예제 #1
template <typename INT> std::string ExoII_Read<INT>::Close_File()

  if (file_id < 0)
    return "ERROR: File is not open!";

  int err = ex_close(file_id);

  if (err < 0) {
    std::cout << "ExoII_Read::Close_File(): ERROR " << err << ": Unable to close file!  Aborting..."
              << '\n';
  if (err > 0) {
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << "WARNING: " << err << " issued upon close";
    return oss.str();

  file_id = -1;

  return "";
예제 #2
std::string Exo_Entity::Load_Attributes(int attr_index)

  if (fileId < 0)
    return "exodiff: ERROR:  Invalid file id!";
  if (id_ == EX_INVALID_ID)
    return "exodiff: ERROR:  Must initialize block parameters first!";
  SMART_ASSERT(attr_index >= 0 && attr_index < numAttr);

  if (!attributes_[attr_index] && numEntity) {
    attributes_[attr_index] = new double[numEntity];
    SMART_ASSERT(attributes_[attr_index] != nullptr);

  if (numEntity) {
    int err = 0;
    err     = ex_get_one_attr(fileId, exodus_type(), id_, attr_index + 1, attributes_[attr_index]);

    if (err < 0) {
      ERROR("Exo_Entity::Load_Attributes(): Call to exodus routine"
            << " returned error value! " << label() << " id = " << id_ << '\n'
            << "Aborting...\n");
    else if (err > 0) {
      std::ostringstream oss;
      oss << "WARNING:  Number " << err << " returned from call to exodus get attribute routine.";
      return oss.str();
    return std::string("WARNING:  No items in this ") + label();

  return "";
예제 #3
template <typename INT> void Exo_Block<INT>::Display(std::ostream &s) const

  s << "Exo_Block<INT>::Display()  block id = " << id_ << '\n'
    << "                  element type = " << elmt_type << '\n'
    << "               number of elmts = " << numEntity << '\n'
    << "      number of nodes per elmt = " << num_nodes_per_elmt << '\n'
    << "          number of attributes = " << attr_count() << '\n'
    << "           number of variables = " << var_count() << '\n';

  if (conn) {
    size_t index = 0;
    s << "       connectivity = ";
    for (size_t e = 0; e < numEntity; ++e) {
      if (e != 0)
        s << "                      ";
      s << "(" << (e + 1) << ") ";
      for (int n = 0; n < num_nodes_per_elmt; ++n)
        s << conn[index++] << " ";
      s << '\n';
예제 #4
std::string ExoII_Read<INT>::Global_to_Block_Local(size_t global_elmt_num, int &block_index,
                                                   size_t &local_elmt_index) const

  if (!Open())
    return "ERROR:  File not open!";
  if (global_elmt_num < 1 || global_elmt_num > num_elmts) {
    std::ostringstream oss;
    oss << "ERROR:  global_elmt_num = " << global_elmt_num << " is out of bounds [1, " << num_elmts
        << "]!";
    return oss.str();

  block_index = 0;

  size_t total = 0;
  while (total + eblocks[block_index].Size() < global_elmt_num)
    total += eblocks[block_index++].Size();

  local_elmt_index = global_elmt_num - total - 1;

  return "";
예제 #5
const double *Exo_Entity::Get_Attributes(int attr_index) const
  SMART_ASSERT(attr_index >= 0 && attr_index < numAttr);
  return attributes_[attr_index];
예제 #6
std::string Exo_Entity::Load_Results(int t1, int t2, double proportion, int var_index)
  static std::vector<double> results2;


  if (fileId < 0)
    return "exodiff: ERROR:  Invalid file id!";
  if (id_ == EX_INVALID_ID)
    return "exodiff: ERROR:  Must initialize block parameters first!";
  SMART_ASSERT(var_index >= 0 && var_index < numVars);
  SMART_ASSERT(t1 >= 1 && t1 <= (int)get_num_timesteps(fileId));
  SMART_ASSERT(t2 >= 1 && t2 <= (int)get_num_timesteps(fileId));

  if (t1 != currentStep) {
    currentStep = t1;

