예제 #1
파일: hl_weapons.cpp 프로젝트: Skumek/hlsdk

void CBasePlayer::PostThink()
	if ( !g_runfuncs )

	// select the proper animation for the player character	
	if ( !CL_IsDead() && (m_flTouchedByJumpPad < gpGlobals->time) )
		if (!pev->velocity.x && !pev->velocity.y)
			SetAnimation( PLAYER_IDLE );
		else if ((pev->velocity.x || pev->velocity.y) && (FBitSet(pev->flags, FL_ONGROUND)))
			SetAnimation( PLAYER_WALK );
		else if (pev->waterlevel > 1)
			SetAnimation( PLAYER_WALK );

	if ( !CL_IsDead() && ( m_flThrowTime <= 0.0 ) )
		m_Activity = ACT_BASE_WALK;
		m_flThrowTime = 0.0;
		if (!pev->velocity.x && !pev->velocity.y)
			SetAnimation( PLAYER_IDLE );
			SetAnimation( PLAYER_WALK );

	// Store old velocity for use in backpedalling animations
	m_vecOldVelocity = pev->velocity;
예제 #2
// Rotate camera and add move values to usercmd
void FWGSInput::IN_Move( float frametime, usercmd_t *cmd )
	Vector viewangles;
	bool fLadder = false;

	if( gHUD.m_iIntermission )
		return; // we can't move during intermission

	if( cl_laddermode->value != 2 )
		cl_entity_t *pplayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer();
		if( pplayer )
			fLadder = pplayer->curstate.movetype == MOVETYPE_FLY;
	//if(ac_forwardmove || ac_sidemove)
	//gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("Move: %f %f %f %f\n", ac_forwardmove, ac_sidemove, rel_pitch, rel_yaw);
#if 0
	if( in_mlook.state & 1 )
	if( CL_IsDead() )
		viewangles = dead_viewangles; // HACKHACK: see below
		gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles( viewangles );
	if( gHUD.GetSensitivity() != 0 )
		rel_yaw *= gHUD.GetSensitivity();
		rel_pitch *= gHUD.GetSensitivity();
		rel_yaw *= sensitivity->value;
		rel_pitch *= sensitivity->value;
	viewangles[YAW] += rel_yaw;
	if( fLadder )
		if( cl_laddermode->value == 1 )
			viewangles[YAW] -= ac_sidemove * 5;
		ac_sidemove = 0;
	if( gHUD.m_MOTD.m_bShow )
		gHUD.m_MOTD.scroll += rel_pitch;
		viewangles[PITCH] += rel_pitch;

	if( viewangles[PITCH] > cl_pitchdown->value )
		viewangles[PITCH] = cl_pitchdown->value;
	if( viewangles[PITCH] < -cl_pitchup->value )
		viewangles[PITCH] = -cl_pitchup->value;
	// HACKHACK: change viewangles directly in viewcode, 
	// so viewangles when player is dead will not be changed on server
	if( !CL_IsDead() )
		gEngfuncs.SetViewAngles( viewangles );

	dead_viewangles = viewangles; // keep them actual
	if( ac_movecount )
		IN_ToggleButtons( ac_forwardmove / ac_movecount, ac_sidemove / ac_movecount );

		if( ac_forwardmove )
			cmd->forwardmove = ac_forwardmove * cl_forwardspeed->value / ac_movecount;
		if( ac_sidemove )
			cmd->sidemove  = ac_sidemove * cl_sidespeed->value / ac_movecount;
		if( ( in_speed.state & 1 ) && ( ac_sidemove || ac_forwardmove ) )
			cmd->forwardmove *= cl_movespeedkey->value;
			cmd->sidemove *= cl_movespeedkey->value;

	ac_sidemove = ac_forwardmove = rel_pitch = rel_yaw = 0;
	ac_movecount = 0;
예제 #3
파일: hl_weapons.cpp 프로젝트: Skumek/hlsdk

Run Weapon firing code on client
void HUD_WeaponsPostThink( local_state_s *from, local_state_s *to, usercmd_t *cmd, double time, unsigned int random_seed )
	int i;
	int buttonsChanged;
	CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon = NULL;
	CBasePlayerWeapon *pCurrent;
	weapon_data_t nulldata, *pfrom, *pto;
	static int lasthealth;

	memset( &nulldata, 0, sizeof( nulldata ) );


	// Get current clock
	gpGlobals->time = time;

	// Fill in data based on selected weapon
	// FIXME, make this a method in each weapon?  where you pass in an entity_state_t *?
	switch ( from->client.m_iId )
			pWeapon = &g_Crowbar;
			pWeapon = &g_Glock;
			pWeapon = &g_Python;
		case WEAPON_MP5:
			pWeapon = &g_Mp5;

			pWeapon = &g_Crossbow;

			pWeapon = &g_Shotgun;

		case WEAPON_RPG:
			pWeapon = &g_Rpg;

			pWeapon = &g_Gauss;

			pWeapon = &g_Egon;

			pWeapon = &g_HGun;

			pWeapon = &g_HandGren;

			pWeapon = &g_Satchel;

			pWeapon = &g_Tripmine;

			pWeapon = &g_Snark;

	// Store pointer to our destination entity_state_t so we can get our origin, etc. from it
	//  for setting up events on the client
	g_finalstate = to;

	// If we are running events/etc. go ahead and see if we
	//  managed to die between last frame and this one
	// If so, run the appropriate player killed or spawn function
	if ( g_runfuncs )
		if ( to->client.health <= 0 && lasthealth > 0 )
			player.Killed( NULL, 0 );
		else if ( to->client.health > 0 && lasthealth <= 0 )

		lasthealth = to->client.health;

	// We are not predicting the current weapon, just bow out here.
	if ( !pWeapon )

	for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
		pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];
		if ( !pCurrent )

		pfrom = &from->weapondata[ i ];
		pCurrent->m_fInReload			= pfrom->m_fInReload;
		pCurrent->m_fInSpecialReload	= pfrom->m_fInSpecialReload;
//		pCurrent->m_flPumpTime			= pfrom->m_flPumpTime;
		pCurrent->m_iClip				= pfrom->m_iClip;
		pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack	= pfrom->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = pfrom->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle	= pfrom->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;
		pCurrent->pev->fuser1			= pfrom->fuser1;
		pCurrent->m_flStartThrow		= pfrom->fuser2;
		pCurrent->m_flReleaseThrow		= pfrom->fuser3;
		pCurrent->m_chargeReady			= pfrom->iuser1;
		pCurrent->m_fInAttack			= pfrom->iuser2;
		pCurrent->m_fireState			= pfrom->iuser3;

		pCurrent->m_iSecondaryAmmoType		= (int)from->client.vuser3[ 2 ];
		pCurrent->m_iPrimaryAmmoType		= (int)from->client.vuser4[ 0 ];
		player.m_rgAmmo[ pCurrent->m_iPrimaryAmmoType ]	= (int)from->client.vuser4[ 1 ];
		player.m_rgAmmo[ pCurrent->m_iSecondaryAmmoType ]	= (int)from->client.vuser4[ 2 ];

	// For random weapon events, use this seed to seed random # generator
	player.random_seed = random_seed;

	// Get old buttons from previous state.
	player.m_afButtonLast = from->playerstate.oldbuttons;

	// Which buttsons chave changed
	buttonsChanged = (player.m_afButtonLast ^ cmd->buttons);	// These buttons have changed this frame
	// Debounced button codes for pressed/released
	// The changed ones still down are "pressed"
	player.m_afButtonPressed =  buttonsChanged & cmd->buttons;	
	// The ones not down are "released"
	player.m_afButtonReleased = buttonsChanged & (~cmd->buttons);

