예제 #1
static int msContourLayerReadRaster(layerObj *layer, rectObj rect)
  mapObj *map = layer->map;  
  char **bands;
  char pointer[64], memDSPointer[128];
  int band = 1;
  double adfGeoTransform[6], adfInvGeoTransform[6];
  double llx, lly, urx, ury;  
  rectObj copyRect, mapRect;
  int dst_xsize, dst_ysize;
  int virtual_grid_step_x, virtual_grid_step_y;
  int src_xoff, src_yoff, src_xsize, src_ysize;  
  double map_cellsize_x, map_cellsize_y, dst_cellsize_x, dst_cellsize_y;
  GDALRasterBandH hBand = NULL;
  CPLErr eErr;
  contourLayerInfo *clinfo = (contourLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("Entering msContourLayerReadRaster().\n");

  if (clinfo == NULL || clinfo->hOrigDS == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Assertion failed: Contour layer not opened!!!",
    return MS_FAILURE;    

  bands = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(
               CSLFetchNameValue(layer->processing,"BANDS"), " ,", FALSE, FALSE );
  if (CSLCount(bands) > 0) {
    band = atoi(bands[0]);
    if (band < 1 || band > GDALGetRasterCount(clinfo->hOrigDS)) {
      msSetError( MS_IMGERR,
                  "BANDS PROCESSING directive includes illegal band '%d', should be from 1 to %d.",
                  band, GDALGetRasterCount(clinfo->hOrigDS));
      return MS_FAILURE;

  hBand = GDALGetRasterBand(clinfo->hOrigDS, band);
  if (hBand == NULL)
               "Band %d does not exist on dataset.",
               "msContourLayerReadRaster()", band);
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (layer->projection.numargs > 0 &&
      EQUAL(layer->projection.args[0], "auto")) {
    const char *wkt;
    wkt = GDALGetProjectionRef(clinfo->hOrigDS);
    if (wkt != NULL && strlen(wkt) > 0) {
      if (msOGCWKT2ProjectionObj(wkt, &(layer->projection),
                                 layer->debug) != MS_SUCCESS) {
        char  msg[MESSAGELENGTH*2];
        errorObj *ms_error = msGetErrorObj();

        snprintf( msg, sizeof(msg),
                  "PROJECTION AUTO cannot be used for this "
                  "GDAL raster (`%s').",
                  ms_error->message, layer->data);
        msg[MESSAGELENGTH-1] = '\0';

        msSetError(MS_OGRERR, "%s","msDrawRasterLayer()",
        return MS_FAILURE;
   * Compute the georeferenced window of overlap, and read the source data
   * downsampled to match output resolution, or at full resolution if
   * output resolution is lower than the source resolution.
   * A large portion of this overlap calculation code was borrowed from 
   * msDrawRasterLayerGDAL(). 
   * Would be possible to move some of this to a reusable function?
   * Note: This code works only if no reprojection is involved. It would
   * need rework to support cases where output projection differs from source
   * data file projection.
  src_xsize = GDALGetRasterXSize(clinfo->hOrigDS);
  src_ysize = GDALGetRasterYSize(clinfo->hOrigDS);

  /* set the Dataset extent */
  msGetGDALGeoTransform(clinfo->hOrigDS, map, layer, adfGeoTransform);  
  clinfo->extent.minx = adfGeoTransform[0];
  clinfo->extent.maxy = adfGeoTransform[3];
  clinfo->extent.maxx = adfGeoTransform[0] + src_xsize * adfGeoTransform[1];
  clinfo->extent.miny = adfGeoTransform[3] + src_ysize * adfGeoTransform[5];
  if (layer->transform) {
    if (layer->debug)
      msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): Entering transform.\n");

    InvGeoTransform(adfGeoTransform, adfInvGeoTransform);

    mapRect = rect;
    map_cellsize_x = map_cellsize_y = map->cellsize;      
#ifdef USE_PROJ
    /* if necessary, project the searchrect to source coords */
    if (msProjectionsDiffer( &(map->projection), &(layer->projection)))  {
      if ( msProjectRect(&map->projection, &layer->projection, &mapRect)
          != MS_SUCCESS ) {
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(%s): unable to reproject map request rectangle into layer projection, canceling.\n", layer->name);
        return MS_FAILURE;

      map_cellsize_x = MS_CELLSIZE(mapRect.minx, mapRect.maxx, map->width);
      map_cellsize_y = MS_CELLSIZE(mapRect.miny, mapRect.maxy, map->height);

      /* if the projection failed to project the extent requested, we need to
         calculate the cellsize to preserve the initial map cellsize ratio */
      if ( (mapRect.minx < GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,0,src_ysize)) ||
           (mapRect.maxx > GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,src_xsize,0)) ||
           (mapRect.miny < GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_ysize)) || 
           (mapRect.maxy > GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,src_xsize,0)) ) {

        int src_unit, dst_unit;
        src_unit = GetMapserverUnitUsingProj(&map->projection);
        dst_unit = GetMapserverUnitUsingProj(&layer->projection);
        if (src_unit == -1 || dst_unit == -1) {
          msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(%s): unable to reproject map request rectangle into layer projection, canceling.\n", layer->name);
          return MS_FAILURE;

        map_cellsize_x =  MS_CONVERT_UNIT(src_unit, dst_unit,
                                          MS_CELLSIZE(rect.minx, rect.maxx, map->width)); 
        map_cellsize_y = MS_CONVERT_UNIT(src_unit, dst_unit,
                                         MS_CELLSIZE(rect.miny, rect.maxy, map->height));
    if (map_cellsize_x == 0 || map_cellsize_y == 0) {
      if (layer->debug)
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): Cellsize can't be 0.\n");
      return MS_FAILURE;
    /* Adjust MapServer pixel model to GDAL pixel model */
    mapRect.minx -= map_cellsize_x*0.5;
    mapRect.maxx += map_cellsize_x*0.5;
    mapRect.miny -= map_cellsize_y*0.5;
    mapRect.maxy += map_cellsize_y*0.5;

     * If raw data cellsize (from geotransform) is larger than output map_cellsize
     * then we want to extract only enough data to match the output map resolution
     * which means that GDAL will automatically sample the data on read.
     * To prevent bad contour effects on tile edges, we adjust the target cellsize 
     * to align the extracted window with a virtual grid based on the origin of the 
     * raw data and a virtual grid step size corresponding to an integer sampling step.
     * If source data has a greater cellsize (i.e. lower res) that requested ouptut map
     * then we use the raw data cellsize as target cellsize since there is no point in 
     * interpolating the data for contours in this case.

    virtual_grid_step_x = (int)floor(map_cellsize_x / ABS(adfGeoTransform[1]));
    if (virtual_grid_step_x < 1)
      virtual_grid_step_x = 1; /* Do not interpolate data if grid sampling step < 1 */

    virtual_grid_step_y = (int)floor(map_cellsize_y / ABS(adfGeoTransform[5]));
    if (virtual_grid_step_y < 1)
      virtual_grid_step_y = 1; /* Do not interpolate data if grid sampling step < 1 */
    /* target cellsize is a multiple of raw data cellsize based on grid step*/
    dst_cellsize_x = ABS(adfGeoTransform[1]) * virtual_grid_step_x;
    dst_cellsize_y = ABS(adfGeoTransform[5]) * virtual_grid_step_y;

    /* Compute overlap between source and target views */

    copyRect = mapRect;

    if (copyRect.minx < GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,0,src_ysize))
      copyRect.minx = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,0,src_ysize);
    if (copyRect.maxx > GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,src_xsize,0))
      copyRect.maxx = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform,src_xsize,0);
    if (copyRect.miny < GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_ysize))
      copyRect.miny = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_ysize);
    if (copyRect.maxy > GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,src_xsize,0))
      copyRect.maxy = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,src_xsize,0);
    if (copyRect.minx >= copyRect.maxx || copyRect.miny >= copyRect.maxy) {
      if (layer->debug)
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): No overlap.\n");
      return MS_SUCCESS;

     * Convert extraction window to raster coordinates
    llx = GEO_TRANS(adfInvGeoTransform+0,copyRect.minx,copyRect.miny);
    lly = GEO_TRANS(adfInvGeoTransform+3,copyRect.minx,copyRect.miny);
    urx = GEO_TRANS(adfInvGeoTransform+0,copyRect.maxx,copyRect.maxy);
    ury = GEO_TRANS(adfInvGeoTransform+3,copyRect.maxx,copyRect.maxy);

     * Align extraction window with virtual grid 
     * (keep in mind raster coordinates origin is at upper-left)
     * We also add an extra buffer to fix tile boundarie issues when zoomed
    llx = floor(llx / virtual_grid_step_x) * virtual_grid_step_x - (virtual_grid_step_x*5);
    urx = ceil(urx / virtual_grid_step_x) * virtual_grid_step_x + (virtual_grid_step_x*5);
    ury = floor(ury / virtual_grid_step_y) * virtual_grid_step_y - (virtual_grid_step_x*5);
    lly = ceil(lly / virtual_grid_step_y) * virtual_grid_step_y + (virtual_grid_step_x*5);
    src_xoff = MS_MAX(0,(int) floor(llx+0.5));
    src_yoff = MS_MAX(0,(int) floor(ury+0.5));
    src_xsize = MS_MIN(MS_MAX(0,(int) (urx - llx + 0.5)),
                    GDALGetRasterXSize(clinfo->hOrigDS) - src_xoff);
    src_ysize = MS_MIN(MS_MAX(0,(int) (lly - ury + 0.5)),
                    GDALGetRasterYSize(clinfo->hOrigDS) - src_yoff);

    /* Update the geographic extent (buffer added) */
    /* TODO: a better way to go the geo_trans */
    copyRect.minx = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+0,src_xoff,0);
    copyRect.maxx = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+0,src_xoff+src_xsize,0);
    copyRect.miny = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_yoff+src_ysize);
    copyRect.maxy = GEO_TRANS(adfGeoTransform+3,0,src_yoff);
     * If input window is to small then stop here
    if (src_xsize < 2 || src_ysize < 2)
      if (layer->debug)
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): input window too small, or no apparent overlap between map view and this window(1).\n");
      return MS_SUCCESS;

    /* Target buffer size */
    dst_xsize = (int)ceil((copyRect.maxx - copyRect.minx) / dst_cellsize_x);
    dst_ysize = (int)ceil((copyRect.maxy - copyRect.miny) / dst_cellsize_y);

    if (dst_xsize == 0 || dst_ysize == 0) {
      if (layer->debug)
        msDebug("msContourLayerReadRaster(): no apparent overlap between map view and this window(2).\n");
      return MS_SUCCESS;

    if (layer->debug)
      msDebug( "msContourLayerReadRaster(): src=%d,%d,%d,%d, dst=%d,%d,%d,%d\n",
               src_xoff, src_yoff, src_xsize, src_ysize,
               0, 0, dst_xsize, dst_ysize );
  } else {
    src_xoff = 0;
    src_yoff = 0;
    dst_xsize = src_xsize = MS_MIN(map->width,src_xsize);
    dst_ysize = src_ysize = MS_MIN(map->height,src_ysize);
    copyRect.minx = copyRect.miny = 0;
    copyRect.maxx = map->width;
    copyRect.maxy = map->height;
    dst_cellsize_y = dst_cellsize_x = 1;

  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Allocate buffer, and read data into it.                         */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

  clinfo->buffer = (double *) malloc(sizeof(double) * dst_xsize * dst_ysize);
  if (clinfo->buffer == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_MEMERR, "Malloc(): Out of memory.", "msContourLayerReadRaster()");
    return MS_FAILURE;

  eErr = GDALRasterIO(hBand, GF_Read,
                      src_xoff, src_yoff, src_xsize, src_ysize,
                      clinfo->buffer, dst_xsize, dst_ysize, GDT_Float64,
                      0, 0);

  if (eErr != CE_None) {
    msSetError( MS_IOERR, "GDALRasterIO() failed: %s",
                "msContourLayerReadRaster()", CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  memset(pointer, 0, sizeof(pointer));
  CPLPrintPointer(pointer, clinfo->buffer, sizeof(pointer));
          pointer, dst_xsize, dst_ysize);
  clinfo->hDS = GDALOpen(memDSPointer,  GA_ReadOnly);
  if (clinfo->hDS == NULL) {
               "Unable to open GDAL Memory dataset.",
    return MS_FAILURE;

  adfGeoTransform[0] = copyRect.minx;
  adfGeoTransform[1] = dst_cellsize_x;
  adfGeoTransform[2] = 0;
  adfGeoTransform[3] = copyRect.maxy;
  adfGeoTransform[4] = 0;
  adfGeoTransform[5] = -dst_cellsize_y;

  clinfo->cellsize = MS_MAX(dst_cellsize_x, dst_cellsize_y);
    char buf[64];
    sprintf(buf, "%lf", clinfo->cellsize);
    msInsertHashTable(&layer->metadata, "__data_cellsize__", buf);
  GDALSetGeoTransform(clinfo->hDS, adfGeoTransform);
  return MS_SUCCESS;
char **CPL_STDCALL GDALLoadRPCFile( const char *pszFilename,
                                    char **papszSiblingFiles )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to identify the RPC file in upper or lower case.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osTarget; 

    /* Is this already a _RPC.TXT file ? */
    if (strlen(pszFilename) > 8 && EQUAL(pszFilename + strlen(pszFilename) - 8, "_RPC.TXT"))
        osTarget = pszFilename;
        CPLString osSrcPath = pszFilename;
        CPLString soPt(".");
        size_t found = osSrcPath.rfind(soPt);
        if (found == CPLString::npos)
            return NULL;
        osSrcPath.replace (found, osSrcPath.size() - found, "_rpc.txt");
        CPLString osTarget = osSrcPath; 

        if( papszSiblingFiles == NULL )
            VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;

            if( VSIStatL( osTarget, &sStatBuf ) != 0 )
                osSrcPath = pszFilename;
                osSrcPath.replace (found, osSrcPath.size() - found, "_RPC.TXT");
                osTarget = osSrcPath; 

                if( VSIStatL( osTarget, &sStatBuf ) != 0 )
                    osSrcPath = pszFilename;
                    osSrcPath.replace (found, osSrcPath.size() - found, "_rpc.TXT");
                    osTarget = osSrcPath; 

                    if( VSIStatL( osTarget, &sStatBuf ) != 0 )
                        return NULL;
            int iSibling = CSLFindString( papszSiblingFiles, 
                                        CPLGetFilename(osTarget) );
            if( iSibling < 0 )
                return NULL;

            osTarget.resize(osTarget.size() - strlen(papszSiblingFiles[iSibling]));
            osTarget += papszSiblingFiles[iSibling];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read file and parse.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszLines = CSLLoad2( osTarget, 100, 100, NULL );
        return NULL;

    char **papszMD = NULL;

    /* From LINE_OFF to HEIGHT_SCALE */
    for(size_t i = 0; i < 19; i += 2 )
        const char *pszRPBVal = CSLFetchNameValue(papszLines, apszRPBMap[i] );
        if( pszRPBVal == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                "%s file found, but missing %s field (and possibly others).",
                osTarget.c_str(), apszRPBMap[i]);
            CSLDestroy( papszMD );
            CSLDestroy( papszLines );
            return NULL;
            papszMD = CSLSetNameValue( papszMD, apszRPBMap[i], pszRPBVal );
    /* parameters that have 20 values each */
    for(size_t i = 20; apszRPBMap[i] != NULL; i += 2 )
        CPLString soVal;
        for(int j = 1; j <= 20; j++)
            CPLString soRPBMapItem;
            soRPBMapItem.Printf("%s_%d", apszRPBMap[i], j);
            const char *pszRPBVal = CSLFetchNameValue(papszLines, soRPBMapItem.c_str() );
            if( pszRPBVal == NULL )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "%s file found, but missing %s field (and possibly others).",
                    osTarget.c_str(), soRPBMapItem.c_str() );
                CSLDestroy( papszMD );
                CSLDestroy( papszLines );
                return NULL;
                soVal += pszRPBVal;
                soVal += " ";
        papszMD = CSLSetNameValue( papszMD, apszRPBMap[i], soVal.c_str() );

    CSLDestroy( papszLines );
    return papszMD;
static int GDAL_IMD_AA2R( char ***ppapszIMD )

    char **papszIMD = *ppapszIMD;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify that we have a new format file.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszIMD, "version" );
    if( pszValue == NULL )
        return FALSE;
    if( EQUAL(pszValue,"\"R\"") )
        return TRUE;

    if( !EQUAL(pszValue,"\"AA\"") )
        CPLDebug( "IMD", "The file is not the expected 'version = \"AA\"' format.\nProceeding, but file may be corrupted." );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fix the version line.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papszIMD = CSLSetNameValue( papszIMD, "version", "\"R\"" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      remove a bunch of fields.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iKey;

    static const char *apszToRemove[] = {
        NULL };

    for( iKey = 0; apszToRemove[iKey] != NULL; iKey++ )
        int iTarget = CSLFindName( papszIMD, apszToRemove[iKey] );
        if( iTarget != -1 )
            papszIMD = CSLRemoveStrings( papszIMD, iTarget, 1, NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Replace various min/mean/max with just the mean.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    static const char *keylist[] = { 
        NULL };

    for( iKey = 0; keylist[iKey] != NULL; iKey++ )
        CPLString osTarget;
        int       iTarget;

        osTarget.Printf( "IMAGE_1.min%s", keylist[iKey] );
        iTarget = CSLFindName( papszIMD, osTarget );
        if( iTarget != -1 )
            papszIMD = CSLRemoveStrings( papszIMD, iTarget, 1, NULL );

        osTarget.Printf( "IMAGE_1.max%s", keylist[iKey] );
        iTarget = CSLFindName( papszIMD, osTarget );
        if( iTarget != -1 )
            papszIMD = CSLRemoveStrings( papszIMD, iTarget, 1, NULL );

        osTarget.Printf( "IMAGE_1.mean%s", keylist[iKey] );
        iTarget = CSLFindName( papszIMD, osTarget );
        if( iTarget != -1 )
            CPLString osValue = CSLFetchNameValue( papszIMD, osTarget );
            CPLString osLine;
            osTarget.Printf( "IMAGE_1.%c%s", 
                             keylist[iKey]+1 );

            osLine = osTarget + "=" + osValue;

            CPLFree( papszIMD[iTarget] );
            papszIMD[iTarget] = CPLStrdup(osLine);

    *ppapszIMD = papszIMD;
    return TRUE;
예제 #4
파일: webpdataset.cpp 프로젝트: OSGeo/gdal
GDALDataset *
WEBPDataset::CreateCopy( const char * pszFilename, GDALDataset *poSrcDS,
                        int bStrict, char ** papszOptions,
                        GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress, void * pProgressData )


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      WEBP library initialization                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    WebPPicture sPicture;
    if (!WebPPictureInit(&sPicture))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureInit() failed");
        return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Some some rudimentary checks                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    const int nXSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize();
    const int nYSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize();
    if( nXSize > 16383 || nYSize > 16383 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "WEBP maximum image dimensions are 16383 x 16383.");

        return nullptr;

    const int nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    if( nBands != 3
        && nBands != 4
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "WEBP driver doesn't support %d bands. Must be 3 (RGB) "
                  "or 4 (RGBA) "
                  nBands );

        return nullptr;

    const GDALDataType eDT = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();

    if( eDT != GDT_Byte )
        CPLError( (bStrict) ? CE_Failure : CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "WEBP driver doesn't support data type %s. "
                  "Only eight bit byte bands supported.",
                      poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType()) );

        if (bStrict)
            return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What options has the user selected?                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    float fQuality = 75.0f;
    const char* pszQUALITY = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "QUALITY");
    if( pszQUALITY != nullptr )
        fQuality = static_cast<float>( CPLAtof(pszQUALITY) );
        if( fQuality < 0.0f || fQuality > 100.0f )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                      "%s=%s is not a legal value.", "QUALITY", pszQUALITY);
            return nullptr;

    WebPPreset nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT;
    const char* pszPRESET = CSLFetchNameValueDef(
        papszOptions, "PRESET", "DEFAULT" );
    if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "DEFAULT"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_DEFAULT;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "PICTURE"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "PHOTO"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_PHOTO;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "PICTURE"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_PICTURE;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "DRAWING"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_DRAWING;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "ICON"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_ICON;
    else if (EQUAL(pszPRESET, "TEXT"))
        nPreset = WEBP_PRESET_TEXT;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                  "%s=%s is not a legal value.", "PRESET", pszPRESET );
        return nullptr;

