSHADOW;

	VectorSet( le->lightColor, 1.0f, 0.6f, 0.2f );

	// Ground ring
	FX_AddQuad( origin, normal, NULL, NULL, 5, 330, 1.0, 0.0, random() * 360, 0, 0, 300, cgs.media.bigShockShader );
	// Flare
	VectorMA( origin, 12, direction, org );
	FX_AddSprite( org, NULL, NULL, 160.0, -540.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 200, cgs.media.sunnyFlareShader );

	for ( int i = 0; i < 12; i++)
		fx = FX_AddTrail( origin, NULL, NULL, 24.0f + random() * 12, -40.0f,
								0.5 + random() * 2, -3.0, 1.0f, 1.0f, 0.5f, 1000.0f,  cgs.media.orangeTrailShader, rand() & FXF_BOUNCE );

		if ( fx == NULL )
		FXE_Spray( normal, 470, 325, 0.5f, 700, (FXPrimitive *) fx );

	cgi_S_StartSound( origin, ENTITYNUM_WORLD, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.grenadeExplodeSnd );	

	// Smoke and impact
	CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.compressionMarkShader, origin, normal, random()*360, 1,1,1,1.0, qfalse, 
					random() * 16 + 48, qfalse );

	CG_ExplosionEffects( origin, 3.0f, 400 );
예제 #5
void CG_SurfaceExplosion( vec3_t origin, vec3_t normal, float radius, float shake_speed, qboolean smoke )
	localEntity_t	*le;
	//FXTrail			*particle;
	vec3_t			direction, new_org;
	vec3_t			velocity		= { 0, 0, 0 };
	vec3_t			temp_org, temp_vel;
	float			scale, dscale;
	int				i, numSparks;

	numSparks = 16 + (random() * 16.0f);
	for ( i = 0; i < numSparks; i++ )
		scale = 0.25f + (random() * 2.0f);
		dscale = -scale*0.5;

/*		particle = FX_AddTrail( origin,
								rand() & FXF_BOUNCE);
		if ( particle == NULL )

		FXE_Spray( normal, 500, 150, 1.0f, 768 + (rand() & 255), (FXPrimitive *) particle );*/

	//Move this out a little from the impact surface
	VectorMA( origin, 4, normal, new_org );
	VectorSet( velocity, 0.0f, 0.0f, 16.0f );

	for ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ )
		VectorSet( temp_org, new_org[0] + (crandom() * 16.0f), new_org[1] + (crandom() * 16.0f), new_org[2] + (random() * 4.0f) );
		VectorSet( temp_vel, velocity[0] + (crandom() * 8.0f), velocity[1] + (crandom() * 8.0f), velocity[2] + (crandom() * 8.0f) );

/*		FX_AddSprite(	temp_org,
						64.0f + (random() * 32.0f), 
						20.0f + (crandom() * 90.0f),
						cgs.media.smokeShader, FXF_USE_ALPHA_CHAN );*/

	//Core of the explosion

	//Orient the explosions to face the camera
	VectorSubtract( cg.refdef.vieworg, origin, direction );
	VectorNormalize( direction );

	//Tag the last one with a light
	le = CG_MakeExplosion( origin, direction, cgs.media.explosionModel, 6, cgs.media.surfaceExplosionShader, 500, qfalse, radius * 0.02f + (random() * 0.3f), 0);
	le->light = 150;
	VectorSet( le->lightColor, 0.9f, 0.8f, 0.5f );

	for ( i = 0; i < NUM_EXPLOSIONS-1; i ++)
		VectorSet( new_org, (origin[0] + (16 + (crandom() * 8))*crandom()), (origin[1] + (16 + (crandom() * 8))*crandom()), (origin[2] + (16 + (crandom() * 8))*crandom()) );
		le = CG_MakeExplosion( new_org, direction, cgs.media.explosionModel, 6, cgs.media.surfaceExplosionShader, 300 + (rand() & 99), qfalse, radius * 0.05f + (crandom() *0.3f), 0);

	//Shake the camera
	CG_ExplosionEffects( origin, shake_speed, 350, 750 );

	// The level designers wanted to be able to turn the smoke spawners off.  The rationale is that they
	//	want to blow up catwalks and such that fall down...when that happens, it shouldn't really leave a mark
	//	and a smoke spewer at the explosion point...
	if ( smoke )
		VectorMA( origin, -8, normal, temp_org );
//		FX_AddSpawner( temp_org, normal, NULL, NULL, 100, random()*25.0f, 5000.0f, (void *) CG_SmokeSpawn );