	// Set player variables that weapons code might check/alter
	player.pev->button = cmd->buttons;

	player.pev->velocity = from->client.velocity;
	player.pev->flags = from->client.flags;

	player.pev->deadflag = from->client.deadflag;
	player.pev->waterlevel = from->client.waterlevel;
	player.pev->maxspeed    = from->client.maxspeed;
	player.pev->fov = from->client.fov;
	player.pev->weaponanim = from->client.weaponanim;
	player.pev->viewmodel = from->client.viewmodel;
	player.m_flNextAttack = from->client.m_flNextAttack;
	player.m_flNextAmmoBurn = from->client.fuser2;
	player.m_flAmmoStartCharge = from->client.fuser3;

	//Stores all our ammo info, so the client side weapons can use them.
	player.ammo_9mm			= (int)from->client.vuser1[0];
	player.ammo_357			= (int)from->client.vuser1[1];
	player.ammo_argrens		= (int)from->client.vuser1[2];
	player.ammo_bolts		= (int)from->client.ammo_nails; //is an int anyways...
	player.ammo_buckshot	= (int)from->client.ammo_shells; 
	player.ammo_uranium		= (int)from->client.ammo_cells;
	player.ammo_hornets		= (int)from->client.vuser2[0];
	player.ammo_rockets		= (int)from->client.ammo_rockets;

	// Point to current weapon object
	if ( from->client.m_iId )
		player.m_pActiveItem = g_pWpns[ from->client.m_iId ];

	if ( player.m_pActiveItem->m_iId == WEAPON_RPG )
		 ( ( CRpg * )player.m_pActiveItem)->m_fSpotActive = (int)from->client.vuser2[ 1 ];
		 ( ( CRpg * )player.m_pActiveItem)->m_cActiveRockets = (int)from->client.vuser2[ 2 ];
	// Don't go firing anything if we have died or are spectating
	// Or if we don't have a weapon model deployed
	if ( ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) && 
		 !CL_IsDead() && player.pev->viewmodel && !g_iUser1 )
		if ( player.m_flNextAttack <= 0 )

	// Assume that we are not going to switch weapons
	to->client.m_iId					= from->client.m_iId;

	// Now see if we issued a changeweapon command ( and we're not dead )
	if ( cmd->weaponselect && ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) )
		// Switched to a different weapon?
		if ( from->weapondata[ cmd->weaponselect ].m_iId == cmd->weaponselect )
			CBasePlayerWeapon *pNew = g_pWpns[ cmd->weaponselect ];
			if ( pNew && ( pNew != pWeapon ) )
				// Put away old weapon
				if (player.m_pActiveItem)
					player.m_pActiveItem->Holster( );
				player.m_pLastItem = player.m_pActiveItem;
				player.m_pActiveItem = pNew;

				// Deploy new weapon
				if (player.m_pActiveItem)
					player.m_pActiveItem->Deploy( );

				// Update weapon id so we can predict things correctly.
				to->client.m_iId = cmd->weaponselect;

	// Copy in results of prediction code
	to->client.viewmodel				= player.pev->viewmodel;
	to->client.fov						= player.pev->fov;
	to->client.weaponanim				= player.pev->weaponanim;
	to->client.m_flNextAttack			= player.m_flNextAttack;
	to->client.fuser2					= player.m_flNextAmmoBurn;
	to->client.fuser3					= player.m_flAmmoStartCharge;
	to->client.maxspeed					= player.pev->maxspeed;

	//HL Weapons
	to->client.vuser1[0]				= player.ammo_9mm;
	to->client.vuser1[1]				= player.ammo_357;
	to->client.vuser1[2]				= player.ammo_argrens;

	to->client.ammo_nails				= player.ammo_bolts;
	to->client.ammo_shells				= player.ammo_buckshot;
	to->client.ammo_cells				= player.ammo_uranium;
	to->client.vuser2[0]				= player.ammo_hornets;
	to->client.ammo_rockets				= player.ammo_rockets;

	if ( player.m_pActiveItem->m_iId == WEAPON_RPG )
		 from->client.vuser2[ 1 ] = ( ( CRpg * )player.m_pActiveItem)->m_fSpotActive;
		 from->client.vuser2[ 2 ] = ( ( CRpg * )player.m_pActiveItem)->m_cActiveRockets;

	// Make sure that weapon animation matches what the game .dll is telling us
	//  over the wire ( fixes some animation glitches )
	if ( g_runfuncs && ( HUD_GetWeaponAnim() != to->client.weaponanim ) )
		int body = 2;

		//Pop the model to body 0.
		if ( pWeapon == &g_Tripmine )
			 body = 0;

		//Show laser sight/scope combo
		if ( pWeapon == &g_Python && bIsMultiplayer() )
			 body = 1;
		// Force a fixed anim down to viewmodel
		HUD_SendWeaponAnim( to->client.weaponanim, body, 1 );

	for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
		pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];

		pto = &to->weapondata[ i ];

		if ( !pCurrent )
			memset( pto, 0, sizeof( weapon_data_t ) );
		pto->m_fInReload				= pCurrent->m_fInReload;
		pto->m_fInSpecialReload			= pCurrent->m_fInSpecialReload;
//		pto->m_flPumpTime				= pCurrent->m_flPumpTime;
		pto->m_iClip					= pCurrent->m_iClip; 
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		= pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	= pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			= pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;
		pto->fuser1						= pCurrent->pev->fuser1;
		pto->fuser2						= pCurrent->m_flStartThrow;
		pto->fuser3						= pCurrent->m_flReleaseThrow;
		pto->iuser1						= pCurrent->m_chargeReady;
		pto->iuser2						= pCurrent->m_fInAttack;
		pto->iuser3						= pCurrent->m_fireState;

		// Decrement weapon counters, server does this at same time ( during post think, after doing everything else )
		pto->m_flNextReload				-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_fNextAimBonus			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->fuser1						-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;

		to->client.vuser3[2]				= pCurrent->m_iSecondaryAmmoType;
		to->client.vuser4[0]				= pCurrent->m_iPrimaryAmmoType;
		to->client.vuser4[1]				= player.m_rgAmmo[ pCurrent->m_iPrimaryAmmoType ];
		to->client.vuser4[2]				= player.m_rgAmmo[ pCurrent->m_iSecondaryAmmoType ];

/*		if ( pto->m_flPumpTime != -9999 )
			pto->m_flPumpTime -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
			if ( pto->m_flPumpTime < -0.001 )
				pto->m_flPumpTime = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_fNextAimBonus < -1.0 )
			pto->m_fNextAimBonus = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack < -1.0 )
			pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flNextReload < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextReload = -0.001;

		if ( pto->fuser1 < -0.001 )
			pto->fuser1 = -0.001;

	// m_flNextAttack is now part of the weapons, but is part of the player instead
	to->client.m_flNextAttack -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.m_flNextAttack < -0.001 )
		to->client.m_flNextAttack = -0.001;

	to->client.fuser2 -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.fuser2 < -0.001 )
		to->client.fuser2 = -0.001;
	to->client.fuser3 -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.fuser3 < -0.001 )
		to->client.fuser3 = -0.001;

	// Store off the last position from the predicted state.

