static Bool mpsi_check(void) { CHECKL(COMPATTYPE(mps_res_t, Res)); /* Check that external and internal message types match. */ /* See <code/mps.h#message.types> and */ /* <code/mpmtypes.h#message.types>. */ /* Also see .check.enum.cast. */ CHECKL(COMPATTYPE(mps_message_type_t, MessageType)); CHECKL((int)MessageTypeFINALIZATION == (int)_mps_MESSAGE_TYPE_FINALIZATION); CHECKL((int)MessageTypeGC == (int)_mps_MESSAGE_TYPE_GC); CHECKL((int)MessageTypeGCSTART == (int)_mps_MESSAGE_TYPE_GC_START); /* The external idea of a word width and the internal one */ /* had better match. See <design/interface-c/#cons>. */ CHECKL(sizeof(mps_word_t) == sizeof(void *)); CHECKL(COMPATTYPE(mps_word_t, Word)); /* The external idea of an address and the internal one */ /* had better match. */ CHECKL(COMPATTYPE(mps_addr_t, Addr)); /* The external idea of size and the internal one had */ /* better match. See <design/interface-c/#cons.size> */ /* and <design/interface-c/#pun.size>. */ CHECKL(COMPATTYPE(size_t, Size)); /* Clock values are passed from external to internal and back */ /* out to external. */ CHECKL(COMPATTYPE(mps_clock_t, Clock)); return TRUE; }
Bool VMCheck(VM vm) { CHECKS(VM, vm); CHECKL(vm->base != 0); CHECKL(vm->limit != 0); CHECKL(vm->base < vm->limit); CHECKL(vm->mapped <= vm->reserved); CHECKL(AddrIsAligned(vm->base, vm->align)); CHECKL(AddrIsAligned(vm->limit, vm->align)); return TRUE; }
Bool PoolDebugMixinCheck(PoolDebugMixin debug) { /* Nothing to check about fenceTemplate */ /* Nothing to check about fenceSize */ /* Nothing to check about freeTemplate */ /* Nothing to check about freeSize */ if (debug->tagInit != NULL) { CHECKL(FUNCHECK(debug->tagInit)); /* Nothing to check about tagSize */ CHECKD(Pool, debug->tagPool); CHECKL(COMPATTYPE(Addr, void*)); /* tagPool relies on this */ /* Nothing to check about missingTags */ CHECKD(SplayTree, &debug->index); } UNUSED(debug); /* see <code/mpm.c#check.unused> */ return TRUE; }
static Bool EPVMSaveCheck(EPVMSave save) { CHECKS(EPVMSave, save); CHECKU(EPVM, save->epvm); CHECKL(save->level <= save->epvm->maxSaveLevel); CHECKL(save->size <= PoolManagedSize(EPVM2Pool(save->epvm))); if (save->level > save->epvm->saveLevel) /* nothing at this level */ CHECKL(save->size == 0); CHECKL(SizeIsAligned(save->size, ArenaAlign(PoolArena(EPVM2Pool(save->epvm))))); CHECKL(BoolCheck(save->smallStringSeg)); CHECKL(BoolCheck(save->smallObjectSeg)); CHECKL(RingCheck(&save->segRing)); return TRUE; }
Bool InstClassCheck(InstClass klass) { ClassLevel i; CHECKS(InstClass, klass); CHECKL(klass->name != NULL); CHECKL(klass->level < ClassDEPTH); for (i = 0; i <= klass->level; ++i) { CHECKL(klass->display[i] != NULL); } for (i = klass->level + 1; i < ClassDEPTH; ++i) { CHECKL(klass->display[i] == NULL); } CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->describe)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->finish)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->init)); return TRUE; }
