Thin3DContext *WindowsGLContext::CreateThin3DContext() { Thin3DContext *ctx = T3DCreateGLContext(); if (ctx) { CheckGLExtensions(); } return ctx; }
EmuScreen::EmuScreen(const std::string &filename) : invalid_(true) { CheckGLExtensions(); std::string fileToStart = filename; // This is probably where we should start up the emulated PSP. INFO_LOG(BOOT, "Starting up hardware."); CoreParameter coreParam; coreParam.cpuCore = g_Config.bJit ? CPU_JIT : CPU_INTERPRETER; coreParam.gpuCore = GPU_GLES; coreParam.enableSound = g_Config.bEnableSound; coreParam.fileToStart = fileToStart; coreParam.mountIso = ""; coreParam.startPaused = false; coreParam.enableDebugging = false; coreParam.printfEmuLog = false; coreParam.headLess = false; #ifndef _WIN32 if (g_Config.iWindowZoom < 1 || g_Config.iWindowZoom > 2) g_Config.iWindowZoom = 1; #endif coreParam.renderWidth = 480 * g_Config.iWindowZoom; coreParam.renderHeight = 272 * g_Config.iWindowZoom; coreParam.outputWidth = dp_xres; coreParam.outputHeight = dp_yres; coreParam.pixelWidth = pixel_xres; coreParam.pixelHeight = pixel_yres; if (g_Config.SSAntiAliasing) { coreParam.renderWidth *= 2; coreParam.renderHeight *= 2; } std::string error_string; if (PSP_Init(coreParam, &error_string)) { invalid_ = false; } else { invalid_ = true; errorMessage_ = error_string; ERROR_LOG(BOOT, "%s", errorMessage_.c_str()); return; } globalUIState = UISTATE_INGAME; host->BootDone(); host->UpdateDisassembly(); LayoutGamepad(dp_xres, dp_yres); g_gameInfoCache.FlushBGs(); NOTICE_LOG(BOOT, "Loading %s...", fileToStart.c_str()); I18NCategory *s = GetI18NCategory("Screen"); #ifdef _WIN32 if (g_Config.bFirstRun) { osm.Show(s->T("PressESC", "Press ESC to open the pause menu"), 3.0f); } #endif memset(&fakeInputState, 0, sizeof(fakeInputState)); memset(virtKeys, 0, sizeof(virtKeys)); }
bool AndroidJavaEGLGraphicsContext::InitFromRenderThread(ANativeWindow *wnd, int desiredBackbufferSizeX, int desiredBackbufferSizeY, int backbufferFormat, int androidVersion) { ILOG("AndroidJavaEGLGraphicsContext::InitFromRenderThread"); CheckGLExtensions(); draw_ = Draw::T3DCreateGLContext(); renderManager_ = (GLRenderManager *)draw_->GetNativeObject(Draw::NativeObject::RENDER_MANAGER); bool success = draw_->CreatePresets(); return success; }
EmuScreen::EmuScreen(const std::string &filename) : invalid_(true) { CheckGLExtensions(); std::string fileToStart = filename; // This is probably where we should start up the emulated PSP. INFO_LOG(BOOT, "Starting up hardware."); CoreParameter coreParam; coreParam.cpuCore = g_Config.bJit ? CPU_JIT : CPU_INTERPRETER; coreParam.gpuCore = GPU_GLES; coreParam.enableSound = g_Config.bEnableSound; coreParam.fileToStart = fileToStart; coreParam.mountIso = ""; coreParam.startPaused = false; coreParam.enableDebugging = false; coreParam.printfEmuLog = false; coreParam.headLess = false; #ifndef _WIN32 if (g_Config.iWindowZoom < 1 || g_Config.iWindowZoom > 2) g_Config.iWindowZoom = 1; #endif coreParam.renderWidth = 480 * g_Config.iWindowZoom; coreParam.renderHeight = 272 * g_Config.iWindowZoom; coreParam.outputWidth = dp_xres; coreParam.outputHeight = dp_yres; coreParam.pixelWidth = pixel_xres; coreParam.pixelHeight = pixel_yres; coreParam.useMediaEngine = false; std::string error_string; if (PSP_Init(coreParam, &error_string)) { invalid_ = false; } else { invalid_ = true; errorMessage_ = error_string; ERROR_LOG(BOOT, "%s", errorMessage_.c_str()); return; } globalUIState = UISTATE_INGAME; host->BootDone(); host->UpdateDisassembly(); #ifdef _WIN32 if (g_Config.bAutoRun) { Core_EnableStepping(false); } else { Core_EnableStepping(true); } #endif LayoutGamepad(dp_xres, dp_yres); NOTICE_LOG(BOOT, "Loading %s...", fileToStart.c_str()); }
bool WindowsHeadlessHost::InitGraphics(std::string *error_message, GraphicsContext **ctx) { hWnd = CreateHiddenWindow(); if (WINDOW_VISIBLE) { ShowWindow(hWnd, TRUE); SetFocus(hWnd); } WindowsGraphicsContext *graphicsContext = nullptr; switch (gpuCore_) { case GPU_NULL: case GPU_GLES: case GPU_SOFTWARE: graphicsContext = new WindowsGLContext(); break; case GPU_DIRECTX9: graphicsContext = new D3D9Context(); break; case GPU_DIRECTX11: return false; case GPU_VULKAN: graphicsContext = new WindowsVulkanContext(); break; } if (graphicsContext->Init(NULL, hWnd, error_message)) { *ctx = graphicsContext; gfx_ = graphicsContext; } else { delete graphicsContext; *ctx = nullptr; gfx_ = nullptr; return false; } if (gpuCore_ == GPU_GLES) { // TODO: Do we need to do this here? CheckGLExtensions(); } LoadNativeAssets(); return true; }