	// Wipe it so we can't use it after this frame
	g_finalstate = NULL;
예제 #4
파일: input.cpp 프로젝트: mittorn/hlwe_src
int CL_ButtonBits( int bResetState )
	int bits = 0;

	if ( in_attack.state & 3 )
		bits |= IN_ATTACK;
	if (in_duck.state & 3)
		bits |= IN_DUCK;
	if (in_jump.state & 3)
		bits |= IN_JUMP;

	if ( in_forward.state & 3 )
		bits |= IN_FORWARD;
	if (in_back.state & 3)
		bits |= IN_BACK;

	if (in_use.state & 3)
		bits |= IN_USE;

	if (in_cancel)
		bits |= IN_CANCEL;

	if ( in_left.state & 3 )
		bits |= IN_LEFT;
	if (in_right.state & 3)
		bits |= IN_RIGHT;
	if ( in_moveleft.state & 3 )
		bits |= IN_MOVELEFT;
	if (in_moveright.state & 3)
		bits |= IN_MOVERIGHT;

	if (in_attack2.state & 3)
		bits |= IN_ATTACK2;

	if (in_reload.state & 3)
		bits |= IN_RELOAD;

	if (in_alt1.state & 3)
		bits |= IN_ALT1;

	if ( in_score.state & 3 )
		bits |= IN_SCORE;

	// Dead or in intermission? Shore scoreboard, too
	if ( CL_IsDead() || gHUD.m_iIntermission )
		bits |= IN_SCORE;

	if ( bResetState )
		in_attack.state &= ~2;
		in_duck.state &= ~2;
		in_jump.state &= ~2;
		in_forward.state &= ~2;
		in_back.state &= ~2;
		in_use.state &= ~2;
		in_left.state &= ~2;
		in_right.state &= ~2;
		in_moveleft.state &= ~2;
		in_moveright.state &= ~2;
		in_attack2.state &= ~2;
		in_reload.state &= ~2;
		in_alt1.state &= ~2;
		in_score.state &= ~2;
예제 #5
파일: input.cpp 프로젝트: jeefo/cs16-client

Send the intended movement message to the server
if active == 1 then we are 1) not playing back demos ( where our commands are ignored ) and
2 ) we have finished signing on to server
void DLLEXPORT CL_CreateMove ( float frametime, struct usercmd_s *cmd, int active )
	float spd;
	vec3_t viewangles;
	static vec3_t oldangles;

	if ( active )
		//memset( viewangles, 0, sizeof( vec3_t ) );
		//viewangles[ 0 ] = viewangles[ 1 ] = viewangles[ 2 ] = 0.0;
		gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles( (float *)viewangles );

		CL_AdjustAngles ( frametime, viewangles );

		memset (cmd, 0, sizeof(*cmd));
		gEngfuncs.SetViewAngles( (float *)viewangles );

		if ( in_strafe.state & 1 )
			cmd->sidemove += cl_sidespeed->value * CL_KeyState (&in_right);
			cmd->sidemove -= cl_sidespeed->value * CL_KeyState (&in_left);

		cmd->sidemove += cl_sidespeed->value * CL_KeyState (&in_moveright);
		cmd->sidemove -= cl_sidespeed->value * CL_KeyState (&in_moveleft);

		cmd->upmove += cl_upspeed->value * CL_KeyState (&in_up);
		cmd->upmove -= cl_upspeed->value * CL_KeyState (&in_down);

		if ( !(in_klook.state & 1 ) )
				gHUD.m_MOTD.scroll -= CL_KeyState (&in_forward);
				gHUD.m_MOTD.scroll += CL_KeyState (&in_back);
				cmd->forwardmove += cl_forwardspeed->value * CL_KeyState (&in_forward);
				cmd->forwardmove -= cl_backspeed->value * CL_KeyState (&in_back);

		// adjust for speed key
		if ( in_speed.state & 1 )
			cmd->forwardmove *= cl_movespeedkey->value;
			cmd->sidemove *= cl_movespeedkey->value;
			cmd->upmove *= cl_movespeedkey->value;

		// clip to maxspeed
		spd = gEngfuncs.GetClientMaxspeed();
		if ( spd != 0.0 )
			// scale the 3 speeds so that the total velocity is not > cl.maxspeed
			float fmov = sqrt( (cmd->forwardmove*cmd->forwardmove) + (cmd->sidemove*cmd->sidemove) + (cmd->upmove*cmd->upmove) );

			if ( fmov > spd )
				float fratio = spd / fmov;
				cmd->forwardmove *= fratio;
				cmd->sidemove *= fratio;
				cmd->upmove *= fratio;

		// Allow mice and other controllers to add their inputs
		IN_Move ( frametime, cmd );

	cmd->impulse = in_impulse;
	in_impulse = 0;

	cmd->weaponselect = g_weaponselect;
	g_weaponselect = 0;
	// set button and flag bits
	cmd->buttons = CL_ButtonBits( 1 );

	// Using joystick?
	if ( in_joystick->value )
		if ( cmd->forwardmove > 0 )
			cmd->buttons |= IN_FORWARD;
		else if ( cmd->forwardmove < 0 )
			cmd->buttons |= IN_BACK;

	gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles( (float *)viewangles );
	// Set current view angles.

	if ( CL_IsDead() )
		VectorCopy( oldangles, cmd->viewangles );
		VectorCopy( viewangles, cmd->viewangles );
		VectorCopy( viewangles, oldangles );

예제 #6
파일: hl_weapons.cpp 프로젝트: Skumek/hlsdk

Run Weapon firing code on client
void HUD_WeaponsPostThink( local_state_s *from, local_state_s *to, usercmd_t *cmd, double time, unsigned int random_seed )
	int i;
	int buttonsChanged;
	CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon = NULL;
	CBasePlayerWeapon *pCurrent;
	weapon_data_t nulldata, *pfrom, *pto;
	static int lasthealth;

	memset( &nulldata, 0, sizeof( nulldata ) );


	// Get current clock
	gpGlobals->time = time;

	// Fill in data based on selected weapon
	// FIXME, make this a method in each weapon?  where you pass in an entity_state_t *?
	switch ( from->client.m_iId )
		pWeapon = &g_Disc;

	// We are not predicting the current weapon, just bow out here.
	if ( !pWeapon )

	for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
		pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];
		if ( !pCurrent )

		pfrom = &from->weapondata[ i ];
		pCurrent->m_fInReload			= pfrom->m_fInReload;
		pCurrent->m_iClip				= pfrom->m_iClip;
		pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack	= pfrom->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = pfrom->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle	= pfrom->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;

		// Ricochet uses m_iClip to transmit current/primary ammo to client
		if ( pWeapon == pCurrent )
			player.m_rgAmmo[pCurrent->m_iPrimaryAmmoType] = pfrom->m_iClip;

	// For random weapon events, use this seed to seed random # generator
	player.random_seed = random_seed;

	// Get old buttons from previous state.
	player.m_afButtonLast = from->playerstate.oldbuttons;

	// Which buttsons chave changed
	buttonsChanged = (player.m_afButtonLast ^ cmd->buttons);	// These buttons have changed this frame
	// Debounced button codes for pressed/released
	// The changed ones still down are "pressed"
	player.m_afButtonPressed =  buttonsChanged & cmd->buttons;	
	// The ones not down are "released"
	player.m_afButtonReleased = buttonsChanged & (~cmd->buttons);

	// Set player variables that weapons code might check/alter
	player.pev->button = cmd->buttons;

	player.pev->velocity = from->client.velocity;
	player.pev->flags = from->client.flags;

	player.pev->deadflag = from->client.deadflag;
	player.pev->waterlevel = from->client.waterlevel;
	player.pev->maxspeed    = from->client.maxspeed;
	player.pev->fov = from->client.fov;
	player.pev->weaponanim = from->client.weaponanim;
	player.pev->viewmodel = from->client.viewmodel;
	player.m_flNextAttack = from->client.m_flNextAttack;
	player.m_flBackupTime = from->client.fuser1;
	player.m_Activity	  = (Activity)(int)from->client.fuser2;
	player.m_flThrowTime = from->client.fuser3;

	player.m_vecOldVelocity = from->client.vuser1;

	player.pev->sequence = from->playerstate.sequence;
	player.pev->gaitsequence = from->playerstate.gaitsequence;
	player.pev->angles = from->playerstate.angles;

	// Point to current weapon object
	if ( from->client.m_iId )
		player.m_pActiveItem = g_pWpns[ from->client.m_iId ];

	// Store pointer to our destination entity_state_t so we can get our origin, etc. from it
	//  for setting up events on the client
	g_finalstate = to;

	// Don't go firing anything if we have died.
	// Or if we don't have a weapon model deployed
	if ( ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) && !CL_IsDead() && player.pev->viewmodel )
		if ( player.m_flNextAttack <= 0 )

	// If we are running events/etc. go ahead and see if we
	//  managed to die between last frame and this one
	// If so, run the appropriate player killed or spawn function
	if ( g_runfuncs )
		if ( to->client.health <= 0 && lasthealth > 0 )
			player.Killed( NULL, 0 );
		else if ( to->client.health > 0 && lasthealth <= 0 )

		lasthealth = to->client.health;

	// Fix up animations, etc.

