예제 #1
static hb_bool_t getGlyph(hb_font_t* hbFont, void* fontData, hb_codepoint_t unicode, hb_codepoint_t variationSelector, hb_codepoint_t* glyph, void* userData)
    CTFontRef ctFont = reinterpret_cast<FontPlatformData*>(fontData)->ctFont();
    UniChar characters[4];
    CGGlyph cgGlyphs[4];
    size_t length = 0;
    U16_APPEND_UNSAFE(characters, length, unicode);
    if (!CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(ctFont, characters, cgGlyphs, length))
        return false;
    *glyph = cgGlyphs[0];
    return true;
예제 #2
void FX_GetCharWidth(CTFontRef font, UniChar start, UniChar end, int* width)
    CGFloat size = CTFontGetSize(font);
    for (; start <= end; ++start) {
        CGGlyph pGlyph = 0;
        CFIndex count = 1;
        CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font, &start, &pGlyph, count);
        CGSize advances;
        CTFontGetAdvancesForGlyphs(font, kCTFontDefaultOrientation, &pGlyph, &advances, 1);
        *width = (int)(advances.width / size * 1000) ;
예제 #3
bool GlyphPage::fill(UChar* buffer, unsigned bufferLength, const Font* fontData)
    bool haveGlyphs = false;

    Vector<CGGlyph, 512> glyphs(bufferLength);
    if (!shouldUseCoreText(buffer, bufferLength, fontData)) {
        // We pass in either 256 or 512 UTF-16 characters: 256 for U+FFFF and less, 512 (double character surrogates)
        // for U+10000 and above. It is indeed possible to get back 512 glyphs back from the API, so the glyph buffer
        // we pass in must be 512. If we get back more than 256 glyphs though we'll ignore all the ones after 256,
        // this should not happen as the only time we pass in 512 characters is when they are surrogates.
        CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(fontData->platformData().cgFont(), buffer, glyphs.data(), bufferLength);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < GlyphPage::size; ++i) {
            if (!glyphs[i])
                setGlyphDataForIndex(i, 0, 0);
            else {
                setGlyphDataForIndex(i, glyphs[i], fontData);
                haveGlyphs = true;
    } else {
        // Because we know the implementation of shouldUseCoreText(), if the font isn't for text combine and it isn't a system font,
        // we know it must have vertical glyphs.
        if (fontData->platformData().isForTextCombine() || fontData->isSystemFont())
            CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(fontData->platformData().ctFont(), buffer, glyphs.data(), bufferLength);
            CTFontGetVerticalGlyphsForCharacters(fontData->platformData().ctFont(), buffer, glyphs.data(), bufferLength);
        // When buffer consists of surrogate pairs, CTFontGetVerticalGlyphsForCharacters and CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters
        // place the glyphs at indices corresponding to the first character of each pair.
        ASSERT(bufferLength == GlyphPage::size || bufferLength == 2 * GlyphPage::size);
        unsigned glyphStep = bufferLength / GlyphPage::size;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < GlyphPage::size; ++i) {
            if (!glyphs[i * glyphStep])
                setGlyphDataForIndex(i, 0, 0);
            else {
                setGlyphDataForIndex(i, glyphs[i * glyphStep], fontData);
                haveGlyphs = true;

    return haveGlyphs;
예제 #4
파일: sdlmain.c 프로젝트: j4y4r/j4ymame
bool sdl_osd_interface::font_get_bitmap(osd_font font, unicode_char chnum, bitmap_argb32 &bitmap, INT32 &width, INT32 &xoffs, INT32 &yoffs)
   UniChar uni_char;
   CGGlyph glyph;
   CTFontRef ct_font = (CTFontRef)font;
   const CFIndex count = 1;
   CGRect bounding_rect, success_rect;
   CGContextRef context_ref;

   if( chnum == ' ' )
      uni_char = 'n';
      CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters( ct_font, &uni_char, &glyph, count );
      success_rect = CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs( ct_font, kCTFontDefaultOrientation, &glyph, &bounding_rect, count );
      uni_char = chnum;
      CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters( ct_font, &uni_char, &glyph, count );
      uni_char = chnum;
      CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters( ct_font, &uni_char, &glyph, count );
      success_rect = CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs( ct_font, kCTFontDefaultOrientation, &glyph, &bounding_rect, count );