void fbo_unbind() { if (g_overriddenBackbuffer) { fbo_bind_as_render_target(g_overriddenBackbuffer); return; } CheckGLExtensions(); if (gl_extensions.FBO_ARB) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); } else { #ifndef USING_GLES2 glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); #endif } // Bind OE framebuffer for rendering glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, framebuffer); currentDrawHandle_ = 0; currentReadHandle_ = 0; }
EmuScreen::EmuScreen(const std::string &filename) : invalid_(true) { CheckGLExtensions(); std::string fileToStart = filename; // This is probably where we should start up the emulated PSP. INFO_LOG(BOOT, "Starting up hardware."); CoreParameter coreParam; coreParam.cpuCore = (CPUCore)g_Config.iCpuCore; coreParam.gpuCore = GPU_GLES; coreParam.enableSound = g_Config.bEnableSound; coreParam.fileToStart = fileToStart; coreParam.mountIso = ""; coreParam.startPaused = false; coreParam.enableDebugging = false; coreParam.printfEmuLog = false; coreParam.headLess = false; if (g_Config.iWindowZoom < 1 || g_Config.iWindowZoom > 2) g_Config.iWindowZoom = 1; coreParam.renderWidth = 480 * g_Config.iWindowZoom; coreParam.renderHeight = 272 * g_Config.iWindowZoom; coreParam.outputWidth = dp_xres; coreParam.outputHeight = dp_yres; coreParam.pixelWidth = pixel_xres; coreParam.pixelHeight = pixel_yres; coreParam.useMediaEngine = false; std::string error_string; if (PSP_Init(coreParam, &error_string)) { invalid_ = false; } else { invalid_ = true; errorMessage_ = error_string; ERROR_LOG(BOOT, "%s", errorMessage_.c_str()); return; } LayoutGamepad(dp_xres, dp_yres); NOTICE_LOG(BOOT, "Loading %s...", fileToStart.c_str()); }
bool AndroidEGLGraphicsContext::Init(ANativeWindow *wnd, int backbufferWidth, int backbufferHeight, int backbufferFormat, int androidVersion) { wnd_ = wnd; gl = HostGL_CreateGLInterface(); if (!gl) { ELOG("ERROR: Failed to create GL interface"); return false; } ILOG("EGL interface created. Desired backbuffer size: %dx%d", backbufferWidth, backbufferHeight); // Apparently we still have to set this through Java through setFixedSize on the bufferHolder for it to take effect... gl->SetBackBufferDimensions(backbufferWidth, backbufferHeight); gl->SetMode(MODE_DETECT_ES); bool use565 = false; // This workaround seems only be needed on some really old devices. if (androidVersion < ANDROID_VERSION_ICS) { switch (backbufferFormat) { case 4: // PixelFormat.RGB_565 use565 = true; break; default: break; } } if (!gl->Create(wnd, false, use565)) { ELOG("EGL creation failed! (use565=%d)", (int)use565); // TODO: What do we do now? delete gl; return false; } gl->MakeCurrent(); CheckGLExtensions(); draw_ = Draw::T3DCreateGLContext(); return true; }
void fbo_unbind() { if (g_overriddenBackbuffer) { fbo_bind_as_render_target(g_overriddenBackbuffer); return; } CheckGLExtensions(); #ifndef USING_GLES2 if (gl_extensions.ARB_framebuffer_object || gl_extensions.IsGLES) { glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); } else if (gl_extensions.EXT_framebuffer_object) { glBindFramebufferEXT(GL_FRAMEBUFFER_EXT, 0); } #else glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, 0); #endif #ifdef IOS bindDefaultFBO(); #endif currentDrawHandle_ = 0; currentReadHandle_ = 0; }
GLDummyGraphicsContext() { CheckGLExtensions(); draw_ = Draw::T3DCreateGLContext(); bool success = draw_->CreatePresets(); assert(success); }
void NativeInitGraphics() { CheckGLExtensions(); gl_lost_manager_init(); ui_draw2d.SetAtlas(&ui_atlas); ui_draw2d_front.SetAtlas(&ui_atlas); UIShader_Init(); // memset(&ui_theme, 0, sizeof(ui_theme)); // New style theme #ifdef _WIN32 ui_theme.uiFont = UI::FontStyle(UBUNTU24, g_Config.sFont.c_str(), 22); ui_theme.uiFontSmall = UI::FontStyle(UBUNTU24, g_Config.sFont.c_str(), 15); ui_theme.uiFontSmaller = UI::FontStyle(UBUNTU24, g_Config.sFont.c_str(), 12); #else ui_theme.uiFont = UI::FontStyle(UBUNTU24, "", 20); ui_theme.uiFontSmall = UI::FontStyle(UBUNTU24, "", 14); ui_theme.uiFontSmaller = UI::FontStyle(UBUNTU24, "", 11); #endif ui_theme.checkOn = I_CHECKEDBOX; ui_theme.checkOff = I_SQUARE; ui_theme.whiteImage = I_SOLIDWHITE; ui_theme.sliderKnob = I_CIRCLE; ui_theme.dropShadow4Grid = I_DROP_SHADOW; /* ui_theme.buttonStyle.background = UI::Drawable(UI::DRAW_4GRID, I_BUTTON); ui_theme.buttonStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.buttonStyle.image = I_BUTTON; ui_theme.buttonFocusedStyle.background = UI::Drawable(UI::DRAW_4GRID, I_BUTTON, 0xFFe0e0e0); ui_theme.buttonFocusedStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.buttonDownStyle.background = UI::Drawable(UI::DRAW_4GRID, I_BUTTON_SELECTED, 0xFFFFFFFF); ui_theme.buttonDownStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.buttonDisabledStyle.background = UI::Drawable(UI::DRAW_4GRID, I_BUTTON, 0xFF404040); ui_theme.buttonDisabledStyle.fgColor = 0xFF707070; */ ui_theme.itemStyle.background = UI::Drawable(0x55000000); ui_theme.itemStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.itemFocusedStyle.background = UI::Drawable(0xFFedc24c); ui_theme.itemDownStyle.background = UI::Drawable(0xFFbd9939); ui_theme.itemDownStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.itemDisabledStyle.background = UI::Drawable(0x55E0D4AF); ui_theme.itemDisabledStyle.fgColor = 0x80EEEEEE; ui_theme.itemHighlightedStyle.background = UI::Drawable(0x55bdBB39); ui_theme.itemHighlightedStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.buttonStyle = ui_theme.itemStyle; ui_theme.buttonFocusedStyle = ui_theme.itemFocusedStyle; ui_theme.buttonDownStyle = ui_theme.itemDownStyle; ui_theme.buttonDisabledStyle = ui_theme.itemDisabledStyle; ui_theme.buttonHighlightedStyle = ui_theme.itemHighlightedStyle; ui_theme.popupTitle.fgColor = 0xFFE3BE59; ui_draw2d.Init(); ui_draw2d_front.Init(); uiTexture = new Texture(); if (!uiTexture->Load("ui_atlas.zim")) { PanicAlert("Failed to load ui_atlas.zim.\n\nPlace it in the directory \"assets\" under your PPSSPP directory."); ELOG("Failed to load ui_atlas.zim"); } uiTexture->Bind(0); uiContext = new UIContext(); uiContext->theme = &ui_theme; uiContext->Init(UIShader_Get(), UIShader_GetPlain(), uiTexture, &ui_draw2d, &ui_draw2d_front); if (uiContext->Text()) uiContext->Text()->SetFont("Tahoma", 20, 0); screenManager->setUIContext(uiContext); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glstate.viewport.set(0, 0, pixel_xres, pixel_yres); }
Thin3DContext *CreateThin3DContext() { CheckGLExtensions(); return T3DCreateGLContext(); }
FBO *fbo_create(int width, int height, int num_color_textures, bool z_stencil, FBOColorDepth colorDepth) { CheckGLExtensions(); #ifndef USING_GLES2 if (!gl_extensions.ARB_framebuffer_object && gl_extensions.EXT_framebuffer_object) { return fbo_ext_create(width, height, num_color_textures, z_stencil, colorDepth); } else if (!gl_extensions.ARB_framebuffer_object) { return nullptr; } // If GLES2, we have basic FBO support and can just proceed. #endif FBO *fbo = new FBO(); fbo->native_fbo = false; fbo->width = width; fbo->height = height; fbo->colorDepth = colorDepth; // Color texture is same everywhere glGenFramebuffers(1, &fbo->handle); glGenTextures(1, &fbo->color_texture); // Create the surfaces. glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, fbo->color_texture); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); // TODO: We could opt to only create 16-bit render targets on slow devices. For later. switch (colorDepth) { case FBO_8888: glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, NULL); break; case FBO_4444: glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_4_4_4_4, NULL); break; case FBO_5551: glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGBA, width, height, 0, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_5_5_1, NULL); break; case FBO_565: glTexImage2D(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0, GL_RGB, width, height, 0, GL_RGB, GL_UNSIGNED_SHORT_5_6_5, NULL); break; } glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); if (gl_extensions.IsGLES) { if (gl_extensions.OES_packed_depth_stencil) { ILOG("Creating %i x %i FBO using DEPTH24_STENCIL8", width, height); // Standard method fbo->stencil_buffer = 0; fbo->z_buffer = 0; // 24-bit Z, 8-bit stencil combined glGenRenderbuffers(1, &fbo->z_stencil_buffer); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->z_stencil_buffer); glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8_OES, width, height); // Bind