static void decrypt(struct trad_pkware *ctx, zip_uint8_t *out, const zip_uint8_t *in, zip_uint64_t len, int update_only) { zip_uint16_t tmp; zip_uint64_t i; Bytef b; for (i=0; i<len; i++) { b = in[i]; if (!update_only) { /* decrypt next byte */ tmp = ctx->key[2] | 2; tmp = (tmp * (tmp ^ 1)) >> 8; b ^= tmp; } /* store cleartext */ if (out) out[i] = b; /* update keys */ ctx->key[0] = CRC32(ctx->key[0], b); ctx->key[1] = (ctx->key[1] + (ctx->key[0] & 0xff)) * 134775813 + 1; b = ctx->key[1] >> 24; ctx->key[2] = CRC32(ctx->key[2], b); }
int RageFileObj::Read( void *pBuffer, size_t iBytes ) { int ret = 0; while( !m_bEOF && iBytes > 0 ) { if( m_pReadBuffer != NULL && m_iReadBufAvail ) { /* Copy data out of the buffer first. */ int iFromBuffer = min( (int) iBytes, m_iReadBufAvail ); memcpy( pBuffer, m_pReadBuf, iFromBuffer ); if( m_bCRC32Enabled ) CRC32( m_iCRC32, pBuffer, iFromBuffer ); ret += iFromBuffer; m_iFilePos += iFromBuffer; iBytes -= iFromBuffer; m_iReadBufAvail -= iFromBuffer; m_pReadBuf += iFromBuffer; pBuffer = (char *) pBuffer + iFromBuffer; } if( !iBytes ) break; ASSERT( m_iReadBufAvail == 0 ); /* If buffering is disabled, or the block is bigger than the buffer, * read the remainder of the data directly into the desteination buffer. */ if( m_pReadBuffer == NULL || iBytes >= BSIZE ) { /* We have a lot more to read, so don't waste time copying it into the * buffer. */ int iFromFile = this->ReadInternal( pBuffer, iBytes ); if( iFromFile == -1 ) return -1; if( iFromFile == 0 ) m_bEOF = true; if( m_bCRC32Enabled ) CRC32( m_iCRC32, pBuffer, iFromFile ); ret += iFromFile; m_iFilePos += iFromFile; return ret; } /* If buffering is enabled, and we need more data, fill the buffer. */ m_pReadBuf = m_pReadBuffer; int got = FillReadBuf(); if( got == -1 ) return got; if( got == 0 ) m_bEOF = true; } return ret; }
static int ZipUpdateKeys(unsigned long* pkeys, const unsigned long* crc32tab, int c) { (*(pkeys + 0)) = CRC32((*(pkeys + 0)), c); (*(pkeys + 1)) += (*(pkeys + 0)) & 0xff; (*(pkeys + 1)) = (*(pkeys + 1)) * 134775813L + 1; { register int keyshift = (int)((*(pkeys + 1)) >> 24); (*(pkeys + 2)) = CRC32((*(pkeys + 2)), keyshift); } return c; }
uint RecVolumes5::ReadHeader(File *RecFile,bool FirstRev) { const size_t FirstReadSize=REV5_SIGN_SIZE+8; byte ShortBuf[FirstReadSize]; if (RecFile->Read(ShortBuf,FirstReadSize)!=FirstReadSize) return 0; if (memcmp(ShortBuf,REV5_SIGN,REV5_SIGN_SIZE)!=0) return 0; uint HeaderSize=RawGet4(ShortBuf+REV5_SIGN_SIZE+4); if (HeaderSize>0x100000 || HeaderSize<=5) return 0; uint BlockCRC=RawGet4(ShortBuf+REV5_SIGN_SIZE); RawRead Raw(RecFile); if (Raw.Read(HeaderSize)!=HeaderSize) return 0; // Calculate CRC32 of entire header including 4 byte size field. uint CalcCRC=CRC32(0xffffffff,ShortBuf+REV5_SIGN_SIZE+4,4); if ((CRC32(CalcCRC,Raw.GetDataPtr(),HeaderSize)^0xffffffff)!=BlockCRC) return 0; if (Raw.Get1()!=1) // Version check. return 0; DataCount=Raw.Get2(); RecCount=Raw.Get2(); TotalCount=DataCount+RecCount; uint RecNum=Raw.Get2(); // Number of recovery volume. if (RecNum>=TotalCount || TotalCount>MaxVolumes) return 0; uint RevCRC=Raw.Get4(); // CRC of current REV volume. if (FirstRev) { // If we have read the first valid REV file, init data structures // using information from REV header. size_t CurSize=RecItems.Size(); RecItems.Alloc(TotalCount); for (size_t I=CurSize;I<TotalCount;I++) RecItems[I].f=NULL; for (uint I=0;I<DataCount;I++) { RecItems[I].FileSize=Raw.Get8(); RecItems[I].CRC=Raw.Get4(); } } RecItems[RecNum].CRC=RevCRC; // Assign it here, after allocating RecItems. return RecNum; }
