EndpointRaspberry::EndpointRaspberry(ptree &pt) :HardwareEndpoint(pt), pinNumber(pt.get<int>("pin")), invert(pt.get<bool>("invert",false)) { if(!initialized) { if(wiringPiSetup()) throw HeinzException("unable to initialize wiringPi"); initialized=true; } string pull_mode_s=pt.get<string>("pull","off"); int pull_mode=PUD_OFF; if(pull_mode_s=="off") pull_mode=PUD_OFF; else if(pull_mode_s=="up") pull_mode=PUD_UP; else if(pull_mode_s=="down") pull_mode=PUD_DOWN; else BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ConfigException()<<ExErrorMessage((boost::format("unknown pull mode: %1%")%pull_mode_s).str())); if(allocatedPins.find(pinNumber)!=allocatedPins.end()) BOOST_THROW_EXCEPTION(ConfigException()<<ExErrorMessage((boost::format("pin %1% already in use")%pinNumber).str())); allocatedPins.insert(pinNumber); pinMode(pinNumber,getIsInput()?INPUT:OUTPUT); if(getIsInput()) pullUpDnControl(pinNumber, pull_mode); }
char* KVStore::getInternal(const std::string& key, char**) { Transaction transaction(*this); ScopedReset scopedReset(mGetValueStmt); ::sqlite3_bind_text(mGetValueStmt->get(), 1, key.c_str(), AUTO_DETERM_SIZE, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); int ret = ::sqlite3_step(mGetValueStmt->get()); if (ret == SQLITE_DONE) { throw ConfigException("No value corresponding to the key: " + key + "@" + mPath); } if (ret != SQLITE_ROW) { throw ConfigException("Error during stepping: " + mConn.getErrorMessage()); } const char* source = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(mGetValueStmt->get(), FIRST_COLUMN)); size_t length = std::strlen(source); char* value = new char[length + 1]; std::strncpy(value, source, length); value[length] = '\0'; transaction.commit(); return value; }
AbsSyncAlgorithm* OptimisticTickSyncAlgo::Create(const Json::Value& param,AbsCommManager *comm){ if(param["strategy"].isNull()) throw ConfigException("Speculation strategy is not defined!"); SpeculationTimeCalculationStrategy *st; string strategy=param["strategy"].asString(); if(strategy.compare("constant")==0){ time_metric met=FncsConfig::jsonToTimeMetric(param["metric"]); TIME specTime=(TIME)param["look_ahead_time"].asUInt64(); st=new ConstantSpeculationTimeStrategy(met,specTime); }else if(strategy.compare("increasing")==0){ time_metric met=FncsConfig::jsonToTimeMetric(param["metric"]); TIME specTime=(TIME)param["initial_look_ahead_time"].asUInt64(); st=new IncreasingSpeculationTimeStrategy(met,specTime); }else if(strategy.compare("infinity")==0){ st=new InfinitySpeculationTimeStrategy(); }else if(strategy.compare("infinitywithkill")==0){ st=new InfinitySpeculationTimeStrategyWithKillLast(); }else{ throw ConfigException("unknown speculation strategy!"); } return new OptimisticTickSyncAlgo(comm,st); }
void loadFromJsonFile(const std::string& filename, Config& config) { std::string content; if (!fsutils::readFileContent(filename, content)) { throw ConfigException("Could not load " + filename); } try { loadFromJsonString(content, config); } catch (ConfigException& e) { throw ConfigException("Error in " + filename + ": " + e.what()); } }
int Config::get_int_setting(std::string setting_name) { reload_on_usr1(); int returnInt = -1; try { returnInt = std::stoi(configMap.at(setting_name)); } catch (out_of_range){ throw ConfigException("Unknown int option passed: " + setting_name); } catch (invalid_argument){ throw ConfigException("Error parsing config to int, check config file syntax at " + setting_name); } return returnInt; }
void OnReload(Configuration::Conf *conf) override { const Anope::string &hsnick = conf->GetModule(this)->Get<Anope::string>("client"); if (hsnick.empty()) throw ConfigException(Module::name + ": <client> must be defined"); ServiceBot *bi = ServiceBot::Find(hsnick, true); if (!bi) throw ConfigException(Module::name + ": no bot named " + hsnick); HostServ = bi; }
