예제 #1

void CL_TracerEffect( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end )
	particle_t	*p;
	byte		*color;
	vec3_t		dir;
	float		life, dist;

	p = CL_AllocParticle( CL_BulletTracerDraw );
	if( !p ) return;

	// get out shot direction and length
	VectorSubtract( end, start, dir );
	VectorCopy( dir, p->vel );

	dist = VectorNormalizeLength( dir );

	// don't make small tracers
	if( dist <= traceroffset->value )

	p->ramp = Com_RandomFloat( 200.0f, 256.0f ) * tracerlength->value;

	color = gTracerColors[4];
	life = ( dist + p->ramp ) / ( max( 1.0f, tracerspeed->value ));
	p->color = CL_LookupColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
	VectorCopy( start, p->org );
	p->type = pt_tracer;
	p->die += life;
예제 #2

void CL_UserTracerParticle( float *org, float *vel, float life, int colorIndex, float length, byte deathcontext,
	void (*deathfunc)( particle_t *p ))
	particle_t	*p;
	byte		*color;

	p = CL_AllocParticle( CL_BulletTracerDraw );
	if( !p ) return;

	if( colorIndex > ( sizeof( gTracerColors ) / sizeof( gTracerColors[0] )))
		p->color = bound( 0, colorIndex, 255 );
		color = gTracerColors[colorIndex];
		p->color = CL_LookupColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );

	VectorCopy( org, p->org );
	VectorCopy( vel, p->vel );
	p->ramp = length; // ramp used as length
	p->context = deathcontext;
	p->deathfunc = deathfunc;
	p->type = pt_tracer;
	p->die += life;
예제 #3

void CL_ShowLine( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end )
	int	pcolor;

	pcolor = CL_LookupColor( 192, 0, 0 );
	CL_DrawLine( start, end, pcolor, 30.0f, 5.0f );
예제 #4
void CL_ParticleLine( const vec3_t start, const vec3_t end, byte r, byte g, byte b, float life )
	int	pcolor;

	pcolor = CL_LookupColor( r, g, b );
	CL_DrawLine( start, end, pcolor, life, 2.0f );
예제 #5

just for debug purposes
void CL_DebugParticle( const vec3_t pos, byte r, byte g, byte b )
	particle_t	*p;

	p = CL_AllocParticle( NULL );
	if( !p ) return;

	VectorCopy( pos, p->org );
	p->die += 10.0f;
	p->color = CL_LookupColor( r, g, b );
예제 #6

void CL_SparkleTracer( const vec3_t pos, const vec3_t dir, float vel )
	particle_t	*p;
	byte		*color;

	p = CL_AllocParticle( CL_SparkTracerDraw );
	if( !p ) return;

	color = gTracerColors[5];	// Yellow-Orange
	VectorCopy( pos, p->org );
	p->die += Com_RandomFloat( 0.45f, 0.7f );
	p->color = CL_LookupColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
	p->ramp = Com_RandomFloat( 0.07f, 0.08f );	// ramp used as tracer length
	p->type = pt_tracer;
	VectorScale( dir, vel, p->vel );
예제 #7

allow more customization
particle_t *CL_TracerParticles( float *org, float *vel, float life )
	particle_t	*p;
	byte		*color;

	p = CL_AllocParticle( CL_BulletTracerDraw );
	if( !p ) return NULL;

	p->ramp = Com_RandomFloat( 200.0f, 256.0f ) * tracerlength->value;

	color = gTracerColors[4];
	p->color = CL_LookupColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );
	VectorCopy( org, p->org );
	VectorCopy( vel, p->vel );
	p->type = pt_tracer;
	p->die += life;

	return p;
예제 #8

void CL_ParticleBox( const vec3_t mins, const vec3_t maxs, byte r, byte g, byte b, float life )
	vec3_t	tmp, p[8];
	int	i, col;

	col = CL_LookupColor( r, g, b );

	for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
		tmp[0] = (i & 1) ? mins[0] : maxs[0];
		tmp[1] = (i & 2) ? mins[1] : maxs[1];
		tmp[2] = (i & 4) ? mins[2] : maxs[2];
		VectorCopy( tmp, p[i] );

	for( i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
		CL_DrawRectangle( p[boxpnt[i][1]], p[boxpnt[i][0]], p[boxpnt[i][2]], p[boxpnt[i][3]], col, life );

