예제 #1
CSize  CGuiToolBarWnd::CalcDynamicLayout(int nLength, DWORD dwMode)
	if ((nLength == -1) && !(dwMode & LM_MRUWIDTH) && !(dwMode & LM_COMMIT) &&
		((dwMode & LM_HORZDOCK) || (dwMode & LM_VERTDOCK)))
		return CalcFixedLayout(dwMode & LM_STRETCH, dwMode & LM_HORZDOCK);
	return CalcLayout(dwMode, nLength);
예제 #2
CSize CMainFrameControls::GetDockZonesMinSize(unsigned uSaneFallback)

    const long saneX = m_pMainFrame->m_dpi.ScaleX(uSaneFallback);
    const long saneY = m_pMainFrame->m_dpi.ScaleY(uSaneFallback);

    auto calcDock = [&](DockZone zone) {
        bool bHorz = (zone == DOCK_TOP || zone == DOCK_BOTTOM);
        const auto& panels = m_panelZones.find(zone)->second;
        auto pDock = m_panelDocks.find(zone)->second;
        unsigned stackSize = 0;
        unsigned maxRowSize = 0, rowSize = 0;
        bool bNewRow = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < pDock->m_arrBars.GetCount(); i++) {
            auto pBar = static_cast<CPlayerBar*>(pDock->m_arrBars[i]);
            if (!pBar && !bNewRow) {
                bNewRow = true;
                maxRowSize = max(maxRowSize, rowSize);
                rowSize = 0;
            if (pBar) {
                for (const auto panel : panels) {
                    if (m_panels[panel] == pBar) {
                        rowSize += (rowSize ? 8 : 6);
                        rowSize += (bHorz ? std::max(saneX, pBar->m_szMinHorz.cx) : std::max(saneY, pBar->m_szMinVert.cy));
                        rowSize += pBar->m_cxEdge;
                        if (bNewRow) {
                            CSize size = pBar->CalcFixedLayout(TRUE, bHorz);
                            stackSize += (bHorz ? size.cy - 2 : (stackSize ? size.cx - 2 : size.cx - 4));
                            bNewRow = false;
        return bHorz ? CSize(maxRowSize, stackSize) : CSize(stackSize, maxRowSize);

    const CSize sizeTop(m_panelZones.find(DOCK_TOP) != std::end(m_panelZones) ? calcDock(DOCK_TOP) : 0);
    const CSize sizeLeft(m_panelZones.find(DOCK_LEFT) != std::end(m_panelZones) ? calcDock(DOCK_LEFT) : 0);
    const CSize sizeRight(m_panelZones.find(DOCK_RIGHT) != std::end(m_panelZones) ? calcDock(DOCK_RIGHT) : 0);
    const CSize sizeBottom(m_panelZones.find(DOCK_BOTTOM) != std::end(m_panelZones) ? calcDock(DOCK_BOTTOM) : 0);

    CSize ret;
    ret.cx = max(sizeLeft.cx + sizeRight.cx, max(sizeTop.cx, sizeBottom.cx));
    ret.cy = sizeTop.cy + sizeBottom.cy + max(sizeLeft.cy, sizeRight.cy);
    const unsigned uToolbars = GetToolbarsHeight();
    if (uToolbars) {
        ret.cx = std::max(ret.cx, saneX);
    ret.cy += uToolbars;

    return ret;
예제 #3
CSize CDialBar::CalcDynamicLayout(int length, DWORD mode)
//  TRACE2("length = %d \tmode = %x\n", length, (int)mode);

  if ((length == -1) && !(mode & LM_MRUWIDTH) && !(mode & LM_COMMIT) &&
    ((mode & LM_HORZDOCK) || (mode & LM_VERTDOCK)))
    return CalcFixedLayout(mode & LM_STRETCH, mode & LM_HORZDOCK);
  return CalcLayout(length,mode);
예제 #4
void CMonitorBarCtrl::OnSkinChange()
	HBITMAP hWatermark = Skin.GetWatermark( _T("CMonitorBar") );
	if ( m_bmWatermark.m_hObject != NULL ) m_bmWatermark.DeleteObject();
	if ( hWatermark != NULL ) m_bmWatermark.Attach( hWatermark );

	if ( m_hTab ) DestroyIcon( m_hTab );
	m_hTab    = CoolInterface.ExtractIcon( IDI_POINTER_ARROW, Settings.General.LanguageRTL );
	if ( m_hUpDown ) DestroyIcon( m_hUpDown );
	m_hUpDown = CoolInterface.ExtractIcon( IDI_UPDOWN_ARROW, Settings.General.LanguageRTL );

	m_pRxItem->m_nColour = CoolInterface.m_crMonitorDownloadBar;
	m_pTxItem->m_nColour = CoolInterface.m_crMonitorUploadBar;