void loadFromKVStoreWithJsonFile(const std::string& kvfile, const std::string& jsonfile, Config& config, const std::string& kvConfigName) { std::string content; if (!fsutils::readFileContent(jsonfile, content)) { throw ConfigException("Could not load " + jsonfile); } try { loadFromKVStoreWithJson(kvfile, content, config, kvConfigName); } catch (ConfigException& e) { throw ConfigException("Error in " + jsonfile + ": " + e.what()); } }
void IRC2SQL::OnReload(Configuration::Conf *conf) { Configuration::Block *block = Config->GetModule(this); prefix = block->Get<const Anope::string>("prefix", "anope_"); GeoIPDB = block->Get<const Anope::string>("geoip_database"); ctcpuser = block->Get<bool>("ctcpuser", "no"); ctcpeob = block->Get<bool>("ctcpeob", "yes"); Anope::string engine = block->Get<const Anope::string>("engine"); this->sql = ServiceReference<SQL::Provider>("SQL::Provider", engine); if (sql) this->CheckTables(); else Log() << "IRC2SQL: no database connection to " << engine; const Anope::string &snick = block->Get<const Anope::string>("client"); if (snick.empty()) throw ConfigException(Module::name + ": <client> must be defined"); StatServ = BotInfo::Find(snick, true); if (!StatServ) throw ConfigException(Module::name + ": no bot named " + snick); if (firstrun) { firstrun = false; for (Anope::map<Server *>::const_iterator it = Servers::ByName.begin(); it != Servers::ByName.end(); ++it) { this->OnNewServer(it->second); } for (channel_map::const_iterator it = ChannelList.begin(), it_end = ChannelList.end(); it != it_end; ++it) { this->OnChannelCreate(it->second); } for (user_map::const_iterator it = UserListByNick.begin(); it != UserListByNick.end(); ++it) { User *u = it->second; bool exempt = false; this->OnUserConnect(u, exempt); for (User::ChanUserList::const_iterator cit = u->chans.begin(), cit_end = u->chans.end(); cit != cit_end; ++cit) { this->OnJoinChannel(u, cit->second->chan); } } } }
AbsCommManager* CommunicationComManager::Create(AbsNetworkInterface* given,bool simType){ if(simType){ throw ConfigException("SimType is not communication network simulator"); } return new CommunicationComManager(given); }
void Config::onError(const std::string& msg, int code) { //std::cerr << "ConfigError:" << std::endl; //std::cerr << msg << std::endl; //std::cerr << "code: " << code << std::endl; exit(100); throw ConfigException(msg, code); }
void MessageBroker::Server::start() { if (_config_loaded == false) throw ConfigException("Message Broker server: Can't start server, config not loaded."); try { _ctx = std::make_unique<zmq::context_t>(); _output = std::make_unique<zmq::socket_t>(*_ctx, zmq::socket_type::xpub); _output->bind("tcp://*:" + _server_pub_port); _input = std::make_unique<zmq::socket_t>(*_ctx, zmq::socket_type::xsub); _input->bind("tcp://*:" + _server_sub_port); _control = std::make_unique<zmq::socket_t>(*_ctx, zmq::socket_type::rep); _control->connect("tcp://"); zmq::proxy_steerable(static_cast<void *>(*_input), static_cast<void *>(*_output), nullptr, static_cast<void *>(*_control)); _control.reset(); _input.reset(); _output.reset(); _ctx.reset(); } catch (const std::exception& ex) { throw SystemException("Message broker server: Error. " + std::string(ex.what())); } }
void KVStore::createFunctions() { int ret = sqlite3_create_function(mConn.get(), "escapeStr", 1, SQLITE_ANY, 0, &sqliteEscapeStr, 0, 0); if (ret != SQLITE_OK) { throw ConfigException("Error during creating functions: " + mConn.getErrorMessage()); } }
void saveToJsonFile(const std::string& filename, const Config& config) { const std::string content = saveToJsonString(config); if (!fsutils::saveFileContent(filename, content)) { throw ConfigException("Could not save " + filename); } }