   if( CGRectEqualToRect( success_rect, CGRectNull ) == false )
      size_t bitmap_width;
      size_t bitmap_height;

      bitmap_width = ceilf(bounding_rect.size.width * EXTRA_WIDTH);
      bitmap_width = bitmap_width == 0 ? 1 : bitmap_width;

      bitmap_height = ceilf( (CTFontGetAscent(ct_font) + CTFontGetDescent(ct_font) + CTFontGetLeading(ct_font)) * EXTRA_HEIGHT);

      xoffs = yoffs = 0;
      width = bitmap_width;

      size_t bits_per_component;
      CGColorSpaceRef color_space;
      CGBitmapInfo bitmap_info = kCGBitmapByteOrder32Host | kCGImageAlphaPremultipliedFirst;

      color_space = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB();
      bits_per_component = 8;

      bitmap.allocate(bitmap_width, bitmap_height);

      context_ref = CGBitmapContextCreate( bitmap.raw_pixptr(0), bitmap_width, bitmap_height, bits_per_component, bitmap.rowpixels()*4, color_space, bitmap_info );

      if( context_ref != NULL )
         CGFontRef font_ref;
         font_ref = CTFontCopyGraphicsFont( ct_font, NULL );
         CGContextSetTextPosition(context_ref, -bounding_rect.origin.x*EXTRA_WIDTH, CTFontGetDescent(ct_font)+CTFontGetLeading(ct_font) );
         CGContextSetRGBFillColor(context_ref, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0);
         CGContextSetFont( context_ref, font_ref );
         CGContextSetFontSize( context_ref, POINT_SIZE );
         CGContextShowGlyphs( context_ref, &glyph, count );
         CGFontRelease( font_ref );
         CGContextRelease( context_ref );

      CGColorSpaceRelease( color_space );

   return bitmap.valid();
static OSStatus local_CoreTR(CGContextRef ctx, CGRect r, CFStringRef string,
                             CFStringRef fontName, CGFloat fontSize,
                             TRFallbackBehavior fallbackBehavior,
                             Boolean render, CGFloat baseline, TRInfo* oInfo)
  if (!ctx || !string || !fontName) return paramErr;
  CGContextSetTextMatrix(ctx, CGAffineTransformIdentity);
  CTFontDescriptorRef fdesc = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize(fontName, fontSize);
  CTFontRef font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(fdesc, fontSize, NULL);
  CFIndex slen = CFStringGetLength(string);
  CFRange range = CFRangeMake(0L,slen);
  UniChar* buff = calloc(slen, sizeof(UniChar));
  CFStringGetCharacters(string, range, buff);
  CGGlyph* glyphs = calloc(slen, sizeof(CGGlyph));
  Boolean supported = CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font, buff, glyphs, slen);
  //NSLog(@"%@ supported for '%@'? %d", fontName, string, supported);
  if (!supported)
    if (fallbackBehavior == TRLastResortFallbackBehavior)
      fdesc = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize(CFSTR("LastResort"), fontSize);
      font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(fdesc, fontSize, NULL);
      supported = true;
      CFRange rng = CFRangeMake(0L, CFStringGetLength(string));
      CTFontRef font2 = CTFontCreateForString(font, string, rng);
      CFStringRef fontName2 = CTFontCopyName(font2, kCTFontFullNameKey);
      fdesc = CTFontDescriptorCreateWithNameAndSize(fontName2, fontSize);
      //NSLog(@"falling back to %@ from %@ : %@", fontName2, fontName, fdesc);
      font = CTFontCreateWithFontDescriptor(fdesc, fontSize, NULL);
      supported = CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font, buff, glyphs, slen);
  CFMutableDictionaryRef attrs = CFDictionaryCreateMutable(kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                   1L, &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks,
  CFDictionarySetValue(attrs, kCTFontAttributeName, font);
  CFAttributedStringRef attrStr = CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault,
                                                           string, attrs);
  CTLineRef line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrStr);
  CGRect bounds = CTLineGetImageBounds(line, ctx);
  CGFloat descent = CTFontGetDescent(font);
  CGFloat ascent = CTFontGetAscent(font);
  if (baseline < 0.0L)
    baseline = ((r.size.height - bounds.size.height + descent)/2.0L);
  if (render && (supported || fallbackBehavior != TRNoRenderFallbackBehavior))
    CGFloat x = r.origin.x + (r.size.width/2.0L) - (bounds.size.width/2.0L) - bounds.origin.x;
    CGFloat y = r.origin.y + baseline;
    CGPoint where = CGPointMake(x, y);
    CGContextSetTextPosition(ctx, where.x, where.y);
    CTLineDraw(line, ctx);
  if (oInfo)
    oInfo->height = bounds.size.height + descent;
    oInfo->width = bounds.size.width;
    oInfo->ascent = ascent;
    oInfo->descent = descent;
    oInfo->baseline = baseline;
    oInfo->fontSupported = supported;
  return (supported)? noErr:kATSUFontsNotMatched;
bool GlyphPage::fill(unsigned offset, unsigned length, UChar* buffer, unsigned bufferLength, const SimpleFontData* fontData)
    bool haveGlyphs = false;

