예제 #1
SdlAudioSink::SdlAudioSink(const AudioSource &source, int device_id)
    : bytes_per_sample(source.BytesPerSample()),
      ring_buf(RINGBUF_POWER, source.BytesPerSample()),
	const char *name = SDL_GetAudioDeviceName(device_id, 0);
	if (name == nullptr) {
		throw ConfigError(std::string("invalid device id: ") +

	SDL_AudioSpec want;
	want.freq = source.SampleRate();
	want.format = FORMATS[static_cast<int>(source.OutputSampleFormat())];
	want.channels = source.ChannelCount();
	want.callback = &SDLCallback;
	want.userdata = (void *)this;

	SDL_AudioSpec have;

	this->device = SDL_OpenAudioDevice(name, 0, &want, &have, 0);
	if (this->device == 0) {
		throw ConfigError(std::string("couldn't open device: ") +
예제 #2
int HarnessTestExecutor :: validateParameters (void)
		_ie.tcfile = getAbsolutePath (_ie.tcfile, false);
		if (_ie.tcfile.empty ())
		if (!bfs::is_regular (_ie.tcfile))
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "Test case file " << _ie.tcfile << " either does not exist or is not a regular file.";
			throw SystemError (FILE_LINE_FUNCTION, ss.str());

		if (_ie.debugLevel < MIN_DEBUG_LEVEL || _ie.debugLevel > MAX_DEBUG_LEVEL)
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "Invalid value specified for option --debug. Valid range is [" << MIN_DEBUG_LEVEL << "-" << MAX_DEBUG_LEVEL << "]";
			throw ConfigError (FILE_LINE_FUNCTION, ss.str());

	catch (harnessexceptions :: ConfigError &e)
		PRINT_ERROR (e.what ());
		return FAILURE;

	return SUCCESS;
예제 #3
파일: donkey.cpp 프로젝트: hanjb/donkey
 Index::Index (Config const &config)
     : default_K(config.get<int>("donkey.defaults.hint_K", 1)),
     default_R(config.get<float>("donkey.defaults.hint_R", donkey::default_hint_R()))
     if (default_K <= 0) throw ConfigError("invalid defaults.hint_K");
     if (!isnormal(default_R)) throw ConfigError("invalid defaults.hint_R");
예제 #4
void PostgreSQLStore::populateCache()
  std::stringstream queryString;

  queryString << "SELECT creation_time, incoming_seqnum, outgoing_seqnum FROM sessions WHERE "
  << "beginstring=" << "'" << m_sessionID.getBeginString().getValue() << "' and "
  << "sendercompid=" << "'" << m_sessionID.getSenderCompID().getValue() << "' and "
  << "targetcompid=" << "'" << m_sessionID.getTargetCompID().getValue() << "' and "
  << "session_qualifier=" << "'" << m_sessionID.getSessionQualifier() << "'";

  PostgreSQLQuery query( queryString.str() );
  if( !m_pConnection->execute(query) )
    throw ConfigError( "No entries found for session in database" );

  int rows = query.rows();
  if( rows > 1 )
    throw ConfigError( "Multiple entries found for session in database" );

  if( rows == 1 )
    struct tm time;
    std::string sqlTime = query.getValue( 0, 0 );
    strptime( sqlTime.c_str(), "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", &time );
    m_cache.setCreationTime (UtcTimeStamp (&time));
    m_cache.setNextTargetMsgSeqNum( atol( query.getValue( 0, 1 ) ) );
    m_cache.setNextSenderMsgSeqNum( atol( query.getValue( 0, 2 ) ) );
    UtcTimeStamp time = m_cache.getCreationTime();
    char sqlTime[ 20 ];
    int year, month, day, hour, minute, second, millis;
    time.getYMD (year, month, day);
    time.getHMS (hour, minute, second, millis);
    STRING_SPRINTF( sqlTime, "%d-%02d-%02d %02d:%02d:%02d",
             year, month, day, hour, minute, second );
    std::stringstream queryString2;
    queryString2 << "INSERT INTO sessions (beginstring, sendercompid, targetcompid, session_qualifier,"
    << "creation_time, incoming_seqnum, outgoing_seqnum) VALUES("
    << "'" << m_sessionID.getBeginString().getValue() << "',"
    << "'" << m_sessionID.getSenderCompID().getValue() << "',"
    << "'" << m_sessionID.getTargetCompID().getValue() << "',"
    << "'" << m_sessionID.getSessionQualifier() << "',"
    << "'" << sqlTime << "',"
    << m_cache.getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() << ","
    << m_cache.getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() << ")";