    WebPConfig sConfig;
    if (!WebPConfigInitInternal(&sConfig, nPreset, fQuality,
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPConfigInit() failed");
        return nullptr;

    // TODO: Get rid of this macro in a reasonable way.
#define FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT(name, fieldname, minval, maxval) \
{ \
    const char* pszVal = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, name); \
    if (pszVal != nullptr) \
    { \
        sConfig.fieldname = atoi(pszVal); \
        if (sConfig.fieldname < minval || sConfig.fieldname > maxval) \
        { \
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg, \
                      "%s=%s is not a legal value.", name, pszVal ); \
            return nullptr; \
        } \
    } \


    const char* pszPSNR = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "PSNR");
    if (pszPSNR)
        sConfig.target_PSNR = static_cast<float>(CPLAtof(pszPSNR));
        if (sConfig.target_PSNR < 0)
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_IllegalArg,
                      "PSNR=%s is not a legal value.", pszPSNR );
            return nullptr;

    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("METHOD", method, 0, 6);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("SEGMENTS", segments, 1, 4);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("SNS_STRENGTH", sns_strength, 0, 100);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("FILTER_STRENGTH", filter_strength, 0, 100);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("FILTER_SHARPNESS", filter_sharpness, 0, 7);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("FILTER_TYPE", filter_type, 0, 1);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("AUTOFILTER", autofilter, 0, 1);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PASS", pass, 1, 10);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PREPROCESSING", preprocessing, 0, 1);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PARTITIONS", partitions, 0, 3);
    FETCH_AND_SET_OPTION_INT("PARTITION_LIMIT", partition_limit, 0, 100);
    sConfig.lossless = CPLFetchBool(papszOptions, "LOSSLESS", false);
    if (sConfig.lossless)
        sPicture.use_argb = 1;

    if (!WebPValidateConfig(&sConfig))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPValidateConfig() failed");
        return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate memory                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GByte *pabyBuffer = reinterpret_cast<GByte *>(
        VSIMalloc( nBands * nXSize * nYSize ) );
    if (pabyBuffer == nullptr)
        return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the dataset.                                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSILFILE *fpImage = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "wb" );
    if( fpImage == nullptr )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Unable to create WEBP file %s.\n",
                  pszFilename );
        return nullptr;

    WebPUserData sUserData;
    sUserData.fp = fpImage;
    sUserData.pfnProgress = pfnProgress ? pfnProgress : GDALDummyProgress;
    sUserData.pProgressData = pProgressData;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      WEBP library settings                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    sPicture.width = nXSize;
    sPicture.height = nYSize;
    sPicture.writer = WEBPDatasetWriter;
    sPicture.custom_ptr = &sUserData;
    sPicture.progress_hook = WEBPDatasetProgressHook;
    if (!WebPPictureAlloc(&sPicture))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureAlloc() failed");
        VSIFCloseL( fpImage );
        return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Acquire source imagery.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLErr eErr = poSrcDS->RasterIO( GF_Read, 0, 0, nXSize, nYSize,
                                     pabyBuffer, nXSize, nYSize, GDT_Byte,
                                     nBands, nullptr,
                                     nBands, nBands * nXSize, 1, nullptr );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Import and write to file                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (eErr == CE_None && nBands == 4)
        if (!WebPPictureImportRGBA(&sPicture, pabyBuffer, nBands * nXSize))
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "WebPPictureImportRGBA() failed" );
            eErr = CE_Failure;
    if (eErr == CE_None &&
        !WebPPictureImportRGB(&sPicture, pabyBuffer, nBands * nXSize))
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPPictureImportRGB() failed");
        eErr = CE_Failure;

    if (eErr == CE_None && !WebPEncode(&sConfig, &sPicture))
        const char* pszErrorMsg = nullptr;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY:
                pszErrorMsg = "Out of memory"; break;
                pszErrorMsg = "Out of memory while flushing bits"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER:
                pszErrorMsg = "A pointer parameter is NULL"; break;
                pszErrorMsg = "Configuration is invalid"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_BAD_DIMENSION:
                pszErrorMsg = "Picture has invalid width/height"; break;
                pszErrorMsg = "Partition is bigger than 512k. Try using less "
                    "SEGMENTS, or increase PARTITION_LIMIT value";
                pszErrorMsg = "Partition is bigger than 16M";
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_BAD_WRITE:
                pszErrorMsg = "Error while flushing bytes"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_FILE_TOO_BIG:
                pszErrorMsg = "File is bigger than 4G"; break;
            case VP8_ENC_ERROR_USER_ABORT:
                pszErrorMsg = "User interrupted";
                CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                         "WebPEncode returned an unknown error code: %d",
                pszErrorMsg = "Unknown WebP error type.";
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "WebPEncode() failed : %s", pszErrorMsg);
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "WebPEncode() failed");
        eErr = CE_Failure;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Cleanup and close.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLFree( pabyBuffer );


    VSIFCloseL( fpImage );

    if( eErr != CE_None )
        VSIUnlink( pszFilename );
        return nullptr;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Re-open dataset, and copy any auxiliary pam information.        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALOpenInfo oOpenInfo(pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly);

    /* If writing to stdout, we can't reopen it, so return */
    /* a fake dataset to make the caller happy */
    WEBPDataset *poDS
        = reinterpret_cast<WEBPDataset*>( WEBPDataset::Open( &oOpenInfo ) );
    if( poDS )
        poDS->CloneInfo( poSrcDS, GCIF_PAM_DEFAULT );
        return poDS;

    return nullptr;
OGRLayer *
OGRMySQLDataSource::ICreateLayer( const char * pszLayerNameIn,
                                  OGRSpatialReference *poSRS,
                                  OGRwkbGeometryType eType,
                                  char ** papszOptions )

    MYSQL_RES           *hResult=NULL;
    CPLString            osCommand;
    const char          *pszGeometryType;
    const char		*pszGeomColumnName;
    const char		*pszExpectedFIDName;
    char                *pszLayerName;
    // int                 nDimension = 3; // MySQL only supports 2d currently

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Make sure there isn't an active transaction already.            */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    if( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER",TRUE) )
        pszLayerName = LaunderName( pszLayerNameIn );
        pszLayerName = CPLStrdup( pszLayerNameIn );

    // if( wkbFlatten(eType) == eType )
    //    nDimension = 2;

    CPLDebug("MYSQL","Creating layer %s.", pszLayerName);

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Do we already have this layer?  If so, should we blow it        */
    /*      away?                                                           */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    int iLayer;
    for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < nLayers; iLayer++ )
        if( EQUAL(pszLayerName,papoLayers[iLayer]->GetLayerDefn()->GetName()) )

            if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "OVERWRITE" ) != NULL
                    && !EQUAL(CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"OVERWRITE"),"NO") )
                DeleteLayer( iLayer );
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                          "Layer %s already exists, CreateLayer failed.\n"
                          "Use the layer creation option OVERWRITE=YES to "
                          "replace it.",
                          pszLayerName );
                CPLFree( pszLayerName );
                return NULL;

    pszGeomColumnName = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GEOMETRY_NAME" );
    if (!pszGeomColumnName)

    pszExpectedFIDName = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "FID" );
    if (!pszExpectedFIDName)
        pszExpectedFIDName = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "MYSQL_FID" );
    if (!pszExpectedFIDName)

    int bFID64 = CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions, "FID64", FALSE);
    const char* pszFIDType = bFID64 ? "BIGINT": "INT";

    CPLDebug("MYSQL","Geometry Column Name %s.", pszGeomColumnName);
    CPLDebug("MYSQL","FID Column Name %s.", pszExpectedFIDName);

    if( wkbFlatten(eType) == wkbNone )
            "CREATE TABLE `%s` ( "
            "   %s %s UNIQUE NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT )",
            pszLayerName, pszExpectedFIDName, pszFIDType );
            "CREATE TABLE `%s` ( "
            "   %s %s UNIQUE NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, "
            "   %s GEOMETRY NOT NULL )",
            pszLayerName, pszExpectedFIDName, pszFIDType, pszGeomColumnName );

    if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ENGINE" ) != NULL )
        osCommand += " ENGINE = ";
        osCommand += CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "ENGINE" );

    if( !mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) )
        if( mysql_field_count( GetConn() ) == 0 )
            CPLDebug("MYSQL","Created table %s.", pszLayerName);
            ReportError( osCommand );
            return NULL;
        ReportError( osCommand );
        return NULL;

    // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries
    hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() );
    if( hResult != NULL )
        mysql_free_result( hResult );
    hResult = NULL;

    // Calling this does no harm

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Try to get the SRS Id of this spatial reference system,         */
    /*      adding tot the srs table if needed.                             */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nSRSId = -1;

    if( poSRS != NULL )
        nSRSId = FetchSRSId( poSRS );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Sometimes there is an old crufty entry in the geometry_columns  */
    /*      table if things were not properly cleaned up before.  We make   */
    /*      an effort to clean out such cruft.                              */
    /*                                                                      */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        "DELETE FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = '%s'",
        pszLayerName );

    if( mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) )
        ReportError( osCommand );
        return NULL;

    // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries
    hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() );
    if( hResult != NULL )
        mysql_free_result( hResult );
    hResult = NULL;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Attempt to add this table to the geometry_columns table, if     */
    /*      it is a spatial layer.                                          */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( eType != wkbNone )
        int nCoordDimension;
        if( eType == wkbFlatten(eType) )
            nCoordDimension = 2;
            nCoordDimension = 3;

        pszGeometryType = OGRToOGCGeomType(eType);

        if( nSRSId == -1 )
                "INSERT INTO geometry_columns "
                " (F_TABLE_NAME, "
                "  F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN, "
                "  COORD_DIMENSION, "
                "  TYPE) values "
                "  ('%s', '%s', %d, '%s')",
                pszGeometryType );
                "INSERT INTO geometry_columns "
                " (F_TABLE_NAME, "
                "  F_GEOMETRY_COLUMN, "
                "  COORD_DIMENSION, "
                "  SRID, "
                "  TYPE) values "
                "  ('%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s')",
                pszGeometryType );

        if( mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) )
            ReportError( osCommand );
            return NULL;

        // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries
        hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() );
        if( hResult != NULL )
            mysql_free_result( hResult );
        hResult = NULL;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Create the spatial index.                                       */
    /*                                                                      */
    /*      We're doing this before we add geometry and record to the table */
    /*      so this may not be exactly the best way to do it.               */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszSI = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SPATIAL_INDEX" );

    if( eType != wkbNone && (pszSI == NULL || CPLTestBool(pszSI)) )
            "ALTER TABLE `%s` ADD SPATIAL INDEX(`%s`) ",

        if( mysql_query(GetConn(), osCommand ) )
            ReportError( osCommand );
            return NULL;

        // make sure to attempt to free results of successful queries
        hResult = mysql_store_result( GetConn() );
        if( hResult != NULL )
            mysql_free_result( hResult );
        hResult = NULL;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Create the layer object.                                        */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRMySQLTableLayer     *poLayer;
    OGRErr                  eErr;

    poLayer = new OGRMySQLTableLayer( this, pszLayerName, TRUE, nSRSId );
    eErr = poLayer->Initialize(pszLayerName);
    if (eErr == OGRERR_FAILURE)
        return NULL;
    if( eType != wkbNone )

    poLayer->SetLaunderFlag( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER",TRUE) );
    poLayer->SetPrecisionFlag( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"PRECISION",TRUE));

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Add layer to data source layer list.                            */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papoLayers = (OGRMySQLLayer **)
                 CPLRealloc( papoLayers,  sizeof(OGRMySQLLayer *) * (nLayers+1) );

    papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer;

    CPLFree( pszLayerName );

    return poLayer;
예제 #6
OGRLayer *
OGRShapeDataSource::CreateLayer( const char * pszLayerName,
                                 OGRSpatialReference *poSRS,
                                 OGRwkbGeometryType eType,
                                 char ** papszOptions )

    SHPHandle   hSHP;
    DBFHandle   hDBF;
    int         nShapeType;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify we are in update mode.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !bDSUpdate )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NoWriteAccess,
                  "Data source %s opened read-only.\n"
                  "New layer %s cannot be created.\n",
                  pszName, pszLayerName );

        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Figure out what type of layer we need.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( eType == wkbUnknown || eType == wkbLineString )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARC;
    else if( eType == wkbPoint )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POINT;
    else if( eType == wkbPolygon )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGON;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiPoint )
        nShapeType = SHPT_MULTIPOINT;
    else if( eType == wkbPoint25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POINTZ;
    else if( eType == wkbLineString25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARCZ;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiLineString )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARC;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiLineString25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARCZ;
    else if( eType == wkbPolygon25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGONZ;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiPolygon )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGON;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiPolygon25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGONZ;
    else if( eType == wkbMultiPoint25D )
        nShapeType = SHPT_MULTIPOINTZ;
    else if( eType == wkbNone )
        nShapeType = SHPT_NULL;
        nShapeType = -1;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Has the application overridden this with a special creation     */
/*      option?                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszOverride = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SHPT" );

    if( pszOverride == NULL )
        /* ignore */;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"POINT") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POINT;
        eType = wkbPoint;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"ARC") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARC;
        eType = wkbLineString;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"POLYGON") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGON;
        eType = wkbPolygon;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"MULTIPOINT") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_MULTIPOINT;
        eType = wkbMultiPoint;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"POINTZ") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POINTZ;
        eType = wkbPoint25D;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"ARCZ") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_ARCZ;
        eType = wkbLineString25D;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"POLYGONZ") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_POLYGONZ;
        eType = wkbPolygon25D;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"MULTIPOINTZ") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_MULTIPOINTZ;
        eType = wkbMultiPoint25D;
    else if( EQUAL(pszOverride,"NONE") )
        nShapeType = SHPT_NULL;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Unknown SHPT value of `%s' passed to Shapefile layer\n"
                  "creation.  Creation aborted.\n",
                  pszOverride );

        return NULL;

    if( nShapeType == -1 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Geometry type of `%s' not supported in shapefiles.\n"
                  "Type can be overridden with a layer creation option\n"
                  OGRGeometryTypeToName(eType) );
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What filename do we use, excluding the extension?               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char *pszBasename;

    if( bSingleNewFile && nLayers == 0 )
        char *pszPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(pszName));
        char *pszFBasename = CPLStrdup(CPLGetBasename(pszName));

        pszBasename = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename(pszPath, pszFBasename, NULL));

        CPLFree( pszFBasename );
        CPLFree( pszPath );
    else if( bSingleNewFile )
        char *pszPath = CPLStrdup(CPLGetPath(pszName));
        pszBasename = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename(pszPath,pszLayerName,NULL));
        CPLFree( pszPath );
        pszBasename = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename(pszName,pszLayerName,NULL));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the shapefile.                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char        *pszFilename;

    if( nShapeType != SHPT_NULL )
        pszFilename = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename( NULL, pszBasename, "shp" ));

        hSHP = SHPCreate( pszFilename, nShapeType );
        if( hSHP == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                      "Failed to open Shapefile `%s'.\n",
                      pszFilename );
            CPLFree( pszFilename );
            CPLFree( pszBasename );
            return NULL;
        CPLFree( pszFilename );
        hSHP = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a DBF file.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszFilename = CPLStrdup(CPLFormFilename( NULL, pszBasename, "dbf" ));
    hDBF = DBFCreate( pszFilename );

    if( hDBF == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Failed to open Shape DBF file `%s'.\n",
                  pszFilename );
        CPLFree( pszFilename );
        CPLFree( pszBasename );
        return NULL;

    CPLFree( pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the .prj file, if required.                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poSRS != NULL )
        char    *pszWKT = NULL;
        CPLString osPrjFile = CPLFormFilename( NULL, pszBasename, "prj");
        FILE    *fp;

        /* the shape layer needs it's own copy */
        poSRS = poSRS->Clone();

        if( poSRS->exportToWkt( &pszWKT ) == OGRERR_NONE 
            && (fp = VSIFOpen( osPrjFile, "wt" )) != NULL )
            VSIFWrite( pszWKT, strlen(pszWKT), 1, fp );
            VSIFClose( fp );

        CPLFree( pszWKT );


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the layer object.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRShapeLayer       *poLayer;

    poLayer = new OGRShapeLayer( pszBasename, hSHP, hDBF, poSRS, TRUE,
                                 eType );
    poLayer->InitializeIndexSupport( pszBasename );

    CPLFree( pszBasename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add layer to data source layer list.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papoLayers = (OGRShapeLayer **)
        CPLRealloc( papoLayers,  sizeof(OGRShapeLayer *) * (nLayers+1) );
    papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer;

    return poLayer;
int OGRGMLDataSource::Create( const char *pszFilename, 
                              char **papszOptions )

    if( fpOutput != NULL || poReader != NULL )
        CPLAssert( FALSE );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the output file.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename );

    if( EQUAL(pszFilename,"stdout") )
        fpOutput = stdout;
        fpOutput = VSIFOpen( pszFilename, "wt+" );
    if( fpOutput == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                  "Failed to create GML file %s.", 
                  pszFilename );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out "standard" header.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "%s", 
                "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"utf-8\" ?>\n" );

    nSchemaInsertLocation = VSIFTell( fpOutput );

    VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "%s", 
                "<ogr:FeatureCollection\n" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write out schema info if provided in creation options.          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszSchemaURI = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions,"XSISCHEMAURI");
    const char *pszSchemaOpt = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "XSISCHEMA" );

    if( pszSchemaURI != NULL )
        VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, 
              "     xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n"
              "     xsi:schemaLocation=\"%s\"\n", 
                    CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "XSISCHEMAURI" ) );
    else if( pszSchemaOpt == NULL || EQUAL(pszSchemaOpt,"EXTERNAL") )
        char *pszBasename = CPLStrdup(CPLGetBasename( pszName ));

        VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, 
              "     xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\"\n"
              "     xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://ogr.maptools.org/ %s\"\n", 
                    CPLResetExtension( pszBasename, "xsd" ) );
        CPLFree( pszBasename );

    VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "%s", 
                "     xmlns:ogr=\"http://ogr.maptools.org/\"\n" );
    VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "%s", 
                "     xmlns:gml=\"http://www.opengis.net/gml\">\n" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Should we initialize an area to place the boundedBy element?    */
/*      We will need to seek back to fill it in.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CSLFetchBoolean( papszOptions, "BOUNDEDBY", TRUE ) )
        nBoundedByLocation = VSIFTell( fpOutput );

        if( nBoundedByLocation != -1 )
            VSIFPrintf( fpOutput, "%280s\n", "" );
        nBoundedByLocation = -1;

    return TRUE;
예제 #8
int msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(layerObj *layer, rectObj rect, int isQuery)

  uvRasterLayerInfo *uvlinfo = (uvRasterLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;
  imageObj *image_tmp;
  mapObj   map_tmp;
  unsigned int spacing;
  int width, height, u_src_off, v_src_off, i, x, y;
  char   **alteredProcessing = NULL;
  char **savedProcessing = NULL;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("Entering msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes().\n");

  if( uvlinfo == NULL )
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (isQuery == MS_TRUE) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "Query is not supported for UV layer.", "msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "BANDS" ) == NULL ) {
    msSetError( MS_MISCERR, "BANDS processing option is required for UV layer. You have to specified 2 bands.",
                "msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  /*      Determine desired spacing.  Default to 30 if not otherwise set  */
  /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
  spacing = 30;
  if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "UV_SPACING" ) != NULL ) {
    spacing =
      atoi(CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "UV_SPACING" ));

  width = (int)ceil(layer->map->width/spacing);
  height = (int)ceil(layer->map->height/spacing);
  map_tmp.cellsize = layer->map->cellsize*spacing;

  if (layer->debug)
    msDebug("msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(): width: %d, height: %d, cellsize: %g\n",
            width, height, map_tmp.cellsize);

