예제 #1
파일: cmt1.cpp 프로젝트: GYengera/mrpt
// Wait for data to arrive or a timeout to occur.
XsensResultValue Cmt1s::waitForData (const uint32_t maxLength,
							  uint8_t* data, uint32_t* length)
	CMT1LOG("L1: waitForData, mto=%u, length=%p\n",m_timeout,length);
	uint32_t timeout = m_timeout;

	uint32_t ln;
	if (length == NULL)
		length = &ln;
	uint32_t eTime = getTimeOfDay(NULL) + timeout;
	uint32_t newLength = 0;

	*length = 0;
	while ((*length < maxLength) && (getTimeOfDay() <= eTime))
		readData(maxLength - *length, data + *length, &newLength);
		*length += newLength;
	CMT1LOG("L1: waitForData result: read %u of %u bytes\n",length[0],maxLength);

	if (length[0] < maxLength)
		return (m_lastResult = XRV_TIMEOUT);
		return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK);
예제 #2
파일: cmt1.cpp 프로젝트: jiapei100/mrpt
// Read data from the serial port and put it into the data buffer.
XsensResultValue Cmt1s::readData(
	const uint32_t maxLength, uint8_t* data, uint32_t* length)
	CMT1LOG("L1: readData, maxlength=%u, length=%p\n", maxLength, length);
	uint32_t ln;
	if (length == nullptr) length = &ln;

	if (!m_isOpen) return (m_lastResult = XRV_NOPORTOPEN);

#ifdef _WIN32
	BOOL rres = ::ReadFile(m_handle, data, maxLength, (DWORD*)length, nullptr);
	if (m_onBytesReceived != nullptr && *length > 0)
		CmtBinaryData* bytes = (CmtBinaryData*)malloc(sizeof(CmtBinaryData));
		bytes->m_size = *length;
		bytes->m_portNr = m_port;
		memcpy(bytes->m_data, data, *length);
			"C1: onBytesReceived(%d,(%d,%d),%p)\n",
			(int32_t)m_onBytesReceivedInstance, (int32_t)bytes->m_size,
			(int32_t)bytes->m_portNr, m_onBytesReceivedParam);
			m_onBytesReceivedInstance, CMT_CALLBACK_ONBYTESRECEIVED, bytes,

	if (!rres)
		CMT1LOG("L1: readData, ReadFile returned error %u\n", ::GetLastError());
		return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR);
	*length = read(m_handle, data, maxLength);

#ifdef _LOG_RX_TX
	if (*length > 0)
		if (rx_log == nullptr)
			sprintf(fname, "rx_%03d_%d.log", (int32_t)m_port, m_baudrate);
			rx_log = fopen(fname, "wb");
		fwrite(data, 1, *length, rx_log);

		(length[0] ? "L1: readData returned success, read %u of %u bytes, "
					 "first: %02x\n"
				   : "L1: readData returned success, read %u bytes\n"),
		length[0], maxLength, data[0]);
	return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK);
예제 #3
파일: cmt1.cpp 프로젝트: GYengera/mrpt
// Set the default timeout value to use in blocking operations.
XsensResultValue Cmt1s::setTimeout (const uint32_t ms)
	CMT1LOG("L1: Setting timeout to %u ms\n",ms);

	m_timeout = ms;
#ifdef _WIN32
	// Set COM timeouts
	COMMTIMEOUTS commTimeouts;

	GetCommTimeouts(m_handle,&commTimeouts);	// Fill CommTimeouts structure

	// immediate return if data is available, wait 1ms otherwise
	if (m_timeout > 0)
		commTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = 0;
		commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = m_timeout;	// ms time
		commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
		commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = m_timeout;
		commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
	// immediate return whether data is available or not
		commTimeouts.ReadIntervalTimeout = MAXDWORD;
		commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
		commTimeouts.ReadTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;
		commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutConstant = 0;
		commTimeouts.WriteTotalTimeoutMultiplier = 0;

	SetCommTimeouts(m_handle, &commTimeouts);	// Set CommTimeouts structure
	// Timeout 0.1 sec for first byte, read minimum of 0 bytes
	m_commState.c_cc[VMIN]     = 0;
	m_commState.c_cc[VTIME]    = (m_timeout+99)/100;		// ds time

	// Set the new options for the port if it is open
	if (m_isOpen)
		tcsetattr(m_handle,TCSANOW, &m_commState);
	return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK);
예제 #4
파일: cmt1.cpp 프로젝트: GYengera/mrpt
// Open a communication channel to the given serial port name.
XsensResultValue Cmt1s::open(  const char *portName,
						const uint32_t baudRate,
						uint32_t readBufSize,
						uint32_t writeBufSize)
	m_endTime = 0;

