예제 #1
void cvCLAdaptEqualize(const CvArr* srcarr, CvArr* dstarr,
                        unsigned int xdivs, unsigned int ydivs, unsigned int bins,
                        float limit, int range)
        double min_val, max_val;
        unsigned char min, max;
        int type;

       IplImage sstub, *src = cvGetImage(srcarr, &sstub);
       IplImage dstub, *dst = cvGetImage(dstarr, &dstub);

        if ((src == NULL) || (dst == NULL))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "NULL value passed as image to function" );
        CV_CALL( type = cvGetElemType( src ));
        if( type != CV_8UC1 )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only 8uC1 images are supported" );
        CV_CALL( type = cvGetElemType( src ));
        if( type != CV_8UC1 )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only 8uC1 images are supported" );
        //if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src, dst ))     // Modified by Shervin Emami, 17Nov2010.
        if (src->width != dst->width || src->height != dst->height)
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "src and dst images must be equal sizes" );
        if (((xdivs < 2) || (xdivs > 16)) || ((ydivs < 2) || (ydivs > 16)))
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadFlag, "xdivs and ydivs must in range (MIN=2 MAX = 16)" );

        if ((bins < 2) || (bins > 256))
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadFlag, "bins must in range (MIN=2 MAX = 256)" );

        // copy src to dst for in-place CLAHE.
     cvCopy(src, dst);

        // If the dimensions of the image are not a multiple of the xdivs and ydivs, then enlarge the image to be a correct size and then shrink the image.
        // Also make sure the image is aligned to 8 pixels width, so that OpenCV won't add extra padding to the image.
        // Added by Shervin Emami, 17Nov2010.
        int enlarged = 0;
        int origW = dst->width;
        int origH = dst->height;
        IplImage *tmpDst = 0;
        if ((dst->width & (8-1)) || (dst->height & (8-1)) || (dst->width % xdivs) || (dst->height % ydivs)) {
                int newW = ((dst->width + 8-1) & -8);   // Align to 8 pixels, so that widthStep hopefully equals width.
                newW = ((newW + xdivs-1) & -xdivs);             // Also align for CLAHE.
                int newH = ((dst->height + ydivs-1) & -ydivs);
                //std::cout << "w=" << dst->width << ", h=" << dst->height << ". new w = " << newW << ", h = " << newH << std::endl;
                IplImage *enlargedDst = cvCreateImage(cvSize(newW, newH), dst->depth, dst->nChannels);
                cvResize(dst, enlargedDst, CV_INTER_CUBIC);
                tmpDst = dst;
                dst = enlargedDst;      // Use the enlarged image instead of the original dst image.
                enlarged = 1;   // signal that we need to shrink later!
        // Check if OpenCV adds padding bytes on each row. Added by Shervin Emami, 17Nov2010.
        if (dst->width != dst->widthStep)
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadFlag, "dst->widthStep should be the same as dst->width. The IplImage has padding, so use a larger image." );

        // check number of xdivs and ydivs is a multiple of image dimensions
        if (dst->width % xdivs)
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadFlag, "xdiv must be an integer multiple of image width " );
        if (dst->height % ydivs)
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadFlag, "ydiv must be an integer multiple of image height " );
        // get the min and max values of the image
        if (range == CV_CLAHE_RANGE_INPUT) {
                cvMinMaxLoc(dst, &min_val, &max_val);
                min = (unsigned char) min_val;
                max = (unsigned char) max_val;
        } else {
                min = 0;
                max = 255;
        // call CLHAHE for in-place CLAHE
        //int rcode =
        CLAHE((kz_pixel_t*) (dst->imageData), (unsigned int) dst->width, (unsigned int)
        dst->height, (kz_pixel_t) min, (kz_pixel_t) max, (unsigned int) xdivs, (unsigned int) ydivs,
              (unsigned int) bins, (float) limit);

        //printf("RCODE %i\n", rcode);  

        // If the dst image was enlarged to fit the alignment, then shrink it back now.
        // Added by Shervin Emami, 17Nov2010.
        if (enlarged) {
                //std::cout << "w=" << dst->width << ", h=" << dst->height << ". orig w=" << origW << ", h=" << origH << std::endl;
                cvResize(dst, tmpDst, CV_INTER_CUBIC);  // Shrink the enlarged image back into the original dst image.
                cvReleaseImage(&dst);   // Free the enlarged image.

예제 #2
CV_IMPL void
cvAcc( const void* arr, void* sumarr, const void* maskarr )
    static CvFuncTable acc_tab;
    static CvBigFuncTable accmask_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvAcc" );


    int type, sumdepth;
    int mat_step, sum_step, mask_step = 0;
    CvSize size;
    CvMat stub, *mat = (CvMat*)arr;
    CvMat sumstub, *sum = (CvMat*)sumarr;
    CvMat maskstub, *mask = (CvMat*)maskarr;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitAddTable( &acc_tab, &accmask_tab );
        inittab = 1;

    if( !CV_IS_MAT( mat ) || !CV_IS_MAT( sum ))
        int coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0;
        CV_CALL( mat = cvGetMat( mat, &stub, &coi1 ));
        CV_CALL( sum = cvGetMat( sum, &sumstub, &coi2 ));
        if( coi1 + coi2 != 0 )
            CV_ERROR( CV_BadCOI, "" );

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( sum->type ) != CV_32F )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "" );

    if( !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( mat, sum ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

    sumdepth = CV_MAT_DEPTH( sum->type );
    if( sumdepth != CV_32F && (maskarr != 0 || sumdepth != CV_64F))
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "Bad accumulator type" );

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat, sum ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

    size = cvGetMatSize( mat );
    type = CV_MAT_TYPE( mat->type );

    mat_step = mat->step;
    sum_step = sum->step;

    if( !mask )
        CvFunc2D_2A func=(CvFunc2D_2A)acc_tab.fn_2d[CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)];

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Unsupported type combination" );

        size.width *= CV_MAT_CN(type);
        if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( mat->type & sum->type ))
            size.width *= size.height;
            mat_step = sum_step = CV_STUB_STEP;
            size.height = 1;

        IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, sum->data.ptr, sum_step, size ));
        CvFunc2D_3A func = (CvFunc2D_3A)accmask_tab.fn_2d[type];

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        CV_CALL( mask = cvGetMat( mask, &maskstub ));

        if( !CV_IS_MASK_ARR( mask ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadMask, "" );

        if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat, mask ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );            

        mask_step = mask->step;

        if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( mat->type & sum->type & mask->type ))
            size.width *= size.height;
            mat_step = sum_step = mask_step = CV_STUB_STEP;
            size.height = 1;

        IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, mask->data.ptr, mask_step,
                         sum->data.ptr, sum_step, size ));

예제 #3
CV_IMPL  void
cvAbsDiff( const void* srcarr1, const void* srcarr2, void* dstarr )
    static CvFuncTable adiff_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvAbsDiff" );


    int coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0, coi3 = 0;
    CvMat srcstub1, *src1 = (CvMat*)srcarr1;
    CvMat srcstub2, *src2 = (CvMat*)srcarr2;
    CvMat dststub,  *dst = (CvMat*)dstarr;
    int src1_step, src2_step, dst_step;
    CvSize size;
    int type;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitAbsDiffTable( &adiff_tab );
        inittab = 1;

    CV_CALL( src1 = cvGetMat( src1, &srcstub1, &coi1 ));
    CV_CALL( src2 = cvGetMat( src2, &srcstub2, &coi2 ));
    CV_CALL( dst = cvGetMat( dst, &dststub, &coi3 ));

    if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 || coi3 != 0 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadCOI, "" );

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src1, src2 ) )
        CV_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes );

    size = icvGetMatSize( src1 );
    type = CV_ARR_TYPE(src1->type);

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src1, dst ))
        CV_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes );
    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( src1, src2 ))
        CV_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats );

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( src1, dst ))
        CV_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats );

    size.width *= CV_ARR_CN( type );

    src1_step = src1->step;
    src2_step = src2->step;
    dst_step = dst->step;

    if( CV_IS_ARR_CONT( src1->type & src2->type & dst->type ))
        size.width *= size.height;
        size.height = 1;
        src1_step = src2_step = dst_step = CV_STUB_STEP;

        CvFunc2D_3A func = (CvFunc2D_3A)

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        IPPI_CALL( func( src1->data.ptr, src1_step, src2->data.ptr, src2_step,
                         dst->data.ptr, dst_step, size ));

예제 #4
CV_IMPL double
cvPointPolygonTest( const CvArr* _contour, CvPoint2D32f pt, int measure_dist )
    double result = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCheckPointPolygon" );

    CvSeqBlock block;
    CvContour header;
    CvSeq* contour = (CvSeq*)_contour;
    CvSeqReader reader;
    int i, total, counter = 0;
    int is_float;
    double min_dist_num = FLT_MAX, min_dist_denom = 1;
    CvPoint ip = {0,0};

    if( !CV_IS_SEQ(contour) )
        CV_CALL( contour = cvPointSeqFromMat( CV_SEQ_KIND_CURVE + CV_SEQ_FLAG_CLOSED,
                                              _contour, &header, &block ));
    else if( CV_IS_SEQ_POLYGON(contour) )
        if( contour->header_size == sizeof(CvContour) && !measure_dist )
            CvRect r = ((CvContour*)contour)->rect;
            if( pt.x < r.x || pt.y < r.y ||
                pt.x >= r.x + r.width || pt.y >= r.y + r.height )
                return -100;
    else if( CV_IS_SEQ_CHAIN(contour) )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg,
            "Chains are not supported. Convert them to polygonal representation using cvApproxChains()" );
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Input contour is neither a valid sequence nor a matrix" );

    total = contour->total;
    is_float = CV_SEQ_ELTYPE(contour) == CV_32FC2;
    cvStartReadSeq( contour, &reader, -1 );

    if( !is_float && !measure_dist && (ip.x = cvRound(pt.x)) == pt.x && (ip.y = cvRound(pt.y)) == pt.y )
        // the fastest "pure integer" branch
        CvPoint v0, v;
        CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( v, reader );

        for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
            int dist;
            v0 = v;
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( v, reader );

            if( (v0.y <= ip.y && v.y <= ip.y) ||
                (v0.y > ip.y && v.y > ip.y) ||
                (v0.x < ip.x && v.x < ip.x) )
                if( ip.y == v.y && (ip.x == v.x || (ip.y == v0.y &&
                    ((v0.x <= ip.x && ip.x <= v.x) || (v.x <= ip.x && ip.x <= v0.x)))) )

            dist = (ip.y - v0.y)*(v.x - v0.x) - (ip.x - v0.x)*(v.y - v0.y);
            if( dist == 0 )
            if( v.y < v0.y )
                dist = -dist;
            counter += dist > 0;

        result = counter % 2 == 0 ? -100 : 100;
        CvPoint2D32f v0, v;
        CvPoint iv;

        if( is_float )
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( v, reader );
            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( iv, reader );
            v = cvPointTo32f( iv );

        if( !measure_dist )
            for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
                double dist;
                v0 = v;
                if( is_float )
                    CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( v, reader );
                    CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( iv, reader );
                    v = cvPointTo32f( iv );

                if( (v0.y <= pt.y && v.y <= pt.y) ||
                    (v0.y > pt.y && v.y > pt.y) ||
                    (v0.x < pt.x && v.x < pt.x) )
                    if( pt.y == v.y && (pt.x == v.x || (pt.y == v0.y &&
                        ((v0.x <= pt.x && pt.x <= v.x) || (v.x <= pt.x && pt.x <= v0.x)))) )

                dist = (double)(pt.y - v0.y)*(v.x - v0.x) - (double)(pt.x - v0.x)*(v.y - v0.y);
                if( dist == 0 )
                if( v.y < v0.y )
                    dist = -dist;
                counter += dist > 0;

            result = counter % 2 == 0 ? -100 : 100;
            for( i = 0; i < total; i++ )
                double dx, dy, dx1, dy1, dx2, dy2, dist_num, dist_denom = 1;
                v0 = v;
                if( is_float )
                    CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( v, reader );
                    CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( iv, reader );
                    v = cvPointTo32f( iv );
                dx = v.x - v0.x; dy = v.y - v0.y;
                dx1 = pt.x - v0.x; dy1 = pt.y - v0.y;
                dx2 = pt.x - v.x; dy2 = pt.y - v.y;
                if( dx1*dx + dy1*dy <= 0 )
                    dist_num = dx1*dx1 + dy1*dy1;
                else if( dx2*dx + dy2*dy >= 0 )
                    dist_num = dx2*dx2 + dy2*dy2;
                    dist_num = (dy1*dx - dx1*dy);
                    dist_num *= dist_num;
                    dist_denom = dx*dx + dy*dy;

                if( dist_num*min_dist_denom < min_dist_num*dist_denom )
                    min_dist_num = dist_num;
                    min_dist_denom = dist_denom;
                    if( min_dist_num == 0 )

                if( (v0.y <= pt.y && v.y <= pt.y) ||
                    (v0.y > pt.y && v.y > pt.y) ||
                    (v0.x < pt.x && v.x < pt.x) )

                dist_num = dy1*dx - dx1*dy;
                if( dy < 0 )
                    dist_num = -dist_num;
                counter += dist_num > 0;

            result = sqrt(min_dist_num/min_dist_denom);
            if( counter % 2 == 0 )
                result = -result;


    return result;
예제 #5
CvIntHaarClassifier* icvLoadTreeCascadeClassifier( const char* filename, int step,
                                                   int* splits )
    CvTreeCascadeClassifier* ptr = NULL;
    CvTreeCascadeNode** nodes = NULL;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "icvLoadTreeCascadeClassifier" );


    size_t data_size;
    CvStageHaarClassifier* stage;
    char stage_name[PATH_MAX];
    char* suffix;
    int i, num;
    FILE* f;
    int result, parent=0, next=0;
    int stub;

    if( !splits ) splits = &stub;

