int CountTree(int n) { if(n <= 1) return 1 ; int sum = 0 ; int root , left , right ; for(root = 1 ; root <= n ; root++) { left = CountTree(root - 1) ; right = CountTree(n - root) ; sum = sum + left*right ; } return sum ; }
void ImageScanThread<DBFS>::CountFiles(const QStringList &paths) { // Get exclusions as comma-seperated list using glob chars * and ? QString excPattern = gCoreContext->GetSetting("GalleryIgnoreFilter", ""); // Combine into a single regexp excPattern.replace(".", "\\."); // Preserve "." excPattern.replace("*", ".*"); // Convert glob wildcard "*" excPattern.replace("?", "."); // Convert glob wildcard "?" excPattern.replace(",", "|"); // Convert list to OR's QString pattern = QString("^(%1)$").arg(excPattern); m_exclusions = REGEXP(pattern); LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_DEBUG, QString("Exclude regexp is \"%1\"").arg(pattern)); // Lock counts until counting complete QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutexProgress); m_progressCount = 0; m_progressTotalCount = 0; // Use global image filters QDir dir = m_dir; foreach(const QString &sgDir, paths) { // Ignore missing dirs if ( CountTree(dir); } // 0 signifies a scan start Broadcast(0); }
/*! \brief Counts images in a list of subtrees \param paths List of dirs */ void ImageScanThread::CountFiles(QStringList paths) { // Get exclusions as comma-seperated list using glob chars * and ? QString excPattern = gCoreContext->GetSetting("GalleryIgnoreFilter", ""); // Combine into a single regexp excPattern.replace(".", "\\."); // Preserve "." excPattern.replace("*", ".*"); // Convert glob wildcard "*" excPattern.replace("?", "."); // Convert glob wildcard "?" excPattern.replace(",", "|"); // Convert list to OR's QString pattern = QString("^(%1)$").arg(excPattern); m_exclusions = QRegExp(pattern); LOG(VB_FILE, LOG_DEBUG, QString("%1: Exclude regexp is \"%2\"") .arg(objectName(), pattern)); QMutexLocker locker(&m_mutexProgress); m_progressCount = 0; m_progressTotalCount = 0; // Release lock to broadcast locker.unlock(); BroadcastStatus("SCANNING"); locker.relock(); // Use global image filters QDir dir = m_dir; foreach(const QString &sgDir, paths) {; CountTree(dir); }
void ImageScanThread<DBFS>::CountTree(QDir &dir) { QFileInfoList files = dir.entryInfoList(); foreach(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, files) { if (fileInfo.isFile()) ++m_progressTotalCount; // Ignore excluded dirs and missing dirs else if (!m_exclusions.match(fileInfo.fileName()).hasMatch() && { CountTree(dir); dir.cdUp(); } } }
/*! \brief Counts images in a dir subtree \details Ignores files/dirs that match exclusions regexp \param dir Parent of subtree */ void ImageScanThread::CountTree(QDir &dir) { QFileInfoList files = dir.entryInfoList(); foreach(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, files) { if (fileInfo.isFile()) ++m_progressTotalCount; else if (m_exclusions.exactMatch(fileInfo.fileName())) LOG(VB_GENERAL, LOG_INFO, QString("%1: Excluding %2") .arg(objectName(), fileInfo.filePath())); else {; CountTree(dir); dir.cdUp(); } } }
void ImageScanThread<DBFS>::CountTree(QDir &dir) { QFileInfoList files = dir.entryInfoList(); foreach(const QFileInfo &fileInfo, files) { // Ignore excluded dirs/files if (MATCHES(m_exclusions, fileInfo.fileName())) continue; if (fileInfo.isFile()) ++m_progressTotalCount; // Ignore missing dirs else if ( { CountTree(dir); dir.cdUp(); } } }
int main() { int n = CountTree(9) ; printf("%d is the number of trees\n", n ); }