예제 #1
void C_VarianceLinearStatistic
    const int P,
    const int Q,
    const double *VarInf,
    const double *ExpX,
    const double *VarX,
    const int sumweights,
    double *P_tmp,              /* work array */
    const int add,
    double *PQ_ans
) {

    if (P * Q == 1) {
        C_CovarianceLinearStatistic(P, Q, VarInf, ExpX, VarX,
                                    sumweights, P_tmp, (add >= 1),
    } else {

        double f1 = (double) sumweights / (sumweights - 1);
        double f2 = 1.0 / (sumweights - 1);
        for (int p = 0; p < P; p++)
            P_tmp[p] = f1 * VarX[p] - f2 * ExpX[p] * ExpX[p];
        C_kronecker(VarInf, 1, Q, P_tmp, 1, P, 1 - (add >= 1),
예제 #2
SEXP R_kronecker(SEXP A, SEXP B) {

    int m, n, r, s;
    SEXP ans;

    if (!isReal(A) || !isReal(B))
        error("R_kronecker: A and / or B are not of type REALSXP");

    m = nrow(A);
    n = ncol(A);
    r = nrow(B);
    s = ncol(B);

    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, m * n * r * s));
    C_kronecker(REAL(A), m, n, REAL(B), r, s, REAL(ans));
예제 #3
void C_ExpectCovarLinearStatistic(const double* x, const int p, const int q,
                                  const double* weights, const int n,
                                  const SEXP expcovinf, SEXP ans) {

    int i, j, k, pq;
    double sweights = 0.0, f1, f2, tmp;
    double *swx, *CT1, *CT2, *Covy_x_swx,
           *dExp_y, *dCov_y, *dExp_T, *dCov_T;

    pq   = p * q;

    /* the expectation and covariance of the influence function */
    dExp_y = REAL(GET_SLOT(expcovinf, coin_expectationSym));
    dCov_y = REAL(GET_SLOT(expcovinf, coin_covarianceSym));
    sweights = REAL(GET_SLOT(expcovinf, coin_sumweightsSym))[0];

    if (sweights <= 1.0)
        error("C_ExpectCovarLinearStatistic: sum of weights is less than one");

    /* prepare for storing the results */
    dExp_T = REAL(GET_SLOT(ans, coin_expectationSym));
    dCov_T = REAL(GET_SLOT(ans, coin_covarianceSym));

    /* allocate storage: all helpers, initially zero */
    swx = Calloc(p, double);               /* p x 1  */
    CT1 = Calloc(p * p, double);           /* p x p  */

    for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {

        /*  observations with zero case weights do not contribute */
        if (weights[i] == 0.0) continue;

        for (k = 0; k < p; k++) {
            tmp = weights[i] * x[k * n + i];
            swx[k] += tmp;

            /* covariance part */
            for (j = 0; j < p; j++) {
                CT1[j * p + k] += tmp * x[j * n + i];

    *   dExp_T: expectation of the linear statistic T

    for (k = 0; k < p; k++) {
        for (j = 0; j < q; j++)
            dExp_T[j * p + k] = swx[k] * dExp_y[j];

    *   dCov_T:  covariance of the linear statistic T

    f1 = sweights/(sweights - 1);
    f2 = (1/(sweights - 1));

    if (pq == 1) {
        dCov_T[0] = f1 * dCov_y[0] * CT1[0];
        dCov_T[0] -= f2 * dCov_y[0] * swx[0] * swx[0];
    } else {
        /* two more helpers needed */
        CT2 = Calloc(pq * pq, double);            /* pq x pq */
        Covy_x_swx = Calloc(pq * q, double);      /* pq x q  */

        C_kronecker(dCov_y, q, q, CT1, p, p, dCov_T);
        C_kronecker(dCov_y, q, q, swx, p, 1, Covy_x_swx);
        C_kronecker(Covy_x_swx, pq, q, swx, 1, p, CT2);

        for (k = 0; k < (pq * pq); k++)
            dCov_T[k] = f1 * dCov_T[k] - f2 * CT2[k];

        /* clean up */
        Free(CT2); Free(Covy_x_swx);

    /* clean up */
    Free(swx); Free(CT1);