void BH2011GoalSymbols::update()
  timeSinceOppGoalWasSeen = (float) frameInfo.getTimeSince(goalPercept.timeWhenOppGoalLastSeen);
  timeSinceOwnGoalWasSeen = (float) frameInfo.getTimeSince(goalPercept.timeWhenOwnGoalLastSeen);
  timeSinceAnyGoalWasSeen = timeSinceOppGoalWasSeen < timeSinceOwnGoalWasSeen ? timeSinceOppGoalWasSeen : timeSinceOwnGoalWasSeen;
  oppGoalWasSeen          = timeSinceOppGoalWasSeen < 500;
  goalWasSeen             = timeSinceAnyGoalWasSeen < 500;

  /* Calculate seen goals in ready state*/
  if(gameInfo.state == STATE_READY)
    if(frameInfo.getTimeSince(goalPercept.timeWhenOppGoalLastSeen) == 0 ||
       frameInfo.getTimeSince(goalPercept.timeWhenOwnGoalLastSeen) == 0)
      goalsSeenInReadyState += 1.0;
    goalsSeenInReadyState = 0;

  /* Calculate seen goals since last pickup */
  if((groundContactState.noContactSafe && damageConfiguration.useGroundContactDetectionForSafeStates)
     && (fallDownState.state == FallDownState::upright || fallDownState.state == FallDownState::staggering))
    goalsSeenSinceLastPickup = 0.0;
    if(frameInfo.getTimeSince(goalPercept.timeWhenOppGoalLastSeen) == 0 ||
       frameInfo.getTimeSince(goalPercept.timeWhenOwnGoalLastSeen) == 0)
      goalsSeenSinceLastPickup += 1.0;
  PLOT("Behavior:goalsSeenSinceLastPickup", goalsSeenSinceLastPickup);

  /* determine angles to sides of free part of opponent goal */
  Vector2<> centerOfOppGoalAbs = Vector2<>((float) fieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGoalpost, (float)(fieldDimensions.yPosLeftGoal + fieldDimensions.yPosRightGoal) / 2.0f);
  Vector2<> centerOfOppGoalRel = Geometry::fieldCoord2Relative(robotPose, centerOfOppGoalAbs);
  float     leftDistance       = abs(centerOfOppGoalAbs.y - freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.leftEnd.y);
  float     rightDistance      = abs(centerOfOppGoalAbs.y - freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.rightEnd.y);
  if(leftDistance < rightDistance)
    innerSide = freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.leftEnd;
    outerSide = freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.rightEnd;
    innerSide = freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.rightEnd;
    outerSide = freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.leftEnd;

  /* draw angles to free part into worldstate, see draw()-function below */
  DECLARE_DEBUG_DRAWING("behavior:GoalSymbols:FreePartAnglesOnField", "drawingOnField");
  COMPLEX_DRAWING("behavior:GoalSymbols:FreePartAnglesOnField", drawingOnField());
void FreePartOfOpponentGoalProvider::update(FreePartOfOpponentGoalModel& freePartOfOpponentGoalModel)
  freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.valid = true;
  /* setup */
  // dimensions of opponent goalline
  Vector2<> leftOppGoalPostAbs  = Vector2<>((float) theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGroundline, (float) theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftGoal);
  Vector2<> rightOppGoalPostAbs = Vector2<>((float) theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGroundline, (float) theFieldDimensions.yPosRightGoal);
  Range<> oppGoallineRange = Range<>(rightOppGoalPostAbs.y, leftOppGoalPostAbs.y);
  int widthOfOppGoal = theFieldDimensions.yPosLeftGoal - theFieldDimensions.yPosRightGoal;
  float cellOnOppGoallineWidth = (float) widthOfOppGoal / NUM_OF_CELLS;

