예제 #1
파일: cvpgh.cpp 프로젝트: allanca/otterdive
//    Name: icvCalcPGH
//    Purpose:
//      Calculates PGH(pairwise geometric histogram) for contour given.
//    Context:
//    Parameters:
//      contour  - pointer to input contour object.
//      pgh      - output histogram
//      ang_dim  - number of angle bins (vertical size of histogram)
//      dist_dim - number of distance bins (horizontal size of histogram)
//    Returns:
//      CV_OK or error code
//    Notes:
static CvStatus
icvCalcPGH( const CvSeq * contour, float *pgh, int angle_dim, int dist_dim )
    char local_buffer[(1 << 14) + 32];
    float *local_buffer_ptr = (float *)cvAlignPtr(local_buffer,32);
    float *buffer = local_buffer_ptr;
    double angle_scale = (angle_dim - 0.51) / icv_acos_table[0];
    double dist_scale = DBL_EPSILON;
    int buffer_size;
    int i, count, pass;
    int *pghi = (int *) pgh;
    int hist_size = angle_dim * dist_dim;
    CvSeqReader reader1, reader2;       /* external and internal readers */

    if( !contour || !pgh )
        return CV_NULLPTR_ERR;

    if( angle_dim <= 0 || angle_dim > 180 || dist_dim <= 0 )
        return CV_BADRANGE_ERR;

    if( !CV_IS_SEQ_POINT_SET( contour ))
        return CV_BADFLAG_ERR;

    memset( pgh, 0, hist_size * sizeof( pgh[0] ));

    count = contour->total;

    /* allocate buffer for distances */
    buffer_size = count * sizeof( float );

    if( buffer_size > (int)sizeof(local_buffer) - 32 )
        buffer = (float *) cvAlloc( buffer_size );
        if( !buffer )
            return CV_OUTOFMEM_ERR;

    cvStartReadSeq( contour, &reader1, 0 );
    cvStartReadSeq( contour, &reader2, 0 );

    /* calc & store squared edge lengths, calculate maximal distance between edges */
    for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
        CvPoint pt1, pt2;
        double dx, dy;

        CV_READ_EDGE( pt1, pt2, reader1 );

        dx = pt2.x - pt1.x;
        dy = pt2.y - pt1.y;
        buffer[i] = (float)(1./sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy));

       do 2 passes. 
       First calculates maximal distance.
       Second calculates histogram itself.
    for( pass = 1; pass <= 2; pass++ )
        double dist_coeff = 0, angle_coeff = 0;

        /* run external loop */
        for( i = 0; i < count; i++ )
            CvPoint pt1, pt2;
            int dx, dy;
            int dist = 0;

            CV_READ_EDGE( pt1, pt2, reader1 );

            dx = pt2.x - pt1.x;
            dy = pt2.y - pt1.y;

            if( (dx | dy) != 0 )
                int j;

                if( pass == 2 )
                    dist_coeff = buffer[i] * dist_scale;
                    angle_coeff = buffer[i] * (_CV_ACOS_TABLE_SIZE / 2);

                /* run internal loop (for current edge) */
                for( j = 0; j < count; j++ )
                    CvPoint pt3, pt4;

                    CV_READ_EDGE( pt3, pt4, reader2 );

                    if( i != j )        /* process edge pair */
                        int d1 = (pt3.y - pt1.y) * dx - (pt3.x - pt1.x) * dy;
                        int d2 = (pt4.y - pt1.y) * dx - (pt2.x - pt1.x) * dy;
                        int cross_flag;
                        int *hist_row = 0;

                        if( pass == 2 )
                            int dp = (pt4.x - pt3.x) * dx + (pt4.y - pt3.y) * dy;

                            dp = cvRound( dp * angle_coeff * buffer[j] ) +
                                (_CV_ACOS_TABLE_SIZE / 2);
                            dp = MAX( dp, 0 );
                            dp = MIN( dp, _CV_ACOS_TABLE_SIZE - 1 );
                            hist_row = pghi + dist_dim *
                                cvRound( icv_acos_table[dp] * angle_scale );

