예제 #1
파일: srchaa.c 프로젝트: hsptools/hsp-wrap
Int2 Main (void)
    Int2        argcount;
    Boolean     flagHaveNet;

    Int4        gi;
    SeqEntryPtr sep;
    ComPatPtr   cpp, cpph = NULL;
    SeqAlignPtr sap, sapn;
    StdSegPtr   ssp;
    SeqLocPtr   slp, slpn;
    Int4        start, stop;

    FILE        *fiop;
    Char        fastafile[256], namesfile[256];
    CharPtr     title;
    CharPtr     taxon;

    FloatHi     mw;
    ValNodePtr  namelist = NULL;

    static CharPtr pattern_file = "ncbipros.dat";
    static CharPtr protease_file = "ncbiendo.dat";
    static CharPtr names_file = "ncbipnam.dat";

    static GatherScope  gs;
    GatherScopePtr      gsp;
    static Gather_PBS   gpbs;
    Gather_PBSPtr       gpbsp;

#ifndef NO_TAX_NET
    Int4   i;
    static Char taxdata[8];
    static Gather_TaxId gti;
    Gather_TaxIdPtr     gtip;

#ifndef NO_TAX_NET
    Int2   ia=4, ib=5, ic=6, id=7, ie=8, ig=9, ih=10, ii=11;
    Int2         ib=4, ic=5, id=6, ie=7, ig=8, ih=9,  ii=10;

    argcount = sizeof (myargs) / sizeof (Args);
    if (!GetArgs ("ProSiteSearch", argcount, myargs))
        return 1;

    if (myargs[0].intvalue == 0 && myargs[1].strvalue == NULL)
        ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 100,
                   "No gi or FastA file given :: for help :   srchaa -");
        ErrShow ();
        exit (1);

    gsp = &gs;

#ifndef NO_TAX_NET
    gtip = &gti;
    gpbsp = &gpbs;

    MemSet ((Pointer) gsp, 0, sizeof (GatherScope));
    MemSet ((Pointer) gsp->ignore, (int) (TRUE),
            (size_t) (OBJ_MAX * sizeof (Boolean)));

    gsp->ignore[OBJ_SEQDESC] = TRUE;
    gsp->ignore[OBJ_BIOSEQ] = FALSE;

    gpbsp->bsp = NULL;

    gi = myargs[0].intvalue;
    if (myargs[1].strvalue != NULL)
        StrCpy (fastafile, myargs[1].strvalue);
        fastafile[0] = '\0';

    if (gi > 0)
        if (!EntrezInit ("srchaa", FALSE, &flagHaveNet))
            ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 102,
                       "Entrez init failed");
            ErrShow ();
            exit (1);

#ifndef NO_TAX_NET
    if (myargs[ia].intvalue)
        if (!TaxArchInit ())
            ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 103,
                       "Taxonomy init failed");
            ErrShow ();
            exit (1);

    fiop = NULL;
    if (gi > 0)
        sep = EntrezSeqEntryGet (gi, SEQENTRY_READ_BIOSEQ);
        if ((fiop = FileOpen (fastafile, "r")) == NULL)
            ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 103,
                       "Failed to open FastA file: %s", fastafile);
            ErrShow ();
            exit (1);
        sep = FastaToSeqEntry (fiop, FALSE);

    if (sep == NULL)
        ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 104,
                   "No seqentry found");
        ErrShow ();
        exit (1);

    while (sep != NULL)
        gsp->ignore[OBJ_SEQDESC] = TRUE;
        gsp->ignore[OBJ_BIOSEQ] = FALSE;
        gpbsp->bsp = NULL;
        gpbsp->gi = gi;
        GatherSeqEntry (sep, (Pointer) gpbsp, GetBioseq, (Pointer) gsp);

        taxon = NULL;
#ifndef NO_TAX_NET
        if (myargs[ia].intvalue)
            for (i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                taxdata[i] = '-';
            taxon = taxdata;

            gsp->ignore[OBJ_SEQDESC] = FALSE;
            gsp->ignore[OBJ_BIOSEQ] = TRUE;

            gtip->taxid = 0;
            GatherSeqEntry (sep, (Pointer) gtip, GetTaxId, (Pointer) gsp);

            if (gtip->taxid != 0)
                WhatOrg (gtip->taxid, taxon);
                taxon = NULL;

        if (gpbsp->bsp != NULL)
            if (ISA_aa (gpbsp->bsp->mol))
                if (cpph == NULL)
                    namesfile[0] = '\0';
                    if (myargs[id].intvalue)
                        StrCpy (namesfile, names_file);
                    if (myargs[ie].strvalue != NULL)
                        StrCpy (namesfile, myargs[ie].strvalue);