	if ( m_hWnd != NULL && IsWindowVisible() )
		CalcFixedLayout( FALSE, FALSE );
예제 #5
void CCoolBarCtrl::OnUpdated()
	if ( ! m_bStretch )
		CSize czLast = m_czLast;
		if ( CalcFixedLayout( FALSE, TRUE ) != czLast )
			CMDIFrameWnd* pOwner = (CMDIFrameWnd*)GetOwner();

			if ( pOwner && pOwner->IsKindOf( RUNTIME_CLASS(CMDIFrameWnd) ) )
				if ( pOwner->IsIconic() )
					m_bRecalc = TRUE;
예제 #6
void CMainFrameControls::GetDockZonesInternal(unsigned& uTop, unsigned& uLeft, unsigned& uRight, unsigned& uBottom, bool bDoEnum, bool bOnlyVisible)
    if (bDoEnum) {

    auto calcDock = [&](DockZone zone) {
        bool bHorz = (zone == DOCK_TOP || zone == DOCK_BOTTOM);
        const auto& panels = m_panelZones.find(zone)->second;
        auto pDock = m_panelDocks.find(zone)->second;
        unsigned stackSize = 0;
        bool bNewRow = true;
        for (int i = 0; i < pDock->m_arrBars.GetCount(); i++) {
            auto pBar = static_cast<CPlayerBar*>(pDock->m_arrBars[i]);
            if (!pBar && !bNewRow) {
                bNewRow = true;
            if (bNewRow && pBar) {
                for (const auto panel : panels) {
                    if (m_panels[panel] == pBar && (!bOnlyVisible || IsWindowVisible(*pBar))) {
                        CSize size = pBar->CalcFixedLayout(TRUE, bHorz);
                        stackSize += (bHorz ? size.cy - 2 : (stackSize ? size.cx - 2 : size.cx - 4));
                        bNewRow = false;
        return stackSize;

    uTop = (m_panelZones.find(DOCK_TOP) != std::end(m_panelZones)) ? calcDock(DOCK_TOP) : 0;
    uLeft = (m_panelZones.find(DOCK_LEFT) != std::end(m_panelZones)) ? calcDock(DOCK_LEFT) : 0;
    uRight = (m_panelZones.find(DOCK_RIGHT) != std::end(m_panelZones)) ? calcDock(DOCK_RIGHT) : 0;
    uBottom = (m_panelZones.find(DOCK_BOTTOM) != std::end(m_panelZones)) ? calcDock(DOCK_BOTTOM) : 0;

    unsigned uToolbars = bOnlyVisible ? GetVisibleToolbarsHeight() : GetToolbarsHeight();
    uBottom += uToolbars;
예제 #7
파일: progbar.cpp 프로젝트: vata/xarino
LRESULT CProgressBar::OnSizeParent(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
// This overrides the normal OnSizeParent method (CControlBar)
// Normal control bars can never overlap - each is opened using the parent's
// client rectangle, and then their area is subtracted from the available client
// area, so that they never overlap. 
// However, the progress bar wants to sit over the top of the status bar if
// possible, so before allowing the normal action to proceed...
// If the status window's client rectangle butts onto the layout rect passed in,
// then we extend the layout rectangle to include the status bar, and hence we
// will be placed over the top of the SB.
// NOTE - currently only does this if attached to the BOTTOM of the window.
// If this fails (sttaus bar not open, or at top of window, etc), the progress
// bar will appear normally (above/below all other control bars)
	CRect StatusRect;

	((CMainFrame *) AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd)->GetStatusBarWindowRect(&StatusRect);

	if (!StatusRect.IsRectEmpty())					// Cover status bar (if open)
		// JustinF says: this is a quick bodge so that the progress-bar respects any
		// overriding prefix displayed in the status line by StatusLine::SetPrefix.
		StatusRect.left = StatusLine::GetPrefixWidth();

		// We just move our window so it is covering the status bar, using the
		// HWDP supplied in the AFX_SIZEPARENTPARAMS structure.
		lpLayout->hDWP = ::DeferWindowPos(lpLayout->hDWP, m_hWnd, HWND_TOP,
									 	  StatusRect.left, StatusRect.top,  
										  StatusRect.right - StatusRect.left,
										  StatusRect.bottom - StatusRect.top,

	#if _MFC_VER < 0x300
		// No status bar - just plonk the progress bar where we can...
		return (CControlBar::OnSizeParent((WPARAM)0, lParam));
		// resize and reposition this control bar based on styles
		DWORD dwStyle = (m_dwStyle & (CBRS_ALIGN_ANY|CBRS_BORDER_ANY)) |
			(GetStyle() & WS_VISIBLE);

		if ((dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE) && (dwStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_ANY) != 0)
			// align the control bar
			CRect rect;

			if (StatusRect.IsRectEmpty())
				// Status bar is not open - just fit in where we can.
				// (This code copied from barcore.cpp in MFC 3)

