예제 #1
int COptoTrack::SetSensorsTransformIdx(  int nSensors, int * piTransformIdx ){

  int i, iTrans;

  if( nSensors < m_nSensorsToWrite ){
    CP_printf("\nError: wrong input number of sensors: %d", nSensors);
    CP_printf("      Should be: %d\n", m_nSensorsToWrite);
    return 1;

  // we allow input longer than actual m_nSensorsToWrite
  // it's a hack to set a single sensor transform idx
  // Matlab will not send a single number as a SAFEARRAY
  if( nSensors > m_nSensorsToWrite ){
    CP_printf("\nWarning: wrong input number of sensors: %d", nSensors);
    CP_printf("      Using first %d values.\n", m_nSensorsToWrite);

  for( i = 0; i < m_nSensorsToWrite; i++ ){
    iTrans = piTransformIdx[i]; 
    // Check transform for valid range
    if( iTrans < 0 || iTrans >= N_TRANSFORMS ){
      CP_printf("\nCannot set transform. Transfrom index out of range: %d\n", iTrans );
      return 1;

  for( i = 0; i < m_nSensorsToWrite; i++ ){
    m_atSensorState[i].iTransformIdx = piTransformIdx[i];
  return 0;
예제 #2
int CSerialThread::m_InitSerialThread( ){

  int iRet;

  if( m_hSerialThread ) {
    CP_printf("Error in m_InitSerialThread()! Thread is already running.\n");
    return 1;

  // Init sliding buffer
  SetBuffer(sizeof(IScanData), ISCAN_BUFFER_SIZE);
  CP_printf("Connecting to %s port\n", x_aszComNames[ m_iComPortIdx-1]);
  iRet = m_Serial.connect(x_aszComNames[ m_iComPortIdx-1], m_iBaudRate, m_iSerialParity);
  if(iRet) {
    CP_printf("Error in m_InitSerialThread, m_Serial.connect() failed\n");
    return 1;

  m_hSerialThread = CreateThread( NULL,  // pointer to security attributes
                                        0,  // initial thread stack size
                                        m_SerialThread, // pointer to thread function
                                        (LPVOID) this,  // argument for new thread
                                        0,  // no specific creation flags
                                        &m_dwThreadId ); // pointer to receive thread ID

  if( !m_hSerialThread ) {
    CP_printf("Error in m_InitSerialThread()! CreateThread() failed.\n");
    return 1;
  return 0;
예제 #3
int COptoTrack::DisconnectOpto(){

  int iSensor;
  if( !IsRunning() ) {
    CP_printf("Opto is not connected!\n");
    return 1;
  CP_printf("\nDisonnecting OptoTrak...   ");
  // Stop the thread, specify stopping time in ms (duration of 10 frames)
  if( m_StopReadingThread( int(FRAME_TIME_MS) * 10 )  > 1 ) {
    CP_printf("\nError: m_StopReadingThread() failed!\n");
    return 1;

  // release the buffers

  // Set signal level indicator to OFF
  for(iSensor =0; iSensor < N_SENSORS_MAX; iSensor++)
    m_iDistirtionLevel[iSensor]= ecSensorOff;

  CP_printf("Opto disconnected.\n");
  CP_printf("Collected %d frames.\n", m_iReadCount);
  CP_printf("Last frame index from OptotTrak:  %d\n", m_iOptoFrameIdx);
  CP_printf("Number of missed frames: %d\n", m_nMissedFrames);
  CP_printf("Number of missed times: %d\n", m_nMissedTimes);

  return 0;
예제 #4
HRESULT CP_TimeSyncClass::GetSFreq(float * pfSamplingRate ){

  hRes = g_pRPcoX->raw_GetSFreq( pfSamplingRate );

  if( hRes != S_OK ){
    CP_printf("GetSFreq() ActiveX error!\n");

