예제 #1
void ColorTest::ColorTypeConversionTests()
	Color3f white(1.f, 1.f, 1.f);

	ColorBGRA result = white.toBGR(255);
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Color::fromRGBA(ColorRGBA(0xFF000000)), Color(0, 0, 0, 255));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Color::fromRGBA(ColorRGBA(0x00FF0000)), Color(0, 0, 255, 0));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Color::fromRGBA(ColorRGBA(0x0000FF00)), Color(0, 255, 0, 0));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Color::fromRGBA(ColorRGBA(0x000000FF)), Color(255, 0, 0, 0));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(0xFF000000)), Color(0, 0, 0, 255));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(0x00FF0000)), Color(255, 0, 0, 0));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(0x0000FF00)), Color(0, 255, 0, 0));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(0x000000FF)), Color(0, 0, 255, 0));
	CPPUNIT_ASSERT_EQUAL(Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(0xFFa8d0df)), Color(168, 208, 223, 255));
예제 #2
bool parseCinematic(Cinematic * c, const char * data, size_t size) {
	const char * cinematicId = util::safeGetString(data, size);
	if(!cinematicId) {
		LogError << "Error parsing file magic number";
		return false;
	if(std::strcmp(cinematicId, "KFA") != 0) {
		LogError << "Wrong magic number";
		return false;
	s32 version;
	if(!util::safeGet(version, data, size)) {
		LogError << "Error reading file version";
		return false;
	LogDebug("version " << version);
	if(version < CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_75) {
		LogError << "Too old version " << version << " expected at least " << CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_75;
	if(version > CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_76) {
		LogError << "Wrong version " << version << " expected max " << CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_76;
		return false;
	// Ignore a string.
	util::safeGetString(data, size);
	// Load bitmaps.
	s32 nbitmaps;
	if(!util::safeGet(nbitmaps, data, size)) {
		LogError << "Error reading bitmap count";
		return false;
	LogDebug(nbitmaps << " images:");
	for(int i = 0; i < nbitmaps; i++) {
		s32 scale = 0;
		if(!util::safeGet(scale, data, size)) {
			LogError << "Error reading bitmap scale";
			return false;
		const char * str = util::safeGetString(data, size);
		if(!str) {
			LogError << "Error reading bitmap path";
			return false;
		LogDebug(" - " << i << ": \"" << str << '"');
		res::path path = fixTexturePath(str);
		LogDebug("   => " << path << " (scale x" << scale << ')');
		CinematicBitmap * newBitmap = CreateCinematicBitmap(path, scale);
		if(newBitmap) {
	// Load sounds.
	s32 nsounds;
	if(!util::safeGet(nsounds, data, size)) {
		LogError << "Error reading sound count";
		return false;
	LogDebug(nsounds << " sounds:");
	for(int i = 0; i < nsounds; i++) {
		if(version >= CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_76) {
			s16 ignored;
			if(!util::safeGet(ignored, data, size)) {
				LogError << "Error reading sound id";
				return false;
		const char * str = util::safeGetString(data, size);
		if(!str) {
			LogError << "Error reading sound path";
			return false;
		LogDebug(" - " << i << ": \"" << str << '"');
		std::pair<res::path, bool> path = fixSoundPath(str);
		LogDebug("   => " << path.first << (path.second ? " (speech)" : ""));
		AddSoundToList(path.first, path.second);
	// Load track and keys.