예제 #9

void CL_Implosion( const vec3_t end, float radius, int count, float life )
	particle_t	*p;
	float		vel, radius2;
	vec3_t		dir, m_vecPos;
	int		i, colorIndex;

	colorIndex = CL_LookupColor( gTracerColors[5][0], gTracerColors[5][1], gTracerColors[5][2] );

	for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
		p = CL_AllocParticle( CL_TracerImplosion );
		if( !p ) return;

		dir[0] = Com_RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );
		dir[1] = Com_RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );
		dir[2] = Com_RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );

		radius2 = Com_RandomFloat( radius * 0.9f, radius * 1.1f );

		VectorNormalize( dir );
		VectorMA( end, -radius2, dir, m_vecPos );

		// velocity based on how far particle has to travel away from org
		if( life ) vel = (radius2 / life);
		else vel = Com_RandomFloat( radius2 * 0.5f, radius2 * 1.5f );

		VectorCopy( m_vecPos, p->org );
		p->color = colorIndex;
		p->ramp = (vel / radius2) * 0.1f; // length based on velocity
		p->ramp = bound( 0.1f, p->ramp, 1.0f );
		p->type = pt_tracer;
		VectorScale( dir, vel, p->vel );

		// die right when you get there
		p->die += ( life != 0.0f ) ? life : ( radius2 / vel );
예제 #10

void CL_StreakTracer( const vec3_t pos, const vec3_t velocity, int colorIndex )
	particle_t	*p;
	byte		*color;

	p = CL_AllocParticle( CL_SparkTracerDraw );
	if( !p ) return;

	if( colorIndex > ( sizeof( gTracerColors ) / sizeof( gTracerColors[0] )))
		p->color = bound( 0, colorIndex, 255 );
		color = gTracerColors[colorIndex];
		p->color = CL_LookupColor( color[0], color[1], color[2] );

	p->die += Com_RandomFloat( 0.5f, 1.0f );
	VectorCopy( velocity, p->vel );
	VectorCopy( pos, p->org );
	p->ramp = Com_RandomFloat( 0.05f, 0.08f );
	p->type = pt_tracer;
예제 #11

update particle color, position etc
void CL_UpdateParticle( particle_t *p, float ft )
	float	time3 = 15.0 * ft;
	float	time2 = 10.0 * ft;
	float	time1 = 5.0 * ft;
	float	dvel = 4 * ft;
	float	grav = ft * clgame.movevars.gravity * 0.05f;
	float	size = 1.5f;
	int	i, iRamp, alpha = 255;
	vec3_t	right, up;
	rgb_t	color;


	switch( p->type )
	case pt_static:
	case pt_tracer:
	case pt_clientcustom:
		if( p->callback )
			p->callback( p, ft );
		if( p->type == pt_tracer )
			return; // already drawed
	case pt_fire:
		p->ramp += time1;
		if( p->ramp >= 6 ) p->die = -1;
		else p->color = ramp3[(int)p->ramp];
		p->vel[2] += grav;
	case pt_explode:
		p->ramp += time2;
		if( p->ramp >= 8 ) p->die = -1;
		else p->color = ramp1[(int)p->ramp];
		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			p->vel[i] += p->vel[i] * dvel;
		p->vel[2] -= grav;
	case pt_explode2:
		p->ramp += time3;
		if( p->ramp >= 8 ) p->die = -1;
		else p->color = ramp2[(int)p->ramp];
		for( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
			p->vel[i] -= p->vel[i] * ft;
		p->vel[2] -= grav;
	case pt_blob:
	case pt_blob2:
		p->ramp += time2;
		iRamp = (int)p->ramp >> SIMSHIFT;

		if( iRamp >= SPARK_COLORCOUNT )
			p->ramp = 0.0f;
			iRamp = 0;
		p->color = CL_LookupColor( gSparkRamp[iRamp][0], gSparkRamp[iRamp][1], gSparkRamp[iRamp][2] );

		for( i = 0; i < 2; i++ )		
			p->vel[i] -= p->vel[i] * 0.5f * ft;
		p->vel[2] -= grav * 5.0f;

		if( Com_RandomLong( 0, 3 ))
			p->type = pt_blob;
			alpha = 0;
			p->type = pt_blob2;
			alpha = 255;
	case pt_grav:
		p->vel[2] -= grav * 20;
	case pt_slowgrav:
		p->vel[2] -= grav;
	case pt_vox_grav:
		p->vel[2] -= grav * 8;
	case pt_vox_slowgrav:
		p->vel[2] -= grav * 4;

