예제 #1
파일: cpu.c 프로젝트: x893/OpenBLT
** \brief     Copies data from the source to the destination address.
** \param     dest Destination address for the data.
** \param     src  Source address of the data.
** \param     len  length of the data in bytes. 
** \return    none.
void CpuMemCopy(blt_addr dest, blt_addr src, blt_int16u len)
  blt_int8u *from, *to;

  /* set casted pointers */
  from = (blt_int8u *)src;
  to = (blt_int8u *)dest;

  /* copy all bytes from source address to destination address */
  while(len-- > 0)
    /* store byte value from source to destination */
    *to++ = *from++;
    /* keep the watchdog happy */
} /*** end of CpuMemCopy ***/
예제 #2
파일: flash.c 프로젝트: x893/OpenBLT
** \brief     Determines the flash sector base address.
** \param     sector Sector to get the base address of.
** \return    Flash sector base address or FLASH_INVALID_ADDRESS.
static blt_addr FlashGetSectorBaseAddr(blt_int8u sector)
  blt_int8u sectorIdx;
  /* search through the sectors to find the right one */
  for (sectorIdx = 0; sectorIdx < FLASH_TOTAL_SECTORS; sectorIdx++)
    /* keep the watchdog happy */
    if (flashLayout[sectorIdx].sector_num == sector)
      return flashLayout[sectorIdx].sector_start;
  /* still here so no valid sector found */
} /*** end of FlashGetSectorBaseAddr ***/
예제 #3
파일: uart.c 프로젝트: x893/OpenBLT
** \brief     Transmits a communication interface byte.
** \param     data Value of byte that is to be transmitted.
** \return    BLT_TRUE if the byte was transmitted, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
static blt_bool UartTransmitByte(blt_int8u data)
  /* check if tx holding register can accept new data */
  if ((U0LSR & UART_THRE) == 0)
    /* UART not ready. should not happen */
    return BLT_FALSE;
  /* write byte to transmit holding register */
  U0THR = data;
  /* wait for tx holding register to be empty */
  while((U0LSR & UART_THRE) == 0) 
    /* keep the watchdog happy */
  /* byte transmitted */
  return BLT_TRUE;
} /*** end of UartTransmitByte ***/
예제 #4
파일: flash.c 프로젝트: x893/OpenBLT
** \brief     Determines the flash sector the address is in.
** \param     address Address in the flash sector.
** \return    Flash sector number or FLASH_INVALID_SECTOR.
static blt_int8u FlashGetSector(blt_addr address)
  blt_int8u sectorIdx;
  /* search through the sectors to find the right one */
  for (sectorIdx = 0; sectorIdx < FLASH_TOTAL_SECTORS; sectorIdx++)
    /* keep the watchdog happy */
    /* is the address in this sector? */
    if ( (address >= flashLayout[sectorIdx].sector_start) && \
         (address < (flashLayout[sectorIdx].sector_start + \
                  flashLayout[sectorIdx].sector_size)) )
      /* return the sector number */
      return flashLayout[sectorIdx].sector_num;
  /* still here so no valid sector found */
} /*** end of FlashGetSector ***/
예제 #5
파일: uart.c 프로젝트: x893/OpenBLT
** \brief     Transmits a packet formatted for the communication interface.
** \param     data Pointer to byte array with data that it to be transmitted.
** \param     len  Number of bytes that are to be transmitted.
** \return    none.
void UartTransmitPacket(blt_int8u *data, blt_int8u len)
  blt_int16u data_index;
  blt_bool result;

  /* verify validity of the len-paramenter */

  /* first transmit the length of the packet */  
  result = UartTransmitByte(len);
  ASSERT_RT(result == BLT_TRUE);  
  /* transmit all the packet bytes one-by-one */
  for (data_index = 0; data_index < len; data_index++)
    /* keep the watchdog happy */
    /* write byte */
    result = UartTransmitByte(data[data_index]);
    ASSERT_RT(result == BLT_TRUE);  
} /*** end of UartTransmitPacket ***/
예제 #6
파일: flash.c 프로젝트: x893/OpenBLT
** \brief     Programs FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE bytes to flash from the block->data
**            array.
** \param     block   Pointer to flash block info structure to operate on.
** \return    BLT_TRUE if successful, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
static blt_bool FlashWriteBlock(tFlashBlockInfo *block)
  blt_int8u  sector_num;
  blt_bool   result = BLT_TRUE;
  blt_addr   prog_addr;
  blt_int32u prog_data;
  blt_int32u word_cnt;

  /* check that address is actually within flash */
  sector_num = FlashGetSector(block->base_addr);
  if (sector_num == FLASH_INVALID_SECTOR)
    return BLT_FALSE;
  /* program all words in the block one by one */
  for (word_cnt=0; word_cnt<(FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(blt_int32u)); word_cnt++)
    prog_addr = block->base_addr + (word_cnt * sizeof(blt_int32u));
    prog_data = *(volatile blt_int32u*)(&block->data[word_cnt * sizeof(blt_int32u)]);
    /* keep the watchdog happy */
    /* program the word to flash */
    if (FlashLibProgram((uint32_t *)&prog_data, prog_addr, sizeof(blt_int32u)) != 0)
      result = BLT_FALSE;
    /* verify that the written data is actually there */
    if (*(volatile blt_int32u*)prog_addr != prog_data)
      result = BLT_FALSE;
  /* still here so all is okay */
  return result;
} /*** end of FlashWriteBlock ***/
예제 #7
파일: flash.c 프로젝트: x893/OpenBLT
** \brief     Erases the flash sectors from first_sector up until last_sector.
** \param     first_sector First flash sector number.
** \param     last_sector  Last flash sector number.
** \return    BLT_TRUE if successful, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
static blt_bool FlashEraseSectors(blt_int8u first_sector, blt_int8u last_sector)
  blt_int16u nr_of_blocks;
  blt_int16u block_cnt;
  blt_addr   start_addr;
  blt_addr   end_addr;