	SavedCinematicTrack t;
	if(!util::safeGet(t, data, size)) {
		LogError << "Error reading track";
		return false;
	if(t.startframe != 0) {
		LogWarning << "Cinematic startframe is not 0";
	AllocTrack(t.endframe, t.fps);
	LogDebug(t.nbkey << " keyframes:");
	for(int i = 0; i < t.nbkey; i++) {
		CinematicKeyframe k;
		int idsound;
		if(version <= CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_75) {
			C_KEY_1_75 k175;
			if(!util::safeGet(k175, data, size)) {
				LogError << "Error reading key v1.75";
				return false;
			k.angz = k175.angz;
			k.color = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k175.color));
			k.colord = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k175.colord));
			k.colorf = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k175.colorf));
			k.frame = k175.frame;
			k.fx = k175.fx;
			k.numbitmap = k175.numbitmap;
			k.pos = k175.pos.toVec3();
			k.speed = k175.speed;
			k.typeinterp = k175.typeinterp;
			k.force = k175.force;
			idsound = k175.idsound;
			k.idsound = -1;
			k.light = k175.light;
			k.posgrille = k175.posgrille.toVec3();
			k.angzgrille = k175.angzgrille;
			k.speedtrack = k175.speedtrack;
			arx_assert(k175.posgrille.toVec3() == Vec3f_ZERO);
			arx_assert(k175.angzgrille == 0.f);
		} else {
			C_KEY_1_76 k176;
			if(!util::safeGet(k176, data, size)) {
				LogError << "Error reading key v1.76";
				return false;
			k.angz = k176.angz;
			k.color = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k176.color));
			k.colord = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k176.colord));
			k.colorf = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k176.colorf));
			k.frame = k176.frame;
			k.fx = k176.fx;
			k.numbitmap = k176.numbitmap;
			k.pos = k176.pos.toVec3();
			k.speed = k176.speed;
			k.typeinterp = k176.typeinterp;
			k.force = k176.force;
			k.light = k176.light;
			k.posgrille = k176.posgrille.toVec3();
			k.angzgrille = k176.angzgrille;
			k.speedtrack = k176.speedtrack;
			idsound = k176.idsound[0]; // 0 was the language code for 'French'
			k.idsound = k176.idsound[3]; // 3 was the language code for 'English'
			arx_assert(k176.posgrille.toVec3() == Vec3f_ZERO);
			arx_assert(k176.angzgrille == 0.f);
		if(k.force < 0) {
			k.force = 1;
		// The cinematics were authored for 4:3 - if the light only fades off
		// outside of that region, it should never fade off.
		// This fixes ugly transitions when fallin and fallout are close together.
			float f = std::min(k.light.fallin, k.light.fallout);
			float d0 = glm::distance(Vec2f(k.light.pos), Vec2f(-320.f, -240.f));
			float d1 = glm::distance(Vec2f(k.light.pos), Vec2f(320.f, -240.f));
			float d2 = glm::distance(Vec2f(k.light.pos), Vec2f(320.f,  240.f));
			float d3 = glm::distance(Vec2f(k.light.pos), Vec2f(-320.f,  240.f));
			if(f > std::max(std::max(d0, d1), std::max(d2, d3))) {
				k.light.fallin = k.light.fallout = std::numeric_limits<float>::max() / 3;
		// The final vertex positions were manually scaled to fit the whole screen
		// when rendering cinematics. This applies the same scaling by moving
		// the camera closer. We can do this because all bitmaps are at z == 0.
			arx_assert(k.posgrille.z == 0.f);
			k.pos.z *= 0.8f; // 0.8 == 512/640 == 384/480
		LogDebug(" - " << i << ": frame " << k.frame << " image: " << k.numbitmap);
		if(k.idsound >= 0) {
			LogDebug("   + sound: " << k.idsound);
		if(i == 0) {
			c->m_pos = k.pos;
			c->angz = k.angz;
			c->numbitmap = k.numbitmap;
			c->fx = k.fx;
			c->ti = k.typeinterp;
			c->color = k.color;
			c->colord = k.colord;
			c->colorflash = k.colorf;
			c->speed = k.speed;
			c->idsound = idsound;
			c->force = k.force;
			c->m_light = k.light;
			c->posgrille = k.posgrille;
			c->angzgrille = k.angzgrille;
			c->speedtrack = k.speedtrack;
	GereTrack(c, 0, false, false);
	c->projectload = true;
	LogDebug("loaded cinematic");
	return true;
예제 #3
bool parseCinematic(Cinematic * c, const char * data, size_t size) {
	const char * cinematicId = util::safeGetString(data, size);
	if(!cinematicId) {
		LogError << "Error parsing file magic number";
		return false;
	if(std::strcmp(cinematicId, "KFA")) {
		LogError << "Wrong magic number";
		return false;
	s32 version;
	if(!util::safeGet(version, data, size)) {
		LogError << "Error reading file version";
		return false;
	LogDebug("version " << version);
	if(version < CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_75) {
		LogError << "Too old version " << version << " expected at least " << CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_75;
	if(version > CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_76) {
		LogError << "Wrong version " << version << " expected max " << CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_76;
		return false;
	// Ignore a string.
	util::safeGetString(data, size);
	// Load bitmaps.