                    if (myargs[ig].strvalue != NULL)
                        if ((cpph = CompilePattern (myargs[ig].strvalue, 1)) != NULL)
                            StrCpy (cpph->name, "User Pattern");
                        namelist = ReadPatternNames (namesfile);
                        if (myargs[ib].intvalue)
                            cpph = ReadPrositePattern (protease_file,
                                                       (Boolean) myargs[2].intvalue,
                                                       taxon, NULL);
                            cpph = ReadPrositePattern (pattern_file,
                                                       (Boolean) myargs[2].intvalue,
                                                       taxon, namelist);

                if (!(Boolean) myargs[ih].intvalue)
                    title = FastaTitle (gpbsp->bsp, ">", NULL);
                    printf ("%s\n", title);
                    MemFree (title);
                cpp = cpph;
                while (cpp != NULL)
                    sap = PatternMatchBioseq (gpbsp->bsp, cpp,
                    if (myargs[ib].intvalue)
                        printf (">%s\n", cpp->name);
                        if (sap != NULL)
                            printf ("   Start     Stop       M.W.\n");
                    if (myargs[ib].intvalue)
                        EmbedMolecularWeightInfo (sap, gpbsp->bsp);
                        if (myargs[ic].intvalue)
                            URK_SeqAlignSortByMolWt (&sap);
                        while (sap != NULL)
                            ssp = (StdSegPtr) sap->segs;
                            slp = ssp->loc;
                            start = SeqLocStart (slp);
                            stop = SeqLocStop (slp);
                            mw = ssp->scores->value.realvalue;
                            printf ("%8ld %8ld    %9.2f\n",
                                    (long) start+1, (long) stop+1, mw);
                            sapn = sap->next;
                            SeqAlignFree (sap);
                            sap = sapn;
                        slp = MatchSa2Sl (&sap);
                        if (myargs[ih].intvalue && slp != NULL)
                            title = FastaTitle (gpbsp->bsp, ">", NULL);
                            printf ("%s\n", title);
                            MemFree (title);
                        while (slp != NULL)
                            start = SeqLocStart (slp);
                            stop = SeqLocStop (slp);
                            printf ("%8ld %8ld    %s\n",
                                    (long) start+1, (long) stop+1, cpp->name);
                            slpn = slp->next;
                            SeqLocFree (slp);
                            slp = slpn;
                    cpp = cpp->nextpattern;
                ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 106,
                           "Not a protein bioseq");
                ErrShow ();
                exit (1);
            ErrPostEx (SEV_ERROR, TOP_ERROR, 105,
                       "No bioseq found");
            ErrShow ();
            exit (1);
        SeqEntryFree (sep);
        sep = NULL;
        if (fiop != NULL)
            sep = FastaToSeqEntry (fiop, FALSE);

    ComPatFree (cpph);
    ValNodeFreeData (namelist);
    FileClose (fiop);
    if (gi > 0)
        EntrezFini ();
#ifndef NO_TAX_NET
    if (myargs[ia].intvalue)
        TaxArchFini ();
    return 0;
예제 #2
	CmdResult Handle (const std::vector<std::string>& parameters, User *user)
		if (!parameters.size())
			// no parameters, show the current silence list.
			silencelist* sl = ext.get(user);
			// if the user has a silence list associated with their user record, show it
			if (sl)
				for (silencelist::const_iterator c = sl->begin(); c != sl->end(); c++)
					std::string decomppattern = DecompPattern(c->second);
					user->WriteNumeric(271, "%s %s %s %s",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(),c->first.c_str(), decomppattern.c_str());
			user->WriteNumeric(272, "%s :End of Silence List",user->nick.c_str());

			return CMD_SUCCESS;
		else if (parameters.size() > 0)
			// one or more parameters, add or delete entry from the list (only the first parameter is used)
			std::string mask = parameters[0].substr(1);
			char action = parameters[0][0];
			// Default is private and notice so clients do not break
			int pattern = CompilePattern("pn");