	// Assume that we are not going to switch weapons
	to->client.m_iId					= from->client.m_iId;

	// Now see if we issued a changeweapon command ( and we're not dead )
	if ( cmd->weaponselect && ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) )
		// Switched to a different weapon?
		if ( from->weapondata[ cmd->weaponselect ].m_iId == cmd->weaponselect )
			CBasePlayerWeapon *pNew = g_pWpns[ cmd->weaponselect ];
			if ( pNew && ( pNew != pWeapon ) )
				// Put away old weapon
				if (player.m_pActiveItem)
					player.m_pActiveItem->Holster( );
				player.m_pLastItem = player.m_pActiveItem;
				player.m_pActiveItem = pNew;

				// Deploy new weapon
				if (player.m_pActiveItem)
					player.m_pActiveItem->Deploy( );

				// Update weapon id so we can predict things correctly.
				to->client.m_iId = cmd->weaponselect;

	// Copy in results of predcition code
	to->client.viewmodel				= player.pev->viewmodel;
	to->client.fov						= player.pev->fov;
	to->client.weaponanim				= player.pev->weaponanim;
	to->client.m_flNextAttack			= player.m_flNextAttack;
	to->client.maxspeed					= player.pev->maxspeed;
	to->client.fuser1					= player.m_flBackupTime;
	to->client.fuser2					= (float)(int)player.m_Activity;
	to->client.fuser3					= player.m_flThrowTime;

	to->client.vuser1					= player.m_vecOldVelocity;

	to->playerstate.sequence = player.pev->sequence;
	to->playerstate.gaitsequence = player.pev->gaitsequence;

	// Make sure that weapon animation matches what the game .dll is telling us
	//  over the wire ( fixes some animation glitches )
	if ( g_runfuncs && ( HUD_GetWeaponAnim() != to->client.weaponanim ) )
		int body = 2;
		// Force a fixed anim down to viewmodel
		HUD_SendWeaponAnim( to->client.weaponanim, body, 1 );

	for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
		pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];

		pto = &to->weapondata[ i ];

		if ( !pCurrent )
			memset( pto, 0, sizeof( weapon_data_t ) );
		pto->m_fInReload				= pCurrent->m_fInReload;
		pto->m_iClip					= pCurrent->m_iClip; 
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		= pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	= pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			= pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;

		// Decrement weapon counters, server does this at same time ( during post think, after doing everything else )
		pto->m_flNextReload				-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_fNextAimBonus			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;

		if ( pto->m_flPumpTime != -9999 )
			pto->m_flPumpTime -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
			if ( pto->m_flPumpTime < -0.001 )
				pto->m_flPumpTime = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_fNextAimBonus < -1.0 )
			pto->m_fNextAimBonus = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack < -1.0 )
			pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flNextReload < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextReload = -0.001;

	// m_flNextAttack is now part of the weapons, but is part of the player instead
	to->client.m_flNextAttack -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.m_flNextAttack < -0.001 )
		to->client.m_flNextAttack = -0.001;

	to->client.fuser1 -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.fuser1 < -0.001 )
		to->client.fuser1 = -0.001;

	to->client.fuser3 -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.fuser3 < -0.001 )
		to->client.fuser3 = -0.001;

	// Wipe it so we can't use it after this frame
	g_finalstate = NULL;
예제 #7
파일: input.cpp 프로젝트: FWGS/XashXT

Send the intended movement message to the server
if active == 1 then we are 1) not playing back demos ( where our commands are ignored ) and
2 ) we have finished signing on to server
void CL_CreateMove( float frametime, usercmd_t *cmd, int active )
	float spd;
	Vector viewangles;
	static Vector oldangles;

	if( active )
		gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles( viewangles );

		CL_AdjustAngles( frametime, viewangles );

		memset( cmd, 0, sizeof( *cmd ));

		float rgfl[3];
		viewangles.CopyToArray( rgfl );		
		gEngfuncs.SetViewAngles( rgfl );

		if( in_strafe.state & BUTTON_DOWN )
			cmd->sidemove += cl_sidespeed->value * CL_KeyState( &in_right );
			cmd->sidemove -= cl_sidespeed->value * CL_KeyState( &in_left );

		cmd->sidemove += cl_sidespeed->value * CL_KeyState( &in_moveright );
		cmd->sidemove -= cl_sidespeed->value * CL_KeyState( &in_moveleft );

		cmd->upmove += cl_upspeed->value * CL_KeyState( &in_up );
		cmd->upmove -= cl_upspeed->value * CL_KeyState( &in_down );

		if(!( in_klook.state & BUTTON_DOWN ))
			cmd->forwardmove += cl_forwardspeed->value * CL_KeyState( &in_forward );
			cmd->forwardmove -= cl_backspeed->value * CL_KeyState( &in_back );

		// adjust for speed key
		if( in_speed.state & BUTTON_DOWN )
			cmd->forwardmove *= cl_movespeedkey->value;
			cmd->sidemove *= cl_movespeedkey->value;
			cmd->upmove *= cl_movespeedkey->value;

		// clip to maxspeed
		spd = gEngfuncs.GetClientMaxspeed();
		if( spd != 0.0f )
			// scale the 3 speeds so that the total velocity is not > cl.maxspeed
			float fmov = sqrt(( cmd->forwardmove * cmd->forwardmove) + (cmd->sidemove * cmd->sidemove) + (cmd->upmove * cmd->upmove));

			if( fmov > spd )
				float fratio = spd / fmov;
				cmd->forwardmove *= fratio;
				cmd->sidemove *= fratio;
				cmd->upmove *= fratio;

		// allow mice and other controllers to add their inputs
		if( !CL_IsDead( )) IN_Move( frametime, cmd );

	cmd->impulse = in_impulse;
	in_impulse = 0;

	cmd->weaponselect = g_weaponselect;
	g_weaponselect = 0;

	// set button and flag bits
	cmd->buttons = CL_ButtonBits( 1 );

	gEngfuncs.GetViewAngles( viewangles );

	// Set current view angles.
	if( CL_IsDead( ))
		cmd->viewangles = oldangles;
		cmd->viewangles = viewangles;
		oldangles = viewangles;

예제 #8

Run Weapon firing code on client
void HUD_WeaponsPostThink( local_state_s *from, local_state_s *to, usercmd_t *cmd, double time, unsigned int random_seed )
	int i;
	int buttonsChanged;
	CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon = NULL;
	CBasePlayerWeapon *pCurrent;
	weapon_data_t nulldata, *pfrom, *pto;
	static int lasthealth;

	memset( &nulldata, 0, sizeof( nulldata ) );


	// Get current clock
	gpGlobals->time = time;

	// Fill in data based on selected weapon
	// FIXME, make this a method in each weapon?  where you pass in an entity_state_t *?
	switch ( from->client.m_iId )
		pWeapon = &g_QuakeGun;

	// Store pointer to our destination entity_state_t so we can get our origin, etc. from it
	//  for setting up events on the client
	g_finalstate = to;

	// If we are running events/etc. go ahead and see if we
	//  managed to die between last frame and this one
	// If so, run the appropriate player killed or spawn function
	if ( g_runfuncs )
		if ( to->client.health <= 0 && lasthealth > 0 )
			player.Killed( NULL, 0 );
		else if ( to->client.health > 0 && lasthealth <= 0 )

		lasthealth = to->client.health;