                            d1 = cvRound( d1 * dist_coeff );
                            d2 = cvRound( d2 * dist_coeff );

                        cross_flag = (d1 ^ d2) < 0;

                        d1 = CV_IABS( d1 );
                        d2 = CV_IABS( d2 );

                        if( pass == 2 )
                            if( d1 >= dist_dim )
                                d1 = dist_dim - 1;
                            if( d2 >= dist_dim )
                                d2 = dist_dim - 1;

                            if( !cross_flag )
                                if( d1 > d2 )   /* make d1 <= d2 */
                                    d1 ^= d2;
                                    d2 ^= d1;
                                    d1 ^= d2;

                                for( ; d1 <= d2; d1++ )
                                for( ; d1 >= 0; d1-- )
                                for( ; d2 >= 0; d2-- )
                        else    /* 1st pass */
                            d1 = CV_IMAX( d1, d2 );
                            dist = CV_IMAX( dist, d1 );
                    }           /* end of processing of edge pair */

                }               /* end of internal loop */

                if( pass == 1 )
                    double scale = dist * buffer[i];

                    dist_scale = MAX( dist_scale, scale );
        }                       /* end of external loop */

        if( pass == 1 )
            dist_scale = (dist_dim - 0.51) / dist_scale;

    }                           /* end of pass on loops */

    /* convert hist to floats */
    for( i = 0; i < hist_size; i++ )
        ((float *) pghi)[i] = (float) pghi[i];

    if( buffer != local_buffer_ptr )
        cvFree( &buffer );

    return CV_OK;
예제 #2
파일: hough.cpp 프로젝트: 007Indian/opencv
static void
HoughLinesSDiv( const Mat& img,
                float rho, float theta, int threshold,
                int srn, int stn,
                std::vector<Vec2f>& lines, int linesMax,
                double min_theta, double max_theta )
    #define _POINT(row, column)\

    int index, i;
    int ri, ti, ti1, ti0;
    int row, col;
    float r, t;                 /* Current rho and theta */
    float rv;                   /* Some temporary rho value */

    int fn = 0;
    float xc, yc;

    const float d2r = (float)(CV_PI / 180);
    int sfn = srn * stn;
    int fi;
    int count;
    int cmax = 0;

    std::vector<hough_index> lst;

    CV_Assert( img.type() == CV_8UC1 );
    CV_Assert( linesMax > 0 );

    threshold = MIN( threshold, 255 );

    const uchar* image_src = img.ptr();
    int step = (int)img.step;
    int w = img.cols;
    int h = img.rows;

    float irho = 1 / rho;
    float itheta = 1 / theta;
    float srho = rho / srn;
    float stheta = theta / stn;
    float isrho = 1 / srho;
    float istheta = 1 / stheta;

    int rn = cvFloor( std::sqrt( (double)w * w + (double)h * h ) * irho );
    int tn = cvFloor( 2 * CV_PI * itheta );

    lst.push_back(hough_index(threshold, -1.f, 0.f));

    // Precalculate sin table
    std::vector<float> _sinTable( 5 * tn * stn );
    float* sinTable = &_sinTable[0];

    for( index = 0; index < 5 * tn * stn; index++ )
        sinTable[index] = (float)cos( stheta * index * 0.2f );

    std::vector<uchar> _caccum(rn * tn, (uchar)0);
    uchar* caccum = &_caccum[0];

    // Counting all feature pixels
    for( row = 0; row < h; row++ )
        for( col = 0; col < w; col++ )
            fn += _POINT( row, col ) != 0;

    std::vector<int> _x(fn), _y(fn);
    int* x = &_x[0], *y = &_y[0];

    // Full Hough Transform (it's accumulator update part)
    fi = 0;
    for( row = 0; row < h; row++ )
        for( col = 0; col < w; col++ )
            if( _POINT( row, col ))
                int halftn;
                float r0;
                float scale_factor;
                int iprev = -1;
                float phi, phi1;
                float theta_it;     // Value of theta for iterating

