예제 #1
void ElementImage::GenerateGeometry()
	// Release the old geometry before specifying the new vertices.

	std::vector< Rocket::Core::Vertex >& vertices = geometry.GetVertices();
	std::vector< int >& indices = geometry.GetIndices();


	// Generate the texture coordinates.
	Vector2f texcoords[2];
	if (using_coords)
		Vector2f texture_dimensions((float) texture.GetDimensions(GetRenderInterface()).x, (float) texture.GetDimensions(GetRenderInterface()).y);
		if (texture_dimensions.x == 0)
			texture_dimensions.x = 1;
		if (texture_dimensions.y == 0)
			texture_dimensions.y = 1;

		texcoords[0].x = (float) coords[0] / texture_dimensions.x;
		texcoords[0].y = (float) coords[1] / texture_dimensions.y;

		texcoords[1].x = (float) coords[2] / texture_dimensions.x;
		texcoords[1].y = (float) coords[3] / texture_dimensions.y;
		texcoords[0] = Vector2f(0, 0);
		texcoords[1] = Vector2f(1, 1);

    const Property* element_colour = GetProperty(BACKGROUND_COLOR);
    float opacity = GetProperty<float>(OPACITY);

    Colourb quad_colour = Colourb(255, 255, 255);
    if (element_colour)
        Colourb background_colour = element_colour->Get<Colourb>();

        // Should be a non-transparent background
        if (background_colour.alpha != 0)
            quad_colour = background_colour;

    // Apply opacity
    quad_colour.alpha = (byte)(opacity * (float)quad_colour.alpha);

	Rocket::Core::GeometryUtilities::GenerateQuad(&vertices[0],									// vertices to write to
												  &indices[0],									// indices to write to
												  Vector2f(0, 0),					            // origin of the quad
												  GetBox().GetSize(Rocket::Core::Box::CONTENT),	// size of the quad
												  quad_colour,		                            // colour of the vertices
												  texcoords[0],									// top-left texture coordinate
												  texcoords[1]);								// top-right texture coordinate

	geometry_dirty = false;
예제 #2
파일: ui_image.cpp 프로젝트: cfr/qfusion
void ElementImage::GenerateGeometry()
	// Release the old geometry before specifying the new vertices.

	std::vector< Rocket::Core::Vertex >& vertices = geometry.GetVertices();
	std::vector< int >& indices = geometry.GetIndices();


	// Generate the texture coordinates.
	Vector2f texcoords[2];
	if (using_coords)
		Vector2f texture_dimensions((float) texture.GetDimensions(GetRenderInterface()).x, (float) texture.GetDimensions(GetRenderInterface()).y);
		if (texture_dimensions.x == 0)
			texture_dimensions.x = 1;
		if (texture_dimensions.y == 0)
			texture_dimensions.y = 1;

		texcoords[0].x = (float) coords[0] / texture_dimensions.x;
		texcoords[0].y = (float) coords[1] / texture_dimensions.y;

		texcoords[1].x = (float) coords[2] / texture_dimensions.x;
		texcoords[1].y = (float) coords[3] / texture_dimensions.y;
		texcoords[0] = Vector2f(0, 0);
		texcoords[1] = Vector2f(1, 1);

	Rocket::Core::GeometryUtilities::GenerateQuad(&vertices[0],									// vertices to write to
												  &indices[0],									// indices to write to
												  Vector2f(0, 0),					// origin of the quad
												  GetBox().GetSize(Rocket::Core::Box::CONTENT),	// size of the quad
												  Colourb(255, 255, 255, 255),		// colour of the vertices
												  texcoords[0],									// top-left texture coordinate
												  texcoords[1]);								// top-right texture coordinate

