예제 #1
파일: CS_hlApi.c 프로젝트: auranet/csmap
double EXP_LVL1 CS_cnvrg (Const char *cs_nam,Const double ll [2])

	struct cs_Csprm_ *cs_ptr;

	double alpha;

	/* Perform the calculation. */

	cs_ptr = CSbcclu (cs_nam);
	if (cs_ptr != NULL) alpha = CS_cscnv (cs_ptr,ll);
	else		    alpha = -360.0;
	return (alpha);
예제 #2
파일: CStest8.c 프로젝트: asir6/Colt
int CStest8 (int verbose,int crypt)
    extern char cs_MeKynm [128];
    extern char cs_MeFunc [128];
    extern double cs_Coords [3];

	extern struct cs_Grptbl_ cs_CsGrptbl [];
	extern int cs_Error;

	int err_cnt;

	struct cs_Grptbl_ *tp;
	struct cs_Csgrplst_ *gp;
	struct cs_Csgrplst_ *grp_list;
	struct cs_Csprm_ *csprm;

	double xy [3];
	double ll [3];

	printf ("Exercising each coordinate system definition at least once.\n");

	/* Loop through the group table and fetch a linked list
	   for each group.  Count the number in the group and
	   add to the total in the group. */

	err_cnt = 0;
	for (tp = cs_CsGrptbl;tp->group [0] != 0;tp += 1)
		if (!CS_stricmp (tp->group,"LEGACY"))
		CS_csgrp (tp->group,&grp_list);
		for (gp = grp_list;gp != NULL;gp = gp->next)
			/* Activate this coordinate system.  This
			   ensures that every coordinate system
			   is "set up" at least once in all of this. */

			if (verbose)
				printf ("Exercising coordinate system named %s.\n",
			csprm = CS_csloc (gp->key_nm);
			if (csprm == NULL)
				printf ("Couldn't setup coordinate system named %s.\n",gp->key_nm);
				err_cnt += 1;
			    /* Set information in case there is a floating point exception. */
			    CS_stncp (cs_MeKynm,gp->key_nm,sizeof (cs_MeKynm));
			    cs_Coords [0] = csprm->csdef.x_off;
			    cs_Coords [1] = csprm->csdef.y_off;
			    cs_Coords [2] = 0.0;
				/* Convert a coordinate, the false origin should
				   be a safe one. */

				xy [0] = csprm->csdef.x_off;
				xy [1] = csprm->csdef.y_off;
				xy [2] = 0.0;
				cs_Error = 0;
				CS_stncp (cs_MeFunc,"CS_cs2ll",sizeof (cs_MeFunc));
				CS_cs2ll (csprm,ll,xy);
				CS_stncp (cs_MeFunc,"CS_ll2cs",sizeof (cs_MeFunc));
				CS_ll2cs (csprm,xy,ll);
				CS_stncp (cs_MeFunc,"CS_csscl",sizeof (cs_MeFunc));
				CS_csscl (csprm,ll);
				CS_stncp (cs_MeFunc,"CS_cscnv",sizeof (cs_MeFunc));
				CS_cscnv (csprm,ll);
				if (cs_Error != 0)
					printf ("Exercise of coordinate system %s failed.\n",
					err_cnt += 1;
				CS_free (csprm);
		CS_csgrpf (grp_list);
    cs_MeKynm [0] = '\0';
    cs_MeFunc [0] = '\0';
    cs_Coords [0] = 0.0;
    cs_Coords [1] = 0.0;
    cs_Coords [2] = 0.0;
	return (err_cnt);
예제 #3
파일: CStestC.cpp 프로젝트: asir6/Colt
int CStestC (bool verbose,long32_t duration)
	int err_cnt;

	unsigned sequencer;

	struct cs_Grptbl_ *tp;
	struct cs_Csgrplst_ *gp;
	struct cs_Csgrplst_ *grp_list;
	struct cs_Csprm_ *csprm;

	double ll [3];
	double xy [3];
	double falseOrg [2];
	double llAry [1][3];
	double xyAry [1][3];

	duration *= 10L;

	printf ("Trying very hard to produce a floating point exception.\n");