Bool FormatCheck(Format format) { CHECKS(Format, format); CHECKU(Arena, format->arena); CHECKL(format->serial < format->arena->formatSerial); CHECKD_NOSIG(Ring, &format->arenaRing); CHECKL(AlignCheck(format->alignment)); /* TODO: Define the concept of the maximum alignment it is possible to request from the MPS, document and provide an interface to it, and then check that this alignment is not greater than that, as well as all other alignments. */ CHECKL(FUNCHECK(format->scan)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(format->skip)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(format->move)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(format->isMoved)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(format->pad)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(format->class)); return TRUE; }
Bool MFSCheck(MFS mfs) { Arena arena; CHECKS(MFS, mfs); CHECKC(MFSPool, mfs); CHECKD(Pool, MFSPool(mfs)); CHECKC(MFSPool, mfs); CHECKL(mfs->unitSize >= UNIT_MIN); CHECKL(mfs->extendBy >= UNIT_MIN); CHECKL(BoolCheck(mfs->extendSelf)); arena = PoolArena(MFSPool(mfs)); CHECKL(SizeIsArenaGrains(mfs->extendBy, arena)); CHECKL(SizeAlignUp(mfs->unroundedUnitSize, PoolAlignment(MFSPool(mfs))) == mfs->unitSize); if(mfs->tractList != NULL) { CHECKD_NOSIG(Tract, mfs->tractList); } CHECKL(mfs->free <= mfs->total); CHECKL((mfs->total - mfs->free) % mfs->unitSize == 0); return TRUE; }
static Bool VMChunkCheck(VMChunk vmchunk) { Chunk chunk; CHECKS(VMChunk, vmchunk); chunk = VMChunk2Chunk(vmchunk); CHECKD(Chunk, chunk); CHECKD_NOSIG(VM, vmchunk->vm); /* <design/check/#hidden-type> */ CHECKL(VMAlign(vmchunk->vm) == ChunkPageSize(chunk)); CHECKL(vmchunk->overheadMappedLimit <= (Addr)chunk->pageTable); CHECKD(SparseArray, &vmchunk->pages); /* SparseArrayCheck is agnostic about where the BTs live, so VMChunkCheck makes sure they're where they're expected to be (in the chunk). */ CHECKL(chunk->base < (Addr)vmchunk->pages.mapped); CHECKL(AddrAdd(vmchunk->pages.mapped, BTSize(chunk->pages)) <= vmchunk->overheadMappedLimit); CHECKL(chunk->base < (Addr)vmchunk->pages.pages); CHECKL(AddrAdd(vmchunk->pages.pages, BTSize(chunk->pageTablePages)) <= vmchunk->overheadMappedLimit); /* .improve.check-table: Could check the consistency of the tables. */ return TRUE; }
ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED static Bool VMChunkCheck(VMChunk vmchunk) { Chunk chunk; CHECKS(VMChunk, vmchunk); chunk = VMChunk2Chunk(vmchunk); CHECKD(Chunk, chunk); CHECKD(VM, VMChunkVM(vmchunk)); CHECKL(SizeIsAligned(ChunkPageSize(chunk), VMPageSize(VMChunkVM(vmchunk)))); CHECKL(vmchunk->overheadMappedLimit <= (Addr)chunk->pageTable); CHECKD(SparseArray, &vmchunk->pages); /* SparseArrayCheck is agnostic about where the BTs live, so VMChunkCheck makes sure they're where they're expected to be (in the chunk). */ CHECKL(chunk->base < (Addr)vmchunk->pages.mapped); CHECKL(AddrAdd(vmchunk->pages.mapped, BTSize(chunk->pages)) <= vmchunk->overheadMappedLimit); CHECKL(chunk->base < (Addr)vmchunk->pages.pages); CHECKL(AddrAdd(vmchunk->pages.pages, BTSize(chunk->pageTablePages)) <= vmchunk->overheadMappedLimit); /* .improve.check-table: Could check the consistency of the tables. */ return TRUE; }