	// We are not predicting the current weapon, just bow out here.
	if ( !pWeapon )

	gpGlobals->deathmatch = from->client.iuser4;

	for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
		pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];
		if ( !pCurrent )

		pfrom = &from->weapondata[ i ];
		pCurrent->m_fInReload			= pfrom->m_fInReload;
		pCurrent->m_iClip				= pfrom->m_iClip;
		pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack	= pfrom->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = pfrom->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle	= pfrom->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;

	// For random weapon events, use this seed to seed random # generator
	player.random_seed = random_seed;

	// Get old buttons from previous state.
	player.m_afButtonLast = from->playerstate.oldbuttons;

	// Which buttsons chave changed
	buttonsChanged = (player.m_afButtonLast ^ cmd->buttons);	// These buttons have changed this frame
	// Debounced button codes for pressed/released
	// The changed ones still down are "pressed"
	player.m_afButtonPressed =  buttonsChanged & cmd->buttons;	
	// The ones not down are "released"
	player.m_afButtonReleased = buttonsChanged & (~cmd->buttons);

	// Set player variables that weapons code might check/alter
	player.pev->button = cmd->buttons;

	player.pev->velocity = from->client.velocity;
	player.pev->flags = from->client.flags;

	player.pev->deadflag = from->client.deadflag;
	g_iWaterLevel = player.pev->waterlevel = from->client.waterlevel;
	player.pev->maxspeed    = from->client.maxspeed;
	player.pev->fov = from->client.fov;
	player.pev->weaponanim = from->client.weaponanim;
	player.pev->viewmodel = from->client.viewmodel;
	player.m_flNextAttack = from->client.m_flNextAttack;
	player.m_iQuakeWeapon = (int)from->client.fuser1;
	iCarriedWeapons = player.m_iQuakeItems = from->client.iuser3;

	player.m_iAmmoShells = from->client.ammo_shells;
	player.m_iAmmoCells = from->client.ammo_cells;
	player.m_iAmmoRockets = from->client.ammo_rockets;
	player.m_iAmmoNails = from->client.ammo_nails;

	player.m_iNailOffset = (int)from->client.fuser2 != 0.0 ? 4.0 : -4.0;

	// REally useful for debugging prediction
/*	if ( player.m_iQuakeWeapon > 0 )
		gEngfuncs.Con_NPrintf( 9, "got qw %i", player.m_iQuakeWeapon );
		char items[33];
		for ( int i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
			if ( player.m_iQuakeItems & (1<<i) )
				items[i] = '1';
				items[i] = '0';
		items[32] = 0;
		gEngfuncs.Con_NPrintf( 10, "got qi %s", items );
		gEngfuncs.Con_NPrintf( 11, "shells %i", player.m_iAmmoShells );
		gEngfuncs.Con_NPrintf( 12, "cells %i", player.m_iAmmoCells );
		gEngfuncs.Con_NPrintf( 13, "rockets %i", player.m_iAmmoRockets );
		gEngfuncs.Con_NPrintf( 14, "nails %i", player.m_iAmmoNails );
		gEngfuncs.Con_NPrintf( 15, "viewmodel %i", player.pev->viewmodel );
		gEngfuncs.Con_NPrintf( 16, "dm == %i", gpGlobals->deathmatch );

	// Point to current weapon object
	if ( from->client.m_iId )
		player.m_pActiveItem = g_pWpns[ from->client.m_iId ];

	// Set ammo, but don't change anim
	player.W_SetCurrentAmmo( 0 );


	// Don't go firing anything if we have died.
	// Or if we don't have a weapon model deployed
	if ( ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) && !CL_IsDead() ) // && player.pev->viewmodel )
		if ( player.m_flNextAttack <= 0 )

	// Assume that we are not going to switch weapons
	to->client.m_iId					= from->client.m_iId;

	// Now see if we issued a changeweapon command ( and we're not dead )
	if ( cmd->weaponselect && ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) )
		// Switched to a different weapon?
		if ( Quake_NumForWeaponItem( player.m_iQuakeWeapon ) != cmd->weaponselect )
			player.W_ChangeWeapon( cmd->weaponselect );

	if ( player.m_iQuakeWeapon != IT_LIGHTNING && pBeam != NULL )
		pBeam->die = 0.0;
		pBeam = NULL;
	// Copy in results of predcition code
	to->client.viewmodel				= player.pev->viewmodel;
	to->client.fov						= player.pev->fov;
	to->client.weaponanim				= player.pev->weaponanim;
	to->client.m_flNextAttack			= player.m_flNextAttack;
	to->client.maxspeed					= player.pev->maxspeed;
	to->client.iuser3					= player.m_iQuakeItems;
	to->client.fuser1					= (float)player.m_iQuakeWeapon;
	to->client.fuser2					= (float)player.m_iNailOffset > 0.0 ? 1.0 : 0.0;
	to->client.ammo_shells				= player.m_iAmmoShells;
	to->client.ammo_cells				= player.m_iAmmoCells;
	to->client.ammo_rockets				= player.m_iAmmoRockets;
	to->client.ammo_nails				= player.m_iAmmoNails;

	// Make sure that weapon animation matches what the game .dll is telling us
	//  over the wire ( fixes some animation glitches )
	if ( g_runfuncs && ( HUD_GetWeaponAnim() != to->client.weaponanim ) )
		int body = 2;
		// Force a fixed anim down to viewmodel
		HUD_SendWeaponAnim( to->client.weaponanim, body, 1 );

	for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
		pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];

		pto = &to->weapondata[ i ];

		if ( !pCurrent )
			memset( pto, 0, sizeof( weapon_data_t ) );
		pto->m_fInReload				= pCurrent->m_fInReload;
		pto->m_iClip					= pCurrent->m_iClip; 
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		= pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	= pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			= pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;

		// Decrement weapon counters, server does this at same time ( during post think, after doing everything else )
		pto->m_flNextReload				-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_fNextAimBonus			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;

		if ( pto->m_flPumpTime != -9999 )
			pto->m_flPumpTime -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
			if ( pto->m_flPumpTime < -0.001 )
				pto->m_flPumpTime = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_fNextAimBonus < -1.0 )
			pto->m_fNextAimBonus = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack < -1.0 )
			pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flNextReload < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextReload = -0.001;

	// m_flNextAttack is now part of the weapons, but is part of the player instead
	to->client.m_flNextAttack -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.m_flNextAttack < -0.001 )
		to->client.m_flNextAttack = -0.001;

	// Store off the last position from the predicted state.
	// Wipe it so we can't use it after this frame
	g_finalstate = NULL;
예제 #9

Run Weapon firing code on client
void HUD_WeaponsPostThink( local_state_s *from, local_state_s *to, usercmd_t *cmd, double time, unsigned int random_seed )
	int i;
	int buttonsChanged;
	CBasePlayerWeapon *pWeapon = NULL;
	static int lasthealth;
	int flags;


	// Get current clock
	gpGlobals->time = time;