  /* Initialize our dummy map */
  MS_INIT_COLOR(map_tmp.imagecolor, 255,255,255,255);
  map_tmp.resolution = layer->map->resolution;
  map_tmp.defresolution = layer->map->defresolution;
  map_tmp.outputformat = (outputFormatObj *) msSmallCalloc(1,sizeof(outputFormatObj));
  uvlinfo->band_count = map_tmp.outputformat->bands = 2;
  map_tmp.outputformat->name = NULL;
  map_tmp.outputformat->driver = NULL;
  map_tmp.outputformat->refcount = 0;
  map_tmp.outputformat->vtable = NULL;
  map_tmp.outputformat->device = NULL;
  map_tmp.outputformat->renderer = MS_RENDER_WITH_RAWDATA;
  map_tmp.outputformat->imagemode = MS_IMAGEMODE_FLOAT32;

  map_tmp.mappath = layer->map->mappath;
  map_tmp.shapepath = layer->map->shapepath;
  map_tmp.extent.minx = layer->map->extent.minx-(0.5*layer->map->cellsize)+(0.5*map_tmp.cellsize);
  map_tmp.extent.miny = layer->map->extent.miny-(0.5*layer->map->cellsize)+(0.5*map_tmp.cellsize);
  map_tmp.extent.maxx = map_tmp.extent.minx+((width-1)*map_tmp.cellsize);
  map_tmp.extent.maxy = map_tmp.extent.miny+((height-1)*map_tmp.cellsize);
  map_tmp.gt.rotation_angle = 0.0;

  msCopyProjection(&map_tmp.projection, &layer->map->projection);

  if (layer->debug == 5)
    msDebug("msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(): extent: %g %d %g %g\n",
            map_tmp.extent.minx, map_tmp.extent.miny,
            map_tmp.extent.maxx, map_tmp.extent.maxy);

  /* important to use that function, to compute map
     geotransform, used by the resampling*/
  msMapSetSize(&map_tmp, width, height);

  if (layer->debug == 5)
    msDebug("msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes(): geotransform: %g %g %g %g %g %g\n",
            map_tmp.gt.geotransform[0], map_tmp.gt.geotransform[1],
            map_tmp.gt.geotransform[2], map_tmp.gt.geotransform[3],
            map_tmp.gt.geotransform[4], map_tmp.gt.geotransform[5]);

  uvlinfo->extent = map_tmp.extent;

  image_tmp = msImageCreate(width, height, map_tmp.outputformat,
                            NULL, NULL, map_tmp.resolution, map_tmp.defresolution,

  /* Default set to AVERAGE resampling */
  if( CSLFetchNameValue( layer->processing, "RESAMPLE" ) == NULL ) {
    alteredProcessing = CSLDuplicate( layer->processing );
    alteredProcessing =
      CSLSetNameValue( alteredProcessing, "RESAMPLE",
    savedProcessing = layer->processing;
    layer->processing = alteredProcessing;

  if (msDrawRasterLayerLow(&map_tmp, layer, image_tmp, NULL ) == MS_FAILURE) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Unable to draw raster data.", NULL, "msUVRASTERLayerWhichShapes()" );
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* restore the saved processing */
  if (alteredProcessing != NULL)
    layer->processing = savedProcessing;

  /* free old query arrays */
  if (uvlinfo->u) {
    for (i=0; i<uvlinfo->width; ++i) {

  if (uvlinfo->v) {
    for (i=0; i<uvlinfo->height; ++i) {

  /* Update our uv layer structure */
  uvlinfo->width = width;
  uvlinfo->height = height;
  uvlinfo->query_results = width*height;

  uvlinfo->u = (float **)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(float *)*width);
  uvlinfo->v = (float **)msSmallMalloc(sizeof(float *)*width);

  for (x = 0; x < width; ++x) {
    uvlinfo->u[x] = (float *)msSmallMalloc(height * sizeof(float));
    uvlinfo->v[x] = (float *)msSmallMalloc(height * sizeof(float));

    for (y = 0; y < height; ++y) {
      u_src_off = v_src_off = x + y * width;
      v_src_off += width*height;

      uvlinfo->u[x][y] = image_tmp->img.raw_float[u_src_off];
      uvlinfo->v[x][y] = image_tmp->img.raw_float[v_src_off];

      /* null vector? update the number of results  */
      if (uvlinfo->u[x][y] == 0 && uvlinfo->v[x][y] == 0)

  msFreeImage(image_tmp); /* we do not need the imageObj anymore */

  uvlinfo->which_rect = map_tmp.extent;
  uvlinfo->next_shape = 0;

  return MS_SUCCESS;
예제 #9
GDALDataset *NDFDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo * poOpenInfo )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      The user must select the header file (ie. .H1).                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->nHeaderBytes < 50 )
        return NULL;

    if( !EQUALN((const char *)poOpenInfo->pabyHeader,"NDF_REVISION=2",14) 
        && !EQUALN((const char *)poOpenInfo->pabyHeader,"NDF_REVISION=0",14) )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read and process the header into a local name/value             */
/*      stringlist.  We just take off the trailing semicolon.  The      */
/*      keyword is already seperated from the value by an equal         */
/*      sign.                                                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "rb");
    if (fp == NULL)
        return NULL;

    const char *pszLine;
    const int nHeaderMax = 1000;
    int nHeaderLines = 0;
    char **papszHeader = (char **) CPLMalloc(sizeof(char *) * (nHeaderMax+1));

    while( nHeaderLines < nHeaderMax
           && (pszLine = CPLReadLineL( fp )) != NULL
           && !EQUAL(pszLine,"END_OF_HDR;") )
        char *pszFixed;

        if( strstr(pszLine,"=") == NULL )

        pszFixed = CPLStrdup( pszLine );
        if( pszFixed[strlen(pszFixed)-1] == ';' )
            pszFixed[strlen(pszFixed)-1] = '\0';
        papszHeader[nHeaderLines++] = pszFixed;
        papszHeader[nHeaderLines] = NULL;
    fp = NULL;
    if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszHeader, "PIXELS_PER_LINE" ) == NULL 
        || CSLFetchNameValue( papszHeader, "LINES_PER_DATA_FILE" ) == NULL 
        || CSLFetchNameValue( papszHeader, "BITS_PER_PIXEL" ) == NULL 
        || CSLFetchNameValue( papszHeader, "PIXEL_FORMAT" ) == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
              "Dataset appears to be NDF but is missing a required field.");
        CSLDestroy( papszHeader );
        return NULL;

    if( !EQUAL(CSLFetchNameValue( papszHeader, "PIXEL_FORMAT"),
               "BYTE" ) 
        || !EQUAL(CSLFetchNameValue( papszHeader, "BITS_PER_PIXEL"),"8") )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "Currently NDF driver supports only 8bit BYTE format." );
        CSLDestroy( papszHeader );
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm the requested access is supported.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        CSLDestroy( papszHeader );
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "The NDF driver does not support update access to existing"
                  " datasets.\n" );
        return NULL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    NDFDataset 	*poDS;

    poDS = new NDFDataset();
    poDS->papszHeader = papszHeader;

    poDS->nRasterXSize = atoi(poDS->Get("PIXELS_PER_LINE",""));
    poDS->nRasterYSize = atoi(poDS->Get("LINES_PER_DATA_FILE",""));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a raw raster band for each file.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iBand;
    const char* pszBand = CSLFetchNameValue(papszHeader, 
    if (pszBand == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot find band count");
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;
    int nBands = atoi(pszBand);

    if (!GDALCheckDatasetDimensions(poDS->nRasterXSize, poDS->nRasterYSize) ||
        !GDALCheckBandCount(nBands, FALSE))
        delete poDS;
        return NULL;

    for( iBand = 0; iBand < nBands; iBand++ )
        char szKey[100];
        CPLString osFilename;

        sprintf( szKey, "BAND%d_FILENAME", iBand+1 );
        osFilename = poDS->Get(szKey,"");

        // NDF1 file do not include the band filenames.
        if( osFilename.size() == 0 )
            char szBandExtension[15];
            sprintf( szBandExtension, "I%d", iBand+1 );
            osFilename = CPLResetExtension( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, 
                                            szBandExtension );
            CPLString osBasePath = CPLGetPath(poOpenInfo->pszFilename);
            osFilename = CPLFormFilename( osBasePath, osFilename, NULL);

        VSILFILE *fpRaw = VSIFOpenL( osFilename, "rb" );
        if( fpRaw == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                      "Failed to open band file: %s", 
                      osFilename.c_str() );
            delete poDS;
            return NULL;
        poDS->papszExtraFiles = 
            CSLAddString( poDS->papszExtraFiles, 
                          osFilename );

        RawRasterBand *poBand = 
            new RawRasterBand( poDS, iBand+1, fpRaw, 0, 1, poDS->nRasterXSize,
                               GDT_Byte, TRUE, TRUE );
        sprintf( szKey, "BAND%d_NAME", iBand+1 );
        poBand->SetDescription( poDS->Get(szKey, "") );

        sprintf( szKey, "BAND%d_WAVELENGTHS", iBand+1 );
        poBand->SetMetadataItem( "WAVELENGTHS", poDS->Get(szKey,"") );

        sprintf( szKey, "BAND%d_RADIOMETRIC_GAINS/BIAS", iBand+1 );
        poBand->SetMetadataItem( "RADIOMETRIC_GAINS_BIAS", 
                                 poDS->Get(szKey,"") );

        poDS->SetBand( iBand+1, poBand );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fetch and parse USGS projection parameters.                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    double adfUSGSParms[15] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0};
    char **papszParmTokens = 
        CSLTokenizeStringComplex( poDS->Get( "USGS_PROJECTION_NUMBER", "" ),
                                  ",", FALSE, TRUE );

    if( CSLCount( papszParmTokens ) >= 15 )
        int i;
        for( i = 0; i < 15; i++ )
            adfUSGSParms[i] = atof(papszParmTokens[i]);
    papszParmTokens = NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Minimal georef support ... should add full USGS style           */
/*      support at some point.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
    int nUSGSProjection = atoi(poDS->Get( "USGS_PROJECTION_NUMBER", "" ));
    int nZone = atoi(poDS->Get("USGS_MAP_ZONE","0"));

    oSRS.importFromUSGS( nUSGSProjection, nZone, adfUSGSParms, 12 );

    CPLString osDatum = poDS->Get( "HORIZONTAL_DATUM", "" );
    if( EQUAL(osDatum,"WGS84") || EQUAL(osDatum,"NAD83") 
        || EQUAL(osDatum,"NAD27") )
        oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( osDatum );
    else if( EQUALN(osDatum,"NAD27",5) )
        oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( "NAD27" );
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Unrecognised datum name in NLAPS/NDF file:%s, assuming WGS84.", 
                  osDatum.c_str() );
        oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( "WGS84" );

    if( oSRS.GetRoot() != NULL )
        CPLFree( poDS->pszProjection );
        poDS->pszProjection = NULL;
        oSRS.exportToWkt( &(poDS->pszProjection) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Get geotransform.                                               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszUL = CSLTokenizeString2( 
        poDS->Get("UPPER_LEFT_CORNER",""), ",", 0 );
    char **papszUR = CSLTokenizeString2( 
        poDS->Get("UPPER_RIGHT_CORNER",""), ",", 0 );
    char **papszLL = CSLTokenizeString2( 
        poDS->Get("LOWER_LEFT_CORNER",""), ",", 0 );
    if( CSLCount(papszUL) == 4 
        && CSLCount(papszUR) == 4 
        && CSLCount(papszLL) == 4 )
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] = atof(papszUL[2]);
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] = 
            (atof(papszUR[2]) - atof(papszUL[2])) / (poDS->nRasterXSize-1);
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] = 
            (atof(papszUR[3]) - atof(papszUL[3])) / (poDS->nRasterXSize-1);

        poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] = atof(papszUL[3]);
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] = 
            (atof(papszLL[2]) - atof(papszUL[2])) / (poDS->nRasterYSize-1);
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] = 
            (atof(papszLL[3]) - atof(papszUL[3])) / (poDS->nRasterYSize-1);

        // Move origin up-left half a pixel.
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] -= poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] * 0.5;
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] -= poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] * 0.5;
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] -= poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] * 0.5;
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] -= poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] * 0.5;

    CSLDestroy( papszUL );
    CSLDestroy( papszLL );
    CSLDestroy( papszUR );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->SetDescription( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for overviews.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

    return( poDS );
예제 #10
void *GDALCreateTPSTransformerInt( int nGCPCount, const GDAL_GCP *pasGCPList,
                                   int bReversed, char** papszOptions )

    TPSTransformInfo *psInfo;
    int    iGCP;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate transform info.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psInfo = (TPSTransformInfo *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(TPSTransformInfo),1);

    psInfo->pasGCPList = GDALDuplicateGCPs( nGCPCount, pasGCPList );
    psInfo->nGCPCount = nGCPCount;

    psInfo->bReversed = bReversed;
    psInfo->poForward = new VizGeorefSpline2D( 2 );
    psInfo->poReverse = new VizGeorefSpline2D( 2 );

    memcpy( psInfo->sTI.abySignature, GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE, strlen(GDAL_GTI2_SIGNATURE) );
    psInfo->sTI.pszClassName = "GDALTPSTransformer";
    psInfo->sTI.pfnTransform = GDALTPSTransform;
    psInfo->sTI.pfnCleanup = GDALDestroyTPSTransformer;
    psInfo->sTI.pfnSerialize = GDALSerializeTPSTransformer;
    psInfo->sTI.pfnCreateSimilar = GDALCreateSimilarTPSTransformer;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Attach all the points to the transformation.                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    std::map< std::pair<double, double>, int > oMapPixelLineToIdx;
    std::map< std::pair<double, double>, int > oMapXYToIdx;
    for( iGCP = 0; iGCP < nGCPCount; iGCP++ )
        double    afPL[2], afXY[2];

        afPL[0] = pasGCPList[iGCP].dfGCPPixel;
        afPL[1] = pasGCPList[iGCP].dfGCPLine;
        afXY[0] = pasGCPList[iGCP].dfGCPX;
        afXY[1] = pasGCPList[iGCP].dfGCPY;

        std::map< std::pair<double, double>, int >::iterator oIter;
        oIter = oMapPixelLineToIdx.find( std::pair<double,double>(afPL[0], afPL[1]) );
        if( oIter != oMapPixelLineToIdx.end() )
            if( afXY[0] == pasGCPList[oIter->second].dfGCPX &&
                afXY[1] == pasGCPList[oIter->second].dfGCPY )
                CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                         "GCP %d and %d have same (pixel,line)=(%f,%f) but different (X,Y): (%f,%f) vs (%f,%f)",
                         iGCP + 1, oIter->second,
                         afPL[0], afPL[1],
                         afXY[0], afXY[1],
                         pasGCPList[oIter->second].dfGCPX, pasGCPList[oIter->second].dfGCPY);
            oMapPixelLineToIdx[ std::pair<double,double>(afPL[0], afPL[1]) ] = iGCP;

        oIter = oMapXYToIdx.find( std::pair<double,double>(afXY[0], afXY[1]) );
        if( oIter != oMapXYToIdx.end() )
            CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "GCP %d and %d have same (x,y)=(%f,%f) but different (pixel,line): (%f,%f) vs (%f,%f)",
                        iGCP + 1, oIter->second,
                        afXY[0], afXY[1],
                        afPL[0], afPL[1],
                        pasGCPList[oIter->second].dfGCPPixel, pasGCPList[oIter->second].dfGCPLine);
            oMapXYToIdx[ std::pair<double,double>(afXY[0], afXY[1]) ] = iGCP;

        bool bOK = true;
        if( bReversed )
            bOK &= psInfo->poReverse->add_point( afPL[0], afPL[1], afXY );
            bOK &= psInfo->poForward->add_point( afXY[0], afXY[1], afPL );
            bOK &= psInfo->poForward->add_point( afPL[0], afPL[1], afXY );
            bOK &= psInfo->poReverse->add_point( afXY[0], afXY[1], afPL );
        if( !bOK )
            return NULL;

    psInfo->nRefCount = 1;

    int nThreads = 1;
    if( nGCPCount > 100 )
        const char* pszWarpThreads = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "NUM_THREADS");
        if (pszWarpThreads == NULL)
            pszWarpThreads = CPLGetConfigOption("GDAL_NUM_THREADS", "1");
        if (EQUAL(pszWarpThreads, "ALL_CPUS"))
            nThreads = CPLGetNumCPUs();
            nThreads = atoi(pszWarpThreads);

    if( nThreads > 1 )
        /* Compute direct and reverse transforms in parallel */
        CPLJoinableThread* hThread = CPLCreateJoinableThread(GDALTPSComputeForwardInThread, psInfo);
        psInfo->bReverseSolved = psInfo->poReverse->solve() != 0;
        if( hThread != NULL )
            psInfo->bForwardSolved = psInfo->poForward->solve() != 0;
        psInfo->bForwardSolved = psInfo->poForward->solve() != 0;
        psInfo->bReverseSolved = psInfo->poReverse->solve() != 0;

    if( !psInfo->bForwardSolved || !psInfo->bReverseSolved )
        return NULL;

    return psInfo;
예제 #11
GDALDataset *ISIS2Dataset::Create(const char* pszFilename,
                                  int nXSize, int nYSize, int nBands,
                                  GDALDataType eType, char** papszParmList) {

    /* Verify settings. In Isis 2 core pixel values can be represented in
     * three different ways : 1, 2 4, or 8 Bytes */
    if( eType != GDT_Byte && eType != GDT_Int16 && eType != GDT_Float32
        && eType != GDT_UInt16 && eType != GDT_Float64 ){
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "The ISIS2 driver does not supporting creating files of type %s.",
                 GDALGetDataTypeName( eType ) );
        return nullptr;

    /*  (SAMPLE, LINE, BAND) - Band Sequential (BSQ) - default choice
        (SAMPLE, BAND, LINE) - Band Interleaved by Line (BIL)
        (BAND, SAMPLE, LINE) - Band Interleaved by Pixel (BIP) */
    const char *pszInterleaving = "(SAMPLE,LINE,BAND)";
    const char *pszInterleavingParam = CSLFetchNameValue( papszParmList, "INTERLEAVE" );
    if ( pszInterleavingParam ) {
        if ( STARTS_WITH_CI(pszInterleavingParam, "bip") )
            pszInterleaving = "(BAND,SAMPLE,LINE)";
        else if ( STARTS_WITH_CI(pszInterleavingParam, "bil") )
            pszInterleaving = "(SAMPLE,BAND,LINE)";
            pszInterleaving = "(SAMPLE,LINE,BAND)";

    /* default labeling method is attached */
    bool bAttachedLabelingMethod = true;
    /* check if labeling method is set : check the all three first chars */
    const char *pszLabelingMethod = CSLFetchNameValue( papszParmList, "LABELING_METHOD" );
    if ( pszLabelingMethod ){
        if ( STARTS_WITH_CI( pszLabelingMethod, "det" /* "detached" */ ) ){
            bAttachedLabelingMethod = false;
        if ( STARTS_WITH_CI( pszLabelingMethod, "att" /* attached" */ ) ){
            bAttachedLabelingMethod = true;

    /*  set the label and data files */
    CPLString osLabelFile, osRasterFile, osOutFile;
    if( bAttachedLabelingMethod ) {
        osLabelFile = "";
        osRasterFile = pszFilename;
        osOutFile = osRasterFile;
        CPLString sExtension = "cub";
        const char* pszExtension = CSLFetchNameValue( papszParmList, "IMAGE_EXTENSION" );
        if( pszExtension ){
            sExtension = pszExtension;

        if( EQUAL(CPLGetExtension( pszFilename ), sExtension) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "IMAGE_EXTENSION (%s) cannot match LABEL file extension.",
                      sExtension.c_str() );
            return nullptr;

        osLabelFile = pszFilename;
        osRasterFile = CPLResetExtension( osLabelFile, sExtension );
        osOutFile = osLabelFile;

    const char *pszObject = CSLFetchNameValue( papszParmList, "OBJECT" );
    CPLString sObject = "QUBE"; // default choice
    if (pszObject) {
        if ( EQUAL( pszObject, "IMAGE") ){
            sObject = "IMAGE";
        if ( EQUAL( pszObject, "SPECTRAL_QUBE")){
            sObject = "SPECTRAL_QUBE";

    GUIntBig iRecords = ISIS2Dataset::RecordSizeCalculation(nXSize, nYSize, nBands, eType);
    GUIntBig iLabelRecords(2);

    CPLDebug("ISIS2","irecord = %i",static_cast<int>(iRecords));

    if( bAttachedLabelingMethod )
        ISIS2Dataset::WriteLabel(osRasterFile, "", sObject, nXSize, nYSize, nBands, eType, iRecords, pszInterleaving, iLabelRecords, true);
        ISIS2Dataset::WriteLabel(osLabelFile, osRasterFile, sObject, nXSize, nYSize, nBands, eType, iRecords, pszInterleaving, iLabelRecords);

    if( !ISIS2Dataset::WriteRaster(osRasterFile, bAttachedLabelingMethod,
                                   iRecords, iLabelRecords, eType,
                                   pszInterleaving) )
        return nullptr;

    return reinterpret_cast<GDALDataset *>( GDALOpen( osOutFile, GA_Update ) );
예제 #12
CPLErr VRTWarpedDataset::ProcessBlock( int iBlockX, int iBlockY )

    if( poWarper == NULL )
        return CE_Failure;

    const GDALWarpOptions *psWO = poWarper->GetOptions();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Allocate block of memory large enough to hold all the bands     */
/*      for this block.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iBand;
    GByte *pabyDstBuffer;
    int   nDstBufferSize;
    int   nWordSize = (GDALGetDataTypeSize(psWO->eWorkingDataType) / 8);