    Vector<CGGlyph, 512> glyphs(bufferLength);
    if (!shouldUseCoreText(buffer, bufferLength, fontData)) {
        // We pass in either 256 or 512 UTF-16 characters: 256 for U+FFFF and less, 512 (double character surrogates)
        // for U+10000 and above. It is indeed possible to get back 512 glyphs back from the API, so the glyph buffer
        // we pass in must be 512. If we get back more than 256 glyphs though we'll ignore all the ones after 256,
        // this should not happen as the only time we pass in 512 characters is when they are surrogates.
        CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(fontData->platformData().cgFont(), buffer, glyphs.data(), bufferLength);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            if (!glyphs[i])
                setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + i, 0, 0);
            else {
                setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + i, glyphs[i], fontData);
                haveGlyphs = true;
    } else if (!fontData->platformData().isCompositeFontReference() && ((fontData->platformData().widthVariant() == RegularWidth) ? wkGetVerticalGlyphsForCharacters(fontData->platformData().ctFont(), buffer, glyphs.data(), bufferLength)
               : CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(fontData->platformData().ctFont(), buffer, glyphs.data(), bufferLength))) {
        // When buffer consists of surrogate pairs, wkGetVerticalGlyphsForCharacters and CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters
        // place the glyphs at indices corresponding to the first character of each pair.
        unsigned glyphStep = bufferLength / length;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            if (!glyphs[i * glyphStep])
                setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + i, 0, 0);
            else {
                setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + i, glyphs[i * glyphStep], fontData);
                haveGlyphs = true;
    } else {
        // We ask CoreText for possible vertical variant glyphs
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> string = adoptCF(CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, bufferLength, kCFAllocatorNull));
        RetainPtr<CFAttributedStringRef> attributedString = adoptCF(CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, string.get(), fontData->getCFStringAttributes(0, fontData->hasVerticalGlyphs() ? Vertical : Horizontal)));
        RetainPtr<CTLineRef> line = adoptCF(CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attributedString.get()));

        CFArrayRef runArray = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line.get());
        CFIndex runCount = CFArrayGetCount(runArray);

        // Initialize glyph entries
        for (unsigned index = 0; index < length; ++index)
            setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + index, 0, 0);

        Vector<CGGlyph, 512> glyphVector;
        Vector<CFIndex, 512> indexVector;
        bool done = false;

        // For the CGFont comparison in the loop, use the CGFont that Core Text assigns to the CTFont. This may
        // be non-CFEqual to fontData->platformData().cgFont().
        RetainPtr<CGFontRef> cgFont = adoptCF(CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(fontData->platformData().ctFont(), 0));

        for (CFIndex r = 0; r < runCount && !done ; ++r) {
            // CTLine could map characters over multiple fonts using its own font fallback list.
            // We need to pick runs that use the exact font we need, i.e., fontData->platformData().ctFont().
            CTRunRef ctRun = static_cast<CTRunRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(runArray, r));
            ASSERT(CFGetTypeID(ctRun) == CTRunGetTypeID());