		//Impact mark
		//FIXME: Replace mark
		//CG_ImpactMark( cgs.media.burnMarkShader, origin, normal, random()*360, 1,1,1,1, qfalse, 8, qfalse );
예제 #6
static void CG_AddMissile( localEntity_t *le ) {
	refEntity_t			*re;
	const weaponInfo_t	*weapon;
	trace_t				trace;
	centity_t			*other;
	qboolean			inWater;

	// just existing for server entity deletion
	if ( le->leFlags & LEF_FINISHED ) {

	// get weapon info
	if ( le->ti.weapon > WP_NUM_WEAPONS ) {
		le->ti.weapon = 0;
	weapon = &cg_weapons[le->ti.weapon];

	re = &le->refEntity;

	// calculate position
	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, re->origin );

	// special case for flames
	if ( re->reType == RT_SPRITE ) {
		int deltaTime;

		// check for water
		if ( trap_CM_PointContents( re->origin, 0 ) & CONTENTS_WATER ) {
			// do a trace to get water surface normals
			CG_Trace( &trace, re->oldorigin, NULL, NULL, re->origin, le->owner, MASK_WATER );
			CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

			CG_MakeExplosion( trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, 
				cgs.media.ringFlashModel, cgs.media.vaporShader,
				500, qfalse, qtrue );

		// change radius over time
		deltaTime = cg.time - le->startTime;
		re->radius = deltaTime * deltaTime * ( random()*0.4f + 0.8f ) / 2000.0f + 9;

		// do a trace sometimes
		if ( le->ti.trailTime++ > 5 ) {
			le->ti.trailTime = 0;

			CG_Trace( &trace, re->oldorigin, NULL, NULL, re->origin, le->owner, MASK_SHOT );
			VectorCopy( re->origin, re->oldorigin );

			// hit something
			if ( trace.fraction < 1.0 ) {
				CG_MissileHitWall( le->ti.weapon, 0, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, IMPACTSOUND_DEFAULT );
				CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

		// add to refresh list
		trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );

	// add trails
	if ( weapon->missileTrailFunc ) weapon->missileTrailFunc( &le->ti, cg.time );

	// add dynamic light
	if ( weapon->missileDlight ) {
		trap_R_AddLightToScene( re->origin, weapon->missileDlight, 
			weapon->missileDlightColor[0], weapon->missileDlightColor[1], weapon->missileDlightColor[2] );

	// flicker between two skins
	re->skinNum = cg.clientFrame & 1;

	// convert direction of travel into axis
	if ( VectorNormalize2( le->pos.trDelta, re->axis[0] ) == 0 ) {
		re->axis[0][2] = 1;

	// spin as it moves
	if ( le->pos.trType != TR_STATIONARY ) {
		if ( le->pos.trType == TR_GRAVITY ) {
			RotateAroundDirection( re->axis, cg.time / 4 );
		} else if ( le->pos.trType == TR_WATER_GRAVITY ) {
			RotateAroundDirection( re->axis, cg.time / 8 );
		} else {
			RotateAroundDirection( re->axis, cg.time );
	} else {
		RotateAroundDirection( re->axis, 0 );

	// trace a line from previous position to new position
	CG_Trace( &trace, re->oldorigin, NULL, NULL, re->origin, le->owner, MASK_SHOT );
	VectorCopy( re->origin, re->oldorigin );

	// draw BIG grenades
	if ( weLi[le->ti.weapon].category == CT_EXPLOSIVE ) {
		AxisScale( re->axis, GRENADE_SCALE, re->axis );

	if ( trace.fraction != 1.0 ) {
		// hit the sky or something like that
		if ( trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) {
			le->leFlags |= LEF_FINISHED;
			le->endTime = cg.time + 500;

		// impact
		other = &cg_entities[trace.entityNum];

		if ( le->bounceFactor > 0 && ( le->bounceFactor == BOUNCE_FACTOR_HALF || other->currentState.eType != ET_PLAYER ) ) {
			// reflect the velocity on the trace plane
			CG_ReflectVelocity( le, &trace );
			if ( cg.predictedImpacts < MAX_PREDICTED_IMPACTS ) {
				cg.predictedImpactsDecTime = cg.time;

