예제 #1
void SSCplex::Solve( void )
 // the solver 
#if( MIP )
 status = CPXmipopt (env, lp);
 if ( status ) {
   stop("Failed to optimize MIP.\n", status);
 int solstat = CPXgetstat (env, lp);
 cout << "Solstat " << solstat << endl;
 status = CPXgetmipobjval (env, lp, &objval);
 if ( status ) 
   stop("No MIP objective value available.  Exiting...\n", status);

 // get the best solution
 int begin = 0;
 int end = begin + NArcs;
 status = CPXgetmipx (env, lp, Y, begin, end-1);

 int k = 0;
 bool found = false;
 while( !found && ( k < lev_card ))
  if( Y[k] )
   found = true;
   cout << "vf 0 on VM " << k << endl;

 for( int h = 0; h < h_len - 1; h++ )
  found = false;
  int i = 0;
  while( !found && ( i < lev_card ))
   int j = 0;
   int offset = lev_card +  h * (lev_card * lev_card) + i * lev_card;
   while( !found && ( j < lev_card ))
    if( Y[offset + j] )
     found = true;
     cout << "vf " << h+1 << " on VM " << j << endl;
}//END SolveMIP
예제 #2
OptSolutionData* CPLEXRunSolver(int ProbType) {
	OptSolutionData* NewSolution = NULL;
	int Status = 0;
	if (ProbType == LP) {
		if (Status) {
			FErrorFile() << "Failed to set the optimization method." << endl;
			return NULL;
		Status = CPXsetintparam (CPLEXenv, CPX_PARAM_SIMDISPLAY, 0);
		if (Status) {
			FErrorFile() << "Failed to set the optimization method." << endl;
			return NULL;
		Status = CPXchgprobtype(CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel, CPXPROB_LP);
		Status = CPXlpopt(CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel);
	} else if(ProbType == MILP || ProbType == MIQP) {
		//Setting the bound tightening on high
		Status = CPXsetintparam (CPLEXenv, CPX_PARAM_BNDSTRENIND, 1);
		if (Status) {
			FErrorFile() << "Failed to set the optimization method." << endl;
			return NULL;
		//Setting tolerance to 1e-9 instead of 1e-6
		double tolerance = atof(GetParameter("Solver tolerance").data());
		Status = CPXsetdblparam(CPLEXenv,CPX_PARAM_EPRHS, tolerance);
		if (Status) {
			FErrorFile() << "Failed to set the optimization method." << endl;
			return NULL;
		Status = CPXsetdblparam(CPLEXenv,CPX_PARAM_EPINT, tolerance);
		if (Status) {
			FErrorFile() << "Failed to set the optimization method." << endl;
			return NULL;
		//Deactivates all messages from MIP solver
		Status = CPXchgprobtype(CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel, CPXPROB_MILP);
		Status = CPXmipopt (CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel);
	} else if(ProbType == QP) {
		Status = CPXqpopt (CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel);
	if (Status ) {
		cout << "Failed to optimize LP." << endl;
		return NULL;
	int Temp = CPXgetstat (CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel);
	NewSolution = new OptSolutionData;
	if (Temp == CPX_STAT_UNBOUNDED) {
		cout << "Model is unbounded" << endl;
		FErrorFile() << "Model is unbounded" << endl;
		NewSolution->Status = UNBOUNDED;
		return NewSolution;
	} else if (Temp == CPX_STAT_INFEASIBLE) {
		cout << "Model is infeasible" << endl;
		FErrorFile() << "Model is infeasible" << endl;
		NewSolution->Status = INFEASIBLE;
		return NewSolution;
	} else if (Temp == CPX_STAT_INForUNBD ) {
		cout << "Model is infeasible or unbounded" << endl;
		FErrorFile() << "Model is infeasible or unbounded" << endl;
		NewSolution->Status = INFEASIBLE;
		return NewSolution;
	} else {
		NewSolution->Status = SUCCESS;

	int NumberColumns = CPXgetnumcols (CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel);
	int NumberRows = CPXgetnumrows (CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel);
	NewSolution->NumVariables = NumberColumns;

	double* x = new double[NumberColumns];
	if (ProbType == MILP || ProbType == MIQP) {
		Status = CPXgetmipobjval (CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel, &(NewSolution->Objective));
		Status = CPXgetmipx (CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel, x, 0, NumberColumns-1);
	} else {
		Status = CPXsolution(CPLEXenv,CPLEXModel,NULL,&(NewSolution->Objective),x,NULL,NULL,NULL);
	if ( Status ) {
		cout << "Failed to obtain objective value." << endl;
		delete [] x;
		NewSolution->Status = INFEASIBLE;
		return NewSolution;

	cout << "Objective value: " << NewSolution->Objective << endl;
	string* StrNames = new string[NumberColumns];
	char** Names = new char*[NumberColumns];
	char* NameStore = new char[7*NumberColumns];
	int Surplus = 0;

	Status = CPXgetcolname(CPLEXenv, CPLEXModel, Names, NameStore, 7*NumberColumns, &Surplus, 0, NumberColumns-1);
	if (Status) {
		FErrorFile() << "Failed to get column names." << endl;
		delete [] StrNames;
		delete [] Names;
		delete [] NameStore;
		delete [] x;
		delete NewSolution;
		return NULL;
	for (int i=0; i < NumberColumns; i++) {
		//StrNames[i] = StrNames[i].substr(1, StrNames[i].length()-1);
		//NewSolution->SolutionData[atoi(StrNames[i].data())-1] = x[i];
		NewSolution->SolutionData[i] = x[i];
	delete [] StrNames;
	delete [] Names;
	delete [] NameStore;
	delete [] x;

	return NewSolution;