예제 #1
DECODING_STATE CWelsDecoder::DecodeParser (const unsigned char* kpSrc,
    const int kiSrcLen,
    SParserBsInfo* pDstInfo) {
  if (CheckBsBuffer (m_pDecContext, kiSrcLen)) {
    return dsOutOfMemory;
  if (kiSrcLen > 0 && kpSrc != NULL) {
    if (m_pFBS) {
      WelsFwrite (kpSrc, sizeof (unsigned char), kiSrcLen, m_pFBS);
      WelsFflush (m_pFBS);
    m_pDecContext->bEndOfStreamFlag = false;
  } else {
    //For application MODE, the error detection should be added for safe.
    //But for CONSOLE MODE, when decoding LAST AU, kiSrcLen==0 && kpSrc==NULL.
    m_pDecContext->bEndOfStreamFlag = true;
    m_pDecContext->bInstantDecFlag = true;

  m_pDecContext->iErrorCode = dsErrorFree; //initialize at the starting of AU decoding.
  m_pDecContext->eErrorConMethod = ERROR_CON_DISABLE; //add protection to disable EC here.
  if (!m_pDecContext->bFramePending) { //frame complete
    m_pDecContext->pParserBsInfo->iNalNum = 0;
    memset (m_pDecContext->pParserBsInfo->iNalLenInByte, 0, MAX_NAL_UNITS_IN_LAYER);
  pDstInfo->iNalNum = 0;
  pDstInfo->iSpsWidthInPixel = pDstInfo->iSpsHeightInPixel = 0;
  if (pDstInfo) {
    m_pDecContext->uiTimeStamp = pDstInfo->uiInBsTimeStamp;
    pDstInfo->uiOutBsTimeStamp = 0;
  } else {
    m_pDecContext->uiTimeStamp = 0;
  WelsDecodeBs (m_pDecContext, kpSrc, kiSrcLen, NULL, NULL, pDstInfo);
  if (!m_pDecContext->bFramePending && m_pDecContext->pParserBsInfo->iNalNum) {
    memcpy (pDstInfo, m_pDecContext->pParserBsInfo, sizeof (SParserBsInfo));

  m_pDecContext->bInstantDecFlag = false; //reset no-delay flag

  return (DECODING_STATE) m_pDecContext->iErrorCode;
예제 #2
DECODING_STATE CWelsDecoder::DecodeFrame2 (const unsigned char* kpSrc,
    const int kiSrcLen,
    unsigned char** ppDst,
    SBufferInfo* pDstInfo) {
  if (CheckBsBuffer (m_pDecContext, kiSrcLen)) {
    return dsOutOfMemory;
  if (kiSrcLen > 0 && kpSrc != NULL) {
    if (m_pFBS) {
      WelsFwrite (kpSrc, sizeof (unsigned char), kiSrcLen, m_pFBS);
      WelsFflush (m_pFBS);
    if (m_pFBSSize) {
      WelsFwrite (&kiSrcLen, sizeof (int), 1, m_pFBSSize);
      WelsFflush (m_pFBSSize);
    m_pDecContext->bEndOfStreamFlag = false;
  } else {
    //For application MODE, the error detection should be added for safe.
    //But for CONSOLE MODE, when decoding LAST AU, kiSrcLen==0 && kpSrc==NULL.
    m_pDecContext->bEndOfStreamFlag = true;
    m_pDecContext->bInstantDecFlag = true;

  int64_t iStart, iEnd;
  iStart = WelsTime();
  ppDst[0] = ppDst[1] = ppDst[2] = NULL;
  m_pDecContext->iErrorCode             = dsErrorFree; //initialize at the starting of AU decoding.
  m_pDecContext->iFeedbackVclNalInAu = FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_NAL; //initialize
  unsigned long long uiInBsTimeStamp = pDstInfo->uiInBsTimeStamp;
  memset (pDstInfo, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));
  pDstInfo->uiInBsTimeStamp = uiInBsTimeStamp;
  m_pDecContext->bReferenceLostAtT0Flag       = false; //initialize for LTR
  m_pDecContext->bCurAuContainLtrMarkSeFlag = false;
  m_pDecContext->iFrameNumOfAuMarkedLtr      = 0;
  m_pDecContext->iFrameNum                       = -1; //initialize

