예제 #1
winding_t *ReverseWinding( winding_t *w )
	int		i;
	winding_t *neww;

	if( w->numpoints > MAX_POINTS_ON_WINDING )
		Error( "ReverseWinding: %i points", w->numpoints );

	neww = AllocWinding( w->numpoints );
	neww->numpoints = w->numpoints;
	for( i = 0; i < w->numpoints; i++ )		// add points backwards
		VectorCopy( w->points[w->numpoints - 1 - i], neww->points[i] );

	CheckWinding( neww );

	return neww;
예제 #2
void CreateBrushFaces (void)
	int				i,j, k;
	vec_t			r;
	face_t			*f, *next;
	winding_t		*w;
	plane_t			clipplane, faceplane;
	mface_t			*mf;
	vec3_t			offset, point;

	offset[0] = offset[1] = offset[2] = 0;
	ClearBounds( brush_mins, brush_maxs );

	brush_faces = NULL;

	if (!strncmp(ValueForKey(CurrentEntity, "classname"), "rotate_", 7))
		entity_t	*FoundEntity;
		char 		*searchstring;
		char		text[20];

		searchstring = ValueForKey (CurrentEntity, "target");
		FoundEntity = FindTargetEntity(searchstring);
		if (FoundEntity)
			GetVectorForKey(FoundEntity, "origin", offset);

		sprintf(text, "%g %g %g", offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);
		SetKeyValue(CurrentEntity, "origin", text);

	GetVectorForKey(CurrentEntity, "origin", offset);
	//printf("%i brushfaces at offset %f %f %f\n", numbrushfaces, offset[0], offset[1], offset[2]);

	for (i = 0;i < numbrushfaces;i++)
		mf = &faces[i];

		//printf("plane %f %f %f %f\n", mf->plane.normal[0], mf->plane.normal[1], mf->plane.normal[2], mf->plane.dist);
		faceplane = mf->plane;
		w = BaseWindingForPlane (&faceplane);

		//VectorNegate( faceplane.normal, point );
		for (j = 0;j < numbrushfaces && w;j++)
			clipplane = faces[j].plane;
			if( j == i/* || VectorCompare( clipplane.normal, point )*/ )

			// flip the plane, because we want to keep the back side
			VectorNegate(clipplane.normal, clipplane.normal);
			clipplane.dist *= -1;

			w = ClipWindingEpsilon (w, &clipplane, ON_EPSILON, true);

		if (!w)
			//printf("----- skipped plane -----\n");
			continue;	// overcontrained plane

		// this face is a keeper
		f = AllocFace ();
		f->winding = w;

		for (j = 0;j < w->numpoints;j++)
			for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
				point[k] = w->points[j][k] - offset[k];
				r = Q_rint( point[k] );
				if ( fabs( point[k] - r ) < ZERO_EPSILON)
					w->points[j][k] = r;
					w->points[j][k] = point[k];

				// check for incomplete brushes
				if( w->points[j][k] >= BOGUS_RANGE || w->points[j][k] <= -BOGUS_RANGE )

			// remove this brush
			if (k < 3)
				FreeFace (f);
				for (f = brush_faces; f; f = next)
					next = f->next;
					FreeFace (f);
				brush_faces = NULL;
				//printf("----- skipped brush -----\n");

			AddPointToBounds( w->points[j], brush_mins, brush_maxs );

		CheckWinding( w );

		faceplane.dist -= DotProduct(faceplane.normal, offset);
		f->texturenum = mf->texinfo;
		f->planenum = FindPlane (&faceplane, &f->planeside);
		f->next = brush_faces;
		brush_faces = f;

	// Rotatable objects have to have a bounding box big enough
	// to account for all its rotations.
	if (DotProduct(offset, offset))
		vec_t delta;

		delta = RadiusFromBounds( brush_mins, brush_maxs );

		for (k = 0;k < 3;k++)
			brush_mins[k] = -delta;
			brush_maxs[k] = delta;

	//printf("%i : %f %f %f : %f %f %f\n", numbrushfaces, brush_mins[0], brush_mins[1], brush_mins[2], brush_maxs[0], brush_maxs[1], brush_maxs[2]);
bool CollisionMesh::CheckCollisionsGJK1(CollisionMesh& otherMesh)
  std::vector<XMFLOAT3> convexHull;
  bool foundOrigin = false;

  std::vector<VPCNTDesc> vertices = GetVertices();
  std::vector<VPCNTDesc> otherVertices = otherMesh.GetVertices();
  XMMATRIX otherWorld = otherMesh.GetWorldTransform();
  XMMATRIX world = GetWorldTransform();

