예제 #1
// Purpose: Compute the size of the panel based upon the commander's zoom level
void CEntityPanel::ComputeAndSetSize( void )
	m_flScale = 1.0;

	// Scale the image
	// Use different scales in tactical / normal
	if ( IsLocalPlayerInTactical() )
		CClientModeCommander *commander = ( CClientModeCommander * )ClientModeCommander();
		Assert( commander );
		float flZoom = commander->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->GetZoom();

		// Scale our size
		m_flScale = 0.75 + (0.25 * (1.0 - flZoom)); // 1/2 size at max zoomed out, full size by half zoomed in
	else if ( m_pBaseEntity )
		// Get distance to entity
		float flDistance = (m_pBaseEntity->GetRenderOrigin() - MainViewOrigin()).Length();
		flDistance *= 2;
  		m_flScale = 0.25 + MAX( 0, 2.0 - (flDistance / 2048) );

	// Update the size
	int w = m_iOrgWidth * m_flScale;
	int h = m_iOrgHeight * m_flScale;
	SetSize( w,h );

	// Update the offsets too
	m_OffsetX = m_iOrgOffsetX * m_flScale;
	m_OffsetY = m_iOrgOffsetY * m_flScale;
예제 #2
void CGroundLine::Draw()
	if ( !m_pMaterial || m_nPoints < 2 )
	if ( !IsVisible() )
	float flAlpha = m_Alpha;
	if( g_pClientMode == ClientModeCommander() )
		flAlpha = 1; // draw bright..

	CBeamSegDraw beamDraw;
	beamDraw.Start( m_nPoints, m_pMaterial );
		for( unsigned int i=0; i < m_nPoints; i++ )
			float t = (float)i / (m_nPoints - 1);

			CBeamSeg seg;
			seg.m_vPos = m_Points[i];
			VectorLerp( m_vStartColor, m_vEndColor, t, seg.m_vColor );
			seg.m_flTexCoord = 0;
			seg.m_flWidth = m_LineWidth;
			seg.m_flAlpha = m_Alpha;

			beamDraw.NextSeg( &seg );
예제 #3
// Purpose: 
void CEntityPanel::ComputeParent( void )
	vgui::VPANEL parent = NULL;

	if ( IsLocalPlayerInTactical() || !m_bShowInNormal )
		CClientModeCommander *commander = ( CClientModeCommander * )ClientModeCommander();
		Assert( commander );
		parent = commander->GetCommanderOverlayPanel()->GetVPanel();
		parent = enginevgui->GetPanel( PANEL_CLIENTDLL );
	if ( !GetParent() || ( GetParent()->GetVPanel() != parent ) )
		SetParent( parent );
예제 #4
// Should we draw?.
bool CEntityPanel::ShouldDraw()
	return ( ( IsLocalPlayerInTactical() && ClientModeCommander()->ShouldDrawEntity( m_pBaseEntity ) ) || 
			 ( !IsLocalPlayerInTactical() && m_bShowInNormal) );