char *ZzipData(char *image_type, char *data, size_t *length, char **extra_headers) { // zzip the data without the compression: unsigned int rounded_length = *length; char *buffer = malloc(*length+1024); if (!buffer) return NULL; char *data2 = malloc(*length+8); if (!data2) { free(buffer); return NULL; } char *key = getenv("ZZIP_KEY"); char key_index = -1; uint32_t plaintextCRC; uint32_t plaintextChecksum; if (key) { key_index = strtoul(key, NULL, 10); key += 3; plaintextCRC = CRC32(0, data, *length); // Blowfish (at least our implementation) requires the input to be on an 8 byte // boundary. Otherwise when we decrypt we will get garbled data on the last little bit. if (rounded_length % 8 != 0) rounded_length += 8 - rounded_length % 8; memset(data2, 0, rounded_length); memcpy(data2, data, *length); plaintextChecksum = Checksum((uint8_t*)data2,rounded_length); data = data2; BlowfishContext context; Blowfish_Init(&context,(uint8_t*)key,strlen(key)); Blowfish_Encrypt_Buffer(&context, (unsigned long*)data, rounded_length); } int o = 0; o += sprintf(buffer+o,"zzip version 1.0 (1394 %s)\n","1.0"); o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Compressed Length = 0x%08X\n",rounded_length); // should really be called "encrypted length" (only on encryption) because it's rounded up. o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Uncompressed Length = 0x%08X\n",*length); o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Checksum = 0x%08lX\n",Checksum((uint8_t*)data,rounded_length)); o += sprintf(buffer+o,"CRC = 0x%08lX\n",(unsigned long)CRC32(0, (uint8_t*)data, rounded_length)); o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Compression = none\n"); o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Image Type = %s\n", image_type); if (key) { o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Unencrypted Length = 0x%08X\n",*length); // Should really be called "compressed length" because it's not rounded o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Encryption = blowfish\n"); o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Encryption Key = %d\n",key_index); o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Plaintext Checksum = 0x%08X\n",plaintextChecksum); o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Plaintext CRC = 0x%08X\n",plaintextCRC); } while(extra_headers && *extra_headers) o += sprintf(buffer+o, "%s\n", *extra_headers++); time_t t = time(&t); o += sprintf(buffer+o,"Date = %s",ctime(&t)); memcpy(buffer+o+1, data, rounded_length); // Boy that was tough. free(data2); *length = o+1+rounded_length; return buffer; }
uint RawRead::GetCRC15(bool ProcessedOnly) // RAR 1.5 block CRC. { if (DataSize<=2) return 0; uint HeaderCRC=CRC32(0xffffffff,&Data[2],(ProcessedOnly ? ReadPos:DataSize)-2); return ~HeaderCRC & 0xffff; }