  /* validate the sector numbers */
  if (first_sector > last_sector)
    return BLT_FALSE;
  if ( (first_sector < flashLayout[0].sector_num) || \
       (last_sector > flashLayout[FLASH_TOTAL_SECTORS-1].sector_num) )
    return BLT_FALSE;
  /* determine how many blocks need to be erased */
  start_addr = FlashGetSectorBaseAddr(first_sector);
  end_addr = FlashGetSectorBaseAddr(last_sector) + FlashGetSectorSize(last_sector) - 1;
  nr_of_blocks = (end_addr - start_addr + 1) / FLASH_ERASE_BLOCK_SIZE;

  /* erase all blocks one by one */
  for (block_cnt=0; block_cnt<nr_of_blocks; block_cnt++)
    /* keep the watchdog happy */
    /* erase the flash page with size FLASH_ERASE_BLOCK_SIZE */
    if (FlashLibErase(start_addr + (block_cnt * FLASH_ERASE_BLOCK_SIZE)) != 0)
      return BLT_FALSE;
  /* still here so all went okay */
  return BLT_TRUE;
} /*** end of FlashEraseSectors ***/
예제 #8
파일: flash.c 프로젝트: x893/OpenBLT
** \brief     Programming is done per block. This function adds data to the block
**            that is currently collecting data to be written to flash. If the
**            address is outside of the current block, the current block is written
**            to flash an a new block is initialized.
** \param     block   Pointer to flash block info structure to operate on.
** \param     address Flash destination address.
** \param     data    Pointer to the byte array with data.
** \param     len     Number of bytes to add to the block.
** \return    BLT_TRUE if successful, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
static blt_bool FlashAddToBlock(tFlashBlockInfo *block, blt_addr address, 
                                blt_int8u *data, blt_int32u len)
  blt_addr   current_base_addr;
  blt_int8u  *dst;
  blt_int8u  *src;
  /* determine the current base address */
  current_base_addr = (address/FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE)*FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE;

  /* make sure the blockInfo is not uninitialized */
  if (block->base_addr == FLASH_INVALID_ADDRESS)
    /* initialize the blockInfo struct for the current block */
    if (FlashInitBlock(block, current_base_addr) == BLT_FALSE)
      return BLT_FALSE;

  /* check if the new data fits in the current block */
  if (block->base_addr != current_base_addr)
    /* need to switch to a new block, so program the current one and init the next */
    block = FlashSwitchBlock(block, current_base_addr);
    if (block == BLT_NULL)
      return BLT_FALSE;
  /* add the data to the current block, but check for block overflow */
  dst = &(block->data[address - block->base_addr]);
  src = data;
    /* keep the watchdog happy */
    /* buffer overflow? */
    if ((blt_addr)(dst-&(block->data[0])) >= FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE)
      /* need to switch to a new block, so program the current one and init the next */
      block = FlashSwitchBlock(block, current_base_addr+FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE);
      if (block == BLT_NULL)
        return BLT_FALSE;
      /* reset destination pointer */
      dst = &(block->data[0]);
    /* write the data to the buffer */
    *dst = *src;
    /* update pointers */
    /* decrement byte counter */
  while (len > 0);
  /* still here so all is good */
  return BLT_TRUE;
} /*** end of FlashAddToBlock ***/
예제 #9
** NAME:           FlashWriteBlock
** PARAMETER:      block pointer to flash block info structure to operate on.
** RETURN VALUE:   BLT_TRUE if successful, BLT_FALSE otherwise.
** DESCRIPTION:    Programs FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE bytes to flash from the block->data
**                 array. 
static blt_bool FlashWriteBlock(tFlashBlockInfo *block)
  blt_int8u  sector_num;
  blt_bool   result = BLT_TRUE;
  blt_addr   prog_addr;
  blt_int32u prog_data;
  blt_int32u word_cnt;

  /* check that address is actually within flash */
  sector_num = FlashGetSector(block->base_addr);
  if (sector_num == FLASH_INVALID_SECTOR)
    return BLT_FALSE;
  /* unlock the flash array */
  /* check that the flash peripheral is not busy */
    /* lock the flash array again */
    /* could not perform erase operation */
    return BLT_FALSE;
  /* set the program bit to indicate that we are about to program data */
  /* program all words in the block one by one */
  for (word_cnt=0; word_cnt<(FLASH_WRITE_BLOCK_SIZE/sizeof(blt_int32u)); word_cnt++)
    prog_addr = block->base_addr + (word_cnt * sizeof(blt_int32u));
    prog_data = *(volatile blt_int32u*)(&block->data[word_cnt * sizeof(blt_int32u)]);
    /* program the first half word */
    *(volatile blt_int16u*)prog_addr = (blt_int16u)prog_data;
    /* wait for the program operation to complete */
      /* keep the watchdog happy */
    /* program the second half word */
    *(volatile blt_int16u*)(prog_addr+2) = (blt_int16u)(prog_data >> 16);
    /* wait for the program operation to complete */
      /* keep the watchdog happy */
    /* verify that the written data is actually there */
    if (*(volatile blt_int32u*)prog_addr != prog_data)
      result = BLT_FALSE;
  /* reset the program bit to indicate that we are done programming data */
  /* lock the flash array */
  /* still here so all is okay */
  return result;
} /*** end of FlashWriteBlock ***/