	/* Loop through the group table and fetch a linked list
	   for each group.  Count the number in the group and
	   add to the total in the group. */

	err_cnt = 0;
	csprm = NULL;
	for (tp = cs_CsGrptbl;tp->group [0] != 0;tp += 1)
		if (csprm != NULL)
			CS_free (csprm);
			csprm = NULL;
		if (!CS_stricmp (tp->group,"LEGACY"))
		CS_csgrp (tp->group,&grp_list);
		for (gp = grp_list;gp != NULL;gp = gp->next)
			if (csprm != NULL)
				CS_free (csprm);
				csprm = NULL;
			if (verbose)
				printf ("Trying to cause a floating exception using %s.\n",
				printf ("%s               \r",gp->key_nm);

			csprm = CS_csloc (gp->key_nm);
			if (csprm == NULL)
				printf ("Couldn't setup coordinate system named %s.\n",gp->key_nm);
				err_cnt += 1;
				strcpy (cs_MeKynm,"???");
			cs_MeFlag = 0;
			strcpy (cs_MeKynm,csprm->csdef.key_nm);
			sequencer = 0;
			while (CStestLLH (ll,csprm->cent_mer,&sequencer) == 0)
				cs_Coords [LNG] = ll [0];
				cs_Coords [LAT] = ll [1];
				cs_Coords [HGT] = ll [2];

				strcpy (cs_MeFunc,"CS_cssck");
				CS_cssck (csprm,ll);
				if (cs_MeFlag) break;
				strcpy (cs_MeFunc,"CS_cssch");
				CS_cssch (csprm,ll);
				if (cs_MeFlag) break;
				strcpy (cs_MeFunc,"CS_cscnv");
				CS_cscnv (csprm,ll);
				if (cs_MeFlag) break;
				strcpy (cs_MeFunc,"CS_ll2cs");
				CS_ll2cs (csprm,xy,ll);
				if (cs_MeFlag) break;

				llAry [0][0] = ll [0];		/* keep gcc compiler happy */
				llAry [0][1] = ll [1];
				llAry [0][2] = ll [2];
				strcpy (cs_MeFunc,"CS_llchk");
				CS_llchk (csprm,1,llAry);
				if (cs_MeFlag) break;
			if (cs_MeFlag)
				if (verbose)
					printf ("\tLNG = %g, LAT = %g, HGT = %g     \n",ll [0],ll [1],ll [2]);
				err_cnt += 1;

			sequencer = 0;
			falseOrg [0] = csprm->csdef.x_off;
			falseOrg [1] = csprm->csdef.y_off;
			while (CStestXYZ (xy,falseOrg,&sequencer) == 0)
				cs_Coords [XX] = xy [XX];
				cs_Coords [YY] = xy [YY];
				cs_Coords [ZZ] = xy [ZZ];
				strcpy (cs_MeFunc,"CS_cs2ll");
				CS_cs2ll (csprm,ll,xy);
				if (cs_MeFlag) break;
				strcpy (cs_MeFunc,"CS_llchk");
				xyAry [0][0] = xy [0];		/* keep gcc compiler happy */
				xyAry [0][1] = xy [1];
				xyAry [0][2] = xy [2];
				CS_xychk (csprm,1,xyAry);
				if (cs_MeFlag) break;
			if (cs_MeFlag)
				if (verbose)
					printf ("\tXX = %g, YY = %g, ZZ = %g          \n",xy [XX],xy [YY],xy [ZZ]);
				err_cnt += 1;