  CP_printf("GetSFreq(): %f \n", * pfSamplingRate);

  return 0;
예제 #5
HRESULT CP_TimeSyncClass::GetStatus(long * piStatus){ 

  hRes = g_pRPcoX->raw_GetStatus( piStatus );

  if( hRes != S_OK ){
    CP_printf("GetStatus() ActiveX error!\n");
    return 0;

  CP_printf("GetStatus(): %d \n", * piStatus);

  return 0;
예제 #6
// 1D array of ints, dim unspecified, allow Nx1 or 1xN arrays
int g_CheckVariantArray( int * pnDim1, VARIANT vMtx, int ** ppiMtx ){
  SAFEARRAY * psaMtx;
  int nDims;
  long iDim1, iDim2;
  VARTYPE tSaType;

  psaMtx = vMtx.parray;
  *pnDim1 = 0;

  SafeArrayGetVartype( psaMtx, &tSaType );
  if( tSaType != VT_I4 ){
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array type, expecting array of ints!\n");
    return 1;

  nDims = SafeArrayGetDim( psaMtx );
  if( nDims !=2 && nDims !=1 ) {    // Allow Nx1 or 1xN arrays
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions, expecting 1xN, or Nx1 array!\n");
    return 1;
  SafeArrayGetLBound( psaMtx, 1, &iDim1 );
  if( iDim1 != 0) {
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions, expecting 1xN, or Nx1 array!\n");
    return 1;
  SafeArrayGetUBound( psaMtx, 1, &iDim1 );

  if( nDims == 2 ) {
    SafeArrayGetLBound( psaMtx, 2, &iDim2 );
    if( iDim2 != 0) {
      CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions, expecting 1xN, or Nx1 array!\n");
      return 1;
    SafeArrayGetUBound( psaMtx, 2, &iDim2 );
    iDim2 = 0;

  // stupid Matlab hack allowing any 2D array with one redundant dim
  if( (iDim2 != 0) && (iDim1 != 0)) {
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions, expecting 1xN, or Nx1 array!\n");
    return 1;

  *pnDim1 = iDim1 + iDim2 + 1;  // if we get here, one size is always zero
  SafeArrayAccessData(psaMtx, (void **) ppiMtx);  // Get data pointer

  return 0;
예제 #7
int COptoTrack::ActivateSensors(  ){
  int iErr;

  if( !IsRunning()) {
    CP_printf("Cannot activate sensors. Tracker is not active!\n");
    return 1;
  iErr = OptotrakActivateMarkers();
  if( iErr ) {
    CP_printf("Error: OptotrakActivateMarkers() failed!\n");
    return 1;

  return 0;
예제 #8
int CSerialThread::SetComPort( int iPortIdx){

  if( m_hSerialThread ) {
    CP_printf( "Error: Cannot change COM port index while COM is active.\n"); 
    return 1;
  if( iPortIdx < 1 || iPortIdx > N_COM_NAMES ){
    CP_printf( "Error: Invalid COM port index: %d\n", iPortIdx); 
    return 2;

  m_iComPortIdx = iPortIdx;

  return 0;
예제 #9
int CEyeTrack::SetComPort( int iPortIdx){

  if( IsRunning() ) {
    CP_printf( "Error: Cannot change COM port index while COM is active.\n"); 
    return 1;
  if( iPortIdx < 1 || iPortIdx > N_COM_NAMES ){
    CP_printf( "Error: Invalid COM port index: %d\n", iPortIdx); 
    return 2;

  m_iComPortIdx = iPortIdx;

  return 0;
예제 #10
int CSerialThread::m_IScanReadLoop(){
  int iErr, iItem, iReportSync;
  int aiData[N_DATA_ITEMS];  
  iReportSync = 1;  // report next sync
    iErr = m_WaitForSync( iReportSync );
    if( iErr) goto LoopExit;  // exit check
    for( iItem=0; iItem<N_DATA_ITEMS; iItem++) {
      iErr = m_ReadDataItem( &aiData[iItem]);
      if(!m_blnThreadActive) goto LoopExit;  // exit check
      if( iErr) break;
    if( iErr ) {
      iReportSync = 1;  // report next sync
    else {
      m_WriteData( aiData, N_DATA_ITEMS );
      iReportSync = 0;  // don't report next sync