    PostgreSQLQuery query2( queryString2.str() );
    if( !m_pConnection->execute(query2) )
      throw ConfigError( "Unable to create session in database" );
예제 #5
void MemMapper::LateInit()
    // Make connections
    for (TiXmlElement *el = xml_config.FirstChildElement("connect"); el != NULL; el = el->NextSiblingElement("connect"))
        const char *type = el->Attribute("type");
        const char *dest = el->Attribute("dest");

        if (type == NULL || dest == NULL)
            throw ConfigError(el, "MemMapper <connect> missing type or dest attribute");

        std::string type_str = std::string(type);
        if (type_str == "Z80CPU")
            z80 = mbee.GetDevice<Z80CPU>(dest);
        else if (type_str == "Bank0")
            bank0 = mbee.GetDevice<RAM>(dest);
        else if (type_str == "Bank1")
            bank1 = mbee.GetDevice<RAM>(dest);
        else if (type_str == "Bank2")
            bank2 = mbee.GetDevice<RAM>(dest);
        else if (type_str == "Bank3")
            bank3 = mbee.GetDevice<RAM>(dest);
        else if (type_str == "ROM1")
            rom1 = mbee.GetDevice<ROM>(dest);
        else if (type_str == "ROM2")
            rom2 = mbee.GetDevice<ROM>(dest);
        else if (type_str == "ROM3")
            rom3 = mbee.GetDevice<ROM>(dest);
        else if (type_str == "CRTCMemory")
            crtcmem = mbee.GetDevice<CRTCMemory>(dest);

    if (z80 == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "MemMapper missing Z80CPU connection");
    if (bank0 == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "MemMapper missing Bank0 connection");
    if (bank1 == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "MemMapper missing Bank1 connection");
    if (bank2 == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "MemMapper missing Bank2 connection");
    if (bank3 == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "MemMapper missing Bank3 connection");
    if (rom1 == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "MemMapper missing ROM1 connection");
    if (rom2 == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "MemMapper missing ROM2 connection");
    if (rom3 == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "MemMapper missing ROM3 connection");
    if (crtcmem == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "MemMapper missing CRTCMemory connection");
예제 #6
파일: FileStore.cpp 프로젝트: ifzz/FDK
void FileStore::open( bool deleteFile )

  if ( m_msgFile ) fclose( m_msgFile );
  if ( m_headerFile ) fclose( m_headerFile );
  if ( m_seqNumsFile ) fclose( m_seqNumsFile );
  if ( m_sessionFile ) fclose( m_sessionFile );

  m_msgFile = 0;
  m_headerFile = 0;
  m_seqNumsFile = 0;
  m_sessionFile = 0;

  if ( deleteFile )
    file_unlink( m_msgFileName.c_str() );
    file_unlink( m_headerFileName.c_str() );
    file_unlink( m_seqNumsFileName.c_str() );
    file_unlink( m_sessionFileName.c_str() );

  m_msgFile = file_fopen( m_msgFileName.c_str(), "r+" );
  if ( !m_msgFile ) m_msgFile = file_fopen( m_msgFileName.c_str(), "w+" );
  if ( !m_msgFile ) throw ConfigError( "Could not open body file: " + m_msgFileName );