	geometry_dirty = false;
예제 #3
	color_multiplier = Colourb(255, 255, 255, 255);
	html_colours["black"] = Colourb(0, 0, 0);
	html_colours["silver"] = Colourb(192, 192, 192);
	html_colours["gray"] = Colourb(128, 128, 128);
	html_colours["grey"] = Colourb(128, 128, 128);
	html_colours["white"] = Colourb(255, 255, 255);
	html_colours["maroon"] = Colourb(128, 0, 0);
	html_colours["red"] = Colourb(255, 0, 0);
	html_colours["orange"] = Colourb(255, 165, 0);
	html_colours["purple"] = Colourb(128, 0, 128);
	html_colours["fuschia"] =  Colourb(255, 0, 255);
	html_colours["green"] =  Colourb(0, 128, 0);
	html_colours["lime"] =  Colourb(0, 255, 0);
	html_colours["olive"] =  Colourb(128, 128, 0);
	html_colours["yellow"] =  Colourb(255, 255, 0);
	html_colours["navy"] =  Colourb(0, 0, 128);
	html_colours["blue"] =  Colourb(0, 0, 255);
	html_colours["teal"] =  Colourb(0, 128, 128);
	html_colours["aqua"] = Colourb(0, 255, 255);
	html_colours["transparent"] = Colourb(255, 255, 255, 0);
예제 #5
void RegisterPythonInterfaces()
	python::class_< ScriptInterface, boost::noncopyable >("ScriptInterface", python::no_init);

	VectorInterface< StringList >("StringList");

	python::class_< Vector2f >("Vector2f")
		.def(python::init< float, float >())
		.def_readwrite("x", &Vector2f::x)
		.def_readwrite("y", &Vector2f::y)
		.def(python::self * float())	 // * float
		.def(python::self / float())	 // / float
		.def(python::self + Vector2f())  // + Vector2f
		.def(python::self - Vector2f())  // - Vector2f
		.def(python::self == Vector2f()) // ==
		.def(python::self != Vector2f()) // !=
		.def("DotProduct", &Vector2f::DotProduct)
		.def("Normalise", &Vector2f::Normalise)
		.def("Rotate", &Vector2f::Rotate)
		.add_property("magnitude", &Vector2f::Magnitude)
		.def_pickle(PickleTypeConverter< Vector2f >())

	python::class_< Vector2i >("Vector2i")
		.def(python::init< int, int >())
		.def_readwrite("x", &Vector2i::x)
		.def_readwrite("y", &Vector2i::y)
		.def(python::self * int())		 // * int
		.def(python::self / int())		 // / int
		.def(python::self + Vector2i())	 // + Vector2i
		.def(python::self - Vector2i())	 // - Vector2i
		.def(python::self == Vector2i()) // ==
		.def(python::self != Vector2i()) // !=
		.def_pickle(PickleTypeConverter< Vector2i >())

	python::class_< Colourf >("Colourf")
		.def(python::init< float, float, float, float >())
		.def_readwrite("red", &Colourf::red)
		.def_readwrite("green", &Colourf::green)
		.def_readwrite("blue", &Colourf::blue)
		.def_readwrite("alpha", &Colourf::alpha)
		.def(python::self == Colourf()) // ==
		.def_pickle(PickleTypeConverter< Colourf >())

	python::class_< Colourb >("Colourb")
		.def(python::init< byte, byte, byte, byte>())
		.def_readwrite("red", &Colourb::red)
		.def_readwrite("green", &Colourb::green)
		.def_readwrite("blue", &Colourb::blue)
		.def_readwrite("alpha", &Colourb::alpha)
		.def(python::self == Colourb()) // ==
		.def(python::self + Colourb()) // +
		.def(python::self *= float()) // *=
		.def(python::self * float()) // *
		.def_pickle(PickleTypeConverter< Colourb >())

	python::class_< URL >("URL")
		.def(python::init< const char* >())
		.def_pickle(PickleTypeConverter< URL >())

	python::def("Log", &Log);
	python::enum_< Core::Log::Type >("logtype")
		.value("always", Core::Log::LT_ALWAYS)
		.value("error", Core::Log::LT_ERROR)
		.value("warning", Core::Log::LT_WARNING)
		.value("info", Core::Log::LT_INFO)
		.value("debug", Core::Log::LT_DEBUG)