            CFDictionaryRef attributes = CTRunGetAttributes(ctRun);
            CTFontRef runFont = static_cast<CTFontRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kCTFontAttributeName));
            RetainPtr<CGFontRef> runCGFont = adoptCF(CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(runFont, 0));
            // Use CGFont here as CFEqual for CTFont counts all attributes for font.
            bool gotBaseFont = CFEqual(cgFont.get(), runCGFont.get());
            if (gotBaseFont || fontData->platformData().isCompositeFontReference()) {
                // This run uses the font we want. Extract glyphs.
                CFIndex glyphCount = CTRunGetGlyphCount(ctRun);
                const CGGlyph* glyphs = CTRunGetGlyphsPtr(ctRun);
                if (!glyphs) {
                    CTRunGetGlyphs(ctRun, CFRangeMake(0, 0), glyphVector.data());
                    glyphs = glyphVector.data();
                const CFIndex* stringIndices = CTRunGetStringIndicesPtr(ctRun);
                if (!stringIndices) {
                    CTRunGetStringIndices(ctRun, CFRangeMake(0, 0), indexVector.data());
                    stringIndices = indexVector.data();

                if (gotBaseFont) {
                    for (CFIndex i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
                        if (stringIndices[i] >= static_cast<CFIndex>(length)) {
                            done = true;
                        if (glyphs[i]) {
                            setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + stringIndices[i], glyphs[i], fontData);
                            haveGlyphs = true;
                } else {
                    const SimpleFontData* runSimple = fontData->getCompositeFontReferenceFontData((NSFont *)runFont);
                    if (runSimple) {
                        for (CFIndex i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
                            if (stringIndices[i] >= static_cast<CFIndex>(length)) {
                                done = true;
                            if (glyphs[i]) {
                                setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + stringIndices[i], glyphs[i], runSimple);
                                haveGlyphs = true;
#endif // !PLATFORM(IOS)