  return 0;
예제 #11
int CEyeTrack::CmdStart(){


  return 0;
예제 #12
// wait for 2 sync chars in a row
int CSerialThread::m_WaitForSync( int iReportSync ){
  char chIn;
  int nChars, nRead, nTimeouts;

  nChars = 0;
  nTimeouts = 0;
  while( TRUE ) {
    // wait for the first header byte  
    do { 
      chIn = 0;  // in case of time-out, chIn is not changed
      nRead = m_Serial.getArray( &chIn, 1 );
      if(!m_blnThreadActive) return 1;  // exit check
      if( nRead == 0)  nTimeouts++;
      nChars += nRead;
    } while( chIn != HEADER_CHAR);
    // get next char and check if it's header
    chIn = 0;  // in case of time-out, chIn is not changed
    nRead = m_Serial.getArray( &chIn, 1 );
    if(!m_blnThreadActive) return 1;  // exit check
    nChars += nRead;
    if( nRead == 0)  nTimeouts++;
    if( (nRead == 1) && (chIn == HEADER_CHAR)) {
      if( iReportSync) {   
        CP_printf("\nFound serial sync:    %d chars,     %d timeouts \n", nChars, nTimeouts);
      return 0;   // got 2 sync chars in a row

  return 0;  // not used
예제 #13
int CEyeTrack::CmdStop(){


  return 0;
예제 #14
int CTDT_Stream::SetArmedState(){
  int iRet;
  UINT uiTempID;

  m_bscSampIdx= m_bscDeviceName + SZ_SAMP_COUNT;
  m_bscBuff= m_bscDeviceName + SZ_BUF_DATA;
  m_bscBufIdx =  m_bscDeviceName + SZ_BUF_IDX;

  // do nothing if not in idle state
  if(m_iState != ecStateIdle) {
    CP_printf("Cannot set armed state - the system is not in the idle state!\n");
    return 1;
  // Create file
  uiTempID = GetTempFileName( 
                 (char *)m_bscFilePath,  // directory name
                 "TS_",  // file name prefix
                  0,     // generate suffix from time
                  m_szTmpFname );   // file name buffer

  if( uiTempID == 0 ){
     CP_printf("Error in SetArmedState, GetTempFileName() failed.\n\
Make sure that the output directory exists:\n    %s \n", (char *)m_bscFilePath);
     return 1;
예제 #15
HRESULT CP_TimeSyncClass::ClearCOF( long * piResult ){ 

  hRes = g_pRPcoX->raw_ClearCOF(piResult);

  if( hRes != S_OK ){
    CP_printf("ClearCOF() ActiveX error!\n");
    *piResult = 0;
  if( *piResult ) 
    CP_printf("ClearCOF() - Ok. \n");
    CP_printf("ClearCOF() failed. \n");

  return 0;
예제 #16
// 2D array of ints, both dims unspecified 
int g_CheckVariantArray( int * pnDim1, int * pnDim2, VARIANT vMtx, int ** ppiMtx ){
  SAFEARRAY * psaMtx;
  int nDims;
  long iDim;
  VARTYPE tSaType;

  psaMtx = vMtx.parray;
  *pnDim1 = 0;
  *pnDim2 = 0;

  if( vMtx.vt != (VT_ARRAY|VT_I4)){
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong VARIANT type, expecting array of ints!\n");
    return 1;