void RarVM::Prepare(byte *Code,uint CodeSize,VM_PreparedProgram *Prg) { // Calculate the single byte XOR checksum to check validity of VM code. byte XorSum=0; for (uint I=1;I<CodeSize;I++) XorSum^=Code[I]; if (XorSum!=Code[0]) return; struct StandardFilters { uint Length; uint CRC; VM_StandardFilters Type; } static StdList[]={ 53, 0xad576887, VMSF_E8, 57, 0x3cd7e57e, VMSF_E8E9, 120, 0x3769893f, VMSF_ITANIUM, 29, 0x0e06077d, VMSF_DELTA, 149, 0x1c2c5dc8, VMSF_RGB, 216, 0xbc85e701, VMSF_AUDIO }; uint CodeCRC=CRC32(0xffffffff,Code,CodeSize)^0xffffffff; for (uint I=0;I<ASIZE(StdList);I++) if (StdList[I].CRC==CodeCRC && StdList[I].Length==CodeSize) { Prg->Type=StdList[I].Type; break; } }
Evt_MoveData::Evt_MoveData(int16_t px, int16_t py, std::string pName): x(px), y(py), name(pName) { ID = CRC32(name.c_str(), name.length()); }
bool LoadFile(char* filename) { bool result=true; unsigned long size; result &= ReadFile(filename,pBufferforLoadedFile, &size, g_ucFill); g_uiFileChecksum=CRC32(pBufferforLoadedFile,g_ulFileSize); return result; }
uint32 CRC32(const unsigned char* str, uint64 len) { uint32 ulCRC = 0xFFFFFFFF; //Initilaize the CRC. for (uint64 x=0; x<len; x++) ulCRC = CRC32(str[x], ulCRC); return ~ulCRC; //Finalize the CRC and return.; }
static unsigned int mmc_hash_crc32_combine(unsigned int seed, const void *key, unsigned int key_len) /* CRC32 hash {{{ */ { const char *p = (const char *)key, *end = p + key_len; while (p < end) { CRC32(seed, *(p++)); } return seed; }
/* ValidateBuffer * run checksum validation on buffer data * * "buffer" [ IN ] - returned blob buffer from ReadAll * * "cs_data" [ IN ] and "cs_data_size" [ IN ] - returned checksum data from ReadAll */ static rc_t KColumnBlobValidateBufferCRC32 ( const void * buffer, size_t size, uint32_t cs ) { uint32_t crc32 = CRC32 ( 0, buffer, size ); if ( cs != crc32 ) return RC ( rcDB, rcBlob, rcValidating, rcBlob, rcCorrupt ); return 0; }
static int fcoe_crc_verify(fcoe_frame_t *frm) { uint32_t crc; uint8_t *crc_array = FRM2FMI(frm)->fmi_fft->fft_crc; uint32_t crc_from_frame = ~(crc_array[0] | (crc_array[1] << 8) | (crc_array[2] << 16) | (crc_array[3] << 24)); CRC32(crc, frm->frm_fc_frame, frm->frm_fc_frame_size, -1U, crc32_table); return (crc == crc_from_frame ? FCOE_SUCCESS : FCOE_FAILURE); }
unsigned int mc_hash_crc32(const char *key, int key_len) { unsigned int crc = ~0; int i; for (i = 0; i < key_len; i++) CRC32(crc, key[i]); return ~crc; }
void sector_update_tiles_checksum(int sector) { char temp[16]; int fy=(sector<<2)/tile_map_size_y<<2; int fx=(sector<<2)%tile_map_size_x; int i,j,k=0; for(i=fx;i<fx+4;i++) for(j=fy;j<fy+4;j++) temp[k++]=tile_map[(j*tile_map_size_x)+i]; sectors[sector].tiles_checksum=CRC32(temp, 16); }
static inline int GetInterfaceHash(const char *hash) { int key = 0; if ((!hash) || (strlen(hash) <= 0)) { return 0; } if ((key = (int)CRC32(0L, (void*)hash, strlen(hash))) == 0) { return 0; } return (key); }
int RageFileObj::Write( const void *pBuffer, size_t iBytes ) { int iRet = WriteInternal( pBuffer, iBytes ); if( iRet != -1 ) { m_iFilePos += iRet; if( m_bCRC32Enabled ) CRC32( m_iCRC32, pBuffer, iBytes ); } return iRet; }