    // FIXME? : risk of overflow in multiplication if nBlockXSize or nBlockYSize are very large
    nDstBufferSize = nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize * psWO->nBandCount * nWordSize;

    pabyDstBuffer = (GByte *) VSIMalloc(nDstBufferSize);

    if( pabyDstBuffer == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                  "Out of memory allocating %d byte buffer in VRTWarpedDataset::ProcessBlock()",
                  nDstBufferSize );
        return CE_Failure;

    memset( pabyDstBuffer, 0, nDstBufferSize );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Process INIT_DEST option to initialize the buffer prior to      */
/*      warping into it.                                                */
/* NOTE:The following code is 99% similar in gdalwarpoperation.cpp and  */
/*      vrtwarped.cpp. Be careful to keep it in sync !                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszInitDest = CSLFetchNameValue( psWO->papszWarpOptions,
                                                 "INIT_DEST" );

    if( pszInitDest != NULL && !EQUAL(pszInitDest, "") )
        char **papszInitValues = 
            CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszInitDest, ",", FALSE, FALSE );
        int nInitCount = CSLCount(papszInitValues);
        for( iBand = 0; iBand < psWO->nBandCount; iBand++ )
            double adfInitRealImag[2];
            GByte *pBandData;
            int nBandSize = nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize * nWordSize;
            const char *pszBandInit = papszInitValues[MIN(iBand,nInitCount-1)];

            if( EQUAL(pszBandInit,"NO_DATA")
                && psWO->padfDstNoDataReal != NULL )
                adfInitRealImag[0] = psWO->padfDstNoDataReal[iBand];
                adfInitRealImag[1] = psWO->padfDstNoDataImag[iBand];
                CPLStringToComplex( pszBandInit,
                                    adfInitRealImag + 0, adfInitRealImag + 1);

            pBandData = ((GByte *) pabyDstBuffer) + iBand * nBandSize;
            if( psWO->eWorkingDataType == GDT_Byte )
                memset( pBandData, 
            else if( adfInitRealImag[0] == 0.0 && adfInitRealImag[1] == 0 )
                memset( pBandData, 0, nBandSize );
            else if( adfInitRealImag[1] == 0.0 )
                GDALCopyWords( &adfInitRealImag, GDT_Float64, 0, 
                               nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize );
                GDALCopyWords( &adfInitRealImag, GDT_CFloat64, 0, 
                               nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize );

        CSLDestroy( papszInitValues );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Warp into this buffer.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLErr eErr;

    eErr = 
            iBlockX * nBlockXSize, iBlockY * nBlockYSize, 
            nBlockXSize, nBlockYSize,
            pabyDstBuffer, psWO->eWorkingDataType );

    if( eErr != CE_None )
        VSIFree( pabyDstBuffer );
        return eErr;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Copy out into cache blocks for each band.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for( iBand = 0; iBand < psWO->nBandCount; iBand++ )
        GDALRasterBand *poBand;
        GDALRasterBlock *poBlock;

        poBand = GetRasterBand(iBand+1);
        poBlock = poBand->GetLockedBlockRef( iBlockX, iBlockY, TRUE );

        CPLAssert( poBlock != NULL && poBlock->GetDataRef() != NULL );

        GDALCopyWords( pabyDstBuffer + iBand*nBlockXSize*nBlockYSize*nWordSize,
                       psWO->eWorkingDataType, nWordSize, 
                       nBlockXSize * nBlockYSize );


    VSIFree( pabyDstBuffer );
    return CE_None;
예제 #13
OGRLayer *
OGRCSVDataSource::ICreateLayer( const char *pszLayerName, 
                               OGRSpatialReference *poSpatialRef,
                               OGRwkbGeometryType eGType,
                               char ** papszOptions  )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify we are in update mode.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (!bUpdate)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NoWriteAccess,
                  "Data source %s opened read-only.\n"
                  "New layer %s cannot be created.\n",
                  pszName, pszLayerName );

        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify that the datasource is a directory.                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;

    if( strncmp(pszName, "/vsizip/", 8) == 0)
        /* Do nothing */
    else if( !EQUAL(pszName, "/vsistdout/") &&
        (VSIStatL( pszName, &sStatBuf ) != 0
        || !VSI_ISDIR( sStatBuf.st_mode )) )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "Attempt to create csv layer (file) against a non-directory datasource." );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      What filename would we use?                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osFilename;

    if( osDefaultCSVName != "" )
        osFilename = CPLFormFilename( pszName, osDefaultCSVName, NULL );
        osDefaultCSVName = "";
        osFilename = CPLFormFilename( pszName, pszLayerName, "csv" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Does this directory/file already exist?                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( VSIStatL( osFilename, &sStatBuf ) == 0 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "Attempt to create layer %s, but %s already exists.",
                  pszLayerName, osFilename.c_str() );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the empty file.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    const char *pszDelimiter = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SEPARATOR");
    char chDelimiter = ',';
    if (pszDelimiter != NULL)
        if (EQUAL(pszDelimiter, "COMMA"))
            chDelimiter = ',';
        else if (EQUAL(pszDelimiter, "SEMICOLON"))
            chDelimiter = ';';
        else if (EQUAL(pszDelimiter, "TAB"))
            chDelimiter = '\t';
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "SEPARATOR=%s not understood, use one of COMMA, SEMICOLON or TAB.",
                  pszDelimiter );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a layer.                                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papoLayers = (OGRCSVLayer **) CPLRealloc(papoLayers, 
                                             sizeof(void*) * nLayers);
    papoLayers[nLayers-1] = new OGRCSVLayer( pszLayerName, NULL, osFilename,
                                             TRUE, TRUE, chDelimiter, NULL, NULL );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Was a partiuclar CRLF order requested?                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszCRLFFormat = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "LINEFORMAT");
    int bUseCRLF;

    if( pszCRLFFormat == NULL )
#ifdef WIN32
        bUseCRLF = TRUE;
        bUseCRLF = FALSE;
    else if( EQUAL(pszCRLFFormat,"CRLF") )
        bUseCRLF = TRUE;
    else if( EQUAL(pszCRLFFormat,"LF") )
        bUseCRLF = FALSE;
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "LINEFORMAT=%s not understood, use one of CRLF or LF.",
                  pszCRLFFormat );
#ifdef WIN32
        bUseCRLF = TRUE;
        bUseCRLF = FALSE;
    papoLayers[nLayers-1]->SetCRLF( bUseCRLF );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Should we write the geometry ?                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszGeometry = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GEOMETRY");
    if( bEnableGeometryFields )
        papoLayers[nLayers-1]->SetWriteGeometry(eGType, OGR_CSV_GEOM_AS_WKT);
    else if (pszGeometry != NULL)
        if (EQUAL(pszGeometry, "AS_WKT"))
            papoLayers[nLayers-1]->SetWriteGeometry(eGType, OGR_CSV_GEOM_AS_WKT);
        else if (EQUAL(pszGeometry, "AS_XYZ") ||
                 EQUAL(pszGeometry, "AS_XY") ||
                 EQUAL(pszGeometry, "AS_YX"))
            if (eGType == wkbUnknown || wkbFlatten(eGType) == wkbPoint)
                                                        EQUAL(pszGeometry, "AS_XYZ") ? OGR_CSV_GEOM_AS_XYZ :
                                                        EQUAL(pszGeometry, "AS_XY") ?  OGR_CSV_GEOM_AS_XY :
                CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                          "Geometry type %s is not compatible with GEOMETRY=AS_XYZ.",
                          OGRGeometryTypeToName(eGType) );
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                      "Unsupported value %s for creation option GEOMETRY",
                       pszGeometry );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Should we create a CSVT file ?                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    const char *pszCreateCSVT = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "CREATE_CSVT");
    if (pszCreateCSVT)

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Should we write a UTF8 BOM ?                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    const char *pszWriteBOM = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "WRITE_BOM");
    if (pszWriteBOM)

    return papoLayers[nLayers-1];
예제 #14
static int msContourLayerGenerateContour(layerObj *layer)
  OGRSFDriverH hDriver;
  OGRFieldDefnH hFld;
  OGRLayerH hLayer;
  const char *elevItem;
  char *option;
  double interval = 1.0, levels[1000];
  int levelCount = 0;
  GDALRasterBandH hBand = NULL;
  CPLErr eErr;

  contourLayerInfo *clinfo = (contourLayerInfo *) layer->layerinfo;


  if (clinfo == NULL) {
    msSetError(MS_MISCERR, "Assertion failed: Contour layer not opened!!!",
    return MS_FAILURE;

  if (!clinfo->hDS) { /* no overlap */
    return MS_SUCCESS;
  hBand = GDALGetRasterBand(clinfo->hDS, 1);
  if (hBand == NULL)
               "Band %d does not exist on dataset.",
               "msContourLayerGenerateContour()", 1);
    return MS_FAILURE;

  /* Create the OGR DataSource */
  hDriver = OGRGetDriverByName("Memory");
  if (hDriver == NULL) {
               "Unable to get OGR driver 'Memory'.",
    return MS_FAILURE;

  clinfo->hOGRDS = OGR_Dr_CreateDataSource(hDriver, "", NULL);
  if (clinfo->hOGRDS == NULL) {
               "Unable to create OGR DataSource.",
    return MS_FAILURE;

  hLayer = OGR_DS_CreateLayer(clinfo->hOGRDS, clinfo->ogrLayer.name, NULL,
                              wkbLineString, NULL );

  hFld = OGR_Fld_Create("ID", OFTInteger);
  OGR_Fld_SetWidth(hFld, 8);
  OGR_L_CreateField(hLayer, hFld, FALSE);

  /* Check if we have a coutour item specified */
  elevItem = CSLFetchNameValue(layer->processing,"CONTOUR_ITEM");
  if (elevItem && strlen(elevItem) > 0) {
    hFld = OGR_Fld_Create(elevItem, OFTReal);
    OGR_Fld_SetWidth(hFld, 12);
    OGR_Fld_SetPrecision(hFld, 3);
    OGR_L_CreateField(hLayer, hFld, FALSE);
  else {
    elevItem = NULL;

  option = msContourGetOption(layer, "CONTOUR_INTERVAL");
  if (option) {
    interval = atof(option);

  option = msContourGetOption(layer, "CONTOUR_LEVELS");
  if (option) {
    int i,c;
    char **levelsTmp;
    levelsTmp = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(option, ",", FALSE, FALSE);
    c = CSLCount(levelsTmp);
    for (i=0;i<c && i<(int)(sizeof(levels)/sizeof(double)) ;++i)
      levels[levelCount++] = atof(levelsTmp[i]);

  eErr = GDALContourGenerate( hBand, interval, 0.0,
                              levelCount, levels,
                              FALSE, 0.0, hLayer,
                              OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( hLayer),
                                                    "ID" ),
                              (elevItem == NULL) ? -1 :
                              OGR_FD_GetFieldIndex(OGR_L_GetLayerDefn( hLayer), 
                                                    elevItem ),
                              NULL, NULL );

  if (eErr != CE_None) {
    msSetError( MS_IOERR, "GDALContourGenerate() failed: %s",
                "msContourLayerGenerateContour()", CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
    return MS_FAILURE;
  msConnPoolRegister(&clinfo->ogrLayer, clinfo->hOGRDS, msContourOGRCloseConnection);

  return MS_SUCCESS;

예제 #15
int NITFDESExtractShapefile(NITFDES* psDES, const char* pszRadixFileName)
    NITFSegmentInfo* psSegInfo;
    const char* apszExt[3];
    int anOffset[4];
    int iShpFile;
    char* pszFilename;

    if ( CSLFetchNameValue(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_SHAPE_USE") == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    psSegInfo = psDES->psFile->pasSegmentInfo + psDES->iSegment;

    apszExt[0] = CSLFetchNameValue(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_SHAPE1_NAME");
    anOffset[0] = atoi(CSLFetchNameValue(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_SHAPE1_START"));
    apszExt[1] = CSLFetchNameValue(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_SHAPE2_NAME");
    anOffset[1] = atoi(CSLFetchNameValue(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_SHAPE2_START"));
    apszExt[2] = CSLFetchNameValue(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_SHAPE3_NAME");
    anOffset[2] = atoi(CSLFetchNameValue(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_SHAPE3_START"));
    anOffset[3] = (int) psSegInfo->nSegmentSize;

    for(iShpFile = 0; iShpFile < 3; iShpFile ++)
        if (!EQUAL(apszExt[iShpFile], "SHP") &&
            !EQUAL(apszExt[iShpFile], "SHX") &&
            !EQUAL(apszExt[iShpFile], "DBF"))
            return FALSE;

        if (anOffset[iShpFile] < 0 ||
            anOffset[iShpFile] >= anOffset[iShpFile+1])
            return FALSE;

    pszFilename = (char*) VSIMalloc(strlen(pszRadixFileName) + 4 + 1);
    if (pszFilename == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    for(iShpFile = 0; iShpFile < 3; iShpFile ++)
        VSILFILE* fp;
        GByte* pabyBuffer;
        int nSize = anOffset[iShpFile+1] - anOffset[iShpFile];

        pabyBuffer = (GByte*) VSIMalloc(nSize);
        if (pabyBuffer == NULL)
            return FALSE;

        VSIFSeekL(psDES->psFile->fp, psSegInfo->nSegmentStart + anOffset[iShpFile], SEEK_SET);
        if (VSIFReadL(pabyBuffer, 1, nSize, psDES->psFile->fp) != nSize)
            return FALSE;

        sprintf(pszFilename, "%s.%s", pszRadixFileName, apszExt[iShpFile]);
        fp = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "wb");
        if (fp == NULL)
            return FALSE;

        VSIFWriteL(pabyBuffer, 1, nSize, fp);


    return TRUE;
예제 #16
OGRErr PDFWritableVectorDataset::SyncToDisk()
    if (nLayers == 0 || !bModified)
        return OGRERR_NONE;

    bModified = FALSE;

    OGREnvelope sGlobalExtent;
    int bHasExtent = FALSE;
    for(int i=0;i<nLayers;i++)
        OGREnvelope sExtent;
        if (papoLayers[i]->GetExtent(&sExtent) == OGRERR_NONE)
            bHasExtent = TRUE;
    if (!bHasExtent ||
        sGlobalExtent.MinX == sGlobalExtent.MaxX ||
        sGlobalExtent.MinY == sGlobalExtent.MaxY)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Cannot compute spatial extent of features");
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    PDFCompressMethod eStreamCompressMethod = COMPRESS_DEFLATE;
    const char* pszStreamCompressMethod = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "STREAM_COMPRESS");
    if (pszStreamCompressMethod)
        if( EQUAL(pszStreamCompressMethod, "NONE") )
            eStreamCompressMethod = COMPRESS_NONE;
        else if( EQUAL(pszStreamCompressMethod, "DEFLATE") )
            eStreamCompressMethod = COMPRESS_DEFLATE;
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_NotSupported,
                    "Unsupported value for STREAM_COMPRESS.");

    const char* pszGEO_ENCODING =
        CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "GEO_ENCODING", "ISO32000");

    double dfDPI = CPLAtof(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "DPI", "72"));
    if (dfDPI < 72.0)
        dfDPI = 72.0;

    const char* pszNEATLINE = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "NEATLINE");

    int nMargin = atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions, "MARGIN", "0"));

    PDFMargins sMargins;
    sMargins.nLeft = nMargin;
    sMargins.nRight = nMargin;
    sMargins.nTop = nMargin;
    sMargins.nBottom = nMargin;

    const char* pszLeftMargin = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "LEFT_MARGIN");
    if (pszLeftMargin) sMargins.nLeft = atoi(pszLeftMargin);

    const char* pszRightMargin = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "RIGHT_MARGIN");
    if (pszRightMargin) sMargins.nRight = atoi(pszRightMargin);

    const char* pszTopMargin = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "TOP_MARGIN");
    if (pszTopMargin) sMargins.nTop = atoi(pszTopMargin);

    const char* pszBottomMargin = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "BOTTOM_MARGIN");
    if (pszBottomMargin) sMargins.nBottom = atoi(pszBottomMargin);

    const char* pszExtraImages = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "EXTRA_IMAGES");
    const char* pszExtraStream = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "EXTRA_STREAM");
    const char* pszExtraLayerName = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "EXTRA_LAYER_NAME");

    const char* pszOGRDisplayField = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "OGR_DISPLAY_FIELD");
    const char* pszOGRDisplayLayerNames = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "OGR_DISPLAY_LAYER_NAMES");
    int bWriteOGRAttributes = CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions, "OGR_WRITE_ATTRIBUTES", TRUE);
    const char* pszOGRLinkField = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "OGR_LINK_FIELD");

    const char* pszOffLayers = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "OFF_LAYERS");
    const char* pszExclusiveLayers = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "EXCLUSIVE_LAYERS");

    const char* pszJavascript = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "JAVASCRIPT");
    const char* pszJavascriptFile = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "JAVASCRIPT_FILE");

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create file.                                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(GetDescription(), "wb");
    if( fp == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Unable to create PDF file %s.\n",
                  GetDescription() );
        return OGRERR_FAILURE;

    GDALPDFWriter oWriter(fp);

    double dfRatio = (sGlobalExtent.MaxY - sGlobalExtent.MinY) / (sGlobalExtent.MaxX - sGlobalExtent.MinX);

    int nWidth, nHeight;

    if (dfRatio < 1)
        nWidth = 1024;
        nHeight = nWidth * dfRatio;
        nHeight = 1024;
        nWidth = nHeight / dfRatio;

    GDALDataset* poSrcDS = MEMDataset::Create( "MEM:::", nWidth, nHeight, 0, GDT_Byte, NULL );

    double adfGeoTransform[6];
    adfGeoTransform[0] = sGlobalExtent.MinX;
    adfGeoTransform[1] = (sGlobalExtent.MaxX - sGlobalExtent.MinX) / nWidth;
    adfGeoTransform[2] = 0;
    adfGeoTransform[3] = sGlobalExtent.MaxY;
    adfGeoTransform[4] = 0;
    adfGeoTransform[5] = - (sGlobalExtent.MaxY - sGlobalExtent.MinY) / nHeight;


    OGRSpatialReference* poSRS = papoLayers[0]->GetSpatialRef();
    if (poSRS)
        char* pszWKT = NULL;

    oWriter.SetInfo(poSrcDS, papszOptions);


    int iObj = 0;
    char** papszLayerNames = CSLTokenizeString2(pszOGRDisplayLayerNames,",",0);

    for(int i=0;i<nLayers;i++)
        CPLString osLayerName;
        if (CSLCount(papszLayerNames) < nLayers)
            osLayerName = papoLayers[i]->GetName();
            osLayerName = papszLayerNames[i];




    if (pszJavascript)
    else if (pszJavascriptFile)


    delete poSrcDS;

    return OGRERR_NONE;
예제 #17
GDALDataset * ARGDataset::CreateCopy( const char * pszFilename,
                                      GDALDataset * poSrcDS,
                                      CPL_UNUSED int bStrict,
                                      CPL_UNUSED char ** papszOptions,
                                      CPL_UNUSED GDALProgressFunc pfnProgress,
                                      CPL_UNUSED void * pProgressData )
    int nBands = poSrcDS->GetRasterCount();
    int nXSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterXSize();
    int nYSize = poSrcDS->GetRasterYSize();
    int nXBlockSize, nYBlockSize, nPixelOffset = 0;
    GDALDataType eType;
    CPLString osJSONFilename;
    CPLString pszDataType;
    json_object * poJSONObject = NULL;
    double adfTransform[6];
    GDALRasterBand * poSrcBand = NULL;
    RawRasterBand * poDstBand = NULL;
    VSILFILE * fpImage = NULL;
    void * pabyData;
    OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
    char * pszWKT = NULL;
    char ** pszTokens = NULL;
    const char * pszLayer = NULL;
    int nSrs = 0;
    OGRErr nErr = OGRERR_NONE;
    CPLErr eErr;

    if( nBands != 1 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
              "ARG driver doesn't support %d bands.  Must be 1 band.", nBands );
        return NULL;

    eType = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand(1)->GetRasterDataType();
    if( eType == GDT_Unknown || 
        eType == GDT_CInt16 || 
        eType == GDT_CInt32 ||
        eType == GDT_CFloat32 || 
        eType == GDT_CFloat64 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "ARG driver doesn't support data type %s.",
                  GDALGetDataTypeName(eType) );
        return NULL;
    else if (eType == GDT_Int16) {
        pszDataType = "int16";
        nPixelOffset = 2;
    else if (eType == GDT_Int32) {
        pszDataType = "int32";
        nPixelOffset = 4;
    else if (eType == GDT_Byte) {
        pszDataType = "uint8";
        nPixelOffset = 1;
    else if (eType == GDT_UInt16) {
        pszDataType = "uint16";
        nPixelOffset = 2;
    else if (eType == GDT_UInt32) {
        pszDataType = "uint32";
        nPixelOffset = 4;
    else if (eType == GDT_Float32) {
        pszDataType = "float32";
        nPixelOffset = 4;
    else if (eType == GDT_Float64) {
        pszDataType = "float64";
        nPixelOffset = 8;

    poSrcDS->GetGeoTransform( adfTransform );

    pszWKT = (char *)poSrcDS->GetProjectionRef();
    nErr = oSRS.importFromWkt(&pszWKT);
    if (nErr != OGRERR_NONE) {
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
              "Cannot import spatial reference WKT from source dataset.");
        return NULL;

    if (oSRS.GetAuthorityCode("PROJCS") != NULL) {
        nSrs = atoi(oSRS.GetAuthorityCode("PROJCS"));
    else if (oSRS.GetAuthorityCode("GEOGCS") != NULL) {
        nSrs = atoi(oSRS.GetAuthorityCode("GEOGCS"));
    else {
        // could not determine projected or geographic code
        // default to EPSG:3857 if no code could be found
        nSrs = 3857;