    *splits = 0;

    data_size = sizeof( *ptr );

    CV_CALL( ptr = (CvTreeCascadeClassifier*) cvAlloc( data_size ) );
    memset( ptr, 0, data_size );

    ptr->eval = icvEvalTreeCascadeClassifier;
    ptr->release = icvReleaseTreeCascadeClassifier;

    sprintf( stage_name, "%s/", filename );
    suffix = stage_name + strlen( stage_name );

    for( i = 0; ; i++ )
        sprintf( suffix, "%d/%s", i, CV_STAGE_CART_FILE_NAME );
        f = fopen( stage_name, "r" );
        if( !f ) break;
        fclose( f );
    num = i;

    if( num < 1 ) EXIT;

    data_size = sizeof( *nodes ) * num;
    CV_CALL( nodes = (CvTreeCascadeNode**) cvAlloc( data_size ) );

    for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
        sprintf( suffix, "%d/%s", i, CV_STAGE_CART_FILE_NAME );
        f = fopen( stage_name, "r" );
        CV_CALL( stage = (CvStageHaarClassifier*)
            icvLoadCARTStageHaarClassifierF( f, step ) );

        result = ( f && stage ) ? fscanf( f, "%d%d", &parent, &next ) : 0;
        if( f ) fclose( f );

        if( result != 2 )
            num = i;

        printf( "Stage %d loaded\n", i );

        if( parent >= i || (next != -1 && next != i + 1) )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "Invalid tree links" );

        CV_CALL( nodes[i] = icvCreateTreeCascadeNode() );
        nodes[i]->stage = stage;
        nodes[i]->idx = i;
        nodes[i]->parent = (parent != -1 ) ? nodes[parent] : NULL;
        nodes[i]->next = ( next != -1 ) ? nodes[i] : NULL;
        nodes[i]->child = NULL;
    for( i = 0; i < num; i++ )
        if( nodes[i]->next )
            nodes[i]->next = nodes[i+1];
        if( nodes[i]->parent && nodes[i]->parent->child == NULL )
            nodes[i]->parent->child = nodes[i];
    ptr->root = nodes[0];
    ptr->next_idx = num;


    cvFree( &nodes );

    return (CvIntHaarClassifier*) ptr;
예제 #6
// Function cvCreateFGDStatModel initializes foreground detection process
// parameters:
//      first_frame - frame from video sequence
//      parameters  - (optional) if NULL default parameters of the algorithm will be used
//      p_model     - pointer to CvFGDStatModel structure
CV_IMPL CvBGStatModel*
cvCreateFGDStatModel( IplImage* first_frame, CvFGDStatModelParams* parameters )
    CvFGDStatModel* p_model = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvCreateFGDStatModel" );

    int i, j, k, pixel_count, buf_size;
    CvFGDStatModelParams params;

    if( !CV_IS_IMAGE(first_frame) )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Invalid or NULL first_frame parameter" );

    if (first_frame->nChannels != 3)
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "first_frame must have 3 color channels" );

    // Initialize parameters:
    if( parameters == NULL )
        params.Lc      = CV_BGFG_FGD_LC;
        params.N1c     = CV_BGFG_FGD_N1C;
        params.N2c     = CV_BGFG_FGD_N2C;

        params.Lcc     = CV_BGFG_FGD_LCC;
        params.N1cc    = CV_BGFG_FGD_N1CC;
        params.N2cc    = CV_BGFG_FGD_N2CC;

        params.delta   = CV_BGFG_FGD_DELTA;

        params.alpha1  = CV_BGFG_FGD_ALPHA_1;
        params.alpha2  = CV_BGFG_FGD_ALPHA_2;
        params.alpha3  = CV_BGFG_FGD_ALPHA_3;

        params.T       = CV_BGFG_FGD_T;
        params.minArea = CV_BGFG_FGD_MINAREA;

        params.is_obj_without_holes = 1;
        params.perform_morphing     = 1;
        params = *parameters;

    CV_CALL( p_model = (CvFGDStatModel*)cvAlloc( sizeof(*p_model) ));
    memset( p_model, 0, sizeof(*p_model) );
    p_model->type = CV_BG_MODEL_FGD;
    p_model->release = (CvReleaseBGStatModel)icvReleaseFGDStatModel;
    p_model->update = (CvUpdateBGStatModel)icvUpdateFGDStatModel;;
    p_model->params = params;

    // Initialize storage pools:
    pixel_count = first_frame->width * first_frame->height;
    buf_size = pixel_count*sizeof(p_model->pixel_stat[0]);
    CV_CALL( p_model->pixel_stat = (CvBGPixelStat*)cvAlloc(buf_size) );
    memset( p_model->pixel_stat, 0, buf_size );
    buf_size = pixel_count*params.N2c*sizeof(p_model->pixel_stat[0].ctable[0]);
    CV_CALL( p_model->pixel_stat[0].ctable = (CvBGPixelCStatTable*)cvAlloc(buf_size) );
    memset( p_model->pixel_stat[0].ctable, 0, buf_size );

    buf_size = pixel_count*params.N2cc*sizeof(p_model->pixel_stat[0].cctable[0]);
    CV_CALL( p_model->pixel_stat[0].cctable = (CvBGPixelCCStatTable*)cvAlloc(buf_size) );
    memset( p_model->pixel_stat[0].cctable, 0, buf_size );

    for(     i = 0, k = 0; i < first_frame->height; i++ ) {
        for( j = 0;        j < first_frame->width;  j++, k++ )
            p_model->pixel_stat[k].ctable = p_model->pixel_stat[0].ctable + k*params.N2c;
            p_model->pixel_stat[k].cctable = p_model->pixel_stat[0].cctable + k*params.N2cc;

    // Init temporary images:
    CV_CALL( p_model->Ftd = cvCreateImage(cvSize(first_frame->width, first_frame->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1));
    CV_CALL( p_model->Fbd = cvCreateImage(cvSize(first_frame->width, first_frame->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1));
    CV_CALL( p_model->foreground = cvCreateImage(cvSize(first_frame->width, first_frame->height), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1));

    CV_CALL( p_model->background = cvCloneImage(first_frame));
    CV_CALL( p_model->prev_frame = cvCloneImage(first_frame));
    CV_CALL( p_model->storage = cvCreateMemStorage());


    if( cvGetErrStatus() < 0 )
        CvBGStatModel* base_ptr = (CvBGStatModel*)p_model;

        if( p_model && p_model->release )
            p_model->release( &base_ptr );
            cvFree( &p_model );
        p_model = 0;

    return (CvBGStatModel*)p_model;
예제 #7
파일: segment.cpp 프로젝트: 353/viewercv
cvSegmentImage(const CvArr* srcarr, CvArr* dstarr,
double canny_threshold,
double ffill_threshold,
CvMemStorage* storage) {
    CvSeq* root = 0;
    CvMat* gray = 0;
    CvMat* canny = 0;
    //CvMat* temp = 0;
    void* stack = 0;



    CvMat srcstub, *src;
    CvMat dststub, *dst;
    CvMat* mask;
    CvSize size;
    CvPoint pt;
    int ffill_lw_up = cvRound(fabs(ffill_threshold));
    CvSeq* prev_seq = 0;

    CV_CALL(src = cvGetMat(srcarr, &srcstub));
    CV_CALL(dst = cvGetMat(dstarr, &dststub));

    size = cvGetSize(src);

    CV_CALL(gray = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_8UC1));
    CV_CALL(canny = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_8UC1));
    //CV_CALL( temp = cvCreateMat( size.height/2, size.width/2, CV_8UC3 ));

    CV_CALL(stack = cvAlloc(size.width * size.height * sizeof(Seg)));

    cvCvtColor(src, gray, CV_BGR2GRAY);
    cvCanny(gray, canny, 0/*canny_threshold*0.4*/, canny_threshold, 3);
    cvThreshold(canny, canny, 1, 1, CV_THRESH_BINARY);
    //cvZero( canny );
    //color_derv( src, canny, canny_threshold );

    //cvPyrDown( src, temp );
    //cvPyrUp( temp, dst );

    //src = dst;
    mask = canny; // a new name for new role

    // make a non-zero border.
    cvRectangle(mask, cvPoint(0, 0), cvPoint(size.width - 1, size.height - 1), cvScalarAll(1), 1);

    for (pt.y = 0; pt.y < size.height; pt.y++) {
        for (pt.x = 0; pt.x < size.width; pt.x++) {
            if (mask->data.ptr[mask->step* pt.y + pt.x] == 0) {
                CvConnectedComp region;
                int avgVal[3] = { 0, 0, 0 };

                icvSegmFloodFill_Stage1(src->data.ptr, src->step,
                mask->data.ptr, mask->step,
                size, pt, avgVal,
                ffill_lw_up, ffill_lw_up,
                &region, stack);

                /*avgVal[0] = (avgVal[0] + 15) & -32;
                if( avgVal[0] > 255 )
                    avgVal[0] = 255;
                avgVal[1] = (avgVal[1] + 15) & -32;
                if( avgVal[1] > 255 )
                    avgVal[1] = 255;
                avgVal[2] = (avgVal[2] + 15) & -32;
                if( avgVal[2] > 255 )
                    avgVal[2] = 255;*/

                if (storage) {
                    CvSeq* tmpseq = icvGetComponent(mask->data.ptr, mask->step,
                    region.rect, storage);
                    if (tmpseq != 0) {
                        ((CvContour*)tmpseq)->color = avgVal[0] + (avgVal[1] << 8) + (avgVal[2] << 16);
                        tmpseq->h_prev = prev_seq;
                        if (prev_seq) {
                            prev_seq->h_next = tmpseq;
                        } else {
                            root = tmpseq;
                        prev_seq = tmpseq;

                icvSegmFloodFill_Stage2(dst->data.ptr, dst->step,
                mask->data.ptr, mask->step,
                size, avgVal,


    //cvReleaseMat( &temp );

    return root;
예제 #8
CV_IMPL  void
cvSVD( CvArr* aarr, CvArr* warr, CvArr* uarr, CvArr* varr, int flags )
    uchar* buffer = 0;
    int local_alloc = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvSVD" );


    CvMat astub, *a = (CvMat*)aarr;
    CvMat wstub, *w = (CvMat*)warr;
    CvMat ustub, *u = (CvMat*)uarr;
    CvMat vstub, *v = (CvMat*)varr;
    CvMat tmat;
    uchar* tw = 0;
    int type, nm, mn;
    int buf_size, pix_size;
    int t_svd = 0; // special case: a->rows < a->cols

    if( !CV_IS_ARR( a ))
        CV_CALL( a = cvGetMat( a, &astub ));

    if( !CV_IS_ARR( w ))
        CV_CALL( w = cvGetMat( w, &wstub ));

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( a, w ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

    nm = MIN( a->width, a->height );
    mn = MAX( a->width, a->height );

    if( (w->width == 1 || w->height == 1) &&
        CV_IS_ARR_CONT( w->type ) && w->width*w->height == nm )
        tw = w->data.ptr;
    else if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( w, a ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize, "W must be either continuous vector of "
                                 "size MIN(A->width,A->height) or matrix of "
                                 "the same size as A" );

    if( u )
        if( !CV_IS_ARR( u ))
            CV_CALL( u = cvGetMat( u, &ustub ));

        if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( a, u ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

        if( u->width != u->height || u->height != a->height )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "U matrix must be square and have the same "
                                            "linear size as number of rows in A" );

        if( u->data.ptr == a->data.ptr )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "U can not be equal A" );
        u = &ustub;
        u->data.ptr = 0;
        u->step = 0;

    if( v )
        if( !CV_IS_ARR( v ))
            CV_CALL( v = cvGetMat( v, &vstub ));

        if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( a, v ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

        if( v->width != v->height || v->width != a->width )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "V matrix must be square and have the same "
                                            "linear size as number of columns in A" );

        if( v->data.ptr == a->data.ptr || v->data.ptr == u->data.ptr )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "V can not be equal U or A" );
        v = &vstub;
        v->data.ptr = 0;
        v->step = 0;

    type = CV_ARR_TYPE( a->type );
    pix_size = icvPixSize[type];
    buf_size = nm*2 + mn;

    if( a->rows < a->cols )
        CvMat* t;
        CV_SWAP( u, v, t );

        flags = (flags & CV_SVD_U_T ? CV_SVD_V_T : 0)|
                (flags & CV_SVD_V_T ? CV_SVD_U_T : 0);

        t_svd = 1;

    if( !(flags & CV_SVD_MODIFY_A) )
        buf_size += a->width*a->height;

    buf_size *= pix_size;

    if( buf_size <= CV_MAX_LOCAL_SIZE )
        buffer = (uchar*)alloca( buf_size );
        local_alloc = 1;
        CV_CALL( buffer = (uchar*)cvAlloc( buf_size ));
    if( !(flags & CV_SVD_MODIFY_A) )
        if( !t_svd )
            cvInitMatHeader( &tmat, a->height, a->width, type,
                             buffer + (nm*2 + mn)*pix_size );
            cvCopy( a, &tmat );
            cvInitMatHeader( &tmat, a->width, a->height, type,
                             buffer + (nm*2 + mn)*pix_size );
            cvT( a, &tmat );
        a = &tmat;

    if( !tw )
        tw = buffer + (nm + mn)*pix_size;

    if( type == CV_32FC1 )
        IPPI_CALL( icvSVD_32f( a->data.fl, a->step/sizeof(float), (float*)tw,
                               u->data.fl, u->step/sizeof(float),
                               v->data.fl, v->step/sizeof(float),
                               icvGetMatSize(a), (float*)buffer ));
    else if( type == CV_64FC1 )
        IPPI_CALL( icvSVD_64f( a->data.db, a->step/sizeof(double), (double*)tw,
                               u->data.db, u->step/sizeof(double),
                               v->data.db, v->step/sizeof(double),
                               icvGetMatSize(a), (double*)buffer ));
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

    if( tw != w->data.ptr )
        cvSetZero( w );
        if( type == CV_32FC1 )
            for( int i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
                ((float*)(w->data.ptr + i*w->step))[i] = ((float*)tw)[i];
            for( int i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
                ((double*)(w->data.ptr + i*w->step))[i] = ((double*)tw)[i];

    if( u->data.ptr )
        if( !(flags & CV_SVD_U_T))
            cvT( u, u );
        CV_CHECK_NANS( u );

    if( v->data.ptr)
        if( !(flags & CV_SVD_V_T))
            cvT( v, v );
        CV_CHECK_NANS( v );