				CSize sizeAvail = rect.Size();	// maximum size available

				// get maximum requested size
				CSize size = CalcFixedLayout(lpLayout->bStretch, 
					(dwStyle & CBRS_ORIENT_HORZ) ? TRUE : FALSE);

				size.cx = min(size.cx, sizeAvail.cx);
				size.cy = BarHeight;

				lpLayout->sizeTotal.cy += size.cy;
				lpLayout->sizeTotal.cx = max(lpLayout->sizeTotal.cx, size.cx);
				rect.top = rect.bottom - size.cy;
				lpLayout->rect.bottom -= size.cy;

				rect.right = rect.left + size.cx;
				rect.bottom = rect.top + size.cy;

				// only resize the window if doing layout and not just rect query
				if (lpLayout->hDWP != NULL)
					AfxRepositionWindow(lpLayout, m_hWnd, &rect);

	return 0;

예제 #8
CSize CIVToolBar::CalcDynamicLayout(int nLength, DWORD dwMode)
	return CalcFixedLayout(dwMode & LM_STRETCH, dwMode & LM_HORZDOCK);
예제 #9
CSize CControlBar::CalcDynamicLayout( int nLength, DWORD nMode )
    UNUSED_ALWAYS( nLength );
    return( CalcFixedLayout( nMode & LM_STRETCH, nMode & LM_HORZ ) );
예제 #10
CSize CControlBar::CalcDynamicLayout(int, DWORD nMode)
	return CalcFixedLayout(nMode & LM_STRETCH, nMode & LM_HORZ);
예제 #11
CSize CSizableReBar::CalcDynamicLayout( int /*nLength*/, DWORD dwMode )
    return CalcFixedLayout( dwMode & LM_STRETCH, dwMode & LM_HORZ );
예제 #12
LRESULT CControlBar::OnSizeParent(WPARAM, LPARAM lParam)
	DWORD dwStyle = RecalcDelayShow(lpLayout);

	if ((dwStyle & WS_VISIBLE) && (dwStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_ANY) != 0)
		// align the control bar
		CRect rect;

		CSize sizeAvail = rect.Size();  // maximum size available

		// get maximum requested size
		CSize size = CalcFixedLayout(lpLayout->bStretch,
			dwStyle & CBRS_ORIENT_HORZ);

		size.cx = min(size.cx, sizeAvail.cx);
		size.cy = min(size.cy, sizeAvail.cy);

		if (dwStyle & CBRS_ORIENT_HORZ)
			lpLayout->sizeTotal.cy += size.cy;
			lpLayout->sizeTotal.cx = max(lpLayout->sizeTotal.cx, size.cx);
			if (dwStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_TOP)
				lpLayout->rect.top += size.cy;
			else if (dwStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM)
				rect.top = rect.bottom - size.cy;
				lpLayout->rect.bottom -= size.cy;
		else if (dwStyle & CBRS_ORIENT_VERT)
			lpLayout->sizeTotal.cx += size.cx;
			lpLayout->sizeTotal.cy = max(lpLayout->sizeTotal.cy, size.cy);
			if (dwStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_LEFT)
				lpLayout->rect.left += size.cx;
			else if (dwStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT)
				rect.left = rect.right - size.cx;
				lpLayout->rect.right -= size.cx;
			ASSERT(FALSE);      // can never happen

		rect.right = rect.left + size.cx;
		rect.bottom = rect.top + size.cy;

#ifdef _MAC
		// account for the Macintosh grow box, if there is one
		CWnd* pWnd = GetParentFrame();
		if (pWnd != NULL)
			DWORD dwWndStyle = pWnd->GetStyle();
			DWORD dwExStyle = pWnd->GetExStyle();

			if (!(dwExStyle & WS_EX_MDIFRAME) &&
				(dwExStyle & WS_EX_FORCESIZEBOX) &&
				!(dwWndStyle & (WS_VSCROLL|WS_HSCROLL)))
				CRect rectParent;

				if (dwStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_BOTTOM)
					if (rect.bottom > rectParent.bottom - afxData.cxVScroll + 1)
						rect.right -= (afxData.cxVScroll - 1);
				else if (dwStyle & CBRS_ALIGN_RIGHT)
					if (rect.bottom > rectParent.bottom - afxData.cyHScroll + 1)
						rect.bottom -= (afxData.cxVScroll - 1);

		// only resize the window if doing layout and not just rect query
		if (lpLayout->hDWP != NULL)
			AfxRepositionWindow(lpLayout, m_hWnd, &rect);
	return 0;