ATTRIBUTE_UNUSED static Bool MVTCheck(MVT mvt) { CHECKS(MVT, mvt); CHECKC(MVTPool, mvt); CHECKD(Pool, MVTPool(mvt)); CHECKC(MVTPool, mvt); CHECKD(CBS, &mvt->cbsStruct); CHECKD(ABQ, &mvt->abqStruct); CHECKD(Freelist, &mvt->flStruct); CHECKD(Failover, &mvt->foStruct); CHECKL(mvt->reuseSize >= 2 * mvt->fillSize); CHECKL(mvt->fillSize >= mvt->maxSize); CHECKL(mvt->maxSize >= mvt->meanSize); CHECKL(mvt->meanSize >= mvt->minSize); CHECKL(mvt->minSize > 0); CHECKL(mvt->fragLimit <= 100); CHECKL(mvt->availLimit == mvt->size * mvt->fragLimit / 100); CHECKL(BoolCheck(mvt->abqOverflow)); CHECKL(BoolCheck(mvt->splinter)); if (mvt->splinter) { CHECKL(AddrOffset(mvt->splinterBase, mvt->splinterLimit) >= mvt->minSize); CHECKL(mvt->splinterBase < mvt->splinterLimit); } CHECKL(mvt->size == mvt->allocated + mvt->available + mvt->unavailable); /* --- could check that sum of segment sizes == mvt->size */ /* --- check meters? */ return TRUE; }
Bool PoolClassCheck(PoolClass klass) { CHECKD(InstClass, &klass->protocol); CHECKL(klass->size >= sizeof(PoolStruct)); CHECKL(AttrCheck(klass->attr)); CHECKL(!(klass->attr & AttrMOVINGGC) || (klass->attr & AttrGC)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->varargs)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->init)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->finish)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->alloc)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->free)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->bufferFill)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->bufferEmpty)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->access)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->whiten)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->grey)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->blacken)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->scan)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->fix)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->fixEmergency)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->reclaim)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->traceEnd)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->rampBegin)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->rampEnd)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->framePush)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->framePop)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->addrObject)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->walk)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->freewalk)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->bufferClass)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->describe)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->debugMixin)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->totalSize)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->freeSize)); /* Check that pool classes overide sets of related methods. */ CHECKL((klass->init == PoolAbsInit) == (klass->finish == PoolAbsFinish)); CHECKL((klass->bufferFill == PoolNoBufferFill) == (klass->bufferEmpty == PoolNoBufferEmpty)); CHECKL((klass->framePush == PoolNoFramePush) == (klass->framePop == PoolNoFramePop)); CHECKL((klass->rampBegin == PoolNoRampBegin) == (klass->rampEnd == PoolNoRampEnd)); /* Check that pool classes that set attributes also override the methods they imply. */ /* .check.ams.walk: Can't enforce this one until job003738 is resolved. */ /* CHECKL(((klass->attr & AttrFMT) == 0) == (klass->walk == PoolNoWalk)); */ if (klass != &CLASS_STATIC(AbstractCollectPool)) { CHECKL(((klass->attr & AttrGC) == 0) == (klass->fix == PoolNoFix)); CHECKL(((klass->attr & AttrGC) == 0) == (klass->fixEmergency == PoolNoFix)); CHECKL(((klass->attr & AttrGC) == 0) == (klass->reclaim == PoolNoReclaim)); } CHECKS(PoolClass, klass); return TRUE; }