	CMT1LOG("L1: Open port %s at %d baud\n", portName, baudRate);

	if (m_isOpen)
		CMT1LOG("L1: Port already open\n");
		return (m_lastResult = XRV_ALREADYOPEN);
	m_baudrate = baudRate;

#ifdef _WIN32
	char winPortName[32];

	// Open port
	sprintf(winPortName, "\\\\.\\%s", portName);
	m_handle = CreateFileA(winPortName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL,
									OPEN_EXISTING, 0, NULL);
	if (m_handle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)
		CMT1LOG("L1: Port cannot be opened\n");
		return (m_lastResult = XRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);

	// Once here, port is open
	m_isOpen = true;

	//Get the current state & then change it
	GetCommState(m_handle, &m_commState);	// Get current state

	m_commState.BaudRate = baudRate;			// Setup the baud rate
	m_commState.Parity = NOPARITY;				// Setup the Parity
	m_commState.ByteSize = 8;					// Setup the data bits
	m_commState.StopBits = TWOSTOPBITS;			// Setup the stop bits
	m_commState.fDsrSensitivity = FALSE;		// Setup the flow control
	m_commState.fOutxCtsFlow = FALSE;			// NoFlowControl:
	m_commState.fOutxDsrFlow = FALSE;
	m_commState.fOutX = FALSE;
	m_commState.fInX = FALSE;
	if (!SetCommState(m_handle, (LPDCB)&m_commState)) {// Set new state
		// Bluetooth ports cannot always be opened with 2 stopbits
		// Now try to open port with 1 stopbit.
		m_commState.StopBits = ONESTOPBIT;
		if (!SetCommState(m_handle, (LPDCB)&m_commState)) {
			m_isOpen = false;
			return (m_lastResult = XRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED);
	m_port = atoi(&portName[3]);
	sprintf(m_portname, "%s", portName);


	// Other initialization functions
	EscapeCommFunction(m_handle, SETRTS);		// Enable RTS (for Xbus Master use)
	// Set DTR (Calibration sensors need DTR to startup, won't hurt otherwise
	EscapeCommFunction(m_handle, SETDTR);
	SetupComm(m_handle,readBufSize,writeBufSize);	// Set queue size

	// Remove any 'old' data in buffer
	//PurgeComm(m_handle, PURGE_TXCLEAR | PURGE_RXCLEAR);
#else // !_WIN32
	// Open port
	m_handle = ::open(portName, O_RDWR | O_NOCTTY);
	// O_RDWR: Read+Write
	// O_NOCTTY: Raw input, no "controlling terminal"
	// O_NDELAY: Don't care about DCD signal

	if (m_handle < 0) {
		// Port not open
		return m_lastResult = XRV_INPUTCANNOTBEOPENED;

	// Once here, port is open
	m_isOpen = true;

	/* Start configuring of port for non-canonical transfer mode */
	// Get current options for the port
	tcgetattr(m_handle, &m_commState);

	// Set baudrate.
	cfsetispeed(&m_commState, baudRate);
	cfsetospeed(&m_commState, baudRate);

	// Enable the receiver and set local mode
	m_commState.c_cflag |= (CLOCAL | CREAD);
	// Set character size to data bits and set no parity Mask the characte size bits
	m_commState.c_cflag &= ~(CSIZE|PARENB);
	m_commState.c_cflag |= CS8;		// Select 8 data bits
	m_commState.c_cflag |= CSTOPB;	// send 2 stop bits
	// Disable hardware flow control
	m_commState.c_cflag &= ~CRTSCTS;
	m_commState.c_lflag &= ~(ECHO|ECHONL|ICANON|ISIG|IEXTEN);
	// Disable software flow control
	// Set Raw output
	m_commState.c_oflag &= ~OPOST;
	// Timeout 0.001 sec for first byte, read minimum of 0 bytes
	m_commState.c_cc[VMIN]     = 0;
	m_commState.c_cc[VTIME]    = (m_timeout+99)/100;	// 1

	// Set the new options for the port
	tcsetattr(m_handle,TCSANOW, &m_commState);

	m_port = 0;
	sprintf(m_portname, "%s", portName);

	tcflush(m_handle, TCIOFLUSH);

	// setting RTS and DTR; RTS for Xbus Master, DTR for calibration sensors
	int cmbits;
	if (ioctl(m_handle, TIOCMGET, &cmbits) < 0)
		return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR);


	if (ioctl(m_handle, TIOCMSET, &cmbits) < 0)
		return (m_lastResult = XRV_ERROR);
#endif // !_WIN32

	CMT1LOG("L1: Port opened\n");
	return (m_lastResult = XRV_OK);