void main (int argc,char **argv) { /* argc = number of parameters from DOS + 1 */ /* argv[1] is first parameter from DOS */ puts("RACDK - Test CRC-32 routine/demonstration\n "); if (argc==2) printf("The 32-bit CRC of '%s' is 0x%lx\n", argv[1], CRC32(argv[1], strlen(argv[1]))); else puts("Syntax: TESTCRC.EXE string\n"); while(!kbhit()) TimeSlice(); }
bool threadCompareFileAndChip(int Index) { bool result = true; // bool is_greater_than_5_0_0 = is_BoardVersionGreaterThan_5_0_0(Index); // if(is_greater_than_5_0_0) // SetLEDOnOff(SITE_BUSY,Index); SetIOMode(false,Index); if(g_ulFileSize==0) result = false; if( result && (!ValidateProgramParameters(Index)) ) result = false; if( result ) { ReadChip(DownloadAddrRange,Index); size_t offset = min(DownloadAddrRange.length,g_ulFileSize); unsigned int crcFile = CRC32(pBufferforLoadedFile,offset); unsigned int crcChip = CRC32(pBufferForLastReadData,offset); unsigned int i=0; #if 0 for(i=0; i<10; i++) { if(pBufferforLoadedFile[i] != pBufferForLastReadData[i]) printf("Data deferent at %X, pBufferforLoadedFile[i]=%x,pBufferForLastReadData[i]=%x\r\n",i,pBufferforLoadedFile[i],pBufferForLastReadData[i]); } #endif result = (crcChip == crcFile); } // if(is_greater_than_5_0_0) // SetLEDOnOff(result? SITE_OK:SITE_ERROR,Index); g_is_operation_successful = result; return result; }
unsigned int scws_crc32(const char *str) { unsigned int crc = ~0; unsigned char *p = (unsigned char *) str; while (*p != '\0') { CRC32(crc, *p); p++; } return ~crc; }
// encrypt string using KeyX, return encoded string as ASCII or NULL LPSTR __cdecl cpp_encrypt(pCNTX ptr, LPCSTR szPlainMsg) { ptr->error = ERROR_NONE; pSIMDATA p = (pSIMDATA)ptr->pdata; BYTE dataflag = 0; size_t slen = strlen(szPlainMsg); LPSTR szMsg; if (ptr->features & FEATURES_GZIP) { size_t clen; szMsg = (LPSTR)cpp_gzip((BYTE*)szPlainMsg, slen, clen); if (clen >= slen) { free(szMsg); szMsg = _strdup(szPlainMsg); } else { slen = clen; dataflag |= DATA_GZIP; } } else szMsg = _strdup(szPlainMsg); string ciphered; CBC_Mode<AES>::Encryption enc(p->KeyX, Tiger::DIGESTSIZE, IV); StreamTransformationFilter cbcEncryptor(enc, new StringSink(ciphered)); cbcEncryptor.Put((PBYTE)szMsg, slen); cbcEncryptor.MessageEnd(); free(szMsg); unsigned clen = (unsigned)ciphered.length(); if (ptr->features & FEATURES_CRC32) { BYTE crc32[CRC32::DIGESTSIZE]; memset(crc32, 0, sizeof(crc32)); CRC32().CalculateDigest(crc32, (BYTE*), clen); ciphered.insert(0, (LPSTR)&crc32, CRC32::DIGESTSIZE); ciphered.insert(0, (LPSTR)&clen, 2); } if (ptr->features & FEATURES_GZIP) ciphered.insert(0, (LPSTR)&dataflag, 1); clen = (unsigned)ciphered.length(); if (ptr->features & FEATURES_BASE64) replaceStr(ptr->tmp, mir_base64_encode((PBYTE), clen)); else replaceStr(ptr->tmp, base16encode(, clen)); return ptr->tmp; }