    /* Create JSON companion file.                                      */
    osJSONFilename = GetJsonFilename(pszFilename);

    poJSONObject = json_object_new_object();

    pszTokens = poSrcDS->GetMetadata();
    pszLayer = CSLFetchNameValue(pszTokens, "LAYER");

    if ( pszLayer == NULL) {
        // Set the layer
        json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "layer", json_object_new_string(
    else {
        // Set the layer
        json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "layer", json_object_new_string(

    // Set the type
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "type", json_object_new_string("arg"));
    // Set the datatype
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "datatype", json_object_new_string(pszDataType));
    // Set the number of rows
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "rows", json_object_new_int(nYSize));
    // Set the number of columns
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "cols", json_object_new_int(nXSize));
    // Set the xmin
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "xmin", json_object_new_double(adfTransform[0]));
    // Set the ymax
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "ymax", json_object_new_double(adfTransform[3]));
    // Set the cellwidth
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "cellwidth", json_object_new_double(adfTransform[1]));
    // Set the cellheight
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "cellheight", json_object_new_double(-adfTransform[5]));
    // Set the xmax
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "xmax", json_object_new_double(adfTransform[0] + nXSize * adfTransform[1]));
    // Set the ymin
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "ymin", json_object_new_double(adfTransform[3] + nYSize * adfTransform[5]));
    // Set the xskew
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "xskew", json_object_new_double(adfTransform[2]));
    // Set the yskew
    json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "yskew", json_object_new_double(adfTransform[4]));
    if (nSrs > 0) {
        // Set the epsg
        json_object_object_add(poJSONObject, "epsg", json_object_new_int(nSrs));

    if (json_object_to_file((char *)osJSONFilename.c_str(), poJSONObject) < 0) {
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
                  "ARG driver can't write companion file.");

        poJSONObject = NULL;

        return NULL;

    poJSONObject = NULL;

    fpImage = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "wb");
    if (fpImage == NULL)
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported, 
              "ARG driver can't create data file %s.", pszFilename);

        // remove JSON file
        VSIUnlink( osJSONFilename.c_str() );

        return NULL;

    // only 1 raster band
    poSrcBand = poSrcDS->GetRasterBand( 1 );

#ifdef CPL_LSB
    int bNative = FALSE;
    int bNative = TRUE;

    poDstBand = new RawRasterBand( fpImage, 0, nPixelOffset,
                                   nPixelOffset * nXSize, eType, bNative,
                                   nXSize, nYSize, TRUE, FALSE);

    poSrcBand->GetBlockSize(&nXBlockSize, &nYBlockSize);

    pabyData = CPLMalloc(nXBlockSize * nPixelOffset);

    // convert any blocks into scanlines
    for (int nYBlock = 0; nYBlock * nYBlockSize < nYSize; nYBlock++) {
        for (int nYScanline = 0; nYScanline < nYBlockSize; nYScanline++) {
            if ((nYScanline+1) + nYBlock * nYBlockSize > poSrcBand->GetYSize() ) {

            for (int nXBlock = 0; nXBlock * nXBlockSize < nXSize; nXBlock++) {
                int nXValid;

                if( (nXBlock+1) * nXBlockSize > poSrcBand->GetXSize() )
                    nXValid = poSrcBand->GetXSize() - nXBlock * nXBlockSize;
                    nXValid = nXBlockSize;

                eErr = poSrcBand->RasterIO(GF_Read, nXBlock * nXBlockSize, 
                    nYBlock * nYBlockSize + nYScanline, nXValid, 1, pabyData, nXBlockSize, 
                    1, eType, 0, 0, NULL);

                if (eErr != CE_None) {
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Error reading.");

                    CPLFree( pabyData );
                    delete poDstBand;
                    VSIFCloseL( fpImage );

                    return NULL;

                eErr = poDstBand->RasterIO(GF_Write, nXBlock * nXBlockSize, 
                    nYBlock * nYBlockSize + nYScanline, nXValid, 1, pabyData, nXBlockSize, 
                    1, eType, 0, 0, NULL);

                if (eErr != CE_None) {
                    CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Error writing.");

                    CPLFree( pabyData );
                    delete poDstBand;
                    VSIFCloseL( fpImage );

                    return NULL;

    CPLFree( pabyData );
    delete poDstBand;
    VSIFCloseL( fpImage );

    return (GDALDataset *)GDALOpen( pszFilename, GA_ReadOnly );
예제 #18
 * LoadMetadata()
void GDALMDReaderLandsat::LoadMetadata()

    if (!m_osIMDSourceFilename.empty())
        m_papszIMDMD = GDALLoadIMDFile( m_osIMDSourceFilename );

    m_papszDEFAULTMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszDEFAULTMD, MD_NAME_MDTYPE, "ODL");

    m_bIsMetadataLoad = true;

    // date/time
    // DATE_ACQUIRED = 2013-04-07
    // SCENE_CENTER_TIME = 15:47:03.0882620Z

    const char* pszSatId = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD,
    if(NULL != pszSatId)
        m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD, MD_NAME_SATELLITE,

    const char* pszCloudCover = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD,
    if(NULL != pszCloudCover)
        double fCC = CPLAtofM(pszCloudCover);
        if(fCC < 0)
            m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD, MD_NAME_CLOUDCOVER,
            m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD,
                          MD_NAME_CLOUDCOVER, CPLSPrintf("%d", int(fCC)));



    const char* pszDate = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD,
    if(NULL == pszDate)
        pszDate = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD,

    if(NULL != pszDate)
        const char* pszTime = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD,
        if(NULL == pszTime)
            pszTime = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD,
        if(NULL == pszTime)
            pszTime = "00:00:00.000000Z";

        char buffer[80];
        time_t timeMid = GetAcquisitionTimeFromString(CPLSPrintf( "%sT%s",
                                                     pszDate, pszTime));
        strftime (buffer, 80, MD_DATETIMEFORMAT, localtime(&timeMid));
        m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD,
                                           MD_NAME_ACQDATETIME, buffer);

예제 #19
OGRLayer *
OGRPGDumpDataSource::ICreateLayer( const char * pszLayerName,
                                  OGRSpatialReference *poSRS,
                                  OGRwkbGeometryType eType,
                                  char ** papszOptions )

    CPLString            osCommand;
    const char          *pszGeomType = NULL;
    char                *pszTableName = NULL;
    char                *pszSchemaName = NULL;
    int                  bHavePostGIS = TRUE;
    int                 GeometryTypeFlags = 0;

    const char* pszFIDColumnNameIn = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "FID");
    CPLString osFIDColumnName, osFIDColumnNameEscaped;
    if (pszFIDColumnNameIn == NULL)
        osFIDColumnName = "ogc_fid";
        if( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER", TRUE) )
            char* pszLaunderedFid = OGRPGCommonLaunderName(pszFIDColumnNameIn, "PGDump");
            osFIDColumnName = pszLaunderedFid;
            osFIDColumnName = pszFIDColumnNameIn;
    osFIDColumnNameEscaped = OGRPGDumpEscapeColumnName(osFIDColumnName);

    if (STARTS_WITH(pszLayerName, "pg"))
        CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "The layer name should not begin by 'pg' as it is a reserved prefix");
    //bHavePostGIS = CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"POSTGIS", TRUE);

    int bCreateTable = CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"CREATE_TABLE", TRUE);
    int bCreateSchema = CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"CREATE_SCHEMA", TRUE);
    const char* pszDropTable = CSLFetchNameValueDef(papszOptions,"DROP_TABLE", "IF_EXISTS");

    if( OGR_GT_HasZ((OGRwkbGeometryType)eType) )
        GeometryTypeFlags |= OGRGeometry::OGR_G_3D;
    if( OGR_GT_HasM((OGRwkbGeometryType)eType) )
        GeometryTypeFlags |= OGRGeometry::OGR_G_MEASURED;

    int ForcedGeometryTypeFlags = -1;
    const char* pszDim = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "DIM");
    if( pszDim != NULL )
        if( EQUAL(pszDim, "XY") || EQUAL(pszDim, "2") )
            GeometryTypeFlags = 0;
            ForcedGeometryTypeFlags = GeometryTypeFlags;
        else if( EQUAL(pszDim, "XYZ") || EQUAL(pszDim, "3") )
            GeometryTypeFlags = OGRGeometry::OGR_G_3D;
            ForcedGeometryTypeFlags = GeometryTypeFlags;
        else if( EQUAL(pszDim, "XYM") )
            GeometryTypeFlags = OGRGeometry::OGR_G_MEASURED;
            ForcedGeometryTypeFlags = GeometryTypeFlags;
        else if( EQUAL(pszDim, "XYZM") || EQUAL(pszDim, "4") )
            GeometryTypeFlags = OGRGeometry::OGR_G_3D | OGRGeometry::OGR_G_MEASURED;
            ForcedGeometryTypeFlags = GeometryTypeFlags;
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Invalid value for DIM");

    const int nDimension = 2 + ((GeometryTypeFlags & OGRGeometry::OGR_G_3D) ? 1 : 0)
                       + ((GeometryTypeFlags & OGRGeometry::OGR_G_MEASURED) ? 1 : 0);

    /* Should we turn layers with None geometry type as Unknown/GEOMETRY */
    /* so they are still recorded in geometry_columns table ? (#4012) */
    int bNoneAsUnknown = CPLTestBool(CSLFetchNameValueDef(
                                    papszOptions, "NONE_AS_UNKNOWN", "NO"));
    if (bNoneAsUnknown && eType == wkbNone)
        eType = wkbUnknown;
    else if (eType == wkbNone)
        bHavePostGIS = FALSE;

    int bExtractSchemaFromLayerName = CPLTestBool(CSLFetchNameValueDef(
                                    papszOptions, "EXTRACT_SCHEMA_FROM_LAYER_NAME", "YES"));

    /* Postgres Schema handling:
       Extract schema name from input layer name or passed with -lco SCHEMA.
       Set layer name to "schema.table" or to "table" if schema == current_schema()
       Usage without schema name is backwards compatible
    const char* pszDotPos = strstr(pszLayerName,".");
    if ( pszDotPos != NULL && bExtractSchemaFromLayerName )
      int length = static_cast<int>(pszDotPos - pszLayerName);
      pszSchemaName = (char*)CPLMalloc(length+1);
      strncpy(pszSchemaName, pszLayerName, length);
      pszSchemaName[length] = '\0';

      if( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER", TRUE) )
          pszTableName = OGRPGCommonLaunderName( pszDotPos + 1, "PGDump" ); //skip "."
          pszTableName = CPLStrdup( pszDotPos + 1 ); //skip "."
      pszSchemaName = NULL;
      if( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER", TRUE) )
          pszTableName = OGRPGCommonLaunderName( pszLayerName, "PGDump" ); //skip "."
          pszTableName = CPLStrdup( pszLayerName ); //skip "."


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set the default schema for the layers.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SCHEMA" ) != NULL )
        pszSchemaName = CPLStrdup(CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SCHEMA" ));
        if (bCreateSchema)
            osCommand.Printf("CREATE SCHEMA \"%s\"", pszSchemaName);

    if ( pszSchemaName == NULL)
        pszSchemaName = CPLStrdup("public");

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we already have this layer?                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iLayer;

    for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < nLayers; iLayer++ )
        if( EQUAL(pszLayerName,papoLayers[iLayer]->GetLayerDefn()->GetName()) )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "Layer %s already exists, CreateLayer failed.\n", 
                      pszLayerName );
            CPLFree( pszTableName );
            CPLFree( pszSchemaName );
            return NULL;

    if (bCreateTable && (EQUAL(pszDropTable, "YES") ||
                         EQUAL(pszDropTable, "ON") ||
                         EQUAL(pszDropTable, "TRUE") ||
                         EQUAL(pszDropTable, "IF_EXISTS")))
        if (EQUAL(pszDropTable, "IF_EXISTS"))
            osCommand.Printf("DROP TABLE IF EXISTS \"%s\".\"%s\" CASCADE", pszSchemaName, pszTableName );
            osCommand.Printf("DROP TABLE \"%s\".\"%s\" CASCADE", pszSchemaName, pszTableName );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Handle the GEOM_TYPE option.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    pszGeomType = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GEOM_TYPE" );
    if( pszGeomType == NULL )
        pszGeomType = "geometry";

    if( !EQUAL(pszGeomType,"geometry") && !EQUAL(pszGeomType, "geography"))
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "GEOM_TYPE in PostGIS enabled databases must be 'geometry' or 'geography'.\n"
                    "Creation of layer %s with GEOM_TYPE %s has failed.",
                    pszLayerName, pszGeomType );
        CPLFree( pszTableName );
        CPLFree( pszSchemaName );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to get the SRS Id of this spatial reference system,         */
/*      adding tot the srs table if needed.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nUnknownSRSId = -1;
    const char* pszPostgisVersion = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "POSTGIS_VERSION" );
    int nPostGISMajor = 1;
    int nPostGISMinor = 5;
    if( pszPostgisVersion != NULL && atoi(pszPostgisVersion) >= 2 )
        nPostGISMajor = atoi(pszPostgisVersion);
        if( strchr(pszPostgisVersion, '.') )
            nPostGISMinor = atoi(strchr(pszPostgisVersion, '.')+1);
            nPostGISMinor = 0;
        nUnknownSRSId = 0;

    int nSRSId = nUnknownSRSId;
    int nForcedSRSId = -2;
    if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SRID") != NULL )
        nSRSId = atoi(CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SRID"));
        nForcedSRSId = nSRSId;
        if (poSRS)
            const char* pszAuthorityName = poSRS->GetAuthorityName(NULL);
            if( pszAuthorityName != NULL && EQUAL( pszAuthorityName, "EPSG" ) )
                /* Assume the EPSG Id is the SRS ID. Might be a wrong guess ! */
                nSRSId = atoi( poSRS->GetAuthorityCode(NULL) );
                const char* pszGeogCSName = poSRS->GetAttrValue("GEOGCS");
                if (pszGeogCSName != NULL && EQUAL(pszGeogCSName, "GCS_WGS_1984"))
                    nSRSId = 4326;

    CPLString osEscapedTableNameSingleQuote = OGRPGDumpEscapeString(pszTableName);
    const char* pszEscapedTableNameSingleQuote = osEscapedTableNameSingleQuote.c_str();

    const char *pszGeometryType = OGRToOGCGeomType(eType);

    const char *pszGFldName = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GEOMETRY_NAME");
    if( bHavePostGIS && !EQUAL(pszGeomType, "geography"))
        if( pszGFldName == NULL )
            pszGFldName = "wkb_geometry";

        if( nPostGISMajor < 2 )
            /* Sometimes there is an old cruft entry in the geometry_columns
            * table if things were not properly cleaned up before.  We make
            * an effort to clean out such cruft.
            * Note: PostGIS 2.0 defines geometry_columns as a view (no clean up is needed)
                    "DELETE FROM geometry_columns WHERE f_table_name = %s AND f_table_schema = '%s'",
                    pszEscapedTableNameSingleQuote, pszSchemaName );
            if (bCreateTable)


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a basic table with the FID.  Also include the            */
/*      geometry if this is not a PostGIS enabled table.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int bFID64 = CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions, "FID64", FALSE);
    const char* pszSerialType = bFID64 ? "BIGSERIAL": "SERIAL";
    CPLString osCreateTable;
    int bTemporary = CSLFetchBoolean( papszOptions, "TEMPORARY", FALSE );
    if (bTemporary)
        pszSchemaName = CPLStrdup("pg_temp_1");
        osCreateTable.Printf("CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE \"%s\"", pszTableName);
        osCreateTable.Printf("CREATE TABLE%s \"%s\".\"%s\"",
                             CSLFetchBoolean( papszOptions, "UNLOGGED", FALSE ) ? " UNLOGGED": "",
                             pszSchemaName, pszTableName);

    if( !bHavePostGIS )
        if (eType == wkbNone)
                    "%s ( "
                    "   %s %s, "
                    "   CONSTRAINT \"%s_pk\" PRIMARY KEY (%s) )",
                    osCreateTable.c_str(), osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str(), pszSerialType, pszTableName, osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str() );
                    "%s ( "
                    "   %s %s, "
                    "   WKB_GEOMETRY %s, "
                    "   CONSTRAINT \"%s_pk\" PRIMARY KEY (%s) )",
                    osCreateTable.c_str(), osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str(), pszSerialType, pszGeomType, pszTableName, osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str() );
    else if ( EQUAL(pszGeomType, "geography") )
        if( CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GEOMETRY_NAME") != NULL )
            pszGFldName = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GEOMETRY_NAME");
            pszGFldName = "the_geog";

        const char *suffix = "";
        if( (GeometryTypeFlags & OGRGeometry::OGR_G_MEASURED) && (GeometryTypeFlags & OGRGeometry::OGR_G_3D) )
            suffix = "ZM";
        else if( (GeometryTypeFlags & OGRGeometry::OGR_G_MEASURED) )
            suffix = "M";
        else if( (GeometryTypeFlags & OGRGeometry::OGR_G_3D) )
            suffix = "Z";

        if (nSRSId)
                     "%s ( %s %s, \"%s\" geography(%s%s,%d), CONSTRAINT \"%s_pk\" PRIMARY KEY (%s) )",
                     osCreateTable.c_str(), osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str(), pszSerialType, pszGFldName, pszGeometryType, suffix, nSRSId, pszTableName, osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str() );
                     "%s ( %s %s, \"%s\" geography(%s%s), CONSTRAINT \"%s_pk\" PRIMARY KEY (%s) )",
                     osCreateTable.c_str(), osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str(), pszSerialType, pszGFldName, pszGeometryType, suffix, pszTableName, osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str() );
                 "%s ( %s %s, CONSTRAINT \"%s_pk\" PRIMARY KEY (%s) )",
                 osCreateTable.c_str(), osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str(), pszSerialType, pszTableName, osFIDColumnNameEscaped.c_str() );

    if (bCreateTable)

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Eventually we should be adding this table to a table of         */
/*      "geometric layers", capturing the WKT projection, and           */
/*      perhaps some other housekeeping.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( bCreateTable && bHavePostGIS && !EQUAL(pszGeomType, "geography"))
        const char *suffix = "";
        if( GeometryTypeFlags == static_cast<int>(OGRGeometry::OGR_G_MEASURED) &&
            wkbFlatten(eType) != wkbUnknown )
            suffix = "M";

