예제 #1
// Peeks how much whitespace to eat
int CUtlBuffer::PeekWhiteSpace( int nOffset )
	if ( !IsText() || !IsValid() )
		return 0;

	while ( CheckPeekGet( nOffset, sizeof(char) ) )
		if ( !isspace( *(unsigned char*)PeekGet( nOffset ) ) )
		nOffset += sizeof(char);

	return nOffset;
// This version of PeekStringLength converts \" to \\ and " to \, etc.
// It also reads a " at the beginning and end of the string
int CUtlBufferEditor::PeekDelimitedStringLength( CUtlCharConversion *pConv, bool bActualSize )
	if ( !IsText() || !pConv )
		return PeekStringLength();

	// Eat preceeding whitespace
	int nOffset = 0;
	if ( IsText() )
		nOffset = PeekWhiteSpace( nOffset );

	if ( !PeekStringMatch( nOffset, pConv->GetDelimiter(), pConv->GetDelimiterLength() ) )
		return 0;

	// Try to read ending ", but don't accept \"
	int nActualStart = nOffset;
	nOffset += pConv->GetDelimiterLength();
	int nLen = 1;	// Starts at 1 for the '\0' termination

		if ( PeekStringMatch( nOffset, pConv->GetDelimiter(), pConv->GetDelimiterLength() ) )

		if ( !CheckPeekGet( nOffset, 1 ) )

		char c = *(const char*)PeekGet( nOffset );
		if ( c == pConv->GetEscapeChar() )
			int nLength = pConv->MaxConversionLength();
			if ( !CheckArbitraryPeekGet( nOffset, nLength ) )

			pConv->FindConversion( (const char*)PeekGet(nOffset), &nLength );
			nOffset += nLength;
	}  while (true);

	return bActualSize ? nLen : nOffset - nActualStart + pConv->GetDelimiterLength() + 1;
// Advance the get index until after the particular string is found
// Do not eat whitespace before starting. Return false if it failed
bool CUtlBufferEditor::GetToken( const char *pToken )
	Assert( pToken );

	// Look for the token
	int nLen = Q_strlen( pToken );

	int nSizeToCheck = Size() - TellGet() - m_nOffset;

	int nGet = TellGet();
		int nMaxSize = TellMaxPut() - TellGet();
		if ( nMaxSize < nSizeToCheck )
			nSizeToCheck = nMaxSize;
		if ( nLen > nSizeToCheck )

		if ( !CheckPeekGet( 0, nSizeToCheck ) )

		const char *pBufStart = (const char*)PeekGet();
		const char *pFoundEnd = Q_strnistr( pBufStart, pToken, nSizeToCheck );
		if ( pFoundEnd )
			size_t nOffset = (size_t)pFoundEnd - (size_t)pBufStart;
			SeekGet( CUtlBufferEditor::SEEK_CURRENT, nOffset + nLen );
			return true;

		SeekGet( CUtlBufferEditor::SEEK_CURRENT, nSizeToCheck - nLen - 1 );
		nSizeToCheck = Size() - (nLen-1);

	} while ( true );

	SeekGet( CUtlBufferEditor::SEEK_HEAD, nGet );
	return false;
// Call this to peek arbitrarily long into memory. It doesn't fail unless
// it can't read *anything* new
bool CUtlBufferEditor::CheckArbitraryPeekGet( int nOffset, int &nIncrement )
	if ( TellGet() + nOffset >= TellMaxPut() )
		nIncrement = 0;
		return false;

	if ( TellGet() + nOffset + nIncrement > TellMaxPut() )
		nIncrement = TellMaxPut() - TellGet() - nOffset;