    CV_CHECK_NANS( w );


    if( buffer && !local_alloc )
        cvFree( (void**)&buffer );
cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams3( const CvMat* obj_points,
                  const CvMat* img_points, const CvMat* A,
                  const CvMat* dist_coeffs,
                  CvMat* r_vec, CvMat* t_vec )
    bool fGood = true;

    const int max_iter = 20;
    CvMat *_M = 0, *_Mxy = 0, *_m = 0, *_mn = 0, *_L = 0, *_J = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvFindExtrinsicCameraParams3" );


    int i, j, count;
    double a[9], k[4] = { 0, 0, 0, 0 }, R[9], ifx, ify, cx, cy;
    double Mc[3] = {0, 0, 0}, MM[9], U[9], V[9], W[3];
    double JtJ[6*6], JtErr[6], JtJW[6], JtJV[6*6], delta[6], param[6];
    CvPoint3D64f* M = 0;
    CvPoint2D64f *m = 0, *mn = 0;
    CvMat _a = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, a );
    CvMat _R = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, R );
    CvMat _r = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, param );
    CvMat _t = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, param + 3 );
    CvMat _Mc = cvMat( 1, 3, CV_64F, Mc );
    CvMat _MM = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, MM );
    CvMat _U = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, U );
    CvMat _V = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, V );
    CvMat _W = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, W );
    CvMat _JtJ = cvMat( 6, 6, CV_64F, JtJ );
    CvMat _JtErr = cvMat( 6, 1, CV_64F, JtErr );
    CvMat _JtJW = cvMat( 6, 1, CV_64F, JtJW );
    CvMat _JtJV = cvMat( 6, 6, CV_64F, JtJV );
    CvMat _delta = cvMat( 6, 1, CV_64F, delta );
    CvMat _param = cvMat( 6, 1, CV_64F, param );
    CvMat _dpdr, _dpdt;

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(obj_points) || !CV_IS_MAT(img_points) ||
        !CV_IS_MAT(A) || !CV_IS_MAT(r_vec) || !CV_IS_MAT(t_vec) )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "One of required arguments is not a valid matrix" );

    count = MAX(obj_points->cols, obj_points->rows);
    CV_CALL( _M = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC3 ));
    CV_CALL( _Mxy = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC2 ));
    CV_CALL( _m = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC2 ));
    CV_CALL( _mn = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC2 ));
    M = (CvPoint3D64f*)_M->data.db;
    m = (CvPoint2D64f*)_m->data.db;
    mn = (CvPoint2D64f*)_mn->data.db;

    CV_CALL( cvConvertPointsHomogenious( obj_points, _M ));
    CV_CALL( cvConvertPointsHomogenious( img_points, _m ));
    CV_CALL( cvConvert( A, &_a ));

    if( dist_coeffs )
        CvMat _k;
        if( !CV_IS_MAT(dist_coeffs) ||
            CV_MAT_DEPTH(dist_coeffs->type) != CV_64F &&
            CV_MAT_DEPTH(dist_coeffs->type) != CV_32F ||
            dist_coeffs->rows != 1 && dist_coeffs->cols != 1 ||
            dist_coeffs->rows*dist_coeffs->cols*CV_MAT_CN(dist_coeffs->type) != 4 )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg,
                "Distortion coefficients must be 1x4 or 4x1 floating-point vector" );

        _k = cvMat( dist_coeffs->rows, dist_coeffs->cols,
                    CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(dist_coeffs->type)), k );
        CV_CALL( cvConvert( dist_coeffs, &_k ));

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH(r_vec->type) != CV_64F && CV_MAT_DEPTH(r_vec->type) != CV_32F ||
        r_vec->rows != 1 && r_vec->cols != 1 ||
        r_vec->rows*r_vec->cols*CV_MAT_CN(r_vec->type) != 3 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Rotation vector must be 1x3 or 3x1 floating-point vector" );

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH(t_vec->type) != CV_64F && CV_MAT_DEPTH(t_vec->type) != CV_32F ||
        t_vec->rows != 1 && t_vec->cols != 1 ||
        t_vec->rows*t_vec->cols*CV_MAT_CN(t_vec->type) != 3 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg,
            "Translation vector must be 1x3 or 3x1 floating-point vector" );

    ifx = 1./a[0]; ify = 1./a[4];
    cx = a[2]; cy = a[5];

    // normalize image points
    // (unapply the intrinsic matrix transformation and distortion)
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        double x = (m[i].x - cx)*ifx, y = (m[i].y - cy)*ify, x0 = x, y0 = y;

        // compensate distortion iteratively
        if( dist_coeffs )
            for( j = 0; j < 5; j++ )
                double r2 = x*x + y*y;
                double icdist = 1./(1 + k[0]*r2 + k[1]*r2*r2);
                double delta_x = 2*k[2]*x*y + k[3]*(r2 + 2*x*x);
                double delta_y = k[2]*(r2 + 2*y*y) + 2*k[3]*x*y;
                x = (x0 - delta_x)*icdist;
                y = (y0 - delta_y)*icdist;
        mn[i].x = x; mn[i].y = y;

        // calc mean(M)
        Mc[0] += M[i].x;
        Mc[1] += M[i].y;
        Mc[2] += M[i].z;

    Mc[0] /= count;
    Mc[1] /= count;
    Mc[2] /= count;

    cvReshape( _M, _M, 1, count );
    cvMulTransposed( _M, &_MM, 1, &_Mc );
    cvSVD( &_MM, &_W, 0, &_V, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_V_T );

    // initialize extrinsic parameters
    if( W[2]/W[1] < 1e-3 || count < 4 )
        // a planar structure case (all M's lie in the same plane)
        double tt[3], h[9], h1_norm, h2_norm;
        CvMat* R_transform = &_V;
        CvMat T_transform = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64F, tt );
        CvMat _H = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64F, h );
        CvMat _h1, _h2, _h3;

        if( V[2]*V[2] + V[5]*V[5] < 1e-10 )
            cvSetIdentity( R_transform );

        if( cvDet(R_transform) < 0 )
            cvScale( R_transform, R_transform, -1 );

        cvGEMM( R_transform, &_Mc, -1, 0, 0, &T_transform, CV_GEMM_B_T );

        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            const double* Rp = R_transform->data.db;
            const double* Tp = T_transform.data.db;
            const double* src = _M->data.db + i*3;
            double* dst = _Mxy->data.db + i*2;

            dst[0] = Rp[0]*src[0] + Rp[1]*src[1] + Rp[2]*src[2] + Tp[0];
            dst[1] = Rp[3]*src[0] + Rp[4]*src[1] + Rp[5]*src[2] + Tp[1];

        cvFindHomography( _Mxy, _mn, &_H );

        cvGetCol( &_H, &_h1, 0 );
        _h2 = _h1; _h2.data.db++;
        _h3 = _h2; _h3.data.db++;
        h1_norm = sqrt(h[0]*h[0] + h[3]*h[3] + h[6]*h[6]);
        h2_norm = sqrt(h[1]*h[1] + h[4]*h[4] + h[7]*h[7]);

        cvScale( &_h1, &_h1, 1./h1_norm );
        cvScale( &_h2, &_h2, 1./h2_norm );
        cvScale( &_h3, &_t, 2./(h1_norm + h2_norm));
        cvCrossProduct( &_h1, &_h2, &_h3 );

        cvRodrigues2( &_H, &_r );
        cvRodrigues2( &_r, &_H );
        cvMatMulAdd( &_H, &T_transform, &_t, &_t );
        cvMatMul( &_H, R_transform, &_R );
        cvRodrigues2( &_R, &_r );
        // non-planar structure. Use DLT method
        double* L;
        double LL[12*12], LW[12], LV[12*12], sc;
        CvMat _LL = cvMat( 12, 12, CV_64F, LL );
        CvMat _LW = cvMat( 12, 1, CV_64F, LW );
        CvMat _LV = cvMat( 12, 12, CV_64F, LV );
        CvMat _RRt, _RR, _tt;

        CV_CALL( _L = cvCreateMat( 2*count, 12, CV_64F ));
        L = _L->data.db;

        for( i = 0; i < count; i++, L += 24 )
            double x = -mn[i].x, y = -mn[i].y;
            L[0] = L[16] = M[i].x;
            L[1] = L[17] = M[i].y;
            L[2] = L[18] = M[i].z;
            L[3] = L[19] = 1.;
            L[4] = L[5] = L[6] = L[7] = 0.;
            L[12] = L[13] = L[14] = L[15] = 0.;
            L[8] = x*M[i].x;
            L[9] = x*M[i].y;
            L[10] = x*M[i].z;
            L[11] = x;
            L[20] = y*M[i].x;
            L[21] = y*M[i].y;
            L[22] = y*M[i].z;
            L[23] = y;

        cvMulTransposed( _L, &_LL, 1 );
        cvSVD( &_LL, &_LW, 0, &_LV, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_V_T );
        _RRt = cvMat( 3, 4, CV_64F, LV + 11*12 );
        cvGetCols( &_RRt, &_RR, 0, 3 );
        cvGetCol( &_RRt, &_tt, 3 );
        if( cvDet(&_RR) < 0 )
            cvScale( &_RRt, &_RRt, -1 );
        sc = cvNorm(&_RR);
        cvSVD( &_RR, &_W, &_U, &_V, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_U_T + CV_SVD_V_T );
        cvGEMM( &_U, &_V, 1, 0, 0, &_R, CV_GEMM_A_T );
        cvScale( &_tt, &_t, cvNorm(&_R)/sc );
        cvRodrigues2( &_R, &_r );
        cvReleaseMat( &_L );

    // Check if new r and t are good
    if ( cvGetReal1D( r_vec, 0 ) ||
         cvGetReal1D( r_vec, 1 ) ||
         cvGetReal1D( r_vec, 2 ) ||
         cvGetReal1D( t_vec, 0 ) ||
         cvGetReal1D( t_vec, 1 ) ||
         cvGetReal1D( t_vec, 2 ) )
        // perfom this only when the old r and t exist.
        CvMat * R_inv = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1 );
        CvMat * r_old = cvCreateMat( 3, 1, CV_64FC1 );
        CvMat * R_old = cvCreateMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1 );
        CvMat * t_old = cvCreateMat( 3, 1, CV_64FC1 );
        // get new center
        cvInvert( &_R, R_inv );
        double new_center[3];
        CvMat newCenter = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64FC1, new_center );
        cvMatMul( R_inv, &_t, &newCenter );
        cvScale( &newCenter, &newCenter, -1 );
        // get old center
        cvConvert( r_vec, r_old );
        cvConvert( t_vec, t_old );
        cvRodrigues2( r_old, R_old );
        cvInvert( R_old, R_inv );
        double old_center[3];
        CvMat oldCenter = cvMat( 3, 1, CV_64FC1, old_center );
        cvMatMul( R_inv, t_old, &oldCenter );
        cvScale( &oldCenter, &oldCenter, -1 );
        // get difference
        double diff_center = 0;
        for ( int i = 0; i < 3 ; i ++ )
            diff_center += pow( new_center[i] - old_center[i], 2 );
        diff_center = sqrt( diff_center );
        if ( diff_center > 300 )
            printf("diff_center = %.2f --> set initial r and t as same as  the previous\n", diff_center);
            cvConvert(r_vec, &_r);
            cvConvert(t_vec, &_t);
            fGood = false;
//        else printf("diff_center = %.2f\n", diff_center );
        cvReleaseMat( &R_inv );
        cvReleaseMat( &r_old );
        cvReleaseMat( &R_old );
        cvReleaseMat( &t_old );
    if ( fGood )
        CV_CALL( _J = cvCreateMat( 2*count, 6, CV_64FC1 ));
        cvGetCols( _J, &_dpdr, 0, 3 );
        cvGetCols( _J, &_dpdt, 3, 6 );

        // refine extrinsic parameters using iterative algorithm
        for( i = 0; i < max_iter; i++ )
            double n1, n2;
            cvReshape( _mn, _mn, 2, 1 );
            cvProjectPoints2( _M, &_r, &_t, &_a, dist_coeffs,
                              _mn, &_dpdr, &_dpdt, 0, 0, 0 );
            cvSub( _m, _mn, _mn );
            cvReshape( _mn, _mn, 1, 2*count );

            cvMulTransposed( _J, &_JtJ, 1 );
            cvGEMM( _J, _mn, 1, 0, 0, &_JtErr, CV_GEMM_A_T );
            cvSVD( &_JtJ, &_JtJW, 0, &_JtJV, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_V_T );
            if( JtJW[5]/JtJW[0] < 1e-12 )
            cvSVBkSb( &_JtJW, &_JtJV, &_JtJV, &_JtErr,
                      &_delta, CV_SVD_U_T + CV_SVD_V_T );
            cvAdd( &_delta, &_param, &_param );
            n1 = cvNorm( &_delta );
            n2 = cvNorm( &_param );
            if( n1/n2 < 1e-10 )