                "SELECT AddGeometryColumn('%s',%s,'%s',%d,'%s%s',%d)",
                pszSchemaName, pszEscapedTableNameSingleQuote, pszGFldName,
                nSRSId, pszGeometryType, suffix, nDimension );

    const char *pszSI = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "SPATIAL_INDEX" );
    int bCreateSpatialIndex = ( pszSI == NULL || CPLTestBool(pszSI) );
    if( bCreateTable && bHavePostGIS && bCreateSpatialIndex )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the spatial index.                                       */
/*                                                                      */
/*      We're doing this before we add geometry and record to the table */
/*      so this may not be exactly the best way to do it.               */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        osCommand.Printf("CREATE INDEX \"%s_%s_geom_idx\" "
                        "ON \"%s\".\"%s\" "
                        "USING GIST (\"%s\")",
                pszTableName, pszGFldName, pszSchemaName, pszTableName, pszGFldName);


/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the layer object.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    OGRPGDumpLayer     *poLayer;

    int bWriteAsHex = !CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"WRITE_EWKT_GEOM",FALSE);

    poLayer = new OGRPGDumpLayer( this, pszSchemaName, pszTableName,
                                  osFIDColumnName, bWriteAsHex, bCreateTable );
    poLayer->SetLaunderFlag( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"LAUNDER",TRUE) );
    poLayer->SetPrecisionFlag( CSLFetchBoolean(papszOptions,"PRECISION",TRUE));

    const char* pszOverrideColumnTypes = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "COLUMN_TYPES" );
    poLayer->SetPostGISVersion(nPostGISMajor, nPostGISMinor);

    const char* pszDescription = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOptions, "DESCRIPTION");
    if( pszDescription != NULL )
        poLayer->SetForcedDescription( pszDescription );

    if( bHavePostGIS )
        OGRGeomFieldDefn oTmp( pszGFldName, eType );
        OGRPGDumpGeomFieldDefn *poGeomField =
            new OGRPGDumpGeomFieldDefn(&oTmp);
        poGeomField->nSRSId = nSRSId;
        poGeomField->GeometryTypeFlags = GeometryTypeFlags;
        poLayer->GetLayerDefn()->AddGeomFieldDefn(poGeomField, FALSE);
    else if( pszGFldName )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Add layer to data source layer list.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    papoLayers = (OGRPGDumpLayer **)
        CPLRealloc( papoLayers,  sizeof(OGRPGDumpLayer *) * (nLayers+1) );

    papoLayers[nLayers++] = poLayer;

    CPLFree( pszTableName );
    CPLFree( pszSchemaName );

    return poLayer;
예제 #20
int OGRGPXDataSource::Create( const char *pszFilename, 
                              char **papszOptions )
    if( fpOutput != NULL)
        CPLAssert( FALSE );
        return FALSE;

    if (strcmp(pszFilename, "/dev/stdout") == 0)
        pszFilename = "/vsistdout/";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*     Do not override exiting file.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;

    if( VSIStatL( pszFilename, &sStatBuf ) == 0 )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                 "You have to delete %s before being able to create it with the GPX driver",
        return FALSE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create the output file.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename );

    if( strcmp(pszName, "/vsistdout/") == 0 )
        bIsBackSeekable = FALSE;
        fpOutput = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "w" );
        fpOutput = VSIFOpenL( pszFilename, "w+" );
    if( fpOutput == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                  "Failed to create GPX file %s.", 
                  pszFilename );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      End of line character.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszCRLFFormat = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "LINEFORMAT");

    int bUseCRLF;
    if( pszCRLFFormat == NULL )
#ifdef WIN32
        bUseCRLF = TRUE;
        bUseCRLF = FALSE;
    else if( EQUAL(pszCRLFFormat,"CRLF") )
        bUseCRLF = TRUE;
    else if( EQUAL(pszCRLFFormat,"LF") )
        bUseCRLF = FALSE;
        CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined, 
                  "LINEFORMAT=%s not understood, use one of CRLF or LF.",
                  pszCRLFFormat );
#ifdef WIN32
        bUseCRLF = TRUE;
        bUseCRLF = FALSE;
    pszEOL = (bUseCRLF) ? "\r\n" : "\n";

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Look at use extensions options.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char* pszUseExtensions = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GPX_USE_EXTENSIONS");
    const char* pszExtensionsNSURL = NULL;
    if (pszUseExtensions && CSLTestBoolean(pszUseExtensions))
        bUseExtensions = TRUE;

        const char* pszExtensionsNSOption = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS");
        const char* pszExtensionsNSURLOption = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "GPX_EXTENSIONS_NS_URL");
        if (pszExtensionsNSOption && pszExtensionsNSURLOption)
            pszExtensionsNS = CPLStrdup(pszExtensionsNSOption);
            pszExtensionsNSURL = pszExtensionsNSURLOption;
            pszExtensionsNS = CPLStrdup("ogr");
            pszExtensionsNSURL = "http://osgeo.org/gdal";
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*     Output header of GPX file.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    PrintLine("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>");
    VSIFPrintfL(fpOutput, "<gpx version=\"1.1\" creator=\"GDAL " GDAL_RELEASE_NAME "\" ");
    VSIFPrintfL(fpOutput, "xmlns:xsi=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance\" ");
    if (bUseExtensions)
        VSIFPrintfL(fpOutput, "xmlns:%s=\"%s\" ", pszExtensionsNS, pszExtensionsNSURL);
    VSIFPrintfL(fpOutput, "xmlns=\"http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1\" ");
    PrintLine("xsi:schemaLocation=\"http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1 http://www.topografix.com/GPX/1/1/gpx.xsd\">");
    if (bIsBackSeekable)
      /* Reserve space for <metadata><bounds/></metadata> */
      char szMetadata[SPACE_FOR_METADATA+1];
      memset(szMetadata, ' ', SPACE_FOR_METADATA);
      szMetadata[SPACE_FOR_METADATA] = '\0';
      nOffsetBounds = (int) VSIFTellL(fpOutput);
      PrintLine("%s", szMetadata);

    return TRUE;
예제 #21
void OGRGMLDataSource::InsertHeader()

    FILE        *fpSchema;
    int         nSchemaStart = 0;

    if( fpOutput == NULL || fpOutput == stdout )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Do we want to write the schema within the GML instance doc      */
/*      or to a separate file?  For now we only support external.       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszSchemaURI = CSLFetchNameValue(papszCreateOptions,
    const char *pszSchemaOpt = CSLFetchNameValue( papszCreateOptions, 
                                                  "XSISCHEMA" );

    if( pszSchemaURI != NULL )

    if( pszSchemaOpt == NULL || EQUAL(pszSchemaOpt,"EXTERNAL") )
        const char *pszXSDFilename = CPLResetExtension( pszName, "xsd" );

        fpSchema = VSIFOpen( pszXSDFilename, "wt" );
        if( fpSchema == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                      "Failed to open file %.500s for schema output.", 
                      pszXSDFilename );
        fprintf( fpSchema, "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n" );
    else if( EQUAL(pszSchemaOpt,"INTERNAL") )
        nSchemaStart = VSIFTell( fpOutput );
        fpSchema = fpOutput;

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Write the schema section at the end of the file.  Once          */
/*      complete, we will read it back in, and then move the whole      */
/*      file "down" enough to insert the schema at the beginning.       */
/* ==================================================================== */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Emit the start of the schema section.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszTargetNameSpace = "http://ogr.maptools.org/";
    const char *pszPrefix = "ogr";

    VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, 
                "<xs:schema targetNamespace=\"%s\" xmlns:%s=\"%s\" xmlns:xs=\"http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema\" xmlns:gml=\"http://www.opengis.net/gml\" elementFormDefault=\"qualified\" version=\"1.0\">\n", 
                pszTargetNameSpace, pszPrefix, pszTargetNameSpace );
    VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, 
                "<xs:import namespace=\"http://www.opengis.net/gml\" schemaLocation=\"http://schemas.opengeospatial.net/gml/2.1.2/feature.xsd\"/>" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Define the FeatureCollection                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, 
                "<xs:element name=\"FeatureCollection\" type=\"%s:FeatureCollectionType\" substitutionGroup=\"gml:_FeatureCollection\"/>\n", 
                pszPrefix );

        "<xs:complexType name=\"FeatureCollectionType\">\n"
        "  <xs:complexContent>\n"
        "    <xs:extension base=\"gml:AbstractFeatureCollectionType\">\n"
        "      <xs:attribute name=\"lockId\" type=\"xs:string\" use=\"optional\"/>\n"
        "      <xs:attribute name=\"scope\" type=\"xs:string\" use=\"optional\"/>\n"
        "    </xs:extension>\n"
        "  </xs:complexContent>\n"
        "</xs:complexType>\n" );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Define the schema for each layer.                               */
/* ==================================================================== */
    int iLayer;

    for( iLayer = 0; iLayer < GetLayerCount(); iLayer++ )
        OGRFeatureDefn *poFDefn = GetLayer(iLayer)->GetLayerDefn();
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Emit initial stuff for a feature type.                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            "<xs:element name=\"%s\" type=\"%s:%s_Type\" substitutionGroup=\"gml:_Feature\"/>\n",
            poFDefn->GetName(), pszPrefix, poFDefn->GetName() );

            "<xs:complexType name=\"%s_Type\">\n"
            "  <xs:complexContent>\n"
            "    <xs:extension base=\"gml:AbstractFeatureType\">\n"
            "      <xs:sequence>\n",
            poFDefn->GetName() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Define the geometry attribute.  For now I always use the        */
/*      generic geometry type, but eventually we should express         */
/*      particulars if available.                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
            "<xs:element name=\"geometryProperty\" type=\"gml:GeometryPropertyType\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"1\" maxOccurs=\"1\"/>\n" );
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Emit each of the attributes.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        for( int iField = 0; iField < poFDefn->GetFieldCount(); iField++ )
            OGRFieldDefn *poFieldDefn = poFDefn->GetFieldDefn(iField);

            if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTInteger )
                int nWidth;

                if( poFieldDefn->GetWidth() > 0 )
                    nWidth = poFieldDefn->GetWidth();
                    nWidth = 16;

                VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, 
                            "    <xs:element name=\"%s\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\">\n"
                            "      <xs:simpleType>\n"
                            "        <xs:restriction base=\"xs:integer\">\n"
                            "          <xs:totalDigits value=\"%d\"/>\n"
                            "        </xs:restriction>\n"
                            "      </xs:simpleType>\n"
                            "    </xs:element>\n",
                            poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), nWidth );
            else if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTReal )
                int nWidth, nDecimals;

                if( poFieldDefn->GetPrecision() == 0 )
                    nDecimals = 0;
                    nDecimals = poFieldDefn->GetPrecision();

                if( poFieldDefn->GetWidth() > 0 )
                    nWidth = poFieldDefn->GetWidth();
                    nWidth = 33;

                VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, 
                            "    <xs:element name=\"%s\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\">\n"
                            "      <xs:simpleType>\n"
                            "        <xs:restriction base=\"xs:decimal\">\n"
                            "          <xs:totalDigits value=\"%d\"/>\n"
                            "          <xs:fractionDigits value=\"%d\"/>\n"
                            "        </xs:restriction>\n"
                            "      </xs:simpleType>\n"
                            "    </xs:element>\n",
                            poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), nWidth, nDecimals );
            else if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTString )
                char szMaxLength[48];

                if( poFieldDefn->GetWidth() == 0 )
                    sprintf( szMaxLength, "unbounded" );
                    sprintf( szMaxLength, "%d", poFieldDefn->GetWidth() );

                VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, 
                            "    <xs:element name=\"%s\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\">\n"
                            "      <xs:simpleType>\n"
                            "        <xs:restriction base=\"xs:string\">\n"
                            "          <xs:maxLength value=\"%s\"/>\n"
                            "        </xs:restriction>\n"
                            "      </xs:simpleType>\n"
                            "    </xs:element>\n",
                            poFieldDefn->GetNameRef(), szMaxLength );
            else if( poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDate || poFieldDefn->GetType() == OFTDateTime )
                VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, 
                            "    <xs:element name=\"%s\" nillable=\"true\" minOccurs=\"0\" maxOccurs=\"1\">\n"
                            "      <xs:simpleType>\n"
                            "        <xs:restriction base=\"xs:string\">\n"
                            "          <xs:maxLength value=\"unbounded\"/>\n"
                            "        </xs:restriction>\n"
                            "      </xs:simpleType>\n"
                            "    </xs:element>\n",
                            poFieldDefn->GetNameRef() );
                /* TODO */
        } /* next field */

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Finish off feature type.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, 
                    "      </xs:sequence>\n"
                    "    </xs:extension>\n"
                    "  </xs:complexContent>\n"
                    "</xs:complexType>\n" );
    } /* next layer */

    VSIFPrintf( fpSchema, "</xs:schema>\n" );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Move schema to the start of the file.                           */
/* ==================================================================== */
    if( fpSchema == fpOutput )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the schema into memory.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        int nSchemaSize = VSIFTell( fpOutput ) - nSchemaStart;
        char *pszSchema = (char *) CPLMalloc(nSchemaSize+1);
        VSIFSeek( fpOutput, nSchemaStart, SEEK_SET );

        VSIFRead( pszSchema, 1, nSchemaSize, fpOutput );
        pszSchema[nSchemaSize] = '\0';
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Move file data down by "schema size" bytes from after <?xml>    */
/*      header so we have room insert the schema.  Move in pretty       */
/*      big chunks.                                                     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        int nChunkSize = MIN(nSchemaStart-nSchemaInsertLocation,250000);
        char *pszChunk = (char *) CPLMalloc(nChunkSize);
        int nEndOfUnmovedData = nSchemaStart;

        for( nEndOfUnmovedData = nSchemaStart;
             nEndOfUnmovedData > nSchemaInsertLocation; )
            int nBytesToMove = 
                MIN(nChunkSize, nEndOfUnmovedData - nSchemaInsertLocation );

            VSIFSeek( fpOutput, nEndOfUnmovedData - nBytesToMove, SEEK_SET );
            VSIFRead( pszChunk, 1, nBytesToMove, fpOutput );
            VSIFSeek( fpOutput, nEndOfUnmovedData - nBytesToMove + nSchemaSize, 
                      SEEK_SET );
            VSIFWrite( pszChunk, 1, nBytesToMove, fpOutput );
            nEndOfUnmovedData -= nBytesToMove;

        CPLFree( pszChunk );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write the schema in the opened slot.                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        VSIFSeek( fpOutput, nSchemaInsertLocation, SEEK_SET );
        VSIFWrite( pszSchema, 1, nSchemaSize, fpOutput );

        VSIFSeek( fpOutput, 0, SEEK_END );

        nBoundedByLocation += nSchemaSize;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Close external schema files.                                    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        VSIFClose( fpSchema );
예제 #22
 * \brief Fetch a document from an url and return in a string.
 * @param pszURL valid URL recognized by underlying download library (libcurl)
 * @param papszOptions option list as a NULL-terminated array of strings. May be NULL.
 *                     The following options are handled :
 * <ul>
 * <li>TIMEOUT=val, where val is in seconds</li>
 * <li>HEADERS=val, where val is an extra header to use when getting a web page.
 *                  For example "Accept: application/x-ogcwkt"
 * <li>HTTPAUTH=[BASIC/NTLM/GSSNEGOTIATE/ANY] to specify an authentication scheme to use.
 * <li>USERPWD=userid:password to specify a user and password for authentication
 * <li>POSTFIELDS=val, where val is a nul-terminated string to be passed to the server
 *                     with a POST request.
 * <li>PROXY=val, to make requests go through a proxy server, where val is of the
 *                form proxy.server.com:port_number
 * <li>PROXYUSERPWD=val, where val is of the form username:password
 * <li>PROXYAUTH=[BASIC/NTLM/DIGEST/ANY] to specify an proxy authentication scheme to use.
 * <li>NETRC=[YES/NO] to enable or disable use of $HOME/.netrc, default YES.
 * <li>CUSTOMREQUEST=val, where val is GET, PUT, POST, DELETE, etc.. (GDAL >= 1.9.0)
 * <li>COOKIE=val, where val is formatted as COOKIE1=VALUE1; COOKIE2=VALUE2; ...
 * <li>MAX_RETRY=val, where val is the maximum number of retry attempts if a 503 or
 *               504 HTTP error occurs. Default is 0. (GDAL >= 2.0)
 * <li>RETRY_DELAY=val, where val is the number of seconds between retry attempts.
 *                 Default is 30. (GDAL >= 2.0)
 * </ul>
 * Alternatively, if not defined in the papszOptions arguments, the PROXY,  
 * PROXYUSERPWD, PROXYAUTH, NETRC, MAX_RETRY and RETRY_DELAY values are searched in the configuration 
 * @return a CPLHTTPResult* structure that must be freed by 
 * CPLHTTPDestroyResult(), or NULL if libcurl support is disabled
CPLHTTPResult *CPLHTTPFetch( const char *pszURL, char **papszOptions )

    if( strncmp(pszURL, "/vsimem/", strlen("/vsimem/")) == 0 &&
        /* Disabled by default for potential security issues */
        CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("CPL_CURL_ENABLE_VSIMEM", "FALSE")) )
        CPLString osURL(pszURL);
        const char* pszPost = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "POSTFIELDS" );
        if( pszPost != NULL ) /* Hack: we append post content to filename */
            osURL += "&POSTFIELDS=";
            osURL += pszPost;
        vsi_l_offset nLength = 0;
        CPLHTTPResult* psResult = (CPLHTTPResult* )CPLCalloc(1, sizeof(CPLHTTPResult));
        GByte* pabyData = VSIGetMemFileBuffer( osURL, &nLength, FALSE );
        if( pabyData == NULL )
            CPLDebug("HTTP", "Cannot find %s", osURL.c_str());
            psResult->nStatus = 1;
            psResult->pszErrBuf = CPLStrdup(CPLSPrintf("HTTP error code : %d", 404));
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s", psResult->pszErrBuf );
        else if( nLength != 0 )
            psResult->nDataLen = (size_t)nLength;
            psResult->pabyData = (GByte*) CPLMalloc((size_t)nLength + 1);
            memcpy(psResult->pabyData, pabyData, (size_t)nLength);
            psResult->pabyData[(size_t)nLength] = 0;

        if( psResult->pabyData != NULL &&
            strncmp((const char*)psResult->pabyData, "Content-Type: ",
                    strlen("Content-Type: ")) == 0 )
            const char* pszContentType = (const char*)psResult->pabyData + strlen("Content-type: ");
            const char* pszEOL = strchr(pszContentType, '\r');
            if( pszEOL )
                pszEOL = strchr(pszContentType, '\n');
            if( pszEOL )
                int nLength = pszEOL - pszContentType;
                psResult->pszContentType = (char*)CPLMalloc(nLength + 1);
                memcpy(psResult->pszContentType, pszContentType, nLength);
                psResult->pszContentType[nLength] = 0;

        return psResult;

#ifndef HAVE_CURL
    (void) papszOptions;
    (void) pszURL;

    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
              "GDAL/OGR not compiled with libcurl support, remote requests not supported." );
    return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Are we using a persistent named session?  If so, search for     */
/*      or create it.                                                   */
/*                                                                      */
/*      Currently this code does not attempt to protect against         */
/*      multiple threads asking for the same named session.  If that    */
/*      occurs it will be in use in multiple threads at once which      */
/*      might have bad consequences depending on what guarantees        */
/*      libcurl gives - which I have not investigated.                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CURL *http_handle = NULL;

    const char *pszPersistent = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "PERSISTENT" );
    const char *pszClosePersistent = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "CLOSE_PERSISTENT" );
    if (pszPersistent)
        CPLString osSessionName = pszPersistent;
        CPLMutexHolder oHolder( &hSessionMapMutex );

        if( poSessionMap == NULL )
            poSessionMap = new std::map<CPLString,CURL*>;
        if( poSessionMap->count( osSessionName ) == 0 )
            (*poSessionMap)[osSessionName] = curl_easy_init();
            CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Establish persistent session named '%s'.",
                      osSessionName.c_str() );

        http_handle = (*poSessionMap)[osSessionName];
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Are we requested to close a persistent named session?          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    else if (pszClosePersistent)
        CPLString osSessionName = pszClosePersistent;
        CPLMutexHolder oHolder( &hSessionMapMutex );

        if( poSessionMap )
            std::map<CPLString,CURL*>::iterator oIter = poSessionMap->find( osSessionName );
            if( oIter != poSessionMap->end() )
                if( poSessionMap->size() == 0 )
                    delete poSessionMap;
                    poSessionMap = NULL;
                CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Ended persistent session named '%s'.",
                        osSessionName.c_str() );
                CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Could not find persistent session named '%s'.",
                        osSessionName.c_str() );

        return NULL;
        http_handle = curl_easy_init();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Setup the request.                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char szCurlErrBuf[CURL_ERROR_SIZE+1];
    CPLHTTPResult *psResult;
    struct curl_slist *headers=NULL; 

    const char* pszArobase = strchr(pszURL, '@');
    const char* pszSlash = strchr(pszURL, '/');
    const char* pszColon = (pszSlash) ? strchr(pszSlash, ':') : NULL;
    if (pszArobase != NULL && pszColon != NULL && pszArobase - pszColon > 0)
        /* http://user:[email protected] */
        char* pszSanitizedURL = CPLStrdup(pszURL);
        pszSanitizedURL[pszColon-pszURL] = 0;
        CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Fetch(%s:#password#%s)", pszSanitizedURL, pszArobase );
        CPLDebug( "HTTP", "Fetch(%s)", pszURL );

    psResult = (CPLHTTPResult *) CPLCalloc(1,sizeof(CPLHTTPResult));

