예제 #1
void CPositionOrbit::GetXYZ(double & x, double & y, double & z)
	// Local variables (mostly renaming mParams variables for convenience).
	// Remember to convert the angular parameters into radians.
    double l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2;
    double inc = mParams[0] * PI / 180.0;
    double Omega = mParams[1] * PI / 180.0;
    double omega = mParams[2] * PI / 180.0;
    double alpha = mParams[3];
    double e = mParams[4];
    double tau = mParams[5];
    double T = mParams[6];
    double t = mTime;

	// Pre-compute a few values
    double n = ComputeN(T);
    double M = ComputeM(tau, n, t);
    double E = ComputeE(M, e);

    double cos_E = cos(E);
    double sin_E = sin(E);
    double beta = sqrt(1 - e*e);

    // Now compute the orbital coefficients
    Compute_Coefficients(Omega, inc, omega, l1, m1, n1, l2, m2, n2);
    Compute_xyz(alpha, beta, e, l1, l2, m1, m2, n1, n2, cos_E, sin_E, x, y, z);
예제 #2
파일: RR.c 프로젝트: Macaulay2/Singular
void exp(RR& res, const RR& x)
   if (x >= NTL_OVFBND || x <= -NTL_OVFBND)
      Error("RR: overflow");

   long p = RR::precision();

   // step 0: write x = n + f, n an integer and |f| <= 1/2
   //    careful -- we want to compute f to > p bits of precision

   RR f, nn;
   round(nn, x);
   RR::SetPrecision(p + 10);
   sub(f, x, nn);
   long n = to_long(nn);

   // step 1: calculate t1 = e^n by repeated squaring

   RR::SetPrecision(p + NumBits(n) + 10);

   RR e;

   RR::SetPrecision(p + 10);

   RR t1;
   power(t1, e, n);

   // step 2: calculate t2 = e^f using Taylor series expansion

   RR::SetPrecision(p + NumBits(p) + 10);

   RR t2, s, s1, t;
   long i;

   s = 0;
   t = 1;

   for (i = 1; ; i++) {
      add(s1, s, t);
      if (s == s1) break;
      xcopy(s, s1);
      mul(t, t, f);
      div(t, t, i);

   xcopy(t2, s);


   mul(res, t1, t2);