	// NOTE: CheckPeekGet could modify TellMaxPut for streaming files
	// We have to call TellMaxPut again here
	CheckPeekGet( nOffset, nIncrement );
	int nMaxGet = TellMaxPut() - TellGet();
	if ( nMaxGet < nIncrement )
		nIncrement = nMaxGet;
	return (nIncrement != 0);
int CUtlBufferEditor::VaScanf( const char* pFmt, va_list list )
	Assert( pFmt );
	if ( m_Error || !IsText() )
		return 0;
	int numScanned = 0;
	int nLength;
	char c;
	char* pEnd;
	while ( c = *pFmt++ )
		// Stop if we hit the end of the buffer
		if ( m_Get >= TellMaxPut() )
			m_Error |= GET_OVERFLOW;

		switch (c)
		case ' ':
			// eat all whitespace

		case '%':
				// Conversion character... try to convert baby!
				char type = *pFmt++;
				if (type == 0)
					return numScanned;

				case 'c':
						char* ch = va_arg( list, char * );
						if ( CheckPeekGet( 0, sizeof(char) ) )
							*ch = *(const char*)PeekGet();
							*ch = 0;
							return numScanned;

				case 'i':
				case 'd':
						int* i = va_arg( list, int * );

						// NOTE: This is not bullet-proof; it assumes numbers are < 128 characters
						nLength = 128;
						if ( !CheckArbitraryPeekGet( 0, nLength ) )
							*i = 0;
							return numScanned;

						*i = strtol( (char*)PeekGet(), &pEnd, 10 );
						int nBytesRead = (int)( pEnd - (char*)PeekGet() );
						if ( nBytesRead == 0 )
							return numScanned;
						m_Get += nBytesRead;
				case 'x':
						int* i = va_arg( list, int * );

						// NOTE: This is not bullet-proof; it assumes numbers are < 128 characters
						nLength = 128;
						if ( !CheckArbitraryPeekGet( 0, nLength ) )
							*i = 0;
							return numScanned;

						*i = strtol( (char*)PeekGet(), &pEnd, 16 );
						int nBytesRead = (int)( pEnd - (char*)PeekGet() );
						if ( nBytesRead == 0 )
							return numScanned;
						m_Get += nBytesRead;
				case 'u':
						unsigned int* u = va_arg( list, unsigned int *);

						// NOTE: This is not bullet-proof; it assumes numbers are < 128 characters
						nLength = 128;
						if ( !CheckArbitraryPeekGet( 0, nLength ) )
							*u = 0;
							return numScanned;

						*u = strtoul( (char*)PeekGet(), &pEnd, 10 );
						int nBytesRead = (int)( pEnd - (char*)PeekGet() );
						if ( nBytesRead == 0 )
							return numScanned;
						m_Get += nBytesRead;
				case 'f':
						float* f = va_arg( list, float *);

						// NOTE: This is not bullet-proof; it assumes numbers are < 128 characters
						nLength = 128;
						if ( !CheckArbitraryPeekGet( 0, nLength ) )
							*f = 0.0f;
							return numScanned;

						*f = (float)strtod( (char*)PeekGet(), &pEnd );
						int nBytesRead = (int)( pEnd - (char*)PeekGet() );
						if ( nBytesRead == 0 )
							return numScanned;
						m_Get += nBytesRead;
				case 's':
						char* s = va_arg( list, char * );
						GetString( s );

						// unimplemented scanf type
						return numScanned;


				// Here we have to match the format string character
				// against what's in the buffer or we're done.
				if ( !CheckPeekGet( 0, sizeof(char) ) )
					return numScanned;

				if ( c != *(const char*)PeekGet() )
					return numScanned;

	return numScanned;
// Peek part of the butt
const void* CUtlBufferEditor::PeekGet( int nMaxSize, int nOffset )
	if ( !CheckPeekGet( nOffset, nMaxSize ) )
		return NULL;
	return &m_Memory[ m_Get + nOffset - m_nOffset ];
// Does the next bytes of the buffer match a pattern?
bool CUtlBufferEditor::PeekStringMatch( int nOffset, const char *pString, int nLen )
	if ( !CheckPeekGet( nOffset, nLen ) )
		return false;
	return !Q_strncmp( (const char*)PeekGet(nOffset), pString, nLen );