	// Fill in data based on selected weapon
	switch ( from->client.m_iId )
		case WEAPON_P228:
			pWeapon = &g_P228;

			pWeapon = &g_SCOUT;

			pWeapon = &g_HEGrenade;

		case WEAPON_XM1014:
			pWeapon = &g_XM1014;

		case WEAPON_C4:
			pWeapon = &g_C4;

		case WEAPON_MAC10:
			pWeapon = &g_MAC10;

		case WEAPON_AUG:
			pWeapon = &g_AUG;

			pWeapon = &g_SmokeGrenade;

			pWeapon = &g_ELITE;

			pWeapon = &g_FiveSeven;

		case WEAPON_UMP45:
			pWeapon = &g_UMP45;

		case WEAPON_SG550:
			pWeapon = &g_SG550;

			pWeapon = &g_Galil;

			pWeapon = &g_Famas;

		case WEAPON_USP:
			pWeapon = &g_USP;

		case WEAPON_GLOCK18:
			pWeapon = &g_GLOCK18;

		case WEAPON_AWP:
			pWeapon = &g_AWP;

		case WEAPON_MP5N:
			pWeapon = &g_MP5N;

		case WEAPON_M249:
			pWeapon = &g_M249;

		case WEAPON_M3:
			pWeapon = &g_M3;

		case WEAPON_M4A1:
			pWeapon = &g_M4A1;

		case WEAPON_TMP:
			pWeapon = &g_TMP;

		case WEAPON_G3SG1:
			pWeapon = &g_G3SG1;

			pWeapon = &g_Flashbang;

			pWeapon = &g_DEAGLE;

		case WEAPON_SG552:
			pWeapon = &g_SG552;

		case WEAPON_AK47:
			pWeapon = &g_AK47;

			pWeapon = &g_Knife;

		case WEAPON_P90:
			pWeapon = &g_P90;

		/*case WEAPON_NONE:

			gEngfuncs.Con_Printf("VALVEWHY: Unknown Weapon %i is active.\n", from->client.m_iId );

	// Store pointer to our destination entity_state_t so we can get our origin, etc. from it
	//  for setting up events on the client
	g_finalstate = to;

	// If we are running events/etc. go ahead and see if we
	//  managed to die between last frame and this one
	// If so, run the appropriate player killed or spawn function
	if ( g_runfuncs )
		if ( to->client.health <= 0 && lasthealth > 0 )
			player.Killed( NULL, 0 );

		else if ( to->client.health > 0 && lasthealth <= 0 )

		lasthealth = to->client.health;

	// We are not predicting the current weapon, just bow out here.
	if ( !pWeapon )

	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
		CBasePlayerWeapon *pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];
		if ( !pCurrent )

		weapon_data_t *pfrom = from->weapondata + i;

		pCurrent->m_fInReload			= pfrom->m_fInReload;
		pCurrent->m_fInSpecialReload	= pfrom->m_fInSpecialReload;
		pCurrent->m_iClip				= pfrom->m_iClip;
		pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack	= pfrom->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = pfrom->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle	= pfrom->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;
		pCurrent->m_flStartThrow		= pfrom->fuser2;
		pCurrent->m_flReleaseThrow		= pfrom->fuser3;
		pCurrent->m_iSwing				= pfrom->iuser1;
		pCurrent->m_iWeaponState		= pfrom->m_iWeaponState;
		pCurrent->m_flLastFire			= pfrom->m_fAimedDamage;
		pCurrent->m_iShotsFired			= pfrom->m_fInZoom;

	if( from->client.vuser4.x < 0 || from->client.vuser4.x > MAX_AMMO_TYPES )
		pWeapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType = 0;

		pWeapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType = (int)from->client.vuser4.x;
		player.m_rgAmmo[ pWeapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType ]  = (int)from->client.vuser4.y;

	g_iWeaponFlags = pWeapon->m_iWeaponState;

	// For random weapon events, use this seed to seed random # generator
	player.random_seed = random_seed;

	// Get old buttons from previous state.
	player.m_afButtonLast = from->playerstate.oldbuttons;

	// Which buttsons chave changed
	buttonsChanged = (player.m_afButtonLast ^ cmd->buttons);	// These buttons have changed this frame

	// Debounced button codes for pressed/released
	// The changed ones still down are "pressed"
	player.m_afButtonPressed =  buttonsChanged & cmd->buttons;
	// The ones not down are "released"
	player.m_afButtonReleased = buttonsChanged & (~cmd->buttons);

	// Set player variables that weapons code might check/alter
	player.pev->button = cmd->buttons;

	player.pev->velocity = from->client.velocity;
	g_iPlayerFlags = player.pev->flags = from->client.flags;

	player.pev->deadflag = from->client.deadflag;
	player.pev->waterlevel = from->client.waterlevel;
	player.pev->maxspeed    = from->client.maxspeed;
	player.pev->punchangle = from->client.punchangle;
	player.pev->fov = from->client.fov;
	player.pev->weaponanim = from->client.weaponanim;
	player.pev->viewmodel = from->client.viewmodel;
	player.m_flNextAttack = from->client.m_flNextAttack;

	g_vPlayerVelocity	= from->client.velocity;
	g_flPlayerSpeed		= from->client.velocity.Length();

	//Stores all our ammo info, so the client side weapons can use them.
	player.ammo_9mm			= (int)from->client.ammo_nails;
	player.ammo_556nato		= (int)from->client.ammo_cells;
	player.ammo_buckshot	= (int)from->client.ammo_shells;
	player.ammo_556natobox	= (int)from->client.ammo_rockets;
	player.ammo_762nato		= (int)from->client.vuser2.x;
	player.ammo_45acp		= (int)from->client.vuser2.y;
	player.ammo_50ae		= (int)from->client.vuser2.z;
	player.ammo_338mag		= (int)from->client.vuser3.x;
	player.ammo_57mm		= (int)from->client.vuser3.y;
	player.ammo_357sig		= (int)from->client.vuser3.z;

	cl_entity_t *pplayer = gEngfuncs.GetLocalPlayer();
	if( pplayer )
		player.pev->origin = from->client.origin;
		player.pev->angles	= pplayer->angles;
		player.pev->v_angle = v_angles;

	flags = from->client.iuser3;
	g_bHoldingKnife		= pWeapon->m_iId == WEAPON_KNIFE;
	player.m_bCanShoot	= (flags & PLAYER_CAN_SHOOT) != 0;
	g_iFreezeTimeOver	= !(flags & PLAYER_FREEZE_TIME_OVER);
	g_bInBombZone		= (flags & PLAYER_IN_BOMB_ZONE) != 0;
	g_bHoldingShield	= (flags & PLAYER_HOLDING_SHIELD) != 0;

	// Point to current weapon object
	if ( from->client.m_iId )
		player.m_pActiveItem = pWeapon;

	// Don't go firing anything if we have died.
	// Or if we don't have a weapon model deployed
	if ( ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) &&
		 !CL_IsDead() && player.pev->viewmodel && !g_iUser1 )
		if( g_bHoldingKnife && pWeapon->m_iClientWeaponState &&
				player.pev->button & IN_FORWARD )
			player.m_flNextAttack = 0;
		else if( player.m_flNextAttack <= 0 )

	// Assume that we are not going to switch weapons
	to->client.m_iId					= from->client.m_iId;

	// Now see if we issued a changeweapon command ( and we're not dead )
	if ( cmd->weaponselect && ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) )
		// Switched to a different weapon?
		if ( from->weapondata[ cmd->weaponselect ].m_iId == cmd->weaponselect )
			CBasePlayerWeapon *pNew = g_pWpns[ cmd->weaponselect ];
			if ( pNew && ( pNew != pWeapon ) )
				// Put away old weapon
				if (player.m_pActiveItem)
					player.m_pActiveItem->Holster( );

				player.m_pLastItem = player.m_pActiveItem;
				player.m_pActiveItem = pNew;

				// Deploy new weapon
				if (player.m_pActiveItem)
					player.m_pActiveItem->Deploy( );

				// Update weapon id so we can predict things correctly.
				to->client.m_iId = cmd->weaponselect;