  SafeArrayGetVartype( psaMtx, &tSaType );
  if( tSaType != VT_I4 ){
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array type, expecting array of 4-byte integers!\n");
    return 1;

  nDims = SafeArrayGetDim( psaMtx );
  if( nDims !=2 ) {
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions\n" );
    return 1;
  SafeArrayGetLBound( psaMtx, 1, &iDim );
  if( iDim != 0) {
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions!\n" );
    return 1;
  SafeArrayGetLBound( psaMtx, 2, &iDim );
  if( iDim != 0) {
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions\n" );
    return 1;
  SafeArrayGetUBound( psaMtx, 1, &iDim );
  iDim++;   // we return the size, which is upperbound +1
  * pnDim1 = iDim; 
  SafeArrayGetUBound( psaMtx, 2, &iDim );
  iDim++;   // we return the size, which is upperbound +1
  * pnDim2 = iDim; 
  SafeArrayAccessData(psaMtx, (void **) ppiMtx);  // Get data pointer

  return 0;
예제 #17
HRESULT CP_TimeSyncClass::ReadCOF(BSTR bstFileName, long * piResult ){ 

  hRes = g_pRPcoX->raw_ReadCOF( bstFileName, piResult);

  if( hRes != S_OK ){
    CP_printf("ReadCOF() ActiveX error!\n");
    *piResult = 0;

  if( *piResult ) 
    CP_printf("ReadCOF() - Ok. \n");
    CP_printf("ReadCOF() failed. \n");

  return 0;
예제 #18
int CEyeTrack::DisconnectISCAN(){
//  HRESULT hRet;

  m_CloseSerialThread( );

  return 0;
예제 #19
int CReadingThread::m_StopReadingThread() {

    if( m_hReadingThread == NULL ) {
        CP_printf("\nError in m_StopReadingThread()! Thread is not running.\n");
        return 1;
    //Terminate thread
    m_blnThreadActive = false;
    Sleep( m_nSleepMs ); // Wait for the thread to finish

    if( m_hReadingThread != NULL ) {
        CP_printf("\nError in m_StopReadingThread()! Thread is still running.\n");
        return 1;

    return 0;
예제 #20
int CTimeSync::DisconnectServer(){

//  hRet = m_pTDev->raw_CloseConnection( );
  CP_printf("Disconnected from TDT server\n");

  m_iState = ecInitialized;
  return 0;
예제 #21
HRESULT CP_TimeSyncClass::ConnectRX5(BSTR bstInterfaceType, long iDevIdx,
                                     long * piResult){ 

  hRes = g_pRPcoX->raw_ConnectRX5(bstInterfaceType, iDevIdx, piResult);

  if( hRes != S_OK ){
    CP_printf("ConnectRX5() ActiveX error!\n");
    *piResult = 0;

  if( *piResult ) 
    CP_printf("ConnectRX5() - Ok. \n");
    CP_printf("ConnectRX5() failed. \n");

  return 0;
예제 #22
int g_StopFrameCounter(){
  if( !x_iPortIO_Granted ) return 1;
  if( !x_iCounterStarted ) return 2;
  Sleep(20);  // enough to finish 60Hz frames
  CP_printf("Frame counter stopped. Total N frames = %d\n", x_GetFrameCount() );
  x_iCounterStarted = 0;
  return 0;
예제 #23
int CSerialThread::SetBaudRate( int iRate ){
  int i;

  if( m_hSerialThread ) {
    CP_printf( "Error: Cannot change COM port baud rate while COM is active.\n"); 
    return 1;
  // Check if the baud rate is valid
  for(i=0; i<N_BAUD_RATES; i++) {
    if ( x_aiStdBaudRates[i] == iRate) goto ExitSuccess;
  CP_printf( "Error: Invalid COM port baud rate: %d\n", iRate); 
  return 3;

  m_iBaudRate = iRate;
  return 0;
예제 #24
// 2D array of doubles, second dim unspecified 
int g_CheckVariantArray( int nDim1, int * pnDim2, VARIANT vMtx, double ** ppdMtx ){
  SAFEARRAY * psaMtx;
  int nDims;
  long iDim;
  VARTYPE tSaType;

  psaMtx = vMtx.parray;
  *pnDim2 = 0;