			// do bounce sound
			if ( rand() & 1 ) {
				trap_S_StartSound( le->pos.trBase, 0, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.hgrenb1aSound );
			} else {
				trap_S_StartSound( le->pos.trBase, 0, CHAN_AUTO, cgs.media.hgrenb2aSound );
		} else {
			// explode missile
			if ( cg.predictedImpacts < MAX_PREDICTED_IMPACTS ) {
				cg.predictedImpactsDecTime = cg.time;

			if ( other->currentState.eType == ET_PLAYER ) {
				CG_MissileHitPlayer( le->ti.weapon, 0, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, trace.entityNum );
			} else if ( !(trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT) ) {
				CG_MissileHitWall( le->ti.weapon, 0, trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, 
			// store the entity for deleting the server entity
			le->leFlags |= LEF_FINISHED;
			le->endTime = cg.time + 500;

	// check for medium change
	if ( trap_CM_PointContents( re->origin, 0 ) & CONTENTS_WATER ) inWater = qtrue;
	else inWater = qfalse;

	if (  ( !inWater && le->pos.trType == TR_WATER_GRAVITY )
		|| ( inWater && le->pos.trType == TR_GRAVITY ) ) {
		// setup new tr
		vec3_t	newDelta;

		BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &le->pos, cg.time, newDelta );
		VectorCopy( re->origin, le->pos.trBase );
		VectorCopy( newDelta, le->pos.trDelta );
		le->pos.trTime = cg.time;
		if ( inWater ) le->pos.trType = TR_WATER_GRAVITY;
		else le->pos.trType = TR_GRAVITY;

	// add to refresh list
	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );
예제 #7
static void CG_AddMoveScale( localEntity_t *le ) {
	refEntity_t	*re;
	vec3_t		delta;
	float		len;

	re = &le->refEntity;

	if ( !( le->leFlags & (LEF_DONT_SCALE | LEF_ALT_SCALE) ) ) {
		re->radius = le->radius * ( cg.time - le->startTime ) * le->lifeRate + 8;
	if ( le->leFlags & LEF_ALT_SCALE ) {
		if ( re->hModel ) {
			if ( (le->leFlags & LEF_AXIS_ALIGNED) && le->radius ) {
				// it has a variing scale
				AxisClear( re->axis );
				AxisScale( re->axis, re->radius + le->radius * (cg.time - le->startTime) / (le->endTime - le->startTime), re->axis );
			if ( !(le->leFlags & LEF_AXIS_ALIGNED) ) {
				// model looks in flight direction
				vec3_t	delta, angles;
				BG_EvaluateTrajectoryDelta( &le->pos, cg.time, delta );
				vectoangles( delta, angles );
				AnglesToAxis( angles, re->axis );
				if ( re->radius || le->radius ) AxisScale( re->axis, re->radius + le->radius * (cg.time - le->startTime) / (le->endTime - le->startTime), re->axis );
		} else {
			// sprites scale like this
			re->radius += le->radius * cg.frametime / (le->endTime - le->startTime);

	BG_EvaluateTrajectory( &le->pos, cg.time, re->origin );

	// check for collisions
	if ( le->leFlags & LEF_COLLISIONS ) {
		// do a trace sometimes
		if ( le->ti.trailTime++ > 5 ) {
			trace_t		trace;

			le->ti.trailTime = 0;

			CG_Trace( &trace, re->oldorigin, NULL, NULL, re->origin, le->owner, MASK_SHOT );
			VectorCopy( re->origin, re->oldorigin );

			// hit something
			if ( trace.fraction < 1.0 ) {
				entityState_t	*s1;
				int		life;

				// do impact effect
				s1 = &cg_entities[le->owner].currentState;
				life = s1->groundEntityNum;

				if ( !( trace.surfaceFlags & SURF_NOIMPACT ) ) {
					if ( s1->generic1 & PF_IMPACT_MODEL ) {
						CG_MakeExplosion( trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, 
								   cgs.gameModels[s1->modelindex2],	cgs.gameShaders[s1->otherEntityNum2],
								   life, qfalse, qfalse );
					} else if ( s1->modelindex2 ) {
						CG_MakeExplosion( trace.endpos, trace.plane.normal, 
								   cgs.media.dishFlashModel, cgs.gameShaders[s1->modelindex2],
								   life, qtrue, qtrue );

				CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	// if the view would be "inside" the sprite, kill the sprite
	// so it doesn't add too much overdraw
	VectorSubtract( re->origin, cg.refdef.vieworg, delta );
	len = VectorLength( delta );
	if ( len < le->radius ) {
		CG_FreeLocalEntity( le );

	trap_R_AddRefEntityToScene( re );