	// Copy in results of prediction code
	to->client.viewmodel				= player.pev->viewmodel;
	to->client.fov						= player.pev->fov;
	to->client.weaponanim				= player.pev->weaponanim;
	to->client.m_flNextAttack			= player.m_flNextAttack;
	to->client.maxspeed					= player.pev->maxspeed;
	to->client.punchangle				= player.pev->punchangle;

	to->client.ammo_nails = player.ammo_9mm;
	to->client.ammo_cells = player.ammo_556nato;
	to->client.ammo_shells = player.ammo_buckshot;
	to->client.ammo_rockets = player.ammo_556natobox;
	to->client.vuser2.x = player.ammo_762nato;
	to->client.vuser2.y = player.ammo_45acp;
	to->client.vuser2.z = player.ammo_50ae;
	to->client.vuser3.x = player.ammo_338mag;
	to->client.vuser3.y = player.ammo_57mm;
	to->client.vuser3.z = player.ammo_357sig;
	to->client.iuser3 = flags;

	// Make sure that weapon animation matches what the game .dll is telling us
	//  over the wire ( fixes some animation glitches )
	if ( g_runfuncs && ( HUD_GetWeaponAnim() != to->client.weaponanim ) )
		// Force a fixed anim down to viewmodel
		HUD_SendWeaponAnim( to->client.weaponanim, to->client.m_iId, 2, 1 );

	if (pWeapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType < MAX_AMMO_TYPES)
		to->client.vuser4.x = pWeapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType;
		to->client.vuser4.y = player.m_rgAmmo[ pWeapon->m_iPrimaryAmmoType ];
		to->client.vuser4.x = -1.0;
		to->client.vuser4.y = 0;

	for ( i = 0; i < MAX_WEAPONS; i++ )
		CBasePlayerWeapon *pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];

		weapon_data_t *pto = to->weapondata + i;

		if ( !pCurrent )
			memset( pto, 0, sizeof( weapon_data_t ) );

		pto->m_fInReload				= pCurrent->m_fInReload;
		pto->m_fInSpecialReload			= pCurrent->m_fInSpecialReload;
		pto->m_iClip					= pCurrent->m_iClip;
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		= pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	= pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			= pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;
		pto->m_flNextReload				= pCurrent->m_flNextReload;
		pto->fuser2						= pCurrent->m_flStartThrow;
		pto->fuser3						= pCurrent->m_flReleaseThrow;
		pto->iuser1						= pCurrent->m_iSwing;
		pto->m_iWeaponState				= pCurrent->m_iWeaponState;
		pto->m_fInZoom					= pCurrent->m_iShotsFired;
		pto->m_fAimedDamage				= pCurrent->m_flLastFire;

		// Decrement weapon counters, server does this at same time ( during post think, after doing everything else )
		pto->m_flNextReload				-= cmd->msec / 1000.0f;
		pto->m_fNextAimBonus			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0f;
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		-= cmd->msec / 1000.0f;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	-= cmd->msec / 1000.0f;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0f;

		if( pto->m_flPumpTime != -9999.0f )
			pto->m_flPumpTime -= cmd->msec / 1000.0f;
			if( pto->m_flPumpTime < -1.0f )
				pto->m_flPumpTime = 1.0f;

		if ( pto->m_fNextAimBonus < -1.0 )
			pto->m_fNextAimBonus = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack < -1.0 )
			pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flNextReload < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextReload = -0.001;

		/*if ( pto->fuser1 < -0.001 )
			pto->fuser1 = -0.001;

	// m_flNextAttack is now part of the weapons, but is part of the player instead
	to->client.m_flNextAttack -= cmd->msec / 1000.0f;
	if ( to->client.m_flNextAttack < -0.001 )
		to->client.m_flNextAttack = -0.001;

	// Wipe it so we can't use it after this frame
	g_finalstate = NULL;
예제 #10
파일: hl_weapons.cpp 프로젝트: Arkshine/NS

Run Weapon firing code on client
void HUD_WeaponsPostThink( local_state_s *from, local_state_s *to, usercmd_t *cmd, double time, unsigned int random_seed )
	int i;
	int buttonsChanged;
	CBasePlayerWeapon* pCurrent = NULL;
	weapon_data_t nulldata, *pfrom, *pto;
	static int lasthealth;

	memset( &nulldata, 0, sizeof( nulldata ) );


	// Get current clock
	gpGlobals->time = time;

	// Fill in data based on selected weapon
	// FIXME, make this a method in each weapon?  where you pass in an entity_state_t *?
	// Store pointer to our destination entity_state_t so we can get our origin, etc. from it
	CBasePlayerWeapon* pWeapon = HUD_GetWeaponForID(from->client.m_iId);

	//  for setting up events on the client
	g_finalstate = to;

	// If we are running events/etc. go ahead and see if we
	//  managed to die between last frame and this one
	// If so, run the appropriate player killed or spawn function
	if ( g_runfuncs )
		if ( to->client.health <= 0 && lasthealth > 0 )
			player.Killed( NULL, 0 );
		else if ( to->client.health > 0 && lasthealth <= 0 )

		lasthealth = to->client.health;

	// We are not predicting the current weapon, just bow out here.
	if ( !pWeapon )

	for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
		pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];
		if ( !pCurrent )

		pfrom = &from->weapondata[ i ];
		pCurrent->m_fInReload			= pfrom->m_fInReload;
		pCurrent->m_fInSpecialReload	= pfrom->m_fInSpecialReload;
//		pCurrent->m_flPumpTime			= pfrom->m_flPumpTime;
		pCurrent->m_iClip				= pfrom->m_iClip;
		pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack	= pfrom->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = pfrom->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle	= pfrom->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;
		if(pWeapon && (pWeapon->m_iId == pfrom->m_iId))
			// Predict clip

			AvHBasePlayerWeapon* theWeapon = dynamic_cast<AvHBasePlayerWeapon*>(pWeapon);
				gHUD.SetCurrentWeaponData(pWeapon->m_iId, theWeapon->GetEnabledState());

			//gHUD.SetClientDebugCSP(pfrom, from->client.m_flNextAttack);

		// Tell HUD what energy level is needed to use weapon, so alien HUD can indicate this
		float theEnergyLevel = 0.0f;
		AvHMUGetEnergyCost((AvHWeaponID)(pWeapon->m_iId), theEnergyLevel);

// New SDK stuff...needed?
//		pCurrent->pev->fuser1			= pfrom->fuser1;
		pCurrent->m_flStartThrow		= pfrom->fuser2;
		pCurrent->m_flReleaseThrow		= pfrom->fuser3;
//		pCurrent->m_chargeReady			= pfrom->iuser1;
//		pCurrent->m_fInAttack			= pfrom->iuser2;
		pCurrent->pev->iuser3			= pfrom->iuser3;
//		pCurrent->m_iSecondaryAmmoType		= (int)from->client.vuser3[2];
		pCurrent->m_iPrimaryAmmoType		= (int)from->client.vuser4[0];
//		player.m_rgAmmo[ pCurrent->m_iPrimaryAmmoType ]	= (int)from->client.vuser4[1];
//		player.m_rgAmmo[ pCurrent->m_iSecondaryAmmoType ]	= (int)from->client.vuser4[2];

	// For random weapon events, use this seed to seed random # generator
	player.random_seed = random_seed;

	// Get old buttons from previous state.
	player.m_afButtonLast = from->playerstate.oldbuttons;

	// Which buttsons chave changed
	buttonsChanged = (player.m_afButtonLast ^ cmd->buttons);	// These buttons have changed this frame
	// Debounced button codes for pressed/released
	// The changed ones still down are "pressed"
	player.m_afButtonPressed =  buttonsChanged & cmd->buttons;	
	// The ones not down are "released"
	player.m_afButtonReleased = buttonsChanged & (~cmd->buttons);

	// Set player variables that weapons code might check/alter
	player.pev->button = cmd->buttons;

	player.pev->velocity = from->client.velocity;
	player.pev->flags = from->client.flags;

	player.pev->deadflag = from->client.deadflag;
	player.pev->waterlevel = from->client.waterlevel;
	player.pev->maxspeed    = from->client.maxspeed;
	player.pev->fov = from->client.fov;
	player.pev->weaponanim = from->client.weaponanim;
	player.pev->viewmodel = from->client.viewmodel;
	player.m_flNextAttack = from->client.m_flNextAttack;
	//player.m_flNextAmmoBurn = from->client.fuser2;
	//player.m_flAmmoStartCharge = from->client.fuser3;