  m_pDecContext->iFeedbackTidInAu             = -1; //initialize
  if (pDstInfo) {
    pDstInfo->uiOutYuvTimeStamp = 0;
    m_pDecContext->uiTimeStamp = pDstInfo->uiInBsTimeStamp;
  } else {
    m_pDecContext->uiTimeStamp = 0;
  WelsDecodeBs (m_pDecContext, kpSrc, kiSrcLen, ppDst,
                pDstInfo, NULL); //iErrorCode has been modified in this function
  m_pDecContext->bInstantDecFlag = false; //reset no-delay flag
  if (m_pDecContext->iErrorCode) {
    EWelsNalUnitType eNalType =
      NAL_UNIT_UNSPEC_0; //for NBR, IDR frames are expected to decode as followed if error decoding an IDR currently

    eNalType = m_pDecContext->sCurNalHead.eNalUnitType;

    if (m_pDecContext->iErrorCode & dsOutOfMemory) {
    //for AVC bitstream (excluding AVC with temporal scalability, including TP), as long as error occur, SHOULD notify upper layer key frame loss.
    if ((IS_PARAM_SETS_NALS (eNalType) || NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR == eNalType) ||
        (VIDEO_BITSTREAM_AVC == m_pDecContext->eVideoType)) {
      if (m_pDecContext->eErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {
        m_pDecContext->bParamSetsLostFlag = true;
        m_pDecContext->bReferenceLostAtT0Flag = true;

    if (m_pDecContext->bPrintFrameErrorTraceFlag) {
      WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO, "decode failed, failure type:%d \n",
      m_pDecContext->bPrintFrameErrorTraceFlag = false;
    } else {
      m_pDecContext->iIgnoredErrorInfoPacketCount ++;
      if (m_pDecContext->iIgnoredErrorInfoPacketCount == INT_MAX) {
        WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_WARNING, "continuous error reached INT_MAX! Restart as 0.");
        m_pDecContext->iIgnoredErrorInfoPacketCount = 0;
    if ((m_pDecContext->eErrorConMethod != ERROR_CON_DISABLE) && (pDstInfo->iBufferStatus == 1)) {
      //TODO after dec status updated
      m_pDecContext->iErrorCode |= dsDataErrorConcealed;

      if ((m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiWidth != (unsigned int) pDstInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth)
          || (m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiHeight != (unsigned int) pDstInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight)) {
        m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiWidth = pDstInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth;
        m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiHeight = pDstInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight;

      if (m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiDecodedFrameCount == 0) { //exceed max value of uint32_t
        ResetDecStatNums (&m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics);
      int32_t iMbConcealedNum = m_pDecContext->iMbEcedNum + m_pDecContext->iMbEcedPropNum;
      m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcRatio = m_pDecContext->iMbNum == 0 ?
          (m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcRatio * m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiEcFrameNum) : ((
                m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcRatio * m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiEcFrameNum) + ((
                      iMbConcealedNum * 100) / m_pDecContext->iMbNum));
      m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcPropRatio = m_pDecContext->iMbNum == 0 ?
          (m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcPropRatio * m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiEcFrameNum) : ((
                m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcPropRatio * m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiEcFrameNum) + ((
                      m_pDecContext->iMbEcedPropNum * 100) / m_pDecContext->iMbNum));
      m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiEcFrameNum += (iMbConcealedNum == 0 ? 0 : 1);
      m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcRatio = m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiEcFrameNum == 0 ? 0 :
          m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcRatio / m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiEcFrameNum;
      m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcPropRatio = m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiEcFrameNum == 0 ? 0 :
          m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiAvgEcPropRatio / m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiEcFrameNum;
    iEnd = WelsTime();
    m_pDecContext->dDecTime += (iEnd - iStart) / 1e3;
    return (DECODING_STATE) m_pDecContext->iErrorCode;
  // else Error free, the current codec works well

