/** * It will do onboarding based on the user's configuration. */ bool ESOnboard(const char * ssid, const char* passwd, NetworkEventCallback cb) { OIC_LOG(DEBUG, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "ESOnboard IN"); if (ESSoftapOnboarding()) { if (ESSoftapAtEnrollee()) { OIC_LOG(DEBUG, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "Create SoftAp at enrollee"); ESCreateSoftap(ssid, passwd, cb); } else { OIC_LOG(DEBUG, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "Connecting to Mediator SoftAp"); ConnectToWiFiNetwork(ssid, passwd, cb); } return true; } else if (ESBleOnboarding()) { OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "ESOnboard::Ble onboarding is not supported"); // TODO: return false; } else { // TODO: OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "ESOnboard::Invalid onboarding option"); return false; } }
/** * It will do onboarding based on the user's configuration. */ bool ESOnboard(const char * ssid, const char* passwd, NetworkEventCallback cb) { OIC_LOG(DEBUG, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "ESOnboard IN"); if (ESSoftapOnboarding()) { //Arduino does not need to check ESSoftapAtEnrollee() //As SoftAP for Arduino Enrollee will be created at Mediator side & //Arduino Enrollee always connects to the mediator's softAp. OIC_LOG(DEBUG, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "Connecting to Mediator SoftAp"); ConnectToWiFiNetwork(ssid, passwd, cb); return true; } else if (ESBleOnboarding()) { OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "ESOnboard::Ble onboarding is not supported"); // TODO: return false; } else { // TODO: OIC_LOG(ERROR, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "ESOnboard::Invalid onboarding option"); return false; } }
void ESProvisioningCallback(ESResult esResult) { OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "ESProvisioningCallback with result = %d", esResult); if (esResult == ES_RECVTRIGGEROFPROVRES) { GetTargetNetworkInfoFromProvResource(gTargetSsid, gTargetPass); gEnrolleeStatusCb(ES_OK, ES_PROVISIONED_STATE); OIC_LOG(DEBUG, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "Connecting with target network"); // Connecting/onboarding to target network ConnectToWiFiNetwork(gTargetSsid, gTargetPass, ESOnboardingCallbackTargetNet); } else { OIC_LOG_V(DEBUG, ES_ENROLLEE_TAG, "Provisioning is failed callback result is = %d", esResult); // Resetting Enrollee to ONBOARDED_STATE as Enrollee is alreday onboarded in previous step gEnrolleeStatusCb(ES_OK, ES_ON_BOARDED_STATE); } }