Bool ShiftCheck(Shift shift) { CHECKL(shift < MPS_WORD_WIDTH); /* standard.ansic 6.3.7 */ UNUSED(shift); /* see .check.unused */ return TRUE; }
static Bool SACCheck(SAC sac) { Index i, j; Bool b; Size prevSize; mps_sac_t esac; CHECKS(SAC, sac); esac = ExternalSACOfSAC(sac); CHECKU(Pool, sac->pool); CHECKL(sac->classesCount > 0); CHECKL(sac->classesCount > sac->middleIndex); CHECKL(BoolCheck(esac->_trapped)); CHECKL(esac->_middle > 0); /* check classes above middle */ prevSize = esac->_middle; for (j = sac->middleIndex + 1, i = 0; j < sac->classesCount; ++j, i += 2) { CHECKL(prevSize < esac->_freelists[i]._size); b = sacFreeListBlockCheck(&(esac->_freelists[i])); if (!b) return b; prevSize = esac->_freelists[i]._size; } /* check overlarge class */ CHECKL(prevSize < esac->_freelists[i]._size); b = sacFreeListBlockCheck(&(esac->_freelists[i])); if (!b) return b; CHECKL(esac->_freelists[i]._size == SizeMAX); CHECKL(esac->_freelists[i]._count == 0); CHECKL(esac->_freelists[i]._count_max == 0); CHECKL(esac->_freelists[i]._blocks == NULL); /* check classes below middle */ prevSize = esac->_middle; for (j = sac->middleIndex, i = 1; j > 0; --j, i += 2) { CHECKL(prevSize > esac->_freelists[i]._size); b = sacFreeListBlockCheck(&(esac->_freelists[i])); if (!b) return b; prevSize = esac->_freelists[i]._size; } /* check smallest class */ CHECKL(prevSize > esac->_freelists[i]._size); CHECKL(esac->_freelists[i]._size == 0); b = sacFreeListBlockCheck(&(esac->_freelists[i])); return b; }
Bool ChunkCheck(Chunk chunk) { CHECKS(Chunk, chunk); CHECKU(Arena, chunk->arena); CHECKL(chunk->serial < chunk->arena->chunkSerial); /* Can't use CHECKD_NOSIG because TreeEMPTY is NULL. */ CHECKL(TreeCheck(&chunk->chunkTree)); CHECKL(ChunkPagesToSize(chunk, 1) == ChunkPageSize(chunk)); CHECKL(ShiftCheck(ChunkPageShift(chunk))); CHECKL(chunk->base != (Addr)0); CHECKL(chunk->base < chunk->limit); /* check chunk structure is at its own base: see */ CHECKL(chunk->base == (Addr)chunk); CHECKL((Addr)(chunk+1) <= chunk->limit); CHECKL(ChunkSizeToPages(chunk, ChunkSize(chunk)) == chunk->pages); /* check that the tables fit in the chunk */ CHECKL(chunk->allocBase <= chunk->pages); CHECKL(chunk->allocBase >= chunk->pageTablePages); CHECKD_NOSIG(BT, chunk->allocTable); /* check that allocTable is in the chunk overhead */ CHECKL((Addr)chunk->allocTable >= chunk->base); CHECKL(AddrAdd((Addr)chunk->allocTable, BTSize(chunk->pages)) <= PageIndexBase(chunk, chunk->allocBase)); /* check they don't overlap (knowing the order) */ CHECKL(AddrAdd((Addr)chunk->allocTable, BTSize(chunk->pages)) <= (Addr)chunk->pageTable); CHECKL(chunk->pageTable != NULL); CHECKL((Addr)chunk->pageTable >= chunk->base); CHECKL((Addr)&chunk->pageTable[chunk->pageTablePages] <= PageIndexBase(chunk, chunk->allocBase)); CHECKL(NONNEGATIVE(INDEX_OF_ADDR(chunk, (Addr)chunk->pageTable))); /* check there's enough space in the page table */ CHECKL(INDEX_OF_ADDR(chunk, AddrSub(chunk->limit, 1)) < chunk->pages); CHECKL(chunk->pageTablePages < chunk->pages); /* Could check the consistency of the tables, but not O(1). */ return TRUE; }