it all together glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo->handle); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, fbo->color_texture, 0); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->z_stencil_buffer); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->z_stencil_buffer); } else { ILOG("Creating %i x %i FBO using separate stencil", width, height); // TEGRA fbo->z_stencil_buffer = 0; // 16/24-bit Z, separate 8-bit stencil glGenRenderbuffers(1, &fbo->z_buffer); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->z_buffer); // Don't forget to make sure fbo_standard_z_depth() matches. glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, gl_extensions.OES_depth24 ? GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT24 : GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT16, width, height); // 8-bit stencil buffer glGenRenderbuffers(1, &fbo->stencil_buffer); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->stencil_buffer); glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_INDEX8, width, height); // Bind it all together glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo->handle); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, fbo->color_texture, 0); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->z_buffer); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->stencil_buffer); } } else { fbo->stencil_buffer = 0; fbo->z_buffer = 0; // 24-bit Z, 8-bit stencil glGenRenderbuffers(1, &fbo->z_stencil_buffer); glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->z_stencil_buffer); glRenderbufferStorage(GL_RENDERBUFFER, GL_DEPTH24_STENCIL8, width, height); // Bind it all together glBindFramebuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, fbo->handle); glFramebufferTexture2D(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_COLOR_ATTACHMENT0, GL_TEXTURE_2D, fbo->color_texture, 0); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_DEPTH_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->z_stencil_buffer); glFramebufferRenderbuffer(GL_FRAMEBUFFER, GL_STENCIL_ATTACHMENT, GL_RENDERBUFFER, fbo->z_stencil_buffer); } GLenum status = glCheckFramebufferStatus(GL_FRAMEBUFFER); switch(status) { case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_COMPLETE: // ILOG("Framebuffer verified complete."); break; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED: ELOG("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_UNSUPPORTED"); break; case GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT: ELOG("GL_FRAMEBUFFER_INCOMPLETE_ATTACHMENT "); break; default: FLOG("Other framebuffer error: %i", status); break; } // Unbind state we don't need glBindRenderbuffer(GL_RENDERBUFFER, 0); glBindTexture(GL_TEXTURE_2D, 0); currentDrawHandle_ = fbo->handle; currentReadHandle_ = fbo->handle; return fbo; }
bool GL_Init(HWND window, std::string *error_message) { *error_message = "ok"; hWnd = window; GLuint PixelFormat; // TODO: Change to use WGL_ARB_pixel_format instead static const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = { sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), // Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor 1, // Version Number PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | // Format Must Support Window PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | // Format Must Support OpenGL PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, // Must Support Double Buffering PFD_TYPE_RGBA, // Request An RGBA Format 24, // Select Our Color Depth 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Color Bits Ignored 8, // No Alpha Buffer 0, // Shift Bit Ignored 0, // No Accumulation Buffer 0, 0, 0, 0, // Accumulation Bits Ignored 16, // At least a 16Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer) 8, // 8-bit Stencil Buffer 0, // No Auxiliary Buffer PFD_MAIN_PLANE, // Main Drawing Layer 0, // Reserved 0, 0, 0 // Layer Masks Ignored }; hDC = GetDC(hWnd); if (!hDC) { *error_message = "Failed to get a device context."; return false; // Return FALSE } if (!(PixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, &pfd))) { *error_message = "Can't find a suitable PixelFormat."; return false; } if (!SetPixelFormat(hDC, PixelFormat, &pfd)) { *error_message = "Can't set the PixelFormat."; return false; } if (!