        _r = cvMat( r_vec->rows, r_vec->cols,
            CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(r_vec->type)), param );
        _t = cvMat( t_vec->rows, t_vec->cols,
            CV_MAKETYPE(CV_64F,CV_MAT_CN(t_vec->type)), param + 3 );

        cvConvert( &_r, r_vec );
        cvConvert( &_t, t_vec );


    cvReleaseMat( &_M );
    cvReleaseMat( &_Mxy );
    cvReleaseMat( &_m );
    cvReleaseMat( &_mn );
    cvReleaseMat( &_L );
    cvReleaseMat( &_J );

    return fGood;
예제 #10
void OptFlowEMD::calculate_flow(IplImage* imageT, IplImage* imageTMinus1, IplImage* velx, IplImage* vely, IplImage* abs){

#ifdef __CV_BEGIN__
    CV_FUNCNAME( "OptFlowGenGrad::calculate_flow" );
    CvMat stubA, *srcA = (CvMat*)imageT;   // stubA takes the new header data for the matrix according to ROI
    CvMat stubB, *srcB = (CvMat*)imageTMinus1;
    CvMat stubx, *vel_x = (CvMat*)velx;
    CvMat stuby, *vel_y = (CvMat*)vely;
    CvMat stubAbs, *abs_ = NULL;
    if (abs != NULL)
        abs_ = (CvMat*)abs;

    // see GetMat function doc: This returns a matrix header with the current image ROI!
    // this gives basically a view on the ROI, stubA takes the header data of the matrix
    //  srcA is pointed to this new 'augmented' data-header
    CV_CALL(  srcA = cvGetMat(  srcA, &stubA ));
    CV_CALL(  srcB = cvGetMat(  srcB, &stubB ));
    CV_CALL(  vel_x = cvGetMat(  vel_x, &stubx ));
    CV_CALL(  vel_y = cvGetMat(  vel_y, &stuby ));
    if (abs_ != NULL)
        CV_CALL(  abs_ = cvGetMat (  abs_, &stubAbs ));

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(  srcA,  srcB ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "Source images have different formats" );

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(  vel_x,  vel_y ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "Destination images have different formats" );

    if (abs_ != NULL)
        if (!CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( vel_x, abs_))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "Destination images have different formats" );

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(  srcA,  srcB )   ||
        !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(  vel_x,  vel_y ) ||
        !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(  srcA,  vel_x ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "Some images have different sizes" );

    if(abs_ != NULL)
        if (!CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( srcA, abs_))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "Some images have different sizes" );

    if( CV_MAT_TYPE(  srcA->type )  != CV_8UC1)
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Source images must have 8uC1 type");
    if( CV_MAT_TYPE(  vel_x->type ) != CV_32FC1 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Destination images must have 32fC1 type" );

    if( srcA->step  !=  srcB->step  ||
        vel_x->step !=  vel_y->step)
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadStep, "source and destination images have different step" );

    if (abs_ != NULL)
        if (vel_x->step != abs_->step)
            CV_ERROR( CV_BadStep, "source and destination images have different step" );
    if (abs_ != NULL){
        IPPI_CALL( calcOptFlowEMD( (uchar*)srcA->data.ptr, (uchar*)srcB->data.ptr, srcA->step, cvGetMatSize( srcA ),
                                vel_x->data.fl, vel_y->data.fl, vel_x->step,
        IPPI_CALL( calcOptFlowEMD( (uchar*)srcA->data.ptr, (uchar*)srcB->data.ptr, srcA->step, cvGetMatSize( srcA ),
                                vel_x->data.fl, vel_y->data.fl, vel_x->step,
#ifdef __CV_END__
예제 #11
cvDRLSE(const CvArr * image,
        const CvArr * mask,
	int *length,
        double lambda,
        double alfa,
        double epsilon,
        int timestep,
        int ITER_ext,
        int ITER_int,
        int flag)
    IplImage sstub1, sstub2, *msk, *img, *marker, *levelset;
    CvMat *ones, *Ix, *Iy, *phi, *f, *g;
    CvSize size;
    int comp_count =0, iStep;
    float* fPtr;
    CvMemStorage* storage = cvCreateMemStorage(0);
    CvSeq* contours = 0;
    CvPoint pt= cvPoint(0,0), *point=NULL;
    double mu = 0.2f/double(timestep);
    char c;

    CV_CALL( msk = cvGetImage(mask,    &sstub1 ));
    CV_CALL( img = cvGetImage(image,   &sstub2 ));    
    cvSmooth(img, img, CV_GAUSSIAN, 5, 5, 1.5f);
    size = cvGetSize(img);
    levelset = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1);
    ones = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1);
    Ix = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1);
    Iy = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1);
    phi = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1);
    f = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1);
    g = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1);
    marker = cvCreateImage(size, IPL_DEPTH_32S, 1);
    cvSet(ones, cvScalar(1.0f));
    cvSobel(img, Ix, 1, 0, 1);
    cvSobel(img, Iy, 0, 1, 1);
    cvMul(Ix, Ix, Ix, 0.25f*0.25f);
    cvMul(Iy, Iy, Iy, 0.25f*0.25f);
    cvAdd(Ix, Iy, f);
    cvAdd(f, ones, f);
    cvDiv(NULL, f, g, 1.0f);
    cvFindContours( msk, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour),CV_RETR_EXTERNAL, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE );
    for( ; contours != 0; contours = contours->h_next, comp_count++ )
        cvDrawContours( marker, contours, cvScalarAll(255),cvScalarAll(255), -1, -1, 8);
    iStep = phi->step/sizeof(fPtr[0]);
    fPtr = phi->data.fl;
    for (int j=0; j<size.height; j++)
        for (int i=0; i<size.width; i++) {
            int idx = CV_IMAGE_ELEM( marker, int, j, i );
            if (idx >0 )
                if (flag == CV_LSE_SHR)
                if (flag == CV_LSE_SHR)
    for (int i=0; i<ITER_ext; i++) {
        cvDrlse_edge(phi, g, phi, lambda, mu, alfa, epsilon, timestep, ITER_int);
	loadBar(i+1, ITER_ext, 50);
    cvDrlse_edge(phi, g, phi, lambda, mu, 0.0f, epsilon, timestep, ITER_int);
    if (flag == CV_LSE_SHR)
        cvThreshold(phi, msk, 0.0f, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY_INV);
        cvThreshold(phi, msk, 0.0f, 255, CV_THRESH_BINARY);

    cvFindContours(msk, storage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_CCOMP, CV_CHAIN_APPROX_SIMPLE);

    if(!contours) return 0;
    *length = contours->total;
    //if(*length<10) return 0;
    point = new CvPoint[*length];
    CvSeqReader reader;
    cvStartReadSeq(contours, &reader);
    for (int i = 0; i < *length; i++){
        CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM(pt, reader);
    //clean up
    return point;
예제 #12
CV_IMPL void cvDrlse_edge(CvArr * srcphi, 
                          CvArr * srcgrad,
                          CvArr * dstarr,
                          double lambda, 
                          double mu, 
                          double alfa, 
                          double epsilon, 
                          int timestep,
                          int iter)
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvDrlse_edge" );
    CvMat sstub1, sstub2, *phi, *grad;
    CvMat dstub, *dst;
    CvMat *gradx=0, *grady=0, *phi_0=0, *phix=0, *phiy=0;
    CvMat *s=0, *Nx=0, *Ny=0, *curvature=0, *distRegTerm=0;
    CvMat *diracPhi=0, *areaTerm=0, *edgeTerm=0;
    CvMat *temp1=0, *temp2=0, *temp3=0, *ones=0;
    CvSize size;
    int i;
    CV_CALL( phi    = cvGetMat(srcphi, &sstub1 ));
    CV_CALL( grad   = cvGetMat(srcgrad,   &sstub2 ));
    CV_CALL( dst    = cvGetMat(dstarr,  &dstub));
    if( CV_MAT_TYPE(phi->type) != CV_32FC1)
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only-32bit, 1-channel input images are supported" );
    if( CV_MAT_TYPE(grad->type) != CV_32FC1)
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only-32bit, 1-channel input images are supported" );
    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( phi, grad ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "The input images must have the same size" );
    size = cvGetMatSize( phi );
    gradx = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    grady = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    phi_0 = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    phix  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    phiy  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    Nx    = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    Ny    = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    s     = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    curvature= cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    distRegTerm= cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    diracPhi  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    areaTerm  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    edgeTerm  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    temp1  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    temp2  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    temp3  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    ones  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    cvSet(ones, cvScalar(1.0f));
    cvSobel(grad, gradx, 1, 0, 1);
    cvSobel(grad, grady, 0, 1, 1);
    cvMul(gradx, ones, gradx, 0.25f);
    cvMul(grady, ones, grady, 0.25f);
    cvCopy(phi, dst);
    for(i=0; i<iter; i++){
        cvNeumannBoundCond(dst, dst);
        cvSobel(dst, phix, 1, 0, 1);
        cvSobel(dst, phiy, 0, 1, 1);
        cvDiv(phix, s, Nx, 0.25f);
        cvDiv(phiy, s, Ny, 0.25f);
        cvCurvature(Nx, Ny, curvature);
        cvDistReg(dst, distRegTerm);
        cvDirac(dst, diracPhi, epsilon);        //Compute driacPhi;
        cvMul(diracPhi, grad, areaTerm);        //Compute areaTerm
        cvMul(gradx, Nx, gradx);                //------------------//
        cvMul(grady, Ny, grady);                // Computing        //
        cvAdd(gradx, grady, temp1);             //                  //
        cvMul(diracPhi, temp1, temp2);          // edgeTerm         //
        cvMul(areaTerm, curvature, temp3);      //                  //
        cvAdd(temp2, temp3, edgeTerm);          //------------------//
        cvMul(distRegTerm, ones, distRegTerm, mu);              //  distRegTerm = mu     * distRegTerm
        cvMul(edgeTerm,    ones, edgeTerm,    lambda);          //  edgeTerm    = lambda * edgeTerm
        cvMul(areaTerm,    ones, areaTerm,    alfa);            //  areaTerm    = alfa   * areaTerm
        cvAdd(distRegTerm, edgeTerm, temp1);
        cvAdd(temp1, areaTerm, temp2);                          //  (distRegTerm + edgeTerm + areaTerm)
        cvMul(temp2, ones, temp2, double(timestep));            //  timestep * (distRegTerm + edgeTerm + areaTerm)
        cvAdd(dst, temp2, dst);                                 //  phi = phi + timestep * (distRegTerm + edgeTerm + areaTerm)
    // Clean up
예제 #13
CV_IMPL void cvDistReg(const CvArr* srcarr,
                       CvArr* dstarr)
    CvMat sstub, *src;
    CvMat dstub, *dst;
    CvMat* src_dx=0, *src_dy=0, *s=0, *ps=0;
    CvMat* dps_x=0, *dps_y=0, *del=0, *ones=0;
    CvSize size;
    int i, j, iStep_s, iStep_ps;
    float* fPtr_s, *fPtr_ps;
    float temp_s=0.0f, temp_ps=0.0f;
    float flag_s1=0.0f, flag_s2=0.0f, flag_ps1=0.0f, flag_ps2=0.0f;
    CV_CALL( src = cvGetMat(srcarr, &sstub ));
    CV_CALL( dst = cvGetMat(dstarr, &dstub ));
    if( CV_MAT_TYPE(src->type) != CV_32FC1)
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only-32bit, 1-channel input images are supported" );
    if( CV_MAT_TYPE(dst->type) != CV_32FC1)
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Only-32bit, 1-channel input images are supported" );
    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( src, dst ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "The input images must have the same size" );
    size = cvGetMatSize( src );
    src_dx  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    src_dy  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    s  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    ps  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    dps_x  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    dps_y  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    del  = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    ones = cvCreateMat(size.height, size.width, CV_32FC1 );
    cvSet(ones, cvScalar(1.0f));
    iStep_s = s->step / sizeof(fPtr_s[0]);
    fPtr_s  = s->data.fl;
    iStep_ps= ps->step/ sizeof(fPtr_ps[0]);
    fPtr_ps = ps->data.fl;
    cvSobel(src, src_dx, 1, 0, 1);
    cvSobel(src, src_dy, 0, 1, 1);
    cvMul(src_dx, ones, src_dx, 0.25f);
    cvMul(src_dy, ones, src_dy, 0.25f);
    for (j=0; j<size.height; j++){
        for (i=0; i<size.width; i++){
            temp_s = fPtr_s[i+iStep_s*j];
            if (int(temp_s*10000)>=0 && int(temp_s*10000)<=10000) {
                flag_s1 = 1.0f;
            } else {
                flag_s1 = 0.0f;
            if (int(temp_s*10000) > 10000) {
                flag_s2 = 1.0f;
            } else {
                flag_s2 = 0.0f;
            temp_ps = flag_s1*sin(2*PI*temp_s)/2/PI+flag_s2*(temp_s-1.0f);
            if (int(temp_ps*10000) == 0) {
                flag_ps1 = 0.0f;
            } else {
                flag_ps1 = 1.0f;
            if (int(temp_s*10000) == 0) {
                flag_ps2 = 0.0f;
            } else {
                flag_ps2 = 1.0f;
            fPtr_ps[i+iStep_ps*j] = (flag_ps1*temp_ps+1.0f-flag_ps1)/(flag_ps2*temp_s+1.0f-flag_ps2);
            if ((flag_ps2*temp_s+1.0f-flag_ps2)==0){
                printf("Something wrong in last: temp_s = %f, flag_ps2 = %f\n", temp_s, flag_ps2);
    cvMul(ps, src_dx, dps_x);
    cvMul(ps, src_dy, dps_y);
    cvSub(dps_x, src_dx, dps_x);
    cvSub(dps_y, src_dy, dps_y);
    cvCurvature(dps_x, dps_y, dst);
    cvMul(del, ones, del, 0.2f);
    cvAdd(dst, del, dst);
예제 #14
CV_IMPL void
cvRunningAvg( const void* arrY, void* arrU,
              double alpha, const void* maskarr )
    static CvFuncTable acc_tab;
    static CvBigFuncTable accmask_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvRunningAvg" );


    int coi1, coi2;
    int type;
    int mat_step, sum_step, mask_step = 0;
    CvSize size;
    CvMat stub, *mat = (CvMat*)arrY;
    CvMat sumstub, *sum = (CvMat*)arrU;
    CvMat maskstub, *mask = (CvMat*)maskarr;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitAddWeightedTable( &acc_tab, &accmask_tab );
        inittab = 1;