	s32 nbitmaps;
	if(!util::safeGet(nbitmaps, data, size)) {
		LogError << "Error reading bitmap count";
		return false;
	LogDebug(nbitmaps << " images:");
	for(int i = 0; i < nbitmaps; i++) {
		s32 scale = 0;
		if(!util::safeGet(scale, data, size)) {
			LogError << "Error reading bitmap scale";
			return false;
		const char * str = util::safeGetString(data, size);
		if(!str) {
			LogError << "Error reading bitmap path";
			return false;
		LogDebug(" - " << i << ": \"" << str << '"');
		res::path path = fixTexturePath(str);
		LogDebug("   => " << path << " (scale x" << scale << ')');
		CinematicBitmap * newBitmap = CreateCinematicBitmap(path, scale);
		if(newBitmap) {
	// Load sounds.
	s32 nsounds;
	if(!util::safeGet(nsounds, data, size)) {
		LogError << "Error reading sound count";
		return false;
	LogDebug(nsounds << " sounds:");
	for(int i = 0; i < nsounds; i++) {
		if(version >= CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_76) {
			s16 ignored;
			if(!util::safeGet(ignored, data, size)) {
				LogError << "Error reading sound id";
				return false;
		const char * str = util::safeGetString(data, size);
		if(!str) {
			LogError << "Error reading sound path";
			return false;
		LogDebug(" - " << i << ": \"" << str << '"');
		std::pair<res::path, bool> path = fixSoundPath(str);
		LogDebug("   => " << path.first << (path.second ? " (speech)" : ""));
		AddSoundToList(path.first, path.second);
	// Load track and keys.
	SavedCinematicTrack t;
	if(!util::safeGet(t, data, size)) {
		LogError << "Error reading track";
		return false;
	AllocTrack(t.startframe, t.endframe, t.fps);
	LogDebug(t.nbkey << " keyframes:");
	for(int i = 0; i < t.nbkey; i++) {
		C_KEY k;
		int idsound;
		if(version <= CINEMATIC_VERSION_1_75) {
			C_KEY_1_75 k175;
			if(!util::safeGet(k175, data, size)) {
				LogError << "Error reading key v1.75";
				return false;
			k.angz = k175.angz;
			k.color = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k175.color));
			k.colord = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k175.colord));
			k.colorf = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k175.colorf));
			k.frame = k175.frame;
			k.fx = k175.fx;
			k.numbitmap = k175.numbitmap;
			k.pos = k175.pos.toVec3();
			k.speed = k175.speed;
			k.typeinterp = k175.typeinterp;
			k.force = k175.force;
			idsound = k175.idsound;
			k.idsound = -1;
			k.light = k175.light;
			k.posgrille = k175.posgrille.toVec3();
			k.angzgrille = k175.angzgrille;
			k.speedtrack = k175.speedtrack;
		} else {
			C_KEY_1_76 k176;
			if(!util::safeGet(k176, data, size)) {
				LogError << "Error reading key v1.76";
				return false;
			k.angz = k176.angz;
			k.color = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k176.color));
			k.colord = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k176.colord));
			k.colorf = Color::fromBGRA(ColorBGRA(k176.colorf));
			k.frame = k176.frame;
			k.fx = k176.fx;
			k.numbitmap = k176.numbitmap;
			k.pos = k176.pos.toVec3();
			k.speed = k176.speed;
			k.typeinterp = k176.typeinterp;
			k.force = k176.force;
			k.light = k176.light;
			k.posgrille = k176.posgrille.toVec3();
			k.angzgrille = k176.angzgrille;
			k.speedtrack = k176.speedtrack;
			idsound = k176.idsound[0]; // 0 was the language code for 'French'
			k.idsound = k176.idsound[3]; // 3 was the language code for 'English'
		if(k.force < 0) {
			k.force = 1;
		LogDebug(" - " << i << ": frame " << k.frame << " image: " << k.numbitmap);
		if(k.idsound >= 0) {
			LogDebug("   + sound: " << k.idsound);
		if(i == 0) {
			c->pos = k.pos;
			c->angz = k.angz;
			c->numbitmap = k.numbitmap;
			c->fx = k.fx;
			c->ti = k.typeinterp;
			c->color = k.color;
			c->colord = k.colord;
			c->colorflash = k.colorf;
			c->speed = k.speed;
			c->idsound = idsound;
			c->force = k.force;
			c->light = k.light;
			c->posgrille = k.posgrille;
			c->angzgrille = k.angzgrille;
			c->speedtrack = k.speedtrack;
	c->projectload = true;
	LogDebug("loaded cinematic");
	return true;