  m_headerFile = file_fopen( m_headerFileName.c_str(), "r+" );
  if ( !m_headerFile ) m_headerFile = file_fopen( m_headerFileName.c_str(), "w+" );
  if ( !m_headerFile ) throw ConfigError( "Could not open header file: " + m_headerFileName );

  m_seqNumsFile = file_fopen( m_seqNumsFileName.c_str(), "r+" );
  if ( !m_seqNumsFile ) m_seqNumsFile = file_fopen( m_seqNumsFileName.c_str(), "w+" );
  if ( !m_seqNumsFile ) throw ConfigError( "Could not open seqnums file: " + m_seqNumsFileName );

  bool setCreationTime = false;
  m_sessionFile = file_fopen( m_sessionFileName.c_str(), "r" );
  if ( !m_sessionFile ) setCreationTime = true;
  else fclose( m_sessionFile );

  m_sessionFile = file_fopen( m_sessionFileName.c_str(), "r+" );
  if ( !m_sessionFile ) m_sessionFile = file_fopen( m_sessionFileName.c_str(), "w+" );
  if ( !m_sessionFile ) throw ConfigError( "Could not open session file" );
  if ( setCreationTime ) setSession();

  setNextSenderMsgSeqNum( getNextSenderMsgSeqNum() );
  setNextTargetMsgSeqNum( getNextTargetMsgSeqNum() );

예제 #7
void SimpleConfig::_parse(std::istream &is) {
	std::vector<std::string> lines;
	std::vector<std::string>::iterator L;
	std::string line;
	int state = 0;
	while (is.good() && !is.eof()) {
		char buffer[1024];
		is.getline(buffer, 1024);
		buffer[1023] = 0;
	line = "";
	state = 0;
	std::string section;
	std::string comment;
	int line_no = 0;
	for (L = lines.begin(); L != lines.end(); L++) {
		line = TrimString(*L, WHITESPACE);
		if (line == "") {
			if (L+1 != lines.end()) {
		} else {
			char c = line[0];
			if (c == SECTION_START) {
				int e = line.find(SECTION_END);
				if (e < 0) {
					throw ConfigError("missing end-section tag", m_file, line_no, *L);
				section = line.substr(1, e-1);
			} else
			if (c == COMMENT_CHAR) {
			} else {
				int eq = line.find_first_of(EQUAL_CHAR);
				if (eq < 0) {
					throw ConfigError("missing equal sign in key-value pair", m_file, line_no, *L);
				std::string key = TrimString(line.substr(0, eq), WHITESPACE);
				std::string value = TrimString(line.substr(eq+1), WHITESPACE);
				_addValue(section, key, value);
예제 #8
/* static */ void SdlAudioSink::InitLibrary()
	if (SDL_Init(SDL_INIT_AUDIO) != 0) {
		throw ConfigError(std::string("could not initialise SDL: ") +
예제 #9
파일: SessionFactory.cpp 프로젝트: ifzz/FDK
void SessionFactory::processFixtDataDictionaries(const SessionID& sessionID, 
                                                 const Dictionary& settings, 
                                                 DataDictionaryProvider& provider) throw(ConfigError)

  DataDictionary dataDictionary = createDataDictionary(sessionID, settings, TRANSPORT_DATA_DICTIONARY);
  provider.addTransportDataDictionary(sessionID.getBeginString(), dataDictionary);
  for(Dictionary::const_iterator data = settings.begin(); data != settings.end(); ++data)
    const std::string& key = data->first;
    const std::string frontKey = key.substr(0, strlen(APP_DATA_DICTIONARY));
    if( frontKey == string_toUpper(APP_DATA_DICTIONARY) )
      if( key == string_toUpper(APP_DATA_DICTIONARY) )
        DataDictionary dataDictionary = createDataDictionary(sessionID, settings, APP_DATA_DICTIONARY);
        provider.addApplicationDataDictionary(Message::toApplVerID(settings.getString(DEFAULT_APPLVERID)), dataDictionary);
        std::string::size_type offset = key.find('.');
        if( offset == std::string::npos )
          throw ConfigError(std::string("Malformed ") + APP_DATA_DICTIONARY + ": " + key);
        std::string beginStringQualifier = key.substr(offset+1);
        DataDictionary dataDictionary = createDataDictionary(sessionID, settings, key);
        provider.addApplicationDataDictionary(Message::toApplVerID(beginStringQualifier), dataDictionary);