                // Remember the feature point
                x[fi] = col;
                y[fi] = row;

                yc = (float) row + 0.5f;
                xc = (float) col + 0.5f;

                /* Update the accumulator */
                t = (float) fabs( cvFastArctan( yc, xc ) * d2r );
                r = (float) std::sqrt( (double)xc * xc + (double)yc * yc );
                r0 = r * irho;
                ti0 = cvFloor( (t + CV_PI*0.5) * itheta );


                theta_it = rho / r;
                theta_it = theta_it < theta ? theta_it : theta;
                scale_factor = theta_it * itheta;
                halftn = cvFloor( CV_PI / theta_it );
                for( ti1 = 1, phi = theta_it - (float)(CV_PI*0.5), phi1 = (theta_it + t) * itheta;
                     ti1 < halftn; ti1++, phi += theta_it, phi1 += scale_factor )
                    rv = r0 * std::cos( phi );
                    i = (int)rv * tn;
                    i += cvFloor( phi1 );
                    assert( i >= 0 );
                    assert( i < rn * tn );
                    caccum[i] = (uchar) (caccum[i] + ((i ^ iprev) != 0));
                    iprev = i;
                    if( cmax < caccum[i] )
                        cmax = caccum[i];

    // Starting additional analysis
    count = 0;
    for( ri = 0; ri < rn; ri++ )
        for( ti = 0; ti < tn; ti++ )
            if( caccum[ri * tn + ti] > threshold )

    if( count * 100 > rn * tn )
        HoughLinesStandard( img, rho, theta, threshold, lines, linesMax, min_theta, max_theta );

    std::vector<uchar> _buffer(srn * stn + 2);
    uchar* buffer = &_buffer[0];
    uchar* mcaccum = buffer + 1;

    count = 0;
    for( ri = 0; ri < rn; ri++ )
        for( ti = 0; ti < tn; ti++ )
            if( caccum[ri * tn + ti] > threshold )
                memset( mcaccum, 0, sfn * sizeof( uchar ));

                for( index = 0; index < fn; index++ )
                    int ti2;
                    float r0;

                    yc = (float) y[index] + 0.5f;
                    xc = (float) x[index] + 0.5f;

                    // Update the accumulator
                    t = (float) fabs( cvFastArctan( yc, xc ) * d2r );
                    r = (float) std::sqrt( (double)xc * xc + (double)yc * yc ) * isrho;
                    ti0 = cvFloor( (t + CV_PI * 0.5) * istheta );
                    ti2 = (ti * stn - ti0) * 5;
                    r0 = (float) ri *srn;

                    for( ti1 = 0; ti1 < stn; ti1++, ti2 += 5 )
                        rv = r * sinTable[(int) (std::abs( ti2 ))] - r0;
                        i = cvFloor( rv ) * stn + ti1;

                        i = CV_IMAX( i, -1 );
                        i = CV_IMIN( i, sfn );
                        assert( i >= -1 );
                        assert( i <= sfn );

                // Find peaks in maccum...
                for( index = 0; index < sfn; index++ )
                    i = 0;
                    int pos = (int)(lst.size() - 1);
                    if( pos < 0 || lst[pos].value < mcaccum[index] )
                        hough_index vi(mcaccum[index],
                                       index / stn * srho + ri * rho,
                                       index % stn * stheta + ti * theta - (float)(CV_PI*0.5));
                        for( ; pos >= 0; pos-- )
                            if( lst[pos].value > vi.value )
                            lst[pos+1] = lst[pos];
                        lst[pos+1] = vi;
                        if( (int)lst.size() > linesMax )

    for( size_t idx = 0; idx < lst.size(); idx++ )
        if( lst[idx].rho < 0 )
        lines.push_back(Vec2f(lst[idx].rho, lst[idx].theta));