    return haveGlyphs;
예제 #7
CPDF_Font* CPDF_Document::AddMacFont(CTFontRef pFont, FX_BOOL bVert, FX_BOOL bTranslateName)
    CTFontRef font = (CTFontRef)pFont;
    CTFontDescriptorRef descriptor = CTFontCopyFontDescriptor(font);
    if (descriptor == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    CFX_ByteString basefont;
    int flags = 0, italicangle = 0, ascend = 0, descend = 0, capheight = 0, bbox[4];
    FXSYS_memset32(bbox, 0, sizeof(int) * 4);
    CFArrayRef languages = (CFArrayRef)CTFontDescriptorCopyAttribute(descriptor, kCTFontLanguagesAttribute);
    if (languages == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    CFX_DWordArray charSets;
    if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) {
        bCJK = TRUE;
    CFDictionaryRef traits = (CFDictionaryRef)CTFontCopyTraits(font);
    if (traits == NULL) {
        return NULL;
    CFNumberRef sybolicTrait = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, kCTFontSymbolicTrait);
    CTFontSymbolicTraits trait = 0;
    CFNumberGetValue(sybolicTrait, kCFNumberSInt32Type, &trait);
    if (trait & kCTFontItalicTrait) {
        flags |= PDFFONT_ITALIC;
    if (trait & kCTFontMonoSpaceTrait) {
        flags |= PDFFONT_FIXEDPITCH;
    if (trait & kCTFontModernSerifsClass) {
        flags |= PDFFONT_SERIF;
    if (trait & kCTFontScriptsClass) {
        flags |= PDFFONT_SCRIPT;
    CFNumberRef weightTrait = (CFNumberRef)CFDictionaryGetValue(traits, kCTFontWeightTrait);
    Float32 weight = 0;
    CFNumberGetValue(weightTrait, kCFNumberFloat32Type, &weight);
    italicangle = CTFontGetSlantAngle(font);
    ascend      = CTFontGetAscent(font);
    descend     = CTFontGetDescent(font);
    capheight   = CTFontGetCapHeight(font);
    CGRect box  = CTFontGetBoundingBox(font);
    bbox[0]     = box.origin.x;
    bbox[1]     = box.origin.y;
    bbox[2]     = box.origin.x + box.size.width;
    bbox[3]     = box.origin.y + box.size.height;
    if (bTranslateName && bCJK) {
        CFStringRef postName = CTFontCopyPostScriptName(font);
        _CFString2CFXByteString(postName, basefont);
    if (basefont.IsEmpty()) {
        CFStringRef fullName = CTFontCopyFullName(font);
        _CFString2CFXByteString(fullName, basefont);
    basefont.Replace(" ", "");
    CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDict = NULL;
    CPDF_Dictionary* pBaseDict = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary;
    pFontDict = pBaseDict;
    if (!bCJK) {
        if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) {
            if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) {
                flags |= PDFFONT_SYMBOLIC;
            } else {
                flags |= PDFFONT_NONSYMBOLIC;
            pBaseDict->SetAtName(FX_BSTRC("Encoding"), "WinAnsiEncoding");
        } else {
            flags |= PDFFONT_NONSYMBOLIC;
            int i;
            for (i = 0; i < sizeof g_FX_CharsetUnicodes / sizeof(FX_CharsetUnicodes); i ++) {
                if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) {
            if (i < sizeof g_FX_CharsetUnicodes / sizeof(FX_CharsetUnicodes)) {
                CPDF_Dictionary* pEncoding = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary;
                pEncoding->SetAtName(FX_BSTRC("BaseEncoding"), "WinAnsiEncoding");
                CPDF_Array* pArray = FX_NEW CPDF_Array;
                const FX_WCHAR* pUnicodes = g_FX_CharsetUnicodes[i].m_pUnicodes;
                for (int j = 0; j < 128; j ++) {
                    CFX_ByteString name = PDF_AdobeNameFromUnicode(pUnicodes[j]);
                    if (name.IsEmpty()) {
                    } else {
                pEncoding->SetAt(FX_BSTRC("Differences"), pArray);
                pBaseDict->SetAtReference(FX_BSTRC("Encoding"), this, pEncoding);
        if (weight > 0.0 && trait & kCTFontItalicTrait) {
            basefont += ",BoldItalic";
        } else if (weight > 0.0) {
            basefont += ",Bold";
        } else if (trait & kCTFontItalicTrait) {
            basefont += ",Italic";
        pBaseDict->SetAtName("Subtype", "TrueType");
        pBaseDict->SetAtName("BaseFont", basefont);
        pBaseDict->SetAtNumber("FirstChar", 32);
        pBaseDict->SetAtNumber("LastChar", 255);
        int char_widths[224];
        FX_GetCharWidth(font, 32, 255, char_widths);
        CPDF_Array* pWidths = FX_NEW CPDF_Array;
        for (int i = 0; i < 224; i ++) {
        pBaseDict->SetAt("Widths", pWidths);
    }  else {
        flags |= PDFFONT_NONSYMBOLIC;
        CPDF_Array* pArray = NULL;
        pFontDict = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary;