예제 #10
void SensorDriver::set_correction(const std::vector<int> &correction)
	if (correction.size() > num_temps())
		throw ConfigError(MSG_CONF_CORRECTION_LEN(path_, correction.size(), num_temps_));
	else if (correction.size() < num_temps())
		log(TF_WRN) << MSG_CONF_CORRECTION_LEN(path_, correction.size(), num_temps_) << flush;
	correction_ = correction;
예제 #11
int DataDictionary::lookupXMLFieldNumber
( DOMDocument* pDoc, const std::string& name ) const
  NameToField::const_iterator i = m_names.find(name);
  if( i == m_names.end() )
    throw ConfigError("Field " + name + " not defined in fields section");
  return i->second;
예제 #12
int DataDictionary::lookupXMLFieldNumber( DOMDocument* pDoc, DOMNode* pNode ) const
  DOMAttributesPtr attrs = pNode->getAttributes();
  std::string name;
  if(!attrs->get("name", name))
    throw ConfigError("No name given to field");
  return lookupXMLFieldNumber( pDoc, name );
예제 #13
const message_order &DataDictionary::getMessageOrderedFields(const std::string & msgType) const EXCEPT ( ConfigError )
  MsgTypeToOrderedFields::const_iterator iter = m_messageOrderedFields.find(msgType);
  if (iter == m_messageOrderedFields.end())
    throw ConfigError("<Message> " + msgType + " does not have a stored message order");

  return iter->second.getMessageOrder();
예제 #14
const Dictionary& SessionSettings::get( const SessionID& sessionID ) const
EXCEPT ( ConfigError )
  Dictionaries::const_iterator i;
  i = m_settings.find( sessionID );
  if ( i == m_settings.end() ) throw ConfigError( "Session not found" );
  return i->second;
예제 #15
void DataDictionary::addXMLGroup( DOMDocument* pDoc, DOMNode* pNode,
                                  const std::string& msgtype,
                                  DataDictionary& DD, bool groupRequired  )
  DOMAttributesPtr attrs = pNode->getAttributes();
  std::string name;
  if(!attrs->get("name", name))
    throw ConfigError("No name given to group");
  int group = lookupXMLFieldNumber( pDoc, name );
  int delim = 0;
  int field = 0;
  DataDictionary groupDD;
  DOMNodePtr node = pNode->getFirstChildNode();
    if( node->getName() == "field" )
      field = lookupXMLFieldNumber( pDoc, node.get() );
      groupDD.addField( field );

      DOMAttributesPtr attrs = node->getAttributes();
      std::string required;
      if( attrs->get("required", required)
         && ( required == "Y" || required =="y" )
         && groupRequired )
        groupDD.addRequiredField(msgtype, field);
    else if( node->getName() == "component" )
      field = addXMLComponentFields( pDoc, node.get(), msgtype, groupDD, false );
    else if( node->getName() == "group" )
      field = lookupXMLFieldNumber( pDoc, node.get() );
      groupDD.addField( field );
      DOMAttributesPtr attrs = node->getAttributes();
      std::string required;
      if( attrs->get("required", required )
         && ( required == "Y" || required =="y" )
         && groupRequired)
        groupDD.addRequiredField(msgtype, field);
      bool isRequired = false;
      if( attrs->get("required", required) )
      isRequired = (required == "Y" || required == "y");
      addXMLGroup( pDoc, node.get(), msgtype, groupDD, isRequired );
    if( delim == 0 ) delim = field;
    RESET_AUTO_PTR(node, node->getNextSiblingNode());

