예제 #1
void World::SetSoundtrack( Event *ev )
	const char *text;

	text = ev->GetString( 1 );
	ChangeSoundtrack( text );
예제 #2
	const char  *text;
	str         mapname;
	int		   i;

	assert( this->entnum == ENTITYNUM_WORLD );

	world = this;
	world_dying = false;

	setMoveType( MOVETYPE_NONE );
	setSolidType( SOLID_BSP );

	// world model is always index 1
	edict->s.modelindex = 1;
	model = "*1";



	groupcoordinator = NULL;

	// Anything that modifies configstrings, or spawns things is ignored when loading savegames
	if ( LoadingSavegame )

	// clear out the soundtrack from the last level
	ChangeSoundtrack( "" );

	// set the default farplane parameters
	farplane_distance = 0;
	farplane_color = Vector(0, 0, 0);
	farplane_cull = true;
	farplane_fog = true;

	terrain_global = false;
	terrain_global_min = MIN_WORLD_COORD;

	entity_fade_dist = DEFAULT_ENTITY_FADE_DIST;



	time_scale = 1.0f;
	sky_alpha = 1.0f;
	sky_portal = true;

	// see if this is a cinematic level
	level.cinematic = ( spawnflags & CINEMATIC ) ? true : false;

	if ( level.cinematic )
		gi.cvar_set( "sv_cinematic", "1" );
		gi.cvar_set( "sv_cinematic", "0" );

	level.nextmap = "";
	level.level_name = level.mapname;

	// Set up the mapname as the default script
	mapname = "maps/";
	mapname += level.mapname;
	for( i = mapname.length() - 1; i >= 0; i-- )
		if ( mapname[ i ] == '.' )
			mapname[ i ] = 0;

	mapname += ".scr";
	text = &mapname[ 5 ];

	// If there isn't a script with the same name as the map, then don't try to load script
	if ( gi.FS_ReadFile( mapname.c_str(), NULL, true ) != -1 )
		gi.DPrintf( "Adding script: '%s'\n", text );

		// just set the script, we will start it in G_Spawn
		level.SetGameScript( mapname.c_str() );
		level.SetGameScript( "" );

	level.consoleThread = Director.CreateThread();


	// Set the color for the blends.
	level.water_color       = Vector( 0.0f, 0.0f, 0.5f );
	level.water_alpha       = 0.4f;

	level.slime_color       = Vector( 0.2f, 0.4f, 0.2f );
	level.slime_alpha       = 0.6f;

	level.lava_color        = Vector( 0.5f, 0.15f, 0.0f );
	level.lava_alpha        = 0.6f;

	// set the targetname of the world
	SetTargetName( "world" );

	groupcoordinator = new GroupCoordinator;

	// Initialize movement info

	for ( i = 0 ; i < WORLD_PHYSICS_TOTAL_NUMBER ; i++ )
		_physicsInfo[ i ] = -1.0f;

	_canShakeCamera = false;
예제 #3
void Level::Archive( Archiver &arc )
	int num;
	int i;

	Class::Archive( arc );

	if ( arc.Saving() )
		SafePtr<Earthquake> ent;

		num = _earthquakes.NumObjects();
		arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );

		for ( i = 1 ; i <= num ; i++ )
			ent = _earthquakes.ObjectAt( i );		
			arc.ArchiveSafePointer( &ent );		
		SafePtr<Earthquake> ent;
		SafePtr<Earthquake> *entityPointer;

		arc.ArchiveInteger( &num );

		_earthquakes.Resize( num );

		for ( i = 1 ; i <= num ; i++ )
			_earthquakes.AddObject( ent );

			entityPointer = &_earthquakes.ObjectAt( i );

			arc.ArchiveSafePointer( entityPointer );

	arc.ArchiveInteger( &_totalEnemiesSpawned );

	// Don't archive these

	//const char     *current_map;
	//const char     *current_entities;

	//int			   spawn_entnum;
	arc.ArchiveInteger( &currentInstanceNumber );
    //int            spawnflags;

	arc.ArchiveInteger( &framenum );
	arc.ArchiveInteger( &inttime );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &time );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &timeInLevel );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &frametime );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &fixedframetime );
	arc.ArchiveInteger( &startTime );

	arc.ArchiveString( &level_name );
	arc.ArchiveString( &mapname );
	arc.ArchiveString( &spawnpoint );
	arc.ArchiveString( &nextmap );

	arc.ArchiveBoolean( &restart );
	arc.ArchiveBoolean( &started );

	arc.ArchiveBoolean( &playerfrozen );

	arc.ArchiveFloat( &intermissiontime );
	arc.ArchiveInteger( &exitintermission );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &intermission_advancetime );
	arc.ArchiveBool( &_showIntermission );
	arc.ArchiveBool( &_saveOrientation );

	// Don't archive
	//gentity_s	   *next_edict;

	arc.ArchiveInteger( &total_secrets );
	arc.ArchiveInteger( &found_secrets );
	arc.ArchiveInteger( &total_specialItems );
	arc.ArchiveInteger( &found_specialItems );

	arc.ArchiveString( &game_script );

	// Don't archive
	//trace_t        impact_trace;

	arc.ArchiveBoolean( &cinematic );
	arc.ArchiveBoolean( &ai_on );

	arc.ArchiveBoolean( &mission_failed );
	arc.ArchiveBoolean( &died_already );

	arc.ArchiveBoolean( &near_exit );

	arc.ArchiveVector( &water_color );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &water_alpha );

	arc.ArchiveVector( &slime_color );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &slime_alpha );

	arc.ArchiveVector( &lava_color );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &lava_alpha );

	arc.ArchiveString( &current_soundtrack );
	arc.ArchiveString( &saved_soundtrack );

	arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( ( Class ** )&consoleThread );

	arc.ArchiveVector( &m_fade_color );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_fade_alpha );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_fade_time );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( & m_fade_time_start );
	ArchiveEnum( m_fade_type, fadetype_t );
	ArchiveEnum( m_fade_style, fadestyle_t );

	arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_letterbox_fraction );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_letterbox_time );
	arc.ArchiveFloat( &m_letterbox_time_start );
	ArchiveEnum( m_letterbox_dir, letterboxdir_t );

	arc.ArchiveBool( &_cleanup );

	arc.ArchiveString( &_playerDeathThread );

	arc.ArchiveObjectPointer( ( Class ** )&hNodeController );

	// Don't archive, will already be setup from camera code
	// Container<Camera *>	automatic_cameras;

	arc.ArchiveVector( & m_intermission_origin );
	arc.ArchiveVector( & m_intermission_angle );

	if ( arc.Loading() )
		str temp_soundtrack;

		// Change the sound track to the one just loaded

		temp_soundtrack = saved_soundtrack;
		ChangeSoundtrack( current_soundtrack.c_str() );
		saved_soundtrack = temp_soundtrack;

		// not archived since we can't save mid-frame
		next_edict = NULL;
		// not archived since we can't save mid-frame
		memset( &impact_trace, 0, sizeof( impact_trace ) );