	// Removed this because NS uses vuser1 and vuser2 (and the HL weapons aren't used)
	////Stores all our ammo info, so the client side weapons can use them.
	//player.ammo_9mm			= (int)from->client.vuser1[0];
	//player.ammo_357			= (int)from->client.vuser1[1];
	//player.ammo_argrens		= (int)from->client.vuser1[2];
	//player.ammo_bolts		= (int)from->client.ammo_nails; //is an int anyways...
	//player.ammo_buckshot	= (int)from->client.ammo_shells; 
	//player.ammo_uranium		= (int)from->client.ammo_cells;
	//player.ammo_hornets		= (int)from->client.vuser2[0];
	//player.ammo_rockets		= (int)from->client.ammo_rockets;

	// Point to current weapon object
	if ( from->client.m_iId )
		player.m_pActiveItem = g_pWpns[ from->client.m_iId ];

	if ( player.m_pActiveItem->m_iId == WEAPON_RPG )
		 ( ( CRpg * )player.m_pActiveItem)->m_fSpotActive = (int)from->client.vuser2[ 1 ];
		 ( ( CRpg * )player.m_pActiveItem)->m_cActiveRockets = (int)from->client.vuser2[ 2 ];

    // Don't go firing anything if we have died.
	// Or if we don't have a weapon model deployed
	if ( ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) && !CL_IsDead() && player.pev->viewmodel && !g_iUser1 )

		if ( player.m_flNextAttack <= 0 )
//    	if ( g_runfuncs )
//		{
//			pWeapon->PrintState();
//		}

	// Assume that we are not going to switch weapons
	to->client.m_iId					= from->client.m_iId;

	// Now see if we issued a changeweapon command ( and we're not dead )
	if ( cmd->weaponselect && ( player.pev->deadflag != ( DEAD_DISCARDBODY + 1 ) ) )
		// Switched to a different weapon?
		if ( from->weapondata[ cmd->weaponselect ].m_iId == cmd->weaponselect )
			ASSERT(cmd->weaponselect >= 0);
			ASSERT(cmd->weaponselect < 32);

			CBasePlayerWeapon *pNew = g_pWpns[ cmd->weaponselect ];
			if ( pNew && ( pNew != pWeapon ) && player.m_pActiveItem && player.m_pActiveItem->CanHolster())
				// Put away old weapon
				if (player.m_pActiveItem)
					player.m_pActiveItem->Holster( );
				player.m_pLastItem = player.m_pActiveItem;
				player.m_pActiveItem = pNew;

				// Deploy new weapon
				if (player.m_pActiveItem)
					player.m_pActiveItem->Deploy( );

				// Update weapon id so we can predict things correctly.
				to->client.m_iId = cmd->weaponselect;

	// Copy in results of prediction code
	to->client.viewmodel				= player.pev->viewmodel;
	to->client.fov						= player.pev->fov;
	to->client.weaponanim				= player.pev->weaponanim;
	to->client.m_flNextAttack			= player.m_flNextAttack;
	//to->client.fuser2					= player.m_flNextAmmoBurn;
	//to->client.fuser3					= player.m_flAmmoStartCharge;
	to->client.maxspeed					= player.pev->maxspeed;

// Removed this because NS uses vuser1 and vuser2 (and the HL weapons aren't used)
//	//HL Weapons
//	to->client.vuser1[0]				= player.ammo_9mm;
//	to->client.vuser1[1]				= player.ammo_357;
//	to->client.vuser1[2]				= player.ammo_argrens;
//	to->client.ammo_nails				= player.ammo_bolts;
//	to->client.ammo_shells				= player.ammo_buckshot;
//	to->client.ammo_cells				= player.ammo_uranium;
//	to->client.vuser2[0]				= player.ammo_hornets;
//	to->client.ammo_rockets				= player.ammo_rockets;

	if ( player.m_pActiveItem->m_iId == WEAPON_RPG )
		 from->client.vuser2[ 1 ] = ( ( CRpg * )player.m_pActiveItem)->m_fSpotActive;
		 from->client.vuser2[ 2 ] = ( ( CRpg * )player.m_pActiveItem)->m_cActiveRockets;

	// Make sure that weapon animation matches what the game .dll is telling us
	//  over the wire ( fixes some animation glitches )
	if ( g_runfuncs && ( HUD_GetWeaponAnim() != to->client.weaponanim ) )
		int body = 2;

		//Pop the model to body 0.
		//if ( pWeapon == &g_Tripmine )
		//	body = 0;
		// Force a fixed anim down to viewmodel
		HUD_SendWeaponAnim( to->client.weaponanim, body, 1 );

	for ( i = 0; i < 32; i++ )
		pCurrent = g_pWpns[ i ];

		pto = &to->weapondata[ i ];

		if ( !pCurrent )
			memset( pto, 0, sizeof( weapon_data_t ) );
		pto->m_fInReload				= pCurrent->m_fInReload;
		pto->m_fInSpecialReload			= pCurrent->m_fInSpecialReload;
//		pto->m_flPumpTime				= pCurrent->m_flPumpTime;
		pto->m_iClip					= pCurrent->m_iClip; 
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		= pCurrent->m_flNextPrimaryAttack;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	= pCurrent->m_flNextSecondaryAttack;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			= pCurrent->m_flTimeWeaponIdle;
//		pto->fuser1						= pCurrent->pev->fuser1;
//		pto->fuser2						= pCurrent->m_flStartThrow;
//		pto->fuser3						= pCurrent->m_flReleaseThrow;
//		pto->iuser1						= pCurrent->m_chargeReady;
//		pto->iuser2						= pCurrent->m_fInAttack;
		pto->iuser3						= pCurrent->pev->iuser3;

		// Decrement weapon counters, server does this at same time ( during post think, after doing everything else )
		pto->m_flNextReload				-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_fNextAimBonus			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack		-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack	-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle			-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
		pto->fuser1						-= cmd->msec / 1000.0;

		to->client.vuser3[2]				= pCurrent->m_iSecondaryAmmoType;
		to->client.vuser4 = pCurrent->pev->vuser4;
//		to->client.vuser4[0]				= pCurrent->m_iPrimaryAmmoType;
//		to->client.vuser4[1]				= player.m_rgAmmo[ pCurrent->m_iPrimaryAmmoType ];
//		to->client.vuser4[2]				= player.m_rgAmmo[ pCurrent->m_iSecondaryAmmoType ];

/*		if ( pto->m_flPumpTime != -9999 )
			pto->m_flPumpTime -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
			if ( pto->m_flPumpTime < -0.001 )
				pto->m_flPumpTime = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_fNextAimBonus < -1.0 )
			pto->m_fNextAimBonus = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack < -1.0 )
			pto->m_flNextPrimaryAttack = -1.0;

		if ( pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextSecondaryAttack = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flTimeWeaponIdle = -0.001;

		if ( pto->m_flNextReload < -0.001 )
			pto->m_flNextReload = -0.001;

		if ( pto->fuser1 < -0.001 )
			pto->fuser1 = -0.001;

	// m_flNextAttack is now part of the weapons, but is part of the player instead
	to->client.m_flNextAttack -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.m_flNextAttack < -0.001 )
		to->client.m_flNextAttack = -0.001;

	to->client.fuser2 -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.fuser2 < -0.001 )
		to->client.fuser2 = -0.001;
	to->client.fuser3 -= cmd->msec / 1000.0;
	if ( to->client.fuser3 < -0.001 )
		to->client.fuser3 = -0.001;

	// Store off the last position from the predicted state.

	// Wipe it so we can't use it after this frame
	g_finalstate = NULL;