  // Pre-multiply the model's vertices so as to avoid transforming them during comparison.
  for (int vertIndex = 0; vertIndex < vertices.size(); vertIndex++)
    XMVECTOR vertexTransform = XMLoadFloat3(&vertices[vertIndex].Position);
    XMStoreFloat3(&vertices[vertIndex].Position, XMVector3Transform(vertexTransform, world));

  for (int otherVertIndex = 0; otherVertIndex < otherVertices.size(); otherVertIndex++)
    XMVECTOR vertexTransform = XMLoadFloat3(&otherVertices[otherVertIndex].Position);
    XMStoreFloat3(&otherVertices[otherVertIndex].Position, XMVector3Transform(vertexTransform, otherWorld));

  // Now we get to the fun part; the subtraction.
  for (int vertIndex = 0; vertIndex < vertices.size() && !foundOrigin; vertIndex++)
    XMFLOAT3 vertexValue = vertices[vertIndex].Position;
    XMVECTOR vertexTransform = XMLoadFloat3(&vertexValue);

    for (int otherVertIndex = 0; otherVertIndex < otherVertices.size() && !foundOrigin; otherVertIndex++)
      XMVECTOR otherVertexTransform = XMLoadFloat3(&otherVertices[otherVertIndex].Position);
      XMFLOAT3 convexHullPoint;

      XMVECTOR difference = XMVectorSubtract(vertexTransform, otherVertexTransform);
      XMStoreFloat3(&convexHullPoint, difference);

      foundOrigin = XMVector3Equal(difference, XMVectorZero());


  if (!foundOrigin)
    XMFLOAT3 collisionLine = XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 1250.0f, 500.0f);
    printf("We ain't found shit!");
    bool collision = true;
    int intersections = 0;
    for (int hullVertexIndex = 0; hullVertexIndex < convexHull.size() && convexHull.size() > 3; hullVertexIndex += 3)
      int secondIndex = (hullVertexIndex + 1) % (convexHull.size() - 1);
      int thirdIndex = (hullVertexIndex + 2) % (convexHull.size() - 1);

      XMFLOAT3 firstVert = convexHull[hullVertexIndex];
      XMFLOAT3 secondVert = convexHull[secondIndex];
      XMFLOAT3 thirdVert = convexHull[thirdIndex];
      XMFLOAT3 origin = XMFLOAT3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f);

      // we need to check the normal. Calculate using cross product.
      XMVECTOR firstVector = XMVectorSet(secondVert.x - firstVert.x, secondVert.y - firstVert.y, secondVert.z - firstVert.z, 0.0f);
      XMVECTOR secondVector = XMVectorSet(thirdVert.x - secondVert.x, thirdVert.y - secondVert.y, thirdVert.z - secondVert.z, 0.0f);

      XMFLOAT3 normal;
      XMStoreFloat3(&normal, XMVector3Normalize(XMVector3Cross(firstVector, secondVector)));

      // check to ensure no parallels are detected.
      float firstDot = (normal.x * collisionLine.x) + (normal.y * collisionLine.y) + (normal.z * collisionLine.z);
      if (firstDot < 0)
        float delta = -((normal.x * (origin.x - firstVert.x)) + (normal.y * (origin.y - firstVert.y)) + (normal.z * (origin.z - firstVert.y))) /

        if (delta < 0)

        XMFLOAT3 pointToCheck = XMFLOAT3(origin.x - (collisionLine.x * delta), origin.y - (collisionLine.y * delta), origin.z * (collisionLine.z * delta));

        bool firstCheck = CheckWinding(firstVert, secondVert, pointToCheck, normal);
        bool secondCheck = CheckWinding(secondVert, thirdVert, pointToCheck, normal);
        bool thirdCheck = CheckWinding(thirdVert, firstVert, pointToCheck, normal);

        if (firstCheck && secondCheck && thirdCheck)
          collision = false;

    if ((intersections % 2) == 1)
      foundOrigin = true;

  return foundOrigin;