    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_URL, pszURL );

    CPLHTTPSetOptions(http_handle, papszOptions);

    // turn off SSL verification, accept all servers with ssl
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE);

    /* Set Headers.*/
    const char *pszHeaders = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "HEADERS" );
    if( pszHeaders != NULL ) {
        CPLDebug ("HTTP", "These HTTP headers were set: %s", pszHeaders);
        headers = curl_slist_append(headers, pszHeaders);
        curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, headers);

    // are we making a head request
    const char* pszNoBody = NULL;
    if ((pszNoBody = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "NO_BODY" )) != NULL)
        if (CSLTestBoolean(pszNoBody)) 
            CPLDebug ("HTTP", "HEAD Request: %s", pszURL);
            curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_NOBODY, 1L);           

    // capture response headers
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_HEADERDATA, psResult);
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_HEADERFUNCTION, CPLHdrWriteFct);
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEDATA, psResult );
    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_WRITEFUNCTION, CPLWriteFct );

    szCurlErrBuf[0] = '\0';

    curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_ERRORBUFFER, szCurlErrBuf );

    static int bHasCheckVersion = FALSE;
    static int bSupportGZip = FALSE;
    if (!bHasCheckVersion)
        bSupportGZip = strstr(curl_version(), "zlib/") != NULL;
        bHasCheckVersion = TRUE;
    int bGZipRequested = FALSE;
    if (bSupportGZip && CSLTestBoolean(CPLGetConfigOption("CPL_CURL_GZIP", "YES")))
        bGZipRequested = TRUE;
        curl_easy_setopt(http_handle, CURLOPT_ENCODING, "gzip");

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      If 502, 503 or 504 status code retry this HTTP call until max        */
/*      retry has been rearched                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszRetryDelay = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "RETRY_DELAY" );
    if( pszRetryDelay == NULL )
        pszRetryDelay = CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_RETRY_DELAY", "30" );
    const char *pszMaxRetries = CSLFetchNameValue( papszOptions, "MAX_RETRY" );
    if( pszMaxRetries == NULL )
        pszMaxRetries = CPLGetConfigOption( "GDAL_HTTP_MAX_RETRY", "0" );
    int nRetryDelaySecs = atoi(pszRetryDelay);
    int nMaxRetries = atoi(pszMaxRetries);
    int nRetryCount = 0;
    bool bRequestRetry;

        bRequestRetry = FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Execute the request, waiting for results.                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        psResult->nStatus = (int) curl_easy_perform( http_handle );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fetch content-type if possible.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        psResult->pszContentType = NULL;
        curl_easy_getinfo( http_handle, CURLINFO_CONTENT_TYPE,
                           &(psResult->pszContentType) );
        if( psResult->pszContentType != NULL )
            psResult->pszContentType = CPLStrdup(psResult->pszContentType);

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Have we encountered some sort of error?                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
        if( strlen(szCurlErrBuf) > 0 )
            int bSkipError = FALSE;

            /* Some servers such as */
            /* invalidly return Content-Length as the uncompressed size, with makes curl to wait for more data */
            /* and time-out finally. If we got the expected data size, then we don't emit an error */
            /* but turn off GZip requests */
            if (bGZipRequested &&
                strstr(szCurlErrBuf, "transfer closed with") &&
                strstr(szCurlErrBuf, "bytes remaining to read"))
                const char* pszContentLength =
                    CSLFetchNameValue(psResult->papszHeaders, "Content-Length");
                if (pszContentLength && psResult->nDataLen != 0 &&
                    atoi(pszContentLength) == psResult->nDataLen)
                    const char* pszCurlGZIPOption = CPLGetConfigOption("CPL_CURL_GZIP", NULL);
                    if (pszCurlGZIPOption == NULL)
                        CPLSetConfigOption("CPL_CURL_GZIP", "NO");
                        CPLDebug("HTTP", "Disabling CPL_CURL_GZIP, because %s doesn't support it properly",
                    psResult->nStatus = 0;
                    bSkipError = TRUE;
            if (!bSkipError)
                psResult->pszErrBuf = CPLStrdup(szCurlErrBuf);
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "%s", szCurlErrBuf );
            /* HTTP errors do not trigger curl errors. But we need to */
            /* propagate them to the caller though */
            long response_code = 0;
            curl_easy_getinfo(http_handle, CURLINFO_RESPONSE_CODE, &response_code);

            if (response_code >= 400 && response_code < 600)
                /* If HTTP 502, 503 or 504 gateway timeout error retry after a pause */
                if ((response_code >= 502 && response_code <= 504) && nRetryCount < nMaxRetries)
                    CPLError(CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                             "HTTP error code: %d - %s. Retrying again in %d secs",
                             (int)response_code, pszURL, nRetryDelaySecs);

                    psResult->pszContentType = NULL;
                    psResult->papszHeaders = NULL;
                    psResult->pabyData = NULL;
                    psResult->nDataLen = 0;
                    psResult->nDataAlloc = 0;

                    bRequestRetry = TRUE;
                    psResult->pszErrBuf = CPLStrdup(CPLSPrintf("HTTP error code : %d", (int)response_code));
                    CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "%s", psResult->pszErrBuf );
    while (bRequestRetry);

    if (!pszPersistent)
        curl_easy_cleanup( http_handle );


    return psResult;
#endif /* def HAVE_CURL */
예제 #23
int OGRMySQLDataSource::Open( const char * pszNewName, char** papszOpenOptionsIn,
                              int bUpdate )

    CPLAssert( nLayers == 0 );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Use options process to get .my.cnf file contents.               */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nPort = 0;
    char **papszTableNames=NULL;
    std::string oHost, oPassword, oUser, oDB;

    CPLString osNewName(pszNewName);
    const char* apszOpenOptions[] = { "dbname", "port", "user", "password",
                                      "host", "tables"
    for(int i=0; i <(int)(sizeof(apszOpenOptions)/sizeof(char*)); i++)
        const char* pszVal = CSLFetchNameValue(papszOpenOptionsIn, apszOpenOptions[i]);
        if( pszVal )
            if( osNewName[osNewName.size()-1] != ':' )
                osNewName += ",";
            if( i > 0 )
                osNewName += apszOpenOptions[i];
                osNewName += "=";
            if( EQUAL(apszOpenOptions[i], "tables") )
                for( ; *pszVal; ++pszVal )
                    if( *pszVal == ',' )
                        osNewName += ";";
                        osNewName += *pszVal;
                osNewName += pszVal;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Parse out connection information.                               */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszItems = CSLTokenizeString2( osNewName+6, ",",
                                            CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );

    if( CSLCount(papszItems) < 1 )
        CSLDestroy( papszItems );
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "MYSQL: request missing databasename." );
        return FALSE;

    oDB = papszItems[0];

    for( int i = 1; papszItems[i] != NULL; i++ )
        if( STARTS_WITH_CI(papszItems[i], "user="******"password="******"host=") )
            oHost = papszItems[i] + 5;
        else if( STARTS_WITH_CI(papszItems[i], "port=") )
            nPort = atoi(papszItems[i] + 5);
        else if( STARTS_WITH_CI(papszItems[i], "tables=") )
            papszTableNames = CSLTokenizeStringComplex(
                                  papszItems[i] + 7, ";", FALSE, FALSE );
            CPLError( CE_Warning, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "'%s' in MYSQL datasource definition not recognised and ignored.", papszItems[i] );

    CSLDestroy( papszItems );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Try to establish connection.                                    */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    hConn = mysql_init( NULL );

    if( hConn == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "mysql_init() failed." );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Set desired options on the connection: charset and timeout.     */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( hConn )
        const char *pszTimeoutLength =
            CPLGetConfigOption( "MYSQL_TIMEOUT", "0" );

        unsigned int timeout = atoi(pszTimeoutLength);
        mysql_options(hConn, MYSQL_OPT_CONNECT_TIMEOUT, (char*)&timeout);

        mysql_options(hConn, MYSQL_SET_CHARSET_NAME, "utf8" );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Perform connection.                                             */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( hConn
            && mysql_real_connect( hConn,
                                   oHost.length() ? oHost.c_str() : NULL,
                                   oUser.length() ? oUser.c_str() : NULL,
                                   oPassword.length() ? oPassword.c_str() : NULL,
                                   oDB.length() ? oDB.c_str() : NULL,
                                   nPort, NULL, CLIENT_INTERACTIVE ) == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "MySQL connect failed for: %s\n%s",
                  pszNewName + 6, mysql_error( hConn ) );
        mysql_close( hConn );
        hConn = NULL;

    if( hConn == NULL )
        CSLDestroy( papszTableNames );
        return FALSE;
        // Enable automatic reconnection
        // Must be called after mysql_real_connect() on MySQL < 5.0.19
        // and at any point on more recent versions.
        my_bool reconnect = 1;
        mysql_options(hConn, MYSQL_OPT_RECONNECT, &reconnect);

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszNewName );

    bDSUpdate = bUpdate;

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Get a list of available tables.                                 */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( papszTableNames == NULL )
        MYSQL_RES *hResultSet;
        MYSQL_ROW papszRow;

        if( mysql_query( hConn, "SHOW TABLES" ) )
            ReportError( "SHOW TABLES Failed" );
            return FALSE;

        hResultSet = mysql_store_result( hConn );
        if( hResultSet == NULL )
            ReportError( "mysql_store_result() failed on SHOW TABLES result.");
            return FALSE;

        while( (papszRow = mysql_fetch_row( hResultSet )) != NULL )
            if( papszRow[0] == NULL )

            if( EQUAL(papszRow[0],"spatial_ref_sys")
                    || EQUAL(papszRow[0],"geometry_columns") )

            papszTableNames = CSLAddString(papszTableNames, papszRow[0] );

        mysql_free_result( hResultSet );

    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Get the schema of the available tables.                         */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int iRecord;

    for( iRecord = 0;
            papszTableNames != NULL && papszTableNames[iRecord] != NULL;
            iRecord++ )
        //  FIXME: This should be fixed to deal with tables
        //  for which we can't open because the name is bad/
        OpenTable( papszTableNames[iRecord], bUpdate );

    CSLDestroy( papszTableNames );

    return nLayers > 0 || bUpdate;
예제 #24
GDALDataset *ROIPACDataset::Open( GDALOpenInfo *poOpenInfo )
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Confirm that the header is compatible with a ROIPAC dataset.    */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( !Identify(poOpenInfo) )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open the .rsc file                                              */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osRscFilename = getRscFilename( poOpenInfo );
    if ( osRscFilename.empty() )
        return NULL;
    VSILFILE *fpRsc;
    if ( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        fpRsc = VSIFOpenL( osRscFilename, "r+" );
        fpRsc = VSIFOpenL( osRscFilename, "r" );
    if ( fpRsc == NULL )
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Load the .rsc information.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszRsc = NULL;
    while ( true )
        const char *pszLine;
        char **papszTokens;

        pszLine = CPLReadLineL( fpRsc );
        if (pszLine == NULL)

        papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString2( pszLine, " \t",
                                            | CSLT_STRIPENDSPACES
                                            | CSLT_PRESERVEQUOTES
                                            | CSLT_PRESERVEESCAPES );
        if ( papszTokens == NULL 
             || papszTokens[0] == NULL || papszTokens[1] == NULL )
            CSLDestroy ( papszTokens );
        papszRsc = CSLSetNameValue( papszRsc,
                                       papszTokens[0], papszTokens[1] );

        CSLDestroy ( papszTokens );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Fetch required fields.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int nWidth = 0, nFileLength = 0;
    if ( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "WIDTH" ) == NULL
        || CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "FILE_LENGTH" ) == NULL )
        CSLDestroy( papszRsc );
        VSIFCloseL( fpRsc );
        return NULL;
    nWidth = atoi( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "WIDTH" ) ); 
    nFileLength = atoi( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "FILE_LENGTH" ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create a corresponding GDALDataset.                             */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    ROIPACDataset *poDS;
    poDS = new ROIPACDataset();
    poDS->nRasterXSize = nWidth;
    poDS->nRasterYSize = nFileLength;
    poDS->eAccess = poOpenInfo->eAccess;
    poDS->fpRsc = fpRsc;
    poDS->pszRscFilename = CPLStrdup( osRscFilename.c_str() );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Reopen file in update mode if necessary.                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( poOpenInfo->eAccess == GA_Update )
        poDS->fpImage = VSIFOpenL( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "rb+" );
        poDS->fpImage = VSIFOpenL( poOpenInfo->pszFilename, "rb" );
    if( poDS->fpImage == NULL )
        delete poDS;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Failed to re-open %s within ROI_PAC driver.\n",
                  poOpenInfo->pszFilename );
        CSLDestroy( papszRsc );
        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create band information objects.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    GDALDataType eDataType;
    int nBands;
    enum Interleave { LINE, PIXEL } eInterleave;
    const char *pszExtension = CPLGetExtension(poOpenInfo->pszFilename);
    if ( strcmp( pszExtension, "raw" ) == 0 )
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /* TODO: ROI_PAC raw images are what would be GDT_CInt8 typed,  */
        /* but since that type do not exist, we will have to implement  */
        /* a specific case in the RasterBand to convert it to           */
        /* GDT_CInt16 for example                                       */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
#if 0
        eDataType = GDT_CInt8;
        nBands = 1;
        eInterleave = PIXEL;
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                  "Reading ROI_PAC raw files is not supported yet." );
        delete poDS;
        CSLDestroy( papszRsc );
        return NULL;
    else if ( strcmp( pszExtension, "int" ) == 0
                || strcmp( pszExtension, "slc" ) == 0 )
        eDataType = GDT_CFloat32;
        nBands = 1;
        eInterleave = PIXEL;
    else if ( strcmp( pszExtension, "amp" ) == 0 )
        eDataType = GDT_Float32;
        nBands = 2;
        eInterleave = PIXEL;
    else if ( strcmp( pszExtension, "cor" ) == 0 
                || strcmp( pszExtension, "hgt" ) == 0 
                || strcmp( pszExtension, "unw" ) == 0 
                || strcmp( pszExtension, "msk" ) == 0 
                || strcmp( pszExtension, "trans" ) == 0 )
        eDataType = GDT_Float32;
        nBands = 2;
        eInterleave = LINE;
    else if ( strcmp( pszExtension, "dem" ) == 0 )
        eDataType = GDT_Int16;
        nBands = 1;
        eInterleave = PIXEL;
    else { /* Eeek */
        delete poDS;
        CSLDestroy( papszRsc );
        return NULL;
    int nPixelOffset;
    int nLineOffset;
    int nBandOffset;
    if (eInterleave == LINE)
        nPixelOffset = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType)/8;
        nLineOffset = nPixelOffset * nWidth * nBands;
        nBandOffset = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType)/8 * nWidth;
    else { /* PIXEL */
        nPixelOffset = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType)/8 * nBands;
        nLineOffset = nPixelOffset * nWidth * nBands;
        nBandOffset = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType)/8;
    poDS->nBands = nBands;
    for (int b = 0; b < nBands; b++)
        poDS->SetBand( b + 1,
                       new ROIPACRasterBand( poDS, b + 1, poDS->fpImage,
                                             nBandOffset * b,
                                             nPixelOffset, nLineOffset,
                                             eDataType, TRUE,
                                             TRUE, FALSE ) );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Interpret georeferencing, if present.                           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if ( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "X_FIRST" ) != NULL
          && CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "X_STEP" ) != NULL
          && CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "Y_FIRST" ) != NULL
          && CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "Y_STEP" ) != NULL )
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[0] = CPLAtof( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc,
                                                               "X_FIRST" ) );
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[1] = CPLAtof( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, 
                                                               "X_STEP" ) );
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[3] = CPLAtof( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, 
                                                               "Y_FIRST" ) );
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
        poDS->adfGeoTransform[5] = CPLAtof( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, 
                                                               "Y_STEP" ) );
        poDS->bValidGeoTransform = true;
    if ( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "PROJECTION" ) != NULL )
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        /* In ROI_PAC, images are georeferenced either with lat/long or */
        /* UTM projection. However, using UTM projection is dangerous   */
        /* because there is no North/South field, or use of latitude    */
        /* bands!                                                       */
        /* ------------------------------------------------------------ */
        OGRSpatialReference oSRS;
        if ( strcmp( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "PROJECTION" ),
                     "LL" ) == 0 )
            if ( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "DATUM" ) != NULL )
                oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, 
                                                            "DATUM" ) );
            else {
                oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( "WGS84" );
        else if( strncmp( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "PROJECTION" ),
                          "UTM", 3 ) == 0 )
            const char *pszZone = CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, 
                                                     "PROJECTION" ) + 3;
            oSRS.SetUTM( atoi( pszZone ), TRUE ); /* FIXME: north/south? */
            if ( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, "DATUM" ) != NULL )
                oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( CSLFetchNameValue( papszRsc, 
                                                            "DATUM" ) );
            else {
                oSRS.SetWellKnownGeogCS( "NAD27" );
        oSRS.exportToWkt( &poDS->pszProjection );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Set all the other header metadata into the ROI_PAC domain       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    for (int i = 0; i < CSLCount( papszRsc ); i++)
        char **papszTokens;
        papszTokens = CSLTokenizeString2( papszRsc[i],
                                            | CSLT_STRIPENDSPACES);
        if ( strcmp( papszTokens[0], "WIDTH" ) == 0
              || strcmp( papszTokens[0], "FILE_LENGTH" ) == 0
              || strcmp( papszTokens[0], "X_FIRST" ) == 0
              || strcmp( papszTokens[0], "X_STEP" ) == 0
              || strcmp( papszTokens[0], "Y_FIRST" ) == 0
              || strcmp( papszTokens[0], "Y_STEP" ) == 0
              || strcmp( papszTokens[0], "PROJECTION" ) == 0 
              || strcmp( papszTokens[0], "DATUM" ) == 0 )
            CSLDestroy( papszTokens );
        poDS->SetMetadataItem(papszTokens[0], papszTokens[1], "ROI_PAC");
        CSLDestroy( papszTokens );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Free papszRsc                                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CSLDestroy( papszRsc );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize any PAM information.                                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->SetDescription( poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Check for overviews.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    poDS->oOvManager.Initialize( poDS, poOpenInfo->pszFilename );

    return( poDS );
예제 #25
int VICARKeywordHandler::Ingest( VSILFILE *fp, GByte *pabyHeader )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read in buffer till we find END all on it's own line.           */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( VSIFSeekL( fp, 0, SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
        return FALSE;

    // Find LBLSIZE Entry
    char* pszLBLSIZE = strstr((char*)pabyHeader,"LBLSIZE");
    int nOffset = 0;

    if (pszLBLSIZE)
        nOffset = pszLBLSIZE - (const char *)pabyHeader;

    char *pch1 = strstr((char*)pabyHeader+nOffset, "=");
    if( pch1 == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    char *pch2 = strstr((char*)pabyHeader+nOffset, " ");
    if( pch2 == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    char keyval[100];
    strncpy( keyval, pch1, MAX( pch2-pch1, 99 ) );
    keyval[MAX(pch2-pch1, 99)] = '\0';
    LabelSize = atoi( keyval );
    if( LabelSize > 10 * 1024 * 124 )
        return FALSE;

    char* pszChunk = (char*) VSIMalloc( LabelSize + 1 );
    if( pszChunk == NULL )
        return FALSE;
    int nBytesRead = VSIFReadL( pszChunk, 1, LabelSize, fp );
    pszChunk[LabelSize] = 0;

    osHeaderText += pszChunk ;
    VSIFree( pszChunk );
    pszHeaderNext = osHeaderText.c_str();