  if (truth_ == nullptr) {

  if (truth_[var_index]) {
    if (!results_[var_index] && numEntity) {
      results_[var_index] = new double[numEntity];
      SMART_ASSERT(results_[var_index] != nullptr);
    if (numEntity) {
      int err =
          ex_get_var(fileId, t1, exodus_type(), var_index + 1, id_, numEntity, results_[var_index]);

      if (err < 0) {
        ERROR("Exo_Entity::Load_Results(): Call to exodus routine"
              << " returned error value! " << label() << " id = " << id_ << '\n'
              << "Aborting...\n");
      else if (err > 0) {
        std::ostringstream oss;
        oss << "WARNING:  Number " << err << " returned from call to exodus get variable routine.";
        return oss.str();

      if (t1 != t2) {
        err = ex_get_var(fileId, t2, exodus_type(), var_index + 1, id_, numEntity, &results2[0]);

        if (err < 0) {
          ERROR("Exo_Entity::Load_Results(): Call to exodus routine"
                << " returned error value! " << label() << " id = " << id_ << '\n'
                << "Aborting...\n");

        double *results1 = results_[var_index];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < numEntity; i++) {
          results1[i] = (1.0 - proportion) * results1[i] + proportion * results2[i];
      return std::string("WARNING:  No items in this ") + label();
  else {
    return std::string("WARNING: Variable not stored in this ") + label();
  return "";
예제 #7
template <typename INT> void ExoII_Read<INT>::Display(std::ostream &s) const

  const char *separator = "       --------------------------------------------------";

  s << "ExoII_Read::Display():  file name = " << file_name << '\n';

  if (title != "")
    s << "                             title = " << title << '\n';

  s << "                           file id = ";
  if (file_id >= 0)
    s << file_id << '\n';
    s << "(not open)" << '\n';

  s << "                         dimension = " << dimension << '\n'
    << "                   number of nodes = " << num_nodes << '\n'
    << "                number of elements = " << num_elmts << '\n';

  if (dimension >= 1) {
    if (coord_names.size() >= 1)
      s << "             first coordinate name = " << coord_names[0] << '\n';
      s << "             first coordinate name = " << '\n';
  if (dimension >= 2) {
    if (coord_names.size() >= 2)
      s << "            second coordinate name = " << coord_names[1] << '\n';
      s << "            second coordinate name = " << '\n';
  if (dimension >= 3) {
    if (coord_names.size() >= 3)
      s << "             third coordinate name = " << coord_names[2] << '\n';
      s << "             third coordinate name = " << '\n';

  s << separator << '\n';
  s << "          number of element blocks = " << num_elmt_blocks << '\n'
    << "              number of nodes sets = " << num_node_sets << '\n'
    << "               number of side sets = " << num_side_sets << '\n';

  if (num_elmt_blocks) {
    s << separator << '\n';

    s << "                   ELEMENT BLOCKS" << '\n';
    s << "\tIndex \tId     num elmts    nodes/elmt num attr  type" << '\n';
    for (size_t b = 0; b < num_elmt_blocks; ++b) {
      s << "\t" << b << "   \t" << eblocks[b].Id() << "  \t" << eblocks[b].Size() << "  \t\t"
        << eblocks[b].num_nodes_per_elmt << "  \t  " << eblocks[b].attr_count() << "  \t "
        << eblocks[b].elmt_type << '\n';

  if (num_node_sets) {
    s << separator << '\n';

    s << "              NODE SETS " << '\n'
      << "\tIndex \tId     length \tdistribution factors length" << '\n';
    for (size_t nset = 0; nset < num_node_sets; ++nset) {
      s << "\t" << nset << "  \t" << nsets[nset].Id() << "  \t" << nsets[nset].Size() << "  \t"
        << nsets[nset].num_dist_factors << '\n';

  if (num_side_sets) {
    s << separator << '\n';

    s << "              SIDE SETS " << '\n'
      << "\tIndex \tId     length \tdistribution factors length" << '\n';
    for (size_t sset = 0; sset < num_side_sets; ++sset) {
      s << "\t" << sset << "  \t" << ssets[sset].Id() << "  \t" << ssets[sset].Size() << "  \t"
        << ssets[sset].num_dist_factors << '\n';

