예제 #1
void CSprite::StartFrames()
	if (!m_addingFrames)
		m_spriteDesc = CL_SpriteDescription();
		m_addingFrames = true;
/** Displays the image view with its current image/ texts.
CAImageSelector::display( bool active ) {
    CAImageView::display( active );

    CL_Rect crAll( 0,0, CA_APP->width, CA_APP->height );
    CL_Rect crImage( left,top, right, bottom );

    CA_APP->graphicContext->set_cliprect( crImage );

    // Animate:
    float diff = (float)newImage - currentImage;
    float numImages2 = (float)numImages/2.0;
    bool forward = false;

    // Move forward or back?
    if( (diff <  numImages2 && diff > 0.0) ||
            (diff < -numImages2) ) {
        forward = true;

    // Correct frame difference:
    if( diff < -numImages2 ) diff += numImages;
    if( diff >  numImages2 ) diff -= numImages;

    if( forward ) currentImage += fabs( diff ) / 6.0;
    else          currentImage -= fabs( diff ) / 6.0;

    if( currentImage< 0.0 )             currentImage+=(float)numImages;
    if( currentImage>(float)numImages ) currentImage-=(float)numImages;

    int image1 = (int)floor( currentImage );
    int image2 = (int)ceil( currentImage );
    if( image2>=numImages ) image2=0;
    float rest = currentImage-image1;
    int center;
    CL_SpriteDescription im1_desc = CL_SpriteDescription();
    CL_SpriteDescription im2_desc = CL_SpriteDescription();
    CL_Sprite im1(*CA_APP->graphicContext,im1_desc);
    CL_Sprite im2(*CA_APP->graphicContext,im2_desc);

    if( direction==Horizontal ) {
        center = (left+right)/2;
        int image1Pos = (int)(center - rest*width - image[image1].image.get_width()/2);
        im1.draw ( *CA_APP->graphicContext,image1Pos, top+barHeight);
        im2.draw ( *CA_APP->graphicContext,image1Pos + width, top+barHeight);
    } else {
        center = (top+bottom)/2;
        int image1Pos = (int)(center - rest*height - image[image1].image.get_height()/2);
        im1.draw ( *CA_APP->graphicContext,(left+right-image[image1].image.get_width())/2, image1Pos);
        im2.draw ( *CA_APP->graphicContext,(left+right-image[image1].image.get_width())/2, image1Pos + height);

    displayArrows( active );

    CA_APP->graphicContext->set_cliprect( crAll );
예제 #3
	m_sprite = CL_Sprite(g_Display->Graphics().Object(), CL_SpriteDescription());
	m_addingFrames = false;