			// if pattern supplied, use it
			if (parameters.size() > 1) {
				pattern = CompilePattern(parameters[1].c_str());

			if (pattern == 0)
				user->WriteServ("NOTICE %s :Bad SILENCE pattern",user->nick.c_str());
				return CMD_INVALID;

			if (!mask.length())
				// 'SILENCE +' or 'SILENCE -', assume *!*@*
				mask = "*!*@*";


			if (action == '-')
				std::string decomppattern = DecompPattern(pattern);
				// fetch their silence list
				silencelist* sl = ext.get(user);
				// does it contain any entries and does it exist?
				if (sl)
					for (silencelist::iterator i = sl->begin(); i != sl->end(); i++)
						// search through for the item
						irc::string listitem = i->first.c_str();
						if (listitem == mask && i->second == pattern)
							user->WriteNumeric(950, "%s %s :Removed %s %s from silence list",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), mask.c_str(), decomppattern.c_str());
							if (!sl->size())
							return CMD_SUCCESS;
				user->WriteNumeric(952, "%s %s :%s %s does not exist on your silence list",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), mask.c_str(), decomppattern.c_str());
			else if (action == '+')
				// fetch the user's current silence list
				silencelist* sl = ext.get(user);
				if (!sl)
					sl = new silencelist;
					ext.set(user, sl);
				if (sl->size() > maxsilence)
					user->WriteNumeric(952, "%s %s :Your silence list is full",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str());
					return CMD_FAILURE;

				std::string decomppattern = DecompPattern(pattern);
				for (silencelist::iterator n = sl->begin(); n != sl->end();  n++)
					irc::string listitem = n->first.c_str();
					if (listitem == mask && n->second == pattern)
						user->WriteNumeric(952, "%s %s :%s %s is already on your silence list",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), mask.c_str(), decomppattern.c_str());
						return CMD_FAILURE;
				if (((pattern & SILENCE_EXCLUDE) > 0))
				user->WriteNumeric(951, "%s %s :Added %s %s to silence list",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), mask.c_str(), decomppattern.c_str());
				return CMD_SUCCESS;
		return CMD_SUCCESS;
예제 #3
	CmdResult Handle (const std::vector<std::string>& parameters, User *user)
		if (!parameters.size())
			// no parameters, show the current silence list.
			// Use Extensible::GetExt to fetch the silence list
			silencelist* sl;
			user->GetExt("silence_list", sl);
			// if the user has a silence list associated with their user record, show it
			if (sl)
				for (silencelist::const_iterator c = sl->begin(); c != sl->end(); c++)
					user->WriteNumeric(271, "%s %s %s %s",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(),c->first.c_str(), DecompPattern(c->second).c_str());
			user->WriteNumeric(272, "%s :End of Silence List",user->nick.c_str());

			return CMD_LOCALONLY;
		else if (parameters.size() > 0)
			// one or more parameters, add or delete entry from the list (only the first parameter is used)
			std::string mask = parameters[0].substr(1);
			char action = parameters[0][0];
			// Default is private and notice so clients do not break
			int pattern = CompilePattern("pn");

			// if pattern supplied, use it
			if (parameters.size() > 1) {
				pattern = CompilePattern(parameters[1].c_str());

			if (!mask.length())
				// 'SILENCE +' or 'SILENCE -', assume *!*@*
				mask = "*!*@*";


			if (action == '-')
				// fetch their silence list
				silencelist* sl;
				user->GetExt("silence_list", sl);
				// does it contain any entries and does it exist?
				if (sl)
					for (silencelist::iterator i = sl->begin(); i != sl->end(); i++)
						// search through for the item
						irc::string listitem = i->first.c_str();
						if (listitem == mask && i->second == pattern)
							user->WriteNumeric(950, "%s %s :Removed %s %s from silence list",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), mask.c_str(), DecompPattern(pattern).c_str());
							if (!sl->size())
								delete sl;
							return CMD_SUCCESS;
				user->WriteNumeric(952, "%s %s :%s %s does not exist on your silence list",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), mask.c_str(), DecompPattern(pattern).c_str());
			else if (action == '+')
				// fetch the user's current silence list
				silencelist* sl;
				user->GetExt("silence_list", sl);
				// what, they dont have one??? WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE! ...no, we just create an empty one.
				if (!sl)
					sl = new silencelist;
					user->Extend("silence_list", sl);
				if (sl->size() > maxsilence)
					user->WriteNumeric(952, "%s %s :Your silence list is full",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str());
					return CMD_FAILURE;
				for (silencelist::iterator n = sl->begin(); n != sl->end();  n++)
					irc::string listitem = n->first.c_str();
					if (listitem == mask && n->second == pattern)
						user->WriteNumeric(952, "%s %s :%s %s is already on your silence list",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), mask.c_str(), DecompPattern(pattern).c_str());
						return CMD_FAILURE;
				if (((pattern & SILENCE_EXCLUDE) > 0))
				user->WriteNumeric(951, "%s %s :Added %s %s to silence list",user->nick.c_str(), user->nick.c_str(), mask.c_str(), DecompPattern(pattern).c_str());
				return CMD_SUCCESS;