  if( delim ) DD.addGroup( msgtype, group, delim, groupDD );
예제 #16
bool Dictionary::getBool( const std::string& key ) const
throw( ConfigError, FieldConvertError )
    return BoolConvertor::convert( getString(key) );
  catch ( FieldConvertError& )
    throw ConfigError( "Illegal value " + getString(key) + " for " + key );
예제 #17
std::string Dictionary::getString( const std::string& key, bool capitalize ) const
throw( ConfigError, FieldConvertError )
  Data::const_iterator i = m_data.find( string_toUpper(key) );
  if ( i == m_data.end() ) throw ConfigError( key + " not defined" );

  std::string result = i->second;
  if( capitalize )
     std::transform(result.begin(), result.end(), result.begin(), toupper);

  return result;
예제 #18
void SessionSettings::validate( const Dictionary& dictionary ) const
EXCEPT ( ConfigError )
  std::string beginString = dictionary.getString( BEGINSTRING );
  if( beginString != BeginString_FIX40 &&
      beginString != BeginString_FIX41 &&
      beginString != BeginString_FIX42 &&
      beginString != BeginString_FIX43 &&
      beginString != BeginString_FIX44 &&
      beginString != BeginString_FIXT11 )
    throw ConfigError( std::string(BEGINSTRING) + " must be FIX.4.0 to FIX.4.4 or FIXT.1.1" );

  std::string connectionType = dictionary.getString( CONNECTION_TYPE );
  if( connectionType != "initiator" &&
      connectionType != "acceptor" )
    throw ConfigError( std::string(CONNECTION_TYPE) + " must be 'initiator' or 'acceptor'" );
예제 #19
void ConfigEntry<std::string>::readValueFromStream(std::istream& is)
    std::string line;
    std::getline(is, line);

    size_t open_quote = line.find('"');
    size_t close_quote = line.rfind('"');

    if (open_quote != std::string::npos && close_quote != std::string::npos) {
        m_value = line.substr(open_quote + 1, close_quote - open_quote - 1);
    } else {
        throw ConfigError("Unable to find quoted string in :" + line);
예제 #20
void DataDictionary::readFromURL( const std::string& url )
throw( ConfigError )
  DOMDocumentPtr pDoc = DOMDocumentPtr(new LIBXML_DOMDocument());
#elif _MSC_VER
  DOMDocumentPtr pDoc = DOMDocumentPtr(new MSXML_DOMDocument());
  DOMDocumentPtr pDoc = DOMDocumentPtr(new LIBXML_DOMDocument());

    throw ConfigError(url + ": Could not parse data dictionary file");

    readFromDocument( pDoc );
  catch( ConfigError& e )
    throw ConfigError( url + ": " + e.what() );
예제 #21
void Acceptor::initialize() throw ( ConfigError )
  std::set < SessionID > sessions = m_settings.getSessions();
  std::set < SessionID > ::iterator i;

  if ( !sessions.size() )
    throw ConfigError( "No sessions defined" );

  SessionFactory factory( m_application, m_messageStoreFactory,
                          m_pLogFactory );

  for ( i = sessions.begin(); i != sessions.end(); ++i )
    if ( m_settings.get( *i ).getString( CONNECTION_TYPE ) == "acceptor" )
      m_sessionIDs.insert( *i );
      m_sessions[ *i ] = factory.create( *i, m_settings.get( *i ) );

  if ( !m_sessions.size() )
    throw ConfigError( "No sessions defined for acceptor" );
예제 #22
	// just like the Initiator::initialize function
	void AsioSocketInitiator::initialize()
		std::set < SessionID > sessions = m_settings.getSessions();
		std::set < SessionID > ::iterator i;

		if ( !sessions.size() )
			throw ConfigError( "No sessions defined" );