#if 0
	// HACKHACK a scale up to keep particles from disappearing
	size += (p->org[0] - RI.vieworg[0]) * RI.vforward[0];
	size += (p->org[1] - RI.vieworg[1]) * RI.vforward[1];
	size += (p->org[2] - RI.vieworg[2]) * RI.vforward[2];

	if( size < 20.0f ) size = 1.0f;
	else size = 1.0f + size * 0.004f;
 	// scale the axes by radius
	VectorScale( RI.vright, size, right );
	VectorScale( RI.vup, size, up );

	p->color = bound( 0, p->color, 255 );
	VectorSet( color, clgame.palette[p->color][0], clgame.palette[p->color][1], clgame.palette[p->color][2] );

	GL_SetRenderMode( kRenderTransTexture );
	pglColor4ub( color[0], color[1], color[2], alpha );

	GL_Bind( GL_TEXTURE0, cls.particleImage );

	// add the 4 corner vertices.
	pglBegin( GL_QUADS );

	pglTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 1.0f );
	pglVertex3f( p->org[0] - right[0] + up[0], p->org[1] - right[1] + up[1], p->org[2] - right[2] + up[2] );
	pglTexCoord2f( 0.0f, 0.0f );
	pglVertex3f( p->org[0] + right[0] + up[0], p->org[1] + right[1] + up[1], p->org[2] + right[2] + up[2] );
	pglTexCoord2f( 1.0f, 0.0f );
	pglVertex3f( p->org[0] + right[0] - up[0], p->org[1] + right[1] - up[1], p->org[2] + right[2] - up[2] );
	pglTexCoord2f( 1.0f, 1.0f );
	pglVertex3f( p->org[0] - right[0] - up[0], p->org[1] - right[1] - up[1], p->org[2] - right[2] - up[2] );


	if( p->type != pt_clientcustom )
		// update position.
		VectorMA( p->org, ft, p->vel, p->org );
예제 #12
파일: gl_rpart.c 프로젝트: Reedych/xash3d

void CL_BulletImpactParticles( const vec3_t org )
	particle_t	*p;
	vec3_t		pos, dir;
	float		vel;
	int		i, j;

	// do sparks
	// randomize position
	pos[0] = org[0] + Com_RandomFloat( -2.0f, 2.0f );
	pos[1] = org[1] + Com_RandomFloat( -2.0f, 2.0f );
	pos[2] = org[2] + Com_RandomFloat( -2.0f, 2.0f );

	// create a 8 random spakle tracers
	for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
		dir[0] = Com_RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );
		dir[1] = Com_RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );
		dir[2] = Com_RandomFloat( -1.0f, 1.0f );

		CL_SparkleTracer( pos, dir, vel );

	if (r_oldparticles->integer == 1)
		for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
			int greyColors;
			p = CL_AllocParticle(NULL);
			if (!p) return;

			p->die += 1.0f;
			// Randomly make each particle one of three colors: dark grey, medium grey or light grey.
			greyColors = (rand() % 3 + 1) * 32;
			p->color = CL_LookupColor(greyColors, greyColors, greyColors);

			p->type = pt_grav;
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				p->org[j] = org[j] + Com_RandomFloat(-2.0f, 3.0f);
				p->vel[j] = Com_RandomFloat(-70.0f, 70.0f);
		for (i = 0; i < 12; i++)
			p = CL_AllocParticle(NULL);
			if (!p) return;

			p->die += 1.0f;
			p->color = 0; // black

			p->type = pt_grav;
			for (j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				p->org[j] = org[j] + Com_RandomFloat(-2.0f, 3.0f);
				p->vel[j] = Com_RandomFloat(-70.0f, 70.0f);