Bool MPMCheck(void) { CHECKL(sizeof(Word) * CHAR_BIT == MPS_WORD_WIDTH); CHECKL((Word)1 << MPS_WORD_SHIFT == MPS_WORD_WIDTH); CHECKL(AlignCheck(MPS_PF_ALIGN)); /* Check that trace ids will fit in the TraceId type. */ CHECKL(TraceLIMIT <= UINT_MAX); /* Check that there are enough bits in */ /* a TraceSet to store all possible trace ids. */ CHECKL(sizeof(TraceSet) * CHAR_BIT >= TraceLIMIT); CHECKL((SizeAlignUp(0, 2048) == 0)); CHECKL(!SizeIsAligned(64, (unsigned) -1)); CHECKL(SizeIsAligned(0, 32)); CHECKL((SizeAlignUp(1024, 16) == 1024)); /* .prime: 31051 is prime */ CHECKL(SizeIsAligned(SizeAlignUp(31051, 256), 256)); CHECKL(SizeIsAligned(SizeAlignUp(31051, 512), 512)); CHECKL(!SizeIsAligned(31051, 1024)); CHECKL(!SizeIsP2(0)); CHECKL(SizeIsP2(128)); CHECKL(SizeLog2((Size)1) == 0); CHECKL(SizeLog2((Size)256) == 8); CHECKL(SizeLog2((Size)65536) == 16); CHECKL(SizeLog2((Size)131072) == 17); /* .check.writef: We check that various types will fit in a Word; */ /* See .writef.check. Don't need to check WriteFS or WriteFF as they */ /* should not be cast to Word. */ CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFA) <= sizeof(Word)); CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFP) <= sizeof(Word)); CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFW) <= sizeof(Word)); /* Should be trivial*/ CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFU) <= sizeof(Word)); CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFB) <= sizeof(Word)); CHECKL(sizeof(WriteFC) <= sizeof(Word)); /* .check.write.double: See .write.double.check */ { int e, DBL_EXP_DIG = 1; for (e = DBL_MAX_10_EXP; e > 0; e /= 10) DBL_EXP_DIG++; CHECKL(DBL_EXP_DIG < DBL_DIG); CHECKL(-(DBL_MIN_10_EXP) <= DBL_MAX_10_EXP); } return TRUE; }
Bool ArgCheckRankSet(Arg arg) { CHECKL(COMPATTYPE(RankSet, unsigned)); CHECKL(RankSetCheck(arg->val.u)); return TRUE; }
Bool BufferCheck(Buffer buffer) { CHECKS(Buffer, buffer); CHECKC(Buffer, buffer); CHECKL(buffer->serial < buffer->pool->bufferSerial); /* .trans.mod */ CHECKU(Arena, buffer->arena); CHECKU(Pool, buffer->pool); CHECKL(buffer->arena == buffer->pool->arena); CHECKD_NOSIG(Ring, &buffer->poolRing); CHECKL(BoolCheck(buffer->isMutator)); CHECKL(buffer->fillSize >= 0.0); CHECKL(buffer->emptySize >= 0.0); CHECKL(buffer->emptySize <= buffer->fillSize); CHECKL(buffer->alignment == buffer->pool->alignment); CHECKL(AlignCheck(buffer->alignment)); /* If any of the buffer's fields indicate that it is reset, make */ /* sure it is really reset. Otherwise, check various properties */ /* of the non-reset fields. */ if (buffer->mode & BufferModeTRANSITION) { /* nothing to check */ } else if ((buffer->mode & BufferModeATTACHED) == 0 || buffer->base == (Addr)0 || buffer->ap_s.init == (Addr)0 || buffer->ap_s.alloc == (Addr)0 || buffer->poolLimit == (Addr)0) { CHECKL((buffer->mode & BufferModeATTACHED) == 0); CHECKL(buffer->base == (Addr)0); CHECKL(buffer->initAtFlip == (Addr)0); CHECKL(buffer->ap_s.init == (Addr)0); CHECKL(buffer->ap_s.alloc == (Addr)0); CHECKL(buffer->ap_s.limit == (Addr)0); /* Nothing reliable to check for lightweight frame state */ CHECKL(buffer->poolLimit == (Addr)0); } else { /* The buffer is attached to a region of memory. */ /* Check consistency. */ CHECKL(buffer->mode & BufferModeATTACHED); /* These