(hRC = wglCreateContext(hDC))) { *error_message = "Can't create a GL rendering context."; return false; } if (!wglMakeCurrent(hDC, hRC)) { *error_message = "Can't activate the GL rendering context."; return false; } // Check for really old OpenGL drivers and refuse to run really early in some cases. // TODO: Also either tell the user to give up or point the user to the right websites. Here's some collected // information about a system that will not work: // GL_VERSION GL_VENDOR GL_RENDERER // "1.4.0 - Build" "intel" intel Pineview Platform I18NCategory *err = GetI18NCategory("Error"); std::string glVersion = (const char *)glGetString(GL_VERSION); std::string glRenderer = (const char *)glGetString(GL_RENDERER); const std::string openGL_1 = "1."; if (glRenderer == "GDI Generic" || glVersion.substr(0, openGL_1.size()) == openGL_1) { const char *defaultError = "Insufficient OpenGL driver support detected!\n\n" "Your GPU reports that it does not support OpenGL 2.0, which is currently required for PPSSPP to run.\n\n" "Please check that your GPU is compatible with OpenGL 2.0.If it is, you need to find and install new graphics drivers from your GPU vendor's website.\n\n" "Visit the forums at for more information.\n\n"; std::wstring versionDetected = ConvertUTF8ToWString(glVersion + "\n\n"); std::wstring error = ConvertUTF8ToWString(err->T("InsufficientOpenGLDriver", defaultError)); std::wstring title = ConvertUTF8ToWString(err->T("OpenGLDriverError", "OpenGL driver error")); std::wstring combined = versionDetected + error; MessageBox(hWnd, combined.c_str(), title.c_str(), MB_ICONERROR); // Avoid further error messages. Let's just bail, it's safe, and we can't continue. ExitProcess(0); } if (GLEW_OK != glewInit()) { *error_message = "Failed to initialize GLEW."; return false; } CheckGLExtensions(); int contextFlags = enableGLDebug ? WGL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB : 0; // Alright, now for the modernity. First try a 4.4, then 4.3, context, if that fails try 3.3. // I can't seem to find a way that lets you simply request the newest version available. const int attribs44[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 4, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 4, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, contextFlags, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, 0 }; const int attribs43[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 4, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, contextFlags, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, 0 }; const int attribs33[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, contextFlags, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, 0 }; HGLRC m_hrc; if(wglewIsSupported("WGL_ARB_create_context") == 1) { m_hrc = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(hDC, 0, attribs44); if (!m_hrc) m_hrc = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(hDC, 0, attribs43); if (!m_hrc) m_hrc = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(hDC, 0, attribs33); if (!m_hrc) { // Fall back m_hrc = hRC; } else { // Switch to the new ARB context. wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); wglDeleteContext(hRC); wglMakeCurrent(hDC, m_hrc); } } else { // We can't make a GL 3.x context. Use an old style context (GL 2.1 and before) m_hrc = hRC; } if (GLEW_OK != glewInit()) { *error_message = "Failed to re-initialize GLEW."; return false; } if (!m_hrc) { *error_message = "No m_hrc"; return false; } hRC = m_hrc; /* MessageBox(0,ConvertUTF8ToWString((const char *)glGetString(GL_VERSION)).c_str(),0,0); MessageBox(0,ConvertUTF8ToWString((const char *)glGetString(GL_VENDOR)).c_str(),0,0); MessageBox(0,ConvertUTF8ToWString((const char *)glGetString(GL_RENDERER)).c_str(),0,0); MessageBox(0,ConvertUTF8ToWString((const char *)glGetString(GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION)).c_str(),0,0); */ glstate.Initialize(); if (wglSwapIntervalEXT) wglSwapIntervalEXT(0); if (enableGLDebug && glewIsSupported("GL_ARB_debug_output")) { glDebugMessageCallbackARB((GLDEBUGPROCARB)&DebugCallbackARB, 0); // print debug output to stderr glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB); } GL_Resized(); // Set up our perspective GL screen return true; // Success }