        CFX_ByteString cmap;
        CFX_ByteString ordering;
        int supplement;
        FX_BOOL bFound = FALSE;
        CPDF_Array* pWidthArray = FX_NEW CPDF_Array;
        if (IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) {
            cmap = bVert ? "ETenms-B5-V" : "ETenms-B5-H";
            ordering = "CNS1";
            supplement = 4;
            _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x20, 0x7e, pWidthArray);
            bFound = TRUE;
        if (!bFound && IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) {
            cmap = bVert ? "GBK-EUC-V" : "GBK-EUC-H";
            ordering = "GB1", supplement = 2;
            _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x20, 0x20, pWidthArray);
            _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x21, 0x7e, pWidthArray);
            bFound = TRUE;
        if (!bFound && IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) {
            cmap = bVert ? "KSCms-UHC-V" : "KSCms-UHC-H";
            ordering = "Korea1";
            supplement = 2;
            _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x20, 0x7e, pWidthArray);
            bFound = TRUE;
        if (!bFound && IsHasCharSet(languages, charSets)) {
            cmap = bVert ? "90ms-RKSJ-V" : "90ms-RKSJ-H";
            ordering = "Japan1";
            supplement = 5;
            _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x20, 0x7d, pWidthArray);
            _InsertWidthArray(font, 0xa0, 0xa0, pWidthArray);
            _InsertWidthArray(font, 0xa1, 0xdf, pWidthArray);
            _InsertWidthArray(font, 0x7e, 0x7e, pWidthArray);
        pBaseDict->SetAtName("Subtype", "Type0");
        pBaseDict->SetAtName("BaseFont", basefont);
        pBaseDict->SetAtName("Encoding", cmap);
        pFontDict->SetAt("W", pWidthArray);
        pFontDict->SetAtName("Type", "Font");
        pFontDict->SetAtName("Subtype", "CIDFontType2");
        pFontDict->SetAtName("BaseFont", basefont);
        CPDF_Dictionary* pCIDSysInfo = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary;
        pCIDSysInfo->SetAtString("Registry", "Adobe");
        pCIDSysInfo->SetAtString("Ordering", ordering);
        pCIDSysInfo->SetAtInteger("Supplement", supplement);
        pFontDict->SetAt("CIDSystemInfo", pCIDSysInfo);
        pArray = FX_NEW CPDF_Array;
        pBaseDict->SetAt("DescendantFonts", pArray);
        pArray->AddReference(this, pFontDict);
    CPDF_Dictionary* pFontDesc = FX_NEW CPDF_Dictionary;
    pFontDesc->SetAtName("Type", "FontDescriptor");
    pFontDesc->SetAtName("FontName", basefont);
    pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("Flags", flags);
    CPDF_Array* pBBox = FX_NEW CPDF_Array;
    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i ++) {
    pFontDesc->SetAt("FontBBox", pBBox);
    pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("ItalicAngle", italicangle);
    pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("Ascent", ascend);
    pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("Descent", descend);
    pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("CapHeight", capheight);
    CGFloat fStemV = 0;
    int16_t min_width = SHRT_MAX;
    static const UniChar stem_chars[] = {'i', 'I', '!', '1'};
    const size_t count = sizeof(stem_chars) / sizeof(stem_chars[0]);
    CGGlyph glyphs[count];
    CGRect boundingRects[count];
    if (CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(font, stem_chars, glyphs, count)) {
        CTFontGetBoundingRectsForGlyphs(font, kCTFontHorizontalOrientation,
                                        glyphs, boundingRects, count);
        for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
            int16_t width = boundingRects[i].size.width;
            if (width > 0 && width < min_width) {
                min_width = width;
                fStemV = min_width;
    pFontDesc->SetAtInteger("StemV", fStemV);
    pFontDict->SetAtReference("FontDescriptor", this, pFontDesc);
    return LoadFont(pBaseDict);
예제 #8
static bool font_renderer_create_atlas(CTFontRef face, ct_font_renderer_t *handle)
   int max_width, max_height;
   unsigned i;
   size_t bytesPerRow;
   CGGlyph glyphs[CT_ATLAS_SIZE];
   CGRect bounds[CT_ATLAS_SIZE];
   CGSize advances[CT_ATLAS_SIZE];
   float ascent, descent;
   CGContextRef offscreen;
   CFDictionaryRef attr;
   CFTypeRef values[1];
   CFStringRef keys[1];
   void *bitmapData                  = NULL;
   bool ret                          = true;
   size_t bitsPerComponent           = 8;
   UniChar characters[CT_ATLAS_SIZE] = {0};