		SessionFactory factory( m_application, m_messageStoreFactory,
			m_pLogFactory );

		for ( i = sessions.begin(); i != sessions.end(); ++i )
			if ( m_settings.get( *i ).getString( m_connection_type_label ).compare ( m_initiator_label ) == 0 )
				m_sessions[ *i ] = factory.create( *i, m_settings.get( *i ) );
				ConnectSession ( *i, m_settings.get( *i ) );

		if ( !m_sessions.size() )
			throw ConfigError( "No sessions defined for initiator" );
예제 #23
void DataDictionary::readFromStream( std::istream& stream )
throw( ConfigError )
  DOMDocumentPtr pDoc = DOMDocumentPtr(new LIBXML_DOMDocument());
#elif _MSC_VER
  DOMDocumentPtr pDoc = DOMDocumentPtr(new MSXML_DOMDocument());
  DOMDocumentPtr pDoc = DOMDocumentPtr(new LIBXML_DOMDocument());

    throw ConfigError("Could not parse data dictionary stream");

  readFromDocument( pDoc );
예제 #24
void IConfig::loadFromStream(std::istream& is)
    std::string entry_name;
    bool read = true;
    while (read) {
        while (char c = is.get()) {
            if (!is.good()) {
                read = false;

            // trim spaces at the beginning
            if (c == ' ' || c == '\n' || c == '\r') {

            // skip comment line
            if (c == '#') {
                is.ignore(std::numeric_limits<std::streamsize>::max(), '\n');

            // next config header, finish parsing
            if (c == '[') {
                read = false;


        if (!read) {

        is >> entry_name;

        if (m_strEntryMap.count(entry_name)) {
        } else {
            throw ConfigError("Unrecognized config entry: " + entry_name);

예제 #25
ApplyCallback(Widget w, XtPointer user_data, XtPointer call_data)
    Arg args[1];

    XtSetArg(args[0], XtNstring, &ident_string);
    XtGetValues(ident_widget, args, 1);

    if (config_function == NULL || (*config_function)()) {
	config_popped = False;
	config_status = True;
	xf86info.lists[xf86info.cur_list].cur_function = 0;
예제 #26
message_order const& DataDictionary::getTrailerOrderedFields() const EXCEPT ( ConfigError )
  if( m_trailerOrder ) return m_trailerOrder;

  if (m_trailerOrderedFields.size() == 0)
    throw ConfigError("<Trailer> does not have a stored message order");

  int * tmp = new int[m_trailerOrderedFields.size() + 1];
  int * i = tmp;

  OrderedFields::const_iterator iter;
  for( iter = m_trailerOrderedFields.begin(); iter != m_trailerOrderedFields.end(); *(i++) = *(iter++) ) {}
  *i = 0;

  m_trailerOrder = message_order(tmp);
  delete [] tmp;

  return m_trailerOrder;
예제 #27
void Drives::LateInit()
    // Make connections
    for (TiXmlElement *el = xml_config.FirstChildElement("connect"); el != NULL; el = el->NextSiblingElement("connect"))
        const char *type = el->Attribute("type");
        const char *dest = el->Attribute("dest");

        if (type == NULL || dest == NULL)
            throw ConfigError(el, "Drives <connect> missing type or dest attribute");

        std::string type_str = std::string(type);
        if (type_str == "FDC")
            fdc = mbee.GetDevice<FDC>(dest);

    if (fdc == NULL)
        throw ConfigError(&xml_config, "Drives missing FDC connection");

    // Load any Disks specified
    for (TiXmlElement *el = xml_config.FirstChildElement("disk"); el != NULL; el = el->NextSiblingElement("disk"))
        int drv;
        if (el->Attribute("drive", &drv) == NULL)
            throw ConfigError(el, "<disk> missing drive attribute");

        const char *file = el->Attribute("filename");
        if (file == NULL)
            throw ConfigError(el, "<disk> missing filename attribute");