Draw::DrawContext *CreateThin3DContext() override { CheckGLExtensions(); return Draw::T3DCreateGLContext(); }
AndroidJavaEGLGraphicsContext() { CheckGLExtensions(); draw_ = Draw::T3DCreateGLContext(); }
bool GL_Init(HWND window, std::string *error_message) { *error_message = "ok"; hWnd = window; GLuint PixelFormat; static const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = { sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), // Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor 1, // Version Number PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | // Format Must Support Window PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | // Format Must Support OpenGL PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, // Must Support Double Buffering PFD_TYPE_RGBA, // Request An RGBA Format 32, // Select Our Color Depth 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Color Bits Ignored 0, // No Alpha Buffer 0, // Shift Bit Ignored 0, // No Accumulation Buffer 0, 0, 0, 0, // Accumulation Bits Ignored 16, // 16Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer) 0, // No Stencil Buffer 0, // No Auxiliary Buffer PFD_MAIN_PLANE, // Main Drawing Layer 0, // Reserved 0, 0, 0 // Layer Masks Ignored }; hDC = GetDC(hWnd); if (!hDC) { *error_message = "Failed to get a device context."; return false; // Return FALSE } // Did Windows Find A Matching Pixel Format? if (!(PixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(hDC,&pfd))) { *error_message = "Can't Find A Suitable PixelFormat."; return false; } // Are We Able To Set The Pixel Format? if (!SetPixelFormat(hDC,PixelFormat,&pfd)) { *error_message = "Can't Set The PixelFormat."; return false; } // Are We Able To Get A Rendering Context? if (!(hRC = wglCreateContext(hDC))) { *error_message = "Can't Create A GL Rendering Context."; return false; } // Try To Activate The Rendering Context if (!wglMakeCurrent(hDC,hRC)) { *error_message = "Can't activate the GL Rendering Context."; return false; } if (GLEW_OK != glewInit()) { *error_message = "Failed to initialize GLEW."; return false; } // Alright, now for the modernity. static const int attribs[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 1, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, enableGLDebug ? WGL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB : 0, 0 }; HGLRC m_hrc; if(wglewIsSupported("WGL_ARB_create_context") == 1) { m_hrc = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(hDC, 0, attribs); if (!m_hrc) { // Fall back m_hrc = hRC; } else { // Switch to the new ARB context. wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); wglDeleteContext(hRC); wglMakeCurrent(hDC, m_hrc); } } else { // We can't make a GL 3.x context. Use an old style context (GL 2.1 and before) m_hrc = hRC; } if (!m_hrc) { *error_message = "No m_hrc"; return false; } hRC = m_hrc; //Checking GL version const char *GLVersionString = (const char *)glGetString(GL_VERSION); //Or better yet, use the GL3 way to get the version number int OpenGLVersion[2]; glGetIntegerv(GL_MAJOR_VERSION, &OpenGLVersion[0]); glGetIntegerv(GL_MINOR_VERSION, &OpenGLVersion[1]); glstate.Initialize(); CheckGLExtensions(); GL_SetVSyncInterval(0); if (enableGLDebug && glewIsSupported("GL_ARB_debug_output")) { glDebugMessageCallbackARB((GLDEBUGPROCARB)&DebugCallbackARB, 0); // print debug output to stderr glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB); } GL_Resized(); // Set Up Our Perspective GL Screen return true; // Success }
Texture::Texture() : id_(0) { CheckGLExtensions(); register_gl_resource_holder(this); }