   values[0]                         = face;
   keys[0]                           = kCTFontAttributeName;

   for (i = 0; i < CT_ATLAS_SIZE; i++)
      characters[i] = (UniChar)i;

   CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(face, characters, glyphs, CT_ATLAS_SIZE);

    glyphs, bounds, CT_ATLAS_SIZE);

         glyphs, advances, CT_ATLAS_SIZE);

   ascent = CTFontGetAscent(face);
   descent = CTFontGetDescent(face);

   max_width = 0;
   max_height = 0;

   for (i = 0; i < CT_ATLAS_SIZE; i++)
      int origin_x, origin_y;
      struct font_glyph *glyph = &handle->glyphs[i];

      if (!glyph)

      origin_x             = ceil(bounds[i].origin.x);
      origin_y             = ceil(bounds[i].origin.y);

      glyph->draw_offset_x = 0;
      glyph->draw_offset_y = -ascent;
      glyph->width         = ceil(bounds[i].size.width);
      glyph->height        = ceil(bounds[i].size.height);
      glyph->advance_x     = ceil(advances[i].width);
      glyph->advance_y     = ceil(advances[i].height);

      max_width            = MAX(max_width, (origin_x + glyph->width));
      max_height           = MAX(max_height, (origin_y + glyph->height));

   max_height              = MAX(max_height, ceil(ascent+descent));

   handle->atlas.width     = max_width * CT_ATLAS_COLS;
   handle->atlas.height    = max_height * CT_ATLAS_ROWS;

   handle->atlas.buffer    = (uint8_t*)
      calloc(handle->atlas.width * handle->atlas.height, 1);

   if (!handle->atlas.buffer)
      ret = false;
      goto end;

   bytesPerRow = max_width;
   bitmapData  = calloc(max_height, bytesPerRow);
   offscreen   = CGBitmapContextCreate(bitmapData, max_width, max_height,
            bitsPerComponent, bytesPerRow, NULL, kCGImageAlphaOnly);

   CGContextSetTextMatrix(offscreen, CGAffineTransformIdentity);

   attr = CFDictionaryCreate(NULL, (const void **)&keys, (const void **)&values, 
         sizeof(keys) / sizeof(keys[0]), &kCFTypeDictionaryKeyCallBacks, 

   for (i = 0; i < CT_ATLAS_SIZE; i++)
      char glyph_cstr[2];
      const uint8_t *src;
      uint8_t       *dst;
      unsigned offset_x, offset_y, r, c;
      CFStringRef glyph_cfstr;
      CFAttributedStringRef attrString;
      CTLineRef line;
      struct font_glyph *glyph = &handle->glyphs[i];
      if (!glyph)

      glyph->width = max_width;
      glyph->height = max_height;

      offset_x = (i % CT_ATLAS_COLS) * max_width;
      offset_y = (i / CT_ATLAS_COLS) * max_height;

      glyph->atlas_offset_x = offset_x;
      glyph->atlas_offset_y = offset_y;

      glyph_cstr[0] = i;
      glyph_cstr[1] = 0;
      glyph_cfstr   = CFStringCreateWithCString(
            NULL, glyph_cstr, kCFStringEncodingASCII );
      attrString = 
         CFAttributedStringCreate(NULL, glyph_cfstr, attr);
      glyph_cfstr = NULL;
      line = CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attrString);
      attrString = NULL;

      memset( bitmapData, 0, max_height * bytesPerRow );
      CGContextSetTextPosition(offscreen, 0, descent);
      CTLineDraw(line, offscreen);
      CGContextFlush( offscreen );

      CFRelease( line );
      line = NULL;

      dst = (uint8_t*)handle->atlas.buffer;
      src = (const uint8_t*)bitmapData;

      for (r = 0; r < max_height; r++ )
         for (c = 0; c < max_width; c++)
            unsigned src_idx = r * bytesPerRow + c;
            unsigned dest_idx = 
               (r + offset_y) * (CT_ATLAS_COLS * max_width) + (c + offset_x);
            uint8_t v = src[src_idx];

            dst[dest_idx] = v;


   attr = NULL;
   offscreen = NULL;

   return ret;
bool SimpleFontData::fillGlyphPage(GlyphPage* pageToFill, unsigned offset, unsigned length, UChar* buffer, unsigned bufferLength) const
    bool haveGlyphs = false;