    CV_CALL( mat = cvGetMat( mat, &stub, &coi1 ));
    CV_CALL( sum = cvGetMat( sum, &sumstub, &coi2 ));

    if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadCOI, "" );

    if( !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( mat, sum ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( sum->type ) != CV_32F )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "" );

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat, sum ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

    size = cvGetMatSize( mat );
    type = CV_MAT_TYPE( mat->type );

    mat_step = mat->step;
    sum_step = sum->step;

    if( !mask )
        CvAddWeightedFunc func = (CvAddWeightedFunc)acc_tab.fn_2d[CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)];

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        size.width *= CV_MAT_CN(type);
        if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( mat->type & sum->type ))
            size.width *= size.height;
            mat_step = sum_step = CV_STUB_STEP;
            size.height = 1;

        IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step,
                         sum->data.ptr, sum_step, size, (float)alpha ));
        CvAddWeightedMaskFunc func = (CvAddWeightedMaskFunc)accmask_tab.fn_2d[type];

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        CV_CALL( mask = cvGetMat( mask, &maskstub ));

        if( !CV_IS_MASK_ARR( mask ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadMask, "" );

        if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat, mask ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

        mask_step = mask->step;

        if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( mat->type & sum->type & mask->type ))
            size.width *= size.height;
            mat_step = sum_step = mask_step = CV_STUB_STEP;
            size.height = 1;

        IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, mask->data.ptr, mask_step,
                         sum->data.ptr, sum_step, size, (float)alpha ));

예제 #15
CV_IMPL void
cvMultiplyAcc( const void* arrA, const void* arrB,
               void* acc, const void* maskarr )
    static CvFuncTable acc_tab;
    static CvBigFuncTable accmask_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvMultiplyAcc" );


    int coi1, coi2, coi3;
    int type;
    int mat1_step, mat2_step, sum_step, mask_step = 0;
    CvSize size;
    CvMat stub1, *mat1 = (CvMat*)arrA;
    CvMat stub2, *mat2 = (CvMat*)arrB;
    CvMat sumstub, *sum = (CvMat*)acc;
    CvMat maskstub, *mask = (CvMat*)maskarr;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitAddProductTable( &acc_tab, &accmask_tab );
        inittab = 1;

    CV_CALL( mat1 = cvGetMat( mat1, &stub1, &coi1 ));
    CV_CALL( mat2 = cvGetMat( mat2, &stub2, &coi2 ));
    CV_CALL( sum = cvGetMat( sum, &sumstub, &coi3 ));

    if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 || coi3 != 0 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadCOI, "" );

    if( !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( mat1, mat2 ) || !CV_ARE_CNS_EQ( mat1, sum ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats, "" );

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH( sum->type ) != CV_32F )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadDepth, "" );

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat1, sum ) || !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat2, sum ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

    size = cvGetMatSize( mat1 );
    type = CV_MAT_TYPE( mat1->type );

    mat1_step = mat1->step;
    mat2_step = mat2->step;
    sum_step = sum->step;

    if( !mask )
        CvFunc2D_3A func = (CvFunc2D_3A)acc_tab.fn_2d[CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)];

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        size.width *= CV_MAT_CN(type);

        if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( mat1->type & mat2->type & sum->type ))
            size.width *= size.height;
            mat1_step = mat2_step = sum_step = CV_STUB_STEP;
            size.height = 1;

        IPPI_CALL( func( mat1->data.ptr, mat1_step, mat2->data.ptr, mat2_step,
                         sum->data.ptr, sum_step, size ));
        CvFunc2D_4A func = (CvFunc2D_4A)accmask_tab.fn_2d[type];

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        CV_CALL( mask = cvGetMat( mask, &maskstub ));

        if( !CV_IS_MASK_ARR( mask ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadMask, "" );

        if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat1, mask ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

        mask_step = mask->step;

        if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( mat1->type & mat2->type & sum->type & mask->type ))
            size.width *= size.height;
            mat1_step = mat2_step = sum_step = mask_step = CV_STUB_STEP;
            size.height = 1;

        IPPI_CALL( func( mat1->data.ptr, mat1_step, mat2->data.ptr, mat2_step,
                         mask->data.ptr, mask_step,
                         sum->data.ptr, sum_step, size ));

예제 #16
void icvConvertPointsHomogenious( const CvMat* src, CvMat* dst )
  CvMat* temp = 0;
  CvMat* denom = 0;

  CV_FUNCNAME( "cvConvertPointsHomogenious" );


  int i, s_count, s_dims, d_count, d_dims;
  CvMat _src, _dst, _ones;
  CvMat* ones = 0;

  if( !CV_IS_MAT(src) )
    CV_ERROR( !src ? CV_StsNullPtr : CV_StsBadArg,
              "The input parameter is not a valid matrix" );

  if( !CV_IS_MAT(dst) )
    CV_ERROR( !dst ? CV_StsNullPtr : CV_StsBadArg,
              "The output parameter is not a valid matrix" );

  if( src == dst || src->data.ptr == dst->data.ptr )
    if( src != dst && (!CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(src, dst) ||
                       !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(src,dst)) )
      CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "Invalid inplace operation" );

  if( src->rows > src->cols )
    if( !((src->cols > 1) ^ (CV_MAT_CN(src->type) > 1)) )
      CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize,
                "Either the number of channels or columns or "
                "rows must be =1" );

    s_dims = CV_MAT_CN(src->type)*src->cols;
    s_count = src->rows;
    if( !((src->rows > 1) ^ (CV_MAT_CN(src->type) > 1)) )
      CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize,
                "Either the number of channels or columns or "
                "rows must be =1" );

    s_dims = CV_MAT_CN(src->type)*src->rows;
    s_count = src->cols;

  if( src->rows == 1 || src->cols == 1 )
    src = cvReshape( src, &_src, 1, s_count );

  if( dst->rows > dst->cols )
    if( !((dst->cols > 1) ^ (CV_MAT_CN(dst->type) > 1)) )
      CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize,
                "Either the number of channels or columns or "
                "rows in the input matrix must be =1" );

    d_dims = CV_MAT_CN(dst->type)*dst->cols;
    d_count = dst->rows;
    if( !((dst->rows > 1) ^ (CV_MAT_CN(dst->type) > 1)) )
      CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize,
                "Either the number of channels or columns or "
                "rows in the output matrix must be =1" );

    d_dims = CV_MAT_CN(dst->type)*dst->rows;
    d_count = dst->cols;

  if( dst->rows == 1 || dst->cols == 1 )
    dst = cvReshape( dst, &_dst, 1, d_count );

  if( s_count != d_count )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "Both matrices must have the "
                "same number of points" );

  if( CV_MAT_DEPTH(src->type) < CV_32F || CV_MAT_DEPTH(dst->type) < CV_32F )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
              "Both matrices must be floating-point "
                "(single or double precision)" );

  if( s_dims < 2 || s_dims > 4 || d_dims < 2 || d_dims > 4 )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsOutOfRange,
              "Both input and output point dimensionality "
                "must be 2, 3 or 4" );

  if( s_dims < d_dims - 1 || s_dims > d_dims + 1 )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes,
              "The dimensionalities of input and output "
                "point sets differ too much" );

  if( s_dims == d_dims - 1 )
    if( d_count == dst->rows )
      ones = cvGetSubRect( dst, &_ones, cvRect( s_dims, 0, 1, d_count ));
      dst = cvGetSubRect( dst, &_dst, cvRect( 0, 0, s_dims, d_count ));
      ones = cvGetSubRect( dst, &_ones, cvRect( 0, s_dims, d_count, 1 ));
      dst = cvGetSubRect( dst, &_dst, cvRect( 0, 0, d_count, s_dims ));

  if( s_dims <= d_dims )
    if( src->rows == dst->rows && src->cols == dst->cols )
      if( CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( src, dst ) )
        cvCopy( src, dst );
        cvConvert( src, dst );
      if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( src, dst ))
        CV_CALL( temp = cvCreateMat( src->rows, src->cols, dst->type ));
        cvConvert( src, temp );
        src = temp;
      cvTranspose( src, dst );

    if( ones )
      cvSet( ones, cvRealScalar(1.) );
    int s_plane_stride, s_stride, d_plane_stride, d_stride, elem_size;

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( src, dst ))
      CV_CALL( temp = cvCreateMat( src->rows, src->cols, dst->type ));
      cvConvert( src, temp );
      src = temp;

    elem_size = CV_ELEM_SIZE(src->type);

    if( s_count == src->cols )
      s_plane_stride = src->step / elem_size, s_stride = 1;
      s_stride = src->step / elem_size, s_plane_stride = 1;

    if( d_count == dst->cols )
      d_plane_stride = dst->step / elem_size, d_stride = 1;
      d_stride = dst->step / elem_size, d_plane_stride = 1;

    CV_CALL( denom = cvCreateMat( 1, d_count, dst->type ));

    if( CV_MAT_DEPTH(dst->type) == CV_32F )
      const float* xs = src->data.fl;
      const float* ys = xs + s_plane_stride;
      const float* zs = 0;
      const float* ws = xs + (s_dims - 1)*s_plane_stride;

      float* iw = denom->data.fl;

      float* xd = dst->data.fl;
      float* yd = xd + d_plane_stride;
      float* zd = 0;

      if( d_dims == 3 )
        zs = ys + s_plane_stride;
        zd = yd + d_plane_stride;

      for( i = 0; i < d_count; i++, ws += s_stride )
        float t = *ws;
        iw[i] = t ? t : 1.f;

      cvDiv( 0, denom, denom );

      if( d_dims == 3 )
        for( i = 0; i < d_count; i++ )
          float w = iw[i];
          float x = *xs * w, y = *ys * w, z = *zs * w;
          xs += s_stride; ys += s_stride; zs += s_stride;
          *xd = x; *yd = y; *zd = z;
          xd += d_stride; yd += d_stride; zd += d_stride;
        for( i = 0; i < d_count; i++ )
          float w = iw[i];
          float x = *xs * w, y = *ys * w;
          xs += s_stride; ys += s_stride;
          *xd = x; *yd = y;
          xd += d_stride; yd += d_stride;
      const double* xs = src->data.db;
      const double* ys = xs + s_plane_stride;
      const double* zs = 0;
      const double* ws = xs + (s_dims - 1)*s_plane_stride;

      double* iw = denom->data.db;

      double* xd = dst->data.db;
      double* yd = xd + d_plane_stride;
      double* zd = 0;

      if( d_dims == 3 )
        zs = ys + s_plane_stride;
        zd = yd + d_plane_stride;

      for( i = 0; i < d_count; i++, ws += s_stride )
        double t = *ws;
        iw[i] = t ? t : 1.;

      cvDiv( 0, denom, denom );

      if( d_dims == 3 )
        for( i = 0; i < d_count; i++ )
          double w = iw[i];
          double x = *xs * w, y = *ys * w, z = *zs * w;
          xs += s_stride; ys += s_stride; zs += s_stride;
          *xd = x; *yd = y; *zd = z;
          xd += d_stride; yd += d_stride; zd += d_stride;
        for( i = 0; i < d_count; i++ )
          double w = iw[i];
          double x = *xs * w, y = *ys * w;
          xs += s_stride; ys += s_stride;
          *xd = x; *yd = y;
          xd += d_stride; yd += d_stride;


  cvReleaseMat( &denom );
  cvReleaseMat( &temp );
예제 #17
// finds perspective transformation H between
// the object plane and image plane,
// so that (sxi,syi,s) ~ H*(Xi,Yi,1)
void icvFindHomography( const CvMat* object_points,
                        const CvMat* image_points, CvMat* __H )
  CvMat *_m = 0, *_M = 0;
  CvMat *_L2 = 0;
  CV_FUNCNAME( "cvFindHomography" );


  int h_type;
  int i, k, count, count2;
  CvPoint2D64f *m, *M;
  CvPoint2D64f cm = {0,0}, sm = {0,0};
  double inv_Hnorm[9] = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1 };
  double H[9];
  CvMat _inv_Hnorm = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1, inv_Hnorm );
  CvMat _H = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1, H );
  double LtL[9*9], LW[9], LV[9*9];
  CvMat* _Lp;
  double* L;
  CvMat _LtL = cvMat( 9, 9, CV_64FC1, LtL );
  CvMat _LW = cvMat( 9, 1, CV_64FC1, LW );
  CvMat _LV = cvMat( 9, 9, CV_64FC1, LV );
  CvMat _Hrem = cvMat( 3, 3, CV_64FC1, LV + 8*9 );

  if( !CV_IS_MAT(image_points) || !CV_IS_MAT(object_points) ||
      !CV_IS_MAT(__H) )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "one of arguments is not a valid matrix" );

  h_type = CV_MAT_TYPE(__H->type);
  if( h_type != CV_32FC1 && h_type != CV_64FC1 )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat,
              "Homography matrix must have 32fC1 or 64fC1 type" );
  if( __H->rows != 3 || __H->cols != 3 )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadSize, "Homography matrix must be 3x3" );

  count = MAX(image_points->cols, image_points->rows);
  count2 = MAX(object_points->cols, object_points->rows);
  if( count != count2 )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes,
              "Numbers of image and object points do not match" );