  if (io_word_size || db_version > 0.0 || api_version > 0.0)
    s << separator << '\n';
  if (io_word_size)
    s << "                  file's data size = " << io_word_size << " bytes" << '\n';
  if (db_version > 0.0)
    s << "           Exodus database version = " << db_version << '\n';
  if (api_version > 0.0)
    s << "            Exodus library version = " << api_version << '\n';

  s << separator << '\n';

  if (nodes) {
    s << "\tNodal Coordinates:" << '\n';
    for (size_t n = 0; n < num_nodes; ++n) {
      s << "\t" << (n + 1) << "\t" << nodes[n];
      if (dimension > 1)
        s << "\t" << nodes[num_nodes + n];
      if (dimension > 2)
        s << "\t" << nodes[num_nodes * 2 + n];
      s << '\n';
    s << separator << '\n';

  if (!elmt_atts.empty()) {
    s << "         number element attributes = " << elmt_atts.size() << '\n';

  if (num_times) { // Use this to indicate whether results data exists.
    s << "\t\tRESULTS INFO" << '\n' << separator << '\n';

    s << "           number global variables = " << global_vars.size() << '\n'
      << "            number nodal variables = " << nodal_vars.size() << '\n'
      << "          number element variables = " << elmt_vars.size() << '\n';

    unsigned max = global_vars.size() > nodal_vars.size() ? global_vars.size() : nodal_vars.size();
    max          = elmt_vars.size() > max ? elmt_vars.size() : max;

    if (max)
      s << "\t  GLOBAL    \t  NODAL    \t  ELEMENT" << '\n';
    for (unsigned i = 0; i < max; ++i) {
      if (i < global_vars.size())
        s << "\t    " << global_vars[i];
        s << "\t          ";
      if (i < nodal_vars.size())
        s << "\t    " << nodal_vars[i];
        s << "\t          ";
      if (i < elmt_vars.size())
        s << "\t    " << elmt_vars[i] << '\n';
        s << '\n';

    s << separator << '\n';

    s << "                   number of times = " << num_times << '\n';
    for (int t = 0; t < num_times; ++t)
      s << "\t\t(" << (t + 1) << ") " << times[t] << '\n';
예제 #8
template <typename INT> void ExoII_Read<INT>::Free_Nodal_Coordinates()
  delete[] nodes;
  nodes = nullptr;
예제 #9
template <typename INT> size_t ExoII_Read<INT>::Block_Id(size_t block_index) const
  SMART_ASSERT(block_index >= 0 && block_index < num_elmt_blocks);
  return eblocks[block_index].Id();
예제 #10
Exo_Block<INT> *ExoII_Read<INT>::Get_Elmt_Block_by_Index(size_t block_index) const
  SMART_ASSERT(block_index < num_elmt_blocks);
  return &eblocks[block_index];
예제 #11
template <typename INT> const std::string &ExoII_Read<INT>::SS_Var_Name(int index) const
  SMART_ASSERT(index >= 0 && (unsigned)index < ss_vars.size());
  return ss_vars[index];
예제 #12
template <typename INT> const std::string &ExoII_Read<INT>::Elmt_Att_Name(int index) const
  SMART_ASSERT(index >= 0 && (unsigned)index < elmt_atts.size());
  return elmt_atts[index];
예제 #13
template <typename INT> double ExoII_Read<INT>::Time(int time_num) const
  SMART_ASSERT(time_num > 0 && time_num <= num_times)(time_num)(num_times);
  return times[time_num - 1];
예제 #14
template <typename INT> void ExoII_Read<INT>::Get_Init_Data()
  SMART_ASSERT(file_id >= 0);