  /* update cells */
  // renew cells on opponent goal in which a robot is found
  std::vector<RobotsModel::Robot>::const_iterator robotIt;
  for(robotIt = theRobotsModel.robots.begin(); robotIt < theRobotsModel.robots.end(); robotIt++)
    // setup position to the sides of where the robot is standing
    Vector2<> absRobotOnField = Geometry::relative2FieldCoord(theRobotPose, robotIt->relPosOnField);
    Vector2<> leftRobotEnd  = Vector2<>(absRobotOnField.x, absRobotOnField.y + ROBOT_WIDTH / 2);
    Vector2<> rightRobotEnd = Vector2<>(absRobotOnField.x, absRobotOnField.y - ROBOT_WIDTH / 2);
    Vector2<> absBallOnField = Geometry::relative2FieldCoord(theRobotPose, theBallModel.estimate.position);
    // intersection of lines to these ends with opponent groundline
    Vector2<> leftIntersectOppGroundline, rightIntersectOppGroundline;
      Geometry::getIntersectionOfLines(Geometry::Line(absBallOnField, leftRobotEnd - absBallOnField),  Geometry::Line((float) theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGroundline, 0, 0, 1), leftIntersectOppGroundline) &&
      Geometry::getIntersectionOfLines(Geometry::Line(absBallOnField, rightRobotEnd - absBallOnField), Geometry::Line((float) theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGroundline, 0, 0, 1), rightIntersectOppGroundline)
      // check if at least one of these intersections is on the inside of the opponent goal
      if(oppGoallineRange.isInside(leftIntersectOppGroundline.y) || oppGoallineRange.isInside(rightIntersectOppGroundline.y))
        // clip both into the inside of the opponent goal, in case one of them is outside of it
        float leftIntersectOppGroundlineY  = oppGoallineRange.limit(leftIntersectOppGroundline.y);
        float rightIntersectOppGroundlineY = oppGoallineRange.limit(rightIntersectOppGroundline.y);
        // check for each cell if it lies within the line between the intersections
        for(int i = 1; i < NUM_OF_CELLS - 1; i++)
          float leftCellEndY  = theFieldDimensions.yPosRightGoal + (i + 1) * cellOnOppGoallineWidth;
          float rightCellEndY = theFieldDimensions.yPosRightGoal + i * cellOnOppGoallineWidth;
            (Range<>(rightIntersectOppGroundlineY, leftIntersectOppGroundlineY).isInside(leftCellEndY) ||
             Range<>(rightIntersectOppGroundlineY, leftIntersectOppGroundlineY).isInside(rightCellEndY)) &&
            cellsOnOppGoalline[i] < MAX_VALUE
            cellsOnOppGoalline[i] += RENEW_VALUE;
  // left and right ends are always occupied
  cellsOnOppGoalline[0] = MAX_VALUE;
  cellsOnOppGoalline[NUM_OF_CELLS - 1] = MAX_VALUE;
  // aging of unoccupied cells
  for(int i = 1; i < NUM_OF_CELLS - 1; i++) cellsOnOppGoalline[i] *= AGING_FACTOR;

  /* calculate which free part is the largest / best */
  int currentFreePartSize = 0, currentFreePartHigh = 0, currentFreePartLow = 0;
  int largestHithertoSize = -1, largestHithertoHigh = -1, largestHithertoLow = -1;
  int overlapWithLastFreePart = 0;
  int side = (theRobotPose.translation.y < 0) ? 1 : -1;
    int i = (side > 0) ? 0 : NUM_OF_CELLS - 1;
    (side > 0) ? (i < NUM_OF_CELLS) : (i >= 0);
    i += side
    if(cellsOnOppGoalline[i] < IS_FREE_THRESHOLD)
      if(Range<int>(lastFreePartLow, lastFreePartHigh).isInside(i)) overlapWithLastFreePart++;
      (side > 0) ? (currentFreePartHigh = i) : (currentFreePartLow = i);
      // if current free part is significantly larger than the last found one, define it as the new largest free part so far
      // + add a bonus to the current free part if it significantly overlaps with the last largest free part
      if(((overlapWithLastFreePart >= currentFreePartSize / 2) ? (currentFreePartSize + NEW_MAX_FREE_THRESHOLD) : currentFreePartSize) > (largestHithertoSize + NEW_MAX_FREE_THRESHOLD / 2))
        largestHithertoSize = currentFreePartSize;
        largestHithertoHigh = currentFreePartHigh;
        largestHithertoLow  = currentFreePartLow;
      currentFreePartSize = 0;
      overlapWithLastFreePart = 0;
      (side > 0) ? (currentFreePartLow = i + 1) : (currentFreePartHigh = i - 1);
  // if not even a minimal number of cells is free...
  if(largestHithertoSize >= MIN_LARGEST_SIZE)
    largestFreePartHigh = largestHithertoHigh;
    largestFreePartLow  = largestHithertoLow;
    freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.isFree = true;
  // ...every part of the goal is equally hopeless
  // (free part will be the whole goal, so one can always shoot into the center,
  // but set a flag the goal is completely blocked)
    largestFreePartHigh = NUM_OF_CELLS - 2;
    largestFreePartLow  = 1;
    freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.isFree = false;
  // new found largest free part will be the last found in next update
  lastFreePartHigh = largestFreePartHigh;
  lastFreePartLow  = largestFreePartLow;

  /* caculate relative position to ends of free part */
  Vector2<> leftEndOfFreePartAbs  = Vector2<>(
                                      (float) theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGroundline,
                                      theFieldDimensions.yPosRightGoal + (largestFreePartHigh + 1) * cellOnOppGoallineWidth
  Vector2<> rightEndOfFreePartAbs = Vector2<>(
                                      (float) theFieldDimensions.xPosOpponentGroundline,
                                      theFieldDimensions.yPosRightGoal + largestFreePartLow * cellOnOppGoallineWidth
  freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.leftEnd  = Geometry::fieldCoord2Relative(theRobotPose, leftEndOfFreePartAbs);
  freePartOfOpponentGoalModel.rightEnd = Geometry::fieldCoord2Relative(theRobotPose, rightEndOfFreePartAbs);

  /* draw absolute position of free part into worldstate, see draw()-function below */
  DECLARE_DEBUG_DRAWING("module:FreePartOfOpponentGoalProvider:FreePartOnField", "drawingOnField");
  COMPLEX_DRAWING("module:FreePartOfOpponentGoalProvider:FreePartOnField", drawingOnField(freePartOfOpponentGoalModel));