void OnReload(Configuration::Conf *conf) override { Configuration::Block *config = conf->GetModule(this); this->certfile = config->Get<Anope::string>("cert", "data/anope.crt"); this->keyfile = config->Get<Anope::string>("key", "data/anope.key"); if (Anope::IsFile(this->certfile.c_str())) { if (!SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(client_ctx, this->certfile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) || !SSL_CTX_use_certificate_file(server_ctx, this->certfile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) throw ConfigException("Error loading certificate"); else Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "m_ssl_openssl: Successfully loaded certificate " << this->certfile; } else Log() << "Unable to open certificate " << this->certfile; if (Anope::IsFile(this->keyfile.c_str())) { if (!SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(client_ctx, this->keyfile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM) || !SSL_CTX_use_PrivateKey_file(server_ctx, this->keyfile.c_str(), SSL_FILETYPE_PEM)) throw ConfigException("Error loading private key"); else Log(LOG_DEBUG) << "m_ssl_openssl: Successfully loaded private key " << this->keyfile; } else { if (Anope::IsFile(this->certfile.c_str())) throw ConfigException("Error loading private key " + this->keyfile + " - file not found"); else Log() << "Unable to open private key " << this->keyfile; } // Allow disabling SSLv3 if (!config->Get<Anope::string>("sslv3").empty()) { if (config->Get<bool>("sslv3")) { SSL_CTX_clear_options(client_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3); SSL_CTX_clear_options(server_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3); } else { SSL_CTX_set_options(client_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3); SSL_CTX_set_options(server_ctx, SSL_OP_NO_SSLv3); } } }
void Config::loadConfigFileToMap(){ configMap.clear(); std::string configString; std::string delimiter; std::string configRelevantString; std::string configLine; std::string key; size_t position; int configFileDescriptor; // TODO: Should take name of config file from constructor param (passed from CmdLine or some default) if ((configFileDescriptor = open("./config", O_RDONLY, S_IRUSR)) == -1) { throw ConfigException("Cannot open config file!"); } char configFileContents[CONFIG_SIZE]; if (read(configFileDescriptor, &configFileContents, CONFIG_SIZE) == -1) { throw ConfigException("Cannot read config file!"); } close(configFileDescriptor); //Removes everything after ; in config file configString = std::string(configFileContents); delimiter = ";"; configRelevantString = configString.substr(0, configString.find(delimiter)); //Splits the file into lines vector<string> vectorOfLines; delimiter = "\n"; while ((position = configRelevantString.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos) { configLine = configRelevantString.substr(0, position); vectorOfLines.push_back(configLine); configRelevantString.erase(0, position + delimiter.length()); } //Splits the lines into key/value pairs delimiter = "="; for (std::vector<string>::const_iterator i = vectorOfLines.begin(); i != vectorOfLines.end(); ++i){ configLine = *i; while ((position = configLine.find(delimiter)) != std::string::npos) { key = configLine.substr(0, position); configLine.erase(0, position + delimiter.length()); configMap.insert(pair<string, string>(key, configLine)); } } }
// TODO - maybe something better void GlobalManager::updateErrorFunction() throw(ConfigException) { if (settings->ERROR_FUNCTION == "ERROR_SQUARED") { errorFunction = ErrorFunction::ERROR_SQUARED; } else if (settings->ERROR_FUNCTION == "ABS_ERROR") { errorFunction = ErrorFunction::ABS_ERROR; } else { throw ConfigException("Unknown error function: " + settings->ERROR_FUNCTION); } }
void KVStore::Transaction::commit() { if (mKVStore.mIsTransactionCommited) { throw ConfigException("Transaction already commited"); } if (mIsOuter) { mKVStore.mConn.exec("COMMIT TRANSACTION"); mKVStore.mIsTransactionCommited = true; } }
std::string Config::get_str_setting(std::string setting_name) { reload_on_usr1(); std::string returnString; try{ returnString = configMap.at(setting_name); } catch (out_of_range) { throw ConfigException("Unknown string option passed: " + setting_name); } return returnString; }