fields should obey the ordering */ /* base <= init <= alloc <= poolLimit */ CHECKL((mps_addr_t)buffer->base <= buffer->ap_s.init); CHECKL(buffer->ap_s.init <= buffer->ap_s.alloc); CHECKL(buffer->ap_s.alloc <= (mps_addr_t)buffer->poolLimit); /* Check that the fields are aligned to the buffer alignment. */ CHECKL(AddrIsAligned(buffer->base, buffer->alignment)); CHECKL(AddrIsAligned(buffer->initAtFlip, buffer->alignment)); CHECKL(AddrIsAligned(buffer->ap_s.init, buffer->alignment)); CHECKL(AddrIsAligned(buffer->ap_s.alloc, buffer->alignment)); CHECKL(AddrIsAligned(buffer->ap_s.limit, buffer->alignment)); CHECKL(AddrIsAligned(buffer->poolLimit, buffer->alignment)); /* If the buffer isn't trapped then "limit" should be the limit */ /* set by the owning pool. Otherwise, "init" is either at the */ /* same place it was at flip (.commit.before) or has been set */ /* to "alloc" (.commit.after). Also, when the buffer is */ /* flipped, initAtFlip should hold the init at flip, which is */ /* between the base and current init. Otherwise, initAtFlip */ /* is kept at zero to avoid misuse (see */ /* request.dylan.170429.sol.zero_). */ /* .. */ if (BufferIsTrapped(buffer)) { /* .check.use-trapped: This checking function uses BufferIsTrapped, */ /* So BufferIsTrapped can't do checking as that would cause an */ /* infinite loop. */ if (buffer->mode & BufferModeFLIPPED) { CHECKL(buffer->ap_s.init == buffer->initAtFlip || buffer->ap_s.init == buffer->ap_s.alloc); CHECKL(buffer->base <= buffer->initAtFlip); CHECKL(buffer->initAtFlip <= (Addr)buffer->ap_s.init); } /* Nothing special to check in the logged mode. */ } else { CHECKL(buffer->initAtFlip == (Addr)0); } } return TRUE; }
Bool ArgCheckBool(Arg arg) { CHECKL(BoolCheck(arg->val.b)); return TRUE; }
Bool ArgCheckPointer(Arg arg) { CHECKL(arg != NULL); return TRUE; }
Bool BufferClassCheck(BufferClass klass) { CHECKD(InstClass, &klass->instClassStruct); CHECKL(klass->size >= sizeof(BufferStruct)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->varargs)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->init)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->attach)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->detach)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->seg)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->rankSet)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->setRankSet)); CHECKL(FUNCHECK(klass->reassignSeg)); /* Check that buffer classes override sets of related methods. */ CHECKL((klass->init == BufferAbsInit) == (klass->instClassStruct.finish == BufferAbsFinish)); CHECKL((klass->attach == bufferTrivAttach) == (klass->detach == bufferTrivDetach)); CHECKS(BufferClass, klass); return TRUE; }
Bool ArgCheckFun(Arg arg) { CHECKL(FUNCHECK(arg->val.addr_method)); /* FIXME: Potential pun here */ return TRUE; }
Bool ArgCheckPoolDebugOptions(Arg arg) { CHECKL(PoolDebugOptionsCheck((PoolDebugOptions)arg->val.pool_debug_options)); return TRUE; }
Bool RangeCheck(Range range) { CHECKL(range->base <= range->limit); return TRUE; }
Bool ArgCheckRank(Arg arg) { CHECKL(RankCheck(arg->val.rank)); return TRUE; }
Bool ArgCheckAlign(Arg arg) { CHECKL(AlignCheck(arg->val.align)); return TRUE; }
Bool SplayNodeCheck(SplayNode node) { UNUSED(node); CHECKL(node != NULL); return TRUE; }