  CV_CALL( _m = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC2 ));
  CV_CALL( icvConvertPointsHomogenious( image_points, _m ));
  m = (CvPoint2D64f*)_m->data.ptr;
  CV_CALL( _M = cvCreateMat( 1, count, CV_64FC2 ));
  CV_CALL( icvConvertPointsHomogenious( object_points, _M ));
  M = (CvPoint2D64f*)_M->data.ptr;

  // calculate the normalization transformation Hnorm.
  for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
    cm.x += m[i].x, cm.y += m[i].y;
  cm.x /= count; cm.y /= count;

  for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
    double x = m[i].x - cm.x;
    double y = m[i].y - cm.y;
    sm.x += fabs(x); sm.y += fabs(y);

  sm.x /= count; sm.y /= count;
  inv_Hnorm[0] = sm.x;
  inv_Hnorm[4] = sm.y;
  inv_Hnorm[2] = cm.x;
  inv_Hnorm[5] = cm.y;
  sm.x = 1./sm.x;
  sm.y = 1./sm.y;
  CV_CALL( _Lp = _L2 = cvCreateMat( 2*count, 9, CV_64FC1 ) );
  L = _L2->data.db;

  for( i = 0; i < count; i++, L += 18 )
    double x = -(m[i].x - cm.x)*sm.x, y = -(m[i].y - cm.y)*sm.y;
    L[0] = L[9 + 3] = M[i].x;
    L[1] = L[9 + 4] = M[i].y;
    L[2] = L[9 + 5] = 1;
    L[9 + 0] = L[9 + 1] = L[9 + 2] = L[3] = L[4] = L[5] = 0;
    L[6] = x*M[i].x;
    L[7] = x*M[i].y;
    L[8] = x;
    L[9 + 6] = y*M[i].x;
    L[9 + 7] = y*M[i].y;
    L[9 + 8] = y;

  if( count > 4 )
    cvMulTransposed( _L2, &_LtL, 1 );
    _Lp = &_LtL;

  _LW.rows = MIN(count*2, 9);
  cvSVD( _Lp, &_LW, 0, &_LV, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_V_T );
  cvScale( &_Hrem, &_Hrem, 1./_Hrem.data.db[8] );
  cvMatMul( &_inv_Hnorm, &_Hrem, &_H );

  if( count > 4 )
    // reuse the available storage for jacobian and other vars
    CvMat _J = cvMat( 2*count, 8, CV_64FC1, _L2->data.db );
    CvMat _err = cvMat( 2*count, 1, CV_64FC1, _L2->data.db + 2*count*8 );
    CvMat _JtJ = cvMat( 8, 8, CV_64FC1, LtL );
    CvMat _JtErr = cvMat( 8, 1, CV_64FC1, LtL + 8*8 );
    CvMat _JtJW = cvMat( 8, 1, CV_64FC1, LW );
    CvMat _JtJV = cvMat( 8, 8, CV_64FC1, LV );
    CvMat _Hinnov = cvMat( 8, 1, CV_64FC1, LV + 8*8 );

    for( k = 0; k < 10; k++ )
      double* J = _J.data.db, *err = _err.data.db;
      for( i = 0; i < count; i++, J += 16, err += 2 )
        double di = 1./(H[6]*M[i].x + H[7]*M[i].y + 1.);
        double _xi = (H[0]*M[i].x + H[1]*M[i].y + H[2])*di;
        double _yi = (H[3]*M[i].x + H[4]*M[i].y + H[5])*di;
        err[0] = m[i].x - _xi;
        err[1] = m[i].y - _yi;
        J[0] = M[i].x*di;
        J[1] = M[i].y*di;
        J[2] = di;
        J[8+3] = M[i].x;
        J[8+4] = M[i].y;
        J[8+5] = di;
        J[6] = -J[0]*_xi;
        J[7] = -J[1]*_xi;
        J[8+6] = -J[8+3]*_yi;
        J[8+7] = -J[8+4]*_yi;
        J[3] = J[4] = J[5] = J[8+0] = J[8+1] = J[8+2] = 0.;

      icvGaussNewton( &_J, &_err, &_Hinnov, &_JtJ, &_JtErr, &_JtJW, &_JtJV );

      for( i = 0; i < 8; i++ )
        H[i] += _Hinnov.data.db[i];

  cvConvert( &_H, __H );


  cvReleaseMat( &_m );
  cvReleaseMat( &_M );
  cvReleaseMat( &_L2 );
예제 #18
CV_IMPL void
cvMinEnclosingCircle( CvSeq * sequence, CvPoint2D32f * _center, float *_radius )
    const int max_iters = 20;
    CvSeqReader reader;
    int i, k, count;
    CvPoint *pt_left, *pt_right, *pt_top, *pt_bottom;
    CvPoint pt;
    CvPoint2D32f center = { 0, 0 };
    CvPoint2D32f pts[8];
    float radius = 0;

    if( _center )
        _center->x = _center->y = 0.f;
    if( _radius )
        *_radius = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvMinEnclosingCircle" );


    if( !sequence || !_center || !_radius )
    if( sequence->total <= 0 )
    if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET( sequence ))

    CV_CALL( cvStartReadSeq( sequence, &reader, 0 ));

    pt_left = pt_right = pt_top = pt_bottom = (CvPoint *) (reader.ptr);
    CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader );

    count = sequence->total;
    for( i = 1; i < count; i++ )
        CvPoint *pt_ptr = (CvPoint *) (reader.ptr);
        CvPoint pt;

        CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader );

        if( pt.x < pt_left->x )
            pt_left = pt_ptr;
        if( pt.x > pt_right->x )
            pt_right = pt_ptr;
        if( pt.y < pt_top->y )
            pt_top = pt_ptr;
        if( pt.y > pt_bottom->y )
            pt_bottom = pt_ptr;

    pts[0] = icvCvtPoint32s_32f( *pt_left );
    pts[1] = icvCvtPoint32s_32f( *pt_right );
    pts[2] = icvCvtPoint32s_32f( *pt_top );
    pts[3] = icvCvtPoint32s_32f( *pt_bottom );

    for( k = 0; k < max_iters; k++ )
        icvFindEnslosingCicle4pts_32f( pts, &center, &radius );
        cvStartReadSeq( sequence, &reader, 0 );

        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            CvPoint pt;
            CvPoint2D32f ptfl;

            CV_READ_SEQ_ELEM( pt, reader );

            ptfl = icvCvtPoint32s_32f( pt );
            if( !icvIsPtInCircle( ptfl, center, radius ))
                pts[3] = ptfl;
        if( i == count )


    *_center = center;
    *_radius = radius;
예제 #19
CV_IMPL  double
cvPseudoInv( CvArr* srcarr, CvArr* dstarr, int flags )
    uchar* buffer = 0;
    int local_alloc = 0;
    double condition_number = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvPseudoInv" );


    CvMat astub, *a = (CvMat*)srcarr;
    CvMat bstub, *b = (CvMat*)dstarr;
    CvMat ustub, *u = &ustub;
    CvMat vstub, *v = &vstub;
    CvMat tmat;
    uchar* tw = 0;
    int type, n, m, nm, mn;
    int buf_size, pix_size;

    if( !CV_IS_ARR( a ))
        CV_CALL( a = cvGetMat( a, &astub ));

    if( !CV_IS_ARR( b ))
        CV_CALL( b = cvGetMat( b, &bstub ));

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ( a, b ))
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

    n = a->width;
    m = a->height;

    nm = MIN( n, m );
    mn = MAX( n, m );

    if( n != b->height || m != b->width )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

    type = CV_ARR_TYPE( a->type );
    pix_size = icvPixSize[type];

    buf_size = nm*2 + mn + m*mn + n*n;

    if( !(flags & CV_SVD_MODIFY_A) )
        buf_size += m*n;

    buf_size *= pix_size;

    if( buf_size <= CV_MAX_LOCAL_SIZE )
        buffer = (uchar*)alloca( buf_size );
        local_alloc = 1;
        CV_CALL( buffer = (uchar*)cvAlloc( buf_size ));

    if( !(flags & CV_SVD_MODIFY_A) )
        cvInitMatHeader( &tmat, a->height, a->width, type,
                         buffer + buf_size - n*m*pix_size );
        cvCopy( a, &tmat );
        a = &tmat;

    tw = buffer + (nm + mn)*pix_size;

    cvInitMatHeader( u, m, m, type, tw + nm*pix_size );
    cvInitMatHeader( v, n, n, type, u->data.ptr + m*mn*pix_size );

    if( type == CV_32FC1 )
        IPPI_CALL( icvSVD_32f( a->data.fl, a->step/sizeof(float), (float*)tw,
                               u->data.fl, u->step/sizeof(float),
                               v->data.fl, v->step/sizeof(float),
                               icvGetMatSize(a), (float*)buffer ));
    else if( type == CV_64FC1 )
        IPPI_CALL( icvSVD_64f( a->data.db, a->step/sizeof(double), (double*)tw,
                               u->data.db, u->step/sizeof(double),
                               v->data.db, v->step/sizeof(double),
                               icvGetMatSize(a), (double*)buffer ));
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

    cvT( v, v );
    cvGetRow( u, &tmat, 0 );

    if( type == CV_32FC1 )
        for( int i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
            double t = ((float*)tw)[i];
            tmat.data.ptr = u->data.ptr + i*u->step;
            t = t > FLT_EPSILON ? 1./t : 0;
            if( i == mn - 1 )
                condition_number = t != 0 ? ((float*)tw)[0]*t : DBL_MAX;
            cvScale( &tmat, &tmat, t );
        for( int i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
            double t = ((double*)tw)[i];
            tmat.data.ptr = u->data.ptr + i*u->step;
            t = t > DBL_EPSILON ? 1./t : 0;
            if( i == mn - 1 )
                condition_number = t != 0 ? ((double*)tw)[0]*t : DBL_MAX;
            cvScale( &tmat, &tmat, t );

    u->height = n;
    if( n > m )
        cvGetSubArr( u, &tmat, cvRect( 0, m, m, n - m ));
        cvSetZero( &tmat );
    cvMatMulAdd( v, u, 0, b );

    CV_CHECK_NANS( b );


    if( buffer && !local_alloc )
        cvFree( (void**)&buffer );

    return condition_number;
예제 #20
CV_IMPL  CvScalar
cvAvg( const void* img, const void* maskarr )
    CvScalar mean = {{0,0,0,0}};

    static CvBigFuncTable mean_tab;
    static CvFuncTable meancoi_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;



    CvSize size;
    double scale;

    if( !maskarr )
        CV_CALL( mean = cvSum(img));
        size = cvGetSize( img );
        size.width *= size.height;
        scale = size.width ? 1./size.width : 0;

        mean.val[0] *= scale;
        mean.val[1] *= scale;
        mean.val[2] *= scale;
        mean.val[3] *= scale;
        int type, coi = 0;
        int mat_step, mask_step;