void MyriadEnumSet::initialize(const Path& path) { if (!path.isFile()) { throw ConfigException(format("Cannot find file at `%s`", path.toString())); } File file(path); if (!file.canRead()) { throw ConfigException(format("Cannot read from file at `%s`", path.toString())); } ifstream in(file.path().c_str()); if (!in.is_open()) { throw ConfigException(format("Cannot open file at `%s`", path.toString())); } try { initialize(in); in.close(); } catch(Poco::Exception& e) { in.close(); throw e; } catch(exception& e) { in.close(); throw e; } catch(...) { in.close(); throw; } }
void KVStore::remove(const std::string& key) { Transaction transaction(*this); ScopedReset scopedReset(mRemoveValuesStmt); ::sqlite3_bind_text(mRemoveValuesStmt->get(), 1, key.c_str(), AUTO_DETERM_SIZE, SQLITE_STATIC); if (::sqlite3_step(mRemoveValuesStmt->get()) != SQLITE_DONE) { throw ConfigException("Error during stepping: " + mConn.getErrorMessage()); } transaction.commit(); }
void OnReload(Configuration::Conf *conf) override { if (httpref) httpref->UnregisterPage(&xmlrpcinterface); this->httpref = ServiceReference<HTTPProvider>(conf->GetModule(this)->Get<Anope::string>("server", "httpd/main")); if (!httpref) throw ConfigException("Unable to find http reference, is m_httpd loaded?"); httpref->RegisterPage(&xmlrpcinterface); }
KVStore::Transaction::Transaction(KVStore& kvStore) : mLock(kvStore.mMutex) , mKVStore(kvStore) , mIsOuter(kvStore.mTransactionDepth == 0) { if (mKVStore.mIsTransactionCommited) { throw ConfigException("Previous transaction is not closed"); } if (mIsOuter) { mKVStore.mConn.exec("BEGIN EXCLUSIVE TRANSACTION"); } ++mKVStore.mTransactionDepth; }
bool KVStore::isEmpty() { Transaction transaction(*this); ScopedReset scopedReset(mGetIsEmptyStmt); int ret = ::sqlite3_step(mGetIsEmptyStmt->get()); if (ret != SQLITE_DONE && ret != SQLITE_ROW) { throw ConfigException("Error during stepping: " + mConn.getErrorMessage()); } transaction.commit(); return ret == SQLITE_DONE; }
void MessageBroker::Server::load_config(const ConfigManager& mng) { try { auto& section = mng.get_section("message_broker_settings"); _server_pub_port = mng.get_value<std::string>(section, "server_pub_port"); _server_sub_port = mng.get_value<std::string>(section, "server_sub_port"); _config_loaded = true; } catch (const std::exception& ex) { throw ConfigException("Message Broker server : " + std::string(ex.what())); } }
bool KVStore::exists(const std::string& key) { Transaction transaction(*this); ScopedReset scopedReset(mGetKeyExistsStmt); ::sqlite3_bind_text(mGetKeyExistsStmt->get(), 1, key.c_str(), AUTO_DETERM_SIZE, SQLITE_TRANSIENT); int ret = ::sqlite3_step(mGetKeyExistsStmt->get()); if (ret != SQLITE_DONE && ret != SQLITE_ROW) { throw ConfigException("Error during stepping: " + mConn.getErrorMessage()); } transaction.commit(); return ret == SQLITE_ROW; }
void KVStore::setInternal(const std::string& key, const std::vector<std::string>& values) { if (values.size() > std::numeric_limits<unsigned int>::max()) { throw ConfigException("Too many values to insert"); } Transaction transaction(*this); remove(key); // Save vector's capacity setInternal(key, values.size()); // Save vector's elements for (unsigned int i = 0; i < values.size(); ++i) { setInternal(config::key(key, std::to_string(i)), values[i]); } transaction.commit(); }
std::vector<std::string> KVStore::getKeys() { Transaction transaction(*this); ScopedReset scopedReset(mGetKeysStmt); std::vector<std::string> result; for (;;) { int ret = ::sqlite3_step(mGetKeysStmt->get()); if (ret == SQLITE_DONE) { break; } if (ret != SQLITE_ROW) { throw ConfigException("Error during stepping: " + mConn.getErrorMessage()); } const char* key = reinterpret_cast<const char*>(sqlite3_column_text(mGetKeysStmt->get(), FIRST_COLUMN)); result.push_back(key); } transaction.commit(); return result; }