  // Determine max size of entity and variable names on the database
  int name_length = ex_inquire_int(file_id, EX_INQ_DB_MAX_USED_NAME_LENGTH);
  ex_set_max_name_length(file_id, name_length);

  ex_init_params info;
  info.title[0] = '\0';

  int err = ex_get_init_ext(file_id, &info);
  if (err < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get init data!"
              << " Error number = " << err << ".  Aborting..." << '\n';

  dimension       = info.num_dim;
  num_nodes       = info.num_nodes;
  num_elmts       = info.num_elem;
  num_elmt_blocks = info.num_elem_blk;
  num_node_sets   = info.num_node_sets;
  num_side_sets   = info.num_side_sets;
  title           = info.title;

  if (err > 0 && !interface.quiet_flag)
    std::cout << "EXODIFF WARNING: was issued, number = " << err << '\n';
  if (dimension < 1 || dimension > 3 || num_elmt_blocks < 0 || num_node_sets < 0 ||
      num_side_sets < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Init data appears corrupt:" << '\n'
              << "         dimension = " << dimension << '\n'
              << "         num_nodes = " << num_nodes << '\n'
              << "         num_elmts = " << num_elmts << '\n'
              << "         num_elmt_blocks = " << num_elmt_blocks << '\n'
              << "         num_node_sets = " << num_node_sets << '\n'
              << "         num_side_sets = " << num_side_sets << '\n'
              << " ... Aborting..." << '\n';

  int num_qa   = ex_inquire_int(file_id, EX_INQ_QA);
  int num_info = ex_inquire_int(file_id, EX_INQ_INFO);

  if (num_qa < 0 || num_info < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: inquire data appears corrupt:" << '\n'
              << "         num_qa = " << num_qa << '\n'
              << "         num_info = " << num_info << '\n'
              << " ... Aborting..." << '\n';

  //                   Coordinate Names...

  char **coords = get_name_array(3, name_length);
  err           = ex_get_coord_names(file_id, coords);
  if (err < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get coordinate"
              << " names!  Aborting..." << '\n';

  for (size_t i = 0; i < dimension; ++i) {
  free_name_array(coords, 3);

  //                 Element Block Data...

  if (eblocks)
    delete[] eblocks;
  eblocks = nullptr;
  if (num_elmt_blocks > 0) {
    eblocks = new Exo_Block<INT>[num_elmt_blocks];
    SMART_ASSERT(eblocks != nullptr);
    std::vector<INT> ids(num_elmt_blocks);

    err = ex_get_ids(file_id, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, TOPTR(ids));

    if (err < 0) {
      std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get element"
                << " block ids!  Aborting..." << '\n';

    size_t e_count = 0;
    for (size_t b = 0; b < num_elmt_blocks; ++b) {
      if (ids[b] <= EX_INVALID_ID) {
        std::cout << "EXODIFF  WARNING:  Element block Id "
                  << "for block index " << b << " is " << ids[b]
                  << " which is negative. This was returned by call to ex_get_elem_blk_ids()."
                  << '\n';

      eblocks[b].initialize(file_id, ids[b]);
      e_count += eblocks[b].Size();

    if (e_count != num_elmts && !interface.quiet_flag) {
      std::cout << "EXODIFF WARNING: Total number of elements " << num_elmts
                << " does not equal the sum of the number of elements "
                << "in each block " << e_count << '\n';

    // Gather the attribute names (even though not all attributes are on all blocks)
    std::set<std::string> names;
    for (size_t b = 0; b < num_elmt_blocks; ++b) {
      for (int a = 0; a < eblocks[b].attr_count(); a++) {
    std::copy(names.begin(), names.end(), elmt_atts.begin());

  //                     Node & Side sets...

  if (nsets)
    delete[] nsets;
  nsets = nullptr;
  if (num_node_sets > 0) {
    nsets = new Node_Set<INT>[num_node_sets];
    SMART_ASSERT(nsets != nullptr);
    std::vector<INT> ids(num_node_sets);

    err = ex_get_ids(file_id, EX_NODE_SET, TOPTR(ids));

    if (err < 0) {
      std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get "
                << "nodeset ids!  Aborting..." << '\n';

    for (size_t nset = 0; nset < num_node_sets; ++nset) {
      if (ids[nset] <= EX_INVALID_ID) {
        std::cout << "EXODIFF  WARNING: Nodeset Id "
                  << "for nodeset index " << nset << " is " << ids[nset]
                  << " which is negative.  This was returned by call to ex_get_ids()." << '\n';