  SafeArrayGetVartype( psaMtx, &tSaType );
  if( tSaType != VT_R8 ){
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array type, expecting array of doubles!\n");
    return 1;

  nDims = SafeArrayGetDim( psaMtx );
  if( nDims !=2 ) {
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong number of dimensions, expecting 2D array!\n" );
    return 1;
  SafeArrayGetLBound( psaMtx, 1, &iDim );
  if( iDim != 0) {
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions, expecting %dxN array!\n", nDim1 );
    return 1;
  SafeArrayGetUBound( psaMtx, 1, &iDim );
  if( iDim+1 != nDim1) {
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions, expecting %dxN array!\n", nDim1 );
    return 1;
  SafeArrayGetLBound( psaMtx, 2, &iDim );
  if( iDim != 0) {
    CP_printf("\ng_CheckVariantArray(): wrong array dimensions, expecting %dxN array!\n", nDim1 );
    return 1;
  SafeArrayGetUBound( psaMtx, 2, &iDim );
  iDim++;   // we return the size, which is upperbound +1
  * pnDim2 = iDim; 
  SafeArrayAccessData(psaMtx, (void **) ppdMtx);  // Get data pointer

  return 0;
예제 #25
int CTimeSync::ConnectServer(  ){
  long lRes;
  //TODO: Check for success
//  hRet = m_pTDev->raw_ConnectServer( m_bscServerName, &lRes );
  //TODO: Check for valid device name here 
//  hRet = m_pTDev->raw_GetDeviceStatus( m_bscDeviceName, &lRes );
  CP_printf("Connected to TDT server: %s\n", (char *) m_bscServerName);
  m_iState = ecStateIdle;
  return 0;
예제 #26
HRESULT CP_TimeSyncClass::GetTagVal(BSTR bstTag, float * pfVal ){

  hRes = g_pRPcoX->raw_GetTagVal( bstTag, pfVal );

  if( hRes != S_OK ){
    CP_printf("GetTagVal() ActiveX error!\n");

  return 0;
예제 #27
int g_Test() {
    HRESULT hRes;
    _bstr_t bscTmp;
    long iRes;

    bscTmp = "GB";  // "USB" or "GB"
    hRes = g_pRPcoX->raw_ConnectRP2(bscTmp, 1, &iRes);

    if( hRes != S_OK ) {
        CP_printf("ConnectRP2() ActiveX error!\n");
        return 0;

    if( iRes )
        CP_printf("ConnectRP2() successful. \n");
        CP_printf("ConnectRP2() failed. \n");

    return 0;
예제 #28
// item is a short (2 bytes)
int CSerialThread::m_ReadDataItem( int * piItem ){
  int nRead;
  short shtItem;
  *piItem = 0;

  nRead = m_Serial.getArray( (char *)&shtItem, sizeof(shtItem) );
  if(!m_blnThreadActive) return 1;  // exit check
  if( nRead != sizeof(shtItem)) {
    CP_printf("\nTimeout in  m_ReadDataItem()\n");
    return 2;
  if(shtItem == HEADER_SHORT) {
    CP_printf("\nData length mismatch in m_ReadDataItem()\n");
    return 3;   // actuall number of items is shorter?
  *piItem = shtItem;

  return 0;
예제 #29
HRESULT CP_TimeSyncClass::SetTagVal(BSTR bstTag, float fVal, 
                                    long * piResult){ 

  hRes = g_pRPcoX->raw_SetTagVal( bstTag, fVal, piResult );

  if( hRes != S_OK ){
    CP_printf("SetTagVal() ActiveX error!\n");

  return 0;
예제 #30
int COptoTrack::ShutdownFunc( ){
  int iErr;

  // Shutdown the transputer message passing system.
  iErr = TransputerShutdownSystem();
  if( iErr ) {
    CP_printf("\nTransputerShutdownSystem() Failed!\n");
    return 1;

  return 0;