			if (verbose)
				printf ("                                                \r");
			CS_free (csprm);
			csprm = NULL;
		CS_csgrpf (grp_list);
	printf ("                                 \r");
	return (err_cnt);
예제 #4
파일: csTest.cpp 프로젝트: auranet/csmap
CWnd* CcsTest::Calculate ()
	int status;
	CWnd* errorPtr;
	struct cs_Csprm_ *srcPtr;
	struct cs_Csprm_ *trgPtr;
	struct cs_Dtcprm_ *dtcPtr;
	double xy [3], ll [3];
	char ctemp [512];

	errorPtr = FetchSource ();
	if (errorPtr != NULL) goto error;

	xy [0] = m_SourceXY [0];
	xy [1] = m_SourceXY [1];
	if (m_ThreeDCalc) xy [2] = m_SourceXY [2];
	else              xy [2] = 0.0;

	// Set up the conversion.
	srcPtr = CSbcclu (m_SrcKeyName);
	if (srcPtr == NULL)
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_SRCKEYNM);
		goto error;
	trgPtr = CSbcclu (m_TrgKeyName);
	if (trgPtr == NULL)
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_TRGKEYNM);
		goto error;
	dtcPtr = CSbdclu (srcPtr,trgPtr,cs_DTCFLG_DAT_W,cs_DTCFLG_BLK_10);
	if (dtcPtr == NULL)
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_SRCKEYNM);
		goto error;

	// Do the conversion
	if (m_ThreeDCalc)
		status = CS_cs3ll (srcPtr,ll,xy);
		status = CS_cs2ll (srcPtr,ll,xy);

	if (status == cs_CNVRT_OK)
		m_SrcStatus = "OK";
	else if (status == cs_CNVRT_USFL)
		m_SrcStatus = "Range";
	else if (status == cs_CNVRT_DOMN)
		m_SrcStatus = "Domain";
	else if (status = cs_CNVRT_DEMO)
		m_SrcStatus = "Demo";
		m_SrcStatus = "???";
	// Source Grid Scale and Convergence.
	m_SourceScale = CS_csscl (srcPtr,ll);
	m_SourceConvergence = CS_cscnv (srcPtr,ll);
	UpdateSource ();

	// Do the datum shift.
	if (m_ThreeDCalc)
		status = CS_dtcvt3D (dtcPtr,ll,ll);
		status = CS_dtcvt (dtcPtr,ll,ll);
	if (status == 0)
		m_TrgStatus.Empty ();
	else if (status < 0)
		m_TrgStatus = "DtErr";
		errorPtr = GetDlgItem (IDC_CSTST_SRCKEYNM);
		goto error;
		m_TrgStatus = "DtRng";
		CS_errmsg (ctemp,sizeof (ctemp));
		AfxMessageBox (ctemp);

	// Target conversion
	if (m_ThreeDCalc)
		status = CS_ll3cs (trgPtr,xy,ll);
		status = CS_ll2cs (trgPtr,xy,ll);
	if (m_TrgStatus.IsEmpty ())
		if (status == cs_CNVRT_OK)
			m_TrgStatus = "OK";
		else if (status == cs_CNVRT_USFL)
			m_TrgStatus = "Range";
		else if (status == cs_CNVRT_DOMN)
			m_TrgStatus = "Domain";
		else if (status = cs_CNVRT_DEMO)
			m_TrgStatus = "Demo";
			m_TrgStatus = "???";
	m_TargetXY [0] = xy [0];
	m_TargetXY [1] = xy [1];
	if (m_ThreeDCalc) m_TargetXY [2] = xy [2];
	else              m_TargetXY [2] = 0.0;
	// Target Grid Scale and Convergence.
	m_TargetScale = CS_csscl (trgPtr,ll);
	m_TargetConvergence = CS_cscnv (trgPtr,ll);
	// Update the display
	UpdateTarget ();
	UpdateData (FALSE);
	return NULL;
	m_TrgStatus = "Error";
	m_TargetXY [0] = 0.0;
	m_TargetXY [1] = 0.0;
	m_TargetXY [2] = 0.0;
	UpdateTarget ();
	UpdateData (FALSE);
	return errorPtr;