static rc_t CC refseq_meta_stats( void *self, const VXformInfo *info, int64_t row_id, VRowResult *rslt, uint32_t argc, const VRowData argv [] ) { rc_t rc = 0; KMDataNode* node; refseq_meta_stats_data* data = self; uint64_t i, seq_len = argv[0]; const INSDC_4na_bin * seq = argv[0]; seq += argv[0]; assert(data != NULL); if( data->buf_sz < seq_len ) { char* x = realloc(data->buf, seq_len); if( x == NULL ) { rc = RC(rcVDB, rcFunction, rcUpdating, rcMemory, rcExhausted); } else { data->buf = x; data->buf_sz = seq_len; } } for(i = 0; rc == 0 && i < seq_len; i++) { data->buf[i] = INSDC_4na_map_CHARSET[seq[i]]; } if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(data->stats, &node, "TOTAL_SEQ_LEN")) == 0 ) { if( data->total_seq_len + seq_len < data->total_seq_len ) { rc = RC(rcVDB, rcFunction, rcUpdating, rcMetadata, rcOutofrange); } else { data->total_seq_len += seq_len; rc = KMDataNodeWriteB64(node, &data->total_seq_len); } KMDataNodeRelease(node); } if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(data->stats, &node, "CRC32")) == 0 ) { data->crc32 = CRC32(data->crc32, data->buf, seq_len); rc = KMDataNodeWriteB32(node, &data->crc32); KMDataNodeRelease(node); } if( rc == 0 && (rc = KMDataNodeOpenNodeUpdate(data->stats, &node, "MD5")) == 0 ) { uint8_t digest[16]; MD5State md5; MD5StateAppend(&data->md5, data->buf, seq_len); memcpy(&md5, &data->md5, sizeof(md5)); MD5StateFinish(&md5, digest); rc = KMDataNodeWrite(node, digest, sizeof(digest)); KMDataNodeRelease(node); } return rc; }
int RageFileObj::Write( const void *pBuffer, size_t iBytes ) { if( m_pWriteBuffer != NULL ) { /* If the file position has moved away from the write buffer, or the * incoming data won't fit in the buffer, flush. */ if( m_iWriteBufferPos+m_iWriteBufferUsed != m_iFilePos || m_iWriteBufferUsed + (int)iBytes > m_iWriteBufferSize ) { int iRet = EmptyWriteBuf(); if( iRet == -1 ) return iRet; } if( m_iWriteBufferUsed + (int)iBytes <= m_iWriteBufferSize ) { memcpy( m_pWriteBuffer+m_iWriteBufferUsed, pBuffer, iBytes ); m_iWriteBufferUsed += iBytes; m_iFilePos += iBytes; if( m_bCRC32Enabled ) CRC32( m_iCRC32, pBuffer, iBytes ); return iBytes; } /* We're writing a lot of data, and it won't fit in the buffer. We already * flushed above, so m_iWriteBufferUsed; fall through and write the block normally. */ ASSERT_M( m_iWriteBufferUsed == 0, ssprintf("%i", m_iWriteBufferUsed) ); } int iRet = WriteInternal( pBuffer, iBytes ); if( iRet != -1 ) { m_iFilePos += iRet; if( m_bCRC32Enabled ) CRC32( m_iCRC32, pBuffer, iBytes ); } return iRet; }
int efe_m_multicst(void *arg, boolean_t add, const uint8_t *macaddr) { efe_t *efep = arg; uint32_t val; int index; int bit; boolean_t restart = B_FALSE; mutex_enter(&efep->efe_intrlock); mutex_enter(&efep->efe_txlock); if (efep->efe_flags & FLAG_SUSPENDED) { mutex_exit(&efep->efe_txlock); mutex_exit(&efep->efe_intrlock); return (0); } CRC32(val, macaddr, ETHERADDRL, -1U, crc32_table); val %= MCHASHL; index = val / MCHASHSZ; bit = 1U << (val % MCHASHSZ); if (add) { efep->efe_mccount[val]++; if (efep->efe_mccount[val] == 1) { efep->efe_mchash[index] |= bit; restart = B_TRUE; } } else { efep->efe_mccount[val]--; if (efep->efe_mccount[val] == 0) { efep->efe_mchash[index] &= ~bit; restart = B_TRUE; } } if (restart && efep->efe_flags & FLAG_RUNNING) { efe_restart(efep); } mutex_exit(&efep->efe_txlock); mutex_exit(&efep->efe_intrlock); return (0); }
int OpenMessageQueue(const char *name) { int key; int queue; if ((name == NULL) || (strlen(name) <= 0)) return -EINVAL; if ((key = (int)CRC32(0L, (void*)name, strlen(name))) == 0) return -EINVAL; if ((queue = msgget((key_t)key, 0)) < 0) return -errno; return queue; }