    Vector<CGGlyph, 512> glyphs(bufferLength);
    if (!shouldUseCoreText(buffer, bufferLength, this)) {
        CGFontGetGlyphsForUnichars(platformData().cgFont(), buffer, glyphs.data(), bufferLength);
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            if (glyphs[i]) {
                pageToFill->setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + i, glyphs[i], this);
                haveGlyphs = true;
    } else if (!platformData().isCompositeFontReference() && platformData().widthVariant() != RegularWidth
        && CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters(platformData().ctFont(), buffer, glyphs.data(), bufferLength)) {
        // When buffer consists of surrogate pairs, CTFontGetGlyphsForCharacters
        // places the glyphs at indices corresponding to the first character of each pair.
        unsigned glyphStep = bufferLength / length;
        for (unsigned i = 0; i < length; ++i) {
            if (glyphs[i * glyphStep]) {
                pageToFill->setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + i, glyphs[i * glyphStep], this);
                haveGlyphs = true;
    } else {
        // We ask CoreText for possible vertical variant glyphs
        RetainPtr<CFStringRef> string(AdoptCF, CFStringCreateWithCharactersNoCopy(kCFAllocatorDefault, buffer, bufferLength, kCFAllocatorNull));
        RetainPtr<CFAttributedStringRef> attributedString(AdoptCF, CFAttributedStringCreate(kCFAllocatorDefault, string.get(), getCFStringAttributes(0, hasVerticalGlyphs() ? Vertical : Horizontal)));
        RetainPtr<CTLineRef> line(AdoptCF, CTLineCreateWithAttributedString(attributedString.get()));

        CFArrayRef runArray = CTLineGetGlyphRuns(line.get());
        CFIndex runCount = CFArrayGetCount(runArray);

        Vector<CGGlyph, 512> glyphVector;
        Vector<CFIndex, 512> indexVector;
        bool done = false;

        // For the CGFont comparison in the loop, use the CGFont that Core Text assigns to the CTFont. This may
        // be non-CFEqual to platformData().cgFont().
        RetainPtr<CGFontRef> cgFont(AdoptCF, CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(platformData().ctFont(), 0));

        for (CFIndex r = 0; r < runCount && !done ; ++r) {
            // CTLine could map characters over multiple fonts using its own font fallback list.
            // We need to pick runs that use the exact font we need, i.e., platformData().ctFont().
            CTRunRef ctRun = static_cast<CTRunRef>(CFArrayGetValueAtIndex(runArray, r));
            ASSERT(CFGetTypeID(ctRun) == CTRunGetTypeID());

            CFDictionaryRef attributes = CTRunGetAttributes(ctRun);
            CTFontRef runFont = static_cast<CTFontRef>(CFDictionaryGetValue(attributes, kCTFontAttributeName));
            RetainPtr<CGFontRef> runCGFont(AdoptCF, CTFontCopyGraphicsFont(runFont, 0));
            // Use CGFont here as CFEqual for CTFont counts all attributes for font.
            bool gotBaseFont = CFEqual(cgFont.get(), runCGFont.get());
            if (gotBaseFont || platformData().isCompositeFontReference()) {
                // This run uses the font we want. Extract glyphs.
                CFIndex glyphCount = CTRunGetGlyphCount(ctRun);
                const CGGlyph* glyphs = CTRunGetGlyphsPtr(ctRun);
                if (!glyphs) {
                    CTRunGetGlyphs(ctRun, CFRangeMake(0, 0), glyphVector.data());
                    glyphs = glyphVector.data();
                const CFIndex* stringIndices = CTRunGetStringIndicesPtr(ctRun);
                if (!stringIndices) {
                    CTRunGetStringIndices(ctRun, CFRangeMake(0, 0), indexVector.data());
                    stringIndices = indexVector.data();

                if (gotBaseFont) {
                    for (CFIndex i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
                        if (stringIndices[i] >= static_cast<CFIndex>(length)) {
                            done = true;
                        if (glyphs[i]) {
                            pageToFill->setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + stringIndices[i], glyphs[i], this);
                            haveGlyphs = true;
                } else {
                    const SimpleFontData* runSimple = getCompositeFontReferenceFontData((NSFont *)runFont);
                    if (runSimple) {
                        for (CFIndex i = 0; i < glyphCount; ++i) {
                            if (stringIndices[i] >= static_cast<CFIndex>(length)) {
                                done = true;
                            if (glyphs[i]) {
                                pageToFill->setGlyphDataForIndex(offset + stringIndices[i], glyphs[i], runSimple);
                                haveGlyphs = true;

    return haveGlyphs;