            LoadDisk(drv, mbee.GetConfigFileName().GetPath(wxPATH_GET_SEPARATOR) + file);
        catch (OutOfRange &)
            throw ConfigError(el, "<disk> specifies an invalid drive");
        catch (DiskImageError &)
            throw ConfigError(el, "Disk image could not be loaded");
예제 #28
파일: FileStore.cpp 프로젝트: ifzz/FDK
FileStore::FileStore( std::string path, const SessionID& s )
: m_msgFile( 0 ), m_headerFile( 0 ), m_seqNumsFile( 0 ), m_sessionFile( 0 )
  file_mkdir( path.c_str() );

  if ( path.empty() ) path = ".";
  const std::string& begin =
  const std::string& sender =
  const std::string& target =
  const std::string& qualifier =

  std::string sessionid = begin + "-" + sender + "-" + target;
  if( qualifier.size() )
    sessionid += "-" + qualifier;

  std::string prefix
    = file_appendpath(path, sessionid + ".");

  m_msgFileName = prefix + "body";
  m_headerFileName = prefix + "header";
  m_seqNumsFileName = prefix + "seqnums";
  m_sessionFileName = prefix + "session";

    open( false );
  catch ( IOException & e )
    throw ConfigError( e.what() );
예제 #29
int Dictionary::getDay( const std::string& key ) const
throw( ConfigError, FieldConvertError )
    std::string value = getString(key);
    if( value.size() < 2 ) throw FieldConvertError(0);
    std::string abbr = value.substr(0, 2);
    std::transform( abbr.begin(), abbr.end(), abbr.begin(), tolower );
    if( abbr == "su" ) return 1;
    if( abbr == "mo" ) return 2;
    if( abbr == "tu" ) return 3;
    if( abbr == "we" ) return 4;
    if( abbr == "th" ) return 5;
    if( abbr == "fr" ) return 6;
    if( abbr == "sa" ) return 7;
    if( value.size() < 2 ) throw FieldConvertError(0);
  catch ( FieldConvertError& )
    throw ConfigError( "Illegal value " + getString(key) + " for " + key );
  return -1;
	// Process the configuration settings.  This will set up the recordCopier.
	// Note: Check HaveConfigurationError() for the result.
	void GeoLoadCombineAddressRange::ProcessConfiguration()
		if (!configChanged) {

		// Output record starts out empty
		outputRecord = new Record;

		// Make a new record copier
		recordCopier = new RecordCopier;

		// Must have an output
		DataSourceList outputs = GetOutputs();
		if (outputs.size() == 0) {
			ConfigError("Must have at least one output attached");

		// Get references to all inputs.
		DataSourceRef input = GetFirstInput();
		if (input == 0) {
			ConfigError("Must have at least one input attached");

		// Output is always copy of input record schema
		outputRecord = new Record(*input->GetRecord());

		// Copy entire record; this is only very slightly wasteful of CPU.

		// Configuration processing.  Walk the DataItem hierarchy and
		// transform that into the data-file, file format, and record layout.

		DataItemRef tmp;

		// Specified fields

		postcodeFieldName = "";
		tlidFieldName = "";
		leftRightFieldName = "";
		fraddrFieldName = "";
		toaddrFieldName = "";

		tmp = config["ZIP"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			postcodeFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(postcodeFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("ZIP field '" + postcodeFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");

		tmp = config["TLID"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			tlidFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(tlidFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("TLID field '" + tlidFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");

		tmp = config["LEFTRIGHT"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			leftRightFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(leftRightFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("LEFTRIGHT field '" + leftRightFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");

		tmp = config["FRADDR"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			fraddrFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(fraddrFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("FRADDR field '" + fraddrFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");

		tmp = config["TOADDR"];
		if (tmp != 0) {
			toaddrFieldName = TsString(*tmp);
		if (outputRecord->GetField(toaddrFieldName) == 0) {
			ConfigError("TOADDR field '" + toaddrFieldName + "' does not exist on input record");