  if (pDstInfo->iBufferStatus == 1) {

    if (m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiDecodedFrameCount == 0) { //exceed max value of uint32_t
      ResetDecStatNums (&m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics);

    if ((m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiWidth != (unsigned int) pDstInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth)
        || (m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiHeight != (unsigned int) pDstInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight)) {
      m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiWidth = pDstInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iWidth;
      m_pDecContext->sDecoderStatistics.uiHeight = pDstInfo->UsrData.sSystemBuffer.iHeight;
  iEnd = WelsTime();
  m_pDecContext->dDecTime += (iEnd - iStart) / 1e3;
  return dsErrorFree;
예제 #3
DECODING_STATE CWelsDecoder::DecodeFrame2 (const unsigned char* kpSrc,
    const int kiSrcLen,
    unsigned char** ppDst,
    SBufferInfo* pDstInfo) {
  if (CheckBsBuffer (m_pDecContext, kiSrcLen)) {
    return dsOutOfMemory;
  if (kiSrcLen > 0 && kpSrc != NULL) {
    if (m_pFBS) {
      WelsFwrite (kpSrc, sizeof (unsigned char), kiSrcLen, m_pFBS);
      WelsFflush (m_pFBS);
    if (m_pFBSSize) {
      WelsFwrite (&kiSrcLen, sizeof (int), 1, m_pFBSSize);
      WelsFflush (m_pFBSSize);
    m_pDecContext->bEndOfStreamFlag = false;
  } else {
    //For application MODE, the error detection should be added for safe.
    //But for CONSOLE MODE, when decoding LAST AU, kiSrcLen==0 && kpSrc==NULL.
    m_pDecContext->bEndOfStreamFlag = true;
    m_pDecContext->bInstantDecFlag = true;

  ppDst[0] = ppDst[1] = ppDst[2] = NULL;
  m_pDecContext->iErrorCode             = dsErrorFree; //initialize at the starting of AU decoding.
  m_pDecContext->iFeedbackVclNalInAu = FEEDBACK_UNKNOWN_NAL; //initialize
  memset (pDstInfo, 0, sizeof (SBufferInfo));

  m_pDecContext->bReferenceLostAtT0Flag       = false; //initialize for LTR
  m_pDecContext->bCurAuContainLtrMarkSeFlag = false;
  m_pDecContext->iFrameNumOfAuMarkedLtr      = 0;
  m_pDecContext->iFrameNum                       = -1; //initialize

  m_pDecContext->iFeedbackTidInAu             = -1; //initialize

  WelsDecodeBs (m_pDecContext, kpSrc, kiSrcLen, ppDst,
                pDstInfo); //iErrorCode has been modified in this function
  m_pDecContext->bInstantDecFlag = false; //reset no-delay flag
  if (m_pDecContext->iErrorCode) {
    EWelsNalUnitType eNalType =
      NAL_UNIT_UNSPEC_0;	//for NBR, IDR frames are expected to decode as followed if error decoding an IDR currently

    eNalType	= m_pDecContext->sCurNalHead.eNalUnitType;

    //for AVC bitstream (excluding AVC with temporal scalability, including TP), as long as error occur, SHOULD notify upper layer key frame loss.
    if ((IS_PARAM_SETS_NALS (eNalType) || NAL_UNIT_CODED_SLICE_IDR == eNalType) ||
        (VIDEO_BITSTREAM_AVC == m_pDecContext->eVideoType)) {
      if (m_pDecContext->iErrorConMethod == ERROR_CON_DISABLE) {
        m_pDecContext->bParamSetsLostFlag = true;
        m_pDecContext->bReferenceLostAtT0Flag = true;
        ResetParameterSetsState (m_pDecContext);  //initial SPS&PPS ready flag

    WelsLog (&m_pWelsTrace->m_sLogCtx, WELS_LOG_INFO, "decode failed, failure type:%d \n",
    return (DECODING_STATE)m_pDecContext->iErrorCode;

  return dsErrorFree;