bool WindowsGLContext::Init(HINSTANCE hInst, HWND window, std::string *error_message) { *error_message = "ok"; hWnd = window; GLuint PixelFormat; // TODO: Change to use WGL_ARB_pixel_format instead static const PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR pfd = { sizeof(PIXELFORMATDESCRIPTOR), // Size Of This Pixel Format Descriptor 1, // Version Number PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW | // Format Must Support Window PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL | // Format Must Support OpenGL PFD_DOUBLEBUFFER, // Must Support Double Buffering PFD_TYPE_RGBA, // Request An RGBA Format 24, // Select Our Color Depth 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, // Color Bits Ignored 8, // No Alpha Buffer 0, // Shift Bit Ignored 0, // No Accumulation Buffer 0, 0, 0, 0, // Accumulation Bits Ignored 16, // At least a 16Bit Z-Buffer (Depth Buffer) 8, // 8-bit Stencil Buffer 0, // No Auxiliary Buffer PFD_MAIN_PLANE, // Main Drawing Layer 0, // Reserved 0, 0, 0 // Layer Masks Ignored }; hDC = GetDC(hWnd); if (!hDC) { *error_message = "Failed to get a device context."; return false; // Return FALSE } if (!(PixelFormat = ChoosePixelFormat(hDC, &pfd))) { *error_message = "Can't find a suitable PixelFormat."; return false; } if (!SetPixelFormat(hDC, PixelFormat, &pfd)) { *error_message = "Can't set the PixelFormat."; return false; } if (!(hRC = wglCreateContext(hDC))) { *error_message = "Can't create a GL rendering context."; return false; } if (!wglMakeCurrent(hDC, hRC)) { *error_message = "Can't activate the GL rendering context."; return false; } // Check for really old OpenGL drivers and refuse to run really early in some cases. // TODO: Also either tell the user to give up or point the user to the right websites. Here's some collected // information about a system that will not work: // GL_VERSION GL_VENDOR GL_RENDERER // "1.4.0 - Build" "intel" intel Pineview Platform I18NCategory *err = GetI18NCategory("Error"); std::string glVersion = (const char *)glGetString(GL_VERSION); std::string glRenderer = (const char *)glGetString(GL_RENDERER); const std::string openGL_1 = "1."; if (glRenderer == "GDI Generic" || glVersion.substr(0, openGL_1.size()) == openGL_1) { //The error may come from 16-bit colour mode //Check Colour depth HDC dc = GetDC(NULL); u32 colour_depth = GetDeviceCaps(dc, BITSPIXEL); ReleaseDC(NULL, dc); if (colour_depth != 32){ MessageBox(0, L"Please switch your display to 32-bit colour mode", L"OpenGL Error", MB_OK); ExitProcess(1); } const char *defaultError = "Insufficient OpenGL driver support detected!\n\n" "Your GPU reports that it does not support OpenGL 2.0. Would you like to try using DirectX 9 instead?\n\n" "DirectX is currently compatible with less games, but on your GPU it may be the only choice.\n\n" "Visit the forums at for more information.\n\n"; std::wstring versionDetected = ConvertUTF8ToWString(glVersion + "\n\n"); std::wstring error = ConvertUTF8ToWString(err->T("InsufficientOpenGLDriver", defaultError)); std::wstring title = ConvertUTF8ToWString(err->T("OpenGLDriverError", "OpenGL driver error")); std::wstring combined = versionDetected + error; bool yes = IDYES == MessageBox(hWnd, combined.c_str(), title.c_str(), MB_ICONERROR | MB_YESNO); if (yes) { // Change the config to D3D and restart. g_Config.iGPUBackend = GPU_BACKEND_DIRECT3D9; g_Config.Save(); W32Util::ExitAndRestart(); } // Avoid further error messages. Let's just bail, it's safe, and we can't continue. ExitProcess(1); } if (GLEW_OK != glewInit()) { *error_message = "Failed to initialize GLEW."; return false; } CheckGLExtensions(); int contextFlags = g_Config.bGfxDebugOutput ? WGL_CONTEXT_DEBUG_BIT_ARB : 0; // Alright, now for the modernity. First try a 4.4, then 4.3, context, if that fails try 3.3. // I can't seem to find a way that lets you simply request the newest version available. const int attribs44[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 4, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 4, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, contextFlags, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, 0 }; const int attribs43[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 4, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, contextFlags, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, 0 }; const int attribs33[] = { WGL_CONTEXT_MAJOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, WGL_CONTEXT_MINOR_VERSION_ARB, 3, WGL_CONTEXT_FLAGS_ARB, contextFlags, WGL_CONTEXT_PROFILE_MASK_ARB, WGL_CONTEXT_COMPATIBILITY_PROFILE_BIT_ARB, 0 }; HGLRC m_hrc; if (wglewIsSupported("WGL_ARB_create_context") == 1) { m_hrc = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(hDC, 0, attribs44); if (!m_hrc) m_hrc = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(hDC, 0, attribs43); if (!m_hrc) m_hrc = wglCreateContextAttribsARB(hDC, 0, attribs33); if (!m_hrc) { // Fall back m_hrc = hRC; } else { // Switch to the new ARB context. wglMakeCurrent(NULL, NULL); wglDeleteContext(hRC); wglMakeCurrent(hDC, m_hrc); } } else { // We can't make a GL 3.x context. Use an old style context (GL 2.1 and before) m_hrc = hRC; } if (GLEW_OK != glewInit()) { *error_message = "Failed to re-initialize GLEW."; return false; } if (!m_hrc) { *error_message = "No m_hrc"; return false; } hRC = m_hrc; SwapInterval(0); if (g_Config.bGfxDebugOutput) { if (wglewIsSupported("GL_KHR_debug") == 1) { glGetError(); glDebugMessageCallback((GLDEBUGPROC)&DebugCallbackARB, nullptr); if (glGetError()) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Failed to register a debug log callback"); } glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS); if (glGetError()) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Failed to enable synchronous debug output"); } } else if (glewIsSupported("GL_ARB_debug_output")) { glGetError(); glDebugMessageCallbackARB((GLDEBUGPROCARB)&DebugCallbackARB, 0); // print debug output to stderr if (glGetError()) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Failed to register a debug log callback"); } glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT_SYNCHRONOUS_ARB); if (glGetError()) { ERROR_LOG(G3D, "Failed to enable synchronous debug output"); } // For extra verbosity uncomment this (MEDIUM and HIGH are on by default): // glDebugMessageControlARB(GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DONT_CARE, GL_DEBUG_SEVERITY_LOW_ARB, 0, nullptr, GL_TRUE); } glEnable(GL_DEBUG_OUTPUT); } pauseRequested = false; resumeRequested = false; // These are auto-reset events. pauseEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); resumeEvent = CreateEvent(NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL); return true; // Success }
void NativeInitGraphics() { CheckGLExtensions(); gl_lost_manager_init(); ui_draw2d.SetAtlas(&ui_atlas); UIShader_Init(); // Old style theme, to be removed later UITheme theme = {0}; theme.uiFont = UBUNTU24; theme.uiFontSmall = UBUNTU24; theme.uiFontSmaller = UBUNTU24; theme.buttonImage = I_BUTTON; theme.buttonSelected = I_BUTTON_SELECTED; theme.checkOn = I_CHECKEDBOX; theme.checkOff = I_SQUARE; // memset(&ui_theme, 0, sizeof(ui_theme)); // New style theme ui_theme.uiFont = UBUNTU24; ui_theme.uiFontSmall = UBUNTU24; ui_theme.uiFontSmaller = UBUNTU24; ui_theme.checkOn = I_CHECKEDBOX; ui_theme.checkOff = I_SQUARE; ui_theme.whiteImage = SOLIDWHITE; ui_theme.sliderKnob = I_CIRCLE; ui_theme.buttonStyle.background = UI::Drawable(UI::DRAW_4GRID, I_BUTTON); ui_theme.buttonStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.buttonStyle.image = I_BUTTON; ui_theme.buttonFocusedStyle.background = UI::Drawable(UI::DRAW_4GRID, I_BUTTON, 0xFFe0e0e0); ui_theme.buttonFocusedStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.buttonDownStyle.background = UI::Drawable(UI::DRAW_4GRID, I_BUTTON_SELECTED, 0xFFFFFFFF); ui_theme.buttonDownStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.buttonDisabledStyle.background = UI::Drawable(UI::DRAW_4GRID, I_BUTTON, 0xFF404040); ui_theme.buttonDisabledStyle.fgColor = 0xFF707070; ui_theme.itemStyle.background = UI::Drawable(0x55000000); ui_theme.itemStyle.fgColor = 0xFFFFFFFF; ui_theme.itemFocusedStyle.background = UI::Drawable(0xCC909080); ui_theme.itemDownStyle.background = UI::Drawable(0xFFFFc080); ui_theme.itemDownStyle.fgColor = 0xFF000000; ui_theme.popupTitle.fgColor = 0xFFE5B533; ui_draw2d.Init(); ui_draw2d_front.Init(); UIInit(&ui_atlas, theme); uiTexture = new Texture(); if (!uiTexture->Load("ui_atlas.zim")) { PanicAlert("Failed to load ui_atlas.zim.\n\nPlace it in the directory \"assets\" under your PPSSPP directory."); ELOG("Failed to load ui_atlas.zim"); } uiTexture->Bind(0); uiContext = new UIContext(); uiContext->theme = &ui_theme; uiContext->Init(UIShader_Get(), UIShader_GetPlain(), uiTexture, &ui_draw2d, &ui_draw2d_front); screenManager->setUIContext(uiContext); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_S, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_WRAP_T, GL_REPEAT); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MAG_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glTexParameteri(GL_TEXTURE_2D, GL_TEXTURE_MIN_FILTER, GL_LINEAR); glstate.viewport.set(0, 0, pixel_xres, pixel_yres); }