      nsets[nset].initialize(file_id, ids[nset]);

  if (ssets)
    delete[] ssets;
  ssets = nullptr;
  if (num_side_sets) {
    ssets = new Side_Set<INT>[num_side_sets];
    SMART_ASSERT(ssets != nullptr);
    std::vector<INT> ids(num_side_sets);

    err = ex_get_ids(file_id, EX_SIDE_SET, TOPTR(ids));

    if (err < 0) {
      std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get "
                << "sideset ids!  Aborting..." << '\n';

    for (size_t sset = 0; sset < num_side_sets; ++sset) {
      if (ids[sset] <= EX_INVALID_ID) {
        std::cout << "EXODIFF  WARNING:  Sideset Id "
                  << "for sideset index " << sset << " is " << ids[sset]
                  << " which is negative. This was returned by call to ex_get_ids()." << '\n';
      ssets[sset].initialize(file_id, ids[sset]);

  //  **************  RESULTS info  ***************  //

  int num_global_vars, num_nodal_vars, num_elmt_vars, num_ns_vars, num_ss_vars;

  err = ex_get_variable_param(file_id, EX_GLOBAL, &num_global_vars);
  if (err < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get number of"
              << " global variables!  Aborting..." << '\n';

  err = ex_get_variable_param(file_id, EX_NODAL, &num_nodal_vars);
  if (err < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get number of"
              << " nodal variables!  Aborting..." << '\n';

  err = ex_get_variable_param(file_id, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, &num_elmt_vars);
  if (err < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get number of"
              << " element variables!  Aborting..." << '\n';

  err = ex_get_variable_param(file_id, EX_NODE_SET, &num_ns_vars);
  if (err < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get number of"
              << " nodeset variables!  Aborting..." << '\n';

  err = ex_get_variable_param(file_id, EX_SIDE_SET, &num_ss_vars);
  if (err < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Failed to get number of"
              << " sideset variables!  Aborting..." << '\n';

  if (num_global_vars < 0 || num_nodal_vars < 0 || num_elmt_vars < 0 || num_ns_vars < 0 ||
      num_ss_vars < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Data appears corrupt for"
              << " number of variables !" << '\n'
              << "\tnum global vars  = " << num_global_vars << '\n'
              << "\tnum nodal vars   = " << num_nodal_vars << '\n'
              << "\tnum element vars = " << num_elmt_vars << '\n'
              << " ... Aborting..." << '\n';

  read_vars(file_id, EX_GLOBAL, "Global", num_global_vars, global_vars);
  read_vars(file_id, EX_NODAL, "Nodal", num_nodal_vars, nodal_vars);
  read_vars(file_id, EX_ELEM_BLOCK, "Element", num_elmt_vars, elmt_vars);
  read_vars(file_id, EX_NODE_SET, "Nodeset", num_ns_vars, ns_vars);
  read_vars(file_id, EX_SIDE_SET, "Sideset", num_ss_vars, ss_vars);

  // Times:
  num_times = ex_inquire_int(file_id, EX_INQ_TIME);
  if (num_times < 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF ERROR: Number of time steps came"
              << " back negative (" << num_times << ")!  Aborting..." << '\n';

  if ((num_global_vars > 0 || num_nodal_vars > 0 || num_elmt_vars > 0 || num_ns_vars > 0 ||
       num_ss_vars > 0) &&
      num_times == 0) {
    std::cout << "EXODIFF Consistency error -- The database contains transient variables, but no "
              << '\n';

  if (num_times) {
    times = new double[num_times];
    SMART_ASSERT(times != nullptr);
    err = ex_get_all_times(file_id, times);

  if (num_nodal_vars) {
    if (num_times == 0) {
      std::cout << "EXODIFF Consistency error--The database contains " << num_nodal_vars
                << " nodal variables, but there are no time steps defined." << '\n';
    if (num_times) {
      results = new double *[num_nodal_vars];
      for (int i   = 0; i < num_nodal_vars; ++i)
        results[i] = nullptr;

} // End of EXODIFF