        CvMat stub, maskstub, *mat = (CvMat*)img, *mask = (CvMat*)maskarr;

        if( !inittab )
            icvInitMeanMRTable( &mean_tab );
            icvInitMeanCnCMRTable( &meancoi_tab );
            inittab = 1;

        if( !CV_IS_MAT(mat) )
            CV_CALL( mat = cvGetMat( mat, &stub, &coi ));

        if( !CV_IS_MAT(mask) )
            CV_CALL( mask = cvGetMat( mask, &maskstub ));

        if( !CV_IS_MASK_ARR(mask) )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadMask, "" );

        if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat, mask ) )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

        type = CV_MAT_TYPE( mat->type );
        size = cvGetMatSize( mat );

        mat_step = mat->step;
        mask_step = mask->step;

        if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( mat->type & mask->type ))
            size.width *= size.height;
            size.height = 1;
            mat_step = mask_step = CV_STUB_STEP;

        if( CV_MAT_CN(type) == 1 || coi == 0 )
            CvFunc2D_2A1P func;

            if( CV_MAT_CN(type) > 4 )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsOutOfRange, "The input array must have at most 4 channels unless COI is set" );

            func = (CvFunc2D_2A1P)(mean_tab.fn_2d[type]);

            if( !func )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, cvUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, mask->data.ptr,
                             mask_step, size, mean.val ));
            CvFunc2DnC_2A1P func = (CvFunc2DnC_2A1P)(

            if( !func )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, cvUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, mask->data.ptr,
                             mask_step, size, CV_MAT_CN(type), coi, mean.val ));


    return  mean;
예제 #21
CV_IMPL int cvNamedWindow( const char* name, int flags )
    int result = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvNamedWindow" );
    if (!wasInitialized)
        cvInitSystem(0, NULL);
    // to be able to display a window, we need to be a 'faceful' application
    // http://lists.apple.com/archives/carbon-dev/2005/Jun/msg01414.html
    static bool switched_to_faceful = false;
    if (! switched_to_faceful)
        ProcessSerialNumber psn = { 0, kCurrentProcess };
        OSStatus ret = TransformProcessType (&psn, kProcessTransformToForegroundApplication );

        if (ret == noErr) 
            SetFrontProcess( &psn );
            switched_to_faceful = true;
            fprintf(stderr, "Failed to tranform process type: %d\n", (int) ret);
            fflush (stderr);
    WindowRef       outWindow = NULL;
    OSStatus              err = noErr;
    Rect        contentBounds = {100,100,320,440};
    CvWindow* window;
    UInt wAttributes = 0;
    int len;
    const EventTypeSpec genericWindowEventHandler[] = { 
        { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseMoved},
        { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseUp},
        { kEventClassMouse, kEventMouseDown},
        { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowClose },
        { kEventClassWindow, kEventWindowBoundsChanged }//FD
    if( !name )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "NULL name string" );
    if( icvFindWindowByName( name ) != 0 ){
        result = 1;
    len = strlen(name);
    CV_CALL( window = (CvWindow*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvWindow) + len + 1));
    memset( window, 0, sizeof(*window));
    window->name = (char*)(window + 1);
    memcpy( window->name, name, len + 1 );
    window->flags = flags;
    window->signature = CV_WINDOW_MAGIC_VAL;
    window->image = 0;
    window->last_key = 0;
    window->on_mouse = 0;
    window->on_mouse_param = 0;
    window->next = hg_windows;
    window->prev = 0;
    if( hg_windows )
        hg_windows->prev = window;
    hg_windows = window;
    wAttributes =  kWindowStandardDocumentAttributes | kWindowStandardHandlerAttribute | kWindowLiveResizeAttribute;
    err = CreateNewWindow ( kDocumentWindowClass,wAttributes,&contentBounds,&outWindow);
    if (err != noErr)
        fprintf(stderr,"Erreur while creating the window\n");
    if (err != noErr)
        fprintf(stdout,"Erreur SetWindowTitleWithCFString\n");
    window->window = outWindow;
    err = InstallWindowEventHandler(outWindow, NewEventHandlerUPP(windowEventHandler), GetEventTypeCount(genericWindowEventHandler), genericWindowEventHandler, outWindow, NULL);
    ShowWindow( outWindow );
    result = 1;
    return result;
예제 #22
CV_IMPL  void
cvMinMaxLoc( const void* img, double* _minVal, double* _maxVal,
             CvPoint* _minLoc, CvPoint* _maxLoc, const void* mask )
    static CvFuncTable minmax_tab, minmaxcoi_tab;
    static CvFuncTable minmaxmask_tab, minmaxmaskcoi_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;



    int type, depth, cn, coi = 0;
    int mat_step, mask_step = 0;
    CvSize size;
    CvMat stub, maskstub, *mat = (CvMat*)img, *matmask = (CvMat*)mask;
    CvPoint minLoc, maxLoc;
    double minVal = 0, maxVal = 0;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitMinMaxIndxC1RTable( &minmax_tab );
        icvInitMinMaxIndxCnCRTable( &minmaxcoi_tab );
        icvInitMinMaxIndxC1MRTable( &minmaxmask_tab );
        icvInitMinMaxIndxCnCMRTable( &minmaxmaskcoi_tab );
        inittab = 1;

    CV_CALL( mat = cvGetMat( mat, &stub, &coi ));

    type = CV_MAT_TYPE( mat->type );
    depth = CV_MAT_DEPTH( type );
    cn = CV_MAT_CN( type );
    size = cvGetMatSize( mat );

    if( cn > 1 && coi == 0 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "" );

    mat_step = mat->step;

    if( !mask )
        if( size.height == 1 )
            mat_step = CV_STUB_STEP;

        if( CV_MAT_CN(type) == 1 || coi == 0 )
            CvFunc2D_1A4P func = (CvFunc2D_1A4P)(minmax_tab.fn_2d[depth]);

            if( !func )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, cvUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, size,
                             &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc ));
            CvFunc2DnC_1A4P func = (CvFunc2DnC_1A4P)(minmaxcoi_tab.fn_2d[depth]);

            if( !func )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, cvUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, size, cn, coi,
                             &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc ));
        CV_CALL( matmask = cvGetMat( matmask, &maskstub ));

        if( !CV_IS_MASK_ARR( matmask ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadMask, "" );

        if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ( mat, matmask ))
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "" );

        mask_step = matmask->step;

        if( size.height == 1 )
            mat_step = mask_step = CV_STUB_STEP;

        if( CV_MAT_CN(type) == 1 || coi == 0 )
            CvFunc2D_2A4P func = (CvFunc2D_2A4P)(minmaxmask_tab.fn_2d[depth]);

            if( !func )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, cvUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, matmask->data.ptr,
                             mask_step, size,
                             &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc ));
            CvFunc2DnC_2A4P func = (CvFunc2DnC_2A4P)(minmaxmaskcoi_tab.fn_2d[depth]);

            if( !func )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, cvUnsupportedFormat );

            IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step,
                             matmask->data.ptr, mask_step, size, cn, coi,
                             &minVal, &maxVal, &minLoc, &maxLoc ));

    if( depth < CV_32S || depth == CV_32F )
        minVal = *(float*)&minVal;
        maxVal = *(float*)&maxVal;

    if( _minVal )
        *_minVal = minVal;

    if( _maxVal )
        *_maxVal = maxVal;

    if( _minLoc )
        *_minLoc = minLoc;

    if( _maxLoc )
        *_maxLoc = maxLoc;

예제 #23
CV_IMPL int cvNamedWindow( const char* name, int flags )
    int result = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvNamedWindow" );


    HWND hWnd, mainhWnd;
    CvWindow* window;
    int len;
    CvRect rect;


    if( !name )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "NULL name string" );

    // Check the name in the storage
    if( icvFindWindowByName( name ) != 0 )
        result = 1;

    if( (flags & CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) == 0 )
        defStyle |= WS_SIZEBOX;

    icvLoadWindowPos( name, rect );

    mainhWnd = CreateWindow( "Main HighGUI class", name, defStyle | WS_OVERLAPPED,
                             rect.x, rect.y, rect.width, rect.height, 0, 0, hg_hinstance, 0 );
    if( !mainhWnd )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "Frame window can not be created" );

    ShowWindow(mainhWnd, SW_SHOW);

    hWnd = CreateWindow("HighGUI class", "", defStyle | WS_CHILD | WS_SIZEBOX,
                        CW_USEDEFAULT, 0, rect.width, rect.height, mainhWnd, 0, hg_hinstance, 0);
    if( !hWnd )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsError, "Frame window can not be created" );

    ShowWindow(hWnd, SW_SHOW);

    len = (int)strlen(name);
    CV_CALL( window = (CvWindow*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvWindow) + len + 1));

    window->signature = CV_WINDOW_MAGIC_VAL;
    window->hwnd = hWnd;
    window->frame = mainhWnd;
    window->name = (char*)(window + 1);
    memcpy( window->name, name, len + 1 );
    window->flags = flags;
    window->image = 0;
    window->dc = CreateCompatibleDC(0);
    window->last_key = 0;

    window->on_mouse = 0;
    window->on_mouse_param = 0;

    memset( &window->toolbar, 0, sizeof(window->toolbar));

    window->next = hg_windows;
    window->prev = 0;
    if( hg_windows )
        hg_windows->prev = window;
    hg_windows = window;
    icvSetWindowLongPtr( hWnd, CV_USERDATA, window );
    icvSetWindowLongPtr( mainhWnd, CV_USERDATA, window );

    // Recalculate window position
    icvUpdateWindowPos( window );

    result = 1;

    return result;
예제 #24
CV_IMPL void
cvShowImage( const char* name, const CvArr* arr )
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvShowImage" );


    CvWindow* window;
    SIZE size = { 0, 0 };
    int channels = 0;
    void* dst_ptr = 0;
    const int channels0 = 3;
    int origin = 0;
    CvMat stub, dst, *image;
    bool changed_size = false; // philipg

    if( !name )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "NULL name" );

    window = icvFindWindowByName(name);
		cvNamedWindow(name, 1);
		window = icvFindWindowByName(name);

    if( !window || !arr )
        EXIT; // keep silence here.

    if( CV_IS_IMAGE_HDR( arr ))
        origin = ((IplImage*)arr)->origin;

    CV_CALL( image = cvGetMat( arr, &stub ));

    if (window->image)
        // if there is something wrong with these system calls, we cannot display image...
        if (icvGetBitmapData( window, &size, &channels, &dst_ptr ))

    if( size.cx != image->width || size.cy != image->height || channels != channels0 )
        changed_size = true;

        uchar buffer[sizeof(BITMAPINFO) + 255*sizeof(RGBQUAD)];
        BITMAPINFO* binfo = (BITMAPINFO*)buffer;

        DeleteObject( SelectObject( window->dc, window->image ));
        window->image = 0;

        size.cx = image->width;
        size.cy = image->height;
        channels = channels0;

        FillBitmapInfo( binfo, size.cx, size.cy, channels*8, 1 );

        window->image = SelectObject( window->dc, CreateDIBSection(window->dc, binfo,
                                      DIB_RGB_COLORS, &dst_ptr, 0, 0));

    cvInitMatHeader( &dst, size.cy, size.cx, CV_8UC3,
                     dst_ptr, (size.cx * channels + 3) & -4 );
    cvConvertImage( image, &dst, origin == 0 ? CV_CVTIMG_FLIP : 0 );

    // ony resize window if needed
    if (changed_size)
    InvalidateRect(window->hwnd, 0, 0);
    // philipg: this is not needed and just slows things down
//    UpdateWindow(window->hwnd);

예제 #25
파일: window_gtk.cpp 프로젝트: 4auka/opencv
CV_IMPL int cvNamedWindow( const char* name, int flags )
    int result = 0;
    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvNamedWindow" );


    CvWindow* window;
    int len;

    if( !name )
        CV_ERROR( CV_StsNullPtr, "NULL name string" );

    // Check the name in the storage
    if( icvFindWindowByName( name ) != 0 )
        result = 1;

    len = strlen(name);
    CV_CALL( window = (CvWindow*)cvAlloc(sizeof(CvWindow) + len + 1));
    memset( window, 0, sizeof(*window));
    window->name = (char*)(window + 1);
    memcpy( window->name, name, len + 1 );
    window->flags = flags;
    window->signature = CV_WINDOW_MAGIC_VAL;
    window->last_key = 0;
    window->on_mouse = 0;
    window->on_mouse_param = 0;
    memset( &window->toolbar, 0, sizeof(window->toolbar));
    window->next = hg_windows;
    window->prev = 0;
    window->status = CV_WINDOW_NORMAL;//YV


    window->frame = gtk_window_new( GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL );

    window->paned = gtk_vbox_new( FALSE, 0 );
    window->widget = cvImageWidgetNew( flags );
    gtk_box_pack_end( GTK_BOX(window->paned), window->widget, TRUE, TRUE, 0 );
    gtk_widget_show( window->widget );
    gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER(window->frame), window->paned );
    gtk_widget_show( window->paned );

    if (flags & CV_WINDOW_OPENGL)
        CV_ERROR( CV_OpenGlNotSupported, "Library was built without OpenGL support" );
    if (flags & CV_WINDOW_OPENGL)

    window->glDrawCallback = 0;
    window->glDrawData = 0;

    // configure event handlers
    // TODO -- move this to CvImageWidget ?
    gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(window->frame), "key-press-event",
                        GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(icvOnKeyPress), window );
    gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(window->widget), "button-press-event",
                        GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(icvOnMouse), window );
    gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(window->widget), "button-release-event",
                        GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(icvOnMouse), window );
    gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(window->widget), "motion-notify-event",
                        GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(icvOnMouse), window );
    gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(window->frame), "delete-event",
                        GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(icvOnClose), window );
    gtk_signal_connect( GTK_OBJECT(window->widget), "expose-event",
                        GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(cvImageWidget_expose), window );

    gtk_widget_add_events (window->widget, GDK_BUTTON_RELEASE_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK | GDK_POINTER_MOTION_MASK) ;

    gtk_widget_show( window->frame );
    gtk_window_set_title( GTK_WINDOW(window->frame), name );

    if( hg_windows )
        hg_windows->prev = window;
    hg_windows = window;

    gtk_window_set_resizable( GTK_WINDOW(window->frame), (flags & CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE) == 0 );