std::vector<std::string> Configuration::getNames(const char *path, ...) { CONSUME_PARAMS(path); // Get relevant nodes std::vector<ConfigNode *> nodes; collect(this->configRoot.get(), params.get(), 0, &nodes); // If there are no nodes, exit if (nodes.size() == 0) { throw ConfigException(pathNotFound(params.get())); } // Copy only the keys std::vector<std::string> result; for (size_t i = 0; i < nodes.size(); i++) { if (nodes[i]->getType() == ConfigNode::Leaf) { result.push_back(nodes[i]->getName()); } } return result; }
void Configuration::load(std::string filename, boost::shared_ptr<std::istream> content, bool, bool) { this->filename = filename; int linePos = 0; int chrPos = 0; std::string line; ConfigNode *currentNode = this->configRoot.get(); while (content->good()) { std::getline(*content, line); boost::algorithm::trim_left(line); int lineLen = line.size(); chrPos = 1; linePos++; while (chrPos < lineLen - 1) { if (line.size() == 0) break; switch (line[0]) { case '#': { std::string comment = line.substr(1, line.size() - 1); boost::trim(comment); currentNode->create(ConfigNode::Comment, comment); chrPos += line.size() - 1; } continue; case '<': case '[': { size_t end = line.find(']'); if (end == std::string::npos) { end = line.find('>'); } if ((line.size() < 2) || (end == std::string::npos)) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Parse error in " << filename << ", line " << linePos << " character " << chrPos << ": malformed tag!"; throw ConfigException(ss.str()); } if (end - 1 == 0) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Parse error in " << filename << ", line " << linePos << " character " << chrPos << ": malformed tag, tag name empty!"; throw ConfigException(ss.str()); } std::string name = line.substr(1, end - 1); if ((name[0] == '/') || (name[0] == '!')) { if (currentNode == NULL) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Parse error in " << filename << ", line " << linePos << " character " << chrPos << ": no opening tag found!"; throw ConfigException(ss.str()); } if (name.compare(1, name.size() - 1, currentNode->getName()) != 0) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Parse error in " << filename << ", line " << linePos << " character " << chrPos << ": closing tag does not match opening tag!"; throw ConfigException(ss.str()); } currentNode = currentNode->getParent(); } else { currentNode = currentNode->create(name); } if (end <= line.size() - 1) { line = line.substr(end + 1, line.size() - end - 1); } chrPos += (end + 1); } break; default: chrPos++; if ((line[0] != ' ') && (line[0] != '\t')) { size_t curPos = 0; bool inString = false; std::ostringstream ss; while (curPos < line.size()) { // TODO: This was commented out; why? phb if ((!inString) && ((line[curPos] == '[') || (line[curPos] == '<'))) { curPos--; break; } if (line[curPos] == '"') { inString = !inString; curPos++; } if (curPos < line.size()) { ss << line[curPos]; curPos++; } } line = (curPos >= line.size() - 1 ? "" : line.substr(curPos + 1, line.size() - curPos - 1)); chrPos += (curPos - 1); std::string element = ss.str(); std::string key; std::string value; size_t eq = element.find('='); if (eq != std::string::npos) { key = element.substr(0, eq - 1); value = element.substr(eq + 1, element.size() - eq - 1); boost::algorithm::trim(key); boost::algorithm::trim(value); } boost::any a(value); currentNode->create(key, a); } else { line = line.substr(1, line.size() - 1); } break; } } } if (this->configRoot.get() != currentNode) { std::ostringstream ss; ss << "Parse error in " << filename << ", line " << linePos << " character " << line.size() << ": no closing tag found!"; throw ConfigException(ss.str()); } }
void Config::onError(const std::string& msg) { //std::cerr << "ConfigError:" << std::endl; //std::cerr << msg << std::endl; //exit(100); throw ConfigException(msg); }