bool Buffer_LoadFile( TBuffer * buf, const char * fileName, unsigned int * crc32 ) { FILE * file = fopen( fileName, "rb" ); if( !file ) { return false; }; fseek( file, 0, SEEK_END ); buf->size = ftell( file ); fseek( file, 0, SEEK_SET ); buf->data = Memory_Allocate( buf->size ); fread( buf->data, buf->size, 1, file ); if( crc32 ) { *crc32 = CRC32( 0, buf->data, buf->size ); } buf->pointer = 0; buf->file = NULL; fclose( file ); return true; }
/* KColumnBlobValidate * runs checksum validation on unmodified blob */ static rc_t KColumnBlobValidateCRC32 ( const KColumnBlob *self ) { rc_t rc; const KColumn *col = self -> col; uint8_t buffer [ 8 * 1024 ]; size_t to_read, num_read, total, size; uint32_t cs, crc32 = 0; /* calculate checksum */ for ( size = self -> loc . u . blob . size, total = 0; total < size; total += num_read ) { to_read = size - total; if ( to_read > sizeof buffer ) to_read = sizeof buffer; rc = KColumnDataRead ( & col -> df, & self -> pmorig, total, buffer, to_read, & num_read ); if ( rc != 0 ) return rc; if ( num_read == 0 ) return RC ( rcDB, rcBlob, rcValidating, rcTransfer, rcIncomplete ); crc32 = CRC32 ( crc32, buffer, num_read ); } /* read stored checksum */ rc = KColumnDataRead ( & col -> df, & self -> pmorig, size, & cs, sizeof cs, & num_read ); if ( rc != 0 ) return rc; if ( num_read != sizeof cs ) return RC ( rcDB, rcBlob, rcValidating, rcTransfer, rcIncomplete ); if ( self -> bswap ) cs = bswap_32 ( cs ); if ( cs != crc32 ) return RC ( rcDB, rcBlob, rcValidating, rcBlob, rcCorrupt ); return 0; }
DWORD CalcFileCrc(FILE* lpFile) { const int nBuffLen = 500; BYTE cBuff[nBuffLen]; DWORD dwCRC = 0; while ( TRUE ) { size_t dwRead = fread(cBuff, 1, nBuffLen, lpFile); if ( dwRead == 0 ) { break; } dwCRC = CRC32(dwCRC, cBuff, (DWORD)dwRead); } return dwCRC; }
static int pcn_m_multicast(void *arg, boolean_t add, const uint8_t *macaddr) { pcn_t *pcnp = (pcn_t *)arg; int index; uint32_t crc; uint16_t bit; uint16_t newval, oldval; /* * PCNet uses the upper 6 bits of the CRC of the macaddr * to index into a 64bit mask */ CRC32(crc, macaddr, ETHERADDRL, -1U, crc32_table); crc >>= 26; index = crc / 16; bit = (1U << (crc % 16)); mutex_enter(&pcnp->pcn_intrlock); mutex_enter(&pcnp->pcn_xmtlock); newval = oldval = pcnp->pcn_mctab[index]; if (add) { pcnp->pcn_mccount[crc]++; if (pcnp->pcn_mccount[crc] == 1) newval |= bit; } else { pcnp->pcn_mccount[crc]--; if (pcnp->pcn_mccount[crc] == 0) newval &= ~bit; } if (newval != oldval) { pcnp->pcn_mctab[index] = newval; pcn_suspend(pcnp); pcn_csr_write(pcnp, PCN_CSR_MAR0 + index, newval); pcn_resume(pcnp); } mutex_exit(&pcnp->pcn_xmtlock); mutex_exit(&pcnp->pcn_intrlock); return (0); }
void DataHash::Update(const void *Data,size_t DataSize) { #ifndef SFX_MODULE if (HashType==HASH_RAR14) CurCRC32=Checksum14((ushort)CurCRC32,Data,DataSize); #endif if (HashType==HASH_CRC32) CurCRC32=CRC32(CurCRC32,Data,DataSize); if (HashType==HASH_BLAKE2) { #ifdef RAR_SMP if (MaxThreads>1 && ThPool==NULL) ThPool=CreateThreadPool(); blake2ctx.ThPool=ThPool; blake2ctx.MaxThreads=MaxThreads; #endif blake2sp_update( &blake2ctx, (byte *)Data, DataSize); } }