    // allow window to be resized
    if( (flags & CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE)==0 ){
        GdkGeometry geometry;
        geometry.min_width = 50;
        geometry.min_height = 50;
        gtk_window_set_geometry_hints( GTK_WINDOW( window->frame ), GTK_WIDGET( window->widget ),
            &geometry, (GdkWindowHints) (GDK_HINT_MIN_SIZE));


    if (window->useGl)

    result = 1;

    return result;
예제 #26
int CvArrTest::prepare_test_case( int test_case_idx )
    int code = 1;
    CvSize** sizes = (CvSize**)malloc( max_arr*sizeof(sizes[0]) );
    CvSize** whole_sizes = (CvSize**)malloc( max_arr*sizeof(whole_sizes[0]) );
    int** types = (int**)malloc( max_arr*sizeof(types[0]) );
    int i, j, total = 0;
    CvRNG* rng = ts->get_rng();
    bool is_image = false;
    bool is_timing_test = false;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "CvArrTest::prepare_test_case" );


    is_timing_test = ts->get_testing_mode() == CvTS::TIMING_MODE;

    if( is_timing_test )
        if( !get_next_timing_param_tuple() )
            code = -1;

    for( i = 0; i < max_arr; i++ )
        int count = test_array[i].size();
        count = MAX(count, 1);
        sizes[i] = (CvSize*)malloc( count*sizeof(sizes[i][0]) );
        types[i] = (int*)malloc( count*sizeof(types[i][0]) );
        whole_sizes[i] = (CvSize*)malloc( count*sizeof(whole_sizes[i][0]) );

    if( !is_timing_test )
        get_test_array_types_and_sizes( test_case_idx, sizes, types );
        get_timing_test_array_types_and_sizes( test_case_idx, sizes, types,
                                               whole_sizes, &is_image );

    for( i = 0; i < max_arr; i++ )
        int count = test_array[i].size();
        total += count;
        for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )
            unsigned t = cvRandInt(rng);
            bool create_mask = true, use_roi = false;
            CvSize size = sizes[i][j], whole_size = size;
            CvRect roi = {0,0,0,0};

            if( !is_timing_test )
                is_image = !cvmat_allowed ? true : iplimage_allowed ? (t & 1) != 0 : false;
                create_mask = (t & 6) == 0; // ~ each of 3 tests will use mask
                use_roi = (t & 8) != 0;
                if( use_roi )
                    whole_size.width += cvRandInt(rng) % 10;
                    whole_size.height += cvRandInt(rng) % 10;
                whole_size = whole_sizes[i][j];
                use_roi = whole_size.width != size.width || whole_size.height != size.height;
                create_mask = cvReadInt(find_timing_param( "use_mask" ),0) != 0;

            cvRelease( &test_array[i][j] );
            if( size.width > 0 && size.height > 0 &&
                types[i][j] >= 0 && (i != MASK || create_mask) )
                if( use_roi )
                    roi.width = size.width;
                    roi.height = size.height;
                    if( whole_size.width > size.width )
                        if( !is_timing_test )
                            roi.x = cvRandInt(rng) % (whole_size.width - size.width);
                            roi.x = 1;

                    if( whole_size.height > size.height )
                        if( !is_timing_test )
                            roi.y = cvRandInt(rng) % (whole_size.height - size.height);
                            roi.y = 1;

                if( is_image )
                    CV_CALL( test_array[i][j] = cvCreateImage( whole_size,
                        CV_MAT_CN(types[i][j]) ));
                    if( use_roi )
                        cvSetImageROI( (IplImage*)test_array[i][j], roi );
                    CV_CALL( test_array[i][j] = cvCreateMat( whole_size.height,
                                                whole_size.width, types[i][j] ));
                    if( use_roi )
                        CvMat submat, *mat = (CvMat*)test_array[i][j];
                        cvGetSubRect( test_array[i][j], &submat, roi );
                        submat.refcount = mat->refcount;
                        *mat = submat;

    if( total > max_hdr )
        delete hdr;
        max_hdr = total;
        hdr = new CvMat[max_hdr];

    total = 0;
    for( i = 0; i < max_arr; i++ )
        int count = test_array[i].size();
        test_mat[i] = count > 0 ? hdr + total : 0;
        for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )
            CvArr* arr = test_array[i][j];
            CvMat* mat = &test_mat[i][j];
            if( !arr )
                memset( mat, 0, sizeof(*mat) );
            else if( CV_IS_MAT( arr ))
                *mat = *(CvMat*)arr;
                mat->refcount = 0;
                cvGetMat( arr, mat, 0, 0 );
            if( mat->data.ptr )
                fill_array( test_case_idx, i, j, mat );
        total += count;


    for( i = 0; i < max_arr; i++ )
        if( sizes )
            free( sizes[i] );
        if( whole_sizes )
            free( whole_sizes[i] );
        if( types )
            free( types[i] );

    free( sizes );
    free( whole_sizes );
    free( types );

    return code;
예제 #27
CV_IMPL void
cvDecomposeProjectionMatrix( const CvMat *projMatr, CvMat *calibMatr,
                             CvMat *rotMatr, CvMat *posVect,
                             CvMat *rotMatrX, CvMat *rotMatrY,
                             CvMat *rotMatrZ, CvPoint3D64f *eulerAngles)
    CvMat *tmpProjMatr = 0;
    CvMat *tmpMatrixD = 0;
    CvMat *tmpMatrixV = 0;
    CvMat *tmpMatrixM = 0;


    /* Validate parameters. */
    if(projMatr == 0 || calibMatr == 0 || rotMatr == 0 || posVect == 0)
        CV_ERROR(CV_StsNullPtr, "Some of parameters is a NULL pointer!");

    if(!CV_IS_MAT(projMatr) || !CV_IS_MAT(calibMatr) || !CV_IS_MAT(rotMatr) || !CV_IS_MAT(posVect))
        CV_ERROR(CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "Input parameters must be a matrices!");

    if(projMatr->cols != 4 || projMatr->rows != 3)
        CV_ERROR(CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "Size of projection matrix must be 3x4!");

    if(calibMatr->cols != 3 || calibMatr->rows != 3 || rotMatr->cols != 3 || rotMatr->rows != 3)
        CV_ERROR(CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "Size of calibration and rotation matrices must be 3x3!");

    if(posVect->cols != 1 || posVect->rows != 4)
        CV_ERROR(CV_StsUnmatchedSizes, "Size of position vector must be 4x1!");

    CV_CALL(tmpProjMatr = cvCreateMat(4, 4, CV_64F));
    CV_CALL(tmpMatrixD = cvCreateMat(4, 4, CV_64F));
    CV_CALL(tmpMatrixV = cvCreateMat(4, 4, CV_64F));
    CV_CALL(tmpMatrixM = cvCreateMat(3, 3, CV_64F));

    /* Compute position vector. */

    cvSetZero(tmpProjMatr); // Add zero row to make matrix square.
    int i, k;
    for(i = 0; i < 3; i++)
        for(k = 0; k < 4; k++)
            cvmSet(tmpProjMatr, i, k, cvmGet(projMatr, i, k));

    CV_CALL(cvSVD(tmpProjMatr, tmpMatrixD, NULL, tmpMatrixV, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_V_T));

    /* Save position vector. */

    for(i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        cvmSet(posVect, i, 0, cvmGet(tmpMatrixV, 3, i)); // Solution is last row of V.

    /* Compute calibration and rotation matrices via RQ decomposition. */

    cvGetCols(projMatr, tmpMatrixM, 0, 3); // M is first square matrix of P.

    assert(cvDet(tmpMatrixM) != 0.0); // So far only finite cameras could be decomposed, so M has to be nonsingular [det(M) != 0].

    CV_CALL(cvRQDecomp3x3(tmpMatrixM, calibMatr, rotMatr, rotMatrX, rotMatrY, rotMatrZ, eulerAngles));


예제 #28
void icvGaussNewton( const CvMat* J, const CvMat* err, CvMat* delta,
                     CvMat* JtJ, CvMat* JtErr, CvMat* JtJW, CvMat* JtJV )
  CvMat* _temp_JtJ = 0;
  CvMat* _temp_JtErr = 0;
  CvMat* _temp_JtJW = 0;
  CvMat* _temp_JtJV = 0;
  CV_FUNCNAME( "icvGaussNewton" );


  if( !CV_IS_MAT(J) || !CV_IS_MAT(err) || !CV_IS_MAT(delta) )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg,
              "Some of required arguments is not a valid matrix" );

  if( !JtJ )
    CV_CALL( _temp_JtJ = cvCreateMat( J->cols, J->cols, J->type ));
    JtJ = _temp_JtJ;
  else if( !CV_IS_MAT(JtJ) )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "JtJ is not a valid matrix" );

  if( !JtErr )
    CV_CALL( _temp_JtErr = cvCreateMat( J->cols, 1, J->type ));
    JtErr = _temp_JtErr;
  else if( !CV_IS_MAT(JtErr) )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "JtErr is not a valid matrix" );

  if( !JtJW )
    CV_CALL( _temp_JtJW = cvCreateMat( J->cols, 1, J->type ));
    JtJW = _temp_JtJW;
  else if( !CV_IS_MAT(JtJW) )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "JtJW is not a valid matrix" );

  if( !JtJV )
    CV_CALL( _temp_JtJV = cvCreateMat( J->cols, J->cols, J->type ));
    JtJV = _temp_JtJV;
  else if( !CV_IS_MAT(JtJV) )
    CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, "JtJV is not a valid matrix" );

  cvMulTransposed( J, JtJ, 1 );
  cvGEMM( J, err, 1, 0, 0, JtErr, CV_GEMM_A_T );
  cvSVD( JtJ, JtJW, 0, JtJV, CV_SVD_MODIFY_A + CV_SVD_V_T );
  cvSVBkSb( JtJW, JtJV, JtJV, JtErr, delta, CV_SVD_U_T + CV_SVD_V_T );


  if( _temp_JtJ || _temp_JtErr || _temp_JtJW || _temp_JtJV )
    cvReleaseMat( &_temp_JtJ );
    cvReleaseMat( &_temp_JtErr );
    cvReleaseMat( &_temp_JtJW );
    cvReleaseMat( &_temp_JtJV );
예제 #29
CV_IMPL void
cvAbsDiffS( const void* srcarr, void* dstarr, CvScalar scalar )
    static CvFuncTable adiffs_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;

    CV_FUNCNAME( "cvAbsDiffS" );


    int coi1 = 0, coi2 = 0;
    int type, sctype;
    CvMat srcstub, *src = (CvMat*)srcarr;
    CvMat dststub, *dst = (CvMat*)dstarr;
    int src_step = src->step;
    int dst_step = dst->step;
    double buf[12];
    CvSize size;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitAbsDiffCTable( &adiffs_tab );
        inittab = 1;

    CV_CALL( src = cvGetMat( src, &srcstub, &coi1 ));
    CV_CALL( dst = cvGetMat( dst, &dststub, &coi2 ));

    if( coi1 != 0 || coi2 != 0 )
        CV_ERROR( CV_BadCOI, "" );

    if( !CV_ARE_TYPES_EQ(src, dst) )
        CV_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CV_StsUnmatchedFormats );

    if( !CV_ARE_SIZES_EQ(src, dst) )
        CV_ERROR_FROM_CODE( CV_StsUnmatchedSizes );

    sctype = type = CV_ARR_TYPE( src->type );
    if( CV_ARR_DEPTH(type) < CV_32S )
        sctype = (type & CV_ARR_CN_MASK) | CV_32SC1;
    size = icvGetMatSize( src );
    size.width *= CV_ARR_CN( type );

    src_step = src->step;
    dst_step = dst->step;

    if( CV_IS_ARR_CONT( src->type & dst->type ))
        size.width *= size.height;
        size.height = 1;
        src_step = dst_step = CV_STUB_STEP;

    CV_CALL( cvScalarToRawData( &scalar, sctype, buf, 1 ));

        CvFunc2D_2A1P func = (CvFunc2D_2A1P)

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );

        IPPI_CALL( func( src->data.ptr, src_step, dst->data.ptr,
                         dst_step, size, buf ));

예제 #30
cvCountNonZero( const CvArr* arr )
    static CvFuncTable nz_tab;
    static CvFuncTable nzcoi_tab;
    static int inittab = 0;

    int count = 0;



    int type, coi = 0;
    int mat_step;
    CvSize size;
    CvMat stub, *mat = (CvMat*)arr;

    if( !inittab )
        icvInitCountNonZeroC1RTable( &nz_tab );
        icvInitCountNonZeroCnCRTable( &nzcoi_tab );
        inittab = 1;

    if( !CV_IS_MAT(mat) )
        if( CV_IS_MATND(mat) )
            void* matnd = (void*)arr;
            CvMatND nstub;
            CvNArrayIterator iterator;
            CvFunc2D_1A1P func;

            CV_CALL( cvInitNArrayIterator( 1, &matnd, 0, &nstub, &iterator ));

            type = CV_MAT_TYPE(iterator.hdr[0]->type);

            if( CV_MAT_CN(type) != 1 )
                CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels,
                    "Only single-channel array are supported here" );

            func = (CvFunc2D_1A1P)(nz_tab.fn_2d[CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)]);
            if( !func )
                CV_ERROR( CV_StsUnsupportedFormat, "" );
                int temp;
                IPPI_CALL( func( iterator.ptr[0], CV_STUB_STEP,
                                 iterator.size, &temp ));
                count += temp;
            while( cvNextNArraySlice( &iterator ));
            CV_CALL( mat = cvGetMat( mat, &stub, &coi ));

    type = CV_MAT_TYPE(mat->type);
    size = cvGetMatSize( mat );

    mat_step = mat->step;

    if( CV_IS_MAT_CONT( mat->type ))
        size.width *= size.height;
        size.height = 1;
        mat_step = CV_STUB_STEP;

    if( CV_MAT_CN(type) == 1 || coi == 0 )
        CvFunc2D_1A1P func = (CvFunc2D_1A1P)(nz_tab.fn_2d[CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)]);

        if( CV_MAT_CN(type) != 1 )
            CV_ERROR( CV_BadNumChannels,
            "The function can handle only a single channel at a time (use COI)");

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, cvUnsupportedFormat );

        IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, size, &count ));
        CvFunc2DnC_1A1P func = (CvFunc2DnC_1A1P)(nzcoi_tab.fn_2d[CV_MAT_DEPTH(type)]);

        if( !func )
            CV_ERROR( CV_StsBadArg, cvUnsupportedFormat );

        IPPI_CALL( func( mat->data.ptr, mat_step, size, CV_MAT_CN(type), coi, &count ));


    return  count;