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Process name/value pairs, keeping track of a "path stack".      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( !ReadGroup("") )
        return FALSE;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Now check for the Vicar End-of-Dataset Label...                 */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *pszResult = CSLFetchNameValue( papszKeywordList, "EOL" );
    if( pszResult == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    if( !EQUAL(pszResult,"1") )
        return TRUE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      There is a EOL!   e.G.  h4231_0000.nd4.06                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */

    long int nPixelOffset=0;
    if (EQUAL( CSLFetchNameValue(papszKeywordList,"FORMAT" ), "BYTE" )) {
        nPixelOffset = 1;
    else if (EQUAL( CSLFetchNameValue(papszKeywordList,"FORMAT" ), "HALF" )) {
        nPixelOffset = 2;
    else if (EQUAL( CSLFetchNameValue(papszKeywordList,"FORMAT" ), "FULL" )) {
        nPixelOffset = 4;
    else if (EQUAL( CSLFetchNameValue(papszKeywordList,"FORMAT" ), "REAL" )) {
        nPixelOffset = 4;

    const long int nCols = atoi( CSLFetchNameValue( papszKeywordList, "NS" ) );
    const long int nRows = atoi( CSLFetchNameValue( papszKeywordList, "NL" ) );
    const int nBands = atoi( CSLFetchNameValue( papszKeywordList, "NB" ) );
    const int nBB = atoi( CSLFetchNameValue( papszKeywordList, "NBB" ) );

    long int nLineOffset = nPixelOffset * nCols + nBB ;
    long int nBandOffset = nLineOffset * nRows;

    long int starteol = LabelSize + nBandOffset * nBands;
    if( VSIFSeekL( fp, starteol, SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
        printf("Error seeking to EOL!\n");
        return FALSE;
    char szChunk[100];
    nBytesRead = VSIFReadL( szChunk, 1, 30, fp );
    szChunk[nBytesRead] = '\0';
    pszLBLSIZE = strstr( szChunk, "LBLSIZE" );
    nOffset = 0;

    if (pszLBLSIZE)
        nOffset = pszLBLSIZE - (const char *)szChunk;
    pch1 = strstr( (char*)szChunk + nOffset,"=" ) + 1;
    pch2 = strstr( (char*)szChunk + nOffset, " " );
    strncpy( keyval, pch1, pch2-pch1 );

    int EOLabelSize = atoi( keyval );
    if( EOLabelSize > 99 )
        EOLabelSize = 99;
    if( VSIFSeekL( fp, starteol, SEEK_SET ) != 0 )
        printf("Error seeking again to EOL!\n");
        return FALSE;

    nBytesRead = VSIFReadL( szChunk, 1, EOLabelSize, fp );
    szChunk[nBytesRead] = '\0';
    osHeaderText += szChunk ;
    pszHeaderNext = osHeaderText.c_str();

    return ReadGroup( "" );
예제 #26
                     int nOffset,
                     char szTREName[7],
                     char** ppabyTREData,
                     int* pnFoundTRESize)
    char szTREHeader[12];
    char szTRETempName[7];
    NITFSegmentInfo* psSegInfo;
    VSILFILE* fp;
    int nTRESize;

    memset(szTREName, '\0', 7);
    if (ppabyTREData)
        *ppabyTREData = NULL;
    if (pnFoundTRESize)
        *pnFoundTRESize = 0;

    if (nOffset < 0)
        return FALSE;

    if (psDES == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    if (CSLFetchNameValue(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_DESOFLW") == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    psSegInfo = psDES->psFile->pasSegmentInfo + psDES->iSegment;
    fp = psDES->psFile->fp;

    if (nOffset >= psSegInfo->nSegmentSize)
        return FALSE;

    VSIFSeekL(fp, psSegInfo->nSegmentStart + nOffset, SEEK_SET);

    if (VSIFReadL(szTREHeader, 1, 11, fp) != 11)
        /* Some files have a nSegmentSize larger than what is is in reality */
        /* So exit silently if we're at end of file */ 
        VSIFSeekL(fp, 0, SEEK_END);
        if (VSIFTellL(fp) == psSegInfo->nSegmentStart + nOffset)
            return FALSE;

        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
                 "Cannot get 11 bytes at offset " CPL_FRMT_GUIB ".",
                 psSegInfo->nSegmentStart + nOffset );
        return FALSE;
    szTREHeader[11] = '\0';

    memcpy(szTRETempName, szTREHeader, 6);
    szTRETempName[6] = '\0';

    nTRESize = atoi(szTREHeader + 6);
    if (nTRESize < 0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Invalid size (%d) for TRE %s",
                 nTRESize, szTRETempName);
        return FALSE;
    if (nOffset + 11 + nTRESize > psSegInfo->nSegmentSize)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Cannot read %s TRE. Not enough bytes : remaining %d, expected %d",
                 (int)(psSegInfo->nSegmentSize - (nOffset + 11)), nTRESize);
        return FALSE;

    if (ppabyTREData)
        /* Allocate one extra byte for the NULL terminating character */
        *ppabyTREData = (char*) VSIMalloc(nTRESize + 1);
        if (*ppabyTREData  == NULL)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                    "Cannot allocate %d bytes for TRE %s",
                    nTRESize, szTRETempName);
            return FALSE;
        (*ppabyTREData)[nTRESize] = '\0';

        if ((int)VSIFReadL(*ppabyTREData, 1, nTRESize, fp) != nTRESize)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO,
                     "Cannot get %d bytes at offset " CPL_FRMT_GUIB ".",
                     nTRESize, VSIFTellL(fp) );
            *ppabyTREData = NULL;
            return FALSE;

    strcpy(szTREName, szTRETempName);
    if (pnFoundTRESize)
        *pnFoundTRESize = nTRESize;

    return TRUE;
예제 #27
CPLErr CPL_STDCALL GDALWriteRPBFile( const char *pszFilename, char **papszMD )

    CPLString osRPBFilename = CPLResetExtension( pszFilename, "RPB" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read file and parse.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL( osRPBFilename, "w" );

    if( fp == NULL )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed,
                  "Unable to create %s for writing.\n%s", 
                  osRPBFilename.c_str(), CPLGetLastErrorMsg() );
        return CE_Failure;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write the prefix information.                                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "%s", "satId = \"QB02\";\n" );
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "%s", "bandId = \"P\";\n" );
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "%s", "SpecId = \"RPC00B\";\n" );
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "%s", "BEGIN_GROUP = IMAGE\n" );
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "%s", "\terrBias = 0.0;\n" );
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "%s", "\terrRand = 0.0;\n" );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write RPC values from our RPC metadata.                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int i;

    for( i = 0; apszRPBMap[i] != NULL; i += 2 )
        const char *pszRPBVal = CSLFetchNameValue( papszMD, apszRPBMap[i] );
        const char *pszRPBTag;

        if( pszRPBVal == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                      "%s field missing in metadata, %s file not written.",
                      apszRPBMap[i], osRPBFilename.c_str() );
            VSIFCloseL( fp );
            VSIUnlink( osRPBFilename );
            return CE_Failure;

        pszRPBTag = apszRPBMap[i+1];
        if( EQUALN(pszRPBTag,"IMAGE.",6) )
            pszRPBTag += 6;

        if( strstr(apszRPBMap[i], "COEF" ) == NULL )
            VSIFPrintfL( fp, "\t%s = %s;\n", pszRPBTag, pszRPBVal );
            // Reformat in brackets with commas over multiple lines.

            VSIFPrintfL( fp, "\t%s = (\n", pszRPBTag );

            char **papszItems = CSLTokenizeStringComplex( pszRPBVal, " ,", 
                                                          FALSE, FALSE );

            if( CSLCount(papszItems) != 20 )
                CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                          "%s field is corrupt (not 20 values), %s file not written.\n%s = %s",
                          apszRPBMap[i], osRPBFilename.c_str(),
                          apszRPBMap[i], pszRPBVal );
                VSIFCloseL( fp );
                VSIUnlink( osRPBFilename );
                return CE_Failure;

            int j;

            for( j = 0; j < 20; j++ )
                if( j < 19 )
                    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "\t\t\t%s,\n", papszItems[j] );
                    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "\t\t\t%s);\n", papszItems[j] );
            CSLDestroy( papszItems );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Write end part                                                  */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "%s", "END_GROUP = IMAGE\n" );
    VSIFPrintfL( fp, "END;\n" );
    VSIFCloseL( fp );
    return CE_None;
예제 #28
NITFDES *NITFDESAccess( NITFFile *psFile, int iSegment )

    NITFDES   *psDES;
    char      *pachHeader;
    NITFSegmentInfo *psSegInfo;
    char       szDESID[26];
    int        nOffset;
    int        bHasDESOFLW;
    int        nDESSHL;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Verify segment, and return existing DES accessor if there       */
/*      is one.                                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( iSegment < 0 || iSegment >= psFile->nSegmentCount )
        return NULL;

    psSegInfo = psFile->pasSegmentInfo + iSegment;

    if( !EQUAL(psSegInfo->szSegmentType,"DE") )
        return NULL;

    if( psSegInfo->hAccess != NULL )
        return (NITFDES *) psSegInfo->hAccess;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read the DES subheader.                                         */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if (psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < 200)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "DES header too small");
        return NULL;

    pachHeader = (char*) VSIMalloc(psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize);
    if (pachHeader == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_OutOfMemory,
                 "Cannot allocate memory for segment header");
        return NULL;

    if( VSIFSeekL( psFile->fp, psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderStart, 
                  SEEK_SET ) != 0 
        || VSIFReadL( pachHeader, 1, psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize, 
                     psFile->fp ) != psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_FileIO, 
                  "Failed to read %u byte DES subheader from " CPL_FRMT_GUIB ".",
                  psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderStart );
        return NULL;

    if (!EQUALN(pachHeader, "DE", 2))
        if (EQUALN(pachHeader + 4, "DERegistered", 12))
            /* BAO_46_Ed1/rpf/conc/concz10/000fz010.ona and cie are buggy */
            CPLDebug("NITF", "Patching nSegmentHeaderStart and nSegmentStart for DE segment %d", iSegment);
            psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderStart += 4;
            psSegInfo->nSegmentStart += 4;
            goto retry;

        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                 "Invalid segment prefix for DE segment %d", iSegment);

        return NULL;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Initialize DES object.                                          */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    psDES = (NITFDES *) CPLCalloc(sizeof(NITFDES),1);

    psDES->psFile = psFile;
    psDES->iSegment = iSegment;
    psDES->pachHeader = pachHeader;

    psSegInfo->hAccess = psDES;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Collect a variety of information as metadata.                   */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
#define GetMD( length, name )              \
    do { NITFExtractMetadata( &(psDES->papszMetadata), pachHeader,    \
                         nOffset, length,                        \
                         "NITF_" #name ); \
    nOffset += length; } while(0)

    nOffset = 2;
    GetMD( 25, DESID  );
    GetMD(  2, DESVER );
    GetMD(  1, DECLAS );
    GetMD(  2, DESCLSY );
    GetMD( 11, DESCODE );
    GetMD(  2, DESCTLH );
    GetMD( 20, DESREL  );
    GetMD(  2, DESDCTP );
    GetMD(  8, DESDCDT );
    GetMD(  4, DESDCXM );
    GetMD(  1, DESDG   );
    GetMD(  8, DESDGDT );
    GetMD( 43, DESCLTX );
    GetMD(  1, DESCATP );
    GetMD( 40, DESCAUT );
    GetMD(  1, DESCRSN );
    GetMD(  8, DESSRDT );
    GetMD( 15, DESCTLN );

    /* Load DESID */
    NITFGetField( szDESID, pachHeader, 2, 25);

    /* For NITF < 02.10, we cannot rely on DESID=TRE_OVERFLOW to detect */
    /* if DESOFLW and DESITEM are present. So if the next 4 bytes are non */
    /* numeric, we'll assume that DESOFLW is there */
       (!((pachHeader[nOffset+0] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+0] <= '9') &&
          (pachHeader[nOffset+1] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+1] <= '9') &&
          (pachHeader[nOffset+2] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+2] <= '9') &&
          (pachHeader[nOffset+3] >= '0' && pachHeader[nOffset+3] <= '9')));

    if (bHasDESOFLW)
        if ((int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < nOffset + 6 + 3 )
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                        "DES header too small");
            return NULL;
        GetMD(  6, DESOFLW );
        GetMD(  3, DESITEM );

    if ((int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < nOffset + 4 )
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "DES header too small");
        return NULL;

    GetMD( 4, DESSHL );
    nDESSHL = atoi(CSLFetchNameValue( psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_DESSHL" ) );

    if (nDESSHL < 0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "Invalid value for DESSHL");
        return NULL;
    if ( (int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize < nOffset + nDESSHL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                    "DES header too small");
        return NULL;

    if (EQUALN(szDESID, "CSSHPA DES", strlen("CSSHPA DES")))
        if ( nDESSHL != 62 && nDESSHL != 80)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                     "Invalid DESSHL for CSSHPA DES");
            return NULL;

        GetMD( 25, SHAPE_USE );
        GetMD( 10, SHAPE_CLASS );
        if (nDESSHL == 80)
            GetMD( 18, CC_SOURCE );
        GetMD(  3, SHAPE1_NAME );
        GetMD(  6, SHAPE1_START );
        GetMD(  3, SHAPE2_NAME );
        GetMD(  6, SHAPE2_START );
        GetMD(  3, SHAPE3_NAME );
        GetMD(  6, SHAPE3_START );
        /* TODO : handle nDESSHL = 0005 and 0283 */
        if (nDESSHL >= 5)
            GetMD( 5, DESCRC );
            if (nDESSHL >= 283)
                GetMD( 8, DESSHFT );
                GetMD( 20, DESSHDT );
                GetMD( 40, DESSHRP );
                GetMD( 60, DESSHSI );
                GetMD( 10, DESSHSV );
                GetMD( 20, DESSHSD );
                GetMD( 120, DESSHTN );
                if (nDESSHL >= 773)
                    GetMD( 125, DESSHLPG );
                    GetMD( 25, DESSHLPT );
                    GetMD( 20, DESSHLI );
                    GetMD( 120, DESSHLIN );
                    GetMD( 200, DESSHABS );
    else if (EQUALN(szDESID, "CSATTA DES", strlen("CSATTA DES")) && nDESSHL == 52)
        GetMD( 12, ATT_TYPE );
        GetMD( 14, DT_ATT );
        GetMD( 8, DATE_ATT );
        GetMD( 13, T0_ATT );
        GetMD( 5, NUM_ATT );
    else if (nDESSHL > 0)
        GetMD(  nDESSHL, DESSHF );

    if ((int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize > nOffset)
        char* pszEscapedDESDATA =
                CPLEscapeString( pachHeader + nOffset, 
                                 (int)psSegInfo->nSegmentHeaderSize - nOffset, 
                                 CPLES_BackslashQuotable );
        psDES->papszMetadata = CSLSetNameValue( psDES->papszMetadata,
                                                pszEscapedDESDATA );
        char* pachData = (char*)VSIMalloc((size_t)psSegInfo->nSegmentSize);
        if (pachData == NULL )
            CPLDebug("NITF", "Cannot allocate " CPL_FRMT_GUIB " bytes DES data",
        else if( VSIFSeekL( psFile->fp, psSegInfo->nSegmentStart,
                    SEEK_SET ) != 0
            || VSIFReadL( pachData, 1, (size_t)psSegInfo->nSegmentSize,
                        psFile->fp ) != psSegInfo->nSegmentSize )
                    "Failed to read " CPL_FRMT_GUIB" bytes DES data from " CPL_FRMT_GUIB ".",
                    psSegInfo->nSegmentStart );
            char* pszEscapedDESDATA =
                    CPLEscapeString( pachData,
                                    CPLES_BackslashQuotable );
            psDES->papszMetadata = CSLSetNameValue( psDES->papszMetadata,
                                                    pszEscapedDESDATA );

#ifdef notdef
        /* Disabled because might generate a huge amount of elements */
        if (EQUALN(szDESID, "CSATTA DES", strlen("CSATTA DES")))
            int nNumAtt = atoi(CSLFetchNameValueDef(psDES->papszMetadata, "NITF_NUM_ATT", "0"));
            if (nNumAtt * 8 * 4 == psSegInfo->nSegmentSize)
                int nMDSize = CSLCount(psDES->papszMetadata);
                char** papszMD = (char**)VSIRealloc(psDES->papszMetadata, (nMDSize + nNumAtt * 4 + 1) * sizeof(char*));
                if (papszMD)
                    int i, j;
                    const GByte* pachDataIter = pachData;

                    psDES->papszMetadata = papszMD;
                        char szAttrNameValue[64+1+256+1];
                        double dfVal;
                            memcpy(&dfVal, pachDataIter, 8);
                            pachDataIter += 8;
                            sprintf(szAttrNameValue, "NITF_ATT_Q%d_%d=%.16g", j+1, i, dfVal);
                            papszMD[nMDSize + i * 4 + j] = CPLStrdup(szAttrNameValue);
                    papszMD[nMDSize + nNumAtt * 4] = NULL;


    return psDES;
예제 #29
char ** CPL_STDCALL GDALLoadIMDFile( const char *pszFilename,
                                     char **papszSiblingFiles )

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Try to identify the IMD file in upper or lower case.            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLString osTarget = CPLResetExtension( pszFilename, "IMD" );

    /* Is this already a IMD file ? */
    if (EQUAL(CPLGetExtension(pszFilename), "IMD"))
        osTarget = pszFilename;
    else if( papszSiblingFiles == NULL )
        VSIStatBufL sStatBuf;
        if( VSIStatL( osTarget, &sStatBuf ) != 0 )
            osTarget = CPLResetExtension( pszFilename, "imd" );

            if( VSIStatL( osTarget, &sStatBuf ) != 0 )
                return NULL;
        int iSibling = CSLFindString( papszSiblingFiles, 
                                      CPLGetFilename(osTarget) );
        if( iSibling < 0 )
            return NULL;

        osTarget.resize(osTarget.size() - strlen(papszSiblingFiles[iSibling]));
        osTarget += papszSiblingFiles[iSibling];

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Read file and parse.                                            */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    CPLKeywordParser oParser;

    VSILFILE *fp = VSIFOpenL( osTarget, "r" );

    if( fp == NULL )
        return NULL;
    if( !oParser.Ingest( fp ) )
        VSIFCloseL( fp );
        return NULL;

    VSIFCloseL( fp );

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Consider version changing.                                      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    char **papszIMD = CSLDuplicate( oParser.GetAllKeywords() );
    const char *pszVersion = CSLFetchNameValue( papszIMD, "version" );

    if( pszVersion == NULL )
        /* ? */;
    else if( EQUAL(pszVersion,"\"AA\"") )
        GDAL_IMD_AA2R( &papszIMD );

    return papszIMD;
예제 #30
 * LoadMetadata()
void GDALMDReaderKompsat::LoadMetadata()

        m_papszIMDMD = ReadTxtToList( );

        m_papszRPCMD = GDALLoadRPCFile( m_osRPBSourceFilename );

    m_papszDEFAULTMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszDEFAULTMD, MD_NAME_MDTYPE, "KARI");

    m_bIsMetadataLoad = true;

    const char* pszSatId1 = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD, "AUX_SATELLITE_NAME");
    const char* pszSatId2 = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD, "AUX_SATELLITE_SENSOR");
    if(nullptr != pszSatId1 && nullptr != pszSatId2)
        m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD,
                           MD_NAME_SATELLITE, CPLSPrintf( "%s %s",
    else if(nullptr != pszSatId1 && nullptr == pszSatId2)
        m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD,
                                MD_NAME_SATELLITE, CPLStripQuotes(pszSatId1));
    else if(nullptr == pszSatId1 && nullptr != pszSatId2)
        m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD,
                                MD_NAME_SATELLITE, CPLStripQuotes(pszSatId2));

    const char* pszCloudCover = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD,
    if(nullptr != pszCloudCover)
        int nCC = atoi(pszCloudCover);
        if(nCC > 100 || nCC < 0)
            m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD, MD_NAME_CLOUDCOVER,
            m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD,
                          MD_NAME_CLOUDCOVER, CPLSPrintf("%d", nCC));

    const char* pszDate = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD,
    if(nullptr != pszDate)
        const char* pszTime = CSLFetchNameValue(m_papszIMDMD,

        if(nullptr == pszTime)
            pszTime = "000000.000000";

        char buffer[80];
        time_t timeMid = GetAcquisitionTimeFromString(CPLSPrintf( "%sT%s",
                                                     pszDate, pszTime));
        strftime (buffer, 80, MD_DATETIMEFORMAT, localtime(&timeMid));
        m_papszIMAGERYMD = CSLAddNameValue(m_papszIMAGERYMD,
                                           MD_NAME_ACQDATETIME, buffer);